Armenian Wants To Set Up Crisis Management Center


Public TV, Armenia
Dec 4 2006

[Presenter] A NATO-Armenia working meeting on crisis management was
held today at the information centre of the Armenian Rescue Service.

Discussions were organized on three directions in Armenia’s Individual
Partnership Action Plan with NATO. NATO experts and Armenian rescue
specialists will discuss future steps towards the development of the
national system of crisis management during the two-day meeting.

[Director of Armenian Rescue Service Edik Barsegyan] I consider
it important to set up a crisis management centre in Armenia which
would meet international standards. This will be the main core in
managing crisis.

[NATO expert Evert Somer, in English with Armenian voice-over] The
main thing is cooperation during critical situations. Armenia is an
active participant in NATO’s Partnership for Peace programme. We are
confident that this partnership will be a great success.

U.N. plea: "We are not a threat to anyone"

Tiraspol Times & Weekly Review, Moldova
Dec 1 2006

U.N. plea: "We are not a threat to anyone"

In a text to the United Nations, Pridnestrovie answers claims by
Moldova that so-called "frozen conflicts" are a danger to world
peace. It says that it is not a threat to anyone, and that it is
simply concerned with re-building its wartorn economy. The
alternative is worse.

By Karen Ryan, 01/Dec/2006

NEW YORK (Tiraspol Times / Inner City Press) – How on earth can a
tiny, little land-locked country be a threat to anyone? That is the
question which Pridnestrovie, also called Transnistria, asks in a
formal text filed at the United Nations along with two other
unrecognized states, Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

The threats, say the foreign ministers of the three countries, come
from their much larger neighbors: Aggressive states who, says the
text, have a history of using force, waging war to impose their
sovereignty on people who do not wish to live under their rule. This,
argues the ministers, is a remnant of the worst of Stalin’s
Soviet-era imperalism … and it must be rejected by peaceful,
democratic folks everywhere.

The joint message from the unrecognized states came after Moldova,
Azerbaijan and Georgia managed to pass a resolution to put the issue
of the so-called "frozen conflicts" in front of the United Nations
General Assembly. The United States, which considers itself an
interested party with respect to every disagreement and territory,
spoke in favor of the resolution. So did Ukraine, on behalf of "the
GUAM states": Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Moldova.

The response from the foreign ministers of three unrecognized
countries says, in part, that: "We have managed to restore a
war-destroyed economy and effectively overcome the economic and
social consequences of the aggressive wars which our larger neighbors
waged against us. We are a threat to no one, but are simply concerned
with the development of the economies of our countries, and with
solving social problems that still exists. We are ready to live as
peaceful members of the world community and have friendly relations
with all states.

It also points out that an attempt to escalate the conflicts and
involve other countries, even at the United Nations level, will have
unforeseen consequences. Armenia, although not a co-signer, agrees
that by bringing in new parties, existing status talks are disrupted.
Armenia’s Foreign Minister its UN Ambassador publicly stated that if
Azerbaijan continues pushing the issue before the United Nations,
existing peace talks will stop. Armenian sources privately speak more
darkly of an alliance of Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Moldova,
collectively intent on involving the UN in reigning in their
breakaway regions including South Ossetia, Nagorno-Karabakh and
Pridnestrovie (Transdniestria).

Strange antics at the United Nations
As a first salvo in this dark alliance, a panel discussion in
November in the United Nations Trusteeship Council featured two law
professors, Christopher J. Borgen and Mark A. Meyer, arguing against
a series of secessionist states. Although supposedly representing the
New York City Bar in front of the UN panel, Meyer is also a partner
in a private law firm doing a great deal of government related
business in Romania, perhaps the closest ally of Moldova in its quest
to subdue the will of the people of Pridnestrovie to

While the underlying report concerns Moldova and Pridnestrovie, which
is referred to in the report as Transnistria, the two professors
repeatedly referred to other conflicts, including Kosovo and
Montenegro. Their point was to try to distinguish those two from the
so-called frozen conflicts, which apart from Pridnestrovie also
include Nagorno-Karabakh, Abkhazia and South Ossetia. The Ambassadors
of Azerbaijan, Ukraine and Georgia (the other members, with Moldova,
of the "GUAM" group) all spoke, before the panel deigned to take

A Tiraspol Times’ collaborator, New York based journalist Matthew
Russell Lee, asked the professors to explain the basis for Abkhazia
being dealt with in the UN Security Council, while the other
conflicts are before the OSCE, and infrequently the General Assembly.

" – That’s a political question," the moderator said. "We’re talking
about the law."

As if their unconnected, one muttered. "Okay, then – are you saying
that the Security Council has or would have no power, under Chapter
Seven of the UN Charter, to move for Kosovar independence?"

" – Sure there are vast powers under Chapter Seven," said one. "But
our report is not about that." Then what is it about, asks Lee? And
why did the Bar Association of the City of New York get bought into
one side of a two-sided argument? No answer yet … We’ll see.

BAKU: Azerbaijani Speaker And A PACE Committee Chairman Discussed Na

Author: S. Aghayeva

TREND, Azerbaijan
Nov 30 2006

Issues on the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
peaceful settlement have been discussed during the meeting between
Ogtay Assadov, Speaker of the Milli Majlis (Azerbaijan Parliament)
and Lord Rassel Johnston, Chairman of the Special Committee of PACE
(Parliament Assembly of Council of Europe), a source in the Azerbaijani
parliament told Trend.

"The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is the most troublesome issue to
Azerbaijan", Azerbaijan Speaker said. Azerbaijan highly appreciated
the resolution on settling the conflict adopted by the Council of
Europe, as well as attach a great importance to the activity of
the PACE Special Committee especially founded to settle the conflict
peacefully", said Mr. Assadov. He also expressed his confidence in the
immediate settlement of the conflict peacefully within international
norms and principles.

Speaking about the objectives of his visit to Azerbaijan, Lord
R. Johnston said that he was about to get acquainted with the situation
over the peaceful settlement of the conflict, as well as discuss the
further action plan within the Committee.

Darbinyan Happy With Resignation Of Gazprom Vice Chairman

17:28 28/11/06

Armen Darbinyan, rector of Russian-Armenian university and ex-prime
minister of Armenia, commented on personnel changes in Gazprom. He
said he is content with the resignation of Alexander Riazanov from
the post of deputy chairman of Gazprom. "It was Riazanov who allowed
himself impudent and cynical neglect of the interests of Armenia in
the issue of transit of the Iranian gas" Riazanov had said earlier in
Yerevan, "It cannot be because it cannot be ever." Darbinyan announced
to the notice of such politicians of gas saying, "It will be by all
means!" Darbinyan wished the Gazprom management to be more careful
in appointing personnel responsible for international sectors.

Note: One of influential managers of Gazprom, deputy chairman of
Gazprom and head of Gazprom Oil, Alexander Riazanov resigned on
November 15. The management of Gazprom said he resigned because
of the end of its employment contract. In fact, it was just not
prolonged. refers to non-official sources saying Riazanov
resigned because of conflicts with the management. Riazanov himself
made everybody understand that the conflict is connected with the
independence of Gazprom Oil from Gazprom, says.

NEWS ALERT: "Mass Grave Discovery" In Turkey As Pope Continues Tense

By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife

BosNewsLife, Hungary
Nov 29 2006

ISTANBUL, TURKEY (BosNewsLife)– Pope Benedict XVI continued his
tense trip to Turkey Wednesday, November 29, amid reports of the
discovery of a mass grave allegedly containing remains of mainly
Christian Assyrians and Armenians.

The mass grave in south eastern Turkey was believed to date from the
1915-1917 genocide of an estimated 1.5 million Assyrians, Armenians
and Hellenic Christians, said the Assyrian International News Agency
(AINA) to BosNewsLife.

Turkey has both denied these figures or involvement by Turkish Ottoman
in mass murder. However at least a dozen countries have recognized
the genocide.

AINA, which also operates website said last month,
October 17, villagers from Xirabebaba, also known as Kuru, in south
eastern Turkey "came across a mass grave when digging a grave for
one of their deceased."


It was not immediately clear how many bodies were believed to have
been buried there. AINA said Sweden is considering to send special
experts to the region.

The news agency, which has become a voice of the Assyrian churches,
quoted local Christians as saying that the Turkish military have
sealed off the area, forbidding villagers and journalists to report
more details.

News of the mass grave came as the leader of the world’s estimated
1.1 billion Catholics already struggled to overcome tensions over
his recent remarks regarding Islam and to call for more respect for
the rights of Christians.

On Wednesday, November 29, Pope Benedict XVI held a Mass on at one
of the most famous Christian places in Turkey as part of his efforts
to reach out to the Roman Catholic minority in a mostly Muslim country.


The pontiff conducted the open-air Mass in the area of Ephesus near a
house of Mary, who the Bible says gave birth to Jesus while still being
a virgin. Ephesus is also an important town for early Christianity
as Apostle Paul is believed to have used it as a base.

Underscoring the sensitivity of the pope’s trip, security forces had
sealed off the area and only about 250 people reportedly attended
the event, making it one of the smallest crowds to attend a papal Mass.

The pontiff was then to travel to Istanbul where he will spend
the remainder of his four-day visit as the guest of the Ecumenical
Patriarch Bartholomew, seen as the spiritual head of the world’s 250
million Orthodox Christians.

Benedict XVI’s trip was originally meant just as a visit to Ecumenical
Patriarch Bartholomew in Istanbul to try to bring the Roman Catholic
and Orthodox churches closer as there are some 100,000 Christians
in Turkey.


But the pope’s journey is now aimed at easing tensions, following his
recent comments over Islam which added to concern among Christians
in Turkey and neighboring Iraq of more militant attacks against them.

In a September 12 lecture at Regensburg University in Germany, the
Pope quoted 14th-century Byzantine Emperor Manuel II Palaeologus, who
wrote that Prophet Mohammad had brought things "only evil and inhuman,
such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached".

The pope said faith had to be joined with reason, a link he implied
that Islam lacked. Two days later, Turkey’s top religious official
Ali Bardakoglu said Benedict XVI should apologize for comments and
reconsider his plans to visit Turkey.

On September 16, the pope said he was deeply sorry Muslims had been
offended by his use of a mediaeval quotation but also made clear he
was saddened for the reactions in some countries to his few remarks.


But the next day, gunmen killed an Italian nun in Somalia, an attack
many assumed was linked to protests against the pope. Rosa Sgorbati
worked in a pediatrics hospital in Somalia under her religious name
Sister Leonella was killed in Mogadishu by suspected Islamic militants.

Some other deadly attacks in Iraq have also been linked to the
comments. Speaking on Tuesday, November 28, the pope, who is making
his first papal trip to a predominantly Muslim nation, said dialogue
is needed so that different religions come to know each other better
and respect one another.

"We are in great need of authentic dialogue between religions and
between cultures, capable of assisting us, in a spirit of fruitful
cooperation, to overcome all the tensions together," he said, after
meeting Muslim and other officials.

He also stressed the need for all citizens to be guaranteed the right
to freedom of worship and freedom of conscience. Some commentators
have already said they doubt whether it will be ever possible for a
the pope to reconcile Islam with Christianity.


The pope’s efforts were questioned in a comment on the website of the
Washington Post newspaper written by R. Albert Mohler Jr. president
of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, the flagship school of
the Southern Baptist Convention, one of the world’s largest seminaries.

"Simply, the Pope’s visit to Turkey–along with the media attention
and hype–is further evidence that the mixing of temporal and spiritual
authority will not work," he wrote.

"A minister of Christ should speak clearly about the Gospel and about
the reality of Islam."

Mohler Jr. said that the "central Christian concern about Islam
should not be the undeniable threat of Islamic violence but the
fact that Islam is incompatible with the Gospel of Christ." He said,
"Islam explicitly denies what Christians centrally affirm–that Jesus
Christ is the incarnate Son of God who came to save his people from
their sins."

Mohler Jr. stressed that the ,"most significant challenge posed by
Islam is not geopolitical…but spiritual. I do not expect Benedict
XVI to say this in Turkey." (For the other story behind the world
headlines, stay with BosNewsLife.)


Moldovan, Armenian, Kazakh Presidents Arrive In Belarus For CIS Summ


Belapan news agency, Minsk, Belarus
Nov 28 2006

Minsk, 28 November: The presidents of Moldova, Armenia and Kazakhstan,
Vladimir Voronin, Robert Kocharyan and Nursultan Nazarbayev,
have arrived in Minsk for participation in a CIS summit, official
information sources have reported.

The arrival of Uzbek President Islom Karimov and Russian President
Vladimir Putin is expected within minutes.

A session of the Council of CIS Heads of State is to open at 1200
[1000 gmt] at the National Library.

Kocharyan agrees to meet Aliyev in Minsk over Karabakh – diplomat

ITAR-TASS News Agency, Russia
November 22, 2006 Wednesday

Kocharyan agree to meet Aliyev in Minsk over Karabakh – diplomat

by Tigran Liloyan

Armenia has agreed to hold a meeting between the presidents of
Armenia and Azerbaijan as part of the CIS summit to take place in
Minsk on November 28, said Yuri Merzlyakov, Russian co-chairman of
the Minsk Group for Nagorno-Karabakh.

The meeting of the presidents’ mediators yielded results, the Russian
ambassador said on Wednesday before his departure to Baku.

In his words, “it is necessary to receive Azerbaijani President
Ilkham Aliyev’s approval” although earlier the Azerbaijani foreign
minister “made a corresponding statement to this effect”.

The Russian co-chairman said U.S. ambassador Matthew Bryza’s absence
is conditioned by the fact that the co-chairmen “agreed to divide
their obligations. These days the American colleague is to meet
Nagorno-Karabakh leader Arkady Gukasyan, who is currently in the
United States.”

Merzlyakov believes, “In general, the year is rather optimistic for
us. If we manage to do this, we have good prospects in 2007.”

French co-chairman Bernard Fassier said he is hopeful that the
presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan “will succeed in bringing
closer their positions on certain difficult issues.”

Recently military rhetoric has become “more subdued” and it has not
prevented the 2006 key task – to organise a meeting between the
presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan. “Military rhetoric impedes the
negotiating process on the Karabakh settlement whether such
statements are made on the eve of important meetings,” the Russian
co-chairman stressed.

“The co-chairman have a common position – the war is not a real
possibility to solve the conflict,” Fassier added.

Open Doors For The Family


Lragir, Armenia
Nov 22 2006

People and civilizations are lost in time when information regarding
them is not recorded and preserved. The same relates to families,
as families are an essential part of society and culture.

On November 18, 06 the Family History Center held its open house. It
was founded in 2002 in Armenia by the Genealogical Society of Utah,
which has resources and experts worldwide. The Society is headquartered
in Utah, USA and is known as the world’s largest genealogical and
family history library in the world with its immense database. Over
one billion names in searchable databases, two and a half million
microfilms, more that 800,000 microfiches, and about 300,000 unique
and rare genealogical books and literature – such is the library
collection today.

The purpose of the Open House was to inform the public of this
facility’s existence and of the various services it offers. The
Center provides a great opportunity to those who are interested in
the research of their family history and in genealogy in general. It
provides such services as: creating pedigree charts, internet search
in the genealogical websites, training on working with microfilms,
consultations on research methods and data resources, education
seminars, etc.

Similar centers (about 4000) operate in 88 countries and are sponsored
by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The Church
places strong emphasis on creation and conservation of families and
on preservation of family history records. Even though the centers
are usually located in the church buildings, they are open to and
serve people of all nations and religions worldwide.

There is also a website available for further
research. The website has over 50,000 visitors per day.

The Center in Yerevan has a collection of specialized books, records,
dictionaries for geographical names, reference books and microfilms,
which have been donated by the Armenian Genealogical Center in Utah,
USA. The collection contains records on Armenian emigrants and
refugees from 15 countries spread throughout the world after the
Armenian Genocide. The 15 countries are: USA, Australia, Albania,
Austria, Egypt, Turkey, Greece, Syria, India, Indonesia, Jordan,
Holland, Israel, Bangladesh, and Poland. Trained volunteers of the
Center assist attendees making their research more efficient.

The services of the Center are free to the public. It is located on
Vratsakan St. 5, Yerevan and is open every day including Sundays. For
verification of hours and for further information, please, call

Why Do They Remember Hmayak And Forget About Serge?


Lragir, Armenia
Nov 21 2006

Member of Parliament Hmayak Hovanisyan voiced indignation November
21 about the statement on Shant Channel that he defected from one
party to another for several times in his political career. Hmayak
Hovanisyan stated that he was beside the Armenian Revolutionary
Federation Dashnaktsutyun in 1990 and supported the reestablishment
of the ARF Dashnaktsutyun in Armenia because he believed that "a
leftist alternative to the liberal All-Armenian Movement was necessary
because the Communist Party was paralized." After Dashnaktsutyun
Hmayan Hovanisyan was not member of any party and only in 1998 he
set up the People’s Party of Armenia with Karen Demirchyan. After
the People’s Party he did not enter any other political party.

The member of parliament was surprised why Shant forgot about
Serge Sargsyan’s passages from one party to another and remembered
about Hmayak Hovanisyan. "He was a member of the Communist Party,
assistant secretary of the regional committee, in other words, he
was a nomenclature figure. Then he became member of the All-Armenian
Movement, a liberal figure. After the Communist Party he became a
member of the rightist, liberal All-Armenian Movement. Then he became
a Nejdehian, i.e. anti-Christian. From atheism to Christianity,
liberalism, from Christianity to anti-Christianity. So, you forget
about Serge Sargsyan, and stick to Hmayak Hovanisyan," says the member
of parliament.

BAKU: Speech By President Ilham Aliyev At The Eighth Summit Of The H


AzerTag, Azerbaijan
Nov 18 2006

Esteemed Heads of State,

Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends,

First of all, I would like to express my deep gratitude to my dear
brother, the President of the Turkish Republic Ahmed Necdet Sezer
for organizing this Summit and great hospitality. I am very pleased
to be in the fraternal country again, and I think this meeting,
exchange of views, and the decisions to be adopted here, will open
new opportunities for our joint activities.

15 years have passed since our country gained independence. We gained
our independence after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Gaining
independence is a great achievement. I can say independence is our
greatest wealth. Because we have been deprived of independence for
years, for centuries.

But it is even more difficult to strengthen and preserve independence,
and the passed 15 years show the newly independent states have been
quite successful in this regard.

We overcame the major difficulties we faced in the first years of
independence, and the role fraternal Turkey’s played in this was
great. Turkey was the first to recognize Azerbaijan as an independent
state. After regaining sovereignty, Turkey was an enormous support
and help to Azerbaijan, that played a great role for us to carry out
independent activities.

At present, the new sovereign countries are in the era of
development. I would say, economic slowdowns and other difficulties are
left behind in all the countries. Our economy is developing rapidly,
the political processes are going on normally, and, of course, our
bilateral relations are strengthening too. Our bilateral relations
are at a high level, and we are taking efforts to enhance them. Of
course, there is a great need to consolidate multilateral ties,
as well. That is why, conducting of this Summit after a long break
was so important, there was a necessity to convene it Developments
in the region require new approaches as the world changes and new
challenges emerge; and we have to find solution to them by common
efforts which are of immense importance for establishment of peace,
safety and stability in the region.

Our common historical roots, culture and ethnic belonging are, of
course, a solid foundation, a great factor of mutual and effective
activity. Development of cultural ties leads to strengthening of
relations among peoples, and I would like to appreciate contribution
of the organization TURKSOY to this cause. As a result of this
organization’s activity, our peoples have become closer. Our political
relations are at a high level, and much has been done in the economic
field; our relations are now developing comprehensively.

In the economic field, there are concrete and real projects to unite
us, and successful realization of them opens new opportunities
for both our countries and the whole region. Inauguration of the
Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline is a historical event and in the
coming decades, this pipeline will foster economic development and
strengthen security of the region.

Fraternal Kazakhstan’s joining the project has increased its dynamism,
and, in fact, has turned it into a regional project. I am convinced
that operation of the pipeline will better our peoples’ welfare,
cement our relationship, and therefore, will make it possible to
ensure peace and stability in region.

Construction of the Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum gas main means to transport
the Azerbaijani gas to Turkey and further to Europe, is a contribution
to ensuring European energy security, and our countries’ joint activity
in this direction is of huge importance. The Caspian basin countries
have rich natural resources – oil and gas reserves, which are of great
importance for development of our countries and peoples. Because they
bring welfare to the counties of the region.

They lead to development of political processes, and have a positive
impact on democratic processes too. The poorer the country, the slower
democratic processes taking place in them.

We form our policy in two directions: the economic and political
reforms supplement and condition each other. Improving people’s
welfare, creating normal living conditions for them, development of
economy, private sector and entrepreneurship are, of course, what
have a great impact on democratization of our countries.

Our successful cooperation is already a reality. The projects once
seen as legends, today become a reality. It shows that we are capable
to do this work. Despite all the difficulties, all obstructions,
we have managed to do that.

Therefore, I have no doubt the difficulties we face in realization
of the Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum gas main, and the artificially created
obstruction will also be overcome.

Construction of this railway is necessary for our countries, our
peoples, for the regional cooperation. It will connect Turkey to
Azerbaijan through rail way. It will connect Turkey with Central
Asia, Kazakhstan and, thereby, Europe to Asia. This project will
lead only to strengthening stability and peace in region. Therefore,
the artificially created problems cannot make us stay away or break
our will; on the contrary, it will make us stronger and more active.

We have been living independently for the 15th years. Over these years,
we experienced many problems, difficulties and crises. Of course,
it was our mutual support that created opportunities to eliminate
those problems. Azerbaijan’s rapid economic development is already
a reality. According to the latest calculations by the European Bank
for Reconstruction and Development, Azerbaijan has become a world’s
leader in economic growth rate. In 2005, our economy grew by 26
percent, and in 2006, by 34 percent. Industrial production increased
by 40 percent. This enables the country to develop dynamically, and,
simultaneously, strengthen its economic potential.

What we want is that fraternal benefit from these potentialities,
and we benefit from their potentialities . Our countries have already
reached the stage of dynamic development. New jobs, businesses,
oil-gas pipelines are being created, transport infrastructures are
being modernized in line with international standards. That is what
makes me sure that our economic cooperation and our future activity
will have a powerful impetus to deepening the relations between
our countries.

However, there are still problems in our own region, which concern
us greatly. Unfortunately, no peace, stability and security have
been established in our region, including Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan’s
most painful problem is Armenia’s continuing aggression against
Azerbaijan. It is a big problem for us, and a factor which can violate
stability in region. We wish the problem to be solved peacefully,
on the base of the international legal norms and principles. Solution
to every conflict, every dispute should find within certain frames,
in accordance with existent international principles and norms. First
and foremost, they should be solved according to resolutions of the
United Nations as the world’s leading international organization. The
United Nations Security Council adopted four resolutions on the
problem, demanding immediate and unconditional withdrawal of Armenian
troops from the occupied lands of Azerbaijan. But Armenia ignored
them. We are grateful to member states of the Organization of Islamic
Conference for its support. It also adopted several resolutions on the
problem. In January of the last year, such authoritative organization
as the Council of Europe adopted a resolution on the Armenia-Azerbaijan
conflict, in which it recognized Armenia as an aggressor. Nevertheless,
it in no way influenced Armenia. In this case, our hopes lessen
for international mechanisms of settling conflicts. In this case,
tension may run high in the region. Azerbaijan lost 20 percent of
its territories, and over 1 million people became refugees and IDPs
as a result of ethnic cleansing. All historical, cultural, religious
monuments were destroyed and ruined. They commit acts of vandalism
setting fire to our lands, cutting down our forests, and destroying our
religious monuments. The criminal structure called Nagorno-Karabakh
is absolutely out of international control. International community
is not aware of what is going on there. According to our information,
it is the home for criminal operations; drug and arms trafficking,
and training of terrorists.

As the country suffered from terrorism, Azerbaijan is well aware of
what terrorism is. That is why we demand that this issue be settled
only in compliance with international legal standards. It cannot
be settled on the base of any country’s illusions. There are many
things we could have wanted. Our historical land once named Irevan
khanate is now part of Armenia. However, we are approaching this
issue in accordance with existing realities. We know that if the
borders recognized in the world are touched, it will lead to very
hard consequences, very big disasters.

That is why, every country’s territorial integrity should be
recognized. Territorial integrity of Azerbaijan is recognized by all
countries of the world except Armenia. I want to reiterate that we
are standing for peaceful resolution of this problem and try our best
to achieve this. We are grateful to the fraternal countries for their
support, attention and care. This support is very important to us and
we will try to take every opportunity to achieve a fair resolution of
the conflict. To achieve this, we must be strong. We have to strengthen
our economy, potential, and have stronger positions in the region. If
so, our positions at the negotiations will of course be stronger.

Dear friends, I am sure this summit will go down in history. Because,
I want to reiterate, the fact that Turkey initiated and hosted the
summit meeting after the long break, is very important to us. I am
confident that there will be no intervals, and we will be meeting
regularly to combine our efforts. We must always support each other.

The problem of one Turkish-speaking nation must be the problem of other
Turkish-speaking nations. We support and welcome Turkey’s efforts to
join the European Union. It makes us worn out to see the injustice
against Turkey, and it affects us very much. Because there must be
justice in the world, there must be frames and rules of conduct. It
is too hard for every person, every country, to remain patient seeing
injustice. Our cause is the right cause. We support partnership,
cooperation. I have no doubt the decisions to be made at this meeting
and in future summits will even strengthen our unity.

I express my gratitude to the Turkish State and personally to my
bother President Ahmet Necdet Sezer for organizing the summit. I am
sure that the decisions to be made will bring us even closer together,
and the foster development of the Turkish world.

Thank you.