Tigran Torosian Condemns Armenian Opposition For Giving TheatrePerfo


Yerevan, May 22. ArmInfo. The coming few months will become a test
for the Armenian political forces. Tigran Torosian, Deputy Speaker
of RA National Assembly, said this at today’s press conference.

Mr. Torosian condemned the opposition demand to dissolve the parliament
in connection with the fact that the political coalition stopped
existing after the withdrawal of “Country of Law,” party and that
the coalition is no longer a majority at the parliament. “First of
all, I wander, who said that the coalition should be the majority
at the parliament and a majority memorandum should be adopted. The
first step was taken after the parliamentary elections in 2003,
and I think this step will become a precedent for the future one,
but nothing makes us adopt the memorandum, now. In many countries of
the world the coalitions function without adopting any documents,”
he said. He emphasized that it is precisely stated in RA Constitution
what a parliamentary crisis means and in which cases the legislative
power should be dissolved, underscoring that nothing of the like
happens at the parliament at present.

Armenia Participating In “Eurovision-2006” For First Time Takes 8thP


Noyan Tapan
May 22 2006

YEREVAN, MAY 22, NOYAN TAPAN. The “Lordi” rock group from Finland was
recognized the winner at the final stage of the “Eurovision-2006”
song festival taken place in Athens on May 20. Armenia which was
participating in the competition for the first time, took the honorary
8th place as a result of the votion of spectators of 38 countries. And
this means that the representative of our country gets a possibility to
participate in the final stage of the next, “Eurovision-2007” festival,
without participating in the semi-final. Andre’s “Without Your Love”
song was given the highest, 12 points, by Belgium, Russia each, 10
points by Holland, France, Greece, Turkey each, 8 points by Ukraine,
Belarus, Spain, Israel, Bulgaria each. 7 points were given to Armenia
by Cyprus and Moldova, 5 points by Poland, 3 points by Germany, 2
points by Lithuania, 1 point was given by Romania. Representative of
Russia Dima Bilan took the 2nd place at the festival, representative
of Bosnia and Herzegovina Hari Mata Hari took the 3rd place.

Probation For Political Forces Of Armenia


22 May 06

“This period, about 20 days, or a month, is a trial, or a
probation period for the political sphere in Armenia, and we the
political parties must show that they are mature, they have come of
age. Unfortunately, what happened today can hardly be considered as
evidence to this, but I am hopeful that everything will calm down
finally,” said Tigran Torosyan May 22, assessing the political
situation in Armenia. According to him, the heated debate that
followed the resignation of Arthur Baghdasaryan in the parliament
is determined by this situation. At the same time, Tigran Torosyan
says the step of the political party that seceded from the coalition
should be accepted normally, because this is a normal episode from the
history of coalitions. The speaker of the National Assembly objects to
Dallakyan’s thesis on a political and parliamentary crisis, saying that
the Constitution offers a solution of the dissolution of the parliament
and the crisis, the rest is staging, not more, thinks Tigran Torosyan.

AAA: House Foreign Aid Panel Reinstates US Policy on Security Parity

Armenian Assembly of America
1140 19th Street, NW, Suite 600
Washington, DC 20036
Phone: 202-393-3434
Fax: 202-638-4904
Email: [email protected]

May 22, 2006
CONTACT: Christine Kojoian
E-mail: [email protected]


Approves $62 million for Armenia in FY 07 Foreign Aid Bill

Washington, DC – The Armenian Assembly praised members of a key
foreign aid subcommittee today for reinstating U.S. policy to maintain
military aid parity between Armenia and Azerbaijan in the Fiscal Year
(FY) 2007 Foreign Operations bill. Earlier this year, the
Administration submitted a request for Azerbaijan that exceeded
security assistance to Armenia by $1.095 million.

Lawmakers approved a symmetrical appropriation that amounts to $3.5
million in Foreign Military Financing (FMF) and an additional $790,000
in International Military Education and Training (IMET) assistance to
both Armenia and Azerbaijan.

“We appreciate the efforts of the House Appropriations Committee and
credit its Foreign Operations Subcommittee Chairman Rep. Jim Kolbe
(R-AZ) and Ranking Member Rep. Nita M. Lowey (D-NY) for maintaining
equal security assistance between Armenia and Azerbaijan,” said
Assembly Executive Director Bryan Ardouny. “We especially appreciate
the outstanding leadership of Armenian Caucus Co-Chair and Committee
Member, Rep. Joe Knollenberg (R-MI), for his efforts in restoring
parity and protecting the fragile cease-fire at a time when Azerbaijan
continues to threaten a resumption of war against Nagorno Karabakh.”

Following the vote, Knollenberg told the Assembly that “It is vitally
important that Congress maintain military assistance parity between
Armenia and Azerbaijan. We do not want to unintentionally disturb the
delicate balance of power that exists in the South Caucasus nor weaken
our credibility as an impartial and leading mediator in the Nagorno
Karabakh peace process.”

“Given the fact that relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan continue
to be tenuous, it is imperative that the U.S. maintain a balanced
approach,” said Armenian Caucus Co-Chair Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ).
“Furthermore, I am pleased that the Committee called for a higher
allocation to Armenia than that requested by the Administration.”

The FY 2007 foreign aid bill also includes $62 million in economic aid
to Armenia and up to $5 million in humanitarian assistance to Nagorno
Karabakh. The level of funding for Armenia, although less than the
amount Congress appropriated in FY 2006, is $12 million more than that
requested by the Administration in February. In that request, the
Administration also called for an additional $1 million in FMF to
Azerbaijan over Armenia and suggested $885,000 for Azerbaijan versus
$790,000 for Armenia in IMET assistance.

The overall request level reflects a $41 million drop in assistance
for the Independent States of the Former Soviet Union, from $482
million in 2006 to $441 million in 2007.

During the House Foreign Operations Appropriations Subcommittee
hearing in April, the Assembly submitted testimony for the hearing
record, outlining the need for Congress to continue funding to Armenia
and Nagorno Karabakh. Additionally, the Assembly supported a letter
initiated by Pallone and Armenian Caucus Member Rep. George Radanovich
(R-CA) and co-signed by 48 additional Members of Congress,
highlighting important priorities for Armenia and Karabakh.

The bill will be considered by the full House Appropriations Committee
this week. Once the House of Representatives and Senate complete
action on their versions of the bill, a joint House-Senate Conference
Committee will reconcile the differences.

The Armenian Assembly of America is the largest Washington-based
nationwide organization promoting public understanding and awareness
of Armenian issues. It is a 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt membership




IMF: IMF Executive Board Completes Second Review Under Armenia’s PRG


International Monetary Fund (IMF)

May 19 2006

The Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) yesterday
completed the second review under the Poverty Reduction and
Growth Facility (PRGF) arrangement for Armenia (see Press Release
No. 05/123). The completion of the review, which was undertaken on
a lapse of time basis,1 enables the release of a further SDR 3.28
million (about US$4.9 million) under the arrangement. This will bring
the total amount drawn under the arrangement to SDR 9.84 million
(about US$14.7 million).

The PRGF is the IMF’s concessional facility for low-income countries.

PRGF-supported programs are based on country-owned poverty reduction
strategies adopted in a participatory process involving civil
society and development partners and articulated in the country’s
Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper. This is intended to ensure that
PRGF-supported programs are consistent with a comprehensive framework
for macroeconomic, structural, and social policies to foster growth
and reduce poverty. PRGF loans carry an annual interest rate of 0.5
percent and are repayable over 10 years with a 5½ -year grace period
on principal payments.

1 The Executive Board takes decisions under its lapse of time procedure
when it is agreed by the Board that a proposal can be considered
without convening formal discussions.

–Boundary_(ID_Eo30cqPzdaC0u04f1KfHO w)–


“Hamazkaine” Explains


[05:20 pm] 19 May, 2006

Today we received an explaining letter from “Hamazkaine” in connection
with a Monday issue on our website. The issue read: “A1” received
a letter from the Greek information agency “Hayastan” which on
behalf of part of the Armenian community living in Greece complains
of the activity of Vahram Kazhoyan, RA Ambassador extraordinary and
plenipotentiary to Greece. According to the agency, “because of him the
Armenians in Greece live in a tense atmosphere”. The letter explains
that the reason of the tense atmosphere is that Andre who represents
Armenia in the music compeititon EUROVISION 2006 is used for agitation
for “Hamazkaine” with the support of Ambassador Kazhoyan.”

The letter reads: “The information which appeared on the A1+ Armenian
Channel website, on May 15, 2006 relative the activities of the
representative of Armenia in the music competition EUROVISION 2006,
Andre, carries great inaccuracies and wrong accusations.

Upon the acceptance of an Armenian participation to the EUROVISION
2006 contest in Athens, the Regional Commitee of Hamazkaine Cultural
Association in Greece took the initiative to contact the Armenian
Participation Commitee to offer its support and assistance for the
promotion of the Armenian singer Andre, representing Armenia. In
this respect a concert was organised in Athens on the 14th of May
2006. Andre and other performers from Armenia took part to this concert
which was organised by “Hamazkaine” under the auspices of the Embassy
of the Republic of Armenia in Greece with the coordination of the
Armenian Participation Commitee.

More than 3000 spectators, mostly of Armenian descend, were present
to this event, coming from Athens and different regions, and from all
segments of the Armenian community in Greece, without any distinction.

“Hamazkaine” is a cultural association active in the Armenian diaspora
since its foundation in 1928 and has proved during its history that
it does not allow itself to limit its activities to members of one
segment, or members of one party or another. The accusation from the
so called “Hayastan” Information Agency, that Andre participates to
the events held for the members of ARF (Dashnaktsutyun) party only,
does not correspond absolutely to the truth.

The allegation that Andre is isolated from the local Armenian Community
does not correspond to the truth as well, the biggest proof being
the unprecedented Armenian participation to the concert on May 14,
which would have been impossible without the presence of Armenians
from all backgrounds, beliefs and ideological tendencies. Furthermore
and contrary to what appeared in the information, Andre visited most
of the Armenian educational institutions in Athens, among them the
“Galpaqian College” of the AGBU.

Regional Commitee of “Hamazkaine” Cultural Association”

Concert Of Chamber Choir Of Armenia Takes Place Within Framework Of”


Noyan Tapan
May 17 2006

YEREVAN, MAY 17, NOYAN TAPAN. A concert of the Chamber Choir of Armenia
takes place on May 17 at the Wall-Paintings Hall of the National
Gallery of Armenia, within the framework of the “National Gallery”
second classic music festival. Works of Armenian classics Komitas and
Mansurian are performed. Awarding of the prize fixed by the “Vahan
Tekeyan” cultural center in the sphere of music will take place as
well. It will be given to composer Tigran Mansurian, a RA People’s
Artist, Professor of the Yerevan State Conservatory after Komitas. To
recap, the “National Gallery” second music festival started on April
20 and is dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the National Gallery.

Russian-Armenian Tycoon In Kocharian U-Turn

By Shakeh Avoyan

Radio Liberty, Czech Rep.
May 17 2006

Ara Abrahamian, the politically active Russian-Armenian tycoon,
appeared on Wednesday to have reconsidered his critical attitude
towards Armenia’s leadership after holding what he described as a
“very good” meeting with President Robert Kocharian.

Abrahamian, who publicly criticized the authorities in Yerevan just
hours before the meeting on Tuesday, said Kocharian promised to
support his World Armenian Congress (WAC) and take into consideration
his views on political and economic developments in Armenia.

“He listened to us very attentively and promised to help,” he told a
news conference. “We addressed those differences which we have had,
to varying degrees, with the [Armenian] Foreign Ministry and the
government in general and found mechanisms for working together. It
is time to work together.”

A statement on the meeting released by the Armenian president’s office,
said Kocharian “welcomed the fact that the Congress’s initiatives are
becoming more Armenia-oriented and acquiring a truly pan-Armenian
quality.” Kocharian has previously voiced skepticism about WAC’s
ambitious plans to serve as an umbrella structure for all major
Diaspora organizations around the world.

Addressing a WAC gathering in Yerevan on Tuesday, Abrahamian complained
that the Moscow-based organization, which was set up in 2003 with
the Russian government’s apparent backing, has failed to fulfill its
mission not least because of the Kocharian administration’s lukewarm
attitude towards its activities. He also decried “glaring shortcomings”
Armenia’s political and economic systems.

Microsoft Opens Representative Office In Armenia


Interfax, Russia
May 16 2006

YEREVAN. May 16 (Interfax) – Microsoft opened an official
representative office in Armenia on Tuesday.

The company decided to open a representative office in Yerevan since
Armenia has high engineering and scientific potential, Vahe Torosian,
Microsoft vice president for the Middle East, Europe and Africa,
said at a press conference.

“Intellectual potential is very high in the region in general,
but particularly in Armenia,” he said, noting that Microsoft has a
representative office in Baku, but is not planning to open an office
in Tbilisi.

Torosian said the IT sector in Armenia has good prospects for
development and Microsoft’s arrival on the market could contribute
to it.

Microsoft plans to finish developing an Armenian version of the
Windows program by the end of the year, he said. At present, 100
company specialists, including Armenian ones, are working on programs
for Microsoft Windows Vista/Windows XP/MS Office, he said. Localized
versions of these programs will be in demand in Armenia and this is
another step towards developing information technologies, he said.

Armenian General Staff Head Sees No Changes In Russian-ArmenianRelat


16.05.2006 18:31 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ First Deputy Defense Minister of Armenia, Head of
General Staff of the Armed Forces, Colonel General Mikayel Harutyunyan
considers linking domestic situation in Armenia with Russian-Armenian
relations inadmissible. “I do not see any changes in Russian-Armenian
relations. Both the President and the Defense Minister constantly
repeat that we were and we will be strategic partners,” Harutyunyan
said. He added that accession to the NATO is not on Armenia’s agenda

“We are a CSTO member, and a state cannot be member of two military
organizations simultaneously,” he emphasized. “I believe that in the
prospect we will be in the CSTO, which is part of our state security,”
the General Staff Head said. Armenia want to have normal relations
with other countries. “I mean states of the European Union, which are
NATO members,” Harutyunyan underscored. “Our relations with the NATO
advance normally and we have an Individual Partnership Action Plan,”
he added, reports Novosti-Armenia.