Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down


The Fresno Bee (California)
July 1, 2006 Saturday

Jul. 1–Thumbs down to former candidates Alan Schroeder and Larry
Wilder who still have campaign signs from the June primary scattered
around the community. Schroeder, Wilder and others with campaign
signs still up are littering Fresno. Ignoring an ordinance that
requires campaign signs to be removed after the election says a lot
about candidates’ commitment to doing the right thing. Why is it so
difficult for some candidates to take down signs that they put up?

Thumbs down to Richard E. Hoagland, America’s next ambassador to
Armenia, for picking his way around the word "genocide" in describing
the mass slaughter of Armenians between 1915 and 1923. This was a
"well-documented" genocide and Hoagland should have told the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee just that on Wednesday, This is not a post
for someone who refuses to acknowledge the truth. "It’s almost absurd
to sit here, and you can’t utter the word ‘genocide,’" Republican
Sen. Norm Coleman of Minnesota told Hoagland. "We have ambassadors
who can’t use a word, just a word."

Thumbs up to Amy Adams of Bakersfield, an "American Idol" contestant
in 2004, who’s starring as the narrator in the national touring
company of "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat." The show
is now in California, at the Pantages in Los Angeles through Sunday,
then in Costa Mesa from July 11-23. No Valley appearance with a local
star? What were the producers thinking?

Thumbs up to Mary Funk, a teacher at Burrel Union Elementary, and Wayne
Garabedian, a teacher at Clovis West High School, the first recipients
of the Met Award for Science Education. Each will receive $2,000 to
use in the classroom. The Fresno Metropolitan Museum teamed up with
the Fresno County Office of Education and the Reveas Foundation to
create the award.

Kazimirov: You Cannot be Half Pregnant: All documents out, or secret

AZG Armenian Daily #122, 01/07/2006

Karabakh issue


Co-Chairs Tired of Waiting

"It’s hard for me to make judgments on this as I am not in the
negotiations and know many things not from the first hand but other
sources. That’s why my speculation can have only a relative value,"
Vladimir Kazimirov, former Russian co-chair to the OSCE Minsk Group
told daily Azg commenting on the Minsk Group co-chairs’ Vienna
statement on June 22 in. "From all I know, I agree with the co-chairs
on the measures they suggest but not the sequence of their
implementation. If you have noticed the part about two-sided and
international guarantees comes after the presidents’ proposals. I
think everything that has to do with nonviolence and guarantees
against using force should be placed not in the first phase but in the
zero phase. I don’t think it’s good to put the part about guarantees
at the end of the statement. It should be strongly emphasized that no
matter how many phases there are, they should follow an
internationally validated obligation to refrain from using force for
settling disputable issues of this conflict. This has to be on the
first place as a zero phase."

As to the stage-by-stage content of the co-chairs’ statement and the
vague wording about Nagorno Karabakh status, Vladimir Kazimirov said:
"Yes indeed, the issue of referendum is put in a vague sentence.
Nothing is said about concrete date. The statement says that the issue
of status will be an object of separate negotiations but neither dates
nor conditions are mentioned. The Azeri side was quick to respond
saying that no referendum is possible as the country’s constitution
allows plebiscites only on all-Azerbaijani level. But there is a
question: is that not clear why Azerbaijani constitution has such a
clause? It was added as an amendment well taking into account the
Karabakh conflict in order not to allow Armenians of Nagorno Karabakh
voice their opinion. It is over doubt. But where in the international
practice we can see an example when the whole nation votes? For
instance in Quebec only local residents voted but not Canada as a

"Statements that Azerbaijani constitution does not foresee such
referendums are not convincing. Today’s Azerbaijani constitution was
written having in mind the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. In the meantime,
no matter how the dispute is resolved definitely Azerbaijani
constitution will be needed to undergo changes even if Karabakh gets
the widest autonomy within Azerbaijan as Azeris dream.

"There were exaggerated expectations that the conflict will get
resolved in 2006. But that was an illusion. Half of the year has
passed and no progress was achieved. Even if we consider the sides’
statements that Armenia and Azerbaijan have never before been so close
to a solution, there are still discords between them.

"In such conditions one can understand the annoyance of the
co-chairs. I am familiar with such situation. The co-chairs are
disappointed that the two presidents find no ways to meet each other
half way."

Asked whether it is right and timely to make public parts of a
document that is still being discussed and elaborated, Kazimirov said:
"As the saying goes, one cannot be half-pregnant. Either the whole
content of the documents should be revealed or they should be kept
under wraps. The current situation is incomplete. Firstly, Matthew
Bryza’s interview then the MG co-chairs’ statement. Both are only part
of the document presented by the Armenian and Azerbaijan
presidents. Should they go on with publicizing or stop? It’s up to the
o-chairs and the sides to decide. But Serge Sargsian, for one, spoke
lately for making the documents public.

I was not delighted when back in 1997-98 Heydar Aliyev revealed all
three documents of that time and Yerevan did the same in 2-3 days. At
any rate, the societies got some understanding on how the talks are
going. But do not forget that in 1997-98 all proposals – package,
stage-by-stage or the state’s – used to be presented to the three
sides of the conflict. But today co-chairs present their proposals to
Armenia and Azerbaijan but not to all the sides."

By Aghavni Harutyunian

BAKU: Azeri deputies put Armenians before fact during discussions PA

TREND Information, Azerbaijan
June 30 2006

Azeri deputies put Armenians before fact during discussions in PACE

Source: Trend
Author: J.Shahverdiyev


We put Armenians before fact during discussion of the first issue
`Forest fires in Europe: their environmental and ecological impacts’
at the final meeting of the summer session of the Parliamentary
Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), Ganira Pashayeva, member of
the Azeri delegation in PACE, told Trend.

The Secretary General of the Council of Europe Terry Davis also
participated in these discussions.

According to Pashayeva, the members of Armenian delegation Nermini
Nagdalyan and Tirgan Torasyan noted that Azerbaijani side complicates
the facts of forest fires in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan.
`They told as though Azerbaijani delegation lies, and the separatist
regime of Nagorno-Karabakh doesn’t need these fires. They accused
Azerbaijan in several aspects,’ told Pashayeva.

According to Pashayeva, after Armenian representative, Gultakin
Hajiyeva delivered a report and noted that Torasyan has not the moral
right to speak about the European values. `Because they themselves
don’t respect for these values. In my speech, I noted that 247352

ha forests of Azerbaijan are under the Armenian occupation. It forms
¼ of all Azeri forests. For more than ten years, Armenians have been
destroying fauna and flora in Azerbaijan’s occupied territories.
Azerbaijani sustains the ecological terror of Armenia,’ stressed

Besides, Pashayeva noted that Armenian deputies often remembered
`Nagorno-Karabakh Republic’, noting that this territory has no
relation with Armenia.

`I mentioned that Armenian officials hold talks preventing the
peaceful solution of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. I noted that Armenian
president Robert Kocharyan on May 8 of each year sends a
congratulation letter to the separatist regime on the occasion of
occupation day of Shusha. Besides, Armenian prime-minister Andanik
Margaryan and defense minister Serj Sarkisyan come to Shusha and
deliver a report before separatists,’ Pashayeva added.

Bank on Agassi to put the super into ‘Super Saturday’

The Times July 01, 2006
Bank on Agassi to put the super into ‘Super Saturday’
By Brad Gilbert

The top tennis coach says his former pupil is not ready to take his
leave of Wimbledon yet, although Nadal will fight all the way

HAS there ever been a Wimbledon Saturday to match this one? Andre
Agassi facing Rafael Nadal followed by Andy Roddick against Andy
Murray. I’d pay £100 for a ticket. Having been coach to both Andre and
A-Rod, I’m in a privileged position. Equally, I know how important the
crowd is going to be today. They can have a decisive effect on which
way the matches swing.

Against Nadal, Andre needs to be dictating play. He needs to be on the
offence, taking it to the kid. He cannot afford to be defensive. He
has toserve well and make the rallies short – he doesn’t want ten or
12-stroke rallies to develop.

This is a big step up for him. He has seven sets under his belt, he is
familiar with the feeling of best-of-five again and against Andreas
Seppi on Thursday he was a lot better than in his first match.

Nadal was in a huge amount of trouble against Robert Kendrick, but he
got way better in the fourth and fifth sets. What impressed me most
was that he was hitting the ball harder in the fifth than he had been
in the first. He reminds me of "Marvellous" Marvin Hagler, the great
middleweight -put him in the back room and he’ll come out fighting
like nobody.

Take it from me, Agassi is pleased he’s playing Nadal. He wants this,
with great respect to Kendrick.

That’s the kind of guy he is. He loves the meat of the draw. I think
the crowd will be absolutely electric and I really believe they can
help to push him through. They want him to win. They know they will be
seeing Nadal for the next ten years, but this is the last time they’ll
have a chance toget real c lose to Andre.

I know Nadal will be a much better player today as well, but it will
be hot, the court will be a little faster and Andre has a great
shot. He will have spent last night in one of his favourite
restaurants, business as usual. I think he’ll win.

Murray played what was a practice set yesterday but it was also his
best of the tournament so far – very relaxed, in command. A-Rod hasn’t
dropped serve yet and that is the nugget of the match today. Murray
has to take care of his own serve because on this surface it’s almost
impossible to break Andy’s.

He did it three times in San Jose, but that was different.

Revenge doesn’t come into it. Roddick has only lost to Roger Federer
in this tournament in the past three years, he wants this title more
than anything else. Whether or not it’s Murray today doesn’t enter
into it.

v Andy MURRAY (GB)
v Rafael NADAL (Sp)

BAKU: Azerbaijani MPs Hold Press Conference On Fires In The Occupied


Today, Azerbaijan
June 29 2006

The members of the Azerbaijani parliamentary delegation to PACE held
a press conference today with regard to recent massive fires in the
occupied territories of Azerbaijan set by Armenians.

As APA reports, the press conference chaired by parliamentarian
Gultakin Hajiyeva also brought together parliamentarians Aydin
Mirzazadeh, Ganira Pashayeva, Sabir Hajiyev and Fazail Ibrahimli. In
the press conference, media representatives were informed in detail
about Armenians torching the occupied Azerbaijani territories.

The photos of the territories on fire taken by satellite were
distributed to journalists. An Armenian journalist tried to explain
these fires due to natural reasons, in particular hot weather but
parliamentarian Sabir Hajiyev called this argument groundless.

"It is possible natural reasons to cause fires in everywhere and in
Azerbaijan as well but in this case there are attempts to prevent the
fire. Armenians refusing to take any action about it make us think they
deliberately caused these fires," the Azerbaijani parliamentarian said.


Ararat Gold Recovery Company Intends To Sue RA Ministry Of Nature Pr


Noyan Tapan
Jun 28 2006

YEREVAN, JUNE 28, NOYAN TAPAN. The Ararat Gold Recovery Company (AGRC)
intends to sue the RA Ministry of Nature Protection soon. AGRC lawyer
Armen Ter-Tachatian told NT correspondent that the ministry prepared
an act about the company’s failure to make its environmental protecion
payments, which, according to him, does not correspond to reality. He
said that AGRC’s lawsuits contesting 3 similar acts of the ministry
had been upheld previously. According to A. Ter-Tachatian, the last
act cannot be a ground for depriving AGRC of its licence. However,
if the question of depriving the company of its licence is raised
again, AGRC will appeal to an international court. To recap, AGRC
was founded in 1998 with the aim of extracting gold ore from Sotk
and Meghradzor mines and processing it at the Ararat Gold Recovery
Plant. Since 2002, First Dynasty Mines Armenia company (India) has
been a 100% owner of the enterprise.

Recently it sold 55% of its shares to Vedanta company.

Another Train With Russian Military Hardware Ready To Leave Georgia


Interfax News Agency
Russia & CIS Military Newswire
June 26, 2006 Monday 6:09 PM MSK

Another train with Russian military hardware has been prepared for
leaving the Tsalka railway station in Georgia, Colonel Vladimir
Kuparadze, deputy commander of the Russian military force in
Transcaucasia, told Interfax-Military News Agency.

"The train will leave Tsalka early on Tuesday and deliver to Russia 22
self-propelled artillery systems and 72 tonnes of ammunition and other
property of the 62nd Russian military base stationed in Akhalkalaki,"
Kuparadze said by phone from Tbilisi.

"It will be the 12th train with Russian materiel leaving Georgia in
the framework of Russian military bases withdrawal from the country,"
he said.

Seven trains with hardware, armaments and other property of the 62nd
base and the 12th base in Batumi earlier left for Russia through
Azerbaijan. Four more trains left Batumi for Armenia to deliver
addition armaments and materiel to the 102nd Russian base stationed
in the town of Gyumri.

The Russian military bases are to be withdrawn from Georgia before
the end of 2008.

Meskhet Turks Pay "Tourist" Visit To Javakhk


Noyan Tapan
Armenians Today
Jun 26 2006

Turks arrived in the region of Akhalkalak on June 21. According to the
"A-Info" agency, guests arrived in Javakhk left for the terriroty of
the villages of Khavet, Davni in the south-western part of the region
of Akhalkalak where their forefathers’ settlements were once. Turks
mentioned in conversations with local Armenians that the goal of
their visit is just "tourist" one, and they have no issue of being
re-setteled in this territory.

The "A-Info" reminds at the same time, that the absolute majority of
settlements of Meskhet Turks exiled in 1944 in the regions of Aspindza
and Adigen today re-settled mainly by Georgians.

The tourist visit of Meskhet Turks to Javahkh has no direct tie with
the state program of their re-settlement in Georgia.

Eviction From Hotel "Erebuni"


[05:32 pm] 26 June, 2006

Gohar Torosyan, resident of hotel "Erebuni", told the "A1+"
correspondent today that she will commit suicide if they continue to
treat her that way. She is 86 years old, from Gyumri, and lost her
house in the 1988 earthquake.

A month after the earthquake Gohar Torosyan was given a 17-square
meter room on the 5th floor of hotel "Erebuni". 18 years after that
a citizen named Edik appeared and announced that the hotel belonged
to his late uncle who used to live in Moscow, and after his sudden
death he has taken charge of the hotel.

12-13 families of refugees have already received financial compensation
and left their rooms. The only resident left is Mrs. Gohar. She has
no running water and electricity, and the watchman of the building
opens and closes the doors whenever he wishes. The old woman spends
the majority of the day outside, under the sun.

We met those who introduced themselves as the owners of the hotel,
but they did not wish to talk to us.

They have offered 3900 USD to Gohar Torosyan which they represented
as an act of charity. Mrs. Gohar turned down the offer and asked
to give her a house of the same area as she refrains from buying a
house herself.

According to her, she has no one to help her, and she lives with 18 000
AMD of old-age pension. The greatest offence for Mrs. Gohar is that
she devoted her life to sports and trained professional basketball
teams ignoring her private life. And now the country for which she
did so many thinks is so indifferent towards her.

Speaking of Armenian and Azeri Presidents Meeting in St. Petersburg


27.06.2006 14:17 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Speaking of a meeting between Armenian President
Robert Kocharian and Azeri leader Ilham Aliyev within the G8 summit
in Saint Petersburg is early, Armenian President’s Spokesman Victor
Soghomonyan told a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter.

At that the Spokesman reminded that during his latest interview with
leading Armenian TV channels Kocharian admitted the opportunity of
meeting Aliyev within the G8. "It is a rather important factor and
the co-chairs believed that if it is possible to agree over basic
principles of the Nagorno Karabakh settlement before the G8 summit,
the international community doing their best to boost implementation
of those agreements will be the best guarantee. Those time frames
made to speed up the process," Kocharian said.

We note that Azeri FM Elmar Mammadyarov stated about the expected
meeting of the two Presidents in St. Petersburg.

In his words, before the G8 summit OSCE MG American Co-Chair Matthew
Bryza is scheduled to visit the region. "Only after that visit the
matter of holding of a new meeting of the two presidents will become
clear," Mammadyarov noted.