Second Sitting Of Interparliamentary Cooperation Commission Of Armen


Noyan Tapan
Feb 15 2007

YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 15, NOYAN TAPAN. Second sitting of Interparliamentary
Cooperation Commission of Armenian and Belarusian National Assemblies
will be held on February 16-18 in Yerevan.

The February 16 second sitting of Interparliamentary Cooperation
Commission will be opened by the greeting speech of RA NA Speaker
Tigran Torosian, then Commission’s Co-chairmen, RA NA Vice-Speaker
Vahan Hovhannisian and Belarusian NA Vice-Speaker Sergei Zabolots
will speak.

After agenda’s approval discussions will be held about the condition
of legal-contractual base operating between the two countries and
cooperation of the two countries’ parliaments at international and
parliamentary structures.

According to the report provided to Noyan Tapan from RA NA Public
Relations Department, the same day T. Torosian will meet with
S. Zabolots. The latter will also have a meeting with RA Deputy
Minister of Energy Areg Galstian.

On February 17, the Commission members will be received by Chairman
of RA NA Standing Committee on Foreign Relations Armen Rustamian.

Artur Baghdasarian Has Meetings In Brussels With Eu And Nato Represe


Noyan Tapan
Feb 14 2007

BRUSSELS, FEBRUARY 14, NOYAN TAPAN. The delegation headed by Artur
Baghdasarian, the Chairman of the "Orinats Yerkir" (Country of Law)
party and the head of the OYP faction at the RA National Assembly
had meetings on February 13, within the framework of the visit paid
to Brussels, with Peter Semneby, the EU Special Representative to
South Caucasus, Robert Simmons, the NATO Special Representative to
Middle Asia, and Ann-Mari Lizin, the Senate Chairwoman of the Kingdom
of Belgium. Issues relating to democratization of Armenia, European
integration as well as to regional developments were discussed during
the meeting. The coming state elections were touched upon and their
holding in correspondence with international standards was attached
importance. As Noyan Tapan was informed by the OYP Press Service,
the OYP delegation also had meetings with the administration of the
ruling Liberal-Democratic Party of Belgium.

Haigazian University Orientation Day

Haigazian University
From: Mira Yardemian
Public Relations Director
Rue Mexique – Kantari
P.O. Box 11-1748
Riad El-Solh 1107 2090
Beirut – Lebanon

Orientation Day for New Students

On Tuesday the 13th of February, Haigazian University welcomed new
students for the spring 2007 semester, who underwent a thorough Orientation
Program during one full day.
This Program is a university requirement, designed to helping new
students make a smooth transition into all aspects of university life:
academic, communal, spiritual and social, as it was clarified by the
program Director, Dr. Berge Traboulsi.
After the Lebanese national anthem and the Haigazian Alma Mater,
campus minister Rev. Nishan Bakalian warmly welcomed the new comers,
assuring them they will get individual attention.
President Haidostian pointed out the values of Haigazian University
shared among current students and graduates alike: Both are proud of their
academic standing, acknowledge the warm and family atmosphere, and enjoy
the vast space to actualize themselves.
The Dean of faculty of Arts and Sciences, Dr. Arda Ekmekji explained
the concept of a University; a universal space that joins together people
from different social, religious and cultural backgrounds. She stressed on
the Liberal Arts Education in general, which endows the student with a
horizontal education, global vision and wide panorama. Ekmekji pushed the
students to make of their education a rich experience.
The Dean of Business Administration and Economics, Dr. Fadi Asrawi
explained how Haigazian University prepares students to be the future
leaders of society, by working not only on their skills but on them as a
whole person.
The Student Life Director, Mr. Antranik Dakessian invited the students
to be active members in the numerous clubs at Haigazian. This will
positively channel students’ energy, providing them with social and
interactive skills.
During the whole day orientation, students had the chance to visit
the library, the computer labs, listen to a lecture on counseling and
self-awareness, and share a meal together.

Armenian Ambassador To Georgia Complains Of Georgian-Russian Stand-O


Feb 12 2007

YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 12, ARMENPRESS: In an exclusive interview with
Novosti-Georgia news agency Hrach Silvanian, Armenian ambassador to
Georgia, complained of the Russia-Georgian standoff saying it has
had a very adverse impact on Armenia and especially on its economy.

The ambassador said any negative or positive development in Armenia and
Georgia has its repercussions on the other side because of historically
close bonds between the two nations. According to the ambassador,
the Russian-Georgian crisis has a double emotional burden on Armenia
as Russia is a friendly nation and a strategic partner of Armenia. He
said this situation is very sensitive to Armenia and its people who
have deep sympathies to both Russians and Georgians.

In a related development a public opinion poll conducted by a Georgian
newspaper Kviris Palitra has ranked Armenians as the least friendly
nation to Georgia.

The respondents, 175 women and 287 men, were asked to rate the world’s
nations by a 9-grade scale and say which of them are more friendly
to Georgians. The majority, 62 percent, pointed out the USA saying
friendship with it is a guarantee of success. The USA was followed
by Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Russia, Turkey, Poland, Iran and Armenia.

Azeri And Armenian Foreign Ministers Likely To Meet In March


Feb 13 2007

BAKU, FEBRUARY 13, ARMENPRESS: Azerbaijani foreign minister Elmar
Mamedyarov said he could have another meeting with his Armenian
counterpart Vartan Oskanian in March to try to surmount several
contentious points that separates the sides from hammering out a
peace deal over the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

Mamedyarov was quoted by Azerbaijani Trend news agency as saying that
he had negotiated with the OSCE Minsk Group cochairmen on Monday
who presented their proposals concerning the date and venue of his
meeting with Oskanian.

In an apparent retaliation to Armenian side’s comments that the January
23 meeting between the Armenian and Azeri foreign ministers in Moscow
was positive and progress was made in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
resolution process, Mamedyarov said the sides hoped that the Moscow
meeting would mark a stride forward but the meeting failed to justify
these expectations.

Mamedyarov was quoted as saying that major sticking points emerge
when discussing the details. He further stated that both Russia and
USA are interested in soonest resolution of the Karabakh conflict.

"They (Russia and USA) put forth new proposals to help the sides
to forge ahead and assist Armenia and Azerbaijan to narrow their
differences and both realize the significance of the peaceful
settlement of the dispute for the entire region," he said.

ANKARA: Police Force Shouldn’T Be Source Of Problems

Ilnur Cevik

The New Anatolian, Turkey
Feb 10 2007

We have to be extremely careful about casting a shadow on special
state institutions like the military or the police force simply because
harming them would only result in seriously hurting the vital interests
of the country and jeopardizing its security.

We see with sadness that the recent violent events in Turkey have
created question marks about the effectiveness of the police force
and there are claims that the security system has been taken over by
religious orders.

For quite some time there have been consistent claims that a bulk of
the police officials are people with sympathies for the Gulen religious
order and there are demands especially from the secularist elite for an
overhaul of the security system. There is even talk that the military
is closely monitoring these groups and has thick files on them.

We feel this is part of a campaign to undermine the police force
and it is wrong. It is only normal that the police of a country
where the population is overwhelmingly Muslim will have religious
sensitivities. People should be happy that their police have religious
sensitivities and have strong moral values as this will prevent them
from being involved in corruption or mistreating people.

What should be a matter of real concern for our people is the kind
of disarray we have been observing in the police force. We see with
sadness that the police intelligence has not been working effectively
and that tip-offs of possible assassinations are being disregarded.

This was the case in the murder of journalist Hirant Dink. Police
knew that Dink was being threatened by an ultranationalist group who
in fact in the end managed to assassinate him. Those who think this
happened because Dink is of Armenian origin are dead wrong. It could
have been any of us under threat and the result would have been the
same simply because of the disarray among the police departments.

We see very clearly that there are ultranationalist groups who are
extremely active these days that could pose serious threats to our
stability. It is up to the police to take preventive measures to
stop them.

There are growing criticisms leveled against the interior minister even
by his own party people that he is not concentrating on the problems of
the police force and instead he is involved in controversial dealings
of all kinds. We do not believe these claims.

Aksu is an experienced politician and a bureaucrat who should see
the dangers lying ahead and should take measures quickly to correct
the deficiencies in the police force.

Turkey is going through a sensitive period when tensions will be on
the rise especially with the controversy surrounding the election
of the new president and the upcoming elections campaign for the
Parliament. We need a strong and effective apolitical police force
to cope with these challenges.

We cannot allow our police force to be weakened by controversies and
gossip. Yet, we also feel urgent steps have to be taken to end the
deficiencies of the police force, which are so obvious.

NKR: Civic Action Center Conducted Monitoring


Azat Artsakh Daily – Nagorno Karabakh Republic [NKR]

The Civic Action Center NGO conducted the first monitoring of the
penitentiaries in 2007. The director of CAC Albert Voskanian says they
are interested in the conditions in which the prisoners are kept. The
members of the organization monitored sanitation in cells, the
physical and psychological state of the inmates. Mr. Voskanian said
the psychologist of the center Zoya Mayilian conducted a course of
psychological rehabilitation for a group of inmates. He said they also
held computer classes for inmates and checked certain documents of the
penitentiaries. Albert Voskanian says relying on the results of the
monitoring that the conditions of penitentiaries are far from the
European standards but comply with our standards. At the remand prison
of Stepanakert the members of the CAC paid attention to the conditions
in which a woman and two adolescents were kept. Women and children are
said to have more difficulty adjusting to the new environment. The
psychologist, therefore, conducts a course of individual therapy for


Georgian "A Trip To Karabakh" To Be Screened At The International Be


Yerevan, February 10. ArmInfo. "A Trip to Karabalkh" – a film of
Georgian director Levan Tutberidze, will be presented at the 57th
International Film Festival (IFF) in Berlin, Prime News reports. It
will be screened in the CinemaxX on 14 Feb.

In 2007, it was the first time that a Georgian film has been presented
in the international cinema market.

The 57th IFF was launched yesterday and will continue till 18 Feb.
presenting 350 films.

Baku Says OSCE Should Step Up Efforts In Settlement Of Karabakh Conf


Interfax News Agency
Russia & CIS General Newswire
February 8, 2007 Thursday 2:58 PM MSK

Azerbaijan sees the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe
(OSCE) as an effective organization for settling the Karabakh conflict
and wants its efforts to increase, Azerbaijani Parliament Speaker
Oktai Asadov said at a meeting with OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Chair
Goran Lennmarker in Baku on Thursday.

If the OSCE expands its activity, the Karabakh problem could soon be
settled, he said.

"Although the military potential of Azerbaijan, which participates
in a number of international projects and is Europe’s energy partner,
is much bigger than Armenia’s, we are for a peaceful solution to the
conflict," Asadov said.

Lennmarker’s visit to Southern Caucasus countries started on February
4. First he visited Armenia, then Georgia.

CYMA-WD Now Accepting Applications for 2007 Program

February 05, 2007
CONTACT: David Yaldezian, Chair
Phone: (818) 558-7474
E-mail: [email protected]

iT Is with great pleasure and enthusiasm that the Executive
Committee of the 2007 Christian Youth Mission to Armenia of the
Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of North America (CYMA-WD)
would like to announce that is accepting applications for its 2007
program. Applications will be submitted online at the

The CYMA-WD committee has been actively working to make 2007 an amazing
year. In its three years since inception, over twenty-five Armenian
youth between the ages of 18-29 have visited their homeland through the
CYMA program. This mission was initiated by his Eminence, Archbishop
Hovnan Derderian, after the Spiritual Pilgrimage to Armenia in 2001
on the occasion of the 1700 Anniversary of the official adoption of
Christianity as the state religion of Armenia. Over 100 participants
from the Western Diocese took part in the worldwide pilgrimage and
celebration in Armenia.

The 2007 CYMA-WD program is split between a two week Spiritual
Pilgrimage, and an eight week Internship Program. These two programs
will take place starting 17 June, 2007. Both programs are open to
Armenian youth 18-29 years of age. Both pilgrims and interns will
take residence in student dorms in Yerevan or apartments located in
the city center.


It should be every young man and woman’s goal to experience the
roots of their spiritual and cultural identity. The CYMA Pilgrimage
accomplishes this goal. Pilgrims will travel to the most breath taking
spiritual and historical sites throughout Armenia and Artsakh. The
Spiritual Pilgrimage is designed to be an extraordinary time to learn
and discover the Armenian identity in our spiritual and ancestral

Pilgrims will travel throughout Armenia visiting special locations,
lead by a clergyman of the Western Diocese as well as our CYMA-WD
Coordinator. This trip is perfect for first time visitors as well as
those who have been to Armenia before and did not have the opportunity
to visit the spiritual sites of the country. In addition, pilgrims
will take place in lectures, activities, and events in Yerevan.


The CYMA-WD Internship Program allows young adults an opportunity
to experience daily living in Armenia through an internship in a
professional setting. The internship will provide participants with
insightful experiences regarding their field of study, future career
goals, and more in depth experiences of life in Armenia.

In addition, lectures from members of various organizations will
provide fundamental lessons regarding the economic, cultural and
religious dynamics present in Armenia today. Participants will also
gather on a weekly basis to discuss incorporating our Christian lives
into our daily life, both while in Armenia and upon return.

The CYMA-WD program’s aim is to create a seminal bond with the Armenian
Church, culture and heritage through the participation in the daily
life in Armenia creating a bridge between Armenia and the diaspora.
It is the belief of the executive members of the CYMA-WD that every
Armenian youth should have the opportunity to experience daily life
in their spiritual and ancestral homeland. For more information
about the CYMA-WD program, or to submit and an application, please

The Christian Youth Mission to Armenia is a 501(c)(3) non-profit
organization under the auspices of the Western Diocese of the Armenian
Church of North America as a mission of the Armenian Church Youth