Exhibition Of Well-Known Italian Painter Anselmo Francesconi Takes P


2010-04-26 17:13:00

ArmInfo. An exhibition of well-known Italian painter Anselmo
Francesconi was opened in the National Picture Gallery of Armenia Apr
25 on the occasion of the 95th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide.

The exhibition features the painter’s 30 works concerning the Armenian
Genocide. Francesconi learned about the Genocide from his Armenian
wife. Since 1965 he created a series of works presenting his vision
of the Armenian Genocide.

Ambassador of Italy to Armenia Bruno Scapini says that Francesconi
strongly objected to cruelty and was sorry for the Armenian people.

Scapini believes that by means of culture and art one can urge
people to be tolerant to one another. He says that the opening of
the exhibition coincided with Italy’s national holiday – the day of
the country’s liberation from Fascism and german occupation.

The picture of Francesconi have been insured by INGO Armenia for
which the company has donated 600,000 EUR worth insurance coverage.

Director of INGO Armenia Levon Altunyan says that the cooperation of
Armenian insurance companies and Culture Ministry helps to enhance
the confidence of foreign exhibition centers and stimulates their
interest in Armenia.

INGO Armenia has insured museum exhibits and cultural values under
Nail-to-Nail program since 2009. The Ministry of Culture and the
National Picture Gallery of Armenia have cooperated with local
insurers since 1995 and with INGO Armenia since 2004. In 2009, on
the proposal of the Culture Ministry, INGO Armenia appeared as a
sponsor by allocating 3.6mln AMD for the reconstruction of the door
of Tatev Monastery.

Turkish Protesters Burn The Armenian Flag In Istanbul


14:50 26/04/2010

Turkish Great Union Party members slammed the April 24 commemoration
event held in Taksim Square, Istanbul as tens of Turkish intellectuals
paid tribute to the memories of the Armenian Genocide victims and
shared the grief of the Armenian people.

According to Haberturk, a group of 70 Turkish nationalists have got
together in the same square to protest against the commemoration event,
calling the Turkish intellectuals Diaspora hirelings.

With posters reading "How many dollars per apology?" Turkish protesters
tried to slander the intellectuals. In conclusion, the protesters
burnt the Armenian flag.

Serzh Sargsyan: Armenian-Russian relations deepening day by day

Serzh Sargsyan: Armenian-Russian relations deepening day by day

2010-04-24 12:24:00

ArmInfo. "Armenian-Russian bilateral relations are developing on the
basis of allied cooperation and strategic partnership. They are
deepening day by day. Our countries are effectively cooperating in the
multilateral format at the CSTO and CIS as well as at other regional
and international organizations, Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan
says in an interview with RIA Novosti.

S. Sargsyan says that together with President Medvedev they have an
active dialogue and regular meetings. "The Intergovernmental
Commission for Economic Cooperation is operating effectively. Our
countries are cooperating almost in all spheres. I’d like to outline
cooperation in the humanitarian sphere. Our countries are connected
with numerous threads in the spheres of culture, science and
education," the president says.

The president highlighted that the Russian business is widely present
in the economic life of Armenia.

Although the global crisis has certainly affected the Armenian-Russian
trade and economic relations, but the two countries will rapidly make
up for lost time, the president says. "We will work in this area and
take effective measures within nearest future," Serzh Sargsyan says.

The president points out that Glory Hill in Gyumri, the Monument for
the Russian officers killed in the Russo-Turkish wars is currently
being restored. In addition, the corner stone of a new Russian Church
in Armenia was laid during the recent visit by Patriarch Kirill of
Moscow and All Russia.

BAKU; Armenia should understand that it ‘plays with fire’

news.az, Azerbaijan
April 24 2010

Armenia should understand that it ‘plays with fire’
Sat 24 April 2010 | 05:47 GMT Text size:

Araz Azimov Baku believed that notwithstanding pressures Turkey would
keep its principal position, Azerbaijani Deputy Minister Araz Azimov

It will not bring good results while reaching certain point’, Deputy
Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan Araz Azimov told Public Television
whilst commenting on freezing of ratification of Turkish-Armenian
protocols by Armenia.

The Deputy Minister said Yerevan showed its real face again.

‘Serzh Sargsyan’s action has tactical character. Sargsyan intends to
force the US president to interfere in this issue deeper. His
intention and decision show how "sincere" Armenia is in its attitude
toward Turkey and Azerbaijan".

Azimov said Baku believed that notwithstanding pressures Turkey would
keep its principal position.

‘Now Ankara has to increase its diplomatic efforts to show Armenia’s
real face to the world’.

Speaking about the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs’ proposal to organize
meeting of the Azerbaijani and Armenian presidents in Moscow on May 8,
Azimov said after the Sochi meeting the discussions were under the
question because Armenia’s proposals were not known.

‘If Armenia wants to secure peaceful existence of 30 000 local
residents in Nagorno Karabakh, it must reach a common agreement with
Azerbaijan. The common agreement is the territorial integrity and it
has no alternative’.

He said the settlement of Nagorno Karabakh was also stagnated.

‘It has several reasons. The biggest obstacle is a non-constructive
position of Armenia. We have to note that Serzh Sargsyan rejected all
proposals at the Sochi meeting. There are changes in the OSCE Minsk
Group too. Russian co-chair Yuriy Merzlyakov was replaced with Igor
Popov. It is high time for French co-chair Bernard Fassier to go on a
pension. US co-chair Robert Bradtke is new. He is still learning the
problems. This stagnation could be expected to last several months and
there could be some changes’.


Statement of Solidarity for the Armenian Day of Remembrance

Bay Area Indymedia
April 25 2010

Statement of Solidarity for the Armenian Day of Remembrance, April 24, 2010

by Alliance-Philippines
Sunday Apr 25th, 2010 6:29 AM

The Alliance-Philippines expressed militant solidarity with the
Armenian Community in the United States in commemorating their Day of
Remembrance for the 1.5 million victims of the Turkish genocide of
1915. The Alliance highly criticized US president Obama’s posture who
refused to declare the 1915 mass killings of Armenians a genocide. In
a double speak, Obama in his statement to mark Armenian Remembrance
Day, Obama described the killings of 1.5 million Armenians by Ottoman
Turks as "one of the worst atrocities of the 20th century." Yet for
the second year in a row, Obama avoided describing the episode as a

San Francisco’The Alliance-Philippines expressed militant solidarity
with the Armenian Community in the United States in commemorating
their Day of Remembrance for the 1.5 million victims of the Turkish
genocide of 1915.

The Alliance highly criticized US president Obama’s posture who
refused to declare the 1915 mass killings of Armenians a genocide.

In a double speak, Obama in his statement to mark Armenian Remembrance
Day, Obama described the killings of 1.5 million Armenians by Ottoman
Turks as "one of the worst atrocities of the 20th century." Yet for
the second year in a row, Obama avoided describing the episode as a

Armenian American groups and their allies in Congress have been
pushing for use of the term, and as a presidential candidate in 2008,
Obama promised he would.

Philippines, 1898. Armenia, 1915

AJLPP shares the sentiments of the Armenian National Committee of
America that issued a statement Saturday describing Obama’s
declaration as "yet another disgraceful capitulation to Turkey’s
threats, offering euphemisms and evasive terminology to characterize
this crime against humanity."

`The Philippines like Armenia under Turkey , during the turn of the
century suffered the duplicity of US Imperialism.

The US occupied the country and made it as its first colony together
with Cuba and Puerto Rico. In the process of subjugation the US
imperialist also conducted a genocide killing more than 1.6 Filipinos
from 1898-1916.’

Together we remember the Philippine and Armenian genocide. No matter
how the US and Turkey refused to remember or admits its guilt, our
people will never forget.



Erevan gèle les protocoles signes avec Ankara

Le Monde, France
24 avril 2010 samedi

Erevan gèle les protocoles signés avec Ankara


Dans une allocution à la nation, le président arménien Serge
Sarkissian a annoncé, jeudi 22 avril, la décision " de ne pas
abandonner, pour le moment, le processus, mais de suspendre la
procédure de ratification des protocoles " signés en octobre 2009, Ã
Zurich entre la Turquie et l’Arménie. Depuis cette date, les textes
encadrant la réconciliation n’ont toujours pas été ratifiés. La
perspective d’un rétablissement des relations diplomatiques entre les
deux pays et d’une réouverture rapide de la frontière commune, fermée
depuis 1993, semble s’éloigner.

Les trois partis qui forment la coalition au pouvoir à Erevan ont
accusé la Turquie de " refuser de ratifier les protocoles sans poser
de conditions préalables et dans un délai raisonnable ", pour
justifier leur décision. L’Arménie reproche à la Turquie d’avoir lié
la ratification des protocoles à un éventuel accord sur le
Nagorny-Karabakh, une province sécessionniste d’Azerbaïdjan contrôlée
par l’Arménie depuis le milieu des années 1990. C’est en soutien à son
allié azerbaïdjanais qu’Ankara avait décidé de fermer sa frontière
orientale avec l’Arménie.

Depuis octobre 2009, le premier ministre turc, Recep Tayyip Erdogan,
s’est fait l’écho des revendications de l’Azerbaïdjan. Jeudi, il a
assuré que sa " détermination restait inchangée ". " Nous avons
expliqué à plusieurs reprises comment le processus de ratification
pouvait avancer et comment nous pouvons aller vers l’objectif d’une
paix globale dans la région ", a déclaré M. Erdogan à Ankara. Sa
rencontre avec M. Sarkissian à Washington, en marge du sommet sur la
sécurité nucléaire, n’a pas permis d’aplanir les différends.

Conflit larvé

L’Azerbaïdjan, important partenaire énergétique de la Turquie, réclame
un retrait de ses " territoires occupés " du Haut-Karabakh. D’après
les représentants du groupe de Minsk de l’OSCE, chargé des
négociations, de gros progrès ont été réalisés ces derniers mois sur
cette question. En visite à Bakou en début de semaine, le ministre
turc des affaires étrangères, Ahmet Davutoglu, a réaffirmé sa volonté
d’un règlement dans ce conflit larvé dans le Sud-Caucase mais
l’interventionnisme turc est mal perçu à Erevan.

L’annonce de cette suspension de la réconciliation turco-arménienne
intervient à deux jours de l’anniversaire du déclenchement du génocide
de 1915. A cette occasion, le président Barack Obama doit prononcer un
discours. L’emploi du mot génocide, habituellement évité par
Washington, pourrait déclencher la colère d’Ankara. " Je ne pense pas
qu’il le fera ", a estimé, jeudi, M. Erdogan.

Armenian Genocide Museum And Institute Exhibits Valuable Documents O


April 23, 2010 – 17:53 AMT 12:53 GMT

On April 23, the Armenian Genocide Museum and Institute (AGMI)
presented exhibition of valuable documents on the Armenian Genocide.

The exhibition included documents and photographs concerning
humanitarian movement for supporting the Armenian Genocide survivors.

Materials acquired by the AGMI from 2009-2010 will be exhibited.

This exhibition is among memorial events organized by the AGMI on
the occasion of the 95th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide.

On April 20, the AGMI and RA Ministry of Diaspora organized Cultural
Genocide international conference with participation of scientists
from Great Britain, Hungary and Holland.

On April 22, The Armenian Genocide – Front Pages Coverage in Foreign
Media exhibition opened in the hall of temporary exhibitions of
the AGMI.

CEO Of Grant Thornton International Armand Pinarbasi Awarded French


Armenians Today

YEREVAN. Armand Pinarbasi, CEO for CIS countries of Grant Thornton
International, has been awarded the National Order of Merit of France.

The award-giving ceremony took place at the French embassy in Yerevan
on April 22. French Ambassador to Armenia Serge Smessov and Armenian
Minister of Diaspora Ms. Hranush Hakobian were present at the ceremony.

The minister warmly congratulated "the Armenian who distinguished
himself by reaching such success" and wished him new achievements.

Expressing a high opinion about the professionalism of Armand
Pinarbasi, Ambassador Smessov said that "remaining true to his
Armenian roots, Armand at the same time has retained his French
distinctive features".

CMCeleb: Kathryn Mgrublian


The CMC Forum (Claremont McKenna College
April 22 2010

Love it?Whoever said that girls aren’t funny has never met Kathryn
Mgrublian. Kathryn is a native of Pasadena majoring in Psychology
and Literature. You, however, may recognize her because she is known
around campus as the director of the 5C improvisational theater group
Without a Box. Aside from sharing her shenanigans on stage throughout
the 5Cs, Kathryn is living her dream by being a research assistant for
Professor Reed’s Psychology lab as well as being the newly crowned RA
of Phillips. Kathryn started her acting career in the second grade
with her debut role as Courtier #3 in Puss and Boots and has been
acting ever since. She had never done improvisational theater before
coming to college, but over her past three years with Without a Box
she has tickled many funny bones and won over the hearts of Stags
and Athenas alike.

"The Six"

1. What are the top 5 most played songs on your iTunes?

"I would judge me too if I saw this list," notes Kathryn.

1.Chasing Pavements, Adele 2.About God, Gor Mkhitarian (As my friends
know, this is a great pump-up party jam.) 3.Street Lights, Kanye
West 4.Nick of Time, Bonnie Raitt 5.Satellite, Dave Matthews Band
2. What is your quirkiest quality?

Oh man, is it sad when everything I do could be taken as really weird?

Here are a few:

I love to sing with people, but whenever I start a singing it usually
it turns into me singing at people rather than with them.

I’ll start skipping anywhere and everywhere even when it is
inappropriate to do so.

I’ll also try to rally my friends around my Armenian pop music whenever
we go out…they still don’t think it’s cool.

3. What do you consider your greatest achievement?

Killing six people last year in Assassins. I had high hopes for this
year, but I died within the first five minutes of the game.

4. What is something you learned from your family?

>From Grandpa Harold: Always check the expiration date on the Arby’s
coupons before going to dine. In my family, we don’t like to pay for
the second roast beef sandwich.

5. If you could be a character from a book, movie, TV show who would
you be?

Mrs. Frizzle from The Magic School Bus. No question.

6. What is your favorite unknown tidbit about CMC?

Apparently a famous serial killer, Randy Kraft, went to CMC and lived
on the second floor in the eastern most suite of Green. Why do I know
the specific suite, you may ask? Good question. We’ll leave it at that.

What was your experience in theater prior to Without a Box?

Kathryn up to her usual antics during a performance with Without a Box.

In high school, I was a drama kid. I went to an all-girls high school
and one might think we would import guys from other schools to be in
our plays, but oh no. Girls played the guy parts. There were girls
in my high school who would usually be typecast as ‘the hot guy’
or ‘the funny guy’ or ‘the freaky weirdo guy.’ Yeah, I fell in that
latter category. I played a guy in every high school play I was in.

Having never really done improv before, how did you get involved with
Without a Box?

Flashback to a Saturday morning in October of my freshman year at CMC.

I was out to brunch with my mom in the Village and I got a call from
a family friend of mine, Byron Yang, who was a junior at CMC at the
time. He started to explain that the 5C improvisation group, Without a
Box, was holding try-outs at that moment at Pomona. He thought I would
really enjoy it and told me that I should get my butt over there. So,
after my mother and I scarf down our breakfast burritos she dropped
me off at Pomona. Walking into the try-outs 45 minutes late, I was
given the dirtiest look from all of the current members of the group,
but I guess they liked me.

What inspires you to be so hilarious, charismatic and outgoing?

Haha, you’re too nice! For me, it is definitely the audience. One
of my duties as director is to warm-up and to energize the audience
for the performance. I need to have that bubbly stage persona ready
to go for each show on stage. As performers, we find it amazing how
intensely you can feed off of the energy of the audience while you
are in a scene. To be honest, I can’t truly explain this enigmatic
energy, but it is this odd liveliness that comes from the audience’s
suggestions for scenes as well as their responses to what we do on
stage whether it is laughter, gasps, screams etc.

What do you love most about performing with Without a Box?

The group of people I do ‘prov with. I have always had this philosophy
our improv can be considered a team sport. We practice three times
a week, we watch ‘game tape’ (literally we watch our show from
the previous Friday and break it down), and in order for us to be
successful we have to trust each other. With that said, the members
of Box are some of my best friends here and I love every silly,
inappropriate (sometimes), or loony minute with them. By having a
core group of individuals I have the utmost respect for, I find that
my job as director becomes so easy. They’ll support me and challenge
me in most everything that I do and I can’t ask for anything more.

What is the hardest thing about doing improv? Do you get nervous?

I think the hardest thing for me is to let go of things that I do
wrong in a scene, or a ‘bit’ as we call it. Think about it this way:
in a show, if you totally crash and burn in a bit, nobody thought
what you did was funny, you didn’t make sense, or you offended about
half the audience, you absolutely cannot let that bother you in the
next bit that you are in. The show must go on, without you worrying
about that scene you did 20 minutes earlier. Again, it goes back to my
sports team comparison, you really have to get up, dust yourself off
and keep trucking because when you give up, you let the rest of the
team down. I don’t get as nervous as I did when I was a freshman. I get
the little butterflies in my stomach before going on stage. My first
show as a freshman, I was on Pomona’s campus and I saw my director,
Jamie. He turned to me and said, "Shouldn’t you go be throwing up in
a trash can right now?" Needless to say, I was very nervous for that
first show, but at this point I now have probably have at least 40
shows under my belt, so the butterflies have dissipated.

How do you guys prepare for shows?

We have three rehearsals a week. The new kids to our group, or "Moops"
as we call them are required to come to that third rehearsal with me,
but the rest of the older members only need to come to two rehearsals.

We hold auditions in the fall for new cast members and we usually take
about two to three new members. The new Moops are then trained for
the first semester and do not perform in shows, but instead have a
show in the spring where they are knighted as full cast members. The
Moop-hearsal is meant to really hone and perfect the improv skills
of the new kids and get them up to speed with the rest of the group.

Rehearsals in general are broken into two parts: we have a warm-up
period for about 20 -30 minutes and that entails us doing word
association games, singing games, clapping games etc. One of my
personal favorites is ‘butt tag’ which is basically a large game of
butt tag where one person is it and everyone walks in a jovial jumpy
fashion with their butts sticking out. After we complete our warm-ups,
we then jump into working on the bits we want to do for the show. We
have singing bits, short bits, and long form bits. One of our personal
favorites is Armando in which we get a one-word suggestion from the
audience and off of that particular suggestion one of the cast members
tells a true story relating to that word. We then create a series of
scenes based off of that story and continue that until another cast
member thinks of another story to build scenes off of.

What is the most hilarious thing that happened during one of your

Prior to my "Moop show" or my first show as a full cast member,
I along with my two fellow Moops (Asa and Duncan) were required to
memorize "The Walrus and the Carpenter" and we were told we had to
perform the entire poem for the audience at our show. We nervously
prepared the piece, constantly being told that we would look like
fools if we didn’t have it memorized. At the start of the show, the
three of us were blindfolded and the program went on. In the final
moment of our introduction we were all dressed in 80s prom dresses
and placed in front of the audience. Over the microphone our director
said that we had something very special prepared for the audience,
so we geared up for our poem. There was a silence. All of a sudden
"Crank That" by none other than the famed Soulja Boy came over the
sound system. The older members of the group knew that I knew the
entire Crank That dance, so the three of us proceeded to ‘Crank That’
for the audience. It was silly.

Do I want to pursue improvisational acting or is it just for fun?

Definitely just for fun! I love improv and it has given me a lot of
important skills, but I don’t think I can pursue it as a career.

What has been the most meaningful part of your experience doing improv
acting and performing in shows with Without A Box?

Hands down, meeting the people that I work with in Box. They are
such interesting, intelligent, caring, and funny people! I wouldn’t
trade them for anything. On a different note, I now possess a skill
to jump up in front of an audience and come up with something to say
that makes sense and is entertaining and sometimes its neither of
those things, but I just roll with it. I now love not knowing what
is going to come out of my mouth. I may fail miserably, but it’s the
risk I want to take.

To see some of the Box shenanigans, check out their YouTube channel
here. Head over to Seaver Theater at Pomona on Friday, May 7th at 8pm
to see Kathryn perform in Without a Box’s last performance this year!

South Caucasus Railway To Reconstruct Zamanlu Railway Bridge


2010-04-23 11:16:00

ArmInfo. The Artificial Constructions Sector of the South Caucasus
Railway CJSC reported to ArmInfo that "Kamurjshin" Armenian Company won
the tender for construction of Zamanlu Railway Bridge, Vanadzor line.

SCR CJSC Tender Committee reported that one of the tender
priorities was to select a contractor from Armenia. The bridge will
be reconstructed under the investment program for reanimation of
railways and restoration of artificial constructions. The bridge via
Zamanlu Gorge is the oldest railway bridge in Armenia built in 1898. At
present the actual loading of the bridge exceeds standards. Under the
project, the bridge will be fortified, and a guard post will be built
etc. The length of the ways after reconstruction will total 161 m. The
estimated cost of the project is 1.7 billion drams. The deadline for
reconstruction will be determined after a relevant agreement is signed
between SCR CJSC and "Kamurjshin" CJSC.

Restoration of track facilities is one of the prior tasks of the
program implemented by SCR CJSC. In 2010 the company will invest 685.41
million rubles in modernization of the track facilities which is 60%
of total investments for 2010.

CR CJSC belongs to the Russian Railways OJSC. The Armenian Railway
CJSC was transferred under concession of SCR CJSC on Feb 13 2008 for
30 years with 10-years extension.