Vladimir Putin: Russia Stands For Early Settlement Of Nagorno Karaba


2009-08-07 12:18:00

ArmInfo. Russia stands for early settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh
conflict and stands against any confrontations in the region as
any conflict negatively affects Russia’s relations with the region
countries, Prime Minister of Russia Vladimir Putin said at a joint
press-conference in Ankara with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip

As Anadolu Turkish Agency reports, Putin recalled that President
of Russia Dmitry Medvedev has recently held talks with the Armenian
and Azerbaijani presidents regarding the Karabakh issue. Touching on
Russia’s stance in this conflict, Putin emphasized that his country
can only support the parties to achieve a compromise solution.

During his visit to Turkey, Putin met the Turkish PM and President Gul.

Energy issues have become the key topic of discussions: the parties
signed the documents concerning construction of the South Stream and
Blue Stream gas pipelines, as well as Samsoun- Ceyhan oil pipeline
and the first Turkish NPP.

Putin, Erdogan Agree On South Stream


07.08.2009 11:16 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Meeting in Ankara, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir
Putin and his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan came to
agreement on Moscow’s request to route its South Stream gas pipeline
through Turkey’s territorial waters.

"The South Stream pipeline is a much needed project that is
particularly important in the context of ensuring the energy security
of the whole of Europe and the development of a broad range of ties
between Russia and Turkey," Putin said. "Our negotiations showed
that we can find solutions, together with the Turkish leadership,
that open the way to new, large-scale energy projects."

Among the deals signed by Putin and Erdogan are cooperation accords in
a number of fields, ranging from customs and agriculture to education
and culture, and also on nuclear energy, including construction of
Turkey’s first NNP by a Russian-Turkish consortium.

Russia and Turkey will also build the second leg of the Blue Stream
natural gas pipeline, linking the two countries via the Black Sea,
to export Russian gas to Israel, Lebanon, Syria and Cyprus via Turkey.

Construction Of Meat Processing Factory To Finish In 2010


AUGUST 6 2009

The Armenian government has deferred for 3 years the payment of the
value added tax sums (calculated by customs bodies) in case of the
import of goods exceeding 300 million drams by Nutfood CJSC under the
investment programs. The decision will enable Nutfood to import new
technologies and equipment and construct a modern factory for meat
processing, which will contribute to the improvement of the quality
of meat products of the local enterprises and promote exports to the
markets of developed countries.

RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan stated at the August 6 sitting of
the government that since the RA National Assembly passed the new
law, the above mentioned decision is the first one on deferral of VAT
payments in case of import of goods exceeding 300 million drams. As a
result, Armenia will have a modern meat processing factory. The prime
minister added that in case of success, the experience will be used
in other sectors.

At the briefing following the sitting, Minister of Economy Nerses
Yeritsian said that the program is being refinanced by the European
Bank. Its total cost is 20 million USD.

According to him, the construction of the meat processing factory
will finish in 2010. Under the agreement, it is planned to produce
20 tons of products of various kinds daily at the factory in 2011-2012.

The Turkish way of treating minorities…

The Turkish way of treating minorities…

The Halki Seminary and the Patriarchate’s Existential Crisis

Posted By Allen
Yekikan On July 30, 2009 @ 12:35 pm In Commentary, Featured Story,
International, Turkey | No Comments

AFP reported on Thursday that
the Ecumenical Patriarch in Istanbul, Bartholomew I, was hopeful
Turkey would re-open a historic seminary it shut down nearly four
decades ago. The Halki Orthodox

Theological Seminary, located on the island of Halki off the coast of
Istanbul, was the key Patriarchical institution for educating the
Greek Orthodox Community and training its future clergy for more than
a century before it was closed down by the Turkish government in 1971.

The Patriarch was responding to signals last week by Turkey’s Culture
Minister that Ankara is planning to re-open the Greek seminary,
considered vital to the survival of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in

The Turkish Government forcibly closed down the Seminary under a law
bringing Turkish universities under the state’s control. Another law,
however, made it illegal for anyone to enter the Orthodox priesthood
unless they have graduated from Halki.

Since the closure of the Halki
Seminary, the Patriarchate has faced insurmountable barriers in
staffing the Ecumenical Patriarchate to carry out the Church’s many
administrative and spiritual responsibilities. The only option left
for the Patriarchate has been to bring clergymen and individuals from
abroad to work at the ecumenical patriarchate, often illegally, since
the Turkish government does not give them work permits.

Furthermore, the Ecumenical Patriarchate has no property rights in
Turkey and is taxed beyond excess. Under Turkish law, the General
Directorate of Welfare Foundations has the power to unilaterally
confiscate minority properties.

Along with the Halki Seminary, the Turkish Government has confiscated
(usually secretly) 75 % of the Ecumenical Patriarchate’s properties,
including homes, apartment buildings, schools, land, churches,
monasteries, and even cemeteries.

On March 20, 2006 the government erased the name of the Patriarchate
from the ownership deed of the Orphanage of Buyukada, replacing it
with the name of a minority foundation it had seized in 1997. This
move resulted in the effective confiscation of the orphanage.

The Turkish government proceeded with the confiscation despite an
appeal to the European Court of Human Rights by the Patriarchate in
2005. The Orphanage, which is the largest wooden building in Europe,
had been a Patriarchal institution, celebrating 550 years of
continuous service under the care and guidance of the Ecumenical
Patriarchate, preserving the Orthodox Faith, Hellenic Ideals and Greek

In the eyes of the Turkish government, the Ecumenical Patriarchate
does not exist as a legal entity, and as a result, has virtually no
rights. Although it was established in 451 AD, Turkish authorities
refuse to recognize the Patriarchate as `Ecumenical’ or International.

Turkish law has relegated this 2,000 year-old church, which serves as
the focal point of Orthodox Christendom, to a Turkish institution.

As a result, the Turkish government also controls the process by which
the Ecumenical Patriarch is selected. Through illegal decrees, the
government has imposed heavy restrictions on the election of the
Ecumenical Patriarchs, requiring the Patriarch and the Hierarchs that
elect him to be Turkish citizens. The very existence of the Ecumenical
Patriarchate has been put in jeopardy as a consequence of these

Turkish law requires that even priests must be Turkish citizens. This
excludes eligible clergy from around the world from attending to
Turkey’s Greek community, which now numbers less than 3,000-most of
which are elderly and not eligible candidates.

There are currently roughly 200 Greek Orthodox Clergymen who live in
Turkey and are Turkish citizens. Without the Halki Seminary, the
Ecumenical Patriarchate has been forced to send its future clerics
outside the country for training. Unfortunately, most do not return
home. These restrictions severely limit not only who can become a
priest, but also who can become the Ecumenical Patriarch.

These policies are wearing away at the Christian presence in Turkey
and threaten to eventually wipe out the Ecumenical Patriarchate, which
stands as a 2,000 year-old spiritual beacon for more than 300,000
million orthodox Christians around the world.

Since 1923, successive Turkish Governments have subjected the
Ecumenical Patriarchate to a protracted and systemic campaign of
institutional and cultural repression, squeezing the country’s Greek
minority and its religious institutions to the point of complete
exhaustion and despair.

Despite direct stipulations in the 1923 Treaty of Lausanne that Turkey
must legally recognize and protect its religious minorities, Christian
communities in Turkey currently face unfair official restrictions
regarding the ownership and operation of churches and seminaries. The
Turkish Government interferes in the selection of their religious

Christian education has all but vanished, while freedom of expression
and association, although provided for on paper, tend to get people

This political climate of religious repression has, for decades,
encouraged extremists to attack the Ecumenical Patriarchate in
Istanbul defacing its walls and desecrating its cemeteries.

In 1955, riots broke out in Istanbul and quickly turned into pogroms
against Greeks as 73 Orthodox churches and 23 schools were vandalized,
burned, or destroyed; 1,004 houses of Orthodox citizens were looted;
and 4,348 stores, 110 hotels, 27 pharmacies, and 21 factories were
destroyed. The Greek Orthodox population in 1955 was 100,000. In 1998,
a Greek Orthodox official was murdered at his church, Saint Therapon,
in Istanbul. The church was then robbed and set on fire. Growing
focus on Turkey in recent years and the country’s bid to join the
European Union, has raised awareness and concern about the fate of the
Patriarchate among governments, organizations and people around the

The European Union has long asked Turkey to re-open the seminary in
order to prove its commitment to human rights as it strives to become
a member of the bloc.

The Turkish Government, keen to boost its European credentials as it
seeks EU membership, says it may finally take steps to prevent the
destruction of one of the world’s oldest Christian churches and its

The bitter reality is that the very existence of the Patriarchate has
been threatened by the very government that is now vaguely promising
to save it.

Turkish authorities have been issued such promises for decades.

Article printed from Asbarez News:
URL to article: ry-and-the-patriarchates-existential-crisis/


ANKARA: Armenian Parties To Be Obstacle To Turkey In Lebanon: Expert

Journal of Turkish Weekly
Aug 1 2009

Influence Of Armenian Parties To Be Obstacle To Turkey In Lebanon:

Saturday, 1 August 2009
Azerbaijan, Baku, July 31 / Trend News, U.Sadikhova /

Turkey, as the only geopolitical and strategic partner of Israel, can
help Beirut resolve the conflict with it, but the role of Ankara in
resolving domestic political problems of Lebanon is unlikely, said a
Lebanese analyst Mahmoud Haidar.

Haidar believes that the problem for Turkey in participating in the
internal affairs of Lebanon could be the influence of the Armenian
parties in the country.

"Turkey is the only country in the region, which can take a balanced
position in relations of the Arab countries and Israel, and in future,
this may play an important role in the conflict of Lebanon and
Israel," Haidar, head of Delta Studies Center, told Trend News by
telephone from Beirut.

However, with regards to the participation of Turkey in solving the
internal political crisis in Lebanon, Haidar does not see Ankara as a
mediator in the view of the influence of Armenian parties in the
country’s parliament.

During his two days visit to Lebanon, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmed
Davudoglu said that Turkey is ready and will cooperate in establishing
stability in the Middle East, including in Lebanon, Arabic Al-Sharq
al-Ausat newspaper reported.

The Turkish Foreign Minister added that the stability in Lebanon means
the stability in the whole region, and Turkey will make every effort
in this direction.

In addition to meetings with the government, Davudoglu held a meeting
with the head of the Hezbollah faction in the Lebanese Parliament
Mohammed Raad. Although the meeting was closed, Davudoglu and Raad
discussed the issues of national reconciliation in Lebanon, The
Journal of Turkish Weekly reported.

Davudoglu expressed satisfaction of the Turkish government with the
recent elections in Lebanon in June and the process of national
reconciliation between the opposition Hezbollah and the parliamentary
majority March 14.

The independent Lebanese political scientist believes that the role of
Turkey in the reconciliation of national parties of Lebanon minimized,
since Ankara does not have close historical and political ties with
the Lebanese parties.

He said that Turkey may be given a "moral role" in establishing
national reconciliation between the opposition and government as a
Moslem country participating in regional conflicts in the Middle
East. However, Haidar considers that even Egypt, which mediates in
many processes of reconciliation in the Arab countries, was not able
to help Lebanon on the way of national dialogue.

The main stage of national dialogue in Lebanon takes place between
pro-Iranian Hezbollah Party and pro-Western coalition March 14 led by
Sad Al-Hariri, which won the parliamentary elections and must form a
new Cabinet of Ministers. However, Hezbollah has denied requirement of
March 14 to give the right of veto in the parliament to the president
to stop armament away from the Lebanese national army.

Last year, the Lebanese government gave Hezbollah the right to
armament in case of an attack by Israel on the country.

Haidar believes that the main obstacle to Turkey in Lebanon will be
the Armenian faction, which has had influence in Lebanon for a long

As a result of elections in June, six Armenians gained seats in

"This will be a major problem for Turkey if it wants to play a direct
role in the internal politics of Lebanon," said Haidar.

However, in the future, Ankara should be seen as the key mediator in
the reconciliation between Lebanon and Israel, he said.

Turkey’s role in the relations of the Arab countries and Israel
becomes geo-strategic, said Lebanese political analyst.

"Due to its strategic role, Israel conducted two major wars – in
Lebanon in 2006 and Gaza in 2009, which resulted in the weakening of
military forces inside the country," said Haidar. Today, Turkey is the
only country in the region, which could help Israel with external
support, said Haidar. – Therefore, Turkey’s strategic ties with Israel
and a balanced policy with the Arab countries in the future will be
one of the strategic steps in the Arab-Israeli reconciliation,
particularly in Lebanon.

"The only thing that can be expected in Lebanon from the role of
Turkey is the reconciliation with Israel in the future. Yet this issue
has not an extensive discussion, but in the future will be one of the
main strategies," said Haidar.

Formerly, Ankara was a key and only mediator in the indirect
Syrian-Israeli talks, which were re-established last year after eight
years interruption. Despite the fifth round of talks, Syria and Israel
have failed to agree upon beginning direct dialogue, and in December,
after the Israeli attack on Gaza, Damascus stopped the peace process.

The Turkish government has expressed willingness to again become a
mediator if the sides agree on a new round of negotiations.

Saturday, 1 August 2009
Trend News Agency

nfluence-of-armenian-parties-to-be-obstacle-to-tur key-in-lebanon-expert.html


Production Of Armenian Cognac Declined


31.07.2009 19:28 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Brandy production decreased by 50,4 per cent in
Armenia over January-June 2009, compared to the same period of last
year. According to the RA National Statistical Service, over first
half-year 3626.8 thousand liters of cognac were produced in Armenia.

The 5.9 per cent fall has been observed in the production of liquor and
vodka (5406.3 thousand liters) over the same period, beer production
has also decreased by 3.1 per cent to 4505.3 thousand liters.

Production of wine increased by 8.9 per cent reaching 1482.5 thousand
liters, and the production of sparkling wine grew by 13.6 per cent
to 70.3 thousand liters.

Over the first half-year production of soft drinks (soft drinks,
carbonated and energy drinks, etc.) declined by 12,4 per cent and
amounted to 16.5 million liters, the national statistical service

"Cheated" On Cinema House?


12:40 pm | July 31, 2009 | Economy

Ministers are the owners of the houses of the "Cinema House" built
on the basis of the frontal of the Movie House on the Vardanants and
Khanjyan street intersection.

"The owners of these apartments are the elite of Armenia, including
parliamentarians and ministers. Of course, they have apartments in
other elite buildings as well, but it is all about capital. They
are mainly going to live here," said manager of the "Bishin" LTD
responsible for the construction at "Cinema House" to "A1+". He didn’t
wish to mention the names of the ministers, saying that the neighbors’
names will be known after they buy the apartment. According to him,
the apartment buildings are not populated, but the apartments on the
16th floor were purchased a year ago. The only residence left is the
262 square meter penthouse that costs 700,000 dollars.

There are no apartments sold in the 23-story building. Prices for 1
square meter of an apartment at the Elite Cinema House start from1, 400
dollars and the smallest apartment is 46 square meters. The apartments
are not furnished. The service is paid separately and is done mainly by
"Bishin". The elite complex was built on the basis of the Movie House.

Filmmakers were thrilled about the project before construction of
the buildings began. President of the Union of Cinematographers
Ruben Gevorgyants assured "A1+" once again that they only won from
the construction.

"We received an additional 1,200 square meter territory,
and the auditorium and the Miami Theater were renovated," said
Gevorgyants. According to him, the company building the elite buildings
will be involved in renovating the movie house and the building will
have a separate entrance with special windows. It turns out, however,
that "Bishin" is not planning to renovate the Movie House. The
additional territory is located on the first three floors of the
23-story elite building, while "Bishin" is not even thinking about
the section in the middle of the two high-story buildings.

Let us mention that there will be no filmmakers living in the elite
buildings. Ruben Gevorgyants who did not exclude that possibility,
considered it ridiculous and said that the apartments are so expensive
that it is even impossible to purchase an apartment with discounts.

Csto Informal Summit Launched In Kyrgyzstan


12:10 31/07/2009

The leaders of Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) are
going to travel to Kyrgyzstan to attend the informal summit of CSTO
leaders, Russian media reports.

The CSTO, which comprises Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,
Russia, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, agreed in early February to set
up the rapid-reaction force, transforming CSTO into a more NATO-like
military alliance, armed with modern compatible weapons and military

It’s worth mentioning that Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan is due
to arrive in Kyrgyzstan to attend the informal summit.

Serj Tankian To Release Poetry Book

Serj Tankian To Release Poetry Book

Metal Hammer (United Kingdom)

By Terry Bezer

The once System Of A Down frontman is working on some reflective
prose. `I wandered lonely as a loon¦’

`I am in the middle of writing a follow-up to my poetry book, `Cool
Gardens’. The new collection of works is yet to be titled, but it will
definitely feature illustrations by Roger Kupelian, the director of my
music video for `Honking Antelope’. I am looking to create a
visual/interactive element to the new poetry book and more details
will be released as they are available.’

Snaps for Serj?



Genocide was discussed at IAGS 8th Biennial Conference in Arlington

Armenian Genocide was discussed at IAGS 8th Biennial Conference in
26.07.2009 01:37 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Representatives of the Genocide Education Project
discussed the history and impact of the Armenian Genocide, and
education about it, during the International Association of Genocide
Scholars (IAGS) 8th Biennial Conference in Arlington, Virginia.
Education Director Sara Cohan, who participated in a panel on genocide
education, delivered a lecture titled, "A Genocide Left Behind: The
Teaching of the Armenian Genocide in U.S. Secondary Schools." In her
remarks, Ms. Cohan incorporated a review of state education systems
that include the teaching of the Armenian Genocide, as well as
education organizations that promote the teaching of the Armenian
Genocide and those that deny it.
"We were honored to take part in the IAGS conference, ‘The new face of
genocide in the 21st century,’ said Raffi Momjian, executive director
of the Genocide Education Project. " IAGS is a longtime advocate for
the affirmation of the Armenian Genocide, and we are proud to
contribute to such an esteemed organization."
Several other conference participants are also members of The Genocide
Education Project’s Advisory Board: Peter Balakian (Colgate
University) and Henry Theriault (Worcester State Collegetook part in a
roundtable discussion on Armenian Golgotha, Bishop Grigoris Balakian’s
first-hand account of the Armenian Genocide as translated by his great
nephew Peter Balakian.
Dr. Balakian also presented "Cultural Genocide and Aftermath," during
a panel discussion on "Genocide and the Impact on Culture and Mental
Health on the Affected Populations."
Dr. Theriault also addressed "From Rape as a Tool of Genocide to
Genocide as a Tool of Rape," during a panel on "Gender and Sexual
Yair Auron (Israeli Open University) discussed "Holocaust and Genocide
Education in Israel: Critical Perspectives on a National Failure," as
part of a panel on "Victims among Genocide: The Challenge of Genocide
Studies in Israel."