BAKU: Armenia Should Ask Us To Open Borders Not To Starve To Death:


Nov 12 2009

Day.Az interview with member of Turkey’s Grand National Assembly from
the Nationalist Movement Party and member of the parliament’s Foreign
Relations Committee Senol Bal.

Day.Az: Do you think that now Turkey talk less about protocols signed
to normalize relations with Armenia?

Senol Bal: No, this question can not move to the background. Our
country is experiencing a very serious period. We will face very hard
times ahead. There will be a pressure from the EU and the U.S.. The
EU and the European Parliament constantly urge Turkey to discuss the
protocols in the parliament.

European Union Enlargement Commissioner Oli Rehn said that "the
EU calls on Turkey to ratify the protocols with Armenia and begin
their implementation." This is not a statement, but delirium! This
considerable pressure puts Turkey and Azerbaijan in a difficult
position. We expect even greater pressure from the United States. The
protocols will appear in parliament in this case.

I think that the parliament will demonstrate a strong resistance not
to ratify the protocols.

Q: Do you think Turkey had no other choice but to sign protocols?

A: Ankara faced a pressure. Turkey is an independent country and it
had to take risks. But the government decided not to risk. Today the
government seeks to pursue policy of a "trouble-free neighborhood". Of
course, there is nothing wrong in seeking to establish good neighborly
relations with neighbors.

However, Armenia has no right to talk about good-neighborly relations
with Turkey.

It has occupied 20 percent of the territory of a Turkic state and
expelled nearly one million Azeri Turks from their homes. Armenians
killed tens of thousands of Turks. Khojaly Massacre is not forgotten.

However, the state which committed it sits down at the negotiating
table with Turkey and we are even urged to help them. It’s insulting,
it is a historical mistake.

Q: Many say Karabakh problem remained unresolved for 17 years that
have passed since the closure of Turkey-Armenia border and that, on
contrary, warming of Turkish-Armenian relations may have a positive
impact on resolution of the Karabakh conflict.

A: Turks need to better know Armenians historically. Today everybody
says that once ties are established, Armenia will give up "genocide"
claims and Karabakh conflict will be solved. One should bear in mind
that Turkey has done a lot for Armenia. Turkey was one of the first
to recognize Armenia’s independence following the collapse of the USSR.

Turkey extended a helping hand to disaster victims in Armenia. Taking
into account the poor condition in Armenia, Turkey agreed to admit
this country to the BSEC while it could also veto it. Turkey opened
its airspace for Armenia.

Currently, there is no production in Armenia. People head to other
countries to earn money. Nearly 50,000-60,000 Armenian migrants work
in Turkey. They support their families with their income back in
Armenia. Today Armenia has to make concessions to Turkey, but not
Turkey to Armenia. In fact, Armenia should ask us to open borders
not to starve to death and abandon its claims. But today everything
is so different.

Any country thinks about its benefits while establishing relations
with another country. If relations with Armenia bring no benefit to
Turkey, what is a need for such a senseless friendship which causes
tension in relations with Azerbaijan?

This is a strange diplomacy in which we get in fights with our brothers
in order to please the West and America.

Each time the EU creates a new obstacle to prevent Turkey’s admission.

Relations with Armenia is another obstacle removal of which will not
lead to Turkey’s membership in the EU. Turkey will not lose much even
if it does not accede to the EU. But the loss of Azerbaijan would be
costly for us. We, Turks easily forgot all that they had done to us.

Armenians soiled our history responding us by "genocide."

Q: Is Turkey likely to become co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group?

A: By logic, if the Minsk Group includes Russia, Armenia’s ally, Turkey
should also be represented as an ally of Azerbaijan. The balance of
forces is disrupted in the Minsk group. All three co-chairs defend
Armenia’s interests. Officials of these countries say they recognize
territorial integrity of Azerbaijan in words. But when it comes to
Karabakh, the things are somewhat different.

That is why I do not believe this conflict will be resolved through
the Minsk Group mediation.

With regard to Turkey’s mediation, the two other co-chair will
still view the problem through Armenia’s interests. Therefore, it is
necessary to find other solutions. Azerbaijani and Armenian presidents
have met on several occasions after the Minsk Group was set up.

Despite this, we know that Armenia stiffened its stance on resolution
of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict after discussions on Turkish-Armenian
protocols began and even before they were signed. Serzh Sargsyan held
even more rigid position in the Chisinau meeting.

We predicted this such development of events. We urged the government
not to rush to establish relations with Armenia until some progress
happens in resolution of the Karabakh conflict. Secondly, Turkey has
problems with Armenia not only because of Karabakh. Armenia does not
renounce its territorial claims against Turkey. Moreover, Armenia
accuses Turkey of "genocide."

12th Telethon Of "Hayastan" All-Armenian Fund On November 26


NKR Government Information and
Public Relations Department
November 10, 2009

The 12 th annual telethon of "Hayastan" All-Armenian Fund under the
title "Our Shoushi" will take place on November 26. Direct all over
the world transmission of it will be conducted through satellite,
cable and internet communications.

All the funds raised during the "Telethon 2009" will be aimed at
restoration of main vital infrastructures of Shoushi, thus introducing
considerable changes into the people’s life. There is a great number
of problems in Shoushi subject to solution. Depending on the size of
funds raised during the telethon, the list of paramount importance
programmes coordinated with the NKR Government such as internal water
supply system, roofs of the houses, complete overhaul of schools,
and accomplishment of central roads, will be specified. The NKR Prime
Minister Ara Haroutyunyan, the Executive Director of the Fund Ara
Vardanyan will partake in the telethon in Los Angeles.

The clip of the song, dedicated to the telethon is already ready.

The inauguration of the telethon by TV companies will be held with
the song "We and Our Mountains" Mane Hakobyan (music), Avet Barseghyan
(verse), Inga and Anoush Arshakyans’ performance.

Armenia, Switzerland Sign Bilateral Agreements

11.11.2009 10:38

On November 10 the Foreign Minister of Armenia, Edward Nalbandian,
paid a short working visit to Switzerland. Upon his arrival in Bern,
Minister Nalbandian had a meeting with his Swiss counterpart Michelin
Calmy-Rey. The parties discussed a broad range of bilateral, regional
and global issues.

The interlocutors appreciated the unprecedented development of
bilateral relations evidenced by a meeting between the Presidents
of Armenia and Switzerland Serzh Sargsyan and Hans-Rudolf Merz,
the talks between the Foreign Ministers, as well as Switzerland’s
mediation in the process of normalization of the Armenian-Turkish
relations. The relations were reinforces by Charles Aznavour’s
appointment as Armenia’s Ambassador to Switzerland and the opening
of the Swiss diplomatic representation in Armenia.

Touching upon the normalization of the Armenian-Turkish relations,
Edward Nalbandian expressed gratitude for Switzerland’s mediation in
the process.

Edward Nalbandian and Michelin Calmy-Rey signed agreements between
the Government of the Republic of Armenia and the Federal Council of
Switzerland on regular air communication and the elimination of visa
regime for persons with diplomatic passports.

The signing ceremony was followed by a joint press conference.

Peaceful Conflict Settlement Will Change International Community’s P


Nov 11 2009

Within the frames of an official visit to Hungary, the Republic of
Armenia President Serzh Sargsyan met Hungary’s Parliament Speaker
Bela Katona and Prime Minister Gordon Bajnai.

At the meeting with Katona, both parties placed importance on the
development of inter-parliamentary relations and cooperation in
international inter-parliamentary structures in order to propel
forward Armenia-Hungary relations.

At the meeting with Hungarian Prime Minister Gordon Bajnai, the
possibilities to promote trade-economic cooperation were discussed.

The parties stated that the state visit of the Armenian president
to Hungary and the high-level political dialogue, on the one hand,
and the protocols on interagency cooperation signed in Budapest, on
the other, the Armenian-Hungarian business conference and contacts
create a favourable atmosphere for the development of trade-economic
relations between the two countries.

During their meeting, President Sargsyan and Prime Minister Bajnai
also referred to the anti-crisis measures taken by the governments
of the two countries to overcome the complications caused by the
global economic crisis and the existing situation in the global
economy. The Hungarian prime minister also emphasized that Hungary
places much importance on the EU Eastern Partnership Project and when
chairing the EU in 2011, it will continue to consider the policy an
important priority. Sargsyan, for his part, stated that the EU Eastern
Partnership Project provides an opportunity to develop relations with
the EU and its separate countries and to promote a process of reform
in Armenia.

At Bajnai’s request, Sargsyan presented Armenia’s approaches on the
establishment process of Armenia-Turkey relations within reasonable
timeframes and without preconditions and on the current phase of
the Nagorno-Karabakh negotiation process. Bajnai emphasized that
peaceful settlement of problems and conflicts in the region, besides
establishing bilateral relations, will also change the international
community’s perception of the entire region, promoting stability,
development, sustainable peace, strengthening of partnership spirit
and mutual trust.

Turkey, Iran And Russia Against The United States?

Karine Ter-Sahakyan

10.11.2009 GMT+04:00

Changes in the geopolitical map of the region, which we have not
once discussed, are already evident: Ankara is vigorously forcing
out the U.S. from the zone of her interests, including the American
"presence" in Armenia.

The concluded in Istanbul economic summit of Organization of the
Islamic Conference (OIC) was a breakthrough in Turkish-Iranian
relations. Warming in relations of the countries professing different
denominations of Islam, could be observed since long ago, but it was
in Istanbul that these relations finally took a form of an agreement
which in no way pleases the U.S.A and Europe, and, most of all, Russia.

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ A very important and serious agreement was signed
in Istanbul, an agreement on the delivery of Iranian nuclear fuel to
the Turkish atomic power plant under construction. And if we also take
into consideration that Turkey’s first nuclear power plant is to be
built by Russia, it becomes clear that very soon yet another scandal
could flare up between Washington and Ankara. It is appropriate to
recall here that the U.S. imposed sanctions against Iran as early as
in 1996 (Iran and Libya Sanctions Act).

Under ILSA, all foreign companies that provide investments over
$40 million for the development of petroleum resources in Iran
will be imposed sanctions. In 2001 the U.S. Congress renewed the
law for another five years. The European Commission criticized the
ILSA extension and threatened to retaliate if sanctions were imposed
against European companies. In 2002 the United States blocked Iran’s
bid to join the World Trade Organization (WTO). Later in the same year,
under the Iran-Iraq Arms Non-Proliferation Act of 1992, the United
States sanctioned nine Chinese companies and one Indian entity for
selling prohibited goods to Iran. In all probability, the U.S.

administration will act similarly now, when Turkey enters into an
agreement with Iran on supplying gas and oil. Moreover, Ankara will
try to "push" Iran into Nabucco. Most likely Ankara will succeed
in her attempts, especially since the behavior of her capricious
"younger brother" begins to annoy. And for some reason, the Armenian
media outlets treat very seriously the Turkish opposition leaders’
statements that appear in the Baku press and, what is more harmful,
they circulate them in Armenia, creating a false impression of
the Turkish opposition. It is true that the latter is against
the Armenian-Turkish relations, but obviously not because of the
"occupied territories".

However, we digress. In the Turkish-Iranian deal quite clearly is
traced the Russian track. If the agreement on the nuclear power
plant is implemented, Washington will not be able to exert as much
pressure on Tehran’s nuclear program as she does now. However, we
must also admit that this pressure little affects Iran, who does
whatever she finds necessary and even begins to teach, for example,
the EU to "accept Turkey into the European family". This statement
by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is well-founded: being a European Union member
state, Turkey would be able to lift the sanctions imposed on Iran and
ease the pressure of the EU on the same nuclear program. In a word,
changes in the geopolitical map of the region, which we have not
once discussed, are already evident: Ankara is vigorously forcing
out the U.S. from the zone of her interests, including the American
"presence" in Armenia. Roughly speaking, Turkey is clearing some
space for Russia, in order to, in the near future, oust her and
become a truly regional power. Maybe even in conjunction with Iran,
the interests of Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia will not play any
role. If the South Caucasus countries accept the new Turkish game, they
will remain unharmed, if not, the war in the region, still referred
to hypothetically, could become a reality. With the second largest
NATO army, it would be quite easy for Turkey to solve all her problems.

Self-Control System To Help Resolve Ecological Problems In Armenia


11.11.2009 22:27 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The Armenian parliament held a hearing on
introduction of amendments into the laws "On Environment Protection",
"On Administrative Infractions" and "On Self-Control in Implementation
of Legislation on Environment Protection."

The meeting was chaired by RA Minister of Environment Protection Aram
Harutyunyan, who said that the republic faces serious ecological
problems and requested participants to submit written proposals to
improve the situation.

He also emphasized that adoption of the bill on self-control system
will help resolve persisting problems. "We will work to supply each
recreational area with a sewage disposal plant," he said.

Monitoring Of NKR And Azerbaijani Armed Forces Contact Line Conducte


10.11.2009 13:19 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ On November 10, in compliance with the previously
achieved agreement with the NKR authorities, the OSCE mission conducted
Á regular monitoring of the line of contact of Nagorno Karabakh and
Azerbaijani armed forces near Horadiz settlement.

>From the positions of the NKR Defense Army the monitoring group
was headed by Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office
(CiO), Ambassador Andrzej Kasprzyk. The monitoring group involved Field
Assistants of the Personal Representative of the OSCE CiO Peter Kee
(Great Britain), Irzhi Aberle (the Czech Republic) and Zhaslan Nurtazin

No violation of cease-fire regime was registered. The monitoring
mission from the Karabakhi side was accompanied by representatives
of the NKR Ministries of Defense and Foreign Affairs, NKR MFA
Press-Service reported.

Prayer Over Persecution Of Christians


Guelph Mercury

Nov 10 2009
Ontario, Canada

On this past Sunday, Nov. 8, Christians around the world participated
in the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. Some
half million Christians in 150 countries remembered the plight of
believers who are suffering persecution because of their faith. Some
may be astonished to hear that such a day was set aside for this
purpose for they have the notion that persecution of Christians ended
with the passing of the ancient Roman era. Alas, that is not the case.

In a recent situation in Pakistan 37-year old Asia Bibi was accused of
blaspheming Mohammed for allegedly saying, "Jesus is alive. Mohammed
is dead." She was imprisoned for four months before her first meeting
with a judge in Sheikhupura. She has been charged under section
295-C of the Pakistani Criminal code that says in part, "Use of
derogatory remarks, etc., in respect of the Holy Prophet . . . shall
be punished with death, or imprisonment for life, and shall also
be liable to fine." According to International Christian Concern’s
Pakistan analyst, Jonathan Racho, the penal code is extreme. It in
fact penalizes Christians from holding to their most basic beliefs as
Christians and threatens them with death if they express those beliefs.

Though not often reported in the media, persecution is a daily fact of
life for many Christians around the world. Italian journalist, Antonio
Socci, in his book, The New Persecuted: Inquiries into Anti-Christian
Intolerance in the New Century of Martyrs, estimates that more
Christians (about 45 million) were killed in the 20th century than in
all previous centuries combined. The estimates are taken from sources
such as Oxford’s World Christian Encyclopedia. Many of those murdered
died in places like the former Soviet Union, and Nazi Germany. But
the slaughter of some 1.5 million Armenian Christians at the hands
of the Ottoman Empire in 1915 must never be forgotten as well.

Persecution does not always involve martyrdom. Christians in different
parts of the world are denied justice, discriminated against in their
work, are in danger of losing their lives because they have converted,
are captured and sold as slaves, and are forbidden to preach the truths
of the Bible on penalty of fines or imprisonment. Indeed discrimination
and maltreatment have a thousand and one different faces for those
believers who find themselves out of favour with certain governments,
and local citizens as well.

Though persecution takes place every day in countries far away it is
also beginning to happen in Canada. Many are ignorant of this fact
for news media, apart from a few exceptions, simply has not covered
the stories. Who knows for example that a diminutive, 60-year-old
grandmother, Linda Gibbons, has been imprisoned in a Canadian
penitentiary for seven out of the last fourteen years for the crime of
quietly praying in front of an abortion facility? Who has heard about
Father Alfphonse de Valk, the Catholic priest, who was subjected to a
human rights investigation that cost his monthly magazine expenses to
the tune of some $20,000? His crime — defending traditional marriage
and the biblical view of sexuality. Who has heard of Chris Kempling,
of Quesnel, B.C., and the persecution he has experienced at the
hands of his own school district and teachers union? Kempling’s crime
was to write a few letters to his local newspaper on the subject of
homosexuality. For this he has been suspended from his work without
pay for several months, and has been forced to pay out thousands and
thousands of dollars to defend himself before the courts.

Some may question whether the above examples qualify as religious
persecution. Are they not simply examples of persons who find
themselves politically out of sync with present cultural values? I
would disagree with that assessment for I maintain that the church
defines morality, not the state. And when the state upends Christian
values and teaching and says that wrong is right and right is wrong,
and then punishes the believer when they continue to speak and practice
their faith–that appears like religious persecution to me.

On the recent International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church
Christians did well to pray for suffering believers in far off
countries. After all Jesus warned that persecution was to be expected.

I suspect however that most of us thought that Jesus was referring
to Christians in far off places. Who knew? Who could possibly have
known that one day we would be praying for persecuted believers in
our own country of Canada?

Royal Hamel is a member of the Guelph Mercury Community Editorial

Dashnaktsutyun 119th Anniversary Marked In Athens


10.11.2009 17:39 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ 119th anniversary of formation of ARF Dashnaktsutyun
was marked in Athens on November 7, Azad Or newspaper reported.

Addressing the attendees, chairman of the ARFD Supreme Body Hrach
Tadevosyan said, "ARFD is determined to oppose ratification of
protocols and will use all political and constitutional tools to
prevent it."

BAKU: Davutoglu: Occupation of Azerbaijan and IDP form of isolation

APA, Azerbaijan
Nov 7 2009

Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu: `The occupation of 20
percent of Azerbaijani lands and turning the people into refugees is a
form of isolation’

[ 07 Nov 2009 12:49 ]

Ankara ` APA. `I address the Armenian Diaspora: We want to establish
good relations with all Armenians.

You need to leave unilateral historic propaganda. I also know what my
forefathers experienced. I know what painful was for those who were
expelled from their homelands in Balkans and the Caucasus’, Turkish
Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu told foreign journalists at a press
conference in Ankara, APA reports. Davutoglu said Turkey was against
any isolation and embargo in the region. `I would like remind that we
made series of political steps toward lifting these isolations. But
Armenia also pursues isolation policy occupying the Azerbaijani lands
and expelling Azerbaijanis from their homelands. The occupation of 20
percent of Azerbaijani lands and turning the people into refugees is
also a form of isolation. Those people cannot return home and we would
like to solve this situation’.