Armenia: Eurovision artists live in London concert

26/Sep at 00:00 by Russell Davies

Armenia: Eurovision artists live in London concert

Fans of Armenia’s Eurovision Song Contest entrants will have an
opportunity to see two previous Armenian representatives in a concert
to be held in London. Andre the 2006 singer of Without your love and
DerHova the composer and producer of Qele, Qele, will be appearing
live in a special concert at the Queen Elizabeth Hall, Southbank
Centre, London on 1st October 2009. The event entitled Wonderful
Armenia is being organised by Armenian Youth Forum UK with the support
of the Benlian Trust and the Ministry of Culture of Armenia.

Andre was the first singer to represent Armenia in the 2006 Eurovision
Song Contest in Athens. After qualifying from the semi-final, he
finished 8th in the contest with his entry Without your love, an
upbeat song which mixture modern Western sounds with traditional
Armenian music.

DerHova, the composer and producer of the uptempo song Qele, Qele sung
by Sirusho which finished 4th in the 2008 contest in Belgrade for
Armenia. This is highest position for Armenia in four attempts since
fist entering in 2006. DerHova will be performing a DJ set in the
Wonderful Armenia event. Media reports in Armenia are indicating that
DerHove will be submitting a song to represent Armenia in the 2010
Eurovision Song Contest

The Wonderful Armenia concert will also include some of the leading
singer in the Armenian music scene which will include. Hasmik
Karapetyan, Nick and Hayk Kasparov.Ticket are available here :

Fans will also have a chance to listen to a live broadcast of the
concert on Armenian online radio station here.

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Restoring a Church, Preserving a Culture

Sept. 25, 2009

Restoring a Church, Preserving a Culture
Tufenkian Foundation Unveils New Kashatagh Initiative

HAK VILLAGE, KASHATAGH, NAGORNO-KARABAGH – Last week presented a day of
celebration as residents of this small, remote village joined
political dignitaries and members of the international community to
mark the re-opening of Hak’s historic St. Minas Church. The church
blessing combined with the unveiling of a new drinking water supply
for the village, making the ceremony a momentous occasion reaffirming
Armenians’ commitment to restore and protect their ancient heritage in
this war-torn enclave.

The afternoon began with the blessing of the church by Archbishop
Pargev Martirosyan, Primate of the Artsakh Diocese of the Armenian
Apostolic Church. His Eminence emphasized the importance of reopening
St. Minas and other churches like it, calling them `a symbol of the
continuation of the Armenian Christian faith on these lands.’

Hak village sits in a remote corner of Kashatagh (formerly Lachin),
the strategically vital area connecting Nagorno-Karabagh with Armenia.
With a continuous Armenian presence dating back to the 12th century,
Hak was ethnically cleansed of Armenians by Azeri forces in 1918, only
to be reclaimed in 1992 during Armenians’ victorious struggle for
self-determination. Since then, Azerbaijan has repeatedly claimed the
Kashatagh region for itself; however, the presence of Armenian
churches, cemeteries, and other monuments – some dating as far as back
as the 4th century – refute these claims and reaffirm the case for
Armenian sovereignty over these lands.

The Hak village project is the latest initiative of the New York-based
Tufenkian Foundation. Through a range of social and economic projects,
the foundation has fostered the development and resettlement of
Kashatagh since the war. In parallel, the Foundation is working to
restore and preserve the Armenian monuments found throughout this
land. Ms. Virginia Davies of New York City tendered the generous
support that allowed the Foundation to restore St. Minas Church and
establish Hak’s water supply. Having flown in especially for the
ceremony, Ms. Davies spoke boldly and proudly about the project, which
she has dedicated in loving memory of her grandmother, a survivor of
the 1915 Armenian Genocide. `This is only the beginning,’ she said.
`After Hak, we will start projects in the next two villages – Mirig
and Hochants.’ Those projects, like the work in Hak, will consist of
restoring ancient churches that had been desecrated by Azerbaijan,
alongside development and infrastructure projects for the current
resettlers there. `After these two villages, there will be another
two, and it will go on for the entire area.’

Also addressing the gathering was Tufenkian Foundation Country
Director Mary Matosian. `Today, we constantly hear of protocols,
speeches, and statements on the status of Karabagh,’ she said,
referring to Turkey’s recent demands that Karabagh be ceded to
Azerbaijan. `It is vital that we bring to world attention that these
are not so-called `occupied territories,’ but liberated Armenian
lands. Today we stand shoulder-to-shoulder – Karabagh government,
Diaspora Armenians, and Hak villagers – in support of rebuilding
Kashatagh and bringing forth its Armenian heritage, which was unjustly
taken away by Azerbaijan and must now be restored.’

Numerous dignitaries attended the ceremony, including NKR President
Bako Sahakyan, NKR National Assembly Chairman Ashot Ghulyan, Armenia’s
former Foreign Minister Raffi Hovannisian, representatives of numerous
political parties and NGOs, and other former ministers including Davit
Lokyan and Levon Lazarian.


Contact: John Antranig Kasbarian, Executive Director
[email protected]; 201.221.1055, x327

ARFD does not demand President’s resignation, …

ARFD does not demand President’s resignation, because it will put
country in concussions again, ARFD deputy says

YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 25, NOYAN TAPAN. The conscious part of the nation
expresses its agreement to the ARFD’s suggestions to make changes in
Armenian-Turkish Protocols published on August 31. RA NA ARFD faction
member Ruzan Arakelian reported this at a September 24 press conference
adding that "queues were formed" for joining the signature collection
held by Dashnaktsutiun.

"We should say no to the Protocols and it should take place in the
Republic of Armenia thanks to the efforts of all Armenians living
abroad, and we should prevent the signing of the initiated protocols,"
another participant of the press conference, NA Heritage faction member
Zaruhi Postanjian said. She expressed regret that ARFD took such steps
only now instead of doing it 10 years ago, it made part of the power
violating human rights, including freedom of expression. She noted that
ARFD was part of that power even after the ill-famed events of March 1,
2008 and supported Serzh Sargsyan. According to Z. Postanjian, ARFD now
also does not demand President’s resignation and demanding only the
resignation of Foreign Minister means not to say the final word and not
to demand.

Opposing to the other speaker R. Arakelian declared that ARFD’s being
part of the power was not an end in itself: the party thought that
being in power it could prevent and prevented the problems of the
country. ARFD does not demand President’s resignation, because it will
put country in concussions again. According to R. Arakelian, on the
occasion of March 1 events Dashnaktsutiun has done whatever a
tender-hearted political force, which thinks about the country, should

EU Hits China, Brazil, Armenia With 5-Year Tax on Aluminum Foil

Last Updated: September 24, 2009 05:05 EDT

EU Hits China, Brazil, Armenia With 5-Year Tax on Aluminum Foil

By Jonathan Stearns

Sept. 24 (Bloomberg) — The European Union imposed five- year tariffs
on aluminum foil from China, Brazil and Armenia to help EU producers
including Poland’s Grupa Kety SA compete against cheaper imports.

The duties as high as 30 percent punish Chinese, Brazilian and
Armenian exporters for selling the wrapping in the 27-nation EU below
cost, a practice known as dumping. The levies target such
manufacturers as Shanghai-based Alcoa Aluminum Products Co.

EU producers that also include Novelis U.K. Ltd., Greece’s Symetal
Aluminium Foil Industry SA and Bulgaria’s Alcomet suffered `material
injury’ as a result of dumped imports from China, Brazil and Armenia,
the EU said in a decision today in Brussels. The five-year duties
follow provisional levies introduced six months ago and will take
effect after being published in the Official Journal by Oct. 8.

The tariffs are 17.6 percent on Companhia Brasileira de Aluminio and
any other Brazilian exporters, 13.4 percent on Armenia’s Rusal-Armenal
and any fellow exporters and as much as 30 percent on Chinese

The EU accepted an offer by Companhia Brasileira de Aluminio to sell
at a minimum price in return for an exemption from the anti-dumping
duty while rejecting a similar proposal by Rusal-Armenal.

The six-month levies were as high as 42.9 percent and the EU will
refund importers the difference with the lower five-year duties. The
trade protection covers aluminum foil in rolls as wide as 650
millimeters (25.6 inches) and a weight exceeding 10 kilograms, with a
thickness between 0.008 millimeter and 0.018 millimeter.

Market Share

China, Brazil and Armenia increased their combined share of the EU
market for the product to 49 percent in the 12 months through June
2008 from 14 percent in 2005, according to the bloc. China’s share
rose to 30.7 percent from less than 1 percent in the period, while
Brazil’s percent and Armenia’s grew to 5.3 percent from zero, the EU

The other main countries that export the aluminum foil to the EU are
Russia, Turkey and Venezuela, according to the EU, which said in April
that none had a market share in the bloc of more than 7.3 percent
during the 12 months through June 2008.

The duties against China, Brazil and Armenia are the outcome of a
probe opened in July 2008 after a dumping complaint by the European
Association of Metals.

To contact the reporter on this story: Jonathan Stearns in Brussels at
[email protected]
Last Updated: September 24, 2009 05:05 EDT

A Vision Exists For Middle East Peace – It’s 423 Pages Long


Globe and Mail

An Israeli army convoy drives by the northern Gaza border September
22, 2009.

Known as the Geneva Initiative, it is the only detailed proposal ever
prepared jointly by people on both sides

Patrick Martin

Tel Aviv — From Thursday’s Globe and Mail Last updated on Thursday,
Sep. 24, 2009 03:19AM EDT

U.S. President Barack Obama spoke with Israeli and Palestinian leaders
at the United Nations this week, refusing to give up on Middle East
peace in spite of the failure of his emissary, George Mitchell, to
find enough common ground between the two sides to justify a summit
with Mr. Obama.

If there ever is to be a two-state solution to the 61-year conflict,
the final treaty will look a lot like a 423-page blueprint released
last week.

The detailed plan is the work of a private joint project that began
in 2001 with meetings between an Israeli group, led by former deputy
foreign minister Yossi Beilin, and a Palestinian group, led by Yasser
Abed Rabbo, a member of the executive committee of the PLO.

Known as the Geneva Initiative, for the city where the initial
meetings quietly took place, the two sides produced in 2003 a model
for an Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement. It remains the only such
detailed proposal ever prepared jointly by people on both sides of
the conflict. The principles embodied in that 34-page document served
as a skeleton for the detailed annexes released last week.

"This is a recipe book for peacemakers," Mr. Beilin said at a press
conference to introduce the document in Tel Aviv.

"It shows that reaching agreement with the Palestinians is much easier
than people think," he said.

Most of the signatories of the 2003 accord also participated in the
production of the annexes. Their work, which involved a large number
of experts in each field, began almost two years ago.

In the wake of the conflict in Gaza, and with a new peace e Beilin
and Mr. Abed Rabbo made it clear that negotiators on each side must
waste no time in moving the peace process forward.

"We have faced such moments of truth and missed them too often in
the past, because we thought we had all the time in the world ahead
of us. That is a mistake we must not repeat," they wrote in the
introduction to the annexes.

Here are the kinds of questions the Geneva Initiative answers:

Where will the borders be? For the most part, they would run on or near
the Green Line that delineated Israeli territory from 1949 to 1967.

Exceptions would be those areas of Israeli settlement within the
Palestinian territory that are near the Green Line or near Jerusalem –
these would be annexed by Israel – and those areas of Israeli territory
that the parties agree should be annexed by Palestine. The latter
areas are found in the southwestern part of the West Bank and the
southeastern part of the Gaza Strip. The amount of Israeli land to be
annexed by Palestine would equal the amount of Palestinian territory
to be annexed by Israel.

The city of Jerusalem would be divided between areas of Palestinian
sovereignty and areas of Israeli sovereignty.

What happens to the settlers?

Most get to remain where they are. This includes the major settlements
of Maale Adumim, Modiin Ilit, Beitar Ilit and the Etzion Bloc.

Those Israeli settlers whose communities fall outside the areas
annexed by Israel would be evacuated to Israel. These include the large
northern settlement of Ariel and the settlements in and around Hebron
in the south. Gadi Baltiansky, director of the Geneva Initiative’s
Israel offices, estimates that about 100,000 of the 300,000 settlers
currently living in the occupied West Bank, not including east and
north Jerusalem, would have to be moved.

The 200,000 Israelis who live in occupied areas that Israel now
considers to be within Jerusalem would be allowed to remain and the
area would be annexed by Israel.

How would Jerusalem be shared? The new settler communities in north
Jerusale sh neighbourhoods of west Jerusalem. Keeping these dispersed
communities connected will be an interlocking transit system of
tunnels and bridges that maintains ties between Israeli communities
as well as between Palestinian communities.

The system also would permit Palestinians to traverse the area when
travelling between communities in the north, such as Ramallah, and
the south, such as Bethlehem.

The Old City of Jerusalem would be physically divided, with Israel
retaining only the Jewish Quarter, including the Western Wall,
while Palestine would have sovereignty over the other three quarters
(Muslim, Christian and Armenian) as well as the Haram al-Sharif,
or Temple Mount.

Neither Israelis nor Palestinians would be allowed to cross from one
side of the Old City to the other, though international visitors would
be allowed to cross, provided they have the necessary documents to
visit the other state.

Security in the Old City would be maintained by police forces of
each state, along with an international police unit that would
assist the two forces and serve as liaison between them. Along with
a multinational presence on the Temple Mount, the police unit also
would safeguard the integrity of the Haram al-Sharif.

The large Jewish cemetery on the Mount of Olives would be under
Palestinian sovereignty, but would be administered by Israelis. The
Old City police unit would police the road connecting Israel to
the cemetery.

Will the Palestinians have a military force? Yes, but its nature
and armaments will be limited. A police force, gendarmerie, border
security and intelligence forces will be permitted, but not an army,
navy or air force.

The Palestinian Security Force, a gendarmerie, will be permitted up
to 400 wheeled armoured vehicles; otherwise no armoured vehicles,
including tanks, will be permitted. Rockets, guided missiles,
anti-aircraft weapons, artillery, mortars, mines and machine guns
above a calibre of 7.62 mm will all be prohibited.

The use of any anti-armour weapons, explosives and grenades by the
ed by the multinational force.

No armed militias will be allowed.

How can each side be sure the other will adhere to security terms? An
implementation and verification group, composed of representatives of
the "Quartet" (United States, Russia, European Union, United Nations)
will be established to oversee the adherence to the terms of the peace
agreement. The group will establish a multinational force to protect
the territorial integrity of the non-militarized Palestinian state, as
well as verifying compliance with the prohibition of certain weapons.

Will Gaza and the West Bank be linked? Yes, by a corridor that runs
between the southwestern part of the West Bank to the northeastern
part of the Gaza Strip.

The corridor will be on sovereign Israeli territory but administered
by the Palestinian authorities. The corridor’s roadway will be lower
than ground level, enabling Israel to construct overpasses so that
Israeli vehicles may cross.

The corridor may also be used to carry high-voltage lines, fuel pipes,
water pipes and communication cables, as well as a railway if the
Palestinian government chooses.

Will the two countries share water? Yes, in a new formula that varies
significantly from the current sharing arrangement.

The water available to both Israel and Palestine is contained in
aquifers that exist beneath both jurisdictions. Until now, Israel
has used the greater share of this water.

Under this agreement, Israel and Palestine "agree on a just and
rightful redivision of the shared water resources" that would reduce
the share Israel uses and increase the Palestinian share. The new
division will be based on international law and factors such as
hydrology, human needs, economic circumstance and availability of
alternate supply.

What’s missing? The issue of refugees is absent from the annexes
published this week, though both sides agreed to the principles
of settling this issue laid down in the 2003 Geneva Accord. These
principles include the right to an informed choice of where a refugee
will m tion for lost property.

Among the choices of permanent residence will be: the state of
Palestine; areas of Israel transferred to Palestine under the land
swap; third countries that may offer residence to a declared number
of refugees; the state of Israel, which will offer residency to a
number of refugees based on the average number of refugees absorbed
by third countries; countries that currently host refugees, subject
to their sovereign discretion.

Asked what’s keeping the Palestinians from signing on to these annexes,
Mr. Beilin said that there really are no differences between the two
sides concerning the subject of refugees, but that the "sensitivity"
of the issue made it difficult for the Palestinian side to agree
publicly to the refugee annex.

Palestinians familiar with the two positions say there is concern in
the PLO over some of the ideas proposed by the Israeli side. These
ideas include a cap on compensation for lost property, and the absence
of a clause asserting the right of Palestinians to return to what is
now Israel.

Mr. Baltiansky said that while "Palestinians won’t sign an agreement
that says they give up the right to return, Israelis won’t sign if
it says there is a right to return." The answer, he said, was arrived
at in 2003: "The right to return is not mentioned at all."

"The fact is," he said, "either we’re dealing with a dream or with
reality." The reality says both parties must compromise on their dream.

Office Of Prosecutor General Of Armenia Will Publish Criminal Cases


2009-09-24 13:58:00

ArmInfo. The Office of the Prosecutor General (OPG) of Armenia will
publish the criminal cases concerning the Armenian pogroms perpetrated
in Azerbaijan, particularly, in Sumqayit, in the late 1980s.

The press service of the OPG reports that for this purpose they
are going to create an electronic archive and to make it accessible
for wide public. The site will be created in cooperation with the
Initiative against Xenophobia NGO.

The OPG does not have all the materials as part of them were sent to
Azerbaijan and Russia where several perpetrators were sentenced to
imprisonment and to death.

Several Thousand Strong Oppositional Rally Held In Yerevan


sep 19 2009, 07:00

The situation in economy, with democracy and observance of human
rights, and in foreign policy of Armenia continues to be extremely
unfavourable. This was stated by former President Levon Ter-Petrosyan,
leader of the Armenian National Congress, at a rally in central
Yerevan, where, by different estimates, from 5 to 25 thousand persons
got together.

A special place in Ter-Petrosyan’s speech was given to the topic
of foreign policy – the problem of normalizing Armenian-Turkish
relations and settlements of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, as the
"Interfax" reports.

"By the protocols, signed by him on August 31, President of Armenia
Serzh Sargsyan, put in doubt the fact of Armenians’ genocide. Besides,
the Turks have deceived him by failing to fulfil their promise to open
the border after signing on April 22 of the Armenian-Turkish roadmap,"
said the political leader.

In his turn, President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan said on September
17 at his meeting with the leaders of political forces of Armenia,
dedicated on normalization of Armenian-Turkish relations, that he did
not regard establishment of diplomatic relations with Turkey either
programme-minimum or programme-maximum.

According to the President, it was important for him to show that
Armenians are able to be the first "to demonstrate the absence of
reason in moving against global development."

Washington Briefing : U.S. Sees "clear Outline" For Karabakh Peace,

by Emil Sanamyan

9-22-u-s–sees–clear-outline–for-karabakh-peace- -tangible-results–in-weeks
September 22, 2009

Washington – "We hope that the recent progress made in talks between
Presidents Aliyev and Sargsian will lead to tangible results when
they meet next month," U.S. Undersecretary of State Bill Burns said
in prepared remarks delivered on September 18 at an event co-sponsored
by Georgetown University and the Azerbaijani Embassy in Washington.

President Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan and his Armenian counterpart Serge
Sargsian are expected to attend the next Commonwealth of Independent
States (CIS) summit in Moldova on October 8-9.

The State Department’s most senior diplomat went on to note,
"The outline of a possible settlement has been clear for some time,
though as with all things, the devil lies in the details and further
discussions will be needed to satisfy the concerns of both sides."

Mr. Burns’ remarks appeared to be carefully calibrated and did not
include any reference to U.S. recognition of Azerbaijan’s territorial
integrity. Starting in August 2008, former U.S. negotiator for Karabakh
Matt Bryza used language that emphasized Azerbaijan’s territorial
integrity as the starting point of a settlement.

Writing earlier this year, a former official at the State and Defense
Departments, Wayne Merry, also suggested, "the outlines of a settlement
have been clear for fifteen years"; he at the same time offered a
more concrete formula for resolution that would "reflect both the
realities of war and the needs of peace."

"These realities transcend the standard rhetoric of ‘sovereignty
and territorial integrity’ as well as that of ‘national
self-determination,’" Mr. Merry argued in his paper "Karabakh: Is
war inevitable?"

"In a settlement, Armenia will get Karabakh and a land corridor
to Armenia, while Azerbaijan gets back the lowland surrounding
territories. This is not about justice, nor right and wrong, but is
the inescapable and necessary formula for peace."

"To be sure, there are a multitude of details (where the devil always
lurks) and implementation problems (where the costs for outside powers
will be substantial)," Mr. Merry concluded.

Heritage Party Applies To Constitutional Court With Initiative To Or


2009-09-23 16:24:00

Arminfo. The head of the Heritage party parliamentary faction Styopa
Safaryan applied today to Chairman of Armenian Constitutional Court
Gagik Harutyunyan with a request to organize discussions regarding
the initial Armenian-Turkish Protocols, press-service of the Heritage
party reported.

To recall, earlier Heritage party also applied to Prime Minister Tigran
Sarkisyan and secretary of National Security council Artur Bagdasaryan
with a similar request, but they have not yet replied to the party.

ANTELIAS: Requiem in memory of Catholicos Karekin I Sarkissian

Catholicosate of Cilicia
Communication and Information Department
Contact: V.Rev.Fr.Krikor Chiftjian, Communications Officer
Tel: (04) 410001, 410003
Fax: (04) 419724
E- mail: [email protected]

PO Box 70 317


On Sunday 20 September 2009 following the Holy Liturgy His Holiness Aram I
presided over the Requiem Service commemorating the 10th anniversary of the
passing away of late Catholicos Karekin I.

At the end of the Service reflecting upon the life and work of late Karekin
I, His Holiness Catholicos Aram I said: "Antelias became the spiritual home
of the young student when he left his home in Kessab (Syria). As priest and
bishop he devoted his intellectual and spiritual resources to the benefit of
the Catholicosate and its vocation in church and society; as religious
leader he opened the Catholicosate to ecumenism and to other churches; as
teacher, Dean and academic, he deepened the meaning of the churches’ journey
of faith." Catholicos Aram I then concluded: "This commemorative service
today provides us with another opportunity to reaffirm our conviction that
we cannot separate the life of late Karekin I from the living memory of the
Catholicosate of Cilicia."

The Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia is one of the two Catholicosates of
the Armenian Orthodox Church. For detailed information about the history and
the mission of the Cilician Catholicosate, you may refer to the web page of
the Catholicosate, The Cilician
Catholicosate, the administrative center of the church is located in
Antelias, Lebanon.