ANKARA: Turkish Business Delegation In France


Journal of Turkish Weekly
Oct 24 2006

PARIS – A delegation headed by Union of Turkish Chambers & Commodity
Exchanges (TOBB) Chairman Rifat Hisarciklioglu arrived in French
capital of Paris on Tuesday to lobby against the resolution, which
criminalizes rejecting of so-called Armenian genocide claims.

TOBB delegation held talks with leading French businessmen including
members of the Paris Chamber of Commerce & Industry, the Union of
European Chambers of Commerce & Industry (Eurochambers) and the MEDEF
International after their arrival.

They stressed that enactment of the resolution would play havoc with
the bilateral relations between Turkey and France.

The delegation is expected to return to Turkey tomorrow.

Turkish business circles believe in that the Armenian issue may damage
Turkish-French economic relations a lot.

AWAOC Monthly Literary Meeting To Be Held November 2


Public Radio, Armenia
Oct 25 2006

Monthly literary meeting of the Armenian Writers Association
of California (AWAOC) will take place at 7-9 p.m. on Thursday,
November 2, 2006 at the Auditorium of the library, with cooperation
of Hay Kiank, Hay Life Publishing. There will be presentation of "Srti
Akhbyur" (Spring of Heart) book of poems by Eskandar Eskandarian. The
event will be presided over by writer and veteran journalist Hrant
Simonian. Managing Editor of Hay Kiank Armenian Weekly Appo Jabarian,
and writer Kima Kirakosian will present literary treatises. Mr. Bill
Paparian, former Mayor of Pasadena, CA, three-term councilman
(1987-1999) and currently Candidate for the CA-29th District of US
Congress will be guest of honor.

Chamber Of Advocates Issues Certificates To Advocates

15:08 25/10/06

The chamber of advocates of Armenia handed over certificates to
149 advocates today. The chamber held the first ever exams for the
qualification of advocates this year. Ruben Sahakyan, chairman of
the chamber of advocates, thanked the government of Armenia and
justice minister David Harutunyan who contributed to the conduct of
the examinations. USAID and ABA/CEELI also supported the examinations.

Turkey Returns To The East


20.10.2006 GMT+04:00

The European path of development turned out to be a difficult one
and almost unnecessary for the Moslem Turkey.

After the French cold shower Turkey is likely to get one more of that
and this time it will be directed from where the country expects
it less of all. The case in point concerns the coming intermediate
elections in the USA Senate. The Republicans, the internal and external
policies of whose do not stand up to any criticism, are quite likely to
lose in the Democrats’ favor and at that time the issue of the Armenian
Genocide recognition by the USA will again appear on the agenda.

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Indeed, for the sake of justice it is worth
mentioning that this question is always raised before the elections
and right after the elections it is safely forgotten until the next
ones come. However, this time the American lawmakers inspired by
the French example can pass if not an analogous bill, then, at least
will call "the events of 1915" to be Genocide. The support group of
Armenia in the USA Congress is rather influential and it can persist
in recognizing the Armenian Genocide, which in its turn will imperil
the longstanding strategic relations between the United States of
America and Turkey. As Turkish daily news has it, the administration of
President George Bush, as well as the administration of the preceding
president, both have been consistently evading the usage of the word
"genocide" in authoritative statements, in this way trying to avoid
the estrangement of Turkey. "But Turkey has always had weak positions
in the Congress.

The Democrats’ victory in the Senate can create a great deal of
problems for Turkey in its attempts to hinder the process of the
Armenian Genocide recognition. In case of the Democrats’ victory
the legislators will speed up the recognition of the Genocide before
the new Congress will start its work in January, 2007",-writes the

For the sake of justice we should mention that the relations
between the two countries have become worse after the intrusion of
the American forces into Iraq and after a new splash of interest to
the Kurdish problem. Of course the Americans clamor against Kurdish
militants but actually they rather back up the idea of the Kurdish
autonomy in Northern Iraq. The recent decision of Iraq concerning
the federal structure of the country in which the Kurds already get a
legally fixed status can become one more headache for Turkey. And it
means that the areas of Iraq that are rich in oil, including Kyrkuk,
will become the center of regional confrontation. Turkey, obsessing
with no natural energy supplies, is trying with all its might to
take Kurdistan under control to somehow make up for the deficiency
in energy. The USA is trying to have its part in the situation of the
unpredictable game of prices on the oil. And, surely America has more
chances to win over the Kurds to its side than Turkey does. By the
highest standards Turkey has nearly no more arguments for appealing
to the world community-neither the abrogation of article 301, nor the
realization of the obligations in front of EU concerning Cyprus give
any chances to Erdoghan’s government for joining EU. The recognition
of the Armenian Genocide and the opening of the Armenian-Turkish
border are both matters of such a far future as the membership of
Turkey into EU is.

However, if we judge not by the Turkish politicians’ statements but
by their affairs, then it turns out that they do not need Europe so
much. Certainly, it would not be bad to suppress Christian countries
with Islamic presence. But nothing came out. And it means that it
is necessary to return to the East, that is exactly what Redgep
Erdoghan is doing since the idea of Cemal Attaturk, that used to
be the founder of the Turkish State, lasted only for 70 years and
the Turks returned. The occurrence is quite a strange one when it
is considered that the history usually furthers and very seldom it
happens to move back.

"PanARMENIAN.Net" analytical department

Karekin II Catholicos: "Our People Is Obliged With Its Existence To


Noyan Tapan
Oct 24 2006

YEREVAN, OCTOBER 24, NOYAN TAPAN. Secondary school teachers’
awarding took place on October 23 in the Mother See of Holy
Etchmiadzin. According to the information submitted to Noyan Tapan
by the Information Services of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin,
this is the third competition of secondary school teachers being
held in Armenia by the RA Ministry of Education and Science, under
the patronage of Karekin II Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All
Armenians. According to the tradition, His Holiness himself gives
certificates and monetary prizes to the competition winners. Narine
Hovhannisian, the Comprehensive Department Chief of the RA Ministry of
Education and Science presented the "Best Teacher of Year" competition
program and done works. Then, the Catholicos of All Armenians and
Minister of Education and Science Levon Mkrtchian gave certificates and
encouraging prizes to 44 teachers of the "History of Armenian People,"
"History of Armenian Church," "Armenian Language and Literature"
and natural sciences subjects. Irma and Silva Ter-Stepanians sisters
(U.S.), the sponsors of the "Best Teacher" competition were present at
the event. The methodological handbook to the "History of Armenian
Church" text-books was also published owing to the their honest
charity. Attaching importance to the close cooperation between the
Armenian Apostolic Surb Church and the RA Ministry of Education and
Science, L.Mkrtchian expressed deep gratitude to His Holiness for
the attention shown by him towards the educational sphere.

Addressing at the end of the ceremony his speech and commandment
to those present, Karekin II Catholicos said: "Being a teacher is
a great honour and responsibility: it means to bear responsibility
for the nation’s existence, quality of its existence. Our people is
obliged with its existence to the Armenian teacher. And thank God,
the history and culture of which our nation is proud, was created
owing to the Armenian people’s soul and idea, is a result of his
education and bringing up." His Holiness expressed confidence
that the Armenian teacher must be able to create honest citizens,
an Armenian’s soul, must be able to nourish Armenian children from
the cleanest source of the Armenian people’s duration and identity,
characteristic and essence, from the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin
from where an Armenian’s soul and belief have got food for centuries.

French Ambassador’s Farewell Visit To The National Assembly


Public Radio, Armenia
Oct 23 2006

October 23, 2006 Chairman of RA National Assembly Tigran Torosyan
received the Ambassador of France Henry Cuny on the occasion of
completion of the latter’s mission in Armenia.

Thanking for the productive cooperation during the five years of
his tenure in office Mr. Cuny said these have been interesting and
important. The Ambassador emphasized the importance of development of
Francophone in Armenia, since pan-European values lie in the basis
of it, and with the development of Francophonic values the way to
European integration becomes shorter.

During the meeting the parties referred to the bill recently
adopted in the French Parliament. At the request of the Ambassador,
NA Chairman presented his impressions form the adoption of the bill
and the reactions that followed. Citing the words once uttered by the
President of France Jacques Chirac – "they lost the best opportunity
to keep silent" – Mr. Torosyan characterized the behavior of those
organizations, which have condemned the decision of the French
National Assembly.

BAKU: Ukraine Deputy FM called on UN to implement resolution on NK c

Azeri Press Agency, Azerbaijan
Oct 21 2006

Ukraine Deputy Foreign Minister called on UN to implement resolution
on Nagorno Garabagh conflict

[ 21 Oct. 2006 15:28 ]

Ukraine Deputy Foreign Minister Vladimir Khandogiy addressed the UN
General Assembly meting dedicated to the cooperation with the regional
organizations yesterday.

He said that the UN should strengthen the relations with regional
countries, APA reports. The minister also said that it is important
for UN to activate its plans on the solution of ongoing conflicts in
Georgia, Moldavia and Azerbaijan.

"International Organization, especially the UN and OSCE should make
practical steps on the solution of conflicts in the region," he said.

Xandogiy thanked General Assembly for putting the problem of
"The prolonged conflicts in GUAM region and their influence on the
development and security of international organizations" to the agenda
and said that he hopes this step will help to solve the conflicts
in Azerbaijan, Georgia and Moldavia. He called on the conflict sides
to execute the resolution of UN Security Council and OSCE on Nagorno
Garabagh and Abkhazia-Georgia conflicts and to start the execution of
the plan offered by Georgia President on peaceful solution of South
Ossetia-Georgia conflict. The diplomat also talked about Ukraine
president’s initiative on "The regulation of Trans-Dnestr conflict
on Democratic Principles". He said that economic security is very
important for Europe. The Minister also stressed the necessity of
Black -Caspian Sea region in safe energy recourses’ transfer to Europe.

"GUAM states are ready to participate actively in the implementation
of energy projects by Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization,"
he said. /APA/

OSCE Office Head meets Armenian Parliament Speaker

Organization for Security and Co-Operation in Europe (OSCE)

Oct 20 2006

OSCE Office Head meets Armenian Parliament Speaker, discusses electoral
reform and media legislation

YEREVAN, 19 October 2006 – The Head of the OSCE Office in Yerevan,
Ambassador Vladimir Pryakhin, discussed today with Tigran Torosyan,
the Chairman of the Armenian National Assembly, the electoral reform
and amendments to the law on TV and Radio.

Mr. Torosyan informed Ambassador Pryakhin that the amendments to the
Electoral Code are expected to be adopted early December. Welcoming the
readiness by the Armenian authorities to improve election legislation,
Ambassador Pryakhin reiterated the concern expressed by experts
of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights
(ODIHR) and the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe that a
late adoption of amendments might jeopardize the preparations for
the May 2007 parliamentary elections.

Ambassador Pryakhin said the OSCE was ready to assist Armenia in
conducting elections according to international standards, and that
the OSCE/ODIHR was ready to send an observation mission provided an
invitation was issued by the Armenian authorities in a timely manner.

The Chairman of the National Assembly agreed that the invitation
should be issued as soon as possible.

Speaking about the law on TV and Radio, Ambassador Pryakhin expressed
hope that public hearings on the draft amendments would be held
before the new draft was submitted to Parliament. The previous draft
was rejected in a first reading on 3 October. He also suggested an
expert review of the amendments could be carried out with the help
of the Office of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media.

The Head of the OSCE Office also informed Mr. Torosyan about the
assistance projects that have been implemented by the Office in order
to support the Armenian authorities in preparations for the elections
and in the area of capacity-building of the legislature.

Beirut: Turkish Peacekeepers Arrive in Lebanon

Turkish Peacekeepers Arrive in Lebanon

NaharNet, Lebanon
Oct 19 2006

Turkish army engineers arrived by boat in Beirut on Friday to join
the enlarged U.N. peacekeeping operation policing a ceasefire between
Israel and Hizbullah, an AFP correspondent reported.

The 95 soldiers, the first batch of 261 Turkish military engineers,
arrived on two warships, with the remaining 165 members of the team
due to fly into the Lebanese capital.

Turkey is the first Muslim country to contribute troops to the
beefed-up U.N. Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) that will eventually
number 15,000 men. Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia and Qatar have
also pledged soldiers.

The Turkish contingent, which includes 237 soldiers and 24 civilians,
will be stationed at a small village, lying seven-and-a-half kilometers
(nearly five miles) to the southeast of the port city of Tyre in
southern Lebanon.

They are expected to work mostly on the reconstruction of roads
and bridges.

Turkey is not expected to contribute any more ground troops for the
U.N. force.

A Turkish frigate is already serving in the German-led naval task
force patrolling the Lebanese coast to prevent arms being smuggled
to Hizbullah, and the navy has said it will also send two corvettes
to the war-torn country.

The Turkish government has said it will contribute a total of 681
troops to UNIFIL, including those on board the ships.

The Turkish parliament authorized the deployment of troops to Lebanon
last month despite objections and street protests.(AFP-AP photo shows
a Lebanese Armenian demonstrator holding a banner during a protest
against Turkey’s planned participation in a peacekeeping force in
Lebanon, in the Martyrs’ Square, in downtown Beirut)

Levon Ter Petrosyan Will Be Candidate of the Presidential Elections


[04:42 pm] 20 October, 2006

"Levon Ter-Petrosyan will be nominated for the coming Presidential
elections", announced president of the Armenian Pan-National Movement
administration Ararat Zourabyan in "Pastark" club today. His statement
cannot be considered official and final as the final decision must
be made by Levon Ter-Petrosyan himself.

But why does Mr. Zourabyan think that the first President of the
Republic of Armenia will return to politics?

"I am sure that a few words by Levon Ter-Petrosyan are more important
that the activities of whole political powers", Mr. Zourabyan said. He
is sure that the present authorities have exhausted themselves; he
mentioned that at present the most urgent problem of the party is to
not allow the reproduction of the authorities, be it in the person
of Serge Sargsyan or Vardan Oskanyan.

Taking into account the experience of the previous elections,
Mr. Zourabyan claimed that the RA authorities never gather more than
10-15% of votes.

"The rest is the result of fabrications. We shall try to prevent
it". The previous elections showed not only the presence of
fabrications, but also the impossibility of their prevention. The APNM
has the solution to this problem too, "It was possible to prevent
the fabrications in 2003 too if the opposition were a little more

According to Ararat Zourabyan, no political power in Armenia can have
significant success without cooperating with other powers. According
to him, they are ready to cooperate with the Republican party and
the RA Liberal-Progressive party.