Los Angeles’ richest man named

Xinhua, China
May 28 2007

Los Angeles’ richest man named

2007-05-28 07:21:44

LOS ANGELES, May 27 (Xinhua) — The Los Angeles Business Journal on
Sunday listed self-made mogul Kirk Kerkorian as the city’s richest
man, with estimated wealth of 16.1 billion dollars.

Kerkorian’s wealth last year was estimated at 8.3 billion

Born in 1917 in Fresno, California to Armenian immigrants,
Kerkorian never attended college and has made billions in investments
in Las Vegas casinos, airlines and the famed MGM studios — which he
later sold. Reports this week that Kerkorian was interested in buying
the Bellagio Hotel & Casino sent casino shares soaring.

Media mogul Sumner Redstone placed second for the second
consecutive year, with an estimated worth of 8.5 billion dollars.
Redstone is executive chairman of Viacom Inc. and CBS Corp.

The civic-minded Eli Broad moved up the rankings on this year’s
list with an estimated 6.5 billion dollars. Broad has invested
heavily in revitalizing Los Angeles, from revamping the Disney
Concert Hall to financing charter schools. Last year, he was in
fourth place with an estimated worth of 5.6 billion dollars.


BAKU: Another ‘Mistake’ By USA Ali Verdiyev


Baku Sun, Azerbaijan
May 25 2007

A statement on an official US website about the history of an
Azerbaijani region has again caused protests in Baku shortly after
Washington managed to calm emotions in the Caucasus republic over a
controversial paragraph in its annual human rights report.

The official CIA website said that Russia actually passed the breakaway
region of Nagorno-Karabakh to Azerbaijan in the 1920s, in a covert
hint that the region might have been within Armenia before then.

"Armenian leaders remain preoccupied by the long conflict with Muslim
Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh, a primarily Armenian-populated
region, assigned to Soviet Azerbaijan in the 1920s by Moscow," the
website says.

The Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry has criticized the statement as
a "mistake" and stressed that any information posted on official
US websites should be in accordance with the position of the US

"We will certainly deal with this issue. The Foreign Ministry will
appeal to both the US embassy in Baku and the Azerbaijani embassy
in the US in order to clarify this erroneous information on the CIA
website," the Foreign Ministry spokesman, Khazar Ibrahim, told local
news portal Day.az.

However, the public relations officer of the US embassy in Baku,
Jonathan Henick, said that the information on the CIS website did
not reflect the official position of the US.

"This is just information about the history of the region and we do
not hold that all the information on that site is accurate," he said,
promising to clarify the issue with Washington next week.

The statement followed a significant chill in relations between the
US and Azerbaijan in late April over a paragraph in the annual report
of the US Department of State on human rights practices in Armenia,
which denied Yerevan’s occupation of Azerbaijani territories.

Washington swiftly corrected the paragraph following strong protests
from the Azerbaijani side, which immediately cancelled top level
security talks with the US in response to the move.

Enjoying strong political and military support from Russia, Armenia
occupied Nagorno-Karabakh and seven adjacent Azerbaijani districts
before military hostilities ended in a cease-fire in 1994. One
million Azerbaijanis were uprooted from their homes in Armenia,
Nagorno-Karabakh and the surrounding seven districts in the wake of
the devastating war which claimed thousands of lives on both sides. A
long series of peace talks between Azerbaijan and Armenia, brokered
by the OSCE Minsk Group, have been under way for more than a decade,
leaving only a gloomy ray of hope of achieving a breakthrough in
the negotiations.

In Soviet times Nagorno-Karabakh was a region populated by ethnic
Armenians and Azerbaijanis and is now a bone of contention between
the two neighboring Caucasus republics. Official statistics said that
more than 60 per cent of the population in Nagorno-Karabakh were
ethnic Armenians and the rest were Azerbaijanis, who were evicted
from the self-styled separatist region during the war of 1992-1994.

Khazar Ibrahim explained further that the mistake in the statement
is that the Soviet decision on Nagorno-Karabakh in the 1920s did not
pass the region to Azerbaijan, but simply said that Nagorno-Karabakh
should remain part of Azerbaijan.

"There is an official document concerning the decision of the plenary
session of the Caucasus bureau of the Central Committee of the Russian
Communist Party dated 5 July 1921. The session was attended by Stalin,
Ordzhonikidze, Kakharadze, Kirov, Orakhalashvili, Sigapner, Nazaretyan,
Narimanov and Myasnikov. Ordzhonikidze and Nazaretyan raised the
issue of handing over Nagornoi-Karabakh to Armenia," Ibrahim said.

"The decision passed at the plenary session, however, says that
Nagorno-Karabakh should remain within Azerbaijan due to the necessity
of reconciliation between Armenians and Muslims, economic ties
between the mountainous and lowland parts of Karabakh and relations
with Azerbaijan. Nevertheless, the decision says that a regional
self-administration should be applied to Nagorno-Karabakh, including
the town of Shusha," he said.

A renowned historian and Azerbaijani MP, Jamil Hasanli, believes that
Azerbaijan itself is to blame for the appearance of such mistakes on
the official sites of other countries.

"We have been writing books about the history of Azerbaijan, including
Nagorno-Karabakh, only in the Azerbaijani language. This means that
we declare our position only to ourselves. It is high time that we
wrote books in different languages so that others can read the true
history," Hasanli told Day.az.

Hasanli also confirmed that the truth is that Nagorno-Karabakh was
not passed to Azerbaijan under any decision, but has always been part
of Azerbaijan.

The historian cited the works of an outstanding Caucasus researcher
from Russia, Vasiliy Potto, who lived in the 19th century and said that
ethnic Armenians were moved to Nagorno-Karabakh from Iran after the
Russian empire took over the South Caucasus in the early 19th century.

Russia occupied the South Caucasus, including the territories of
contemporary Azerbaijan and Armenia, following two wars with Iran in
1812-13 and 1826-27.

Hasanli said that the best proof as to the aboriginal population
of Karabakh is the census taken in 1823. According to the book,
"Description of the Karabakh province", published in Russia in 1866,
the results of the census showed that "92 per cent of the population
[in Karabakh] were Muslims and only 8 per cent were Christians –
the successors of ancient Albanians living in the region.

Yasar Buyukanit Supposed To Be Target Of Ankara Blast


23.05.2007 14:10 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Leading Turkish newspapers Hurriyet and Radikal said
that the blast in Ankara took place shortly before senior military
commanders, including armed forces chief of General Staff, General
Yasar Buyukanit were due to pass the area to go to a reception held
within the framework of IDEF-2007, International Defense Industry Fair.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility but the A-4 plastic
explosives believed used in the blast pointed to the outlawed
separatist Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), a security source and
newspapers said.

General Yasar Buyukanit did not rule out new blasts by Kurdish rebels.

Turkish army leadership is holding Wednesday extra meetings to consider
security measures throughout the country, specifically sea resorts.

The violence could be caused by a large-scale operation against
PPK troops at the Iraqi border, barring the pro-Kurdish Party of
Democratic Society to take part in the parliamentary election due
July 22 as well as the PPK’s wish to destabilize political situation
on the threshold of the elections, Cumhurriyet reports.

Commission Penalizes TV Market For Unfair Competition


May 23 2007

YEREVAN, MAY 23, ARMENPRESS: Armenian state commission for protection
of economic competition ruled today to penalize TV Market company for
‘unfair competition." The penalty amount is 100,000 Armenian drams

The commission said it acted on a number of newspaper publications
and tens of complaints from consumers who complained that the quality
of goods advertised by TV Market is not what they are said to be.

The commission said some of these goods are advertised as USA-or-Europe
manufactured whereas they are made in China.

Atmosphere Of Fear At Present Strained In Turkey, Armenian Turkologi


Noyan Tapan
May 22 2007

YEREVAN, MAY 22, NOYAN TAPAN. The atmosphere of fear among Armenians
became more strained in Turkey after Agos newspaper editor-in-chief
Hrant Dink’s murder. Turkologist Anush Hovhannisian expressed such
an opinion at the May 22 discussion. In her words, the demonstrations
followed H. Dink’s murder which were held under the slogan "We all are
Armenians, we all are Dink" and the authors of which the democratic
forces of Turkey were, may not be even compared with the Kemal crowded
demonstrations taken place in two weeks after it. The latters, in
A. Hovhannisian’s words, protested why such a public wave arose on the
occasion of an Armenian journalist’s murder, whereas, in their opinion,
Turk diplomates’ murders remained unresponded during the history.

In the opinion of another Turkologist, Artak Shakarian, "the more
Turkey goes towards Europe" the more beneficial development of events
will be for Armenia. But, as A. Shakarian mentioned, H. Dink’s death
slowed down that country’s entering the European family and had a
negative influence on the Armenian-Turkish relations. In his opinion,
the situation became much more difficult for the Armenians of Turkey:
threatening letters are periodically got at Armenian schools, Armenian
article writers present themselves in mass media with pseudanyms.

Government Delegation Headed By Serge Sargsyan Leaving For Ukraine


23.05.2007 15:17

May 24 the government delegation headed by RA Prime Minister Serge
Sargsyan will leave for Ukraine on a two-day working visit to
participate in the recurrent sitting of the Heads of Governments
of CIS member states. The delegation comprises Chief of Staff of RA
Government, Minister Manuk Topuzyan, Deputy Foreign Minister Gegham
Gharibjanyan, Permanent Representative of the Republic Armenia in
the CIS Statutory and other bodies Oleg Yesayan, Armenian Ambassador
Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Ukraine Armen Khacatryan,
Authorized Representative of the Republic of Armenia in the CIS
Commission on Economic Affairs of CIS Economic Council Artak Vardanyan,
heads of departments from the Office of Government and the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs, other officials.

The Heads of Governments will discuss questions concerning the
cooperation between CIS-member States in various spheres. Signing of
documents and joint press conference of the Heads of CIS Governments
are expected at the end of the sitting.

ANCA-ER: Uni. of S. Alabama Hosts Screening on The Armenian Genocide

Date: May 23, 2007
Armenian National Committee of America
Eastern Region, US
PO Box 419, New York, New York 10108
Contact: Karine Birazian
Tel: 917-428-1918
Email: [email protected]


Mobile, Alabama- On April 24, 2007, the University of South Alabama
hosted a screening of The Armenian Genocide by Andrew Goldberg to help
educate students and faculty about the Armenian Genocide. During the
event students and faculty also collected signatures in support of the
Armenian genocide resolution reported the Armenian National Committee
of America, Eastern Region (ANCA-ER).

The event was sponsored by Dr. Morris, Director of International
Studies, and was organized by three South Alabama students Rachel
Logan, Narine Karapetyan, and Hannah Skewes. Following the video,
there was a question and answer portion, as well as an opportunity to
receive further information about the Armenian genocide.

"It was exalting to be able to inform people about something so close
to my heart. I appreciated that people showed such concern und
understanding to a peoples suffering that has gone unrecognized for
far too long," commented Karapetyan. "I am confident that next year
we will also be a success and attract a larger audience."

Working with the (ANCA-ER), the students organized collecting
signatures in support of the genocide resolution in both the House of
Representatives and the Senate (H. Res 106/S. Res 106). Students
signed petitions to Congressman Bonner (R-AL), as well as Senator
Sessions (R-AL) and Senator Shelby (R-AL). The ANCA-ER also provided
students with materials about the Armenian genocide.

"This was a great initiative taken by young activists who wanted to
educate their peers on the Armenian genocide. Currently the ANCA- ER
is working to outreach to different communities throughout the region.
We look forward to working with activists in Alabama and continue to
educate others on this issue," commented Karine Birazian, ANCA-ER
Executive Director.

To date, the H. Res 106 has 196 Cosponsors and S. Res 106 has 31. The
legislation which reaffirms the U.S. record on the Armenian Genocide
and urges the President to properly characterize the Armenian Genocide
as "genocide" in his yearly April 24th statement. The House version
was introduced this January by Representatives Schiff, George
Radanovich (R-CA), Pallone and Joe Knollenberg (R- MI) along with
Representatives Sherman and Thaddeus McCotter (R-MI) of the House
Foreign Affairs Committee. The Senate resolution, introduced by
Senators Richard Durbin (D-IL) and John Ensign (R- NV).

The Armenian National Committee of America is the largest and most
influential Armenian American grassroots political organization.
Working through a network of offices, chapters, and supporters
throughout the US and around the world, the ANCA actively advances the
concerns of the Armenian-American community on a broad range of


Photo Captions:
Photo #1: Attendees signing petitions in support of H. Res 106 and
S. Res 106

Photo #2: University South Alabama students Rachel Logan, Narine
Karapetyan, and Hannah Skewes surrounded by community and student


Two Citizens Injured As A Result Of Exchange Of Fire That Happened O


Noyan Tapan
May 21 2007

GYUMRI, MAY 21, NOYAN TAPAN. Exchange of fire happened between
unknown persons on May 20, at about 19:30 in the crossroad of Terian
and Ghukasian streets of the town of Gyumri, as a result of which
resident of the same town, Hamaspyur Mnatsakanian (born in 1933)
received bodily injury in her left arm. At 20:00 the same day Gyumri
resident Norayr Aloyan (born in 1979) was taken to Gyumri Gyulbenkian
Surgical Hospital with a fire-arms injury in his left hip.

According to the report of RA Prosecutor General’s Office, 28
cartridge-cases and 2 bullets were discovered and confiscated after
the scene was examined.

As a result of measures undertaken, at about 20:30 the same day,
black Hammer H-2 car with the licence plate 44 TT 440 belonging
to Gyumri resident Artyom Ghukasian was discovered in the yard of
cottage N 104/118 of Gyumri Car Station workmen’s settlement, with many
fire-arms damages. After examining the car cabin 1 non-fired bullet,
1 cartridge-case and two bullet balls were discovered and confiscated.

A criminal case was instituted at Shirak Prosecutor’s Office on the
occasion of the fact, by point 6, Article 34-104 and part 1, Article
235, RA Criminal Code.

An investigation group was created for carrying out preliminary
investigation and all necessary measures are being undertaken in the
direction of disclosing the circumstances of the case and the persons
having committed the crime.

Armenian Colleges Of Istanbul Receive Threatening Letters


Noyan Tapan
Armenians Today
May 21 2007

Armenian colleges of Istanbul received anonymous letters from the same
address, the authors of which demand that Armenians of Turkey protect
Turkey’s interests in case of pressures exerted upon the latter from
abroad. The letters read that this is the last warning and members of
Armenian community should be strictly punished if they do not protect
Turkey’s interests this time, either.

According to the Marmara newspaper of Istanbul, the Armenian Patriarch
of Constantinople informed media on May 16 that indeed such letters had
been received. The Patriarch reported that the security service has
already started investigation and he is sure that the criminals will
be disclosed soon. In his words, the public opinion should confidently
condemn these letters, which are undesirable not only for the Armenian
community, but also from point of view of country’s interests.

For Armenia It Is More Preferable To Deal With The Secular Turkey Ra


19.05.2007 GMT+04:00

The Trabzon’s example, which has become the center of attention of
almost all radical Islamic groupings, may attract other provinces
as well.

On July 22 special parliamentary elections are planned to be held
in Turkey. The elections may be crucial in the modern history of
the country; the 70 year-old secular life of the country may come
to an end and the country may revert to its Islamic origins. This
may noticeably limit the power the General Staff possesses, which
according to the Constitution may bring the government down, in case
"it puts the country’s national security under risk".

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ In his time Mustafa Kemal Ataturk introduced this
article in the Constitution for he, being a military man and "Union and
Progress" party member before that, knew well how uncontrollable the
civil government may be. The Armenian, Greek, and Assyrian Genocides
may serve as vivid examples of the above mentioned. It is not that
the founder of the Turkish Republic treated badly those not being of
Turkish origin; just he thought that Turkey was the Turks’ country,
all the others had only a right to survive.

However, for Armenia it is more preferable to deal with the secular
Turkey rather than with the Islamic one. The Islamists, who at
present act only time after time, may indeed begin some serious actions
against the Christian population of the country. The Trabzon’s example,
which has become the center of attention of almost all radical Islamic
groupings, may attract other provinces as well. The whole world already
knows what outcome it may have for the Armenians, Greeks and for the
few Catholic missioners.

The election campaign in Turkey has already launched and there have
already been some surprises. Verkin Arioba who has Armenian origins
is going to struggle for Turkish parliamentarian mandate in the. She
has turned to the ruling "Justice and Development" party with the
corresponding announcement and at the moment is expecting a final
decision about including her name in the electoral list. As the
Turkish Daily News announces in case Verkin Arioba is included in
the electoral list she will become the first candidate for a deputy
sit in the Turkish Parliament having Armenian origins since 1980. As
Arioba announced, in case she is elected she will continue working
on the resolution of the conflict between Armenia and Turkey, as
well as county’s integration into EU. Answering the questions about
the Armenian Genocide, Verkin Arioba announced, "It is a historical
issue. Discussing this issue every day will have a rather harmful
effect on its development. Let’s look ahead, and not back. Verkin
Arioba’s father is descendent from the Kasabian family, and was one
of the first businessmen in Turkey. Verkin Arioba announced that her
family hasn’t lost anyone during "the resettlement of 1915-1919". "I
lost relatives during the war for independence, but not during the
resettlement," she said. "Being an Armenian I will be able to protect
Turkey’s right in EU more efficiently. The fact that I have Armenian
origins is a great advantage for me in elections," stated Arioba. She
has rather realistic chances if we take into account that after Hrant
Dink’s murder Turkey has announced more then once that Armenians are
well treated in Turkey. Perhaps the 12 points that Turkey gave to
Armenia at the "Eurovision Song Contest" is just one more "evidence"
that speaks for the above mentioned. Meanwhile it is also considered a
political step. "We are neighbors and must be friends too. This must
show what important role music, friendship and art play," announced
Turkish music critic Sezen Cumhur Onal. He assures that the Turkish
votes given to the Armenian singer at the "Eurovision Song Contest"
pursued political interests.

Keeping close to our main point, it should be mentioned that Verkin
Arioba is famous for her criticism about Nobel Prize laureate Orhan
Pamuk and the editor-in-chief of "Agos" Hrant Dink, killed on January
19, 2007 in Istanbul. If the way to the Parliament demands rejection
of one’s own origins, then everything is all right. If there is any
pressure displayed, then Hrant Dink was right saying, "In Istanbul
we live like Armenians for 364 days, and only one day a year, that
is on April 24, we must forget that we are Armenian." According to
the editor-in-chief of "Zhamanak" Ara Kochunyan, being Armenian in
Istanbul is not easy. "This is connected with self-consciousness. Each
of us is a citizen of the Turkish Republic with the Armenian origins
and many of us belong to the Armenian Apostolic Church.

And we like jugglers must not let any of these three balls down;
one of which will always be in the air, and the other two, in our
hands. An Armenian in Istanbul is trying to stay as calm as possible,
not to get any extra attention and be discriminated, yet there are
many different ways of oppressing national minorities in Turkey. The
Turkish Republic is founded on the bases of multinational empire and
often speaks of itself as of an assignee of the Empire. What I want
to mention is, that today the country is secular, but there is the
conception of "non-Islamic citizens of the country", Kochunyan says.

It is very difficult to work one’s way up to the Parliament in such
conditions, but it is not impossible. Simply Turkey will have one
more trump card to display in front of EU, and as usual that trump
card will be provided by Armenia…

"PanARMENIAN.Net" analytical department