All The World In One City? Armenians Dare To Dream

Sandy Smith
May 10 2010

The last time someone tried a building project that brought all the
nations of the world together in one place, the project collapsed when
people could no longer speak the same language. The backers of the
"City of the World" in Armenia expect a dramatically different result.

The Armenian project seeks nothing less than a permanent world
crossroads. This city will be a place where all the world’s peoples
live together, sharing their cultures and traditions.

The City of The World project was formally launched at the opening
of Expo 2010 in Shanghai by the Armenian Pavilion. Ever since the
1850s, international expositions and "world’s fairs" have brought
the nations together to showcase their cultural, scientific, artistic
and mercantile achievements, but the City of the World project aims
for something more durable: a year-round experiment in international

To be situated near the center of Yerevan (capital of Armenia),
the permanent site will contain more than 70 national pavilions that
will serve as cultural showcases and repositories. It will appeal to
visitors from around the world.

The project’s Armenian backers envision the City of the World as a
prototype City of Tomorrow. The project already exists virtually,
at the Web site The site is set up so that
visitors may register to become "citizens" of any of the participating
countries, discuss the issues and ideas associated with running a
city representing an entire planet, and settle in one of the city’s
nationally themed "quarters."

V. Bostanjyan: "The Prosperous Armenia Party Has Not Broken It"


May 7 2010

"The Prosperous Armenia Party has not broken it," the NA deputy PAP
member Vardan Bostanjyan said responding to the statement of Manvel
Badalyan who said yesterday as if "the parties turn into job centers."

To on of the journalists’ questions whether Mr. Bostanjyan knows who
are to be blamed the deputy answered that, "So do you really think
that I am looking for infringers. I have nothing else to do you think?

You find a conscious man and trick on him!" he said.

He also added that Armenia can’t be proud for the democratic principles
it has, and all the patrons and those who have got power disturb the
institute of civic service.

Results Of "Book Art" 3rd Republican Contest To Be Summed Up At The


MAY 6,2010

YEREVAN, MAY 6, ARMENPRESS: The results of "Book Art" third republican
contest will be summed up at the end of May. Edward Militonyan, head
of the "Book Publishing Work" agency of the Armenian Culture Ministry,
told Armenpress that nearly 50 applications have been received for
the 8 nominations of the contest.

"This award-giving ceremony aims to promote the quality increase of
book publishing product, development of the book art, as well as the
cooperation of book publishers and competitiveness. It also makes
people competent on the best publishing technologies, national,
cultural and spiritual values by encouraging their spread," he said.

The albums and books considered to be the best at the republican
contest will be presented at "Book Art" international contest of CIS
states to be held in June in Moscow.

"The album of "The Color in IV- XIX Century Armenian Architecture"
by Van Khachatur and "Yerevan" by Gagik Baghdasaryan presented at
last year’s Moscow international award-giving ceremony have been
recognized the best in different nominations. Our book publishing
work does not concede to internationals standards, and in Armenia
this sphere is gradually developing," Ed. Militonyan added.

Last year "Book Art" second republican contest was conducted in 7
nominations, in which 32 items of books were presented on the whole.

Specialists of culture, scientists, painters, professionals of
publishing work are involved in the commission staff. The main award
of the ceremony was handed to "Tigran Mets" publishing house for "The
Color in IV- XIX Century Armenian Architecture" album by Van Khachatur.

BAKU: Armenian Issue To Continue To ‘Test’ Azerbaijan-Turkish Ties

May 5 2010

Musa Gasimli News.Az interviews doctor of history, Professor Musa

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan is expected to visit
Azerbaijan in May to sign an agreement on gas prices. What other
issues do you think will be covered during the visit?

Azerbaijan and Turkey are linked not only by oil and gas. The two
countries primarily maintain strategic, friendly and fraternal
relations. In this context, Erdogan’s visit to Baku will further
strengthen relations between the two countries, lend them a new
quality and promote discussion of a wider range of issues.

There are a number of issues that must be discussed between Turkey
and Azerbaijan. These include not only the issue of gas but also
strengthening the financial base between the countries ahead of the
construction of a railway between Turkey and Azerbaijan, ensuring
Nakhchivan is not blockaded and so on. All these are issues to be

Until the Karabakh conflict is settled, further relations between
Turkey and Armenia will always be on the agenda. This will be a
test for relations between Azerbaijan and Turkey. The date 24 April
[marked by Armenians as "Genocide" Memorial Day] has already passed
this year, but it will come round again. Armenia does not liberate
the occupied Azerbaijani lands which means that the issue of opening
the border between Turkey and Armenia will repeatedly be put on the
agenda. Under pressure from different forces the borer issue may well
be repeatedly raised for discussion.

I think it will be positive to increase these official visits.

How realistic is ratification of the protocols between Turkey and

The Constitutional Court of Armenia has passed the protocols but
Turkey has not ratified them. At the same time, I do not think that
the ratification issue has been fully rooted out. It will be raised
from time to time, which may in turn influence relations between
Turkey and Azerbaijan.

Therefore, Erdogan’s visit to Baku will play an important role,
as further cooperation between Turkey and Azerbaijan will be discussed.

What do you think of the current stage in the Karabakh conflict? What
separates us from a conflict settlement?

Though today Armenia has occupied part of Azerbaijani land, it has
failed diplomatically, as the regime that Armenia created in the
occupied lands has not gained international recognition. Second,
Armenia has failed to create normal living conditions in these
territories. This was a political mistake of the Armenian leadership.

In turn, Azerbaijan must also stick to its position, strengthen
diplomatic relations, boost the army and raise the morale of the
people. The occupation of Azerbaijani land does not meet our national
interests and creates additional problems for us.

Bako Sahakyan Met European And World Champions


May 5, 2010 – 16:57 AMT 11:57 GMT

On May 5, NKR President Bako Sahakyan received Artsakh sportsmen, who
won medals at Armenian, European and World championships, as well as
their coaches.

The President congratulated the sportsmen on their achievements and
expressed confidence that they will continue bringing honor to the
Artsakh Republic through their successful participation in
international tournaments.

Mr. Sahakyan presented monetary prizes to the sportsmen and their
coaches and noted that the authorities are resolute to contribute to
the development of sports in the republic.

NKR Defense Minister Movses Hakobyan, Chairman of the State Sports
Committee and other officials participated in the meeting, the Central
Information Department of the NKR President’s Office reported.

Monument To Fighters Died In Great Patriotic War To Be Set In Ttujur


May 5, 2010 – 16:14 AMT 11:14 GMT

Advisor of the Russian Embassy in Armenia, Head of Rossotrudnichestvo
representation in Armenia Victor Krivopuskov said that a monument
dedicated to 62 residents of Ttujur village, who died during the
Great Patriotic War, will be set in the village located in former
Krasnoselsk region, near the border with Azerbaijan, on May 6.

Head of the Armenian community of Nizhny Novgorod Tigran Shahnazaryan
presented the monument to residents of the village. "My father wanted
to construct the monument with his friends, but, unfortunately,
it did not happen due to his sudden death," said Shahnazaryan.

Russian Ambassador to Armenia Vyacheslav Kovalenko, Head of the General
Staff of the RA Armed Forces Yuri Khachaturov and representatives of
the Armenian community of Nizhny Novgorod region will participate in
the monument’s unveiling.

Le President Chinois Hu Jintao Designe L’Armenie Comme Un Pays " Ami


4 mai 2010

En marge de l’exposition Exposition universelle 2010, a Shanghai,
dont il a participe aux ceremonies inaugurales le 1er mai aux côtes de
nombreux autres chefs d’Etat et de gouvernement, le president armenien
Serge Sarkissian a rencontre le 2 mai son homologue chinois Hu Jintao,
qui a exalte a cette occasion les relations d’amitie entre les deux
pays. "La Chine et l’Armenie sont devenus des amis sincères et des
partenaires loyaux, car ils ont etabli des relations diplomatiques
il ya 18 ans," la notamment declare le president chinois.

Les deux pays ont "toujours traite d’egal a egal" et se sont
"soutenus mutuellement" sur la scène internationale, a ajoute le
president chinois qui a appele a une intensification des echanges
entre les deux pays, tant dans le domaine economique que sur les
plans politique et culturel, selon l’agence de presse Xinhua. "Les
presidents de la Chine et de l’Armenie se sont engages a redoubler
d’efforts pour developper les relations amicales entre les deux
pays", a rapporte de son côte le service de presse de la presidence
armenienne dans un communique, qui precise que Pekin et Erevan ont
deja jete les fondations en vue d’elever les relations bilaterales a
"un niveau qualitativement nouveau." Les deux chefs d’Etat ont fait
etat " de nombreux projets communs" deja mis en ~uvre dans divers
domaines et dans le secteur de l’energie en particulier, ajoute
le communique. Les entreprises chinoises ont ete impliquees dans
la reconstruction d’un montant de plusieurs millions de dollars de
deux centrales thermiques armeniennes. L’une de ces installations,
situee a Erevan, a ete lancee a la fin avril. M.Sarkisian a egalement
souligne le lancement recent dans le nord de la Chinea l’initiative
d’un Chinois d’origine armenienne d’une joint-venture de production
de caoutchouc synthetique. Une grande partie de sa technologie et de
l’equipement a ete fournie par le combinat chimique de Naïrite, une
immense usine situee a Erevan. Ce combinat, actuellement en pleine
restructuration, avait designe le caoutchouc synthetique comme un
secteur de pointe de l’Armenie alors sovietique, dont l’industrie
chimique etait parmi les plus performantes de l’ex-URSS.

La mise en ~uvre de ces projets commerciaux et favorise la croissance
rapide des echanges commerciaux entre la Chine et l’Armenie. Selon les
statistiques officielles armeniennes, la Chine a supplante l’Allemagne
l’an dernier comme deuxième partenaire commercial de l’Armenie après
la Russie et elle semble en mesure de consolider son rang, au su des
resultats du premier trimestre de l’annee en cours. Le volume total
des echanges commerciaux au premier trimestre entre les deux pays a
augmente de 66 % pour atteindre 95 millions de dollars, soit 9,4 % du
volume global du commerce exterieur armenien. La balance commerciale
penche très nettement en faveur de la Chine, meme si le volume des
exportations armeniennes ver la Chine a decuple dans cette periode.

Le service de presse de la presidence armenienne indique par ailleurs
que les discussions entre les deux chefs d’Etat ont porte sur
l’eventualite de l’engagement de la Chine dans un projet ambitieux de
voie ferree reliant l’Armenie a l’Iran voisin. On n’a pas precise si
la Chine est prete a s’impliquer dans ce projet. Lors de sa visite
a Shanghai, où i l a inaugure le pavillon de l’Armenie et visite
les pavillons de la Chine et de la Russie notamment, le president
Sarkissian a rencontre les dirigeants de deux societes chinoises
specialisees dans la fabrication de materiel de telecommunication.

L’un d’eux, Huawei Technologies, envisage d’investir en Armenie, selon
un autre communique du service de presse de la presidence armenienne.

M. Sarkisian, dont le dernier voyage en Chine remonte a août 2008, a
l’occasion de l’ouverture des JO de Pekin, n’a pas cache son admiration
pour les avancees economiques de la Chine et a appele a une plus grande
presence chinoise dans le Caucase du Sud, dont il s’est dit convaincu
qu’ellee aurait "sans aucun doute un impact positif" sur la region.

En 2008, la Chine avait ostensiblement refuse de voter en faveur
d’une resolution azerbaïdjanaise presentee a l’assemblee generale
de l’ONU demandant un " retrait immediat, complet et inconditionnel
des forces armeniennes" des territoires azerbaïdjanais occupes. Les
dirigeants armeniens ne manquent pas une occasion de louer la position
"equilibree" du regime de Pekin sur le conflit du Karabagh. De leur
côte, les gouvernements armeniens successifs ont exprime un soutien
sans equivoque au retablissement du contrôle chinois sur Taïwan.

L’ancien president Robert Kotcharian a reaffirme ce soutien dans une
declaration commune signee avec M. Hu JIntao lors d’une visite a Pekin
en 2004. Cite par l’agence Xinhua, M. Sarkisian aurait fait part a
son homologue chinois de son "admiration pour le rôle constructif de
la Chine dans les affaires internationales et regionales " et de sa
" reconnaissance pour l’appui de la Chine a l’Armenie." Le president
armenien aurait par ailleurs affirme que l’etablissement de liens plus
etroits avec Pekin reste une des priorites de la politique etrangère
de l’Armenie.

AAC Canadian Diocese Primate Calls On MPs To Recognize NKR Independe


May 4, 2010 – 11:18 AMT 06:18 GMT

Primate of the Canadian Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church, His
Eminence Bishop Bagrat Galstanian called on the members of Canadian
parliament to recognize independence of Artsakh Republic (NKR).

"We wish people who struggle for their freedom and rights lived in
a free country like Canada," he said

Nkr: French Journal Regular Issue Dedicated To Nkr


Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Nagorno-Karabakh Republic
2010-05-04 11:22

On the initiative of the Armenian General Benevolent Union’s (AGBU)
Nubar library, the 11th issue of the "Armenian Journal of Modern
Issues" published in French is fully dedicated to Nagorno Karabakh,
the goals of the Republic, and the Azerbaijani-Karabakh conflict.

According to the NKR Permanent Mission to France, interviews with
former Co-Chairman of the OSCE Minsk Group Vladimir Kazimirov,
EU Special Representative to the South Caucasus Peter Semnebi,
European Parliament Deputy, member of the committee on parliamentary
cooperation with the South Caucasus states Yevgeni Kirillov, and
others are comprised in the journal.

Articles by the journal’s editor-in-chief, lecturer of the French
Institute of Geopolitics Raymond Kevorkian, lawyer, international law
expert Gerar Gergerian, and NKR Permanent Representative to France
Hovhannes Gevorkian are also comprised in the April issue.

Turkey gains over Lebanon?

Turkey gains over Lebanon?

May 1, 2010 – 14:57 AMT 09:57 GMT

During his oncoming visit to Beirut, Turkish Prime Minister Recep
Tayyip ErdoÄ?an will meet Lebanese President, Prime Minister and
parliamentary speaker to discuss bilateral Turkish `Lebanese

Absence of Lebanese authorities at Armenian Genocide 95th
anniversary-dedicated events can be explained by increased influence
of Turkey in Lebanon, according to Shahan Kandaharian, the
Editor-in-Chief of Aztag Beirut-based newspaper.

`It’s been the first time Lebanese TV stations were forbidden from
broadcasting Zartnir Lao music video, possible detriment to
Lebanon-Turkey relations cited. Hostile atmosphere triggered
victimization of Aztag newspaper. The website, covering April 24
Genocide commemoration events, was hacked; with attackers posting
threats in Turkish and the picture of a Turkish flag.’ Shahan
Kandaharian told PanARMENIAN.Net

`Announcement on unified Iran-Turkey-Syria news agency launch was
already made. Recent events clearly signal hyperactivation of Turkey’s
influence in the region,’ Aztag Editor-in-Chief concluded. -DJ-