Milliyet: Why Turkey should be in favor of normalizing relations

Milliyet: Why Turkey should be in favor of normalizing relations with Armenia?
05.09.2009 15:08 GMT+04:00 l

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ `Despite the fact that over the last years the life
in Armenia has stabilized, the population continues to decrease, due
to a very difficult economic situation in the country,’ the Turkish
Milliyet newspaper writes. The publication reminds that Turkey closed
its border with Armenia for the solidarity to Azerbaijan.

`Today, about 8 to 10 million Armenians live in the world, although
most of them now live abroad. According to the annual reports of the
CIA in 2009, the population of Armenia was 2 million 967 thousand. As
you can see most of the Armenians belong to Diaspora. The Diaspora
began to rebel and express their discontent about the move in
relations of Armenia and Turkey. Particularly Armenian communities in
Europe and Central America behave actively,’ the article writes.

According to Milliyet, if the possible opening of the borders is
necessary as much as the air one breathes to the population of Armenia
(in economic terms), the Diaspora is not happy with the possible
warming of relations. `Most of Armenians of the world are against
reconciliation, so why should Turkey be for?,’ the Turkish newspaper

Armenian President to visit Croatia

Information-Analytic Agency, Armenia
Sept 5 2009

Armenian President to visit Croatia

10:50 / 09/05/2009RA President Serzh Sargsyan is to be on an official
visit to Croatia on September 7-8.

The RA presidential press office reported that the Armenian leader is
to visit Croatia at the invitation of President Stjepan MesiÄ?.

The first day, the official reception ceremony on Veliki Brijun island
will be followed by a private meeting between the Armenian and
Croatian leaders, which will be followed by an enlarged meeting
between the two delegations.

The Armenian and Croatian Presidents will hold a joint news

On Monday evening the President-led Armenian delegation is to leave
Pula for Zagreb.

The Armenian and Croatian Presidents will participate in the opening
of an Armenian-Croatian business forum and deliver speeches.
The RA President is scheduled to hold meetings with Speaker of the
Croatian Parliament Luka BebiÄ?, and Prime Minister Jadranka

The Armenian President will also visit the sights of interest.

The Armenian delegation is to return to Yerevan on September 8.

Number Of Gas Consumers Increased To 11 209 Within 8 Months


04.09.2009 13:49 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ As of September 1, Armenia’s gas network had 585164
subscribers. Over the past 8 months, their number increased to 11209,
with 1803 having joined the network in July.

Under Government’s decision dated August 2009, ArmRosGazprom CJSC
installed 21812 alarm devices and cutoff valves (security systems)
in apartments.

As of September 1, 2009, number of installed gas safety controls
reached 178906 instead of the planned 167000.

Armenian Coach: We Expect From Our Judoists Bring Medals From Europe


04.09.2009 16:31 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Preparatory works go on for the European Youth
Championship in judo to be held from September 11 to 13 at the SCC in
Yerevan. The Armenian wrestlers on August 28 went to Tsaghkadzor to
training camp, on the eve of the championship, September 10. According
to the head coach of Armenian team Tigran Babayan, his players are
in excellent physical shape.

"Sports training of our athletes is well under way, our doctor is with
us to constantly monitor the health of our athletes. We are in good
shape, both in terms of technical training, and tactical. Frankly,
we are waiting for medals and have high hopes. God grant, everything
happen smoothly for us," Mr. Babayan said.

ARF Warns Of Dangers For Armenia And Karabakh


Sep 2, 2009

YEREVAN (Yerkir)-Calling it a retreat from generations of struggle
and a disgrace, the Armenian Revolutionary Federation, at a rally
Wednesday, warned of the dangers emanating from the Armenia-Turkey
normalization process as outlined by the protocols announced earlier
this week. The rally was organized to mark the 18th anniversary of
Karabakh’s independence.

Speaking to the thousands gathered at Yerevan’s Aznavour Square, ARF
Bureau member Vahan Hovannesian expressed the unequivocal rejection
by his party of the protocols for establishment and development of
relations between Armenia and Turkey, which were announced on Monday.

He warned that the documents did not reflect the aspirations of
Armenia and were guided by elements that, in the long run, would
benefit Turkey and its interests in the region, including the
Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and its aspirations for membership in the EU.

Hovannesian pointed out that the Armenian authorities have agreed
to further concessions in a process that was supposed to have been
advanced without any preconditions, as articulated on numerous
occasions by Armenia’s leaders.

"No matter how extensively our and US officials contend that talks on
Turkish-Armenian relations are proceeding without preconditions, Turkey
has not abandoned them and has adeptly managed to construct the entire
negotiations package around its preconditions," said Hovannesian.

He outlined that the provisions of the protocols have weakened the
process to attain international recognition for the Genocide and are
effectively forcing the recognition of the anti-Armenian Kars Treaty,
to which Armenia was not a signatory.

"We view as careless efforts by the Armenian President and Foreign
Minister to seek a quick resolution through negotiations. Our people
will pay a very high price for that," warned Hovannesian, enumerating
Turkey’s gains and Armenia’s losses since the announcement of the
so-called "roadmap" agreement on the eve of the 94th anniversary of
the Armenian Genocide.

Hovannesian stressed that the ARF has never been against the reopening
of the Turkish-Armenian border.

However, he said the party can by no means agree to "the price
the Armenian authorities are willing to pay" for meeting Turkey’s

"We say ‘yes’ to the establishment of diplomatic relations without
any preconditions. However, in their present form, the Protocols are
unacceptable and must be revised," Hovannesian stated.

The same sentiments were echoed by ARF Supreme Council of Armenia
chairman Armen Rustamian, who also discussed the party’s position on
the ongoing Nagorno-Karabakh conflict resolution process.

He said that the current negotiations process are also pressuring
Yerevan to agree to a hasty agreement, through which withdrawal of
liberated territories surrounding the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic is
stipulated without security guarantees and the demand for determination
of a new status, which goes counter to democratic norms, since Karabakh
has already determined its status through popular vote.

ARF parliamentary bloc member Ara Nranyan also discussed Armenia’s
domestic situation, outlining socio-economic reforms to strengthen
Armenian society and national interests.

Unibank Issues U-Profy And U-Boss New Credit Cards


2009-09-03 12:55:00

ArmInfo. Unibank has issued U-Profy and U-Boss new credit cards. As
press-service of Unibank reported, U-Profy cards are chiefly foreseen
for the salary projects and the persons which get salary with the
plastic card of Unibank.

U-Profy supposes an opportunity of getting credit up to threefold size
of salary but not more than 1.1 mln drams with 36 months repayment
period and interest rate 20-24%.

U-Boss credit cards are mainly foreseen for the leadership and
founders of companies, including individual and legal persons. The
size of credit exceeds $10 thsd or 10 thsd EUR, repayment period is
36 months and interest rate 20%.

VivaCell-MTS Summer Inspiration Project Reaches Shirak


03.09.2009 16:35 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ In the framework of Summer Inspiration project,
Armenia’s mobile operator VivaCell-MTS visited Shirak region.

"The diversity in education of these children is our Responsibility –
if we want them become true citizens of our nation and secure their
wellbeing in the future. That is why we need to spare no effort to
help them choose a proper way in life and unfold as much talents in
them as possible," said VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian.

Summer Inspiration project aims at revealing and promoting the
creativity of young children talents in the regions of Armenia. The
vivid imagination of a child is the theme for the contest. The
children’s artwork is judged on originality, clear expression, and
reflections of cultural traditions in the work of art. Art is presented
in a variety of mediums including folk dance, singing, painting,
needlework, acting, craft and photography. The artworks should be
associated with VivaCell-MTS or display VivaCell-MTS brand logo.

The Summer Inspiration project started on August 19 in Lori, has
already been held in Aragatsotn, Armavir, Ararat, Vayots Dzor, Syunik,
Kotayk, Gegharkunik and Shirak regions, and is to finalize in Tavush.

Armenian-Turkish Border Can Be Reopened Only After Conflict Is Settl


Sept 1 2009

Possible steps to reopen the Armenian- Turkish border before the
conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh is settled run counter to Azerbaijan’s
interests, Azeri Foreign Ministry spokesman Elkhan Polukhov told
Interfax on Tuesday.

Commenting on an agreement reached between Armenia and Turkey to start
consultations aimed at establishing diplomatic relations, Polukhov
said that the authorities in Baku are committed to the principle of
non- interference in other countries’ affairs.

"At the same time, bearing in mind that this issue is directly linked
to our interests, the opening of the Armenian-Turkish border prior
to the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict runs counter to
Azerbaijan’s national interests," the spokesman said.

Azerbaijan’s position regarding the normalization of relations between
Armenia and Turkey is governed by statements made by high-ranking
Turkish officials, Polukhov said.

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in Azerbaijan’s
parliament in May that the border between Turkey and Armenia was shut
down immediately after Armenia’s occupation of the Azeri territories,
and it would be reopened only after this occupation was over, the
Azeri diplomat said.

"The Turkish prime minister declared that the authorities in Ankara
would remain strongly committed to this position and would not take
any steps in this issue without Azerbaijan’s approval," he added.

Labor Fair To Be Held In Shirak


Sep 1, 2009

GYUMRI, SEPTEMBER 1, ARMENPRESS: Labor fair will be conducted in the
Armenian province of Shirak in September. Amalya Adamyan, director of
the Territorial Employment Center, told Armenpress that taking into
consideration the results of the past labor fair there is a necessity
to conduct another one this year.

"There are many young people who expressed wish to participate in the
fair for finding jobs. For making the fair more effective we have
selected employers who have opportunities of opening new workshops
or intend to expand their company," Adamyan said.

Besides the labor fair the Territorial Employment Center tries to find
jobs for job seekers through different programs. From the beginning
of the year till now the center found jobs for 117 people.

The center also implements programs for handicapped people. Currently
the center is carrying out "Arev-3" program of computer classes for
people with poor eyesight.

0.4% Deflation Recorded In Armenia In August Against July


Aug 31, 2009

YEREVAN, August 31. /ARKA/. 0.4% deflation was recorded in Armenia
in August against July.

Prices for foodstuffs (including alcoholic drinks and tobacco products)
fall 1.3% in the country in August against July, the RA National
Statistical Service reported.

In August against July prices for nonfoods and services grew by 0.3%
and 0.8% respectively.

At the same time, consumer price index was 102% in August as compared
with December 2008.

In August against December 2008 prices for foodstuffs (including
alcoholic drinks and tobacco products) went 3.6% down; prices for
nonfoods and services rose by 9.9% and 8.2% respectively.

Monthly average increase in consumer prices was 0.2% in January-August,
a reduction of 0.3pct as compared to the level of last year (0.5%).

In August this year against August last year, consumer price index was
103.5%: index for foodstuff prices was 99.1%, for nonfoods prices –
104.6% and for service prices 110.5%.

In January-August against the same period of last year the indices
were 102.8%, 99.2%, 102.1% and 110.1% respectively.

The Statistical Service reports that in August against the year 2005
the consumer price index was 120.5%: 15.7% rise was recorded in prices
for foodstuffs (including alcoholic drinks and tobacco products),
15.7% rise was recorded in prices for nonfoods, and service prices
rose by 31.7%.

Acc ording to the statistical information, consumer prices dropped
1.0-0.2% in all cities under study in August against July; the highest
deflation was recorded in Vagharshapat and Talin. Consumer prices
reduced 0.2% in the capital.

Under the state budget, inflation was planned to be within 4% (±1.5%)
by the end of this year.