Psychosexual ed to become compulsory in kindergarten and schools

Psychosexual education to become compulsory subject in kindergarten
and school curricula
12.12.2009 19:36 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Psychosexual education should become a compulsory
subject in kindergarten and school curricula, according to Ph.D.
Candidate of Sexology Marat Zakaryan, Assistant in Sexology Chair at
Yerevan State Medical University. `The absence of such education
causes deviations like homosexuality etc. This is a problem that
should be resolved on state level,’ he told today a news conference.

At that, he stressed the importance of raising awareness among teachers.

`The country’s main problem is the existence of a great number of poor
quality books whose accessibility disorients teenagers. Free access to
the Internet can also have harmful effect,’ Mr. Zakaryan said,
stressing the importance of starting psychosexual education at
pre-school age.

Turkey’s PM To Become Leader Of Muslim World?

14:19 12/12/2009

Recep Tayyip Erdogan had a televised interview on English-broadcasting
news channel, Russia Today, during which he referred to Turkey’s EU
membership and foreign policy issues, according to the Hurriyet Daily.

Responding to a question on whether he was poised to become a leader of
the Muslim world as a result of Turkey’s multilateral foreign policy,
Erdogan said:

"I did not put any effort into becoming one. Things like this do not
happen just because someone wants to occupy this or that post. The
thing is, we believed in something. We believed in serving our people
in the best way possible. Of course, here in Turkey, we wanted to
establish equal relationships with other countries, because there is
a problem of inequality in our world."

Erdogan also said Turkey is committed to normalize relations with all
neighbor states towards the 100th anniversary of the Turkish Republic.

As to Ankara’s disposition over France’s and Germany’s protests
against Turkey’s EU integration, Erdogan said that they still have
hope and are intent to continue the path to the EU.

Responding to a question on relations with Armenia, Erdogan once again
adopted a rejecting attitude to the Genocide issue. He said, first of
all, Nagorno-Karabakh issue should be settled, the Armenian-Turkish
normalization new stage will follow this.

Settlement Of Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict Not In Next 2 Years: Analyst

12:30 ~U 11.12.09

It appears from statements made by Azerbaijan’s leadership that
they are experiencing a sort of fatigue that the negotiations are
proceeding so slowly, while perhaps there isn’t any progress, said
Director of Russia’s International Institute for Political Expertise
Evgeny Minchenko to Azerbaijani news source

According to Minchenko, there is no peaceful settlement to the
Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, while settling the conflict via military
means is not a solution. "Truthfully, I assume that the settlement
of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict will not take place in the coming
two years. The meetings between Erdogan and Obama are neither key
nor strategic. As I’ve already said, there exists an issue of the
security of strategic objectives, including those objectives which
interest the U.S.: that is, Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan [pipeline]. Today that
issue of the security of objectives, in the case of military conflict,
becomes a certain suppressed element against that circumstance when
military operations begin," noted the analyst.

Minchenko believes that in the case of conflict, Russia will attempt
to employ all its efforts, so as not to allow military development.

"Russia is an important, but not central, element. One cannot
overestimate Russia’s abilities in the question of the influence
it has over Armenia’s position. First, Armenia’s and Azerbaijan’s
leaderships and people must settle that conflict. That, in the first
case, is their will, while even the influence of such serious players
as Russia, U.S., [and] Turkey are secondary," concluded Minchenko.

Anti Hail Stations Set Up In Armenia’s Armavir Region With VivaCell-


10.12.2009 15:42 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ 6 anti hail Zenit systems developed in Armenia
were set up in the Armavir region with VivaCell-MTS support. Last
year hail caused huge losses in Aygeshat, Berkashat and Shenavan:
more than half of the cereal harvest was lost.

Anti hail Zenit systems destroy hail clouds by its vertical powerful
shock waves, preventing the possibility of further formation of hail.

Last year, VivaCell-MTS has funded installation of 3 Zenit systems
in Aragatsotn region.

Zenit does not require service personnel, use solar energy and 3G
mobile communications and GPRS/EDGE, provided by VivaCell-MTS ",
press service of the company reported.

European Commission Negotiates Association Agreement With Armenia, A


11.12.2009 13:50 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The European Commission is negotiating an Association
Agreement with Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia, Ambassador of Sweden
for the South Caucasus, Mr. Hans Gunnar Aden said.

"Discussions on relaxation of visa regime with Armenia, as one of the
Eastern Partnership components, have already started in the European
Council. During the Swedish EU presidency, visa regime Macedonia,
Serbia and Montenegro was cancelled. The same will be for Armenia,
but it’s the matter of future," he said. "The European Union has
already set the conditions for conclusion of an Association Agreement
with Armenia and creation of a free trade zone."

Latvian President Receives Gift Books At Matenadaran


Today Latvian President Valdis Zatlers and his wife Lilita Zatlers, who
are on a three-day visit to Armenia, attended the Ancient Manuscripts
Institute of Matenadaran aft. Mesrop Mashtots. The guests were
accompanied by Armenia’s Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandyan.

At the Matenadaran President Valdis Zatlers and the Latvian first lady
saw the unique collection of ancient books and miniatures, and learned
about Armenian manuscript and publishing history. The Matenadaran’s
staff made a present of books about the Ancient Manuscripts Institute,
its history and collections.

Leaving the Matenadaran, Mr. Zatlers warmly said goodbye to its staff
and signed a book of visitors: "The culture begins from the graphic
art, with a deep sense of respect for its keepers."

Tigran Sargsyan: Idea Of "Armenian World" Project Needs To Be Update


Noyan Tapan
Dec 9, 2009

YEREVAN, DECEMBER 9, NOYAN TAPAN. The idea of the "Armenian World"
project put into operation by the RA government needs to be updated.

Armenian Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan declared this in his exclusive
interview with Shant television company. In his words, the modern
world is no longer a world of competition among states, but a world
of competition of various ideologies and civilizations, which means
that the Armenian world should compete with Russian, Jewish, Irish,
Chinese worlds and see what relative advantages and weaknesses it
has. "If we change the 21st century vision and take new realities
into consideration, then a question arises: "What is the future of the
Armenian world and what competitive advantage does it have?" According
to the prime minister, the answer is the following: the competitive
advantage of the Armenian world should be the existence of a modern
state. "The modern world is one of competition of intellect, and we
should make serious investments in this field and link our crucial
development with this very field," he pointed out.

The programs being implemented within the framework of the "Armenian
world" are material rather than virtual. The Luys Foundation was
established as a short-term program, under which education of Armenian
youth at the world’s best 10 universities was financed. The Foundation
is also creating a global network, connecting the Armenians studying
at various universities worldwide with each other and with the homeland
and also unifying the best lecturers who teach at best universities and
are engaged in research work. The prime minister expressed confidence
that the Foundation and the network will become stronger with each
passing year.

T. Sargsyan said that the establishment of the National Competitiveness
Council, one of whose goals is tourism development, is also a material
project. Another project envisages constructing a new accelerator at
the Physics Institute with the assistance of the Belgian government.

The prime minsiter attached special importance to the assessment of
Armenian potential. With this aim the National Competitiveness Council
and the RA Ministry of Diaspora are now trying to create databases
for various sectors such as financial sector, culture, healthcare,
architecture, and also to set up all-Armenian structures.

Azerbaijani Diaspora Should Be Formed And Developed As Institute: Ir


10 December 2009 [10:37]

Trend News interview with Azerbaijan’s Ireli Public Union Chairman
Ceyhun Osmanli.

Trend News: The Diaspora’s role in informing the world community
of the truth about the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and Azerbaijan is
indispensable. Are you satisfied with the activities of the diaspora
in this direction?

Ceyhun Osmanli: An action will be held outside the Euronews office
at French young people’s initiative on Dec. 11. The Diaspora must
not be a matter only of volunteers.

Diaspora must be formed as an institution. There must be professional
employees in the diaspora working on a permanent basis in the cities,
which are important for Azerbaijan, and getting salaries. Today
there is a need for special attention to this area. The diaspora’s
activity is at a satisfactory level in some cities and countries
as opposed to other countries. This issue is related to people. The
work is better organized if people are more experienced. For example,
Azerbaijani diaspora in London was always active. We are satisfied
with its activity.

It is incorrect to blame volunteers. There is a need to form the
diaspora as an institution. Employees of the Jewish Diaspora are
those who have graduated from the faculties of diasporas in different
universities. They are experienced people in this area.

Their salaries are higher and paid constantly. Azerbaijani diaspora
operates at the level of voluntary participation. The chairman of
the organization has affairs to do.

He can not pay attention to Diaspora affairs. It is necessary to
use managers of the diaspora. The Azerbaijani diaspora’s work, its
psychology, and look at the issue must be studied. The policy must be
determined in accordance with the mentality of each country. Views of
the Russians and the English on this issue is different. The policy
aimed to these countries must be introduced. There is a need for a
special relation to this issue. We see a lack of social managers.

Is Azerbaijani youth’s political activity at the proper level?

Political activity of the population is measured by membership
in political parties. There is an electorate of five million in
Azerbaijan. But approximately 500,000 people are members of political
parties. If members of the parties hit 10 percent of electorate,
then the political activity is not enough.

Activity among young people is higher. There are enough active
people among young people. Interest of young people for the municipal
elections is great. It testifies that attitude of people towards these
issues changes by the gradual development of democratic institutions,
organizations in the country. They become more active.

How do you assess young candidates’ chances in parliamentary elections?

I hope that the political activity of young people will increase in
the next parliamentary elections. Activity in the municipal elections
gives us hope that young people will be more active in parliamentary

Artak Nersisyan: Baku Continues Ostrich Policy

14:19 / 12/09/2009

"Azerbaijan’s foreign policy is showing an interesting tendency. The
Azerbaijani authorities must have decided to resort to various ways
of lodging complaints about foreign TV companies, trying to impose
their only style of work on them," the Nagorno-Karabakh political
analyst Artak Nersisyan said.

"Baku does not seem to understand that mass media in civilized
countries need interesting news, not oil – interesting news from,
as Peter Barabas, Euronews Editor-in-Chief, said in his interview
with, hard-to-reach sources. The cause for the hard-to-get
trustworthy information on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and
especially on the life of ordinary people is the flow of false
information reported by Azerbaijan, which is thereby trying to
deprive the international community of reliable information on
Nagorno-Karabakh. The Azerbaijani authorities are afraid that foreign
mass media will expose their hypocritical policy and, at the same time,
satisfy the ordinary Azerbaijani citizens’ desire to be accurately
informed the situation in the NKR," Nersisyan said.

Seeing that their complains do not produce any results, official Baku
threatened the TV channels with invalidating their accreditation and
are now carrying out their threats.

"Particularly, Azerbaijan has implemented this policy toward
the NTV Channel, which is operating in Turkey, Azerbaijan’s ‘big
brother’. If this policy continues, Azerbaijan’s population will soon
have to watch only local TV channels, with their programs full of lie
about centuries-old history of Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh being a
historical part of Azerbaijan, and so on. Ordinary citizens are sick
and tired of hearing all this. The Azerbaijani authorities, however, do
not at all seem to be concerned over that, as they have been pursuing
what is known as ostrich policy for a long time," Nesisyan said.

CBA Keeps Refunding Level Unchanged


08.12.2009 17:04 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ At a board session convened today, CBA board council
resolved to keep current refunding level at 5%, RA CBA press service

According to the Bank’s release, inflation rate in November increased
by 1,2% compared with October, with an annual inflation of 4.6%.

In uncertain economic circumstances, CBA board refrains from
introducing more strict terms for sound monetary policy.