Who Would Ter-Petrosyan Ally With?


14 July 06

Hovanes Hovanisyan, the leader of the Liberal Progressive Party,
believes that there is public and political demand for ex-president
Levon Ter-Petrosyan’s return.

"We must be honest. Everything Levon Ter-Petrosyan said in 1997-1998
came true. He is not Nostradamus, simply he is a serious, far-sighted
political political figure and he realized what may happen. And he
openly told the society." Hovanes Hovanisyan would be happy if Levon
Ter-Petrosyan returned to big politics because, in fact, big politics
needs him in this situation. "And it is his problem how and whom he
will ally with."

AAA: State Department Responds To Inquiries From Congress Regarding

Armenian Assembly of America
1140 19th Street, NW, Suite 600
Washington, DC 20036
Phone: 202-393-3434
Fax: 202-638-4904
Email: [email protected]

July 14, 2006
CONTACT: Karoon Panosyan E-mail: [email protected]


Washington, DC – In response to a letter spearheaded by Representative
Edward Markey (D-MA), and signed by 59 of his colleagues, expressing
concern that Ambassador John M. Evans was being "required to vacate
his position early for properly characterizing the Armenian Genocide,"
the State Department has revealed that allegations that Turkey played
a role in Evans’ departure are simply untrue.

The State Department letter also confirmed that "Ambassador Evans
recently tendered his resignation as Ambassador to the Republic
of Armenia, but currently remains in charge of the U.S. Embassy
in Yerevan."

In addition, the letter stated that "the United States has never
denied the tragic events of 1915," explaining that the events "should
be determined through heartfelt dialogue, not through diplomatic or
political proclamations."

"The Bush Administration has once again failed to answer the
question of whether or not the early departure of U.S. Ambassador to
Armenia John Evans is related to comments he made about the Armenian
Genocide," Representative Markey told the Assembly. "Moreover, the
Bush Administration is continuing to duck when given the opportunity
to properly recognize the Armenian Genocide."

Last month, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee held a
confirmation hearing for the Administration’s nominee for Armenia’s
next Ambassador, Richard E. Hoagland. Senator George Allen (R-VA)
who chaired the proceedings, and Senator Norm Coleman (R-MN),
grilled the current Ambassador to Tajikistan on U.S. policy on the
Armenian Genocide. Senator Sarbanes expressed disappointment over the
Administration’s decision to replace Evans prior to his completion
of a regular three-year tour of duty. "Ambassador Evans did nothing
more than what President Reagan officially acknowledged in 1981," said
Executive Director Bryan Ardouny. "The fact of the Armenian Genocide
is incontestable and affirmation is paramount to avoid repetition
of history. We only need to look at the situation today in Darfur to
understand the importance of genocide affirmation and prevention. We
have a fundamental policy disagreement with the Administration and
will continue to press forward until the U.S. irrevocably affirms
the universal truth of the horrific crimes against humanity."

Ardouny recently met with Evans during a working visit to
Armenia. During their July 5 meeting, they discussed efforts to
strengthen U.S.-Armenia relations – including initiatives such as
the Millennium Challenge Account (MCA).

The Armenian Assembly of America is the largest Washington-based
nationwide organization promoting public understanding and awareness of
Armenian issues. It is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt membership organization.

### NR#2006-066

Editor’s Note: Below is the full text of the State Department’s letter to
Congressman Markey.

United States Department of State Washington, D.C. 20520

Dear Mr. Markey:

Thank you for your letter of May 22 concerning Ambassador John Evans.

All U.S. Ambassadors serve at the pleasure of the President and as
advocates of the President’s policies. Ambassador Evans recently
tendered his resignation as Ambassador to the Republic of Armenia,
but currently remains in charge of our Embassy in Yerevan. We continue
to work closely with him and his capable team. Please be assured that
allegations that the U.S. is removing Ambassador Evans under pressure
from the Government of Turkey are simply untrue.

The United States has never denied the tragic events of 1915. As
President Bush has expressed each year of his Presidency on Armenian
Remembrance Day, April 24, the Administration calls on all concerned
parties to engage in thoughtful introspection on the forced exile
and mass killing inflicted on as many as 1.5 million Armenians. The
Administration shares the profound sorrow of Armenian communities
around the world regarding this tremendous suffering. We believe
this tragedy is of such enormous human significance that its
characterization should be determined through heartfelt dialogue,
not through diplomatic or political proclamations.

Please let us know if we can be of assistance on this or any other


Jeffrey T. Bergner Assistant Secretary – Legislative Affairs


BAKU: No need for Aliyev-Kocharian meeting now, Armenian minister sa

No need for Aliyev-Kocharian meeting now, Armenian minister says

Assa-Irada, Azerbaijan
July 12 2006

Baku, July 11, AssA-Irada — Armenian Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanian
has said there is currently no rapprochement in the positions of Baku
and Yerevan in talks on settling the Upper (Nagorno) Garabagh conflict.

"The two countries maintain no ties. But the US co-chair of the
[mediating] OSCE Minsk Group Matthew Bryza’s planned visit to the
region could forge ties between the sides and revive the peace process
in general," he told a recent news conference held jointly with his
Lebanese counterpart Fawzi Sallukh.

Armenian parliament speaker Tigran Torosian said Armenia does not
support holding talks between the two presidents in the immediate

"There is no need for such meeting, as there is nothing new in the
negotiating process," he said in a meeting with a visiting OSCE

The latest rounds of talks between Presidents Ilham Aliyev and Robert
Kocharian in Rambouillet and Bucharest turned out fruitless.

Torosian accused Azerbaijan of pursuing hostile propaganda and stirring
tension over the Garabagh conflict. He also charged the Azeri side
with speculations concerning the arsons "committed in the territories
included in the security zone".

The fire set by Armenians across the occupied Azerbaijani territories
over the past month has swept through vast areas, destroying
cemeteries, arable land, flora and fauna.*

Our analysis of the Final reveals a very skewed result

Our analysis of the Final reveals a very skewed result
Eurovision 2006: Front Loaded in the Final

esctoday.com, Netherlands
July 10 2006

2006 was one for the record books in a number of ways. Finland won for the
first time Armenia made a strong debut.. Serbia & Montenegro got to vote,
though they didn’t send a song. Only Greece has avoided relegation to the
semi-final since 2004. And Europe overwhelmingly preferred a handful of
songs over all the others. Here’s our analysis.

Thanks to the success of Lordi, our friends in Finland have already begun
work on the 2007 Eurovision Song Contest, to be held in Helsinki on 10 and
12 May next year. So have we here at ESCToday.com! No doubt Armenia are
pleased to have done so well (8th in the final) with their debut. After a
tumultuous selection process got derailed, Serbia & Montenegro ended up not
sending a song-though they were permitted to vote during both the
semi-final and final. And with the poor result for Malta (last, with only 1
point), only Greece has avoided relegation to the semi-final since 2004.

But perhaps the most interesting aspect of the 2006 results from the final
is how skewed-unbalanced-the final tally was. We’ve crunched the numbers,
which show how a handful of songs were wildly popular, another few very
popular, and the rest left well back.

Crunching the numbers: the basics

Each voting country awards 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10 and 12 points. That adds up to
58 total points award by 38 voting countries: <I>2,204 total points</I>
awarded overall. If you add up all the points awarded this year they
should-and do-add up to 2,204.However, the most a song can earn from any
one country is 12, and no country can vote for itself. So the maximum points
any one entry can receive is 12, from 37 (38 minus 1, itself) countries: 444
maximum possible total points for one song.

The top 6: Wildly popular

If we look at the top six songs from this year (Finland 292, Russia 248,
Bosnia & Herzegovina 229, Romania 172 ,Sweden 170, Lithuania 162), they
account for 1,263 points-well over half the total points available. Six of
24 songs therefore grabbed half the points! In fact, Finland, Russia and
Romania each received points from 35 (of 37 possible) countries. Sweden was
awarded points from 34, Bosnia & Herzegovina from 33, and Lithuania from 32.

The next 4: solid support

If we look at the rest of the top 10, support drops considerably, yet
remains strong compared to most other entries Ukraine’s 145 (from 30
countries), Armenia’s 129 (from only 13!), Greece’s 128 (from 23), and
Ireland’s 93 (from 29) round out the top 10 with an additional 495 points.

Combined with the first 6, this year’s top 10 commanded 1,758 points-80
percent of the points available to roughly 40 percent of the songs!

Turkey and the rest

Sitting just outside the top 10 is Turkey. With 91 points (garnered from
just 8 countries), they just missed the top 10. After Turkey, scores
plummet: number 12 FYR Macedonia and Croatia both scored 56 points from 6
countries each. Germany and Norway are next, all the way back at 36 points
each. Spots 12 through 24 shared 20 percent of the points available.

What’s another year?

Comparisons to the previous two large-scale Contests (with both a semi-final
and final) show this year’s results are unusual. In fact, Greece won in
2005 with a score of 230-both Finland and Russia would have beaten them,
and Bosnia & Herzegovina would have finished just behind. Malta was second
with 192 points, Romania 3rd with 158-38 and 72 points behind the winner.

In 2004 we had 3 songs that were wildly popular: Ukraine (280 points),
Serbia & Montenegro (263) and Greece (252). Turkey was in 4th place (195),
over 50 points behind Greece.

Finland’s win was massive; in a year when a handful of songs ruled the
Contest. Will 2007 be similar? Or will Europe spread the points around more
evenly? We will see…only 10 months until the semi-final!

People Living On The Land Should Determine Their Fate


10 July 06

Alekper Aliyev, Azerbaijani reporter participating in the international
seminar in Yerevan entitled "European Integration As a Factor Favoring
Karabakh Settlement", suggests settling all the problems related with
the Karabakh conflict. As for a referendum on the status of Nagorno
Karabakh, he suggests postponing it.

According to him, both the Armenians and Azerbaijanis of Karabakh
should participate in the referendum. Unlike him, Daur Nachkebia,
a reporter from Abkhazia, believes that people who live on this land
should participate in the referendum otherwise there is no point
in holding a referendum. Stepan Grigoryan, political scientist from
Armenia, thinks that Kosovo is the best model for the settlement of the
conflict over Karabakh. Daur Nachkebia disagrees again. He thinks that
there can be a number of models, and there is no need to hop from one
to another, the one which best suits the conflict should be applied.

At Least 122 Die in Siberian Plane Crash

At Least 122 Die in Siberian Plane Crash

AP Online; Jul 09, 2006

A landing plane careened off a rain-slicked Siberian runway early
Sunday, plowed into garages and burst into flames, killing at least 122
people in Russia’s second major commercial airline crash in two months.

A preliminary investigation indicated that the braking system on the
Airbus A-310 operated by Russian airline S7 had failed, Russian news
agencies reported, citing unnamed sources.

The plane was carrying at least 201 people on the 2,600-mile flight
east from Moscow to the Siberian city of Irkutsk. Fifty-eight people
were injured.

Many of the children on board were headed to Lake Baikal on vacation,
according to news reports.

An air stewardess, Viktoria Zilberstein, opened the emergency hatch in
the rear of the burning plane, according to the Emergency Ministry. Ten
passengers escaped this way, and others _ including a pilot _ were
saved by rescuers including firefighters, ITAR-Tass reported.

Relatives streamed to a crisis center near Moscow’s Domodedovo airport,
where the flight originated. Some stumbled out in silent shock. One
woman exclaimed into her cell phone, ecstatic that a family friend
had survived.

After veering off the runway at about 7:50 a.m., the plane tore
through a 6-foot-high concrete barrier, crashed into a compound of
one-story garages and stopped a short distance from some small houses.

"I saw smoke coming from the aircraft. People were already walking
out who were charred, injured, burnt," a witness, Mikhail Yegeryov,
told NTV television.

"I asked a person who was in the Airbus what happened, and he said
the plane had landed on the tarmac but didn’t brake. The cabin then
burst into flames," Yegeryov said.

Pilots regard the Irkutsk airport as difficult because its runway
slopes and its concrete is especially slippery when wet, Vladimir
Biryukov, an expert at the Gromov Aviation Institute, said on NTV.

Transport Minister Igor Levitin said the pilot had radioed ground
control to say the aircraft had landed safely and then communication
cut off.

"There was rain, the landing strip was wet. So we’ll have to check
the clutch and the technical condition of the aircraft," he told
Russian state television. He said the aircraft’s two recorders had
been recovered and were being deciphered.

Airline spokesman Konstantin Koshman said there were 193 passengers
_ including 14 children ages 12 and under _ and a crew of eight
aboard. He said the plane, constructed in 1987, had been regularly
maintained and met all certifications.

President Vladimir Putin conveyed his condolences to relatives of
the victims and declared Monday a national day of mourning.

Three people whose names were not on the passenger list were pulled
unconscious from the wreckage; it was unclear if they had been on the
ground or were flying unregistered, Emergency Ministry spokeswoman
Natalia Lukash said.

Outside the crisis center, a man who gave his name only as Vyacheslav
said his brother, sister-in-law and their 4-year-old son had been on
the plane and were not on the list of survivors.

He stood grimly on the grass while his friend Larisa Kolcheva, 27,
sat on a curb fighting back tears. "They were sitting with us in a
cafe literally yesterday evening," she said.

Roman Gavrilov, 27, said his father _ who was not yet accounted for _
had gone to Irkutsk for a fishing trip with old army buddies, his
first vacation in three years. "We still have hope," he said.

In May, an Airbus crashed in stormy weather off Russia’s Black Sea
coast as it prepared to land, killing all 113 people on board. Airline
officials blamed the crash of the Armenian passenger plane on driving
rain and low visibility.

S7, formerly known as Sibir, is Russia’s second-largest airline,
a regional outfit carved out of Aeroflot’s Siberian wing after the
collapse of the Soviet Union. Cash-strapped and saddled with aging
planes, such airlines were once notorious for their disregard for
safety, but their records have improved in recent years.

Sunday’s disaster was the fourth air crash in Irkutsk in the past
12 years:

In January 1994, a Tu-154 aircraft crashed on takeoff; killing 124;
in December 1997, an An-124 military transport aircraft crashed in
a residential area, killing 72; and in July 2001, a Tu-154 crashed
near Irkutsk, killing all 143 on board.

BAKU: Armenian expert’s statement confirms Baku-raised question on i

TREND Information, Azerbaijan
July 8 2006

Armenian expert’s statement confirms Baku-raised question on illegal
settling occupied Azeri grounds – Azeri Foreign Ministry

Source: Trend
Author: S.Agayeva


Official Baku is always confident that information twice disseminated
at sessions of UN General Assembly on illegal settling of occupied
Azeri grounds represents the facts, Trend reports quoting Tahir
Tagizadeh, chief of press and information policy with the foreign
Ministry of Azerbaijan.

Tagizadeh commented the statement of Manvel Sarkisyan, expert of
Armenian analytical center "Caucasus". The statement says that "Armenia
and so-called Nagorno-Karabakh Republic are implementing the program
for settling freed grounds around Nagorno-Karabakh". "The program is
implemented at the governmental level with financing from Armenian,
NKR’s state budgets and funds of Armenian diaspora", expert said,
outlining that the program mainly covers LAchin and Kelbajar areas,
partially Agdam and Jabrayil areas.

"Armenian expert’s statement is the best argument in favor of
Azerbaijan’s position, said Tagizadeh, all lame excuses of Armenians
are just rhetoric. International community shall keep this matter
in the center of attention and such breaking of occupation regime
under Geneva Convention and its additional protocols shall become
the matter of protest worldwide".

Russian Orthodox Church Respects Extending Jurisdictional Rights Of


Regnum, Russia
July 5 2006

On July 4, His Holiness Patriarch Alexiy II of Moscow and All Russia
met with His Holiness and Beatitude Iliya II, Catholicos-Patriarch
of All Georgia at the World Summit of Religious Leaders. As Russian
Orthodox Church official web site informs, different aspects of
relations between the two Manorial Orthodox Churches were discussed.

In particular, His Holiness Patriarch Alexiy stressed that the Russian
Orthodox Church respects jurisdictional rights of Georgian Orthodox
Church in the whole space of its canonical territory and it committed
to observing canonical norms in inter-Orthodox relations.

"We have come to Moscow with love in order to express once more our
good feelings towards the Russian Orthodox Church," the head of the
Georgian Patriarchy said and invited His Holiness Patriarch Alexiy
to visit Georgia again at any convenient time.

It is worth mentioning that Georgian Holy Synod decided on February
6 to restore "one of its historical eparchies" in Armenian territory.

The Holy Synod enacted: "To restore historically existed Agarak-Tashira
Eparchy and to subordinate it to Dmanisi bishop whose title should be
defined in the following way: Bishop of Dmanisi and Agarak-Tashira,
Dmanisi pulpit." In this connection, Council of Armenian Apostolic
Church stated that the new Georgian Eparchy "has been established
in the northern region of Armenia" in places "where the GOC does not
have believers." Meanwhile, "the fair right of hundreds of thousands
of faithful Armenians to receive back churches of Armenian Eparchy is
ignored" in Georgia, the council’s members stressed. It is ascertained
in the statement of the AAC Council that Armenian bishops had not
received yet a satisfactory response to their appeal to the Georgian
state authorities concerning granting to the Armenian Eparchy status
of non-governmental organization and returning to it 6 historical
Armenian temples.

Californian Courier: Confirmation Hearing For New U.S. Ambassador De


05.07.2006 16:55 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Confirmation hearing for New U.S. Ambassador
Designate Richard Hoagland was delayed over the protests of the
Armenian community of America, Congressmen and media against the recall
of incumbent Ambassador to Armenia John Evans, reported Californian
Courier. "Last week the Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs discussed
the nominations of Ambassadors to three states – Ireland, Switzerland
and Armenia. The designates for Ireland and Switzerland were confirmed,
but the confirmation hearing on the Ambassador to Armenia was delayed
for an uncertain period," it says.

Some committee members including former presidential contender John
Kerry submitted written inquiries to nominee Hoagland with a request
to shed light on the orders he received from the State Department
as regards the Armenian Genocide. The newspaper says during last
week’s hearing some Senators asked a number of harsh questions on
the pre-term recall of Amd. Evans.

The American and Armenian press many times reiterated that the recall
of Ambassador Evans was caused by the statements on the Armenian
Genocide recognition, reported RFE/RL.

Armenia-Diaspora Third Forum Gives New Impetus To Unification Of All


ARKA News Agency, Armenia
July 4 2006

YEREVAN, July 4. /ARKA/. Armenia-Diaspora third forum gave a new
impetus to unification of all Armenians worldwide, Dashnaktsutyun
party said Monday in its statement.

The statement says that Armenian people will mark 15th anniversary of
independence declaration with determination to keep building democracy
and prosperity. It also says the forum will be held right at the time
of the independence celebration.

The forum will be focused on searching money for the development of
Armenia’s border areas, for rural infrastructures modernization and
for dealing with population social problems.

The party urged all institutions, organizations and individuals to
take active part in these programs implementation.

"We must prove that we can build a mighty homeland that will be able
to join world nations fold", the statement says.

The third economic forum Armenia-Diaspora is to be held in Yerevan
on September 20, 2006.