Shifting Moods Mark "Time"

Shifting Moods Mark "Time"
By Aram Kouyoumdjian

Critics’ Forum

A harsh reality of theater is that monumental works of drama-say, those
with epic-sized casts or taxing technical demands-are rarely produced.
The limiting factor is economic: theaters either lack the resources
to undertake such productions or simply cannot afford them.

Few plays illustrate this harsh reality as well as William Saroyan’s
"The Time of Your Life." The foremost Armenian-American playwright’s
Pulitzer Prize-winning masterwork boasts a script rich with lyricism.
But it requires nearly two dozen actors, which renders it practically

To my knowledge, the play has not been professionally staged since
an exquisite 2002 production by the Steppenwolf Theatre Company
in Chicago. (Rather than mounting its own production, the Seattle
Repertory Company simply imported the Steppenwolf show in 2004,
as did the American Conservatory Theater in San Francisco).

So the mere fact that the Open Fist Theatre Company is presenting
"The Time of Your Life" in Hollywood (through July 1) is welcome news.
That this esteemed troupe acquits itself with an impressive production
doubles the delight.

Set in San Francisco at the outset of World War II, "The Time of Your
Life" traces the bustle at Nick’s Pacific Street Saloon. It revolves,
in part, around Joe, a wealthy dreamer and a regular at the bar,
where he endlessly sips champagne and soaks up the atmosphere of the
diverse characters who drift in and out of the joint. Saroyan crafts
a gorgeous mosaic of humanity flowing through the saloon, which
makes "The Time of Your Life" more of a lovely mood piece-funny,
heartbreaking, and redemptive-rather than a strictly plot-driven

The denizens of Nick’s watering hole include longshoremen,
prostitutes, corrupt cops, a starving piano player, a pinball addict,
a philosophizing immigrant, and that indelible teller of tall tales,
Kit Carson. Even as these eccentrics struggle with life’s hardships,
they cling, in true Saroyan style, to innocence and hope in their
search for a better, decent life; for work; or for someone to love.

The play’s nominal love story involves Joe’s underling, Tom, and Kitty
Duvall, the prostitute he seeks to save from the streets. Its best
love scene, however, comes as a brief, poetic, altogether surreal
encounter between Joe and Mary, a married woman who strolls into
the bar. In their few minutes together (we never see Mary again),
Joe declares his love for her. Although unable to welcome his love,
Mary admits to being happy with the thought that Joe will pine for
her after she’s gone from his life. The scene’s simple beauty lies
in its depiction of a world where people cross paths as in a dream,
where love is instantly felt and confessed, where longings forever
linger in memory.

For the Steppenwolf production in Chicago, director Tina Landau had
heightened the dream-like quality of Saroyan’s play through a fluid,
stylized manner of movement, at times in rhythm with impeccable
musical choices that punctuated the production and underscored its
transcendent closing tableau.

The Open Fist production-probably funded with only a fraction of
the Steppenwolf budget-cannot match the visual flair of Landau’s
panoramic staging, which had elevated background action to high art.
Nevertheless, as directed by Stefan Novinski, the production is
an accomplished one, sensitive to the shifting moods of Saroyan’s
script. Although he allows the pace to slacken at times, Novinski
deftly handles the challenges of the play’s sprawling storylines.
He elicits fine performances from a talented cast, including Michael
Franco, who ably captures the duality of Joe’s buoyancy and bitterness,
and Bruce A. Dickinson, who nails the deadpan hilarity of Kit Carson.
The period set designed by Donna Marquet creates an authentic milieu
for the action.

While the opportunity to experience an infrequently revived Saroyan
play may be reason enough to see "The Time of Your Life," it’s the
charmed combination of strong acting and intelligent direction that
makes this Open Fist production a rare treat indeed.

All Rights Reserved: Critics’ Forum, 2006

Aram Kouyoumdjian is the winner of Elly Awards for both playwriting
("The Farewells") and directing ("Three Hotels"). His performance
piece, "Protest," was recently staged at the Finborough Theatre
in London.

You can reach him or any of the other contributors to Critics’
Forum at [email protected]. This and all other articles
published in this series are available online at
To sign up for a weekly electronic version of new articles, go to
Critics’ Forum is a group created to
discuss issues relating to Armenian art and culture in the Diaspora.

Earthquake Measuring 3-4 Takes Place In Territory Of Armenia On June


MARTUNI, JUNE 23, NOYAN TAPAN. At 01:47, June 23, an earthquake
measuring 2.5 took place in the territory of Armenia, 20 km to the
south-west from the town of Martuni. The earthquake measured 3-4 in
the epicenter. Noyan Tapan was informed from RA Seismic Protection
National Service that a tremor measuring 1.8 followed the earthquake.

Next Echelon With Russian Materiel To Leave For Armenia From Ajaria


22.06.2006 17:17

YEREVAN (YERKIR) – The next, fifth echelon with Russian materiel, owned
by 12th Russian military base in Batumi, left Ajaria Thursday night.

The echelon heading for Armenian city of Gyumri is composed of 18 cars.

AMZ-53 automatic machine for pumping oil, MNUG-20 and MPG-20 machines
for pumping fuel, as well as two units of MNUG-14 device for pumping
oil, two units of device for pumping oil ZSZh, 17 units of KP-12530
field-kitchens and 24 units of 15- and 4-ton water containers are in
the cars, reports RIA Novosti.

The withdrawal of Russian military bases and equipment takes place
within the agreements between representatives of the Defense Ministries
of Georgia and Russia, concluded in Sochi March 31 this year.

People On The Way To The EU Welcomes The Catholicos Of All Armenians

22.06.2006 17:51

Although the Turkish security forces undertook unprecedented
security measures on the occasion of the visit of the Catholicos of
All Armenians Garegin II to Istanbul, unpleasant accidents still
occurred. A group of chauvinists welcomed the Armenian Supreme
Patriarch in the airport. "Radiolur" correspondent Marlena Hovsepyan
had a talk with the editor-in-chief of the Istanbul based "Marmara"
newspaper Rober Hatechyan over the visit of the Catholicos of All
Armenians to Istanbul and the accident.

At the invitation of Archbishop Mesrop Mutafyan and Ecumenical
Patriarch His All-Holiness Bartholomew I, the Catholicos of All
Armenians left for Istanbul. This was the third visit of Armenian
religious leaders to Turkey during the last 50 years. In 1961 Vazgen
I paid an official visit to Turkey. In 1996 Garegin the First’s visit
was non-official. Garegin the Second’s visit is also of a non-official
character, although he should meet the Governor of Istanbul.

On the occasion of the Catholicos’s visit unprecedented
security measures were undertaken in the Ataturk airport of
Istanbul. Journalists were prohibited to enter the territory of the
airport. Archbishop Mesrop Mutafian met the Catholicos and they left
not passing through VIP, as provided before. Next to the airport
entrance a group of 50 people organized an act of protest. Those
protesting threw eggs on cars of two Patriarchs, who were meeting
Garegin II.

Catholicos of All Armenians was received in the Patriarchy building,
which is guarded around the clock by Turkish security forces.

Rober Hatechyan noted in his interview to our correspondent that
despite the accident, the program of the Patriarch’s visit did not
undergo any changes.

"To be fair, it was not a big accident, ant we do not have to focus
on it.

We were expecting more serious accidents," the editor of "Marmara"
newspaper said.

Although the accident was not that serious, it wholly expressed
the essence of the people, which has taken the course towards the
European Union.

A New Union Of Politically Active Women Established

14:09 21/06/06

"Though we represent different political parties and public
organization but there are some problems which are above political
dispositions and principles," women public and political figures
explain the creation of a new union at the Reporters House today.

The organization is called Union of Women and brings together women
leaders of different public organization and members of political
parties. The union came up with the statement saying that they aim
to raise the role of women in the coming few years in all public
instances of the country.

IMF/WB Dutch Constituency Meeting In Yerevan Was Productive


Noyan Tapan
Jun 19 2006

YEREVAN, JUNE 19, NOYAN TAPAN. The IMF/WB Dutch Constituency meeting
held in Yerevan on June 17-18 was a productive one. Gerrit Zalm,
Deputy Prime Minister, Finance Minister of the Netherlands, stated
this during a press conference to summarize the Yerevan meeting.

The IMF Managing Director Rodrigo de Rato, the finance ministers and
chairmen of the central banks of the Netherlands, Armenia, Georgia,
Moldova, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Israel,
Cyprus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as more than 70 other officials
from these countries, IMF and WB participated in the meeting.

Issues related to the IMF/WB annual meeting to be held in Singapour
this year were dicussed at the meeting, particularly, the issue of
quotas of IMF member states. Representtaives of the financial secors
of the member states made the following reports: "Current Events in
WB and IMF", "Strategic Review of the IMF", "Fiscal Space: Domestic
Resource Mobilization", "Current Account Imbalancies in Transition:
Vulnerabilities and Policies", "Productivity Growth, Job Creation
and Demograthic Change: How are Countries of the Dutch Constituency

According to the IMF Executive Director Jeroen Kremers, the population
of the Dutch Constituency member states is 125 mln, which is almost
equal to Russia’s polulation. The total quaota of the member states
is 5%, which is twice as much as that of Russia.

In the opinion of G. Zalm, Armenia has excellently organized both
the meeting and the cultural and tourism program for the meeting

According to him, the next meeting of the IMF/WB Dutch Constituency
will be held in Moldova in 2007.

Armenia Exemplary Against Background Of Azerbaijan And Georgia


20.06.2006 13:15 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Armenia is in the center of the region and for the
time being it can control all produce pipelines theoretically, while
if desired – also practically. It is not casual that the BTC is made
longer and it was laid in a roundabout way, skipping over Javakhk,
though along its border, political scientist Hrazdan Madoyan stated
in an interview with PanARMENIAN.Net. In his words, the Armenian
nation’s spirit is raising now. "The national spirit has got rid of
the victim syndrome, there is no separatism problem in the country,
a good combating army, which has passed Karabakh and won, relies
only on itself and is self-confident. You cannot say this of the two
neighbors, who lost and hope one for Turkey, the other for the US,"
Madoyan said. He believes that Azerbaijan and Georgia are not formed
as democratic states, which is proven by coups d’etat and civil wars in
Georgia and establishment of eastern despotic monarchy in Azerbaijan.

"Armenia is exemplary against this background. The OSCE MG, CE, NATO
want friendship with the bear and want to guard its honey. Recognition
of the NKR will be protracted unless everyone puts off with the
status quo, as it is evident that policy of search for compromise has
exhausted itself and one of the parties will lose. Everyone knows
that the right and truth are on the side of Armenian Montenegro,
while oil is on Azerbaijan’s side. If it were 1939, the NKR would
have been annexed long ago on behalf of Hitler Germany, sorry, I mean
Aliyev Azerbaijan, but it is 2006 now.

The world has not become better, but it became more erudite. By the
way, if a referendum is held in Transnistria and its independence is
recognized, it will be a good signal for demanding a similar procedure
in Javakhk. The legal framework for that is present," the Armenian
political scientist underscored.

Cultural Monuments Should not Fall Victims to Ethnic Conflicts

14:34 16/06/06

‘Improvements in legislative fields are a basis that support cultural
heritage, Karine Danielyan, Secretary General on Armenian National
Committee on UNESCO told a seminar on cultural heritage today.

Experts and guests from Iran and Georgia as well as from UNESCO
have arrived to participate in the event. During the seminar the
participants will discuss legislative opportunities enabling to
protect the national heritage to the best possible level on local
and international fields.

The seminar participants will try to find a solution to violations
of cultural items on ethnic grounds. It is up to the point if we take
into consideration that Azeris have destroyed history long khachcars
(cross-stones) in Jugha. All laws are humanistic in all countries,
it is more important how applicable are they, Gurgen Gurjian
said. /

Court To Look Into Possible Hallmarks Of Crime In Senator’s Actions


ITAR-TASS News Agency
June 13, 2006 Tuesday 09:02 AM EST

Russia’s Supreme Court will consider, on June 16, the issue of whether
there were hallmarks of crime in actions by Federation Council senator
from Kalmykia Levon Chakhmachian, his lawyer Boris Kuznetsov said.

On June 6, acting Prosecutor General Yuri Biryukov asked the Court to
qualify Chakhmachian’s actions which may carry a penalty stipulated
by Part 4 of Article 159 of Russia’s Criminal Code /fraud committed
by an organized group or grand fraud/.

Chief accountant of the Association of Russo-Armenian business
cooperation Igor Arushanov and assistant auditor of the Audit Chamber
Armen Oganesyan were detained in Moscow on June 2 on suspicion of
taking a large bribe.

According to investigators, they demanded 1.5 million dollars from
a businessman for taking out negative information from an audit report.

Levon Chakhmachian happened to be in their office when detectives
seized 300,000 of marked dollar bills.

However, as a FC member, he enjoys immunity, so no procedures were
instituted against him. Arushanov and Oganesyan were arrested.

In accordance with the Criminal Code, judges will meet behind closed
doors to consider the Chakhmachian issue. A prosecutor and the
senator’s lawyer will attend.

Meanwhile, Kalmykia’s parliament decided on June 9 to recall its
representative from the Federation Council. The upper house is expected
to decide on termination of his powers at the next meeting on June 23.

Chakhmakhchian was elected senator of the Federation Council from
Kalmykia in 2004. He occupied the post of Deputy Chairman of the
Committee for problems of local governments.

Repetition Calmy-Rey En Armenie L’Aide Suisse En Place Depuis 1988 –


Schweizerische Depeschenagentur AG (SDA)
SDA – Service de base francais
12 juin 2006

Erevan (ats) La conseillère federale Micheline Calmy-Rey a profite
de son voyage d’un jour en Armenie pour visiter un projet soutenu par
la DDC sur place. Depuis 1988, annee du grave seisme qui a detruit le
nord du pays, la Suisse a investi 30 millions de francs a titre d’aide.

Actuellement, l’aide annuelle versee par la Direction du developpement
et de la cooperation (DDC) sur place se monte a près de quatre millions
de francs. La Suisse favorise principalement les programmes d’aide aux
personnes deplacees, nombreuses depuis la guerre du Karabakh entre
1988 et 1994, ainsi que des projets en faveur de la bonne gestion
des affaires publiques (bonne gouvernance) et la gestion durable des
ressources naturelles.

A l’occasion de sa visite a Erevan, la cheffe du Departement federal
des affaires etrangères (DFAE) a quitte les salons feutres des
ministères pour la banlieue industrielle de la capitale armenienne.

Aux abords de l’ancienne usine desaffectee de caoutchouc, elle a visite
un projet de l’organisation non gouvernementale (ONG) Mission Armenia,
qui s’occupe de loger des personnes âgees ou refugiees.

L’aide helvetique pour cette ONG a demarre en 1999. A terme, elle
representera un investissement d’un million de francs, a indique a
l’ATS le chef de la DDC pour le Caucase du sud Thomas Ruegg.

La DDC dispose d’un bureau en Armenie depuis deux ans. Il depend
de l’office regional destine au Caucase du Sud, base a Tbilissi,
en Georgie. L’Armenie, ancienne republique sovietique, a obtenu son
independance en 1991, dans le sillage de la chute de l’URSS. Le pays,
dont la superficie correspond aux deux tiers de la Suisse, compte
trois millions d’habitants.

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