Understanding Intricacies Of U.S. Policy

By Ivan Gharibyan

15:20 / 12/09/2009

U.S. President Barack Obama goes on exploring every avenue to go
back on his election pledge next April, when the U.S. is expected to
officially recognize the Armenian Genocide in Ottoman Turkey in 1915.

>From the very first moment, when President Obama clearly showed
he had no intention to at least pronounce the term "genocide"
during his traditional address on April 24, U.S. diplomatic circles
started exerting tremendous efforts to "launch" the Armenia-Turkey
normalization process. Only some progress in this matter would allow
the U.S. Administration to state with innocence that recognizing the
Armenian Genocide would do harm to the fragile normalization process.

The Turkish authorities at once grabbed at the primitive trick by
their principal ally and have recently been constantly referring to
talks with Yerevan as one more argument against the U.S. recognizing
the Armenian Genocide.

April 24 is nearing, and the U.S. President desperately needs progress
in the Armenia-Turkey normalization process. Under the circumstances,
not only the ratification of the Armenian-Turkish protocols signed in
Zurich on October 10, but also the reopening of the Armenian-Turkish
border, can be considered progress.

At this point the major world power has faced serious problems, as
it has obviously overestimated its influence on Turkey. Although
Turkey is the United States’ principal ally in the region, the
Erdogan-headed Government has been implementing a quite independent
policy. New evidence thereof was the Turkish Premier’s recent visit
to Washington, when he showed a blatant disregard for the top-ranking
U.S. officials’ statements on the necessity for Armenian-Turkish
reconciliation without any preconditions.

The Turkish Premier said his say, and the U.S. Administration has now
to exert every effort to have the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict settled
as soon as possible, otherwise Turkey will never reopen the border
by April 24, 2010. An obstacle to the settlement is nothing, but the
illogical policy pursued by Turkey’s "small brother", Azerbaijan, which
is seeking to thwart the negotiations by means of bellicose statements.

As a result, referring to U.S. diplomats, Turkish mass media
reported the U.S. Administration allegedly plans to have "some
occupied territories" of Azerbaijan vacated by next April. It is
obvious that the possible withdrawal of Armenian troops from the
security zone round Nagorno-Karabakh is one of the components of
the comprehensive Nagorno-Karabakh peace process. Also, as the
Armenian side has repeatedly stressed, nothing is agreed on unless
all the details are agreed on. So the international community has
to work hard at the key point, namely, determining the final status
of Nagorno-Karabakh – provided it is interested in further radical
geopolitical changes in the region.

Thus, the U.S. Administration has to carry out serious work to
get the only possible, mutually acceptable and fair solution to the
Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Otherwise, all the recently exerted efforts
will come to nothing, and the world will once more admit that the
Presidents of the "world’s most democratic state" are not in the habit
of honoring their elections promises, even the firmest ones. Well,
the U.S. is not going to "hurt" its favorite ally, Turkey – or…

ArmenTel Presents Two-Story Building To Residents Of Amasia Armenian


2009-12-08 11:01:00

ArmInfo. ArmenTel CJSC (Beeline trademark) announces gratuitous
transfer of a two-storey building with an adjacent plot of land to
the administration of Amasia village (Shirak region). A kindergarten
and a Culture Center will be located in the building with total area
of about 750 sq m.

The only kindergarten was destroyed during December 7, 1988,
earthquake. "Over the past 21 years after the earthquake, we succeeded
to recover the normal life in the village, and backgrounds for further
development will be created due to the efforts of ArmenTel Company,
as a kindergarten and Culture Center are an important infrastructure
for the future of the village. Moreover, a computer class will
be placed in the Culture Center, that will allow to increase the
computer literacy level among the youth", Head of Amasia village
community Aghasi Amiryan said. "We are sure that our initiative will
contribute to the cultural and social welfare of the village and will
allow the residents of Amasia to look to the future more confident. We
shall henceforth assist to development of Armenia’s regions in every
possible way for the sake of the whole country’s future", Director
General of ArmenTel CJSC Igor Klimko said.

ISTANBUL: `Turkey’s independent foreign policy advantageous to US’

Sunday’s Zaman, Turkey
Dec 6 2009

`Turkey’s independent foreign policy advantageous to US’

Tüzmen, who was the former state minister for foreign trade, said
there is a much wider range of topics discussed during meetings held
between Turkish and US officials.
The Justice and Development Party (AK Party) Deputy Chairman KürÅ?at
Tüzmen has said the independent foreign policy strategy Turkey is
pursuing with neighboring and regional countries benefits the US and

`The peaceful growth of Turkey in the region is to the advantage of
the US, one of the leading countries that is interested in the region.
It is to the benefit of our allies for Turkey to be consulted as a
trusted country as the policy regarding neighboring and regional
countries is being prepared.’

Speaking to Sunday’s Zaman about Prime Minister Recep Tayyip ErdoÄ?an’s
visit to the US upon the invitation of President Barack Obama, Tüzmen,
who is the deputy chairman for the AK Party’s foreign affairs, noted
that in addition to trade and economic relations, regional issues
would also be discussed during the visit.

`It is going to be a very important meeting for both Turkey and the US
as well as for countries in the region. A wide range of topics will
come up during the meeting. Regional issues, the evaluation of
sector-related topics from the perspective of foreign trade, Turkey’s
current predicament and relations with neighboring and regional
countries may all be included in the meeting,’ Tüzmen said.

He talked about the radical changes that had taken place in foreign
trade with the recent strategy that Turkey had implemented, named the
neighboring and regional countries strategy, and said: `Our trade with
neighboring and regional countries was around 7 percent [of total
trade]. In a very short period this figure increased to 49 percent
with the new strategy. The sevenfold increase in our trade [with
neighboring and regional countries], which was around 7 percent just
seven years ago, is very important for the US as well. That is because
Turkey has become a trade partner with countries that are also
important for the US. The inclusion of countries such as Iran, Iraq,
Syria and Russia carries a separate meaning for the US. Turkey’s
extraordinary success in the recent period and the improvement of its
credit rating increases the weight of economic aspects in bilateral

Regional integration

Turkey conducts close to half of its total foreign trade with
countries in the region, the AK Party deputy chairman said and
contributes to the increase in regional wealth. `Our endeavor includes
regional integration, in other words it includes the product-sharing
model. It is integrative work ranging from what product and service is
best suited to what country to how other countries supplement that
product. What underlies the exportation of finished products from
Turkey to foreign markets is that Turkey is shifting its emerging
sectors to countries that need them. This way not only do they benefit
from cheap labor there, but it also contributes to the country’s
workforce. When we add other tools such as free trade agreements,
integrated economic commissions, delegations and fairs, the result is
a regional integration that yields positive result for everyone.’

Tüzmen underlined that each relationship with neighboring countries is
important in different ways and said it was very likely these
relations would be discussed during ErdoÄ?an’s visit to the US. Turkey
has made clear that it does not want a nuclear threat in the region
and is pursuing a balanced policy over the issue. Trade with Iran has
increased tenfold in the last seven years, reaching $10 billion. He
pointed out that Turkey’s trade with Syria and Iraq, which was less
than half a billion dollars, has increased to around $5 billion and
that Turkey has become an important trade partner with Iran as well as
with Russia, with which it has a trade volume of $50 billion.

Tüzmen said this transformation, which had attracted much attention in
the world, had not been easy and that there have been recent attempts
to make the same unfair criticisms that were directed against the
government when the neighboring and regional countries strategy was
initially implemented. He highlighted that Turkey’s historic, cultural
and geographical ties with neighboring and regional countries were
crucial advantages. `We made clear that we could use the common links
with neglected neighboring and regional countries for the development
of Turkey and the region. We were subjected to unfair criticism, but
we did not pay attention to it and within seven years we made sure
this epic was written. This offers important advantages not only for
Turkey and the region but for world peace.’

Tüzmen explained that a discussion over regional problems during the
Obama-ErdoÄ?an meeting would not affect Turkey’s regional enhancement
strategy. `Turkey will continue the endeavors it started in the region
for friendship, peace and enhancement. It will adhere to mutual
agreements. If there is a task Turkey is carrying out it will pursue
it to the very end. This goes for all countries. However, while we
improve our trade with neighbors we will not change our stance on the
nuclear threat that poses a danger to humanity. We are saying very
clearly that we do not want a nuclear threat in our region. We are
saying this to all countries. We will repeat this while continuing to
trade because this is very important for us as well. Because the more
trade you do the more you can contribute to peace. We need to continue
to step up foreign trade in order to be powerful and provide a
substantial contribution to friendship and peace.’

He said a request of that nature would be unpleasant considering that
millions of people have been victimized in Azerbaijan, and went on to
say: `We will reach a decision on that issue in line with our own
assessments. We prepared and presented this initiative with sincerity.
Relations with Armenia developed a little differently than relations
with neighboring and surrounding countries. While generally a
bottom-up strategy starting with trade and then diplomacy was
followed, with Armenia a top-down strategy was followed. It was an
endeavor that began with steps taken by our president and prime
minister. The common point in both strategies is solving current
problems and looking ahead.’

06 December 2009, Sunday

BAKU: Karabakh process at key stage – peace-building expert

news.az, Azerbaijan
Dec 5 2009

Karabakh process at key stage – peace-building expert
Sat 05 December 2009 | 19:53 GMT Text size:

Dessislava Roussanova Interview with Dessislava Roussanova, project
manager for Eurasia at the peace-building organization, International

How do you assess the recent events on the resolution of the Karabakh conflict?

I did not read the latest Azerbaijani statements after the Athens
meeting, I only saw the declaration that Mr Lavrov read at the end of
the meeting. I think the negotiation process is at an important stage
today. This is a key stage. The declaration by Lavrov is an indicator
of hope that this process will lead to positive trends in the coming
months. The Athens meeting did not produce any concrete result, but
none was expected. The declaration gives us hope that the process will
continue and there will be some progress. Progress in the coming
months will be important for the region.

Azerbaijan is demanding the return of the occupied lands. Is
resumption of war in the region possible if the Armenians do not agree
to return the occupied lands?

I hope Armenia will take some constructive steps in this direction,
because everyone thinks the situation in the region is complex and
tension is escalating. I hope the escalation will not prompt
Azerbaijan to start war. Both parties know that war does not meet
their interests or the interests of the international community, the
EU, Russia and Turkey. I hope there will be no war.

The international community is calling for the opening of the border
between Turkey and Armenia. Why doesn’t the world community call on
Armenia to return the occupied lands? Are double standards being
applied here?

I cannot say these are double standards. These are merely two complex
processes with different types of complexity. The international
community is also demanding that both parties take constructive steps
in settling the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. They are making equal
efforts to promote both processes. Each process has its own dynamics.
But I do not think that the world community overstates the importance
of one process over another.

Euronews recently showed a film on Karabakh. Why didn’t they allow the
Azerbaijani side to voice its opinion in the film?

I didn’t watch the film but I read about it in the Azerbaijani mass
media. Perhaps this was a biased approach. Journalism in Europe is
sometimes not on a high level. I find it difficult to judge because I
haven’t seen the report. You would be better off asking the channel.
They may be able to answer your question. There are official ways,
there are journalists’ ways. Anyway, I think you can get the answer to
your question about the cause and purpose.

People in Azerbaijan thinks that if these films are shown and the
issue of religion is raised, it means that the West considers the
religious factor important in the Karabakh conflict.

I do not agree with this. I do not think that religion is important
here. Certainly, opinions differ. But if there is an opinion in Europe
that this is a religious conflict and if someone accentuates religion,
these are merely marginal groups, because the religious factor does
not play a role in the Karabakh issue for public opinion and on the
political level in Europe. The religious factor of this conflict has
not been taken into account even in 14 years or after the terror act
of 11 September.

When will the new Azerbaijani-Armenian forum be held and when are you
going to visit Azerbaijan?

I will visit Azerbaijan in January. I do not know anything about the
new Armenian-Azerbaijani forum so far. We will discuss this issue in

1 news.az

US Embassy assists RA police combat illegal migration

US State News
December 5, 2009 Saturday 10:48 PM EST


YEREVAN, Armenia, Nov. 27 — The U.S. Embassy issued the following
press release:

On November 27, 2009, the U.S. government boosted the efforts of the
Armenian police to combat illegal migration through the donation of
computer equipment and two vehicles, worth a total of about $70,000.
The donation ceremony was attended by Deputy Chief of Mission Joseph
Pennington on behalf of the U.S. Embassy and, on behalf of the
Government of Armenia by Deputy Chief of Police Hovhannes Hunanyan.
The new equipment and vehicles will assist the Division on
International Cooperation and Combat against Illegal Migration to
effectively and speedily implement operations and searches in the
field; analyze, compile, process, and preserve sensitive information
and databases on the cases and offenders; as well as prevent people
from engaging in document fraud and illegal crossing of borders. It
will also contribute to effective cooperation between the National
Police and other interested parties, including foreign diplomatic
representations in Armenia, in joint efforts against illegal migration
and related crimes, such as illegal stay in other countries, illegal
labor migration, etc.

The donated equipment is only one part of the U.S. Government’s
comprehensive law enforcement assistance program in the Republic of
Armenia. The U.S. Embassy in Yerevan, through its International
Narcotics and Law Enforcement (INL) Section, has funded the renovation
of the Police Induction Center in Kanaker and donated administrative
and classroom equipment to the Police Academy of the RA. In
cooperation with the Government of Armenia, the Embassy successfully
established a nationwide computer network for the RA Police. The U.S.
Government has assisted the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Unit of the
Police with computer equipment and a vehicle donated this year. During
the several years of implementation of INL programs in Armenia, a
significant number of assistance projects addressed law enforcement
needs though training for the National Police staff on a wide range of

Different Comments On The Athens Statement

Siranush Muradyan

04.12.2009 17:30

Under international pressure, Armenia was for the first time accepted
that the Karabakh conflict should be settled within the framework
of Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity, while the authorities try to
create an impression that the principle of self-determination is also
included in the statements adopted at the OSCE Ministerial in Athens,
coordinator of the Armenian National Congress Levon Zurabyan told a
press conference today.

"We are not trying to create an impression. The principle is really
included in the statement," Head of the Media Relations Department
of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Tigran Balayan clarified.

"There is no danger. What is important is that the principles has been
included in the document, and this is the first case Azerbaijan joins
a statement which refers to the principle of the right of peoples to
self-determination," Tigran Balayan said.

BAKU: Azerbaijan Protests To Euronews Over "Biased" Karabakh Report


Dec 1 2009

Azerbaijan has protested to Euronews over what it described as a
biased report broadcast on the channel about the breakaway Nagornyy
Karabakh region.

In a statement on 1 December, the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry said
the Euronews report on the region, which broke away from Azerbaijan
following a separatist war in the early 1990s, was in violation of the
"ethics and rules of journalism".

"According to international standards, the position of both sides
should be reflected in a report. But I regret to say that this report
presented the position of only one side," a ministry spokesman, Elxan
Poluxov, was shown saying on ANS television. "This can be assessed
as both non-professionalism and also as bias," Poluxov said.

3 Possible Scenarios Of Obama-Erdogan Meeting: Armenian Version


14:36 ~U 03.12.09

At a press conference today, Heritage Party parliamentary faction
leader Stepan Safaryan presented, in his opinion, the three possible
scenarios of the December 7 meeting between U.S. President Barack
Obama and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

According to the first possible scenario, if Turkey completely
does that which is in the U.S.’s interests, it will receive all
that it wishes. However, if Turkey only does U.S.’s bidding in part,
"it’s a bit difficult to speak confidently about those developments,"
stated Safaryan.

Speaking about the third scenario, the MP noted that if Turkey doesn’t
do the U.S.’s bidding, then in that case, Armenia will have the trump
card – to apply pressures on Turkey, including the issue of passing
the Armenian Genocide resolution in U.S. Congress.

BAKU: Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict Settlement Possible In Coming Months


Dec 1 2009

The settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict can be possible
not now, but in the coming months, French Foreign Minister Bernard
Kouchner said to press conference in Athens on Dec. 1.

"I can not answer the question when this conflict will be resolved. It
is impossible to call a certain time. Yes, definitely we have
succeeded, but I can not say when it will be resolved," said Kouchner.

"Today, we offered to develop certain document, but I am not sure,
because some problems remain unresolved," he said.

The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988
when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. Armenian
armed forces have occupied 20 percent of Azerbaijan since 1992,
including the Nagorno-Karabakh region and 7 surrounding districts.

Azerbaijan and Armenia signed a ceasefire agreement in 1994. The
co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group – Russia, France, and the U.S. –
are currently holding the peace negotiations.

ANKARA: 800 Peace Artists Give Full Support To Turkey’s Initiative


Hurriyet Daily News
Dec 1 2009

Hundreds of artists are providing their full support to Turkey’s
initiatives. Some 800 artists from various disciplines have gathered
to present a message of friendship and peace to the public, forming
the ‘Peace Artists International Art Movement’ via Facebook

Turkey has been taking important steps in domestic and foreign politics
in the past year, and issues that were regarded as taboo only a few
years ago are now being discussed increasingly openly.

Turks and Armenians, who were separated by an unseen iron curtain as
the result of the incidents that took place in 1915, have entered a new
phase thanks to the "football diplomacy" that began in September 2008.

Even though the closed border between the two countries has not yet
been opened, people have already started connecting in the social
and cultural fields.

Turkey has recently taken determined steps to solve the Kurdish
problem, which has dragged on since the 1980s. Much of the public
is still confused about the developments and is clearly unsure as to
what the initiative means.

Intellectuals, however, have largely supported the initiative even
though they occasionally criticize the government’s handling of
the opening.

The Peace Artists International Art Movement is one of the best
examples of this intellectual support. The movement, which brings
together 800 artists from various disciplines via Facebook, is
determined to express the brotherhood of people regardless of ethnic
identity in Turkey. The group aims to support each step Turkey takes
toward peace.

Reaction against Kurdish songs

Designer Ragıp İncesarı; musician Feryal Oner, a member of the band
KardeÅ~_ Turkuler; and musician Servet Kocakaya spoke to the Hurriyet
Daily News & Economic Review as representatives of the Peace Artists.

Kocakaya is a Kurdish musician. His first album "Keke" – Kurdish
for "brother" – became a hot topic and generated debate when it was
released in 1999. In the same year, the late Ahmet Kaya, a well-known
Kurdish musician, became the target of attacks because of his comments
at an award ceremony: "I will sing a Kurdish song on my album to be
released in the coming days. I will also make a video for the song."

Touching on the recent Kurdish initiative, Kocakaya said: "When I said
I felt both Turkish and Kurdish only a few years ago, they tried to
lynch me. We are at this point because politics is carried out over
identities in this country. We need to make the initiative not in
the political arena but on the street."

Veto for Kurdish, Armenian on television

In addition to Kocakaya, KardeÅ~_ Turkuler (Songs of Fraternity),
a band that strives to reflect Turkey’s diverse ethnic make-up,
has had similar difficulties with its music.

"Television channels that invited us to their program didn’t let us
sing Kurdish and Armenian songs," said band member Oner. "My generation
grew up hearing that this country belongs to Turks only.

Other ethnic identities have been ignored. … We will fight for
ourselves," she said, adding that though some say the initiatives have
succeeded in reaching their goals, this has not been necessarily true
in reality.

Call from Peace Artists

"History books taught us that we were surrounded by enemies from all
sides," said İncesarı. "We were told that we defeated the Greeks,
that the Armenians stabbed us in the back, and that the Kurds and Arabs
betrayed us. I am against the discourse of official history and say
that friends surround us on all sides. We will demonstrate this to the
Turkish people through films, exhibitions, documentaries and concerts."

On the Kurdish issue, İncesarı said the real guilt was history
on our shoulders. "In 1923, there was a plan to form an assembly
including Turkish and Kurdish deputies. But because of the nation-state
perception, the plan was abandoned. Otherwise, the Kurdish problem
would never have existed."

İncesarı also invited any interested foreign artists to also
participate in the Peace Artists: "Our doors are open to all artists
who believe in peace and friendship."