Islam And The Myths Of Unity And Peace

By Lee Jay Walker

The Seoul Times
Monday, July 6, 2009


Letters from Tokyo

A Kurdish refugee holds her baby. The Kurds are an Ethnic-Iranian
ethnolinguistic group mostly inhabiting a region known as Kurdistan
including adjacent parts of Iran, Iraq, Syria, Turkey.

The so-called Islamic world is in crisis because many see enemies all
over the place, be it democracy, Westernization, liberalism, socialism,
and so forth. While alternative faiths are frowned upon, therefore,
Christian and Buddhist missionaries must be aware for merely talking
about your faith can mean either prison or death. Yet the real threat
to Muslims and minority Muslim groups within various different nations
is their fellow co-religionists, so why are outsiders hated so much
when the real threat is Islam itself?

After all, since 1970 approximately 5 million Muslims have been
killed by fellow Muslims, however, one mention of Israel, and we hear
about the Muslim unity card. However, the real "Muslim unity card"
is a non-starter and this applies to the very foundations of Islam
itself because the majority of early Muslim caliphs were killed by
Muslims. Therefore, the current situation is similar to the past
because it is based on internal tensions and mutual hatreds which
run deep.

The Kurds are a prime example because the majority of Kurdish people
follow the Islamic faith, most are Sunni. Despite this, the Kurds,
irrespective if Sunni or Shia, face persecution in modern day Iran,
Iraq, Syria, and Turkey. The Kurds, ironically, have much greater
freedoms in mainly Christian Armenia where a minority reside or
throughout the European Union where many have fled because of
persecution in the Middle East.

Therefore, the Kurds, the biggest stateless people in the world are
marginalized and persecuted by fellow Muslims throughout the Middle
East where they reside. Yet Muslims in the Middle East often speak-out
for the Palestinian cause, however, the very same people often remain
silent about the Kurdish cause. Therefore, it is clear that double
standards are at play and Israel is a very easy scapegoat.

After all, look at recent history and the reality of the modern
world. For since 1970 at least 5 million Muslims have been killed
by their co-religionists on the grounds of Sunni-Shia divisions,
ethnic tensions, political tensions, and other issues.

This applies to the Iran-Iraq war; the persecution of African Muslims
in Darfur by the Arab Muslim dominated government in Khartoum;
Kurdish persecution in Iran, Iraq, and Turkey (deaths have been a lot
lower in Syria but persecution does take place); Pakistan-Bangladesh
war; Algeria, Somalia, Syria (1982); Tajikistan; Yemen; and other
nations. Also, roughly 150,000 Shia Muslims have been killed in
Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan, by Sunni Islamic fanatics.

Despite this reality we have world leaders like President Obama of
America appealing to the so-called Muslim world for a fresh start. Yet
surely an internal fresh start is needed first, however, it seems
most unlikely because the spiral of hatred runs very deep.

Therefore, do Shia Muslims in America, France, Japan, South Korea,
the United Kingdom, and other mainly non-Muslim nations reside in
fear? Of course the answer is no. Yet Shia Muslims have been targeted
in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, and other nations, by Sunni Islamic
zealots. Meanwhile in Saudi Arabia it is clear that Shia Muslims
are second-class citizens because the Sunni elite do not believe in
religious equality.

Then if we look at two different Muslim branches, the Ahmadiyya’s
and Bahai’s, it becomes apparent that internal Islamic hatred and
persecution is strong. After all, the Bahai community in Iran and
the Ahmadiyya community in Pakistan, suffer enormous persecution.

Therefore, many Bahai’s and Ahmadiyya’s have fled both Iran and
Pakistan respectively, but if either branches fled to Afghanistan
or Saudi Arabia, or other conservative Muslim nations, then they
would suffer persecution once more. Given this, many Bahai’s and
Ahmadiyya’s have fled to mainly non-Muslim nations because they have
much greater freedom.

Then if we focus on al-Qaeda (al-Qaida) and Osama Bin Laden and
fellow Sunni Islamic zealots, then we see a similar pattern. For
when al-Qaeda emerged in Afghanistan they took their deadly sectarian
ways with them and Shia Muslims were murdered in cold blood by forces
loyal to al-Qaeda. The same happened when al-Qaeda entered the Iraqi
civil war because once more they slaughtered Shia Muslims at will
and moderate Sunni Muslim leaders were also killed by Sunni Muslim
fanatics who had been brainwashed.

Given this, it is clear that Muslim unity is not only a sham but
it is based on lies and sadly many elements within the mass media
are ignoring this reality. Yet if Israel kills Palestinians in
self-defence or during a military operation, then the usual mantra
of Muslim brotherhood and Muslim persecution is raised.

However, the real reality is very different because the vast majority
of Muslims who are killed throughout the world are killed by their

Therefore, the biggest persecutor of Muslims in the modern world
is being done by their own co-religionists. At the same time, the
deniers of democracy, religious freedom, female emancipation, and other
important issues, are Muslim elites in many Muslim majority nations.

Also, it is abundantly clear that America and other nations are not
anti-Muslim. After all, you have had three wars in Europe involving
Muslims and Orthodox Christians in recent times. This applies to
Cyprus, Bosnia, and Kosovo (Serbia), and every time America supported
Islam against Orthodox Christianity. Just like America supported
Indonesia despite countless massacres of Timorese people in the 1970s,
1980s, and early 1990s.

However, when the Arab dominated regime in Khartoum, Sudan, was killing
millions of mainly African Christians and Animists in southern Sudan
did mainly Muslim nations enter Sudan to stop the bloodshed. Of course
they did not and many African slaves in Sudan were sold internally
but the outcry was very silent in the so-called Muslim world.

Despite everything, the President of America, Obama, is offering an
"olive branch" but surely it should be the other way around. For in
America people have the right to follow any religion they want or to
have no religion. Yet in the land of Mecca and Medina (Saudi Arabia)
you are not allowed to have one single Christian church, Buddhist
temple, Hindu temple, or any other non-Muslim place of worship.

Therefore, what is the real agenda? Is it that Saudi Arabia can do
whatever it likes because of their massive amounts of oil reserves? For
this nation is spreading radical Sunni Islam to Afghanistan, Chechnya
(Russian Federation), Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, and many other nations,
without any fear. Or is it that political correctness means we have
to be pro-Islamic to show how nice we are, therefore, minority Muslim
branches, Christians and other non-Muslims are allowed to be "lambs
to the slaughter of Islam?" Or is it a mixture of both or collective

Maybe I will always be in lament because Israel is the easy
scapegoat and of course many Muslims appear to believe that they are
victims. However, the real truth couldn’t be further away because
the biggest threat to minority Muslim groups and to the freedom of
Muslims, is being done in the name of Islam by either radical zealots
or despotic rulers who invoke Sharia Islamic law in order to preserve
their respective power bases.

The mass media should take a long look at itself and start to question
the so-called House of Islam, Arab unity, Muslim brotherhood, and so
forth. For Arab unity ignores both Arab disunity and the many non-Arab
groups who reside in Arab dominated nations. While the House of Islam
was divided within a short time of the death of Mohammed and Muslim
brotherhood is based on unreality.

Yerevan To Host Discussion On Vulgarity Versus Political Debate


02.07.2009 18:05 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ On July 7, Civilitas foundation will organize a
discussion on Vulgarity Versus Political Debate. Meeting participants
are Hranush Kharatyan (ethnogtrapher), Artsvik Minastyan (ARFD
parliamentary faction) and NKR ex-Foreign Minister and Former Director
of Hayastan Fund Nayira Melkumyan, Civilitas foundation reported

Hospital Improves Patient Experience By Adding Email And Web Access


Wednesday, 1 July 2009, 08:00 CDT

IBM, NoMachine and Novell solution provides hospital patients personal
desktops at fraction of energy and maintenance costs of PCs, says
Glendale Adventist Medical Center

ARMONK, N.Y., July 1 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ — IBM (NYSE: IBM),
NoMachine and Novell announce today that Glendale Adventist Medical
Center (GAMC) in Glendale, California has improved the experience of
its hospital patients by delivering email and Web access in patient
rooms, while saving significant information technology (IT) maintenance
and energy costs.

(Photo: 57 ) (Logo:

The hospital installed personal computing stations in 65 patient
rooms of its new West Tower, enabling patients to surf the Internet,
communicate with friends and family through social media websites
such as Facebook and Twitter, and research medical information about
their condition.

The hospital estimates that the energy-efficient "thin client" computer
monitors save 60 percent in electricity costs versus stand-alone
PCs. The hospital estimates that the new desktops have saved 98 percent
of the IT costs that would have been spent maintaining normal PCs.

GAMC patients have responded enthusiastically to the desktops, and
the hospital sees this service as a way to attend to the patients’
emotional needs and stand out from competitors. Some patients use
the computers to blog about their hospital stay or update CarePages,
popular patient Web sites that connect patients with chronic illnesses
to their friends and families.

"Just as easily as the hospital provides patients with TVs in
rooms, now we provide personal computing," said Roger Pruyne, senior
programmer/analyst and project manager for the GAMC Patient Computing
project. "The solution from NoMachine, Novell and IBM has delivered
fantastic results for patients and the IT team. Considering our
patients’ positive feedback, we’re looking to expand the project to
other Adventist Health hospital locations."

GAMC says it also plans to extend its use of virtual desktops for
employee and clinical use in the future. For more than 100 years,
GAMC in Glendale, California, has been on the leading edge of
medical technology. The hospital offers a wide range of advanced
services, including many that are normally available only in major
university-affiliated hospitals.

Using virtualized Linux desktops has kept the costs of the
patient service low while maintaining a high level of privacy and
security. Updates and maintenance to the software can be made on
a centralized server by the hospital’s IT staff, while no data is
left on the local client monitor after the patient checks out of
the hospital room. SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop from Novell is the
operating system that virtualizes the 65 desktops. NoMachine, creator
and global distributor of NX desktop and application delivery software,
provides complete and efficient remote access. An IBM System x3650
server provides the back-end computing system, and IBM experts also
advised GAMC on the project’s design.

"Glendale Adventist Medical Center has found a healthy balance of new
patient services and lower IT costs," said Inna Kuznetsova, director
of IBM Linux strategy. "With Web access to friends and family,
the hospital’s virtual Linux desktops are improving its patients’
real hospital experience."

The NoMachine NX system provides easy set-up and installation,
reducing the need for software support and technical assistance,
enabling a smooth deployment of the in-hospital remote desktop solution
for patients. NX’s data encryption allows the secure transfer of
confidential information and patient records.

"An important feature of this project is NX’s ability to enable
a connection over any type of network, including low-bandwidth
and dial-up," said Sarah Dryell, business development manager for
NoMachine. "NX’s unique compression and caching features also provide
a seamless remote connection from the thin client to the server,
giving the patients the feel of being on their own personal computer,
while reducing power consumption and support costs."

About Glendale Adventist Medical Center Since 1905, Glendale Adventist
Medical Center (GAMC) has been providing quality health care services
to residents of Glendale and the surrounding communities. GAMC is a
full-service, not-for-profit medical center, providing state-of-the-art
inpatient and outpatient services that meet the needs of the hospital’s
diverse community, including the area’s growing Armenian, Latino
and Korean populations. GAMC specializes in the following services:
emergency, stroke/neuroscience, heart/vascular, spine injuries, joint
replacement, cancer treatment, behavioral health, rehabilitation
services and women’s issues.

Glendale Adventist Medical Center is a part of Adventist Health,
a not-for-profit, faith-based health system operating in California,
Hawaii, Oregon and Washington. Founded on the Seventh-day Adventist
heritage of Christian health care, Adventist Health is comprised of
18 hospitals with more than 2,800 beds, nearly 18,000 employees,
numerous clinics and outpatient facilities, the largest system of
rural health clinics in California, 15 home care agencies and three
joint-venture retirement centers with a fourth on the way. For more
information, visit

About NoMachine Based in Rome, Italy, NoMachine is the creator
of award-winning NX software, an enterprise-class solution
for secure remote access, application delivery, and hosted
desktop deployment. Since 2001, NoMachine’s mission has been to
revolutionize the way users access their computing resources across
the Internet to make seamless desktop access as easy and widespread
as Web browsing. NoMachine provides a comprehensive software
infrastructure stack, core development, and support services built
around the self-designed and self-developed NX suite of advanced
components. For more information about NoMachine NX technology visit

IBM works with clients around the world to create smarter healthcare
systems. This includes better integrated data so doctors, patients
and insurers can share information seamlessly and efficiently. IBM
also helps clients apply advanced analytics to vast amounts of data to
improve medical research, diagnosis and treatment to improve patient
care and help reduce healthcare costs. For more information on IBM,
visit Media Contacts Colleen Haikes IBM
Media Relations 415-545-4003 [email protected] Katie Glossner
NoMachine Marketing and Public Relations Coordinator 513-618-2652
[email protected] Alicia Gonzalez Media Consultant Glendale
Adventist Medical Center 818-800-3113 [email protected]

Armenian Prime Minister Expressed Staisfaction In Armenia-German Eco


July 1, 2009

YEREVAN, JULY 1, ARMENPRESS: Armenian Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan
received today German ambassador to Armenia Andrea Wictorini on the
occasion of ending her diplomatic mission in our country. The head
of the Armenian government expressed gratitude to the ambassador
for the efficient activity displayed during her long-term mission,
which greatly contributed to the development and strengthening of
Armenian-German relations.

Public relations department of the Armenian Government told Armenpress
that during the conversation Tigran Sargsyan expressed satisfaction for
the level of Armenian-German economic cooperation, attached importance
to the multi-content support displayed by Germany towards Armenia
and expressed hope that even in financial-economic crisis conditions
the two countries will succeed in the continuation of development
cooperation projects in such important spheres as energy power,
nature protection, education, public management, etc.

Armenian Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan in regard to the implementation
of anti-crisis measures underscored the efficient activity of
Armenian-German Fund as an example of international cooperation
inspiring great confidence.

Mrs. Andrea Wiktorini expressed confidence that a firm basis has been
formed to include new spheres of cooperation.

At the end of the meeting Armenian Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan
wished good luck to Mrs. Andrea Wiktorini in her further activity.

Working Towards A Europe Whole And Free And At Peace


AZG Armenian Daily

Dora Bakoyannis, Foreign Minister of Greece, the OSCE
Chairperson-in-Office in 2009 My visit to Armenia as OSCE
Chairperson-in-Office comes at a time of formidable challenges and
great opportunities for our common Organization. Just this past weekend
the foreign ministers of the OSCE, including my counterpart Foreign
Minister Edward Nalbandyan, met on the initiative of Greece on the
island of Corfu to address the present and future of European security.

This informal meeting was an important opportunity for us to deepen our
dialogue on our common concerns, and craft more effective responses
to the security challenges of 21st century Europe. We must continue
to build on this momentum. Protracted conflicts continue to cast a
shadow over our region, a fact of which you are all too aware. But
here too we have seen progress. Before they came to Corfu Minister
Nalbandyan and Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyrov and the
Minsk Group Co-Chairs met in Paris. This meeting follows five meetings
between President Serzh Sargsyan and Azerbaijani President Ilham
Aliyev just this year. I am encouraged by the latest developments
in the negotiation process, and the constructive discussions that
have taken place. There is a positive momentum in the discussions,
which is vital to build upon. I fully support the mediation efforts
of the Minsk Group Co-Chairs, as well as the confidence-building
work of my Personal Representative Ambassador Andrzej Kasprzyk. But
incidents on the ground remain a concern, and I urge both sides to
fully implement the ceasefire agreement and to withdraw snipers from
the line of contact, as proposed by the Co-Chairs. I am also encouraged
by the high level of co-operation between the OSCE Office in Yerevan
and Armenia in a range of activities, including its long-standing
cooperation with the Armenian police, measures to mitigate the impact
of the financial crisis, and supporting the office of the Human Rights
Defender. It is encouraging that the Parliament has initiated reform
of election legislation, which remains a priority. The OSCE and its
Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights stand ready
to support Armenia in further improving election procedures. The
OSCE and Armenia should also continue to work together to support
freedom of the media and freedom of peaceful assembly. Open dialogue,
a robust civil society and a free press are critical to the democratic
process, and represent key commitments that we as OSCE participating
States have signed up to. Armenia plays a critical role in helping to
promote security and stability in the South Caucasus and the whole
OSCE area. In this context, I welcome the efforts of the Armenian
government to normalize bilateral relations with Turkey. As was clear
from our discussions in Corfu, we have made progress towards building a
"Europe whole and free and at peace" but much work remains to be done,
and new security challenges will test our commitment to indivisible
security. I look forward to continuing the dialogue we began so
fruitfully in Corfu on this visit.

Dmitry Medvedev: Karabakh Conflict May Be Resolved In The Nearest Fu


29.06.2009 21:38 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ "Nagorno Karabakh conflict may be resolved in the
short-run historic perspective, and Russia will do its best to assist
in the process," RF President Dmitry Medvedev told a press conference
in Baku after negotiations with his Azeri colleague Ilham Aliev.

"The most important thing is that those principles exist, and no
one denies parties’ willingness to view all issues in that spirit
and settle the conflict in accordance with basic principles,"
Medvedev said.

"As shown by the recent meeting in St. Petersburg, negotiation parties,
i.e. Armenia and Azerbaijan, are willing to eliminate discrepancies in
their positions and move forward," Novosti Azerbaijan quotes Russian
President as saying.

Today An Agreement On International Cargo Transportations Signed Bet


June 29, 2009

YEREVAN, JUNE 29, ARMENPRESS: Today an agreement on international
cargo transportations has been signed between Armenian and Austrian
Governments in the Armenian Transport and Communication Ministry.

Public relations department of Armenian Transport and Communication
Ministry told Armenpress that from the Armenian side the agreement
has been signed by the first assistant to the Armenian Transport and
Communication Minister Hrant Beglarian and from the Austrian side –
by Peter Franz Mayer, chief director of the vehicle transport and
aviation affairs of the Austrian Federative Ministry of Transport
Innovations and Technologies.

According to the signed agreement the sides intend to implement
regular and irregular international vehicle transportations as well
as transit transportations between one of the parties or a third side.

Armenian Transport and Communication Minister Gurgen Sargsyan
greeted the ratification of the agreement and noted that the day is
a historical one as it had a lasting discussion round. At the same
time G. Sargsyan stated that the Armenian legislature ensures us to
implement bilateral cargo transportations without any difficulties.

Minister G. Sargsyan said that the signing of the agreement results
in a new cooperation.

The head of the Austrian delegation noted that this cooperation will
in the future break into a new round and contribute to the development
of cargo transportations between the two states.

Ardshininvestbank Joins Intel Express System


Noyan Tapan
June 29, 2009

YEREVAN, JUNE 29, NOYAN TAPAN. Starting from June 29, customers can
receive and send money at all the branches of Ardshininvestbank through
the Intel Express international payment system. The permission to
join the system was granted to the bank by the Central Bank of Armenia.

According to a report submitted to NT, joining the Intel Express
system provides Ardshininvestbank with the opportunity to make the
money transfer process most efficient and offer its customers fast
money transfer services to more European countries, by including new
service points.

The Acting Chairman of Ardshininvestbank Board Gurgen Harutyunian
said that the Intel Express system has been introduced at all the
branches of their bank.

Turkish and Canadian FMs touched upon Armenian Genocide issue

Turkish and Canadian FMs touched upon Armenian Genocide issue
27.06.2009 18:35 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Within the frames of G8 Foreign Ministers’ Summit,
Turkish FM Ahmet Davutoglu met with his Canadian counterpart Lawrence
Canon. During the meeting, parties touched upon issues concerning
Canadian-Turkish relations and their further development. As reported
by Turkish sources, diplomats also focused on Armenian Genocide
issue. Ahmet Davudoglu stressed the importance of Canada’s
constructive approach to the matter, World Bulletin reports.

Stepan Gantralyan Briefs Armenians In Berlin On Modern Armenian Thea


27.06.2009 13:33 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Actor Stepan Gantralyan made a report entitled
"Modern Armenian theater" during a meeting with the Armenian community
of Berlin on June 26. He also commented on "With no right to return"
performance staged in Yerevan Paronyan Theater on April 23, with
Armen Jigarkhanyan, Samvel Mujikyan, Stepan Gantralyan, Nora Armani
and Armine Hohvannisyan starring.

"The Armenian audience differed in opinions. Our performance coincided
with some political processes and acquired a kind of political
coloring. But art is not a reflection of politics. Modern devices
do not determine the essence of the theater," Gantralyan told a
PanARMENIAN.Net reporter.

"I spent 30 years in Armenia and I have the right to draw parallels
between the old and modern theater, to comment on advantages and
shortcomings," he said.