Azerbaijan In Zugzwang: Interview With Sardar Jalaloglu


Regnum. Russia
April 27 2006

Azeri President Ilham Aliyev has started his visit to the US on
April 25. If the official agenda of his visit is widely known, his
“offstage” talks with US President George Bush are widely discussed.

In an interview to REGNUM one of the leaders of the Azeri opposition,
the first vice chairman of the Democratic Party of Azerbaijan Sardar
Jalaloglu gives his view of the true reason of Aliyev’s visit to
the US.

REGNUM: Why was President Aliyev invited to the US exactly now and
not one or two years ago?

Now the US has several priorities in Azerbaijan. The first priority
is to control the oil of the Azeri sector of the Caspian Sea or, if
possible, of the whole Caspian basin. The second priority is to resolve
the Karabakh conflict as soon as possible to be able to safely and
uninterruptedly pump up oil from the Caspian Sea and also, possibly,
to launch military actions against stubborn Iran next spring. The
third priority is to spread democracy over the world and to ensure
civil freedoms.

It was exactly because of Azerbaijan’s poor democracy – mass fraud
during the last presidential and parliamentary elections, maltreatment
of the opposition and dispersal of its rallies – that the White House
refrained from inviting Aliyev. And now he was invited exactly because
of the growing tensions over Iran, the necessity of early resolution
in Karabakh and early launch of the “big pipe” – Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan.

REGNUM: Can one or another geo-political situation force Azerbaijan
to take direct or indirect part in the anti-Iranian coalition the US
is said to be knocking together?

I think that the extent of Azerbaijan’s involvement in the anti-Iranian
coalition is the key topic of the coming meeting of the US and Azeri
presidents. This is exactly why Bush has closed his eyes on the
anti-democratic nature of the Azeri authorities and has grudgingly
welcomed Aliyev. The situation Azerbaijan is facing now is called
zugzwang in the chess terminology – any move leads to defeat.

But the country still has one move – to equally distance itself from
the US and Iran. I hope that Aliyev will manage to do it.

REGNUM: Will they in Washington pressure the Azeri President in the
Karabakh issue?

I should note that the Karabakh problem cannot be solved without
Russia’s consent. Even if Aliyev yields to a hypothetical pressure
and concedes, that will not be a final solution. Of course, they
will talk about the Karabakh problem, but I don’t believe they will
make a serious breakthrough without considering Moscow’s interests
and positions. I also doubt that Washington will pressure Baku in
the issue.

REGNUM: Will the sides discuss other issues and what agreements may
they conclude?

I think that the US President will certainly mention the problems
of human rights, fair elections, political and economic reforms,
democracy development in Azerbaijan. Aliyev will certainly give an
oral consent to the US President just as his father did. In any case,
the pragmatic US administration itself is not very much eager to
develop democracy in Azerbaijan, which was proved by the last autumn
parliamentary elections and the post-electoral period, including the
severe dispersal of the November 26 rally. Even if signed, the possible
written agreements will be just declarations without specific content.

REGNUM: Some experts say that in his time Aliyev Senior gave Washington
a number of promises his son is forced to keep now. Is that true?

Aliyev Senior publicly told Clinton that he would develop democracy
in Azerbaijan without fail. As you remember, after that the sides
signed the Contract of the Century and other oil contracts. Heydar
Aliyev readily gave similar promissory notes in the UN and other
international organizations. And when he was asked about results, he
artfully found thousands of convincing explanations why democratic
processes in his country were slow. Though assuring everybody that
he continues the cause of his father, Ilham Aliyev has, in fact,
disavowed his promises. One example is his proposal to start the
Karabakh peace talks from zero. It seems he has started from zero
with the West and Russia too.

Many are misled by external entourage – Heydar Aliyev schools,
monuments… But, in reality, Ilham Aliyev is acting differently –
even his ways to keep his power are tougher. So, I don’t think that
he will be asked to pay the old bills, whatever they are.

REGNUM: What will Aliyev’s Washington voyage give to Azerbaijan and
the whole South Caucasus?

Paradoxical as this may sound, an invitation to Washington now –
after two long years of hope – is the last thing Aliyev would want
to get. He will hardly get anything in such a complicated and highly
tensed international situation. As regards the region, it is too
heterogeneous for being taken as a whole. In Georgia power is in
the hands of democrats, in Azerbaijan and Armenia – illegitimate
anti-national regimes. The latter gives much to big importance to its
alliance with Russia and forgets that it is a part of the region with
all ensuring consequences. So, Aliyev’s visit to Washington will change
nothing in either the region or Azerbaijan. Still one can’t rule out
the possibility of a fiasco, which will put our country in a fix.

REGNUM: Is the growing number of visits by Iranian leaders to
Azerbaijan a coincidence?

Of course not. Iran was very much worried about the forthcoming visit
of Aliyev to the US. They in Tehran perfectly realized what the visit
will be about and did their best to neutralize Baku. It was for
this very purpose that the Iranian military minister came to Baku
and offered the country all possible benefits, up to the building
of a defense complex. The coming visit of the Iranian president is
also for the same purpose, whatever its seeming reasons might be. I
would like to say once again that Azerbaijan is facing very serious
threats in case of US military operations in Iran: missile strikes
(when the losing side already has nothing to lose) on cities, oil
pipeline, industrial facilities; an army of refugees – Iranian Azeris;
plenty of other secondary problems.

His Holiness Karekin II Receives the President of Lithuania

Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, Information Services
Address:  Vagharshapat, Republic of Armenia
Contact:  Rev. Fr. Ktrij Devejian
Tel:  (374 10) 517 163
Fax:  (374 10) 517 301
E-Mail:  [email protected]
April 28, 2006

His Holiness Karekin II Receives the President of the Republic of Lithuania

On April 26, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of
All Armenians, received His Excellency Valdas Adamkus, President of the
Republic of Lithuania.  President Adamkus was accompanied by his wife, Mrs.
Alma Adamkiene and Mr. Davit Harutyunian, Minister of Justice of the
Republic of Armenia.

His Holiness welcomed the visit of the Lithuanian president to the
headquarters of the Armenian Church and introduced the history and mission
of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin in the lives of the Armenian people.

`We offer praise and thanks to God, that the years of oppressive Soviet rule
were not able to destroy the spiritual life of our nation, nor their spirit
and love of Christ.  With their Christian faith, the sons and daughters of
our nation reinforced their convictions of liberty and independence, and
fifteen years ago, created our new, free and sovereign republic.’ – stated
His Holiness.

The Pontiff of All Armenians offered a prayer to the Lord to preserve and
protect the Armenian and Lithuanian peoples; strengthen their brotherhood
and solidarity; and increase the cooperation and collaboration between the
two states.  His Holiness further expressed the gratitude of the Armenian
people for the recognition and condemnation of the Armenian Genocide by the
Lithuanian government, as well as the careful attention of the Lithuanian
authorities toward the Armenians living in their land.

President Adamkus thanked His Holiness for the warm reception and expressed
his deep respect and esteem for the Armenian Church and her leader.  The
president spoke of the significant role the Church has in society,
specifically in establishing and encouraging the proper development of
morals and ethics in the younger generation.  `Through your history, one
sees how much Christianity gave to Armenia through your Church.  Your
culture, language, literature and art accompanied the Christian faith and
teachings as inseparable parts of the Armenian identity.’ – stated the
Lithuanian president.

The meeting concluded with a discussion on the current state of worldwide
ecumenical relations, within both inter-church and inter-faith dimensions. 
Present for the meeting were His Eminence Archbishop Barkev Martirosian,
Primate of the Diocese Artsakh (Nagorno Karabagh); His Grace Bishop Paren
Avedikian, Director of Administrative Matters for the Mother See; and His
Grace Bishop Arshak Khatchatrian, Chancellor of the Mother See

At the conclusion of the cordial meeting, President and Mrs. Adamkus visited
the museum of the Pontifical Residence and the Mother Cathedral of Holy

ANKARA: Aliyev Begins Crucial US Visit

By Enes Cansever, Baku

Zaman Online, Turkey
April 26 2006

Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev set off to the United States
yesterday for a critical official visit taking place at a time when
the Iranian crisis has deepened. Aliyev will meet US President George
W. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld,
and Secretary of Energy Samuel Bodman.

The issues in the nuclear crisis with Azerbaijan’s neighbor, Iran,
and the Upper Karabag (Karabagh) under the Armenian occupation,
are expected to mark Aliyev’s three-day visit.

Aliyev’s foreign policy adviser, Novruz Mammadov, told Zaman that four
main subjects such as dual relations, energy, regional security and
international terrorism will be handled, but the Iran and Karabagh
issues will be the main focus of the Aliyev-Bush talks.

Mammadov announced Baku wants the crisis over Iran’s nuclear program
to be overcome by the International Atomic Energy Agency and the
United Nations. “There are enough problems in the region already. As
the nation of Azerbaijan, we have never had and we will never have
any intention of interfering in Iran’s domestic affairs. We are
ready to offer the necessary support for this issue to be solved by
peaceful means.”

The Azeri official also criticized Tehran for following a policy
favoring Yerevan over the Karabagh issue despite Baku’s policy of
mutual respect and good neighborly relations.

Mammadov, also criticizing the US on this issue, highlighted that
Washington remains silent regarding Armenia that continues to occupy
one fifth of Azerbaijan’s territory.

“The United States may instantly take action for disagreements in
other countries. We think it should show the same sensitivity for
Azerbaijan, too,” the Azeri official added.

Mammadov said the OSCE (Organization for Security and Co-operation in
Europe) Minsk Group co-chairs have not been able to make any concrete
progress in the Karabagh case for years. “We believe the problem will
be solved if the US shows necessary sensitivity.”

Strategist Rasim Musabaev said Aliyev’s visit, taken at a time when
the Tehran-Washington conflict is at its peak, is no coincidence.

One of the most important ways for Baku to emerge from the Iranian
crisis with least damage is to follow a policy parallel to Turkey,
Musabaev added.

The Azeri official maintained Turkey and Azerbaijan are facing
US pressure over the Iranian issue. “It is difficult for these two
countries to say ‘yes’ to the United States because Iran is neighbors
both countries; therefore, we should focus on ways of solving the
problem peacefully.”

The Azeris also indicate the importance of the visit Turkish Prime
Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan will pay to Baku on May 5.

Turkey’s Ambassador to Baku Turan Morali said Turkey and Azerbaijan
carefully follow Iran’s nuclear crisis and said the two brother
countries want the problem to be solved through peaceful means.

ASBAREZ Online [04-26-2006]


1) Two Swedish MPs Honor The Victims of The Armenian Genocide
2) Rice Warns Turkey to Keep Out of Iraq
3) Armenians in Georgia Mark Genocide
4) Azeri Troops Breach Ceasefire, Wound Armenian Servicemen
5) Western Prelacy Organizes Book Presentation Event

1) Two Swedish MPs Honor The Victims of The Armenian Genocide

The Armenian community in Sweden held several commemorative events throughout
the country to mark the 91st anniversary of the Armenian genocide, during
several Members of Parliament (MP) honored the victims and pledged to raise
issue in the Swedish Parliament (Riksdag).
In Uppsala, several Swedish MPs attended an event organized by Armenian
organizations including Raffi Cultural Association, Armenian Relief Society,
Homenetmen Sweden, and the Armenian Church.
Michael Oscarson, a Christian Democrat MP who participated in the Genocide
commemoration, said that people are not aware of the terrible suffering and
loss of life Armenians experienced 91 years ago.
“We need to work together so that this very important humanitarian tragedy is
captured by the public,” he said.
“Together with my colleagues I will raise the question of Armenian
genocide in
the Riksdag,” said Oscarson, promising to “address the Foreign Minister and
demand an explanation on what the Swedish government is doing concerning the
denial by Turkey.”
“My party and I supported those resolutions, and continue to recognize them
today,” he added.
Oscarson also spoke of a visit to Turkey last year, saying: “Every time I met
my colleagues in the Turkish Parliament I took up the issue of the Armenian
genocide, but I was shocked to be met by a wall of silence. And I was even
shocked when one of them replied, ‘We the Turks are the victims, we were the
ones who were submitted to genocide.”
Another Swedish MP, Rezene Tesfazion, spoke on behalf of the Social Democrats
and said that we must never forget the lessons of history, because “this is
duty as human beings.”
“I join with you today in remembering the past I encourage you to continue
honoring your forefathers,” he said.
Tesfazion also made a pledge to the Armenian people, saying, “Together
with my
colleague Miss Tone Tingsgaard I will try to raise the issue in the Riksdag.”
In March 2000 the Swedish Parliament adopted a motion acknowledging the
Armenian genocide. The motion reads: “An official statement and recognition of
the Genocide of the Armenians is important and necessary. In 1985 the UN and
the European Parliament established the fact that the Ottoman Empire had
committed genocide against the Armenian people in the beginning of the 20th
century. The Standing Committee [on Foreign Affairs] is of the opinion that
greater openness Turkey demonstrates, the stronger Turkey’s democratic
will be. It is therefore important that unbiased independent and international
research on the genocide committed against the Armenian people be carried out.
It is of great importance that an increasing openness and historical
understanding of the events of 1915 and thereafter be developed. An
in this respect would also be of importance for the stability and the
development in the whole Caucasus region.”

2) Rice Warns Turkey to Keep Out of Iraq

ANKARA (International Herald Tribune)–Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
assured Turkish leaders on Tuesday that the United States would step up
to stop the infiltration of Kurdish insurgents from Iraq into Turkey, but she
warned the Turkish government not to send troops into Iraq to do the job.
Addressing what has become a new irritant in relations with Turkey, Rice
acknowledged that the problem of infiltration by Kurdish rebels into Turkey
from Kurdish regions in northern Iraq had been allowed to grow.
The Turkish foreign minister, Abdullah Gul, said there had been a surge in
such infiltration in recent weeks.
The country’s press has been filled with reports of thousands of Turkish
troops massing on the border of Iraq, and there has been speculation that
Turkey might intervene in Iraq.
Rice, without speaking directly to that threat, clearly sought to discourage
the Turks from doing anything on their own.
“Of course we want anything that we do to contribute to stability in Iraq,
to threaten that stability or to make a difficult situation worse,” Rice said,
referring to the presence of Turkish troops. “That is why a cooperative
approach on this problem–cooperation between Iraq and Turkey and the
forces–is very important.”
Gul spoke of the Kurdish rebel situation in blunt terms, saying that the
Kurdish Workers Party, which is known as the PKK, had turned Iraq into “a
training ground” and that “like every country, Turkey will take her own
precautions” to deal with the problem.
He said, however, that Turkey had “no claim on anybody’s soil or any
neighborly country’s soil.”
Rice spoke during her trip through the region, starting in the morning with
meetings in Athens, where a few thousand anti-American protesters thronged the
streets downtown.
A couple of dozen protesters turned violent, throwing Molotov cocktails and
burning storefronts and bus stops.

3) Armenians in Georgia Mark Genocide

(A-Info/Civil Georgia)–The southern Georgian region of Javakhk
commemorated on
April 23 and 24 the 91st anniversary of the Armenian genocide.
Members of the community marched on Sunday through the streets of Akhaltsikhe
and Ninotsminda, in an event organized by the Zori Zoryan youth association.
The next morning, on April 24, Javakhk’s churches held a requiem mass for the
1.5 million victims of the Genocide. Representatives of the community, local
officials, and several organizations placed wreaths in honors of the
victims at
a memorial dedicated to the Armenian genocide.
Representatives of the Armenian community in Georgia also gathered outside
Turkish Embassy in Tbilisi on April 24 to demand recognition of the Genocide.

4) Azeri Troops Breach Ceasefire, Wound Armenian Servicemen

YEREVAN (RFE/RL/Armenpress)The Armenian Defense Ministry reported Wednesday
ceasefire violations by Azerbaijan along their border, which have left at
three Armenian soldiers seriously wounded.
According to the Defense Ministry in Yerevan, one of the soldiers came under
automatic gunfire from Azeri army positions in Nakhichevan, bordering
southeastern Syunik province on Wednesday. The two other servicemen were shot
and hospitalized late Tuesday along the westernmost section of the
Armenian-Azeri border, in Ijevan.
“The condition of the servicemen is satisfactory,” said a statement released
by the Ministry. “In both instances, the Armenian side did not return fire.”
Seyran Shahsuvarian, a spokesman for the Ministry, said that Armenians did
violate the ceasefire. He said the Armenian party did not return fire and
that Azeri media reports claiming that Armenians violated the truce were a
The mountainous area adjacent to Georgia as well as the main Armenian-Azeri
line of contact east of Karabagh has seen an upsurge in ceasefire violations
starting in February.

5) Western Prelacy Organizes Book Presentation Event

The Western Prelacy Public Relations Committee, under the auspices of His
Eminence Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, has organized a book
presentation event to be held at 6:00 PM on Sunday, April 30, at the Armenak
Der Bedrossian Hall of St. Mary’s Church in Glendale. The book, “From the Book
of One Thousand Tales: Stories of Armenia and its People, 1892-1922,” was a
lost manuscript of Diana Apcar, Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia to Japan
during the first Armenian Republic (1918-1920).
Besides her diplomatic career, Diana Apcar was a renowned writer and
author of
several books. In the 1920’s, the building she lived in collapsed in an
earthquake and the manuscript for the aforementioned book was lost in the
rubble. Many years later, the manuscript was found and published by her
granddaughter Lucille Apcar.
The Western Prelacy Public Relations Committee has invited Lucille Apcar to
Los Angeles to present her grandmother’s recovered manuscript and to tell the
public more about her grandmother’s role in and service to the Armenian
community from the far away land of Japan.
Following the official program there will be a reception and book signing.

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The Lessons Of 1915

Aram Abrahamian
22 April 06

The 91 anniversary of Genocide will be commemorated on Monday. Our
summons addressed to Turkey and the World about recognizing the
Genocide is fair. If our neighbors really want to build a modern
European country they are obliged to condemn the crime made by their
grand fathers. Otherwise Turkey will remain a wild Asian state.

And we, beside efforts made for recognition of the Genocide must find
out for ourselves whether the Armenian ruling clique of the beginning
of the 20 century did its best for not putting the Armenian people
on trial. The Armenian historians are sure that both revolutionary
and conservative branches of non-political thought were unequal to
the occasion. If the mistakes of our leaders of the beginning the
20th century isn’t forgiving they are understandable.

It’s another question when you lead a community and another when you
lead a state. The degree of responsibility and thought are different
not only at leaders but at common citizens, too.

The guarantee of avoiding of genocide, territorial looses and the
security in general is to have independent, democratic state. It’s
obvious that those two descriptions are characteristic for our state
partly. While being independent and democratic isn’t only the US or
CE demand but first of all, demand of national pragmatism. But our
authorities is pragmatic only in case of their posts and pockets and
just it makes them trust in Russia and pressure the freedom inside
the country.

The lessons we can take from our modern /and not only modern / history
become more obvious. In short those lessons can be formulated in the
following way; let’s fight where we can fight, where we have chance to
win. Let’s negotiate where we don’t have chances yet. In other words
we should have achievable problems. When problems become maximalistic
‘from sea to sea’ there is a danger to loose what we have already
had. Let’s don’t trust in anyone too much.

Let’s not have an illusion that Russia will solve our problems
instead of us. Each country is our ally as much as it solves
its problems. Understanding those elementary problems we can go
ahead. Otherwise we will regress.

Global Gold To Invest $7.1 Mln In Armenian Gold Deposit In 2006-2007


Interfax News Agency
Russia & CIS Business and Financial Newswire
April 25, 2006 Tuesday 12:47 PM MSK

Global Gold Mining will invest $7.1 million in the Tukhmanuk gold
deposit in northern Armenia in 2006-2007, the U.S. company’s regional
director, Ashot Pogosian told Interfax.

The company will invest $3.8 million in operations and $3.3 million in
exploration, he said. The deposit will be open-cast mined for the first
two years, and then the company will switch to deep mining, he said.

He also said the project must undergo an environmental impact study
and technical assessment.

Pogosian said that a contract will hopefully be signed in May and
operations at the deposit will begin. The deposit will only be mined in
summer due to the harsh local climate, and ore will then be processed
at a nearby beneficiation plant for the rest of the year.

Tukhmanuk has proven reserves of 8 tonnes of gold and is potentially
the country’s second largest gold deposit after the Sotk field, said
Global Gold chief geologist Genrikh Mkrtchian, who is also a member
of the State Mineral Reserves Commission.

The company plans to mine about 150,000 tonnes of ore over two years
and produce about 800 kg of gold and 2,400 kg of silver, he said.

The open-cast mine will employ about 90 people, and the beneficiation
plant will have about the same number of workers.

The plant will use gravitation technology, without chemical substances,
so it will have minimal environmental impact, Mkrtchian said. This
deposit was operated on a trial basis two years ago, when about 930
tonnes of ore were mined with average gold content of 6.61 grams
per tonne.

Former Czech President Calls Ottoman Empire Killing Of Armenians A”H


AP Worldstream
Apr 25, 2006

Former Czech President Vaclav Havel on Tuesday equated the mass
killings of Armenians by Turks 90 years ago to the slaughter of Jews
in World War II, calling both “holocausts.”

Havel made his comments at a conference of education ministers in
Prague, in which he told participants that modern civilization’s loss
of a moral code should be blamed for mass slaughters.

“In such a situation, a holocaust, be it the holocaust of Armenians
or Jews, … these big catastrophes in fact are monstrous but in a
way understandable products of this … civilization,” he said.

Armenia accuses Turkey of the massacre of up to 1.5 million Armenians
between 1915 and 1919. Turkey claims the figures are inflated and
says the Armenians were killed in civil unrest during the collapse
of the Ottoman Empire.

Turkey has reacted angrily to decisions by lawmakers in some countries
to classify the killings as “genocide.” The Czech Republic, has not
made such a decision.

Havel told the Council of Europe conference that holocausts “are
not a problem of individual nations but of the whole of mankind,
of modern civilization. It’s a shame of this civilization.”

“It is like if this world … had a weakened conscience, because
conscience is something less rational, less describable by means of
modern science,” Havel said. “A firm and universal moral code which
everybody can understand is trailing away.”

Havel, a renowned writer and playwright, led Czechoslovakia from 1989
until its split in 1993, and then served as president of the Czech
Republic until 2003.

The two-day conference _ “Teaching remembrance: Cultural Heritage –
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow” _ brought participants to the former
Jewish ghetto in Theresienstadt on its first day Monday.

Some 150,000 Jews from all over Europe were transported by Nazis
to the ghetto located some 50 kilometers (31 miles) north of Prague
during World War II. About 35,000 of them died there and most of the
others were transported on to concentration camps such as Auschwitz.

The Czech Republic currently has only a tiny Jewish community of
several thousand. Nearly 120,000 Jews lived on Czech territory before
the war; 80,000 perished in the Holocaust.

“Who Said We Don’t Recognise The Borders With Turkey?”


[08:07 pm] 25 April, 2006

The RA Foreign Deputy Minister Arman Kirakosyan gave an interview to
the Turkish newspaper “Zaman” which was also introduced in the site

“You demand Turkey to open the borders with Armenia.

Does it mean that you recognize the Kars treaty made in 1921 and
the borders?”

“And who said we don’t recognize the Kars treaty?”

“There are many expressions about the Turkish Eastern regions in you
official documents.”

“Being an official representative of Armenia I want to announce;
Armenia wanted to establish diplomatic ties and relations with Turkey
without any preconditions after the proclamation of independence
in 1991. So far the RA hasn’t made any announcements on Kars treaty
recognition whereas Turkey suggested a number of preconditions included
the Nagorno – Karabakh and the Armenian Genocide. ”

“Can we say that Armenia has no demands in connection with the Eastern
regions of Turkey which is stated in the official documents?”

“My answer will not have a value unless the diplomatic relations are
established between the two countries.

We can display our respect towards the country’s regional wholeness
in bilateral contracts.”

“Your country is in an awful economic state because of the genocide
accusations and the border blockade. Many Armenians live and work
abroad. How long can you run such a policy?”

“Armenia is not in an awful economic state. Our economy got adjusted
to such conditions within 15 years. We strive to develop and
enhance the economy, and the opening of the borders will be useful
on this score. We are ready to establish diplomatic relations with
Turkey. Provided Turkey agrees, we are ready to discuss the current

“The Azeri President Ilhalm Aliev will visit Washington at the tense
moment of the Iranian crisis.

Aren’t you concerned with that visit?”

“Not at all. We are in good relations with the USA.

The USA will give Armenia 235 million USD grant within the framework
of the program “Millennium Challenge,” and President Bush supports the
program. The money will contribute to the development of the country.

Azerbaijan wasn’t given such assistance as they didn’t conform to
the election standards. The RA President will likely visit the USA
after Azeri President’s visit.”

“Armenia and Diaspora take many measures in connection with the events
of 1915. There are 450 websites on this score. The events took place 90
years ago whereas nowadays 800 thousand Azeri refugees try to survive
in terrible conditions. Have you ever thought of their feelings?”

“We do not agree with the number 800 thousand. But it doesn’t
matter. There are 300 thousand refugees from Karabakh and Armenia
in our country. The negotiations with Azerbaijan still continue on
that theme.”

“Turkey offers to leave the 1915 year events for the historians’
discussion and to accept their conclusions. Don’t you accept such
position as usual?”

“Yes, the Prime Minister Erdoghan made such an announcement. President
Kocharyan, in his turn, suggested forming an intergovernmental
committee in order to discuss various matters connected with treaties,
contracts, borders, economy and policy. 2 and a half million Armenians
lived in the Ottoman Empire before the World War I. Today about 80
thousand Armenians live in Stambul. Where are the rest? Why did they
abandon the land of their ancestors? Turkey is a large country. Its
population is over 75 million, a great territory. Armenia is a small
country. Our population is 3 million. Must the bigger country be
afraid of a smaller one or the vice versa?”

“Turks are not responsible for the past events. The authorities of
those years are to be blamed. Armenia tries to establish friendly
relations with all countries without any preconditions. The political
figures will decide the fortune of the two countries.

If Turkey established diplomatic relations with Armenia in 1991 the
level of debates would be different today. “

Memorial To Victims Of Armenian Genocide Opened In Marseilles


Arka News Agency, Armenia
April 25 2006

YEREVAN, April 25. /ARKA/. A memorial to the victims of the Armenian
Genocide in the Ottoman Empire in 1915 has been unveiled in Marseilles,
France. Attending the ceremony were Speaker of the RA Parliament
Artur Baghdasaryan and RA Ambassador to France Eduard Nalbandyan.

A monument to the victims of the Armenian Genocide was also unveiled
in Lyons on April 24. The ceremony was attended by Mayor of Lyons,
Senator Gerar Colomb and RA Ambassador to France Eduard Nalbandyan.

In his speech, the RA Ambassador pointed out that the recognition
of the Armenian Genocide by France and existence of 50 monuments to
the victims throughout the country are perceived as manifestation of
solidarity by the Armenian people.

The Armenian Genocide, first genocide of the 20th century, was
organized and committed by the Government of Young Turks in the Ottoman
Empire in 1915. Over 1.5mln Armenians were slaughtered. The Armenian
Genocide has been officially recognized by many countries.

Ankara Will Recognize The Armenian Genocide As Soon As Washington Do


Yerevan, April 24. ArmInfo. Ankara will recognize the Armenian
Genocide in the Ottoman Turkey, 1915, as soon as Washington does so,
said in an interview to ‘Voice of America’ program Aram Abrahamian,
director executive of ‘Hay Dat’ (The Armenian Case) Washington office.

Mr. Abrahamian underlined that recognition of the Armenian genocide
will prevent similar crimes against mankind in the future. ‘The
Armenian people is unsafe until the genocide is recognized,’ he said.

He also said that the mission of the Hay Dat organization
is to represent the approaches of the Armenian side, enhance
American-Armenian relations. The organization also works to make the
USA authorities acquainted with the history of the Karabakh conflict.

Nevertheless the main goal of Hay Dat is to achieve worldwide
recognition of the Genocide.