VTB Bank Armenia Launches $4 Million Backup Line For Agarak Copper M


02.12.2009 11:35 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ VTB Bank Armenia launched a $4 million backup line
for Agarak Copper Molybdenum Combine, the bank’s press office reported.

"Our cooperation will cover the entire scope of banking services. We
have always viewed Copper Molybdenum Combine as a strategic partner.

We plan investments for development of Syunik region infrastructure,"
VTB Bank Armenia board chairman Valery Ovsyannikov said.

Statement By President Serzh Sargsyan At 12th Convention Of Republic


NOVEMBER 30, 2009

The 12th convention of the Republican party of Armenia was held on
November 28 in Yerevan. RA President’s Press Office provided the
text of RA President, RPA Chairman Serzh Sargsyan’s speech, which we
present completely:

"Dear Party members, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,

It was exactly two years ago when speaking at the 11th Convention
of the Republican Party, I acknowledged the most serious challenges
and problems which the world was infused with at that time, and the
measures that in my opinion our country had to take to meet those
challenges to make Armenia a modern, democratic, and competitive state.

These challenges and problems are well known to all, and many of them
have not lost their intensity even today. However, the last two years
witnessed changes, which in addition to the already existing ones
brought about new problems.

Certainly, first of all I mean the severe global economic and financial
crisis. Not a single country was able to avoid the negative impact of
the crisis. In our country, the economic decline reached 18 per cent,
something that had not be anticipated in any of our programs. However,
even in those circumstances we have been able to evade similar negative
developments in the social area. Our citizens felt the impact of the
crisis on their lives in a lesser degree than could have been expected
judging from the macroeconomic indices.

Salutations to all our entrepreneurs, major companies which accepted
our appeal and cooperated with the government, acting sometimes
contrary to the instincts of the classical business. Together we have
been able to steer clear of much more undesirable developments. Today,
we entered the stage when negative developments are slowly but
steadfastly are being reversed. We must be able not only expeditiously
overcome the consequences of the crisis but emerge with a new,
qualitatively different economic reality and structure.

Events of August 2008 in South Ossetia also had a significant impact on
Armenia, as well as on the countries of our region. The war revealed
the vulnerability and fragility of peace and stability in the region;
moreover, it made even more apparent the necessity to settle the
existing conflicts.

Among our internal problems I cannot but mention the events that
followed the presidential elections. Those were unacceptable and
extremely dangerous developments.

The most terrible thing, however, was the divide that appeared within
our nation. Those were difficult times for all of us. Today, we can
say that together we were able not to deepen that divide further,
and halted at the chasm’s edge.

We can be content with that, but we cannot relax and pretend that
everything is fine, by no means. What is ahead demands the utmost
flexibility, skills, knowledge and will power, because our most
important task is to unify the society, make it one united force
as tight as a fist, and to shape a culture of dialogue, tolerance,
and ability to listen.

The events that followed the presidential elections exposed the
intrinsic weakness and immaturity of the state, political, and social
institutions established during the years of independence.

The immaturity of the electoral system, political parties, institutions
of civil society, mass media, of the freedom of assembly and other
liberties, which allow the rise of evil and intolerance, result in
social and political predicaments. Had the social institutions been
more developed, had the political forces been more responsible, had
the law enforcement bodies been more professional and well-equipped,
it would be possible to thwart those events and emerge with dignity
from the vortex of unleashed provocations.

I am confident that this is the greatest lesson learned from those
events and the main challenge in our internal life. Thus, it becomes
clear that efficient steps aimed at the further development and
completion of all state, political, economic, and social institutions
are essential.

There is no doubt in my mind that the Republican Party of Armenia
in the coming years can and must assume the role of the promoter of
political, social, and economic progress.

Past achievements, political experience, human resources and
professional potential of the PPA proved that this Party is the
leading political force in our country and that that status should
be preserved in the near future.

Together with the coalition partners, the Republican Party of Armenia
has assumed responsibility to serve our people and our country.

Considering all the complex processes that are going on in the world
and, particularly, in our region we can state that it is historic

We have assumed responsibilities to serve our people willingly. Until
now, we have not made a single step that would disagree with our
promises or programs. We have been implementing them step-by-step in
both foreign and internal policies. Of course, not everything goes
smoothly, but we have never been so naive as to believe that it is
easy to do good and big things. There are objective difficulties
and inner resistance or inertia, however there are also subjective
factors. But we have displayed political will and persistence in
concluding the initiated programs with success. This will continue
to be our work mode.

I would like to mention with satisfaction that the PPA has been
persistent also in its further evolution. The process of reassessment
within the party continues, the party is constantly purifying and
strengthening. Regional, territorial and grassroots organizations
are multiplying and developing, the number of horizontal counseling
bodies, such as program oriented councils and those engaged in
professional partisan works, grow. We are a political force that is
far from changing its opinion or position every week, which is not an
uncommon fashion. Our "yes" means "yes", and "no" means "no". We are
a predictable and dependable force, which our partners and supporters
can rely on and build projects with. Everyone should know that hopes
and programs related to the Republican Party can be both short-term,
as well as long-term and strategic. The entire history of the Party,
since its inception until now, provides all necessary proof. We are
steadfast in achieving our goals, but we are also able to listen and
reckon with the proposals and criticism. We are steadfast but also
flexible. Flexibility and alertness in our complicated times and in
our complicated region are truly important. Today, we conduct our
activities as a party of the 21st century. Today, there are almost no
issues that would be interesting only for us. All significant issues
we are concerned with positioned within the context of global concern.

It is necessary to know well that context. A stroke of brush is
precise only in the context of the entire picture. In this area not
only the Republican Party but also our society as a whole has things
to do. Only a modern society can shape a modern party, and vice versa –
a modern party can facilitate modernization of the society.

Dear members of the Party,

It is true that in the last two year we have witnessed vigorous
geopolitical changes, economic relapse, and upheavals in social life.

And today we have reached a point when

Armenia is not a helpless boat that rocks on the waves of global
tempest, but makes her own dignified way forward,

Political processes have mostly returned to political realm where
they belong,

The unprecedented decline brought about by the global economic and
financial crisis that shook the world is subsiding.

I state it, certainly, with satisfaction; this is the outcome of hard
and principled work.

However, it’s not the situation we wanted to be in. Of course not. We
have only been able to shape the environment conducive to and necessary
for the implementation of the announced objectives, we have been able
to resist strong negative impulses and developments, and we have
been able to make the most important first steps toward reaching
these objectives. And today we have all necessary prerequisites
to concentrate only on the objectives of growth. Today, we have
all necessary prerequisites for action, for making change and being
changed, always keeping in mind that every successive day Armenia must
become a better place than she was yesterday. The time has come to
freely change and unavoidably be changed. The place of the Republican
Party in Armenia’s life, its role and the example it presents are
really significant. And the changes, which we will register within
the party, will be easily adopted and accepted throughout our society.

It’s a fact. Thus, as the ruling party, the Republican Party is
obligated to view its partisan changes in a larger context, attaching
to them the utmost importance.

Today, the Republican Party is a serious and maturing political force,
which shapes and spreads traditions. With this regard the development
of democratic institutions within the Party is and will continue to
be an important factor for the development of democracy in the country.

It is obvious, that the more democratic principles are involved in
the decision making within the Party, the sooner the society will
follow suit of the ruling party.

The Republican Party is not the party of the leader. The Party is
not Serzh Sargsyan, Serzh Sargsyan is just a Republican. I can state
with confidence that this is an important impulse for the country’s
development. This is an important signal for today’s as well as
tomorrow’s leaders, for comprehending one’s role within the ruling
elite. Even if today it is not acknowledged as such, tomorrow it
inevitably will be.

It is said that if you want to change something, start with yourself.

The Republican Party should change from just a political leader to
a social and political leader. To forge country forward and up, the
leading force should be exemplary. If the first generation of the
Republicans faced the task of preventing other political movements
from diverging the Party’s values and changing the country’s course of
development, the current generation of the Republicans faces other
challenges to eliminate inconsistency that is sometimes present
between the words and the deeds. Hence, the Party should become
the model of the Armenia we want to build. The reputation of such a
party is unquestionable, its power unshakable, and its victory is a
positively changing Armenia.

It is quite natural that dangerous developments in any area are being
eradicated and can be eradicated by the authorities. Fight against
poverty, corruption, and other challenges facing our state first
and foremost mean the fight of the leading party against them. Only
a strong party can handle such a fight. You know that I have been
presenting all important decisions and projects first of all for the
Party discussions. Being a staunch believer in a work style which
allows taking into consideration a wide range of opinions and acting
on that premise, I have always been presenting crucial issues such as
the anti-crisis measures or the Armenian-Turkish protocols for the
Party debates. Frankly, these are usually the most difficult tests
for all the initiatives. And this is the right way to act, because
accountability within the party is not for unequivocal justification
of the activities of the parties represented in the executive branch
but for the prevention of any mistakes.


The Party belongs not only to its current members, it belongs to
the future.

The Party is not for the present only, and we are not its members
only today.

The Republican Party is basically is a pillar of the reinstated
Armenian statehood. And the stronger that pillar is, the stronger our
statehood will be. The more modern the Party is, the more advanced
the society will be.

The time has come to enforce modern political culture.

With this regard, political progress can be achieved only if within
each political party a vast array of its members, including those
who have different views on some issues, perceive themselves as equal
members of the party, i.e. participate equally in the decision-making
and feel equally responsible for their implementation. If on the
party level this issues are not solved, if within the party each and
every internal opposition is suppressed, which we have witnessed in
our political field, then once that party assumed the leadership of
the country, it will suppress any opposition. The Republican Party
of Armenia is not and will not be doing it, and it is proved by the
heated debates we are having during the discussions.

To establish a stable political system in Armenia it is necessary
first of all to have a stable intra-party system. And the leading
party should become the pioneer, showing the way by its own example.

Dear Friends,

The pace of events nowadays has visibly accelerated. Our region and
our country do not any longer wait in the wings of global politics,
but have come forward, while our state and our people find themselves
in the epicenter of events. The time has come in dealing with
challenges to make quick decisions. Is there a guarantee that the
smartest, strongest, most reliable, and the most united leadership
will not err in making decisions to meet these challenges? Or after
making mistakes will realize it on time, will accept and will try
to redress them, because mistakes are unavoidable? As recently as
yesterday to make no mistakes was a synonym of doing nothing. Today,
however, doing nothing means to make mistakes. And, unfortunately,
many are holding their breath to see that mistake happen. It means
that we should act being at the same time alert of the possibility of
making a mistake. Be assured that our people will forgive mistakes,
but will not forgive doing nothing. There is no recipe for staying
clear from mistakes. However, there is a chance to avoid them. It is,
first of all, flexibility in making decisions and in changing them.

New situations require new solutions and bring forward new logic for
their resolution. A hostage to yesterday’s solutions moves along a
direct and predictable line. Political flexibility is possible only
when one relinquishes the ambition of being the only smart and the only
sensible. The smartest man can have a good idea once a day. The wise
will listen to a thousand of smart and start working with a hundred
of good ideas. We should be able to listen to each other and the
others. The others may be smart, but one who leads the country must
be also wise, to be flexible. If the opponent says something and it
is a better and a more convincing idea, I have to realize his idea
and not yours only because it happens to be yours. The Republican
should continue to evolve to become a more flexible party, a party
that is able to listen – to listen and make choices. To be a ruling
party means to make choices, otherwise the best solutions will give
way to simply good solutions. In a rapidly changing world to resist
external challenges our country must first of all have a stable
internal structure. What does it mean to be stable and what is our
idea of political stability? Very often political opponents misuse
the stability argument. Political stability doesn’t mean rigid ideas,
stagnant ideology, or indisputable authority. Our comprehension of
political stability assumes freedom of thought. The factor of stability
limits the format, not the content; it urges to build and create,
not to keep silent. It will be possible, if in the political field
the Republican Party assumes the pioneering role in strengthening
the culture of a genuine dialogue. Heated debates shouldn’t be
underestimated, however we will secure political stability of our
country by choosing the road of political dialogue.

One can be tough toward the ideas but not toward those who express
them. This must be done and we will do it first, we will uphold that
principle. In establishing the culture of political dialogue in the
country the foremost responsibility and opportunity lies with the
ruling party. Let’s assume that responsibility with honor. Let’s
create an exemplary model of the modern ruling party, which will
serve the model also in the future.

Dear Fellow Republicans,

During the two years that passed since the last Party convention,
the RPA through the established leadership has been able to prove
that it can effectively solve the most complex problems facing the
country. We proved with our work that when there is a will and resolve,
headway could be achieved on any issue, even on the most painful one.

It is attested by our initiative to establish normal interstate
relations with Turkey without preconditions and the developments
that ensued. Today, when the Armenian-Turkish protocols have been
initialed, it can be stated with confidence that even though right
now we are at the very beginning of the process and the Protocols are
yet to be ratified and implemented, we, indisputably, have been able
to break the ice and make significant progress in our relations with
Turkey. It will undoubtedly contribute to the political and economic
development of our two countries, to the regional cooperation;
it will strengthen peace and stability in the region. Now we have
reached the stage when the Parliaments of our two countries are to
ratify the Protocols. This is a process that will provide a mirror
image of the parties’ seriousness, credibility of their word, and
sense of responsibility. Armenia is a country which honors and duly
fulfills her international obligations. I hope Turkey is guided by the
same principle. I would like to mention the principle of "sensible
timeframe" which is employed here. If Turkey protracts the process
of ratification, Armenia, as I have already said, will take without
delay corresponding steps envisaged by international law. At the same
time, I reiterate that Armenia is ready to carry on with the initiated
process. I would like to inform that I have already appealed to the
Constitutional Court to decide on the validity of the obligations
referred to in the Armenian-Turkish Protocols from the viewpoint of
the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia. And once again I want the
world to know that the signing of the Armenian-Turkish Protocols and
the establishment of relations with Turkey does not mean to abandon
or forget the Armenian Genocide. On the contrary, I am confident
that through the establishment of relations with Turkey, interaction
with the Turkish public it will be possible to expedite the process
of recognition in Turkey and all over the world. Harboring quite
legitimate concerns regarding possible scenarios for the development
of the Armenia-Turkey relations, we however, should not be afraid
to have relations with that country, we shouldn’t dismay because of
the difficulties, shouldn’t back off from taking bold steps. On the
contrary, we should continue steadfastly, to get to the realization
of our national and state goals through the well-calculated and wise
steps. I agree that before we haven’t had the political culture and
diplomatic experience of relating with Turkey as two equals. I agree
that Turkey is a powerful state, with a singular diplomatic demeanor.

I, certainly, agree with all these observations. However, I
categorically disagree with the conclusion that some draw based on
these observations that it is necessary to stay clear from the Turks,
because they can be deceitful. It is an erroneous conclusion. Yes,
we don’t have experience of interacting with the Turks, but it must
be started one day, must it not? And let me assure you, we learn fast.

And today we are not what we were one year ago. The same goes for the
resolution of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict and for our relations with
Azerbaijan. Armenia favors peaceful resolution of the NK conflict,
through peace negotiations, however we will not allow any encroachment
against Nagorno Karabakh and any such attempt will be countered with
the toughest measures. In the NK conflict settlement the principles
stated by the Armenian authorities remain unchanged and are enshrined
in the programs of the Republican Party and the President of Armenia.

We are guided by these basic principles. We conduct negotiations based
on these principles. Any reasonable person understands that a conflict
settlement is a very convoluted process, and it may take years to get
to the final solution. However, today’s situation with the conflict
resolution inspires hope that we may be able to get to its logical
conclusion in a reasonable period of time. In our relations with
Turkey and Azerbaijan we will place above all our national and state
interests and we will be resolute in finishing the job. Indisputably,
conflicts get a long-lasting and durable solution only when they
are based on just and reasonable compromises. The time of colonizing
people, who live on their own land, has passed. We have stated loud
and clear that the NK conflict resolution must be anchored on the
collective will of the people of Nagorno Karabakh. Only in that
case the solution will be durable, realistic, and peaceful. Treaty
among all the parties to the NK conflict must enclose in one package
solutions to all problems as well as international mechanisms which
will guarantee the implementation of these solutions.

Dear Fellow Republicans,

After the parliamentary and presidential elections, the Republican
Party of Armenia reached principal position, which allowed to attain
majority in the legislative and executive branches, and along with
the coalition partners assumed full responsibility of governing the
country. This fact played a crucial role in preserving internal
stability, conducting efficient economic policy under the global
economic and financial crisis, initiating effective steps in foreign
policy, and moving forward on other directions. Moreover, the results
of the elections to the local governance bodies and to the Yerevan
Municipal Council testified to the public’s growing trust toward our
Party. The Republican Party not only continues to get most votes in
different elections but also works seriously to improve the entire
electoral process. It is no coincidence that at the Yerevan Municipal
Council elections the international and local organizations for the
first time registered serious positive changes in such parts of the
electoral process, which in the past were mostly criticized. Before
next parliamentary and presidential elections, the Republican Party
along with its coalition partners should double its efforts to firmly
implement all our programs. We cannot delay and should successfully
continue the process of reformation.

I would like to mention that in recent months the macroeconomic
developments and strong tendencies toward the stabilization of the
economy permit us to make more confident forecast regarding the
prospects of the country’s economic development in 2010. It also
allows to review some indices in the draft budget for 2010, providing
for the increase of the state budget in both funding and spending.

Already today it can be stated with confidence that in its spending
part the budget 2010 will exceed factual spending for 2009.

Furthermore, the 2010 budget will exceed the 2009 budget. We have had
the opportunity to get favorable loans from the European Union, which
will allow in the future to augment the 2010 budget with another 60
billion AMD and increase spending. As a result, next year the spending
part of the state budget will come close to 1 trillion AMD. I would
like to stress that all the talks that the Republic of Armenia has
a huge state debt are only for those, who are not well familiar with
the economic policy and are aimed at terrifying our people. The very
notion of "debt" exists just for this kind of situations. Had we
had plenty of money, we wouldn’t borrow. Besides, money is lended
to those who have good credit. When our state is given charity, we
receive grants and not loans. And if we are lended money, it means
we have established good credit. Better times will come, our budget
will grow, our GDP will grow, and we will bounce back. In the budget
to be presented to the National Assembly we will definitely be able to
increase spending in the important areas such as economic development
and export facilitation, development of agricultural infrastructure,
education and defense, assistance to the NKR, and others.

Active steps aimed at the increasing the country’s international
competitiveness, particularly, reforms in tax and customs
administration, creation of equal opportunities for all, equal
territorial development, reformation of the pension system, and overall
efforts directed at the modernization of the country will continue. And
this is one of the most serious challenges facing not only me as the
President or us, as the Republican Party and coalition partners, but
all of us – our entire society and nation. Regardless of political
and economic upheavals, regardless of the outcome of the elections,
regardless of the international and regional situation we shouldn’t
forget that we have to do all which is possible and impossible so that
next generations inherit a much more developed, much more prosperous
and developed country. I am confident that we are able to pass this
historic test with the understanding that development and prosperity
of our state depends exclusively on our people.

Hence, let’s repeat what we have stated long ago.

Each new day Armenia must be better than day before. This reasoning
must guide us all reasoning of a better Armenia, prosperous Armenia,
and strong Armenia. The Armenia, where everyone can realize his
or her potential rather than in the search of a better life leave
the country; where everyone has a job and decent pay; where every
child can get a good education, and every elderly a pension that can
provide a dignified living. A better Armenia for every citizen of
the Republic of Armenia. A better Armenia for the children, workers,
those who want to work, farmers, artists, people with initiatives,
defenders of the motherland, elderly, disabled. A better Armenia
for the sons and daughters of our nation who live in foreign land,
a better Armenia for coming back home. A better Armenia for the
fulfillment of the entire nation’s dreams.

Let’s roll up our sleeves, For you, Armenia, Armenia, Forge Ahead!"

Syria’s inimitable cuisine

Syria’s inimitable cuisine
By Mary Taylor Simeti

November 28 2009 00:32

A colourful display of pickles in Damascus

Thank God I hadn’t bought a carpet, like some of my fellow travellers
had. Even without one I found it difficult enough to rein in the
slithering silk shawls from the souk of Aleppo, and the olivewood
spoons from the street stalls in Damascus, whose hand-carved handles
stuck out every which way from under the lid of my gaping suitcase. My
tote bag had become a carry-on cornucopia, overflowing with a barely
manageable accumulation of elegant sacks and beribboned boxes from
fancy pastry shops, with a half-kilo of Aleppo pepper paste as
ballast. My head, replete with a week of Syrian sights, smells and
flavours, was in the same state of disarray.

I had long yearned to join Anissa Helou, the FT’s Middle Eastern food
contributor, on her tour of the `Culinary Delights of Damascus and
Aleppo’. These Syrian cities seemed daunting on my own, but Anissa,
half-Lebanese and half-Syrian herself and passionate about the Middle
Eastern cuisines, promised to be the perfect guide. It would be a
pilgrimage to the roots: the haute cuisine of 9th-century Damascus had
travelled west along the North African coast to invade my island home
of Sicily, where its influence still lingers today.

We were to spend two nights in Damascus, visiting souks and sweet
shops, then a night in the desert oasis of Palmyra, the city of the
palms, once a strategic stopover for the spice trade, where colonnaded
ruins of impressive proportions march across the desert floor (not
Roman ruins but indigenous ruins from the Roman period, according to
our guide). The last three nights were in Aleppo: more pastry shops,
more delicious meals, more wandering the 40km of passageways, both
wide and narrow, that make up Aleppo’s great stone-vaulted souk, or
exploring the streets of the Jdayde, the old and picturesque Jewish
and Armenian quarter that housed our hotel.

A shop selling culinary equipment
If respect for early 18th-century architecture in the boutique hotels
opening everywhere has its drawbacks, the impression of walking into
another century and another culture more than compensates for steep or
unexpected steps. The Jdayde Hotel where we stayed in Aleppo was
undergoing renovations, and was, I thought, asking too much of a small
space. But we had a lovely dinner in the airy courtyard of its newly
opened sister hotel just down the street, the Yasmeen d’Alep, not to
mention a peek at the brand new and super-luxurious Mansouriya Palace
. In Syria nothing is over the top because there is no top.

There are limits, however: one would hope that the Syrian government
will extend its firm control of the country to its tourist expansion
as well. The lovely old Zenobia Palace Hotel at Palmyra has been
flanked by horrendous prefab bungalows that smell of plastic and glue.
They look as if they might blow away in the next sandstorm. Let’s

My only reservation in joining the tour had been the fear that it
would be culinary to the exclusion of all else – the original
itinerary made no mention of a visit to the Great Umayyad Mosque, a
Roman temple converted to a Christian church and then, early in the
8th century, rebuilt as a mosque. Glorious and colourful mosaics
decorate its courtyard to show the faithful what Paradise would look

I need not have worried: we had a visit planned with an excellent
guide to show us around, and many impromptu treats as well, tucked
into what was a flexible schedule: the 12th-century but remarkably
modern mental hospital of Bimaristan Al-Nuri, now a museum of Arabic
science; the joyfully naive mosaics in the little museum at M’arat
Ne’man; the laughing black lions from Tell Halaf that decorate the
entrance to the Aleppo archaeological museum.

We also ate, of course, magnificently and uninterruptedly. Specific
dishes come to mind: among the many mezze or starters, a salad of
green olives dressed with pomegranate molasses served at the Club
d’Alep; the brain fritters and the perfectly cooked Swiss chard at
Smeroud in Aleppo; the spicy lamb in a sour cherry sauce made for us
by the chef Marie Gaspard Samra, who gave us a cooking lesson and
dinner at her house; the lamb with burghul and chickpeas at Naranj in
Damascus; or the candied apricots stuffed with pistachios and dipped
in chocolate that I bought from the elegant Damascus chocolate shop,

Dinner at Aleppo’s Club d’Alep
Yet, at the end of the trip, what remains most precious to me is the
sense of having been the guest of a gastronomic tradition of great
integrity, cultivated through many centuries and with great passion.
According to my guidebook, Syria is nearly self-sufficient in terms of
food production. Everything we ate was fresh, local, rigorously
seasonal and rich in flavour, whether it was served at the upscale and
excellent Smeroud, or at the unexpectedly good roadside `Tourist
Restaurant’ on the way from Palmyra to Aleppo, or at the tiny ful shop
where we joined the local clientele in breakfasting on a dried fava
bean soup spiked with olive oil, lemon juice and marvellously aromatic
Aleppo red pepper.

Such laudable self-reliance in a globalised world does limit variety –
lamb was about the only meat we had (although camel hump was on sale
in the Aleppo souk) and the list of vegetables that we were served was
not long – but the Syrians find many ways to compensate, combining
what they have in unusual and imaginative ways, and then adding spices
with a liberal hand. Both Damascus and Aleppo were major terminals for
the caravans bringing spices west along the Silk Road, and in the
souks the spice stalls are still a treat for the eye as well as the
nose with their colourful sacks of red pepper, yellow turmeric, pink
rose petals and a grey-green variety of dried herbs. Some serve as
apothecaries as well, and advertise their remedies by festooning their
doorways with starfish, desiccated lizards and baby crocodiles.

One of the highlights of the trip was a visit to the kitchens of the
Pistache d’Alep, an elegant pastry shop displaying tray after tray of
bite-sized pastries – pistachios, walnuts and pinenuts rolled in
layers of filo dough, or wrapped in threads of pastry or sugar floss –
so even and so perfect that it seemed only a machine could have
created them. But the kitchens were alive with men, aged 15 to 50,
whose hands danced as they rolled, twisted and chopped with an amazing
economy of motion. Their concentration and their easy dignity bore
witness to a profound respect for the manual labour required to create
food, fundamental to a gastronomic culture that appears to embrace all
levels of Syrian society. A week of immersion in such a culture was
indeed a privilege.



Mary Taylor Simeti was a guest of Anissa’s Travels (,
tel: +44 (0)20 7739 0600) and Beroia Travel (,
tel: +963 11 232 0042). In Damascus she stayed at Beit Zaman Hotel
() and in Aleppo at Jdayde Hotel


MP’s Proposal On Javakhk Rejected


Nov 26 2009

At the Nov. 26 session, RA Government rejected bill proposed by RA
National Assembly MP Shirak Torosyan on making amendments in RA law on
"Foreign citizens".

Government decided that the equality principle of Diaspora
representatives will be violated in case the bill passes, RA
Governmental PR department informed NEWS.am. It will further the
depopulation of Armenians in Javakhk.

Torosyan informed NEWS.am that under bill, each foreigner staying
in Armenia over 90 days should get temporary residence card. MP’s
proposal was that law should be applied to those Armenians living in
Javakheti and Kvemo-Kartli, who study and live in Armenia.

NKR: Prime Minister Encourages Activity Of American Armenians Commun


NKR Government Information and
Public Relations Department
November 21, 2009

On November 20, the Prime Minister Ara Haroutytunyan visited central
offices of the "Boston Globe" and "Motherland" daily papers and met
with journalists.

At the meeting issues of Azerbaijani-Karabakh conflict settlement,
the development of Armenian-Turkish relations, and of socio-economic
situation of the NKR were touched upon.

The same day, the Prime Minister visited the central office of the
Armenian Assistance Union, and had a meeting with leadership of the
organization headed by Maida Melkonyan, Chief of Central Department.

Heads of Canadian and Californian brunches of the Armenian Assistance
Union, as well participated in the meeting through TV Bridge.

Ara Haroutynyan highly appreciated consequent and patriotic activity
and the role of the organization in the deal of pre-school system
development in Artsakh and expressed confidence that the AAU will
continue to expand its activity in the NKR.

Special place was attached to discussion of cooperation opportunities
in the healthcare system.

* * *

On November 20, in honour of our delegation a dinner was organized
in which more than fifty representatives of the Armenian community
took part.

During the arrangement, Ara Haroutyunyan had awarded Raffi Pstkchyan,
Director of the USA Eastern Coast "Hayastan" All-Armenian Fund with
the NKR Prime Minister’s Memorable Medal.

Spiritual Leader of Artsakh Diocese Archbishop Paregev Martirosyan,
Head of the Chief Informational Department of the NKR President’s
Staff Davit Babayan, and Permanent Representative of the NKR in the
USA Robert Avetisyan were present at the meetings.

RA Meteorological Service: Armenia’s In For A Warm Snowy Winter


27.11.2009 18:06 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ "By the middle of next week, temperature in Armenia
is expected to fall down by 2-4 degrees," Armenian Meteorological
Service reports. Whether in the upcoming days will be without
precipitations, with the average temperature ranging between 10-12
degrees above zero

Armenia’s in for a warm winter with frequent precipitations. Average
temperature during winter months will be 1-20C above the norm.

Package Of Documents On Creation Of Customs Union Signed


Nov 27, 2009

MINSK, NOVEMBER 27, ARMENPRESS: Presidents of Belarus, Russia and
Kazakhstan signed the package of documents on creation of Customs
Union from January 1, 2010, Alexander Lukashenko stated today summing
up the results of the session of the EurAsEC Inter-State Council held
in Minsk.

"From July 1 joint customs territory will operate within the framework
of Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan," Lukashenko said.

Arkady Ghukasyan Declines Interview With Publisher Appo Jabarian Thr

By Appo Jabarian

USA Armenian Life Magazine
November 25, 2009

On November 14, Appo Jabarian wrote an article in USA Armenian Life
Magazine titled, "Former Pres. of Artsakh Arkady Ghukasyan Says
Protocols were unprofessional, and contained many mistakes; He also
Says Armenia’s Foreign Minister is Weak and Unprepared."

Almost immediately after the dissemination of the article, an
avalanche of reactions came from the media in Armenia and around the
world. Literally, dozens of various media outlets echoed the content
of the article, including ArmeniaDiaspora.com, News.am, Aaravot.am,
7or.am, PanArmenian.net, Lragir.am.

AraManoogian.blogspot.com, ArmAr.am, Nouvelles d’Armenie Magazine (in
French), ArmToday.info (in Russian), and Novoye Vremya (in Russian).

The media in Armenia presented various interpretations of the motives
behind Mr. Ghukasyan’s statement that Pres. Serge Sargsyan "must have
acted in the wrong way, but he is a sincere and patriotic person and
shouldered great responsibility," and that Armenia’s Foreign Minister
Edward Nalbandian "is weak and unprepared."

The most notable reactions came in the form of accusations and
disinformation that were hurled against Appo Jabarian by Ghukasyan’s
office in Yerevan which issued a denial contradicting his statements
he had made earlier.

Ghukasyan’s denial was circulated by certain media outlets and
officials of the Armenian Foreign Ministry in Yerevan along with the
Consulate General of Armenia in Los Angeles.

Armenia’s Consulate General in Los Angeles has never before responded
to Azeri or Turkish disinformation campaigns in the United States. But
the moment this writer authored an expose of the double-talk by
Former Pres. of Artsakh — now turned Armenia’s Ambassador-at-Large
Arkady Ghukasyan — Consulate officials resorted to a disinformation
campaign against him.

On November 17, Armenia’s Consulate e-mailed a communique carrying
false information against Jabarian. The communique was swiftly
rebutted by the Managing Editor of USA Armenian Life Magazine. An
official statement by the editor, countering the Armenian Consulate’s
misleading e-mail was expeditiously sent to various Armenian-American
media outlets. USA Armenian Life’s "Notice of Dissemination of a False
and Libelous Statement" informed the Armenian-American editors and
TV/Internet newscasters to "be advised that the information titled
‘Republic of Armenia’s Ambassador At Large, and the Vice-President of
the Board of Trustees of Armenia Fund Arkady Ghukasyan’s assistant E.

Atanessyan’s interpretation on USA Armenian Life’s news article’
that you have received from the Consulate General of Armenia in
Los Angeles is False and Libelous. Its electronic and/or print
dissemination/broadcast by your news organization may expose your
business entity/entities to legal liabilities."

On November 18, during Mr. Ghukasyan’s stay at the Hilton Hotel in
Glendale, this writer had a telephone conversation with him. In order
to give Amb. Ghukasyan a fair opportunity to present his rebuttal and
views regarding this issue, at the beginning of the conversation, this
writer proposed to have a taped interview either on the telephone or
in person at the hotel. But he declined. And instead he demanded that
this writer disclose the source(s) of comments that were reported in
the article, otherwise, he threatened to take him and USA Armenian
Life to court.

When this blatant threat was hurled at Jabarian, the latter told him
"Mr. Ghukasyan you should remember really well as to whom you have
said the reported comments. I encourage you very much to do so." Then
he immediately backpedaled and started to cajole this commentator by
saying that "we are both patriotic people" and that "we shouldn’t be
talking in the language of lawsuits."

On November 20, USA Armenian Life’s managing editor had a face-to-face
meeting with the source of the facts included in the article; and
re-examined their validity, and they all proved as being solidly

Below is a partial list of headlines and comments featured by various
media outlets that followed the lead of USA Armenian Life Magazine’s
Nov. 14 article:

– Nov. 16, News.am’s title: "Nagorno Karabagh Republic’s Former Pres.

of Arkady Ghukasyan Has Labeled Armenia’s Foreign Minister ‘as Weak
and Unprepared.’"

– Nov. 16, 7or.am’s title: "Has Nagorno Karabagh Republic’s Former
President Become Honest?"

– Nov. 16, News.am title: "Arkady Ghukasyan: Edward Nalbandian ‘weak
and unprepared.’"

– Nov. 16, ArmAr.am title: "Arkady Ghukasyan Has Appealed to the
Diaspora to Continue to Be Rightful Demanders [of Justice]."

– Nov. 16, Panarmenian.net title: "Arkady Ghukasyan ascribed comments
he didn’t make."

– Nov. 16, Lragir.am carried Appo Jabarian’s article in its entirety
with the following title: "Ghukasyan’s Sensation in the U.S."

– Nov. 17, Aravot.am title: "Is the Ambassador Disagreeable with
the President?"

– Nov. 18, Lragir.am title: "SIMPLY A BLACKMAIL? or Guys! Money is
needed urgently!" The author, Bagrat Kheroyan, wrote: "The Ex-president
of Artsakh, Arkady Ghukasyan, has made a couple of announcements in the
USA, which raise some questions: In case he is ‘as honest and patriotic
as Serzh Sargsyan and values Shushi so much, why doesn’t he live in
Shushi? Wouldn’t Shushi develop fast had Arkady Ghukasyan and others
like him built their palaces and launched their businesses in Shushi?"

Kheroyan further wrote: "I would suggest the Diaspora to organize
fund-raising for changing the Constitution of the Republic of Artsakh
and writing there that the presidents and state officials of the
Republic of Artsakh will simply be considered betrayers in case after
they serve, they live and establish their businesses out of Artsakh,
especially in Armenia."

– On Nov. 19, Lragir.am followed up with a second commentary titled:
"SIMPLY A BLACKMAIL? No. 2; Or It Seems Like a New Stratagem is
Being Formed."

Lragir.am observed: "It seems like the promise of a future job is
the obvious reason that Arkady Ghukasyan has mercilessly criticized
and labeled ignorant … Republic of Armenia’s Foreign Minister
Edward Nalbandian. It seems like it is not difficult to understand
that the Republic of Armenia’s Foreign Ministry post is promised to
Arkady Ghukasyan."

Whatever were his motives, Mr. Ghukasyan should not have backed
out of the remarks he had made earlier, during his appearances in
North America.

Inecobank Joins CONTACT International Money Transfers And Payments S


25.11.2009 17:41 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Inecobank has joined CONTACT, an international
money transfers and payments system. CONTACT enables customers to
make international transfers and pay money without account opening
in 85 countries in US Dollars, Russian Rubles and Euros.

Inecobank also offers its customers to use LEADER, Bistraya Pochta,
Money Gram and Migom, the bank’s press office reported.

How to solve a $600 million question?

Armenian Technology Group, Inc.
1300 E. Shaw Ave. #131

Date: November 25, 2009
Contact Person: Varoujan Der Simonian, Executive Director, ATG
Tel: 559-224-1000
Fax: 559-224-1002

How to solve a $600 million question
Armenia’s Grape Industry in Danger

A recently published news article raised an alarming condition facing
the Armenian grape industry is facing. On November 16, 2009 the
chairman of the Union of the Armenian winemakers Avag Harutyunian,
Ph.D. had warned that if proper actions are not taken now, during the
next 5-6 year `Armenia would risk losing its vineyards’ to a past
called phylloxera.

This pest will result in a dramatic decline in yields in the vineyards
and cause enormous damage in vine industry in a very short period of
time to the detrimental of Armenia.

The spread of the phylloxera has infected thousand of acres of
vineyards worldwide, causing significant economic damage to their
industries. They include some of the world’s most famous wine
producing countries such as France, Italy, including California ‘s
Napa Valley .

Dr. Harutyunian stated that some $600 million are required to fight
the phylloxera infected vineyards in Armenia .

The situation is not hopeless. The Armenian Technology Group,
Inc. (ATG) a California based non-profit organization, had focused its
humanitarian efforts on a long term sustainable agricultural economic
development of Armenia . ATG had the foresight some 12 years ago to
establish a phylloxera resistant grape nursery in Armenia with
resistant rootstocks from California to graft this stock on old
indigenous grape varieties saving from complete destruction.

`The value of these resistant rootstocks varieties are recognized all
around the world’ said ATG Board member Nubar Tashjian, JD. `Our
representative Zlademir Zakiyan in NK did a great job of building a
strong foundation that could save the vine industry in Armenia .’

Since the establishment of the ATG phylloxera resistant grape nursery,
the number of acres planted with new vines in NK has increased from
2,913 acres to 6,653 acres.

In the past four years alone the nursery has generated over $500,000
reported financial resources that were re-circulated in domestic
economy. Additionally, numerous jobs have been created, and in one
instance supporting the entire village of Kheramort, including
hundreds of thousands for wages and salaries, not to mention many
thousand of dollars for local and state taxes.

`Grape growers in Armenia can take advantage of this wonderful
opportunity to obtain resistance rootstock and the experience that the
ATG Nursery has gained over the years.’ commented ATG Executive
Director Varoujan Der Simonian.

The benefits of the resistant products of the grape nursery are
available to all farmers, who should take advantage of this unique
opportunity to plant resistant stocks.

Grape growers can even take advantage of custom ordering in advance
their request of any specific type and quantity of domestic grape
varieties with grafted phylloxera resistant rootstocks from the ATG

Contact ATG at 559-224-1000 or via e-mail at [email protected] for
all inquires.

P. O. Box 5969
Fresno CA 93710Varoujan Der Simonian, Executive Director
Armenian Technology Group, Inc.
1300 East Shaw Ave., Suite 131
P.O.Box 5969
Fresno CA 93755-5969 US
1.559.224.1000 Fax 1.559.224.1002
[email protected]
