Armenia’s Administrative Court To Consider Class Action Against High


April 16, 2010

YEREVAN, April 16, /ARKA/. Armenia’s Administrative Court said
today it will consider a class action brought against the Public
Services Regulatory Commission (PSRC), Armenia’s national gas operator
ArmRosGazprom (ARG) and the latter’s subsidiary Transgaz company by
several thousands of Armenian citizens, as well as ex-prime minister
Hrant Bagratian and a former Yerevan mayor Vahagn Khachatrian, who
want the court to annul a PSRC decision allowing ArmRosGazprom to
raise the price of gas from April 1.

Armenia’s Public Services Regulatory Commission (PSRC) endorsed the
gas price increase requested by ArmRosGazprom, a joint Russian-Armenian
national gas distribution company. ARG asked on 22

January to increase the price of natural gas from the current 96,000
drams (US$252) to 136,000 dram per 1,000 cubic meters of gas–a 41%
increase. The PSRC negotiated only a small decrease of the requested

new price and agreed that ARG will charge 132,000 dram per 1,000
cubic meters, a mere 4,000 dram difference. The price for industrial
enterprises consuming more than 10,000 cubic meters of gas a month the
price rose by 13%, from $215 per one thousand cubic meters, to $243.13.

The PSRC explained that it had to take the decision based

Kocharian: Baku Can’t Recover From Syndrome Of Chronic Suicide


April 16 2010

"Azerbaijan doesn’t appear to have been made a complete recovery
from the syndrome of chronic self-killer," Armenia’s Deputy Foreign
Minister Shavarsh Kocharian told Interfax.

"One can have illusions and be a victim of own illusions; however,
to make peoples be victims of illusions is a crime. Azerbaijan’s
administration proved and goes on proving that the human lives,
including lives of the country’s citizens, cost nothing to them,"
politician said referring to the issue of possible resumption of
hostilities in the region.

"Another fact of evidence is Baku’s refusal to withdraw snipers from
the contact lines in order to avoid further casualties," he said.

Commenting the war threats by Azerbaijan’s leaders, Shavarsh Kocharian
stressed the conflict’s roots. He said: "This history is on everyone’s
memory: force approach to the situation that left irreplaceable human
and other losses and led to serious consequences."

"Azerbaijan, which is guilty and responsible for the serious
consequences, is trying to make war statements today as well. Any
concession to the aggressor will only stir his appetite, and both
international community and Armenian side are perfectly aware of this,"
he added.

Two Azerbaijani Captives In Armenia: ICRC

April 13 2010

According to Yerevan office of the International Committee of the
Red Cross (ICRC), 4.565 people are missing in the Karabakh conflict
zone, ICRC local representative Ashot Astabatsyan told at the press

He informed that 401 missing are registered in Armenia and ICRC
representatives met with 323 family members and collected the
necessary information. The number of missing in Karabakh reaches 457,
in Azerbaijan – 3.697, while 10 are of other nationalities.

Astabatsyan underlined importance of drafting legislation to meet
the needs of the families with a missing member. Presently, a working
group under the auspices of the RA Foreign Ministry is formed to deal
with the issue.

ICRC representative also informed that currently there is
one Azerbaijani prisoner and a civilian in Armenia, whereas 6
Armenian prisoners — in Azerbaijan. He also noted that ICRC is
not engaged in the issue of 5-member Armenian family, that crossed
Armenian-Azerbaijani border and taken into captivity.

Deputy Foreign Minister Of Armenia Karine Ghazinian Receives Parliam


APRIL 13, 2010

YEREVAN, APRIL 13, NOYAN TAPAN. Deputy Foreign Minister of Armenia Ms.
Karine Ghazinian received on April 12 the delegation of Armenia-China
friendship group of the Chinese parliament.

According to the RA MFA Press and Information Department, issues
concerning bilateral relations were discussed at the meeting. K.

Ghazinian attached special importance to cooperation between the
parliaments of Armenia and China, noting that this cooperation greatly
contributes to the development of bilateral ties.

The sides underlined the importance of mutual visits by delegations of
high-ranking officials and discussed issues related to cooperation in
international organizations, the holding of a regular sitting of the
Armenian-Chinese intergovernmental commission, Shanghai Expo 2010,
the completion of the construction of Shansi-Nairit joint venture
and putting it into operation, as well as issues related to culture
and education.

Karabakh Authorities Hostage To Armenia: Arman Melikyan


"The Karabakh authorities have become a hostage of the policy pursued
by the Armenian authorities," former Foreign Minister of the Republic
of Nagorno Karabakh, Arman Melikyan, said at a press conference today,
adding that he is against that Karabakh return to negotiations.

In his words the current negotiation process is based on the thesis
that it was Armenia that unleashed the war.

"The current negotiation agenda starts from 1992, while the real
problem emerged in 1988 when the Karabakh people countered to the
Azerbaijani pogroms with its right to live independently, which
prompted Azerbaijan to unleash the war," said Melikyan.

Melikyan also said that the logic of negotiations over the
Nagorno-Karabakh is wrong: should the negotiations have started from
the right point, it would be possible to present the issue to the
international community properly.

Primate to Preside Over Commemoration of 95th Anniv of The Genocide

Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern)
630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016
Contact: Karine Abalyan
Tel: (212) 686-0710; Fax: (212) 779-3558
E-mail: [email protected]

April 13, 2010


Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate of the Diocese of the Armenian Church
of America (Eastern), will visit Boston, Mass., on Sunday, April 25, as the
local community gathers to commemorate the 95th anniversary of the Armenian
Genocide with services and cultural performances.

Archbishop Barsamian will celebrate the Divine Liturgy at Holy Trinity
Church of Cambridge, beginning at 10 a.m. The badarak will be followed by a
requiem service for the martyred souls of the Armenian Genocide.

Leaders from the ecumenical community are scheduled to attend the event,
including His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios of Boston, of the Greek
Orthodox Metropolis of Boston, who will deliver the day’s homily.

In the afternoon, a program will be held at the nearby St. James Church of
Watertown, featuring the Antranig Dance Ensemble and cellist Ani Kalayjian.
A reception will follow. The event is free and open to the public.

The joint commemoration is organized by Holy Trinity Church and St. James
Church. For more information, call the church offices at (617) 354-0632 or
(617) 923-8860.


ACA Asks Obama To Honor His Campaign Pledge

April 12 2010

April 12, the Armenian Council of America (ACA) Executive Board sent a
letter to U.S. President Barack Obama. In the letter, the ACA addressed
the upcoming meeting between Obama, his Armenian counterpart Serzh
Sargsyan and Turkish Premier Recep Tayyip Erdogan, as well as the
annual April 24th presidential statement on the Armenian Genocide.

ACA urges President Obama to advocate for greater democratic reforms
within the region and honor his promise to recognize the Armenian
Genocide on its solemn 95th anniversary of April 24, instead of the
ill conceived Armenian Turkish Protocols.

"While some in your Administration may advise you to encourage Armenian
President Serzh Sargsyan and Turkish Premier Recep Tayyip Erdogan to
ratify the Protocols, we instead ask you to encourage the leaders to
adopt democratic principles in their respective nations in order to
promote future solidarity and friendship in the region.

Turkey has closed its borders unilaterally and should open its borders
unilaterally without any pre-conditions," the letter reads.

BAKU: US Meetings To Affect Minsk Group Activities, MP

April 12 2010

Aydin Mirzazade The outcome of the meeting in Washington will impact
the activities of the OSCE Minsk Group to resolve the Karabakh

‘It can be assumed that those meetings (between US President Barack
Obama and Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and between Obama
with his Armenian counterpart Serzh Sargsyan) in Washington will
impact the activities of the OSCE Minsk Group’ said member of the
Political Council of the ruling New Azerbaijan party, A. Mirzazade,
on Monday in Baku, commenting on the upcoming meeting between US,
Turkey and Armenia within the framework of the upcoming April 12-13
international conference on the use of atomic energy.

According to the parliamentarian, it should be taken into account
that the OSCE Minsk Group presented the updated Madrid principles
to the conflict parties which the Azerbaijani side has adopted with
some reservations, while the Armenian side has moved away from the
principles it had accepted earlier.

‘All this leaves Armenia in a very desperate situation. Armenia should
put an end to his hesitations and must choose one of its existing poles
– the Armenian Diaspora, various international forces, supporting it,
the state or the international law. All this is expected to affect
the activities of the OSCE Minsk Group’, said A. Mirzazade.

The USA – Where Myths Are Taught As History!


April 12 2010
South Africa

Every country tends to have its history written to its own advantage,
and school history textbooks are approved by politicians. The recent
upset about the Turkish official history incorrectly reflecting the
Armenian genocide as by the Armenians, and not by the Turks, is an
example of this. For the half- century of Belgium rule of the Congo
that followed King Leopold’s death, school textbooks praised Leopold
and his works as lavishly as Soviet textbooks praised Lenin. Belgium
archives for that period were inaccessible when Jules Marchal, the
retired Belgium diplomat, wrote his history of the Congo exposing
the myth. In 1944 the victorious General De Gaulle gave a version
of contemporary history that flattered his fellow citizens, and
left out the complicity of the Vichy French with the Nazis in the
extermination of the Jews. The French archives for that period were
only opened in 1979.

However the United States of America has taken this to the absurd
degree of teaching total myths as history, even at university level.

Here are some of the words of Mary Lefkowitz, American Classical
Historian, about this mythology as detailed in her book "Not Out
of Africa":

"Although I had been completely unaware of it, there was in existence a
whole literature that denied that the ancient Greeks were the inventors
of democracy, philosophy, and science. There were books in circulation
that claimed that Socrates and Cleopatra were of African descent,
and that Greek philosophy had actually been stolen from Egypt. Not
only were these books being read and widely distributed; some of these
ideas were being taught in schools and even in universities……….no
one seemed to think it was appropriate to ask for evidence……

…in February 1993,…Dr. Yosef A. A. ben-Jochannan was invited to
give Wellesley’s Martin Luther King,Jr. memorial lecture. Posters
described Dr. ben-Jochannan as a ‘distinguished Egyptologist’
and indeed that was how he was introduced by the then president of
Wellesley College.

But I knew from my research in Afrocentric literature that he was
not what scholars would ordinarily describe as an Egyptologist, that
is a scholar of Egyptian language and civilization. Rather he was
an extreme Afrocentrist, author of many books describing how Greek
civilization was stolen from Africa, how Aristotle robbed the library
of Alexandria, and how the true Jews are Africans like himself.

After Dr. ben-Jochannan made these same assertions once again
in his lecture, I asked him during the question time why he said
that Aristotle had come to Egypt with Alexander, and had stolen his
philosophy from the library at Alexandria, when that Library had only
been built after his death. Dr. ben-Jochannan was unable to answer the
question, and said that he resented the tone of the question. Several
students came up to me after the lecture and accused me of racism,
suggesting that I had been brainwashed by white historians….Aristotle
never went to Egypt, and while the date of the Library of Alexandria is
not known precisely, it was certainly built some years after the city
was founded, which was after both Aristotle’s and Alexander’s deaths.

A lecture at which serious questions could not be asked, and in fact
were greeted with hostility – the occasion seemed more like a political
rally than an academic event. And if that was not disturbing enough
in itself, there was also the strange silence on the part of many
of my faculty colleagues. Several of these were well aware that what
Dr. ben-Johannan was saying was factually wrong…Were they afraid of
being called racists?…Didn’t we as educators owe it to our students,
all our students, to see that they got the best education they could
possibly get? And that clearly was what they were not getting in
a lecture where they were being told myths disguised as history,
and where discussion and analysis had apparently been forbidden.

Good as the myths they were hearing may have made these students
feel….they were being systematically deprived of the most important
features of a university education. They were not learning how to
question themselves and others, they were not learning to distinguish
facts from fiction, nor in fact were they learning how to think for
themselves. Their instructors had forgotten that children do not come
to universities to be indoctrinated – at least in a free society.

I first learned the notion that Socrates was black several years ago,
from a student in my second-year Greek course on Plato’s "Apology",
his account of Socrates’ trial and conviction. Throughout the entire
semester the student had regarded me with sullen hostility. A year
or so later she apologized. She explained that she thought I had
been concealing the truth about Socrates’ origins. In a course
in Afro-American studies she had been told that he was black,
and my silence about his African ancestry seemed to her to be
a confirmation of the Eurocentric arrogance her instructor had
warned her about….Socrates was ethnically no different from other
Athenians….In Socrates day, they did not allow Greeks from other
city states to become naturalized Athenian citizens, and they were
even more careful about the non-Greeks or barbaroi…….If he had
been a foreigner, one of his enemies, or one of the comic poets,
would have been sure to point it out…

The question of race matters only insofar as it is necessary to show
that no classicists or ancient historians have tried to conceal the
truth about the origins of the Greek people or the ancestry of certain
ancient figures.

Perhaps the most influential Afrocentrist text is "Stolen Legacy", a
work which has been in wide circulation since its publication in 1954.

Its author, George G. M. James, writes that "The term Greek philosophy,
to begin with is a misnomer, for there is no such philosophy in
existence….(they)…did not possess the native ability essential
to the development of philosophy"…It is not hard to understand
why James wishes to give credit for the Greek achievements to the
Egyptians….Like the other nationalistic myths, the story of the
"Stolen Legacy" both offers an explanation for past suffering, and
provides a source of ethnic pride.

But although the myth may encourage and even perhaps "empower"
African-Americans, its use has a destructive side, which cannot and
should not be overlooked. First of all, it offers them a "story"
instead of history. It also suggests that African-Americans need
to learn only what they choose to believe about the past. But in so
doing, the Afrocentric myth seeks to shelter them from learning what
all other ethnic groups must learn, and indeed, face up to, namely
the full scope of their history."

Mary Leifkowitz, in my opinion, seriously understates the problem this
fake mythical history has caused, not only in the USA, but globally.

Eleven years after the publication of "Stolen Legacy", this is how
Pallo Jordan’s mother, Phyllis Ntantala, describes the race riots on
campus in her book "A Life’s Mosaic":

"In 1966 the University of Wisconsin embarked on an all-out campaign
to recruit blacks……. By 1967 black students in the Northern
universities were clamouring for Black Studies programmes, complaining
that what they were being taught was irrelevant to their lives…They
could find no folk heros or heroines in the characters of Literature,
History, Art or Music. But for all that the students were not certain
what they meant by Black Studies….

The demand for Black studies reached a climax in the late sixties and
early seventies…… 1969, for five days in a row, the students
rampaged through the campus and State Street, smashing and destroying
property. They smashed almost to rubble the all-glass Maths building
on campus. At a faculty meeting in the midst of this destruction,
the University of Wisconsin faculty decided to accept the students’
demand for a Black Studies programme, even though none of them had
any idea of what it was going to be like….It seemed "blackness"
was the major qualification, irrespective of the area of expertise…"

In other words, Black American’s did not like History, and demanded
that it be re-written. And so it was – as Kwanza and African
Renaissance theories.

Almost all literature written in the black Diaspora is filled with this
African Renaissance or Kwanza mythology, and explains, in my opinion,
some of the ideas of Thabo Mbeki and others educated in exile who
returned with the ANC. How much damage this myth has done to parts
of Africa where whites are a minority, not a majority as in the USA,
is uncalculatable.

And who knows what damage the myth that "real Jews are black" has
done to Israeli / Palestinian relations?

Until the USA can sort this problem out – I side with China on the
question of historical information being edited on Internet search

AFP: Turkey envoy to brief Azerbaijan on Armenia deal: minister

Agence France Presse
April 8, 2010 Thursday 11:40 AM GMT

Turkey envoy to brief Azerbaijan on Armenia deal: minister

Ankara, April 8 2010

Turkey will send a top diplomat to Azerbaijan to dispel its close
ally’s concerns over revitalized Turkish efforts for reconciliation
with Armenia, officials said Thursday.

The envoy — foreign ministry undersecretary Feridun Sinirlioglu —
will visit Baku on Friday, bearing a letter from Prime Minister Recep
Tayyip Erdogan, two days after he made a similar visit to Yerevan,
Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu told reporters here.

"We hope to achieve normalization between Turkey and Armenia by
carrying the (Armenia reconciliation) process further in the right
direction in the coming weeks," he said.

Azerbaijan — linked to Turkey with close ethnic, political and
economic bonds — was angered by a historic deal Ankara and Yerevan
signed in October to end decades of hostility, establish diplomatic
ties and open their border, wary that Turkish support for its own
disputes with Armenia will now wane.

A senior Turkish diplomat said Sinirlioglu will meet Azerbaijani
President Ilham Aliyev and Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov,
stressing that Ankara’s standing on the Nagorny-Karabakh conflict
between Azerbaijan and Armenia remained unchanged.

"It is obvious that (Nagorny-Karabakh) is part of the whole," the
diplomat, speaking on condition of anonymity, said.

Ankara says progress over Nagorny-Karabakh will be a determining
factor in Turkish-Armenian reconciliation while Yerevan rejects any
link between the two issues.

Ankara sealed its border with Armenia in 1993 in a show of solidarity
with Baku after ethnic Armenian separatists, backed by Yerevan, seized
the Nagorny Karabakh region and seven surrounding districts from
Azerbaijan in a war that claimed an estimated 30,000 lives.

Sinirlioglu’s mission to Baku follows his visit to Yerevan Wednesday,
during which he discussed steps to resolve the impasse in peace
efforts and secured agreement on a meeting next week between the two
countries’ leaders, on the sidelines of an international gathering in

The peace deal — comprised of two protocols which need parliamentary
ratification in both countries — has been snagged by disagreements
over its terms.

Turkey and Armenia have long been estranged over Armenian alleagations
that up to 1.5 million of their kin were victims of genocide at the
hands of their Ottoman rulers during World War I.

Turkey rejects the genocide label and says the number of those killed
in what was war-time chaos is exaggerated.