“This Airplane Will Fall”


05 may 06

The NA deputy Aghasy Arshakian warned in time on the occasion of the
” experimentation” of A310 airplane.

Answering to “Aravot’s” question on 19 of June 1998, Aghasy Arshakian
said; “I want the journalists to appreciate rightly, we don’t burn
out the bridge with our elected president, we don’t want to make
noise in the square, but we want to inform our society because we
are sure if the noise round the ”Armenian Airlines” is hidden,
the ”Armenian Airlines” will be bankrupted and privatized. In this
case the rebellion of the people will be unpredictable / ” Aravot”,
20 of June, 1998/

They were going to it since 1992

Mr. Arshakian reaffirmed his words during the interview with us,
reminding; ”I was simply fighting from 1992 to 2000 to save the
Armenian aviation and now respecting the memory of the victims
on 3 of May and gain sympathy and can’t keep silence and not to
say to what they were going since 1992. The air crash is in that
logic.” Mr. Arshakian considers the accident happened on 3 of May
as the logic continuation of what happened 15 years ago. When the
structure of general ruling was separated giving the food the other,
fuel to another, flights to others and so on. Aghasy Arshakian is sure
that everybody “rise the price of his service and that wasn’t enough
and they decided to strike more powerful blow. I warned that time
that airplane /I mean A310 brought to Armenia in 1998/ was brought
to Armenia not only for bankrupting the Armenian aviation. About 50 %
of flights should be given to this airplane for not suffering damage
as the rent of the airplane cost 725 000$. That means the airplane
should fly 270 hours in a month, which was simply impossible. We
warned that this airplane would cause damage of 6-7million$ to the
Armenian aviation. If you remember the insurance sum was 650$ but
nothing like this happens in the world.


Aghasy Arshakian also declared that order must be introduced in our
aviation; ”The property of our aviation is our professionals. I have
no idea about the died captain but it known that the airport of Adler
was one of the most difficulty airports in the former USSR and the
pilot should have a stage of 500hours of flights. I don’t know the
influence of climate how strong was or perhaps the reason was bad
dispatching work. There is discrepant information about it. Aghasy
Arshakian informed that ”Armavia” has about 2$million to Russia for
air services. The deputy considered important to stress; ”I say all
these because I’m anxious and not for the reason that I’m from the
opposition, I know all these, that’s why I speak about this. And it is
sorrowful for me that people who have been specialized in selling oil,
or producing cement want to be specialized in aviation. Our tragedy
is just this, everybody must be engaged in his business.”


”That airplane must realize Yerevan-Amsterdam flight by which my
daughter must fly. I was informed about that tragedy from Moscow
at 6 am and I was in airport at 7. Then I heard all news and drew
parallels. At the first hours of the crash the fall of the airplane
by 60 degree was being stressed. But now there is no information about
it. Russian media was giving neutral information in that morning from
which you would understand nothing. But when information was spread by
our local media that the airport dispatchers were guilty Russian media
spread a speech of a military man who had seen the exploding. Then
the version of storm was spread in the news field. The 90% of the
whole time the plane was in the Georgian territory and controllable
by the Georgian party.

The answers of the Georgian party about it aren’t been given. We
also learned that conversation about dispatchers of Rostov also had
been. But there was no detail”.


Lack of fuel; The deputy Aghasy Arshakian also had come to a
conclusion for a moment that the airplane was crashed because of the
lack of fuel. The circumstance that the oil in the airport of Sochi
is two times cheaper than in the airport of Yerevan gives reasons to
think. Mr. Arshakian said ”he is informed to such kind of outrage
since 1990 when airplanes were half refueled then were fueled in
other countries. We should notice that the Minister of Defense Serge
Sargsian has denied the possibility of the lack of fuel and that the
fuel was enough for realizing 4 flights.


Black boxes are usually found but there are also cases when they

According to our interlocutor it is simply impossible not find the
black boxes because they have such technical structure which give
signals even in the most difficult places. ” I think black boxes
aren’t found when the information in it isn’t profitable for the more
powerful side”.

Margaret Yesayan


ANKARA: Turkish ministry spokesman warns French Armenian bill couldd

Turkish ministry spokesman warns French Armenian bill could damage relations

Anatolia news agency
3 May 06

Ankara, 3 May: Foreign Ministry Spokesman Namik Tan said that Turkey
expects the French authorities to adopt the same common sense approach
they use with respect to their own history when dealing with the
unfounded Armenian allegations.

Speaking at his weekly news conference, Tan stated in reply to one
question on the matter that the French authorities were being informed
at every level that the bill introduced to the French parliament
considering it a crime to deny the Armenian Genocide would cause
frayed nerves in Turkish-French relations.

Tan said: “In our talks we pointed out that in a country with a
powerful democratic past such as France restrictions to freedom of
expression and freedom of academic study are not in keeping with the
understanding of democracy, and that acceptance of this bill would
cause irreparable damage to the long-standing relations between Turkey
and France, and we asked them not to give this bill any quarter.”

Foreign Ministry Spokesman Tan stated that in debates about France’s
own history, comments made by senior French officials including the
Minister for Foreign Affairs that politicians and parliamentarians
should stay out of history, that history should be left to historians
and that phrases such as genocide should not be used rashly, matched
the thesis that Turkey had been defending for many years.

Tan commented: “There is no way we can accept dual standards and
contradictory approaches in this matter.”

When asked at what level Turkey had made its sensitivities in this
matter known to France, Tan replied saying there was a host of
meetings between both countries on the agenda, but that he would not
go into detail.

Tan added that France had exhibited as much effort in this as Turkey
had, but that he would not go into detail because to do so might
jeopardize an effective outcome.

Not To Reach Strasbourg Tribunal


5 May 06

The Secretary General of the Council of Europe Terry Davis finds that
the revised Constitution of Armenia “opens a new era in key areas
of political life of Armenia. It will help the country to progress
on its path towards modern democracy.” What progress can there be
without a test? “2007 will see another crucial test for democracy in
Armenia. The forthcoming legislative elections should be free and fair
in order to bring the necessary legitimacy to the National Assembly.”

Jean Louis Laurent, Political Director of the Council of Europe,
who arrived in Yerevan to participate in the conference “Council of
Europe and Armenia: 5 Years of Membership”, told how an Armenian
official regretted that there is not a decision of the Strasbourg
Court of Human Rights on Armenia yet, adding that such a decision
would become a milestone on the path towards democratic reforms. He
stated, however, that there is no need to wait for court rulings,
and preventive measures can be taken.

Balance Capital Of Armenian Credit Institutions Grows By 5.1% In Fir


Noyan Tapan
May 04 2006

YEREVAN, MAY 4, NOYAN TAPAN. The overall assets of Armenian credit
institutions increased by 5% in the first quarter of 2006 and made 8
bln 267 mln 886 thousand drams (about 17.7 mln USD). In the period
under review, the actual authorized capital of these institutions
declined by 6.5% to about 4 bln 453.1 mln drams, 2.9 bln drams of
which was the share of nonresidents. This index exceeded by 2.43%
the index registered in late December of last year. According to
the Central Bank of Armenia, the overall balance capital of Armenian
credit institutions grew by 5.1% in the first quarter of 2006, the
time liabilities of legal entities – by 6.6% and the time liabilities
of natural persons – by 15.4%. The total amount of credits provided
to legal entities declined by 4.3% to about 1.88 bln drams, while
credits to natural persons – by 5.1% to 2.89 bln drams.

Haigazian University Women’s Auxiliary – LA Donates USD100,000

From: Mira Yardemian
Public Relations Director
Haigazian University
Rue Mexique – Kantari
P.O. Box 11-1748
Riad El-Solh 1107 2090
Beirut – Lebanon

Haigazian University Women’s Auxiliary – LA Donates USD100,000

Beirut, 03/05/2006

As a result of extensive fundraising activities during the past few
months, the Haigazian University Women’s Auxiliary (LA), donated a
generous amount of USD100,000 towards the funding of the new building
project of Haigazian University.

The check was presented to the president of the university, Rev. Dr.
Paul Haidostian, by a number of members of the auxiliary, Joyce Stein
(President), Sirvart Mouradian, Grace Kurkjian and Julie Aharonian,
who were in Beirut on the occasion of the annual Board of Trustees

On accepting the donation, the president expressed his gratitude
to HUWA-LA during a dinner hosted in honor of the board members,
in hotel Le Bristol, on May 1, 2006. He presented them with a plaque
which acknowledged the auxiliary’s 43 year unconditional dedication
in supporting needy Haigazian students.

Turkey Not To Open Seminary At Constantinople Patriarchate


03.05.2006 11:41

YEREVAN (YERKIR) – Turkey is not going to open the seminary of
the Constantinople Patriarchate again, stated Turkish FM Abdullah
Gul. “Licensing the seminary providing religious education runs
counter to the principle of secular order of the Turkish Republic
and its Constitution,” he said.

The statement was made at a meeting of NATO FMs in Sofia. Gul reminded
that Turkish authorities earlier proposed that Constantinople Patriarch
Bartholomew to pass it to Istanbul University, but the latter refused.

Gul also said there are no limitations of religious liberty of
national minorities in Turkey. The EU, whom Turkey works to join as
a full member, and the US constantly criticize Turkey for violating
religious liberties and rights of national minorities, RIA Novosti
reports referring to the Hurriett.

We note that the Orthodox seminary, situated in Halki Island in the
Sea of Marmara, was closed in January 1971 based on the law banning
religious schools in Turkey. It was many times suggested to convey
the seminary to one of Istanbul universities, however this idea
was not realized since then due to constant differences between the
Constantinople Patriarchate and the Turkish Government.

ANKARA: Turkey, France And Revisionism

Nazlan Ertan

The New Anatolian, Turkey
May 2 2006

Turkey and France have had a long history of intense and turbulent
relations for the last six centuries. This has, not surprisingly,
included times of cooperation, strategic balancing, intense trade and
cultural exchange and war. There have been moments, such as on the eve
and in the wake of the 1997 Luxembourg summit of the European Council,
that Turkey regarded France as one of its key partners in its drive
towards the European Union. There have been others, as we’ve heard
lately, before Sept 3, 2005, when France appeared to be an obstacle
to Turkey’s EU ambitions, both in terms of accession and Cyprus.

For a few months, Turkey has been living through a French spring in
the field of culture, but alas not in politics.

While art lovers are enjoying performances in Ankara, Istanbul and
around Turkey by French masters of their art, diplomatic and political
circles are deeply pensive about the possible damage that would be
inflicted on relations if France passes a new bill on the Armenian
“genocide” this month.

The French socialists will almost certainly bring a new bill proposing
penalties to those who question the so-called Armenian genocide
to the floor of the French National Assembly this month during a
“window session.”

Armenians in France have already welcomed the law, which will come
to the floor for debate on May 18, one of the limited times when the
opposition is allowed to propose laws.

If accepted then it would be a crime — punishable for up to five
years in prison — to “deny that the Armenian genocide” took place.

This will be the second time that a debate in the French Parliament
on the Armenian “genocide” has poisoned Turco-French ties. The French
Parliament adopted a controversial law in 2001, which says, in a single
line, that “France publicly recognizes the Armenian genocide of 1915.”

When this law, penned by the Socialist Party (PS), was first discussed
in 1997, there were various proposals: Some groups suggested that
a clause on revisionism be added to the law, while others wanted
to change the date to 1915-1921, when the modern Turkish state was
also established.

Then, after three years of being buried in the Senate, the law was
finally passed and signed by President Jacques Chirac. Both French
diplomatic and political circles quickly verified the law didn’t
contain “revisionism.”

The text, said Parisian policy-makers, diplomats and academics, was
greatly different from that of the Loi Gayssot, which made denial of
the Holocaust punishable under the law.

The Turks were unpersuaded. Ankara was certain that once this first
law was passed, a negationism clause would follow sooner or later.

Time, it seems, has proved Ankara right.

In the wake of the conflict around monuments that aimed to “honor”
victims of the Armenian genocide claims dedicated in the French
cities of Lyon and Marseille, the fertile atmosphere for that new
law was created.

Many French politicians have judged the graffiti scribbled on the
monument to be a mere act of vandalism, which fed pressure from the
strong and well-organized Armenian lobby on French politicians to
“do something.”

I’m reluctant to get into a debate on how and under which conditions
historical revisionism (or “negationism”) can be reconciled with
freedom of expression, if at all. To me, any negationism reminds me
of its most famous example in literature, George Orwell’s “1984.”

Nor will I discuss the differences between what constitutes a
“genocide” and what constitutes a “massacre” or wonder out loud
whether the international tendency to shout “genocide” is a factor
that, in fact, diminishes the gravity of other crimes against humanity.

Looking at the situation between Turkey and France, it seems highly
probable that the law will be passed. Take the existing sympathies in
the country toward the Armenian diaspora, the well-organized Armenian
lobby and its power, and all the negative factors against Turkey. Add
to this the dialogue of the deaf between Ankara and Paris on this
issue. No Turkish diplomat can be sufficiently convincing for the
French audience on the Armenian question, no matter what they say, and,
vice versa, no French diplomat can explain and make Turks “understand”
the French dilemma on the Armenian question. The civil societies of
both countries don’t have a sufficiently developed relationship with
each other to be a serious element in the equation.

One hopes, however, that credible and nonpartisan groups on both
sides will come together and discuss the issue in the coming days.

What makes one uneasy is think that French lawmakers will vote for
the new law without fully realizing what it means. They will know,
of course, that opposing it may border on political suicide. Most
will surely think of the Armenian question itself and conclude,
easily and without much of a dilemma of the conscience, that since
France passed a law recognizing genocide five years ago, why not add
another one on revisionism? After all, they might ask, do we want
graffiti on monuments?

Will any of them see the inconsistency when their country’s foreign
minister asked Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika not to
“overuse” the term genocide in regards to France’s former role as a
colonial power in his country? Will he remember remarks uttered by
ex-Prime Minister Lionel Jospin, who in 2001 rejected a proposal to
investigate French “massacres” in Algeria, saying they should leave
judgements on the issue to historians?

Will the same deputies also think that by passing this law, France
— which was considered an intellectual and academic capital — can
no longer play a meaningful role on any Turkish-Armenian platform to
build a relationship? Would the same country be better off supporting
joint academic studies or a “Truth” commission on the same question?

A senior diplomat maintained that Turco-French ties, which have been
intense for centuries, will withstand it, but he added, “I’d be sorry
to see them deteriorate in my time.”

Hopefully, he won’t be the only one to think that, neither in Ankara
nor in Paris, and particularly not in the National Assembly.

ROA continues reinforcing its capacity to resist terrorist threats

Armenia continues reinforcing its capacity to resist terrorist threats

29.04.2006 14:32

`With the considerable assistance of the US Armenia continues
reinforcing its capacity to resist terrorist threats,’ says the annual
report of the US Department of State on fight against terrorism.

`Despite the fact that there are no terrorist groups in Armenia, the
geopolitical location of the country, its `leaky’ borders and the free
visa regime provide growing opportunities for illegal trafficking of
prohibited matters, people and finances. The deepening political and
economic ties of the Armenian government with neighboring Iran have
restricted the criticism of Iranian radicals in Armenia. Armenia has
normal diplomatic and economic relations with Syria. There are large
Armenian communities in Iran and Syria,’ the document notes.

The report mentions that Armenia continues to take efforts in the
direction of raising the level of protection of important documents
and has started implementation of special facilities for checking

The annual report of the Department of State notes that in August 2005
Armenia adopted the national control list, which includes those goods,
which cannot be exported or require a special export license.

“Nor Zhamanakner” Prepares Protest Against Power Structures


YEREVAN, APRIL 28, NOYAN TAPAN. The “Nor Zhamanakner” (New Times)
party envisages a mass meeting and march in the capital on April
28. As party Chairman Aram Karapetian informed journalists on April
27, both events are endowed by the Yerevan Mayor’s Office. He
mentioned that the mass meeting will be held in the territory near
Matenadaran (Armenian repository of ancient manuscripts), then its
participants will go in march towards the Police’s and National
Security Service’s buildings, with a demand of power structures’ not
interfering in political processes. According to Karapetian, the “Nor
Zhamanakner” party has no other demand towards the police as the
equipment having been taken from the party in last November were
returned in proper state. As for the National Security Service,
according to Karapetian, in contrary to the promise, yet this
structure has not return gas pistols of the party Chairman’s guard.

Aram Karapetian stated that there are 14 agents in buildings of the
“Nor Zhamanakner” party, 6 of who were put in by the Police, and 8
ones by the National Security Service. According to the party
Chairman, it became known about some of them still two years ago. He
mentioned that not all of the agents have contacts with the
administration of the party. According to Karapetian, there are people
put in his own surrounding as well. He promised to make public in
future the dates of recruiting the agents and pseudonyms of some of

Azeri President, US Officials Discuss Regional Issues, Karabakh


Lider TV, Baku
27 Apr 06

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev held a meeting with US Director
of National Intelligence John Negroponte in Washington on 26 April,
Azeri Lider TV reported on 27 April.

The two men discussed the current developments in the region. The
main point of the discussion was that the two countries should develop
cooperation, the TV said.

President Aliyev visited the US Congress the same day. The TV said that
Aliyev had held “very important talks” about the Nagornyy Karabakh
conflict the with the speaker of the US House of Representatives,
members of the House of Representatives commissions on energy and
international relations, the chairman of the US Senate state, foreign
operations and related agencies subcommittee and the chairman of the
US Senate foreign relations committee.

Earlier that day, Aliyev held a meeting with US NGOs, such as IREX
(International Research and Exchanges Board), Soros, Freedom House
and Human Rights Watch.

At his meeting with 15 representatives of “an influential Jewish
organization”, Aliyev thanked the Jewish community for supporting
Azerbaijan in many issues, the TV said.

Aliyev also had a meeting with Gen Brent Scowcroft, national security
advisor to Presidents Gerald Ford and George H.W. Bush, the TV said.