Russian Regional Prosecutor Investigates Possible Ethnically Motivat


Ekho Moskvy radio, Moscow
24 Jul 07

[Presenter] The Tula Region prosecutor’s office has promised to
get to the bottom of the situation in the town of Venevo. A number
of media reports have said that local residents in the town held an
unsanctioned public protest against Armenian immigrants. A whole team
led by the region’s prosecutor is going to Venevskiy District. Roman
Plyusov has more.

[Correspondent] It seems the regional prosecutor’s office is taking
a great interest in the events in Venevo. However, the investigators
don’t seem to be interested in the causes of what happened. They plan
to find out whether the unsanctioned protest actually took place,
and if it did, why the local authorities did not put a stop to the
rally, Interfax [news agency] was told by the local prosecutor’s
office. Their source said that the commission was going to check,
I quote: the legality and the sufficiency of the measures taken by
the law-enforcement agencies and the town’s administration.

The prosecutor’s office is not giving any further details. Meanwhile,
a number of media have reported that around 200 local residents
gathered on the square of the little town on Sunday [22 July]
afternoon. The residents said they had put up with lawlessness from
members of the Armenian diaspora, but that their patience had now
snapped. In the middle of the month Armenian immigrants cruelly beat
up two local residents, but police are taking their time with the
investigation. Relatives of the supposed criminals have poured oil
on the fire by saying that they had bribed everyone in the police. It
was after this that people decided to take to the streets in protest.

[Presenter] The local authorities deny that the conflict is an
inter-ethnic one. Officials say the local residents were beaten up
due to economic disputes. The Russian Union of Armenians believes
that the incident was provoked by personal disagreement.

Armenia, Iran To Construct Hydroelectric Power Plants In 2008


20 Jul 07

Yerevan, 20 July: Iran and Armenia will build two hydroelectric power
plants on the border River Araz in 2008, the Armenian energy minister,
Armen Movsisyan, said at a news conference today.

He said that the sides have agreed that the feasibility study of the
construction of the two hydroelectric power plants and the scheme of
financing project be drawn up by the end of 2007. Movsisyan recalled
that the relevant intergovernmental agreement was signed on 19
March 2007.

The two hydroelectric power plants will be built in Armenia and
Iran, Armenian Deputy Energy Minister Ara Simonyan told Arminfo
earlier. It is planned to spend 200m dollars for the construction of
each hydroelectric power station. The capacity of each power plant
will total 140 MW.

The deputy minister said that the deadline and the scheme of financing
of the project will be elaborated in a few month. It is not ruled
out that the hydroelectric power plant in Armenia will be built on
the loan from the Iranian government, but Armenia will pay off the
loan with energy supplies.

Turkish Vote Pits Secular Values Against Return To Islamic Roots

by Matthew Fisher, CanWest News Service

The Halifax Daily News (Nova Scotia)
July 22, 2007 Sunday

Turks voting in parliamentary elections today are focused on issues
such as how to keep the vibrant economy racing ahead, preventing the
rise of Kurdish power in northern Iraq from spilling over into Turkey’s
Kurdish areas, and whether to continue trying to win membership in
the European Union.

But the most emotive issue by far is whether this country of 70
million, which forms a bridge between the Middle East and Europe,
should remain secular and western-oriented, as it has been since Kemal
Ataturk founded the republic on the ruins of the Ottoman Empire more
than 80 years ago, or draw closer to its Islamist roots.

And if Turkey decides to turn towards Islam, will the staunchly
secular Turkish military launch another coup?

Didem Mercan plans to vote for the Republican People’s Party, which
was founded by Ataturk, because she fears the Islamist connections
of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP).

She worries that, if the AKP wins a second majority in parliament,
it could force women to wear headscarves. Clad in blue jeans and a
summery blouse, her fingernails painted bright red, the 23-year old
communications student is a walking advertisement for her belief that
"religion should have no place in my personal life, and I am prepared
to fight for that right."

Mesut Topcu, on the other hand, said he intends to vote for the AKP
because, since it won power in November 2002, the authorities have
stopped hassling men in the deeply conservative Istanbul suburb of
Fatih about wearing the skullcaps, baggy trousers and long beards of
pious Muslims.

Topcu, an electrical engineer, was unequivocal about the value of
headscarves, which remain banned in schools and government offices
but are commonly worn by women in Fatih.

The public expression of such sharp differences in opinion is
relatively new in Turkey, but the debate is actually many centuries

The country’s population is about 98 per cent Muslim, but its history
has been profoundly influenced by geography. In the northwest and
northeast, Turkey is bordered by Christian Greece, Bulgaria, Georgia
and Armenia, while in the east and south, it sits alongside Muslim
Azerbaijan, Iran, Iraq and Syria. Istanbul, Turkey’s largest city
with a population of 12 million, has always felt the pull of east
and west particularly keenly. Constantinople, as it was called until
77 years ago, is home to spectacular mosques and minarets as well as
the Orthodox Church’s oldest patriarchate.

Although he was Muslim, Ataturk replaced sharia law with a Swiss-style
legal system. Women were given the vote, veils were banned and drinking
alcohol was permitted. Many secularists are convinced some of those
changes are now at risk if the government of Prime Minister Recep
Tayyip Erdogan wins another parliamentary majority.

Egeman Bargis, an AKP deputy and Erdogan’s chief foreign policy
adviser, did not hide his contempt for such views. "This is not a
difference of opinion between Islamists and secularists," he said.

"It is a difference of opinion between those who want more democracy
or less. The opposition has tried at every chance to create tension."

Although some of the AKP’s most prominent members have Islamist ties,
the party has not spoken much about religion since it emerged as a
grassroots movement a few years ago. It has positioned itself on the
centre-right and concentrated, with considerable success, on pursuing
internationalist economic policies. Turkey’s GDP has risen more than
seven per cent per year since 2003, per-capita income has more than
doubled, and inflation has been reduced to single digits for the
first time in decades.

But the AKP crossed a line with the military when it proposed Foreign
Minister Abdullah Gul, a practising Muslim whose wife covers her head,
as its choice for president. The military derailed the plan last
April by posting on its website a warning about a "growing threat"
to Turkey’s secular practices. Erdogan’s response was to seek a new
mandate by calling early elections.

There are indications that the military may have misjudged the public
mood. Polls suggest that the AKP’s share of the vote will increase to
more than 40 per cent from 34, largely because of a backlash against
the military’s stance.

Paradoxically, though, although the prime minister’s party is more
popular than ever in religiously conservative rural areas, and is
gaining support in urban areas because of its economic policies,
the AKP may actually win fewer seats. That’s because of an awkward
electoral system that only allows parties with more than 10 per cent
of the vote to have representation in the 550-seat parliament.

7th Sitting Of Armenian-Iranian Intergovernmental Commission Opens I


YEREVAN, JULY 20, NOYAN TAPAN. The 7th sitting of Armenian-Iranian
Intergovernmental Commission opened on July 20 in Yerevan. Manouchehr
Mottaki, the Foreign Minister of Iran, the Commission’s Iranian
Co-chairman, has arrived in Armenia for the purpose of taking part in
the sitting. The Commission’s Armenian Co-chairman is the RA Minister
of Energy, Armen Movsisian.

M. Mottaki said that in the recent years the Armenian-Iranian relations
have advanced and registered considerable achievements, including
the construction of the Iran-Armenia gas pipeline, construction of
a wind power plant in the territory of Armenia by Iran, increase of
border exchanges and traffic up to more than 60 thousand lorries,
motor cars, to name but a few.

There are a number of important programs at present, including
construction of a HPP on river Araks, establishment of a direct
railway communication between the two countries, construction of oil
cultivating factory in the territory of Armenia with the participation
of Iran, Armenia, and Russia, creation of an Iranian trade center in
Armenia with the participation of the private sector.

In A. Mottaki’s words, one of the most important spheres of economic
cooperation is the banking sphere, and the foundation of an Armenian
bank in Iran can rise the level of financial-banking communication
between the two countries. It was mentioned that the Iranian Mellat
bank operates in Yerevan.

It was also mentioned that last year commodity circulation between
the two countries made 200m USD.

Russian Observers: NKR Elections Were Transparent, Free And Legitima


20.07.2007 14:17 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Russian observers have issued a statement on the
outcomes of the presidential elections in Nagorno Karabakh, the NKR
CEC told a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter. The statement says, in part,
"International observers from different states, including the Russian
Federation, arrived in Nagorno Karabakh to watch the presidential
elections scheduled for July 19, 2007. The Russian observers attended
numerous polling stations in the Nagorno Karabakh Republic. We were
offered success to the work of the Central Election Commission,
polling stations and to the process of counting of votes. We also
held meetings with some presidential contenders

The Russian observers have made the following conclusions:

1. The NKR CEC made a considerable contribution to make the election
professional and trustworthy. The activities of the districts electoral
commissions during the elections and counting of votes deserve a high
estimation as well.

2. The presidential elections in the Nagorno Karabakh Republic were
transparent, free and legitimate.

3. The elections were held on alternative basis: there were 5

4. The observers did not fix serious violations in the procedure of
registration, voting, counting of votes and transportation of protocols
from the polling stations to the CEC. No facts of interference
unauthorized persons in the work of the electoral commissions were
fixed either. The shortcomings noticed by the observers were of
technical nature. Recommendations on their elimination were taken
into account immediately.

5. Transparent ballot boxes were used and secured maximal transparency
of the vote. The observers were offered the possibility to freely
examine the documentation.

6. We were impressed by the activity of the voters, their motivation
and civil stance.

7. The observers thank the NKR Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the
Central Election Commission and the authorities at various levels
for cooperation and assistance rendered to the observation mission,
detailed information on the election campaign and freedom of travel.

8. The Russian delegation states that progressive achievements in
NKR are obvious.

9. These elections vividly demonstrate that the state system of the
Nagorno Karabakh Republic has been formed and is developing towards
democracy and stability.

10. The Russian observers with regret learned of non-constructive
statements of representatives of some international organizations
as regards the presidential elections in the Nagorno Karabakh
Republic. Nagorno Karabakh possesses political, legal and historical
ground for the international recognition of its state independence.

11. Democratic achievements of the NKR need support and recognition
by the international community, what would promote the settlement of
the conflict between Azerbaijan and Nagorno Karabakh, establishment
of stability and lasting peace in the region. Protraction of final
recognition of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic impedes its dynamic
development and can cause destabilization in the region.

NKR Deserves International Recognition


Lragir, Armenia
July 20 2007

The former foreign minister of Yugoslavia Vladimir Matic, member of
the group, presented the observations of the Public International Law
and Policy Group NGO which observed the presidential election of NKR.

He said the democratic process is a lasting process. And Karabakh
deserves that its efforts for building democracy were recognized. No
doubt, it leaves a trace on the international image of Karabakh.

However, the observer said it does not mean recognition of

The Group, which includes experts, lawyers, politicians who worked
in the governments of a number of countries of the world, observes
elections, provides legal consultancy on self-determination and the

US State Department Denied Allegations In Supplying Weapons To PKK T


19.07.2007 18:46 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ "Allegations that the US was supplying weapons to the
terrorists of PKK (Workers’ Party of Kurdistan) are untrue," US State
Department spokesman Sean McCormack stated. He said that cooperation
between Iraq and Turkey would serve both countries’ interests.

Meanwhile, Turkish Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul said US officials
had told Ankara that their administration had in no way supplied
weapons to the PKK. Gul added, however, that they had proven that
some weapons used by the terrorist group were American or European.

Turkey’s top diplomat added that in the chaos and power vacuum plaguing
Iraq, PKK terrorists are using weapons given to the Iraqi army by
European countries and the United States. He also urged the US to
"act very carefully, as it has lost a great deal of its credibility
in the Turkish public", Turkiye newspaper reports.

Level Of Armenian-Egyptian Economic Relations Should Be In Harmony W


Noyan Tapan
Jul 19 2007

YEREVAN, JULY 19, NOYAN TAPAN. Robert Kocharian, the President of
the Republic of Armenia, received Abla Mohamed Abd-El Rahman Osman,
the Ambassador of the Arabic Republic of Egypt to Armenia, on the
occasion of the end of her diplomatic mission on July 19. According
to the information provided to Noyan Tapan by the RA President’s Press
Office, Robert Kocharian estimated the years of the activities of the
Ambassador as productive from the point of view of the development
of Armenian-Egyptian relations.

During the meeting the interlocutors touched upon the development
prospect of bilateral cooperation, as well as the implementation of
the arrangements made during the visit of the RA President to Egypt,
considering the economic constituent part of their collaboration to
be of primary significance. It was also mentioned that they should do
everything possible in order to keep the level of economic relations
in harmony with the high level of political relations.

So, You Say It’s For A Wedding?

Vrezh Aharonyan

Hayots Ashkharh Daily
18 July 07

This is how is a revolution is financed

As we know, ex-Foreign Minister Alexander Arzoumanyan, detained May 7,
has been under arrest since May 10. It didn’t, naturally, take some
people much time to present him as someone bearing the crown of a
person subjected to political persecution.

In the previous issue of "Hayots Ashkharh" we already reminded you
that Vahan Shirkhanyan and Alexander Arzoumanyan met Levon Grigor
Marcos in Moscow April 24-26 and reached a certain agreement with
him. It is worth reminding you that Levon Grigor Marcos was under
investigation then. As a result, a sum of 178200 US dollars was very
rapidly transferred to the "Conversebank", Yerevan, on the accounts
of 9 individuals.

The other noteworthy fact is that, having been in Moscow just the
previous day, both A. Arzoumanyan and V. Shirkhanyan did not directly
bring the money to Yerevan. The option of transferring it on the
accounts of other persons was found more preferable. Why…?

We believe the inquest will help find out the answer to that question.

And before that we obtained the following information from the
Press Secretary of the Prosecutor General, "As a result of the joint
investigative operations with the Russian law enforcement officials,
8 among the 9 citizens, on whose accounts the sum of 178.200 US
Dollars was transferred from Moscow to Yerevan April 27 and 28, were
interrogated (one of them was interrogated in Yerevan). The latter
gave evidence that they had no information with regard to the sums
transferred on their accounts; they had nothing to do with them and
didn’t know the individuals on whose accounts money was transferred
to Yerevan.

Sashik Aghazaryan has been interrogated in Moscow too, pursuant to the
motion submitted to the inquest authority by Alexander Arzoumanyan’s
attorney. S. Ghazaryan insisted that he had transferred the sum
at the request of A. Arzoumanyan. The money was transferred on the
accounts of 9 different individuals, and it was A. Arzoumanyan that
gave S. Aghazaryan the personal data of those people. As to why
the transfers were made on the accounts of placemen without their
knowledge, S. Aghazaryan made no comment in that regard. S. Aghazaryan
also reported that he didn’t know Vahan Shirkhanyan and had transferred
no sum on his account."

Interested in this story, we managed to find out from other sources
that no written document was available; at least there was no factual
evidence that the transfer was made by S. Aghazaryan. That’s to say,
it is quite probable that the transfers were actually made by someone
else, for instance, Levon Marcos, and now S. Aghazaryan is trying to
shoulder the responsibility himself.

Another noteworthy piece of information: Levon Ordyan, a relative
of Artak Chobanyan, V. Shirkhanyan’s son-in-law, was interrogated in
Moscow. According to A. Chobanyan, Levon Ordyan had transferred to him
a sum of 20.000 US Dollars at his request. However, L. Ordyan refuted
the statements made by L. Shirkhanyan’s son-in-law and insisted that A.

Chobanyan had not requested any sum and he had not transferred money
to him.

V. Shirkhanyan’s statements and testimonies were not substantiated

According to S. Aghazaryan, the 178.200 US Dollars transferred to
Yerevan constituted the sum requested by Alexander Arzoumanyan with
the purpose of improving his living standards. A sum of $ 50 000
was found as a result of the search carried out in A. Arzoumanyan’s
apartment. Later, A. Arzoumanyan’s attorney H. Arsenyan made the
following statement in connection with the origins of the sum, "You
may ask S. Aghazaryan; he has publicized in the media that the money
was transferred by him.

The law enforcement officials have, of course, interrogated the
latter and undisclosed all the facts mentioned above. However, there
is, at the same time, another problem: Alisa Shirkhanyan and Artak
Chobanyan, V. Chobanyan’s daughter and son-in-law respectively, and,
according to some available information, another familiar person,
withdrew a significant portion of the sum from the bank.

V. Shirkhanyan himself said that his friends had transferred to him
a sum of $ 80.000, on condition of return. He also reported that his
daughter and son-in-law as well as two more persons were to receive
the money at his request. His daughter, son-in-law and another person
withdrew the money transferred they had transferred. V. Shirkhanyan
also pointed out that his friends has transferred those sums with
the purpose of his daughter’s wedding and some construction work. By
the way, his testimonies were also affirmed by A. Shirkhanyan and
A. Chobanyan. However …

An attentive reader has already noticed that the information provided
by V. Shirkhanyan contradicts S. Aghazaryan’s testimony with respect
to both the person who sent the money and the purpose for which it
was sent.

Let’s also note that having given a false testimony is not the only
problem emerging in such circumstances. In case there is substantial
evidence available, A. Arzoumanyan, S. Aghazaryan (and very probably,
V. Shirkhanyan) will be held accountable for a misdemeanor committed
under Article 190 of the criminal code. The matter is addressed to
legalizing illegally obtained income ("money laundering"): concealing
the true essence, origin and whereabouts of the sum or the rights
pertaining to it, its placement, movement or actual identity.

We do not mean that the above-mentioned sum was sent to Armenia for
illicit purposes. However, if there was no such goal or any other
ulterior motive, how come that those sums were transferred on the
accounts of nine individuals who were unaware of the transaction
and did not even visit the Trade Financing Bank? How come that A,
Arzoumanyan and V. Shirkhanyan preferred to receive those sums through
other persons instead of withdrawing them personally?

We will most probably discuss in the near future who Sashik Aghazaryan
really is, what relations he has with Levon Marcos, why especially
the Trade Financing Bank was chosen etc.

Boston City Authorities Propose Several Sites For The Armenian Memor

17.07.2007 15:51

The project of constructing a memorial dedicated to the Armenian
Genocide victims is no more endangered, The Boston Globe reports. The
community councils and officials of the city are proposing different
sites for erecting the memorial to the Armenian Genocide victims.

The Armenian Heritage Foundation, the sponsor of the project, suggests
building the memorial on the Greenway, near Christopher Columbus Park,
which is, however, not included in the list of sites proposed by the
city authorities.

Let us remind that from2006 the Mayor of Boston, the community councils
and some officials opposed the project of construction of the memorial
dedicated to the memory of the victims of the Armenian Genocide.