The Kennedy Family Supported U.S. Armenians


Information-Analytic Agency
Aug 26 2009

16:00 / 08/26/2009"The Edward M. Kennedy who represented Massachusetts
in U.S. Senate was a good friend of U.S. Armenian community," Arpi
Vartanian, Country Director for Armenia and Nagorno- Karabakh of
Armenian Assembly of America (AAA) told

According to Vartanian, the Kennedy family and Edward in particular
assisted U.S. Armenians in different ways. "As an influential Senator
in U.S. Congress, Edward M. Kennedy helped Armenians to solve problems
in various areas," she emphasized.

He always supported bills on recognition of Armenian Genocide and
other pro-Armenian initiatives. It is difficult to tell his sister
Eunice Kennedy Shriver’s (deceased in August 11, 2009) position on
Armenian Cause, as she was neutral of politics.

EDB Ready To Co-Fund Nuclear Project In Armenia


26.08.2009 15:45

Yerevan (Yerkir) – The Eurasian Development Bank (EDB) is considering
the possibility of co-funding the construction of a nuclear-power
plant in Armenia, Yevgeny Vinokurov, the head of the EDB Economic
Analysis and Consulting Department, has said. He added that the bank
is ready to join the project. However, no specific agreements have
yet been reached.

"This is a most expensive project, such a reactor is roughly
estimated at around US $4bln," Vinokurov told reporters in Alma
Ata, Kazakhtan. He pointed out that the EDB is also considering the
possibility of funding a similar project in Belarus.

Armenia plans to construct a new, 1,200 MW, nuclear power plant before
the year 2016. The new nuclear reactor is to operate for 60 years,
to be refueled every 18 months.

ANC Mourns Passing of Armenian Issues Stalwart Sen. Ted Kennedy

Armenian National Committee of Massachusetts
80 Bigelow Ave
Watertown, MA 02472
[email protected]


August 26, 2009
Contact: Dikran Kaligian
[email protected]

ANC Mourns Passing of Armenian Issues Stalwart Sen. Ted Kennedy

WATERTOWN, MA – The Armenian National Committee of Massachusetts
joined with citizens of the Commonwealth and Armenian Americans
across the U.S. in mourning the passing of Senate icon and lifelong
advocate of Armenian issues, Senator Ted Kennedy.

"Since his election in 1962, Senator Kennedy has been a fighter for
Armenian Genocide recognition, supporter of an independent and
prosperous Armenia and a defender of the right to self-
determination of the people of Nagorno Karabagh," said ANC of
Massachusetts Co-Chair Dikran Kaligian. "We join with ANCA leaders
on the national, regional and local levels and our community in
Massachusetts in honoring the life and legacy of Sen. Kennedy and
extend our deepest condolences to the Kennedy family."

———————————– —————–
Congressional Commemoration of the Armenian Genocide
—————————————– ———–

Sen. Kennedy’s support for passage of Armenian Genocide legislation
has been consistent, emphatic and vocal. As a member of the Senate
Judiciary Committee in 1989, Sen. Kennedy joined with then
Committee Chairman, now Vice-President Joe Biden and former
Illinois Senator Paul Simon in leading the fight for Committee
passage of a resolution which would mark April 24, 1990, as
Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day. Over the pronounced objections
of the U.S. State Department and the Turkish Government, the
Committee adopted S.J. 212 with a vote of 8 to 6.

Subsequently, Senator Kennedy has cosponsored successive Armenian
Genocide resolutions introduced in the Senate and cosigned letters
to President Bush urging him to properly characterize this crime
against humanity. He has spoken on the Senate floor numerous times
commemorating the Armenian Genocide, and in 1999, joined with
Armenian Americans across the U.S. at the annual ANCA Capitol Hill
Observance of the Armenian Genocide. "As my son [Rep. Patrick
Kennedy] and I were talking just a few moments ago, he reminded me
that if people here in the United States had paid attention to the
Genocide in the early part of this century, we would not have had,
perhaps, the tragedies in World War II and, if we had paid
attention to that tragedy, we might not have the tragedies that we
have in Kosovo," remarked Sen. Kennedy at the April 21, 1999 event.

Locally, in April 2000, Sen. Kennedy delivered the keynote address
at the historic Trinity Church in Boston as part of the community’s
commemoration of the 85th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide.

In June, 2006, following the State Department firing of U.S.
Ambassador to Armenia John Evans for his recognition of the
Armenian Genocide, Sen. Kennedy joined with fellow Commonwealth
Senator John Kerry in calling on Secretary of State Condoleezza
Rice to explain the State Department’s actions. "We believe, and
the reports from our diplomats at that time, make clear that
genocide accurately described these events. Henry Morgenthau, then
our Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire, described these actions as a
"campaign of race extermination," noted Senators Kennedy and Kerry
in a June 5th letter to Secretary Rice. They went on to ask for
"clarification as soon as possible about Ambassador Evans’
premature dismissal after 35 years of exemplary service to the
United States Government."

——————————- ———————
Staunch Supporter of Armenia and Self-Determination for Nagorno Karabagh
—————————————– ———–

>From the early days of Nagorno Karabagh’s calls for self-
determination, Sen. Kennedy was outspoken in his support for
legislation condemning Azerbaijani violence against the Armenian
communities in Sumgait and Baku, Azerbaijan and Section 907 of the
Freedom Support Act provisions to block U.S. assistance to
Azerbaijan until that country ends its aggression and lifts its
illegal blockades of Armenia and Nagorno Karabagh.

In a May 17, 1991, statement on the Senate floor, Sen. Kennedy
condemned the latest round of Azerbaijani violence against Armenian
civilians, noting that "Since 1988, the world has witnessed anti-
Armenian pogroms in Azerbaijan during which hundreds of Armenians
have been killed and over 300,000 have been forced to flee that
area and seek refuge in Armenia and Russia. These latest attacks
have brought new tragedy and suffering to the Armenian people." He
continued to note that "America has always stood for human rights
and human dignity–for our citizens and for all peoples throughout
the world. We must not now ignore the plight of the long-suffering
Armenian people." Sen. Kennedy joined with colleagues Carl Levin
(D-MI) and Bob Dole (R-KS) in support of S.Res.128 which condemned
the "indiscriminate use of force, including the shelling of
civilian areas, on Armenia’s eastern and southern borders" and
called for "the end to the blockades and other uses of force and
intimidation directed against Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh, and
calls for the withdrawal of Soviet forces newly deployed for the
purpose of intimidation"

In 1999, Sen. Kennedy spoke passionately in support for maintaining
Section 907 of the Freedom Support act, as opponents attempted to
strike the measure during a day long debate and successful vote led
by Senators Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Spencer Abraham (R-MI), Paul
Sarbanes (D-MD), Barbara Boxer (D-CA), Richard Durbin (D-IL), Jack
Reed (RI) and the Massachusetts Senator.

Sen. Kennedy also joined Senator Dole in spearheading the
Humanitarian Aid Corridor Act in 1994, which would cut aid to
countries which block the passage of humanitarian assistance to
other countries in need. While referencing no country specifically,
the bill was inspired by Turkey’s blockade of Armenia, instituted
in 1993 and continuing to this day.

Senator Kennedy lost a valiant battle to brain cancer on August
26th at the age of 77. He will be buried at Arlington National

Nabucco And South Stream Will Compete, Says Energy Analyst


/nabucco-and-south-stream-will-compete-says-energy -analyst/
Aug 24, 2009

ISTANBUL (Turkish Daily News)-Turkey’s efforts to become a transit
country between gas suppliers to the east, south and north and
consumers to the west are fraught with danger, energy analyst Necdet
Pamir said in an interview with daily Cumhuriyet.

According to Pamir, the natural-gas pipelines to Europe that are in
the planning stages are competing projects, not complementary ones,
as some officials have suggested.

The two projects are South Stream, which plans to bring gas from Russia
to Europe, and Nabucco, which is expected to initially carry gas from
Azerbaijan and may later expand its supply sources to include Iran,
Qatar, Iraq, Egypt and even Russia.

South Stream’s advantage is the fact that it has a ready supply of
natural gas from Russia, Pamir said, while Nabucco suffers from a
lack of suppliers.

"Nabucco’s initial objective, while not voiced, was to create an
alternative to Russia for the European Union when it came to gas,"
he said. Though Russia is currently being mentioned as a possible
supplier for Nabucco, he added, "this is not the basis of the project."

Pamir said Turkey was squeezed between rival U.S and Russian policies
when it came to energy issues.

Other than Russia, none of the possible Nabucco suppliers could be
counted upon to provide enough gas to fill the pipeline, he said.

Strategic pipelines such as Nabucco and South Stream will require
significant investment, said Pamir. "It is impossible for the two
pipelines to get financial backing. States may be able to invest
part of the money, but once one goes to international investors,
they will ask about the supply issue," he said. "The South Stream
pipeline is in an advantageous position in this regard. If one gets
enough investment, the other will be delayed for 10 to 15 years. In
the end, the other may not even be necessary."

Turkish companies that are in the process of exploiting northern
Iraq’s natural-gas resources should be aware of the dangers, said
Pamir, noting that the disagreement between the central authority in
Baghdad and the autonomous Kurdish administration in the north over
the exploitation of natural resources poses huge risks only some
companies were willing to take.

He said Turkey needs to strengthen the Turkish Petroleum Corporation,
or TPAO, and follow a coherent energy policy in the region rather then
letting private companies take the lead in the sector. "If private
companies are given this duty just to make a profit, one will be left
with neither a successful energy policy nor regional respectability,"
he said.

If a country is economically and politically independent, it should
formulate its policies according to its own interests, the analyst
added, saying it was obvious that the United States would not be
very accommodating of increased cooperation between Turkey and Iran
in the field of natural gas.

Pamir added that both the United States and the EU were concerned
about Turkey’s decision to cooperate with Russia on nuclear power.

BAKU: Kurds want to seize control of the Azerbaijani army

Azadliq, Azerbaijan
Aug 5 2009

Kurds want to seize control of the Azerbaijani army

MP Vahid Ahmadov made this sensational statement

As early as 1997, I said that a day will come when the Armenian
problem would be insignificant as compared with the Kurdish one

The media, in particular, independent mass media outlets have
repeatedly carried reports about the Kurdish problem in
Azerbaijan. The exodus of Kurds to the country, high-handedness of the
Kurdish groups in the authorities and so on are among issues
periodically highlighted by the independent media. The Kurdish problem
has already reached a point when even parliamentarians close to the
authorities express their anxiety over this matter.

Parliamentarian Vahid Ahmadov [of the New Policy Bloc established
before the 2005 parliamentary election by the Azerbaijan Milli
Istiqlal Party, the Azerbaijani Social Democratic Party and the
National Action Party] yesterday spoke about the Kurdish problem at a
scientific-practical conference on the topic of "The role of political
parties and non-government organizations [NGOs] in the resolution of
the Nagornyy Karabakh problem" under the aegis of the Civic Solidarity
Party and Norwegian-based northern-southern Azerbaijan Political
Researches Centre at Ambassador Hotel.

The parliamentarian said that very serious processes connected with
the Kurdish issue was under way in Azerbaijan. "As early as 1997, I
said that a day will come when the Armenian issue would be
insignificant as compared with the Kurdish one in Azerbaijan. Now this
process is under way but we simply do not feel it. Nevertheless, we
would feel it one day as Turkey does it now," Vahid Ahmadov
said. After these remarks the parliamentarian added that the Kurdish
groups in Azerbaijan want to seize control of the army: "The
Azerbaijani army is commanded by a Turkic son. Therefore, the evil
forces want to seize control of the army. Nevertheless, I do not
believe that the president would let such a thing to happen."

This statement by Vahid Ahmadov shows quite serious processes are
under way in the authorities. We assume that the infighting in the
authorities has transferred to the ethnic plane. The Kurdish group in
the authorities has mobilized itself in order to strengthen its impact
and the situation is so bad that even Ilham Aliyev is expected to make
compromise to them. Anyway, Vahid Ahmadov’s inexplicit and to a
certain extent indecisive remark that "I do not believe Ilham Aliyev
would let such things to happen" affords ground to say so. If the
parliamentarian was confident that the president would in no way make
steps meeting the interests of the Kurdish group, he would have
probably said that "Ilham Aliyev will never allow this happen".

Vahid Ahmadov is a member of parliament and is in politics for many
years and knows very well how to express himself. We wonder why is
Vahid Ahmadov not sure of Ilham Aliyev? The answer is obvious: the
Kurdish group in the authorities has more chances to influence the
president. On a number of issues, Ilham Aliyev was obliged to
compromise to them. For example, the unseating of MP Huseyn
Abdullayev. It is not a secret that Huseyn Abdullayev was not punished
for slapping in the face of MP Fazail Agamali [in the Milli Maclis].

The former parliamentarian was a victim of his struggle against the
Kurdish group. Seeing his native land of Naxcivan occupied by Kurds,
he constituted The Land of Oguz organization there. The target of this
organization was to save Naxcivan from Kurds, however, the
parliamentarian was not successful in his attempts. The Kurdish group
in the authorities managed within a short period to have the man, whom
Heydar Aliyev addressed as "my son", deprived of his mandate as a
parliamentarian and then imprisoned.

Over this issue, Ilham Aliyev did not extend his hand of support to
Huseyn Abdullayev, who played a significant role in the return of his
father to power and Ilham Aliyev to become president, but the Kurdish
group. For sure, Vahid Ahmadov is aware of all these. From such a
standpoint, he is not absolutely sure of Ilham Aliyev. This statement
of the parliamentarian can also be interpreted as Defence Minister
Safar Abiyev’s message to the public. The matter is that Vahid Ahmadov
and Safar Abiyev are fellow countrymen and even it is said that they
are relatives. From this point of view, the parliamentarian has always
backed Safar Abiyev. Now the defence minister wants the public to be
aware of the danger for the Azerbaijani army through the
parliamentarian. Anyway, the public has to treat Vahid Ahmadov’s
statement seriously and save the Azerbaijani army from both the
Kurdish group in the authorities and complacent generals of Safar

[translated from Azeri]

Number Of Tourists Visiting Armenia Expected To Grow


Aug 21, 2009

YEREVAN, AUGUST 21, ARMENPRESS: "Armenia: Noah’s Country" 52-minute
documentary film will be presented today in Yerevan "Moskva" cinema
shot by authoritative Spanish "Trans-Globe" and "Buzz Business"

Deputy Economy Minister Ara Petrosyan said that negotiations with
the companies started from 2008 and they guaranteed ensuring the
broadcasting of the film in each continent at least twice.

"The program fully corresponds and is harmonious to the policy
conducted today by our government. Its goal is to present Armenia
in the global market more aggressively and dynamically," the deputy
minister said.

He said today Armenia is ready to receive tourists more than ever and
present rating formation application to the international market. In
the first half of 2008 and in the same period of the running year
the same number of tourists has been registered – 207,700.

"In the end of the 2009 we may register a hopeful and good result as
we will have increase of the number of tourists at least by 5 and at
most by 10%," Petrosyan said.

Vice President of "Buzz Business" company Judith Laskomb noted that
the film will increase the authority of Armenia in the tourism sphere
in the world and present the country with its cultural and tourism

She said Armenia is a country which even through film may create
a wonderful picture among the audience by its historic-cultural
heritage and modern entertainment centers. "In my homeland – in
England – Armenia is associated with 1915 Armenian Genocide and 1988
earthquake. People in England think that there are no contemporary
technologies in Armenia, they even ask whether there is a cash machine
in Armenia or not," Laskomb said. She expressed assurance that the
film will give final answers to all the questions.

Head of the Tourism and Territorial Economic Development of the
Armenian Economy Ministry Mekhak Apresyan said that 225,000 euros
have been spent on the film.

The film will be shown in 200 countries by Spanish "TVE" Channel having
450 million audience, "Scandinavia" TV Channel being broadcasted in
all the Scandinavian countries. Currently negotiations are being held
with "Discovery" and "RAI" TV channels.

American Armenians Complain About Bryza

20:40 / 08/21/2009

Armenian Americans community representatives sent a letter to
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, expressing their concern
about OSCE MG CO-Chair Matthew Bryza’s behavior.

Ken Hachikian, the Chairman of Armenian National Committee of America
(ANCA) sent a 4-page letter to Hillary Clinton, presenting Armenian
community’s concern regarding "counter-productive statements by the
U.S. Co-Chair of the OSCE Minsk Group, Matthew Bryza".

According to Hachikian, Bryza has repeatedly made "unfair and
inaccurate" statements. "Today, seven months after the start of the
Obama-Biden Administration, we are seriously concerned that this
Administration has abdicated its responsibilities by effectively
outsourcing our nation’s foreign policy with respect to Armenian
issues to the Republic of Turkey, as every single policy dealing with
Armenia has been made along the lines that Turkey has dictated, rather
than along the sound principles of morality and democracy that you,
President Obama and Vice President Biden unambiguously articulated
during your presidential campaigns last year," the letter reads.

Hachikian also underlined Bryza’s "pro-Azerbaijani bias." "In his
remarks in Tsakhkadzor, Mr. Bryza, once again, made a number of
statements that directly contradict the President’s pledge to work
toward a ‘lasting and durable settlement Nagorno Karabagh conflict
that is agreeable to all parties, and based upon America’s founding
commitment to the principles of democracy and self determination,’
Hachikian said, adding that "In his remarks, Mr. Bryza compounded his
biased defense of these flawed principles by falsely claiming that
the Azerbaijani side has made a ‘concession’ by agreeing to merely
discuss the matter of Nagorno Karabagh’s self-determination."

Aleksan Avetisyan: Azerbaijan Has Already Received Security Guarante


20.08.2009 16:10 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ "Security issues for European Youth Championship
participants are resolved. Claims in that regard were made not only by
Azerbaijan but also Israel and Turkey. Azerbaijan has already received
security guarantees and has therefore sent us a nominal notice," RA
Judo Federation President Aleksan Avetisyan told a news conference
devoted to upcoming European Judo Championship.

"Let me note that Azerbaijan’s team has not yet made hotel
reservations; we are even unaware of their itinerary. Azerbaijan
is greatly interested in championship. The issue is dealt with by
President Ilham Aliyev who is also Azerbaijan’s National Olympic
Committee’s Chair," Avetisyan said. "So far, 40 countries have
applied for participation. That’s a record number for European
youth championship. Almost all participant countries have reserved
hotel rooms." "About 2.5 years ago, we started preparing for
championship. There are a number of states which will participate
in both male and female tournaments, representing sportsmen at all 8
weights. Those countries are France, Russia, Holland, England, Georgia,
Ukraine and Serbia. Some countries, such as Albania and Monaco, are
participating in championship for the first time," he noted. Several
guests of honor, including International Judo Federation President
Marius L. Vizer, are expected to visit Yerevan. The latter has given
positive reply to the official invitation sent in this connection.

Ayoon Wa Azan (May God Battle Them)


Dar El Hayat
ihad el-Khazen
Thu, 20 August 2009J

When we were young at school in Beirut, we could not tell who was a
Muslim and who was a Christian, save for the students named Muhammad or
Hanna. Nowadays, it is no longer enough to know who is Muslim and who
is Christian, but we must also know who is a Sunni and who is a Shiite.

What Lebanon has suffered from after the fighting broke out in 1975
and in the next two decades that followed is now afflicting Iraq,
and in a manner proportional to the country’s size in comparison to
Lebanon. This happened as the murderous terrorism that accompanied
the resistance to the American occupation in Iraq, began to stoke
sectarian strife. True that it has receded recently, but it has now
returned in full and frightening force, and all I can say in this
regard is God save us.

When I was little, I used to hear people say "sedition is dormant so
may God damn whoever dares awaken it". This expression then came back
to my recollection when I received a letter from Mustafa Al-Sehil in
Jeddah, through the e-mail address of colleague Jamil Theyabi.

Mustafa said in his message that the clash of civilizations may
go beyond being between the West and the Muslims, to what is more
sinister, "and to what threatens to cause a major rift within the
Arabs, and between Christianity and Islam. This is because the
Christian Life satellite channel started broadcasting a program in
which the Prophet of Mercy Mohammed (Peace Be Upon Him) is attacked,
all throughout the day". He [Mustafa] fears that there might be a
seditious intent behind this, and that there must be someone funding
this sedition within a dark and yet unknown scheme.

I admit that I did not know anything about this station, not even
its name. I tried to find it within my network of ground and space
channels but did not succeed; there must be around 999 stations,
and looking for one of them is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

In any case, the attack on another religion is absolutely unacceptable,
and will eventually backfire on its perpetrators and condemn
them. What is required in this regard however, is that the members
of the perpetrators’ own religious community absolve themselves
of these actions before anyone else and condemn such talk, because
the party targeted by the attack will not remain silent. As such,
the entire religious community would pay the price of an extremist
demented minority. Then there is the responsibility of the country
from which the channel is broadcasting.

In fact, I received the letter from Mr. Mustafa someday last week. The
following day, I received an email from Mona al-Nashashibi. Her family
is one of the most famous aristocratic Sunni Palestinian families
in Jerusalem, and in the letter, she wrote about a program that was
broadcasted on BBC Radio 4 on the ninth of this month called Sunday
Worship. The program was available on the BBC website until last
Sunday. It focused on the co-existence between Muslims and Christians
in Syria, and was followed and promoted by the Arab Media Observer.

The program’s host, Martin Palmer, a British cleric, travelled between
Aleppo and Damascus, and was stunned by the richness of history on
the one hand, and the brotherly and cordial relationship between
Muslims and Christians in Syria on the other hand, where one can
see veiled women attending the weddings of their Christian friends
inside churches.

Palmer also talked about the Orthodox Cathedral and the Roman Catholic
cathedral in Aleppo, in addition to the Chaldean and Armenian
churches. He noted that there, a mosque stands near a Church, and
that church ceremonies are held in Syriac or Aramaic, the language
of Jesus Christ, who did not speak Hebrew.

In the castle of Aleppo, the host spoke about the shrine of Saint
Gregory, the dragon slayer in a famous story/myth. Palmer said
that this saint is the same figure known as al-Khodr that Muslims
revere (My first colleague in Reuters in Beirut was Khodr Nassar,
and for years I thought he was Muslim because of his name, then I
found out that he is a Palestinian Christian.) Then in Damascus,
the program followed the steps of St. Paul and his escape over the
city wall. Palmer also visited the Umayyad Mosque, which was a Roman
temple dedicated to Jupiter before becoming a Church, then is now
one of the most famous mosques in the Islamic world.

It was pleasant for a Christian religious program to have included
a chat with Sheikh Ahmad Hassoun, the Grand Mufti of Syria. I heard
his talk translated to English, and he was very effective in his
introduction in which he said that God selected the prophets from
our region because those who believe in God follow the same religion,
albeit in different interpretations and explanations. The Mufti also
said that should the believers all return to the fundamentals of
religion, they would discover that we are all equal before God. Sheikh
Hassoun said that he had visited several European countries, such
as Germany and France, and advised the Muslims there to integrate
themselves into their communities, and not bring along with them the
problems which they had fled in their original countries.

It is worth mentioning here that the first prime minister in Syria
following the country’s independence was Faris Al-Khouri, who is
originally from the town of al-Kfer in present day Lebanon.

Finally, I will conclude with a poem written by Elia Abu Madi a
hundred or so years ago, when the two countries (Lebanon and Syria)
were the same country. In the poem, Abu Madi said that love should
be the religion of Syrians, meaning the love between Muslims and
Christians, the former being ensorcelled by the sound of church bells,
and the latter by the sound of the Azan (call for payer) in mosques.

Now, however, some of us seem to be ensorcelled by the love of murder,
may God battle them.

Economy Shrinks By 18.5 %

14:45 / 08/20/2009

Within seven months of 2009, the economy of Armenia shrank by 18.5%,
RA Armenian Statistical Service reports.

Armenian economy GDP made AMD 1.417 billion in the mentioned
period. The slump was recorded in construction sector-55.5%, industrial
sector-12%, agricultural sector-2.1% and services-0.5%.

During the reporting period foreign trade turnover reduced by 32.7% (US
$2.013m), at that the export reduced by 44.5% (US $352m), import-29.5%
(US $1.661m).

Annual inflation reached 2.7%, average nominal wage increased,
making AMD 98.583 (12.1%). The unemployment rated increased by 11.1%
(84.700 unemployed).

USD currency rate currently is AMD 350.51.

Nonetheless, economic upsurge was recorded in Armenia in July, due
to the seasonality of agricultural works.