BAKU: Classic People’s Front Party Of Azerbaijan To Arrange Actions

Author: S. Ilhamgizi

TREND Information, Azerbaijan
Sept 8 2006

The Classic People’s Front Party of Azerbaijan is celebrating the
jubilee of capital transfer from Ganja to Baku in 1918, Trend reports
with reference to the Party.

The decision on the capital transfer from Ganja to Baku was made
September 15, 1918. this period also coincided with Azerbaijan
liberation from Armenian occupants by Turkish Army.

The Party is arranging some events September 15 on the capital transfer
to Baku and release of other territories.

First the party members are attending Martyrs’ Alley and putting
flowers to toms of martyrs and Turkish soldiers that died liberating
the city. Then a round table will be held in the Party’s building on
this historical event.

besides, the Party assigned regional organizations in Gobustan and
Shemakha to honor the memory of the tomb of Turkish soldier Gadir
Efendi buried by Shemakha road.

Margaryan Says RPA and ARF Have a Lot in Common

18:51 07/09/06

Andranik Margaryan, chairman of the Republican Party of Armenia (RPA)
and the prime minister of Armenia, welcomed today the opening session
of the Supreme Body of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF)
saying RPA has passed a long way with ARF. "The formation of the
political coalition in 2003 is a bright proof of it," Margaryan says.

RPA chairman indicated that the two parties have a lot of similarities
of dispositions. Even in case of difference of opinions, it was
possible to come up with a common decision, he said. The prime minister
also said there are many unresolved challenges in the country and
the two parties should cooperate and support each other.

Foreign Minister Vartan Oskanyan said, in his turn, that the meeting
is held at the doors of 15th anniversary of the Armenian statehood
and 2007 parliamentary elections. "We managed to create a strong
base in the course of 15 years which can support a stronger and
more prosperous statehood," the head of FM said. He also said "our
society needs internal exactingness for effective fight against evil,
corruption and criminalism."/

Days Of Yerevan To Be Held In Moscow On September 9-11


Noyan Tapan
Sept 06 2006

YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 6, NOYAN TAPAN. Days of Yerevan will be held in
Moscow on September 9-11, within the franework of the Year of Armenia
in Russia. The event was organized on the initiative of the Embassy of
Armenia to the RA, the Yerevan and Moscow Mayor’s Offices. As David
Gevorgian, the Chief of the Foreign Ties Department of the Yerevan
Mayor’s Office informed the Noyan Tapan correspondent, the "Golden
Pomegranate" festival will open on September 9, within the framework
of which Armenian goods, hand-made works as well as fruits will be
exhibited. Within the framework of the Days of Yerevan, the "Armenian
Navy Band" vanguard-folk jazz group headed by Arto Tuncboyaciyan will
have concerts in Moscow. The official meeting of Yerevan and Moscow
Mayors Yervand Zakharian and Yuri Luzhkov will take place on September
11. The "Old City with Contemporaries’ Eyes" photo exhibition will open
on the same day in the Moscow Music Theaters after Stanislavski and
Nemirovich-Danchenko. The Days of Yerevan will close on September 11,
with a gala concert in which Armenian and Russian pop singers as well
as dance groups will participate. To recap, the Days of Moscow were
held in Yerevan within the framework of the Day of Russia in Armenia,
in 2005.

BAKU: Azeri Foreign Ministry Assigned Ambassador To Russia To Make N

Author: À.Ismayilova

TREND Information, Azerbaijan
Sept 4 2006

Azeri Foreign Ministry assigned Azeri Ambassador in Moscow is to
write a note of protest to the Russian government as a result of the
interview with Arkady Gukasyan, head of breakaway "Nagorno-Karabakh
Republic" Government, broadcasted by Russian State TV channel "Russia",
Trend reports quoting Tahir Tagizadeh, Chief of Press & Information
with the Foreign Ministry.

On 2 September TV channel "Russia" broadcasted a report on the
celebration of "Independence Day" of self-proclaimed "Nagorno-Karabakh

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High-Tech Foundation Of Development

September 01, 2006

The experience of the developed countries shows that high intellectual
potential, research capacities and human resources are necessary but
not adequate preconditions for a country to become a leader in high
technologies. Serious financial investments and developed institutional
capacities are necessary for this. In the case of Armenia, not only
the government but also the Diaspora can play a serious role in this
respect. There is relevant experience in this field. We should build
on this experience and expand it. The Candle Project can become such
an initiative.

The Candle Project as a test for development

What can Armenia offer to counter the large-scale regional projects
such as the Baku-Tbilisi-Jeyhan oil pipeline? A group of physicists
from Armenia and the Diaspora as well as some Diaspora businessmen
believe the Candle Project for creation of an ultra-modern
synchronatron complex can become such an initiative.

This project is one of the best alternatives for revitalizing the
country’s deteriorated scientific potential and stagnated industry,
people dealing with this sphere assure. Technical manager of the
Candle Project, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics Vassili Tsakanov
is sure the Candle Project can make Armenia a country capable of
producing high technologies on the international arena.

The Candle Project is a project for creation of ultra-modern
third generation source of light. The total cost of the Project is
approximately 78 million dollars. If the Project is implemented in
Armenia it will be unique for the former Soviet space, Eastern Europe
and Middle East.

Calculations show that about 3000 scientists from Armenia and abroad
can conduct high level and efficient research at the center. As the
experience of some countries shows, international companies working
in the sphere of high technologies can make large investments into
the Project.

The famous Diaspora Armenian businessman Jirayr Hovnanian is the
chairman of the Candle Project. The Project was significantly supported
by the US State Department. The Project received a 500 thousand dollar
grant from the State Department in 2002. With the grant the Project was
developed and the special committee established under the US National
Scientific Foundation approved the project with very positive feedback.

However, little progress seems to have been made since then. The
main reason for this is lack of understanding of the Project’s
importance both among the Armenian authorities and among the
business circles. In other words, the Armenian authorities do not
seem to be very enthusiastic about the implementation of the Candle
Project. "Otherwise, they would have declared the Project as a national
priority," Tsakanov concludes.

Meanwhile, the US State Departments has officially informed the
Armenian authorities that it is ready to continue financing the Project
if it is officially declared as a national priority. Has there been
a decision on this issue?

There has been no decision.

Only 4 million dollars is necessary for the first phase of the
Project, the preliminary construction works. The management of the
Candle Project submitted a project proposal for this amount to the
US-funded Millennium Challenges Corporation. However, the proposal
was rejected. Had the Project been declared a national priority like,
for instance, the information technologies, other spheres related to
high technologies would have also developed.

Another obstacle on the way of implementation of the Candle Project,
according to the Project’s technical manager, is connected with the
clash of interests in the region. Because of the lobbying efforts of
Israel and Turkey the Project’s progress in the US State Department
was suspended for a long time. It was due to the active efforts of
the Armenian Diaspora that the Project was successfully pushed through.

Presidnet Kocharyan To Visit Germany And Kazakhstan

30.08.2006 14:10

RA President is expected to pay a working visit to the Federal
Republic of Germany by the end of the year. The President will
participate in the CIS summit and will leave for Kazakhstan on an
official visit, President’s Press Secretary Viktor Soghomonyan said
in a press conference today. The Spokesman noted that the opportunity
of the French President Jacques Chirak’s official visit to Armenia is
being discussed in diplomatic circles. In Viktor Soghomonyan’ s word,
France and Armenia have traditionally been friends, and Jacques Chirac
‘s visit would further promote the development of the political ties
between two countries. It would become one of the best expressions
of the traditional Armenian-French friendship.

This year Presidents of Slovenia and Romania are also expected to
visit Armenia.

Viktor Soghomonyan noted also that up to now no agreement has been
reached on Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s visit.

Robert Fisk: Why should Europeans protect Israel?

Why should Europeans protect Israel?

The Independent – United Kingdom; Aug 26, 2006

First, it was to be a15,000-strong foreign army to reinforce the
United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon, Unifil. Now it is to be
about 7,500. And it will not disarm Hizbollah. And anyway, Hizbollah
refuses to be disarmed.

The French would send 200 men’ then they sent 400. Then the
Italians would send 3,000. Then the French would send another 2,000,
making their total contribution 2,600, including the company that
has remained in Unifil since the French were hurled out of the
peacekeeping organisation back in 1986 after fighting Shia militias
in the Lebanese village of Marrake (of which no mention will be made,
any more than it is on the BBC). And now the Belgians might send
700. And the Turks? Well, the Lebanese Armenians are objecting to
their contribution on the grounds – perfectly accurate, though the
BBC will not tell you this – that the Turkish army perpetrated the
genocide of one and a half million Christian Armenians in 1915. Oh,
what a wondrous plot we weave when first we practise to deceive.

This, of course, applies to everyone in the Lebanese
swamp. Self-deception – or self-delusion – has become a cancer
throughout both the Middle East and the west’ and amid the EU countries
that are now bidding to send their young men to sacrifice their lives
in Lebanon. They are going to preserve peace, we are told’ they are
going to maintain a ceasefire’ they are going to save lives.

So a big Ho-Ho-Ho from the world of reality. The enlarged Nato/Unifil
force is not going to preserve "peace". It is going to maintain a
"buffer" zone to protect Israel after the latter’s dismal failure to
destroy, disarm and liquidate the Iranian-armed Hizbollah guerrilla
army over the past seven weeks.

The UN may deny that it is a buffer zone for the Israelis – but if it
was a buffer zone to protect Lebanese (the numerically higher victims
of this latest war), it would be based, surely, inside the Israeli
frontier. But no, it is there to protect Israel.

Note how the Arabs have accepted this. Note how we have accepted this –
how we have sublimely gone along with the idea that Israel’s security
and happiness are more important than the security and happiness of
the millions of Muslims also living in this region. Our soldiers are
to be deployed to protect Israel. Do we really think that the Arabs
don’t realise this? And do we think that our western governments don’t
realise this when they huff and puff over whether to send soldiers
to the Middle East?

Needless to say, the Americans and the British want no part of
this mess.

After Iraq and Afghanistan, they have no stomach to defend Israel,
let alone Lebanon. Their job is to push the European masses into the
bog they have created by their injustice and cowardice in the Middle
East. President Bush promises "intelligence" assistance to the Unifil
force – which means Israeli "intelligence", and we all know how good
that is – while Lord Blair of Kut al-Amara offers not a single hero
to give his life, which is as well after his out-rageous sacrifice
of British troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.

But while Europe’s other political masters dithered this week, BBC
World Service laid down a familiar narrative for its listeners. "It
seems," said their man on The World Today, that the Europeans – how I
hate these cheap clichs – "are prepared to talk the talk but not walk
the walk." In other words, those bloody Wops and Frogs and Boche,
not to mention the Dagos and the ungrateful Finns and Norwegians,
were gutless little chicken shit when it came to standing by their
European principles.

Those principles, it is now clear, are supposed to be the sacrifice of
their soldiers’ lives for the latest UN Security Council Resolution
cooked up by America and France (and, a bit, by Lord Blair) in New
York. But the BBC got it completely wrong. The Europeans are not
nervous about military losses or unclear mandates. They had plenty
of both in Bosnia.

What is happening in Europe is that a growing number of states that
had nothing to do with the Balfour Declaration or the Sykes-Picot
agreement or the 1948 Middle East war or the 1967 Middle East war or
the 1973 Middle East war or the 1982 Middle East war in Lebanon or the
1993 Israeli bombardment of Lebanon or the 1996 Israeli bombardment
of Lebanon or the latest 2006 bombardment and "petit" invasion of
Lebanon (after Hizbol-lah’s outrageous provocation by crossing the
international frontier) are simply sick and tired of clearing up the
dirt after these filthy Arab-Israeli wars.

Most of Europe had no part in the Balfour Declaration. Much of Europe
had an unforgivable role in the Jewish Holocaust. But the decades pass
by, and the generations now being asked to sail to the Middle East
do not even have parental guilt to absolve for the genocide of the
Jews of Europe, any more than modern Turks can be proclaimed guilty
for their grandparents’ rape and murder of one and a half million
Armenians. The Europeans, to put it mildly, are tired of being asked
to atone for the sins of their grandparents. Maybe it is time, they
are asking, for the Israelis and Arabs to pay for their own sick wars.

There is nothing immoral in this. President Bush claims that
the Israelis won their war against the Hizbollah and humbled the
organisation’s supporters in Iran and Syria. Yet not even the Israelis
claim this.

Now the Europeans – and perhaps the Turks, and certainly the poor
old Lebanese army -are supposed to achieve all Israel’s failed
objectives. And when they fail – as they assuredly will, because
Nato is not going to go to war with Islam – Israel will accuse them
of abandoning poor little Israel.

The French will be reminded – as they were under the first Unifil
mandate – that Vichy France handed its Jews to the Nazis, and
the Belgians will be reminded (no doubt) that half their country
was pro-Nazi and the Italians will be reminded that they elected
fascism into power, and the Spaniards will be reminded that Franco
was a fascist.

And the Arabs will sit silently by and watch the Europeans betray
them all over again. And the winners? Syria. Iran. And all those
enraged by the injustice and hypocrisy of our "democracies".

The enlarged Nato/Unifil force is not going to preserve ‘ peace’

Movie Review: Buzz

Los Angeles Times, CA
Aug. 25, 2006

Shining a strong light on Hollywood, American history.

By Carina Chocano, Times Staff Writer

A.I. Bezzerides, Buzz to his friends, had a long, fruitful writing
career in the 1940s and ’50s, churning out pulp novels and scripts
for film noir classics such as "On Dangerous Ground" and "Kiss Me
Deadly." Yet, like many screenwriters, he remains mostly unknown
today. Spiro N. Taraviras’ documentary "Buzz" chronicles the life of
a tireless worker of the Hollywood "dream factory" of the middle of
the last century, weaving it together with stories about the
working-class experience, labor practices and the Hollywood

The son of Armenian refugees, Bezzerides grew up poor in Fresno,
where he was friendly with writer William Saroyan. After attending UC
Berkeley, he wrote a novel about long-haul truckers that would later
be adapted into the Humphrey Bogart early noir classic "They Drive by
Night." Warner Bros. had already adapted the novel and begun
production before securing the rights from Bezzerides, which put him
in a good position to negotiate. But rather than risk his
relationship with the studio, Bezzerides’ agent accepted a tiny sum
on his behalf. Thus began a long line of bad deals that marked the
writer’s career. Despite his productivity and success, Bezzerides
never achieved any measure of financial stability, even after
creating the hit TV series "The Big Valley" in the 1960s.

Taraviras spent four years interviewing 98-year-old Bezzerides in his
tumbledown Woodland Hills home, in which he recounts anecdotes from a
remarkable life that included friendships with William Faulkner and
Marilyn Monroe.

The film also includes numerous interviews with actors and directors
who worked with him (including Jules Dassin, who decamped for Europe
to avoid being subpoenaed by the House Un-American Activities
Committee and remains there to this day), as well as his children,
journalists and film historians.

The result is an insightful look at a remarkable behind-the-scenes
life and slice of American and Hollywood history. Told from an
outsider’s perspective, it sheds light on the workings of a glamorous
but often treacherous business.


MPAA rating: PG-13 for brief strong language

An Outsider Release. Writer-producer-director Spiro N. Taraviras.

Running time: 1 hour, 58 minutes.

Exclusively at Laemmle’s Fairfax Cinemas, 7907 Beverly Blvd. at
Fairfax Avenue, L.A. (323) 655-4010.

European And French Universities Of Armenia To No Longer Be Able To


Yerevan, August 25. ArmInfo. The Armenian Government has decided that
this year the European and the French Universities of Armenia will
be able to provide the deferment of military service to only 30 and
70 students, respectively.

A source from the Armenian Education and Science Ministry says
that the universities got this right due to the patronage of the ex
speaker of the Armenian parliament Artur Bagdassaryan and the former
education minister Sergo Yeritsyan. The universities have no official
inter-governmental agreements with the Armenian Government, while the
memorandum on mutual understanding with the French University is not
enough for it to get the above right.

Meanwhile, the Armenian-Russian (Slavonic) University enjoys
deferment for all of its students in line with Armenian-Russian
inter-governmental agreement.

Each state university of Armenia has definite deferment quota.

Prosecutors Suspend Probe Into Murder Of Armenian Student


RIA novosti, Russia
Aug. 21, 2006

MOSCOW, August 22 (RIA Novosti) – Prosecutors have suspended an
investigation into the killing of an Armenian teenager in the Moscow
subway in April, a lawyer said Monday.

Vagan Abramyants, a 17-year-old student at the Moscow Academy of
Management, was attacked and stabbed to death on the platform of
Pushkinskaya metro station, in the city center, at about 5 p.m. April

"The investigation has been suspended for lack of evidence against
possible suspects," lawyer Simon Tsaturyan said, adding he was
surprised that investigators could not identify any perpetrators when
there were so many witnesses to the crime.

In April, police detained a 16-year-old high school student in
connection with the killing, but he was later released.

Tsaturyan said he has appealed to Russia’s Prosecutor General and the
Moscow City Prosecutor to take personal charge of the investigation.