ADL Caves On Armenian Genocide -but Still Opposes Congressional Reso


World War 4 Report, NY

Aug 21 2007

A glimmer of hope that the ADL capitulated, but what a profound
disgrace that they had to. And note that they are still taking a
reactionary position on the Congressional resolution recognizing the
Armenian genocide. Does Elie Wiesel, whose name they invoke in their
defense, share this shameful stance? From JTA, Aug. 21:

In a dramatic reversal, the Anti-Defamation League’s national director
issued a statement Tuesday using the term "genocide" to describe the
massacres perpetrated by the Ottoman Empire against the Armenians.

The ADL and its national director, Abraham Foxman, have faced mounting
criticism in recent weeks for refusing to use the genocide label
and essentially opposing a proposed congressional resolution that
would do so. The controversy heated up last week when Foxman fired
the director of the ADL’s New England region for denouncing the
organization’s position in an interview with the Boston Globe.

"In light of the heated controversy that has surrounded the
Turkish-Armenian issue in recent weeks, and because of our concern
for the unity of the Jewish community at a time of increased threats
against the Jewish people, ADL has decided to revisit the tragedy
that befell the Armenians," Foxman said in his statement.

"We have never negated but have always described the painful events of
1915-1918 perpetrated by the Ottoman Empire against the Armenians as
massacres and atrocities," Foxman said. "On reflection, we have come
to share the view of Henry Morgenthau, Sr. that the consequences of
those actions were indeed tantamount to genocide. If the word genocide
had existed then, they would have called it genocide."

Foxman said that he had consulted with "friend and mentor Nobel
Laureate Elie Wiesel and other respected historians who acknowledge
this consensus."

The ADL leader said the organization still believes "that a
Congressional resolution on such matters is a counterproductive
diversion and will not foster reconciliation between Turks and
Armenians and may put at risk the Turkish Jewish community and the
important multilateral relationship between Turkey, Israel and the
United States."

Nanjing Massacre Inspires Global Film-Makers 70 Years On

By David de Sola

Aug 21 2007

HONG KONG (Reuters Life!) – Seven decades have yet to ease the
bitterness surrounding wartime Japanese troops’ occupation of the
Chinese city of Nanjing, but they have inspired a raft of new films
due out this year.

On the 70th anniversary of the 1937 invasion, at least six movies
recounting the fall of China’s wartime capital — then called Nanking
— to invading Japanese soldiers are in various stages of production
or will be completed in the next 12 months in the United States,
China and Hong Kong.

China says Japanese troops slaughtered 300,000 men, women and children,
while an Allied tribunal after World War Two put the death toll at
142,000 and found evidence of 20,000 rapes.

Some Japanese rightists historians say the numbers are exaggerated,
estimating 20,000 soldiers and civilians were killed. Others deny a
massacre happened at all.

"Nanjing stirs up passions because, like the Holocaust or the Armenian
genocide or the Cambodian killing fields, it is an affront to human
dignity," Professor Phil Deans, an expert on Sino-Japanese relations
at Temple University in Kyoto, said.

The first film on the block was "Nanking", a U.S.-produced documentary
detailing the conduct of Japanese troops through eye-witness accounts
and grainy historical footage to depict what one Chinese survivor
called the Japanese army’s "three alls" policy: kill all, burn all,
loot all.

The film’s creators hoped their work wouldn’t open old wounds but
promote a pacifist message between China and Japan.

"Predominantly, this is an anti-war movie, not an anti-Japanese movie,"
the movie’s producer and AOL vice-chairman Ted Leonsis told Reuters
in July when it premiered in Beijing.


Richard Kwang, producer of an upcoming Hong Kong movie "Nanking
Xmas 1937", said his project wouldn’t dwell on the darker aspects of
humanity, but on the "selfless love" of the Western missionaries who
chose to stay behind to help survivors.

"You won’t see a lot of heavy stuff, not a lot of violence being
shown. We are telling the story through the eyes of the Western
missionaries with the massacre as the backdrop," he said.

Kwang said he hoped to sign up A-list actors for the film — which
would be in English — suggesting a high degree of interest among
foreign audiences in the occupation.

Other films in the works include a joint Chinese, American and British
production based on the late Iris Chang’s bestselling book "The Rape
of Nanking" called "Purple Mountain", while Canadian film-maker Bill
Spahic plans to tell Chang’s life story in a documentary due for
release in December.

Chinese director Lu Chuan meanwhile, has received approval from
Beijing to begin filming "Nanking! Nanking!".

But in a sign of continued divisiveness over the topic, a Japanese
documentary backed by nationalist figures will deny that any massacre
took place.

Director Satoru Mizushima told Reuters early this year that the film
"Nanking" was full of "lies and fabrications" and it was easy to deploy
"made-up facts" and "faked photographs".

A group of conservative lawmakers in Japan’s ruling Liberal Democratic
Party also denounced "Nanking" as a fabrication.

This is not the first time a film showing the 1937 Nanjing occupation
has caused controversy in Japan.

In 1988, the Japanese distributor of the Oscar-winning film "The
Last Emperor" removed a 30-second clip showing old newsreel footage
of Japanese soldiers committing atrocities in the city.

"The revisionist historical position has strengthened in the last
decade," said Deans, the Sino-Japanese expert.

Deans noted the recent resignation of Japan’s defense minister Fumio
Kyuma — who broached a taboo wartime issue by appearing to condone
the dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World
War II as inevitable.

By contrast, Deans added: "No one resigned because they said the
Nanjing massacre never happened".

Arax Opens Its First Branch In Jordan


Al Bawaba

Published: Aug 21, 2007

Arax opens its first branch in jordan * ARAX has branches in Lebanon,
Syria, the United States, Canada, and in Jordan Yesterday, the ARAX
Restaurant for Falafil and sandwiches opened its first branch in
Jordan at Al-Madinah al-Munawwrah Street in Amman. ARAX is a Lebanese
restaurant which started as a family business in 1949 in the beating
heart of Beirut as a Falafil restaurant. Success was not achieved
by chance but was the result of mastering the craft in terms of
quality. Accordingly, the name of ARAX started to shine at more than
12 Lebanese branches and then opened branches in Syria, the United
States, and Canada. And now, the ARAX restaurants chain is proud to
open its first branch in the prestigious Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
whereby Jordan’s riches will blend with the broad Lebanese experience
to offer the most delicious meals and a unique setting with Narjilah
(Habli babli) that has a Lebanese flavor.

The opening of the ARAX restaurant yesterday featured a unique
activity represented by a competition for eating the biggest amount
of a Falafil titled "Falafil Without Border". Taking part in the
competition was a big part of the audience who showed up to witness
the opening of the branch, and to take part in the competition which
was very enjoyable and added a competitive atmosphere, making the
opening light-hearted. At the end of the competition, prizes were
handed to the winners and participants.

ARAX restaurant derives its name from a river in Armenia. It started
to serve the famous Falafil meal with the fine Taratur and vegetables

Following the success of the Falafil meal, ARAX expanded its menu to
include other items like Armenian sandwiches (sausages and Bastirma)
and sea food.

However, ARAX gained its reputation for its distinctively light
Falafil meal that suits all types of people, not to mention that is
on diet programs of overweight people.

ARAX restaurant gained a lot of popularity from southern to northern
Lebanon to the extent that the street where ARAX is located was named
after it.

Moreover, it is now one of the well-known landmarks in Lebanon
frequented by members of the society without exception. The success of
ARAX with its unique flavor continued and now it has come to Jordan
to start a new journey of success and excellence. ARAX was a big
success in all the countries where it opened branches. Jordan will
not be its last stop as it will soon enter the restaurants business
in the Arab Gulf and Europe.

Ordered – Nominated


Hayots Ashkharh Daily Newspaper
18 Aug 2007

`I would like to underscore a very important factor that is not
taken into consideration in Armenia. Levon Ter-Petrosyan is a member of
Armenian Pan National Movement. When the Chair of Armenian Pan National
Movement administration declares that the party is going to nominate
Levon Ter-Petrosyan’s candidacy it is not a rumor. It is serious. It is
a process about which we speak.’ Ararat Zurabyan announced this
yesterday, with a very serious, clever, a bit mysterious, but extremely
determined facial experience, touching upon the circulated `rumors’
about Levon Ter-Petrosyan’s nomination to presidency.
That is why we shouldn’t ` consider them rumors or comment upon
them, saying, `Why he himself doesn’t say this. All in good time,’ he

Nazeri at Walt Disney Concert Hall

Aug 18 2007

Nazeri at Walt Disney Concert Hall
Sat, 18 Aug 2007 16:47:29

The 28-year-old Persian musician Hafez Nazeri

The Rumi Ensemble along with two Los Angeles Philharmonic musicians
opened the first cycle of Hafez Nazeri’s ‘Rumi’s Symphony Project’.

Last night, Hafez Nazeri conducted his creation `In the Path of Rumi’
at the Walt Disney Concert Hall in celebration of the 800th
anniversary of the Sufi poet Mowlavi (Rumi).

His original compositions were performed by a nine-piece ensemble,
comprised of Hafez’s father, famed Iranian vocalist Shahram Nazeri,
and the Persian performers of the Rumi Ensemble and Musicians of the
Los Angeles Philharmonic.

Nazeri’s performance and first stage of his `Rumi Symphony Project’
was described by the Pasadena Weekly as `A sometimes brooding fusion
of Persian and Western instruments, styles and sounds and an attempt
to combine classical Iranian and Western music into a genre that can
be termed ‘post-classical Persian music.’

Nazeri’s compositions have been performed by the Armenian
Philharmonic Orchestra in London’s Royal Albert Hall, and at
festivals and venues such as the Sodra Teatern in Stockholm, De
Bijloke in Ghent, Belgium, the Fez Festival in Morocco and the
Thétre de la Ville in Paris.

Hafez Nazeri is the son of Shahram Nazeri, the famed Iranian Kurdish
vocalist once called the ‘Pavarotti of Iran’ by The Christian Science

The Vote Of People Decides Nothing


Aug 17 2007

Murad Petrosyan, a Karabakh-based analyst, has stated recently on
the Public TV of Artsakh he had talked to Serge Sargsyan in February
who had told him the question of Karabakh president was solved. "It
will be Bako." According to Murad Petrosyan, afterwards he talked to
NKR President Arkady Ghukasyan who also mentioned Bako Sahakyan. The
analyst stated during his program on TV that if the "elite" made
a decision, it will be so. "In our situation the vote of people
decides nothing."

Murad Petrosyan described Arkady Ghukasyan as very humane. "He
is just too humane," he said. Arkady Ghukasyan proceeds from this
quality to explain Ghukasyan’s wrong manpower policy over the past 10
years. According to Murad Petrosyan, Ghukasyan admits his mistake. "I
cannot dismiss people with whom I worked for years. But I will find
a person who will be able," Ghukasyan said.

According to Murad Petrosyan, major changes are expected in Karabakh
in 20 days. Especially regarding human resources. "The ministers will
no longer own mansions," Murad Petrosyan promised.

Chief Coach Of Banants Releaved Of Work


Noyan Tapan
Aug 15 2007

YEREVAN, AUGUST 15, NOYAN TAPAN. Czech Jan Postulka, the chief coach
of Banants, and his assistant Albert Sargsian were releived of their
posts. The reason is the unsuccessful games of Banants in the European
Cup Tournament.

Currently, Banants is temporarily headed by Ashot Barseghian. Probably,
Banants will be led by the 45 year-old Bulgarian Nikolay Kostov. The
latter will arrive in Yerevan in a few days and issues connected with
the contract to be concluded will be discussed.

Mountain Ararat Cannot Avoid This Global Rise In Temperature


Noyan Tapan
Armenians Today
Aug 13 2007

"Sabah" reports that the global rise in temperature throughout the
earth, as well, as the drought hanging over Turkey had their influence
on the mountain Ararat. This year it is thawing on the top of Ararat,
which is covered with snow all the year round.

According to the Daily "Marmara", Jamaleddin, the head of the
Dogubayazit provice, has informed Demirtchogli that mountainers have
not noticed any phenomena of thaw. However, the information received
from the meteorological station shows that in comparison with previous
years, thaw though little has been recorded.

Targeting Iran: A book review

Targeting Iran: A book review
by Khatchig Mouradian
August 07, 2007

`Do not ask about the harvest; ask about the plowing,’ says the Chinese
proverb. In Targeting Iran, award-winning journalist David Barsamian follows
that advice. He asks his interviewees, Noam Chomsky, Ervand Abrahamian and
Nahid Mozaffari, about all the plowing and planting that has culminated in
the demonization of Iran by the U.S. since the Islamic Revolution of 1979
and vice versa.

Alternative Radio founder and director Barsamian’s listeners and readers
know what to expect: clear, straightforward questions, often preceded by
some background information – and to borrow imagery from farming one more
time – sowing insight into the intricacies and complications of a region that
has long suffered in the hands of those worshipping at the altars of
oversimplification, trivialization, decontextualization et al.

In his introduction, Barsamian provides a brief history of Iran and
U.S.-Iranian relations. He concludes by quoting Iran’s Nobel Peace Prize
laureate Shirin Ebadi’s favorite couplet, which rings as true regarding U.S.
foreign policy as it does about Iran’s current state of affairs:

If there is no justice,
then those who are deprived
may one day take to the streets and rise up.
(Hafez, a renowned 14th century Persian poet)

The first interview – the shortest of the three – is with Noam Chomsky, whom
Barsamian has interviewed dozens of times, culminating in five
Chomsky/Barsamian books. Chomsky, talking about U.S. policy with regard to
Iran, demonstrates the self-destructive logic of preemption. `By U.S.
standards, Iran ought to be carrying out terrorist acts in the United
States,’ he says. `In fact, adopting U.S. standards, we ought to be
demanding that they do it. They’re under far greater threat than anything
Bush or Blair ever conjured up, and that’s supposed to authorize what they
call anticipatory self-defense, namely attack.’

Talking about Iran’s resumption of uranium enrichment, Chomsky says, `[J]ust
do a media search and find out how often it has even been mentioned that
when Iran began enriching uranium again, it was after the Europeans had
rejected their side of the bargain, namely, to provide firm guarantees on
security issues.’ He then charges that the press knew about the Europeans
backing down – under U.S. pressure – but chose to ignore the story.

Chomsky’s interview centers on Iran, but – surprise! – his analysis and examples
take us on a roller-coaster ride from the U.S., South America and Europe to
Palestine, Iraq, and China, spanning almost half a century. Always at ease
and at his best with Barsamian, Chomsky pulls out examples and arguments
from his memory with the skill of a seasoned magician pulling out all kinds
of objects from a hat and leaving the audience at awe. However, the
interview would have benefited from a few footnotes or editor’s notes,
providing exact information and percentages, when, for example, Chomsky
says, `I forgot the exact number, but I think they’re [China] getting maybe
10-15 percent of their energy imports from Saudi Arabia.’ Or when he says,
`He [Moqtada Sadr, an Iraqi Shiite cleric-politician, opposed to the U.S.
presence] gained, I think, 50 percent or so in the last parliamentary

Providing the global and historical contexts Chomsky sets the stage for
Iranian-born history professor Ervand Abrahamian’s in depth look at Iran’s
political structure and the U.S-Iran confrontation today, with emphasis on
the nuclear issue.

`If Iranians are hit by air strikes, they will hit back where they have the
upper hand, which is Iraq and Afghanistan,’ Abrahamian says. `They are
obviously not going to attack the U.S., nor will they attack Israel,
although people have this paranoid view about that,’ he adds.

Abrahamian maintains that Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad engages in
Holocaust denial and calls for the destruction of Israel to bridge the gap
between Sunnis and Shiites and to `pitch for Arab support.’ He says that
this rhetoric does not resonate in Iran as much as it does in the Arab

Asked about Tehran’s connection with the Lebanese Shiite armed group
Hezbollah, Abrahamian says that Iran does not use this party to threaten
Israel: `One major mistake the Israelis are making is thinking that
Hezbollah is so closely tied with Iran that once the U.S. attacks Iran, Iran
would automatically use Hezbollah against Iran. I don’t think that’s in the

Reading the first two interviews, the reader has the impression that the
book is a critical look at U.S. foreign policy with very little insight on
Iran’s internal dynamics. Then comes the interview with Iranian-born
historian Nahid Mozaffari. Barsamian and Mozaffari take the reader on a
journey inside Iran’s vibrant literary life (yes, they DO have literature)
from the early 20th century to the present; from poetry to novels and
memoirs; from dissidents to female voices. She notes how Iranian writers,
who visit the U.S., are treated as `human rights guinea pigs,’ but also
expands on the censorship, oppression and persecution they suffer in Iran,
as well as the rise of the bloggers. Mozaffari deals with women’s issues
(divorce, custody rights, property right, dress codes, etc.) in some detail.
She also talks about the development of cinema in the post-1979 period and
the clampdown on the rock groups and rappers under Ahmadinejad’s rule.

`The Islamist conservatives regard developments in civil society as
threatening and susceptible to foreign manipulation,’ explains Mozaffari.

One of the book’s main messages is in the concluding lines of this last
interview: `This tough resolve by those who desire change within Iran, along
with their [i.e. the Iranians’] equally strong determination to be
independent of outside pressure and manipulations, should serve as a stern
warning to the U.S. and other states who contemplate any military action
against Iran.’

David Barsamian with Noam Chomsky, Ervand Abrahamian and Nahid Mozaffari
Targeting Iran (City Lights Books, 2007).

Khatchig Mouradian is a Lebanese-Armenian journalist, writer and translator,
currently based in Boston. He can be contacted at: [email protected].

170 Million For Heart Surgeries

21:13 09/08/2007

For the first time, the government of Armenia set aside 170 million
dollars for those in need of heart surgery. informed
Ruslana Gevorgyan, press spokesperson of the Health Ministry, about
this development.

According to Gevorgyan, 110 persons will be able to undergo surgery
with the alloted amount. Only those who qualify as socially insecure,
those receiving Paros social welfare (with a score of 36), will be able
to utilize this program, in which the surgery will be done for free.

As was informed by Gevorgyan, appropriate documents proving the
applicant is from the most insecure and needy social strata will need
to be presented to use this privilege.