ANKARA: Turut: Makers Of The Video Have No Character


Today’s Zaman, Turkey

Folk singer Ýsmail Turut has condemned the makers of the video set
to his song and broadcast on YouTube; the controversial images and
lyrics that eulogized the suspects in the murder of Turkish-Armenian
journalist Hrant Dink have already caused the Ýstanbul Chief Prosecutor
to begin an investigation into the song and the video.

Ýsmail Turut "I’m so bothered by the video. It’s so despicable. The
ones who made it have no character. It’s not suitable with my character
and beliefs. I condemn the makers of the video. My song doesn’t have
any relation to Hrant Dink or his murder," the singer said yesterday.

The video, set to his song "Don’t Make Any Plans," is threatening,
showing the body of the slain editor of the Turkish-Armenian weekly
Agos to the lyrics, "If a person betrays the country, he is finished
off." Turut said he talked to his lawyer and will do whatever necessary
to find the makers of the video and have them punished.

He also said he was disturbed by the Jan. 19 murder of Dink, saying:
"I wish he hadn’t been killed. Nobody can take another’s life. I’m
a Muslim and that’s my belief."

Indicating that he reads the columns of almost every Turkish writer,
including Dink, Turut said he hadn’t agreed with Dink’s views,
but nor did he agree with his murder. "You don’t have to agree with
somebody’s views, but you can’t kill him because you don’t agree with
him," he elaborated.

Asked by Today’s Zaman about his song’s ultra-nationalistic tone,
Turut, a Black Sea regional folksinger, said he wanted to draw
attention to his region: "I desired to attract attention to the games
being played with the Black Sea region. I have similar songs in my
other recordings. This one is misinterpreted. I received a lot of
congratulatory messages from the public after my recording was released
a week ago." Turut claimed that Greece and Russia have designs on the
Turkish Black Sea region and plans to divide the country and that’s
what concerns him.

The Ýstanbul Police Department prepared a file on Monday consisting of
the video and related news before sending it to the Chief Prosecutor’s
Office for investigation. Ýstanbul Press Prosecutor Nurten Altýnok
said the investigation will involve both an inquiry into those who
posted the video on YouTube and the lyrics, regarding whether or not
they constitute a crime. Turut and lyricist Ozan Arif will also be
investigated. The Human Rights Association (ÝHD) and the Association
of Human Rights and Solidarity for Oppressed Peoples (MAZLUM-DER)
have also announced that they will collectively file a lawsuit against
Turut and Arif.

Turut said he will testify today at the Sultanahmet Court in Ýstanbul.

A prominent member of Turkey’s Armenian community, Dink campaigned
for Turkish-Armenian reconciliation, but was hated by nationalists
for describing the killings of Armenians under the Ottoman Empire as
genocide — a charge that Turkey rejects. Dink’s murder shocked the
nation and more than 100,000 people marched at his funeral, chanting,
"We are all Hrant, we are all Armenian."

Dink’s family asked prosecutors to take judicial action against
the police on charges of protecting Dink’s murderer in July. The
application concerned members of security forces who took "souvenir
pictures" with the 17-year-old self-confessed killer, O.S., after he
was captured in the northern Black Sea city of Samsun, a day after
shooting Dink in Ýstanbul, on Jan. 19. Footage leaked to the media at
the time showed officers posing with the hit man as he held a Turkish
flag, unleashing accusations that some officials may secretly approve
of the murder. The video set to Turut’s song also shows a re-enactment
of the pictures of Dink’s alleged murderer posing in front of the
Turkish flag after he was captured.

Is it freedom of speech?

Meanwhile Ankara Bar Association President Ahsen Coþar said he
doesn’t want to believe reports that one of his colleagues, the
Ýzmir Bar Association president, supported Turut’s right to sing
that song. "If he supported Turut’s right to sing such a song —
as Turut and the writer of the lyrics are under investigation —
it is very unfortunate for us. Turut and Arif’s unlawful acts are
being investigated. He shouldn’t be making a statement about it. It’s
unfortunate that a bar association’s president does something like
that," Coþar said yesterday.

Speaking to the Anatolia news agency late on Monday, Ýzmir Bar
Association President Nevzat Erdemir supported Turut’s right to
sing his song saying there was nothing wrong being "patriotic" and
expressing one’s feelings through a song. Erdemir yesterday clarified
his position to the Cihan news agency, explaining that he doesn’t
support Turut but his right to freedom of speech.


ANKARA: Provocative Video Makes Headlines


Turkish Daily News
Monday, September 17, 2007

A video prepared for a song, the lyrics of which praised O.S., the
teenager who murdered Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink, and Y.H.,
one of the inciters behind the assassination was posted on the hugely
popular video-sharing Web site Youtube, creating controversy in Turkey,
as many branded it as ultra-nationalist hate propaganda.

The video quickly received a high number of user hits. Thousands of
people sent the link to each other, especially on Friday, as the issue
marked the agenda in many e-mail groups. Finally, the amateur video
made it to the headlines of mass circulation newspapers yesterday.

While the song mentioned the names in different contexts, in the
video the photograph of murderer Oðun and inciter Yasin are seen. In
the lyrics, meanwhile, there is a direct threat to those who "support
Armenians," saying "they will be taken care of."

As these words are heard, the now infamous photograph of Dink,
right after he was gunned down, lying on the ground and covered with
newspaper pages, is seen.

Many targeted

The video not only praises those involved in Dink’s assassination but
also shows photographs of author Orhan Pamuk, Prime Minister Recep
Tayyip Erdoðan, musician, author and columnist Zulfu Livaneli, folk
music singer Selda Baðcan, and former president Ahmet Necdet Sezer,
labeling all as "betrayers."

The lyrics of the song named "Do Not Make Plans" was written by
an ultra nationalist poet, Ozan Arif and is sung by Ismail Turut,
a well-known singer. But ultra nationalists unrelated to the two
supposedly prepared the video. There are nearly 10 different versions
of the video being broadcast on Youtube, but the version that created
reactions around Turkey was removed yesterday.

Claiming that the lyrics written by Arif were manipulated in the video,
Turut, talking to the daily Milliyet, said: "A journalist called me
and asked about the video. I do not even know what Youtube is.

Later we looked at the site with my wife. I was shocked when I watched
it. I did not like what I saw."

He stated that he does not know the producers of the video, so he is
unable to file a complaint about them.

"The government would know the technical details of the issue. Let
it search for those who are responsible for this and punish them."

Call to prosecutors

Meanwhile, Arif told daily Sabah that he wrote the lyrics because
Turut asked him to. He also claimed he did not know about the video. "I
stick to each word and each line of this song," he said.

On Friday, the video came to the attention of human rights advocates
as well. The real problem was "how prosecutors, who launch many
cases under the infamous article 301 of Turkish penal code, did
not do anything about the song or the video," said Levent Þensever,
a member of the "Say No to Racism and Nationalism Platform."

Dink’s lawyers are preparing to file a complaint about the song and
the video. One of Dink’s lawyers asked the prosecutors "what they
were waiting for" and said the video incites people to commit hate
crimes by abusing race and religion and by praising a murderer.

This Thursday, the Human Rights Association and many other
organizations will meet in front of the Sultanahmet Court at 1:00
p.m. and file a joint complaint against Turut and Arif.


BAKU: Azerbaijani President: We Do Not Need To Pretend To Have Talks


Azeri Press Agency
[ 13 Sep 2007 15:00 ]

"I have received an invitation from President Valdas Adamkus to the
energy summit in Vilnius, and I will participate at the summit with
great pleasure," Azerbaijan’s President Ilham Aliyev said in interview
to Verslo zinios/ Business news newspaper and Verslo klase/ Business
class journal published in Lithuania, APA reports quoting Azertag
state agency.

President Ilham Aliyev said Azerbaijan’s energy policy is committed
to partnership with friendly countries.

"Azerbaijan produces nearly million barrels of oil per day. This is
in correspondence with the power of the main export pipeline. We have
started extraction in Shah Deniz field the resources of which are more
than 1 trillion cubic meters. Generally, confirmed gas resources of
our only two or three fields are equal to 1.5 trillion cubic meters,"
the head of state reported.

Azerbaijani President voiced hope for Azeri gas entering the market
of European Union this year.

"Various new oil and gas projects are connected with our country. For
instance, Nabucco project though first it was not planned, not it
is connected with Azerbaijan. Turkey-Greece-Italy gas pipeline,
Odessa-Brodi gas pipeline also concern Azerbaijan. So, we are
cooperating in a constructive way with our partners in region according
to our interests," he stressed.

President Aliyev also commented on TransCaspian gas pipeline to be
constructed through the Caspian Sea depth.

"This pipeline is not for transportation of Azerbaijani oil. The
project entails transportation of east Caspian energy resources
through our territory.

Our country has joined the Energy Charter, and Azerbaijan would
provide operation of these transit routes in its territory. We do
not intent to initiate such project as we never did it. The press
sometimes writes that Azerbaijan is interested in construction of
Trans-Caspian oil and gas pipelines. We are not initiators, we are
attendees of the projects. There is an intergovernmental agreement
between Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan on this issue. If oil producers
wish to transport the oil through Azerbaijan, we will present our
potential," the President stressed.

The head of state also touched upon the solution of the Nagorno
Karabakh conflict. I have many times stated that our patience is not
endless. The negotiating process should have a framework, that is time
framework. If we are absolutely sure that negotiations will be in vain,
we have a right to restore our territorial integrity by all means,
including military way and we do not conceal this," he said.

Ilham Aliyev stated that Armenia tries to deceive the mediators in
the negotiation process.

"It is clear to all that Armenia tries to deceive mediators in the
negotiation process, prolongs the process for personal political
ambitions. But prolongation of the process is not in their favor. We
are increasing defense expenditures. These expenditures are equal to
the expenditures that Armenia spends for the whole country. Azerbaijan
can not be compared with Armenia for its economy. Economy in our
country is expected to make up approximately $25-30 billion, this
indicator will not be more than $4-5 billion in Armenia. According to
calculations of the World Bank, Azerbaijan will gain over $200 billion
from oil export in coming 20 years. If taking into consideration
that we have no serious problems except the Nagorno Karabakh problem,
we will do everything to liberate our regions.

Armenia should realize that they would better leave our regions by
their own free will," he said.

The President also touched on negotiations carried out in the framework
of the Prague process.

"We have been participating in the Prague process envisaging settlement
mechanisms since 2004. All the other options were examined, but they
gave no result.

If the Prague format gives no result, then we will speak about nothing
principally. There remains no theme for negotiations," he said.

The head of the state said that he does not agree with opinions that
the OSCE Minsk Group has no mote political potential.

"Though it gives no result, I can not say anything bad about OSCE
Minsk Group and the co-chairs. They are working on it seriously,
and try to reach an agreement. We should support their activity. If
Armenia shows constructiveness at present and take into account the
proposals of Minsk Group, the conflict would be solved," he said.

Russian-Armenian Approaches To Refresh?

19:49 12/09/2007

Today in parliament while talking with journalists Prime Minister
Serge Sargsyan said that he is at ease with changes taking place in
the Russian government.

"I don’t think there will be changes in Russia’s cooperation with
Armenia, because the authorities in Russia haven’t changed, there have
just been governmental changes. Let’s see what shape the government
takes, and if Igor Levitin will keep his post. Then we will freshen
our approaches to each other," Sargsyan said.

We point out that today, as Russian president Vladimir Putin accepted
Fradkov’s resignation, he also submitted the name of finance minister
Viktor Chupkovi to the Duma for the position of prime minister.

Concerning this news, "Ria Novosti" reported that it was Duma speaker
Boris Grizlov who suggested discussing the candidacy of Chupkov
this Friday.

"Tomorrow the Duma will discuss the timing of the next session of
parliament. I suggest this coming Friday," Grizlov said. He said the
deputies would have a chance to meet the candidate for prime minister
this Thursday.

The Duma’s speaker noted that Chupov’s 30 years of experience was
gained in the district of St.

Petersburg, heading city committees and working in finance.

Private Money Transfers To Armenia Total $663.6mln At First Half Of


11 Sept 2007

YEREVAN, September 11. /ARKA/. Private money transfers to Armenia
totaled $663.6mln at the first half of 2007 after growing 37.84%,
compared with the same period a year earlier.

Central Bank of Armenia says individuals received 10.77% greater
amount in Armenian drams at the 1st half of 2007, compared with the
same period of 2006. Growth in U.S. dollars made 37.84%.

The number of transfers to Armenia grew 21.79% to 712.4thnd.

International swift transfers to individuals without opening accounts
reached 63.89% of total transfers to Armenia against 56.48% at the
same period of 2006.

The number of these transfers made 93.78% of total number of transfers
to Armenia against 88.85% at the compared period.

According to the Central Bank’s information, Unistream is the leader
among international payment systems, since the greatest amount – AMD
73bln or $204.6mln – and the greatest number – 239578 – of transfers
were operated through it at the first half of 2007.

Armenian citizens transferred the amount equal to AMD 145.1bln abroad
at the first half of 2007. This is 3.29% smaller amount than at the
same period of 2006.

In dollars, this amount grew 20.34% to $406.7mln. The number of
transfers grew 18.74% to 64.7thnd.

The Central Bank says 11.91% of total amount of the amount and 59.32%
of the total number of transfers sent from Armenia abroad at the
first half of 2007 were operated through international systems.

According to the Central Bank’s report, Armenian commercial banks
participate in SWIFT, Western Union (15 banks), Money Gram (1 bank),
Anelik (8 banks), Unistream (3 banks), "Bistraya Pochta" (6 banks),
Interexpress (2 banks), Contact (3 banks), Leader (3 banks), Migom
(6 banks), Private Money Transfer, STB Express, Faster, "Blizko"
and "Zhivie Dengi" international systems. Besides, non-banking
organizations Haypost (Armpost), Contact, Travelex, Stefi and "Depi
Tun" take part in systems operating private transfers.

Gazprom Appreciates Achievements

12-09-2007 15:44:29

President Robert Kocharyan visited ARG on September 12, the 10th
anniversary of the company. The president walked in the renovated
premises of the company, held a consultation with the delegation of
Gazprom which owns 57 percent of ARG. After the consultation the head
of the delegation of Gazprom, deputy chairman of Gazprom’s management
committee Valery Golubev and the CEO of ARG Karen Karapetyan held
a news conference. Golubev credited the sustainable growth of the
Armenian economy, as well as the professional management of ARG.

Golubev also appreciated the contribution of the Armenian government
to the company’s success. Golubev said he is an independent person and
he does not need to please anyone, but he thinks he should appreciate
what is obvious and what is real.

The Gazprom official said they appreciate the achievements of ARG. "I
should note that the level of gasifying in Armenia is higher than
in Russia. Only separate regions of Russia keep up with the level
of the Republic of Armenia," Valery Golubev says. He emphasized the
use of natural gas as car fuel, and in this connection ARF has had
dynamic development. Golubev said in Armenia the demand for gas is
high as car fuel, and is cheaper than petrol or diesel, as well as
more sustainable.

"The other strand we would like to mention is the change in the
pattern of gas consumption," Valery Golubev says. He says the energy
sector used to be the main gas consumer, now small and medium-sized
businesses consume a major volume, as well as households. Golubev
hopes ARG will sustain success in Armenia, and the CEO of ARG Karen
Karapetyan said the company’s credo is going to be victory and success
in the upcoming decade.

Russia’s Quitting CFE Can Result In Increase Of Russian Military Con


11.09.2007 18:51 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ "Georgia is interested in the Treaty on Conventional
Armed Forces in Europe, since it indirectly explains its position on
withdrawal of military bases by the Istanbul agreements of 1999. It
also uses it as a propagandistic and juridical resource against Russian
presence in Abkhazia," expert of the Caucasus Media Institute Sergei
Minasian said at "The Militarization of the South Caucasus" conference.

Armenia stands for the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe
for restraining the regional armament race, he noted.

Minasian considers that the only regional state interested in CFE
collapse is Azerbaijan, which is rapidly militarizing and speaks of
a military resolution of the Karabakh conflict.

"Russia’s quitting the CFE may result in increasing of Russian
military presence in the South Caucasus, specifically in Armenia, via
replenishing the armament of the 102nd base," the Armenian expert said.

At that he underscored that further armament race will influence
on Azerbaijan’s aggressive possibilities in case of resumption
of hostilities in the Nagorno Karabakh conflict region. "If the
conflicting side is aware of thousands of casualties and huge expenses
it will have to think much before waging war," he said.

July 14, 2007 Russian President Vladimir Putin signed an edict on
suspending Russia’s participation in the CFE and some agreements and
protocols linked to it.

Azerbaijan’s Over $1 Billion Budget Will Not Do Good To The Country


11.09.2007 18:05 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ "Two significant trends have recently emerged in
the South Caucasus. First, a serious increase in defense spending,
which threatens to impact or even impede the course of economic reform
and social sector spending in each country. Second, a profound shift
in the regional balance of power," said Richard Giragosian, an expert
of the Jane’s Information Group (Washington) analytical center.

"Azerbaijan has increased its defense budget to over $1 billion. But
given the extent of corruption within the country, there is doubt
that whether the higher defense budget will actually be used to
invest in developing a modern and more capable of armed forces,
or used for acquiring military hardware and weapons or for funding
military training," he said.

As to Georgia, Mr Giragosian said, "While Georgia’s increased defense
spending is linked to the country’s strategic priority of closer
integration into Western security institutions, reflected by the
recent deepening of its ties with NATO, there are concerns over a
newly assertive and increasingly confrontational Georgian policy
toward its unresolved conflicts."

"Armenia has the strongest regional army against Azerbaijan’s 72 000
men in uniform. Armenia’s military prowess is generally identified
as a result of discipline, morale and combat training. Georgia has
the smallest force in the region numbering only about 17 500 active
duty personnel," he said.

"Against the backdrop of these two trends, the real imperatives
for regional security and stability are, nevertheless, internal in
nature and depend on institutional legitimacy, the rule of law and
good governance, and on local economic and politics much more than
grand geopolitics," he concluded

Armenian Servicdeman Refuses To Return To Motherland

10.09.2007 17:45

Armenian serviceman Hambarsum Asatryan who yielded himself to the
Azeri side, refuses to return to Armenia, Azerbaijani Defense Minister
Safar Abiyev declared.

Asatryan had passed to the Azeri side on August 4 at the contact
line of the armed Forces of Nagorno Karabakh and Azerbaijan. He
explained his decision with the "intolerance and corruption in the
Armenian Army."

European Union Tyros Want EU’s More Active


11.09.2007 14:13 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ New member states of the European Union will try
this week to divert the EU focus from the Mediterranean region to
the eastern neighbors, which are deprived of Brussels’ attention,
in their opinion.

Romania Libera, with a reference to Reuters, reports that last Saturday
before the ENP conference the Foreign Ministers of Poland, Czechia,
Hungary, Slovakia and the Baltic states met with their counterparts
from Ukraine, Moldavia, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan.

The states, which joined the EU in 2004 suppose that the "union has
concentrated on Middle East and Northern Africa to the prejudice of the
former soviet republics where Russia tries to block West’s influence."

The EU tyros also want the organization to deeper engage in the
resolution of frozen conflicts on the territory of former USSR.