Armenian Speaker congratulated people on Independence Day

Pan Armenian News


20.09.2005 05:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Chairman of the National Assembly of Armenia Artur
Baghdassaryan today congratulation Armenian people on a national holiday –
the Independence Day, reported the Armenian NA Press Service. The message
specifically says, «Dear compatriots, I wholeheartedly congratulate you on
the Independence Day of Armenia. There are many holidays marked in calendars
of all countries, and one of these is the most important. The Independence
Day is such for Armenians. It confirmed the right for free and independence
existence in the Fatherland. The past 14 years of independence were hard for
us. We experience the ordeals of war and peace and proved to ourselves and
the world that we deserve independence. Today Armenia is at an important
phase of its development: we prepare to changes in our Organic Law, which
will secure our further progress in building a jural and democratic state.
Dear compatriots, I again congratulate you and with you peace, happiness and
productive work for the sake of the Fatherland’s prosperity.»

Cheney Revives Parvus ‘Permanent War’ Madness

This article appears in the Sept. 23, 2005 issue of Executive Intelligence

Cheney Revives Parvus ‘Permanent War’ Madness
by Jeffrey Steinberg, Allen Douglas, and Rachel Douglas

It was never a secret that the ranks of today’s Washington
neo-conservative war-party are filled with former first and second
generation Trotskyists’ personified by Irving Kristol, the former
Shachtmanite Trotskyist, self-described “Godfather” of the entire
neo-con apparatus, and the father of Weekly Standard editor William
Kristol. What was ignored was that fact that both they and Vice
President Dick Cheney’s are still fanatically committed to former
Bolshevik minister of war Leon Trotsky’s doctrine of “permanent
revolution,” and to the kind of permanent war which Cheney has created
in Iraq, and is preparing to launch, very soon, as nuclear-armed
warfare against Iran, and similarly permanent warfare against Syria,
in South American, and elsewhere as soon, and as often as possible. It
is this doctrine, which most historians associate with the name of
Josef Stalin rival Leon Trotsky and his followers, which is presently
the most immediate threat of mass-murderous violence to the world as a

It is also the leading active threat to the continued existence of the
U.S.A. as a constitutional republic, here, at home.

That is the root of the wide-spread failure of most leading circles in
the U.S. and Europe to grasp the true nature of the menace which has
been unleashed as a result of Vice President Cheney’s adoption of a
doctrine which the Russian-born British intelligence asset Alexander
Helphand, also known as “Parvus” dictated to Leon Trotsky’s effort to
overthrow Russia’s Tsar in revolution of 1905. What Helphand dictated
to his dupe Trotsky, in writing, personally, there at that time, is a
doctrine of “permanent revolution/permanent war” which Trotsky himself
continued defended up to the moment of his assassination by a Soviet
assassin, in Mexico in 1940. That is the policy actually being
conducted by Cheney’s alleged former Trotskyist, neo-conservative
advisors today. That is the the policy which has unleashed the
monstrous and worsening catastrophe which Cheney’s continued policies,
and Cheney’s lies to the U.S. Congress, have created, which is moving
now to the brink of a new disaster, in the entire region of Southwest
Asia today.The facts which more than prove all this are not only
clear. The greatest threat to the U.S. today, is the failure of most
leading circles here, and in Europe, to understand the vast mass of
often overlooked evidence which must be understood if we are to
prevent the now financial-crisis-wracked U.S. and the world from being
lured, very soon into an early catastrophe beyond the calculations of
most leading circles among governments still today.

Those critics who do not understand what is really behind Cheney’s
murderous rages and lies, think that the “neo-cons” have ‘ failed in
Iraq, are people simply do not yet understand the real goals of
Cheney’s ongoing policy.

True, the George W. Bush administration has succeeded to an alarming
degree, leaving Iraq in a state of Sunni versus Shi’ite, Kurd versus
Turkmen, and even Shi’ite versus Shi’ite civil war, that could go on
for generations, and which threatens to soon spread to all of the
neighboring states.

No competent strategists are surprised by this result of Bush
administration war-policy. What we are seeing today, is the
foreseeable fiasco of Bush war policy which prompted many leading
American military commanders and diplomats, like Gen. Anthony Zinni
and Ambassador Chas Freeman, to vocally oppose the Cheney/neo-con Iraq
adventure, long before the first American troops crossed into Iraqi

The neo-Trotskyite neo-cons and their hooligans, typified by Dick
Cheney, were not out simply to establish a stable American imperial
occupation, seize control over the oil fields, and blackmail rival
states like China with the cutoff of petroleum, as many Bush-Cheney
critics presume. Cheney’s gang never intended to end, with some form
of Pax Americana peace. It was intended to be the first of a
succession of permanent wars, engulfing the entire Persian Gulf and
extended Southwest and Central Asian regions in decades of chaos,
fostering a domino of “failed states,” and causing global economic and
political mayhem, all to the benefit of a private financier oligarchy,
largely centered in the City of London and its offshoots based in the
U.S. region of the Gulf of Mexico.

The already ongoing civil war in Iraq, fueled every step along the way
by Bush Administration policy actions, reflected the intentions of the
most hard-core of the neo-con ideologues, a cabal centered out of the
Office of the Vice President, and together with such neo-Trotskyite
“think-tanks” as the American Enterprise Institute and the Hudson

Just because President George W. Bush was foolish enough to believe
the kindergarten propaganda of the neo-cons about a “cakewalk”
victory, a flourishing of Iraqi democracy, and the immediate free flow
of Iraqi oil, does not make it true. The President, with his bizarre
Promise Keeper fundamentalist religious dogmas, is, after all, the
perfect Straussian politician, the fool duped by the scheming
“philosophers” who ply him with lies, which he takes as the gospel
truth, and spreads to an equally duped, mindless following.

The intent to foster permanent revolution and permanent war according
to Helphand’s doctrine of throughout Southwest Asia was clearly
spelled out, years before the Iraq war, by a group of American neo-con
“chickenhawks” in the July 1996 “A Clean Break” paper, delivered to
then-Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Authors Richard Perle,
Douglas Feith, David Wurmser, Meyrav Wurmser, Charles Fairbanks
(surrogate and former college roommate of Paul Wolfowitz), et
al. spelled out an unambiguous scheme to spread war from Iraq to
Syria, Lebanon, and Iran, on to Saudi Arabia, and, ultimately, to

According to one well-informed U.S. intelligence source, the essence
of the neo-cons’ “Clean Break” plan was to bust up the “Sunni
Stability Belt,” centered around Saudi Arabia and Egypt, which had
provided a degree of stability to the region throughout the Cold War
era, and had assured the free flow of Persian Gulf oil to the world.

The sequence of pre-meditated steps, taken by the Bush-Cheney
Administration neo-cons, in bringing occupied Iraq to the brink of
chaos and destruction, cannot be credibly written off to bad judgment,
greed, or naive utopianism. This starts with “Clean Break” co-author
Doug Feith’s rejection of all State Department expert plans for the
post-conflict occupation and reconstruction of Iraq; continues through
the Wolfowitz-ordered dismantling of the entire Iraqi Army and
Ba’athist infrastructure; and carries through the fostering of Shi’ite
versus Sunni conflict’what Dr. Phebe Marr described at a recent
Washington event as the “Lebanonization” of Iraq.

On to Damascus and Tehran

Indeed, as this issue of EIR goes to press, Vice President Cheney and
his cohorts have escalated the next phase of their war plans against
both Syria and Iran.

On Sept. 14, the Washington Post reported that Bush Administration
chief arms control official, Dr. Robert Joseph, has been making Power
Point presentations to diplomats from more than a dozen countries,
claiming to prove that Iran has been secretly pursuing a nuclear
weapons program, and must be confronted. The presentation, “A History
of Concealment and Deception,” is reminiscent of the same kinds of
briefings, conjured up by the Pentagon’s Office of Special Plans, to
make the case for the preemptive war against Iraq, prior to the March
2003 U.S. and British invasion. Dr. Joseph, the Richard Perle
protégé who replaced the neo-conservative acting United Nations
Ambassador John Bolton, as the State Department’s chief arms control
negotiator, was formerly with the Condoleezza Rice National Security
Council, where he authored the infamous “sixteen words” in President
George W. Bush’s January 2003 State of the Union Address, falsely
accusing Saddam Hussein of seeking uranium from Africa to build
nuclear bombs. That “Saddam has nukes” disinformation campaign was
pivotal to bullying the U.S. Congress into acquiescing to the Iraq
preemptive war.

Through a series of leaks, including a Sept. 11 Washington Post
front-page story by Walter Pincus, it has been confirmed that Vice
President Cheney and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld are
promoting the integration of “mini-nukes” into the conventional
arsenal of the U.S. military. As EIR widely exposed in July, Cheney is
openly promoting a preventive nuclear strike against scores of targets
inside Iran, all ostensibly secret nuclear weapons facilities and
related sites. Such a U.S. or U.S.-Israeli air strike against Iran
would trigger an out-of-control asymmetric war, soon engulfing the
entire planet, and making the United States the number one enemy of
more than 1.6 billion Muslims for generations to come. Such
precedent-setting U.S.A. mini-nuke strikes against Iran would usher in
a planetary “New Dark Age,” highlighted by $150-200 barrels of oil.

On Sept. 14, U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Zalmay Khalilzad raced back to
Washington to deliver a press conference, denouncing Syria for its
continued involvement in the Iraq insurgency, vowing, on behalf of the
Bush Administration, that “no option,” including military strikes, was
off the table, if Syria continued to back the Iraq insurgents.

To be sure, there are legitimate complaints to be raised with the
regimes in both Tehran and Damascus. But the present renewed war
drive by Cheney et al. against Iran and Syria is not intended as a
“diplomatic stick” aimed at facilitating a diplomatic solution. To
comprehend what it is that makes Dick Cheney’s handlers’like the
second generation Anglo-Soviet “Trust” agent George Shultz’tick, it is
necessary to dissect the actual history of the doctrine of permanent
war/permanent revolution, and then, revisit the events of the past
five years of the Bush-Cheney regime from that fresh standpoint.

Permanent Imperialism

In a Sept. 14, 2005 memorandum to colleagues, Lyndon LaRouche wrote:
“The use of the interchangeable terms, ‘Permanent Revolution’ and
‘Permanent War’ is merely a substitution of labels for the
long-standing term ‘imperialism’…. ‘Permanent Revolution’ is an
Anglo-Dutch Liberal’s neo-Venetian Party term, describing the
character and aims of British imperialism as rooted in the reign of a
financier-oligarchical system through destroying all prospective
sources of patriotic challenge to empire by policies of ‘permanent
regime-change’ (‘permanent revolution’) and ‘permanent warfare.’ ”
LaRouche continued, “The shift, by the Anglo-Dutch Liberals and their
financier-oligarchical rivals and partners, away from emphasis on
crown colonies to more or less global financier-oligarchical tyranny,
is aptly reflected by a shift of emphasis to the essential predicates
of imperialism (e.g., ‘permanent regime-change’ and ‘permanent
warfare’) from the emphasis on the optional predicate of colonial
territory. In both variants, emphasis upon colony, and emphasis on
globalized financier-oligarchical power, the sovereign nation-state is
the adversary which the imperialist must continually move to subvert
and destroy.”

The American System Goes Global

The doctrine of “Permanent Revolution/Permanent War,” widely
associated with the Bolshevik revolutionary Leon Trotsky, emerged in a
very specific historical context’the late 19th- and early 20th-Century
period, in which the ideas of the American System of political economy
were gaining wide support among leading governments and political
circles throughout Eurasia. This posed an existential threat to the
British Monarchy/British East India Company-centered Anglo-Dutch
empire, and to the head of that cabal, the “Prince of the Isles”
Edward Albert, later Britain’s King Edward VII.

In the immediate aftermath of the defeat of the British-backed
Southern secessionist insurrection known as the American Civil War
(1861-65), the United States, despite the British-sponsored
assassination of President Abraham Lincoln, emerged as the world’s
leading industrial power. What was known as the American System of
political economy, associated with U.S. Treasury Secretary Alexander
Hamilton, and such later Hamiltonians as Henry Carey, John Quincy
Adams, Henry Clay, E. Peshine Smith, the German Careyite Friedrich
List, et al., established a system of protective tariffs, national
banking, infrastructure investment, the promotion of science and
technology, and other measures. The American System was universally
known, at the time, to be the deadly, feared enemy of the British
System of free trade, private central banking, slave labor, and global

It was the industrial might of the Federal states’based on the
Hamiltonian American System policy’that provided the margin of victory
against the Confederate insurrection. Lincoln was also greatly
assisted by the vital international support of his close ally,
Russia’s Tsar Alexander II, who deployed the entire Russian navy to
North American to deter Britain and France from entering the war on
the side of the Confederacy.

In a fitting celebration of the American System, a Centennial fair was
convened in Philadelphia in 1876, which aimed to spread the American
System around the world. In this period, these ideas took root in the
new unified German state, under Bismarck, which adopted the ideas of
Friedrich List, and which established joint industrial ventures
between leading American figures like Thomas Alva Edison and German
industrialists Walther Rathenau and Werner von Siemens. In Russia,
American and Russian engineers collaborated on the construction of the
Trans-Siberian Railroad, which was modeled on the U.S.
Transcontinental Railroad project, which had helped consolidate a
unified continental republic, following the disasters of the Civil
War. Under the leadership of Sergei Witte (see accompanying article),
Russia emerged, at the end of the 19th Century, as the fastest-growing
industrial nation in Eurasia. In Japan, under the Meiji Restoration,
the American System was adopted, with Carey protégé
E. Peshine Smith serving as a leading economic advisor to the Japanese
Emperor. Similar American System ideas were adopted in the France of
Gabriel Hanotaux , which launched ambitious plans to build railroads
across Africa. In China, Sun Yat-sen was trained by American
missionaries in the ideas of Hamilton and Carey, and a Chinese
republican movement advanced detailed plans for the integration and
modernization of China. Other examples of the spread of the American
System abounded in South America and as far away as Australia.

The British Empire Strikes Back

In London, Prince Edward Albert, the son of Queen Victoria, who would
later become King Edward VII, viewed this spread of the American
System with great alarm. The British response, over the course of the
next 40 years, would be to spread perpetual warfare across Eurasia,
through an array of manipulations, playing one nationality off against
another, assassinating key republican political leaders, fostering the
growth of deeply flawed pseudo-political movements and ideologies,
conducting each-against-all diplomatic maneuverings, and fomenting
“regime changes,” ultimately leading to two successive World Wars. In
every instance, British agents, often operating under the cover of
official diplomatic postings, forged alliances with the most backward
feudalist and fundamentalist factions within the targeted
nations’often through Freemasonic lodges and other secret societies,
created phony “liberation” movements, and recruited and deployed key

Thus, instead of a Eurasia, united behind American System republican
ideas and concrete great development projects, the British manipulated
the Franco-Prussian, Balkan, Sino-Japanese and Russo-Japanese
wars. The Balkan Wars of 1912-13 led, lawfully, into World War I. The
“Young Turk” revolution in Turkey, secured for Britain, and an allied
France, the breakup of the Ottoman Empire, and its replacement by an
Anglo-French series of protectorates throughout the Near East. In the
course of these efforts, British Intelligence fostered the Muslim
Brotherhood as a permanent insurrectionist force within the entire
Islamic world. The British Freemasonic agent who inspired the
launching of the Muslim Brotherhood, Jamal ad-Deen al-Afghani, was
himself a collaborator of the French Synarchists, yet another global
conspiratorial apparatus that would spawn 20th-Century fascism, and
would later be the model on which the current disastrous Maastricht
Treaty and the European Monetary Union would be based.

In all of these efforts the British apparatus of Prince Edward Albert
modeled their actions on those of the Venetian republic, which emerged
as the center of the new European rentier financial oligarchic power,
in the wake of the collapse of the Byzantine Empire. As the center of
European power shifted from the Mediterranean northward, Venice
morphed into the Dutch and later Anglo-Dutch liberal system of global
financier dominance, over the course of the 15th-18th Centuries. By
the time that Prince Edward Albert emerged as the heir to the legacy
of Lords Shelburne and Palmerston, London had become the global center
of what came to be known as the “Venetian Party.”

The Russian Revolution

The destruction of Russia was of particularly great importance to
London’s oligarchs. From the time of Catherine the Great, whose League
of Armed Neutrality played a pivotal role in securing the victory of
Benjamin Franklin and George Washington’s American Revolution, the
prospect of Russo-American collaboration posed a grave threat to the
power of the British Empire. In the aftermath of the American Civil
War, in which Russia, once again, was instrumental in an American
victory, the spread of American System ideas into Russia was taking on
alarming proportions. The great Russian scientist Dmitri Mendeleyev
had attended the 1876 Philadelphia Centennial Exposition, and he was
collaborating with Russian Minister Witte, in the industrialization of
Russia, driven by the eastward expansion of the Trans-Siberian
Railroad. American railroad engineers, who had built the
Transcontinental Railroad, after serving in the Army Corps of
Engineers during the Civil War, were now in Russia, working with their
Russian counterparts, on the Trans-Siberian. Upon the completion of
the Trans-Siberian Railroad, the first railroad locomotive to traverse
the Eurasian line would be build by the Baldwin Company of
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Illustrative of the pro-American outlook of the leading Russian
modernizers was an 1899 memo from Minister of Finance Witte to Tsar
Nicholas II, in which he wrote: “The welfare of Your Empire is based
on national labor. The increase of its productivity and the discovery
of new fields for Russian enterprise will always serve as the most
reliable way for making the entire nation more prosperous. We have to
develop mass-production industries, widely dispersed and
variegated. We must give the country such industrial perfection as has
been reached by the United States of America, which firmly basis its
prosperity on two pillars’agriculture and industry.” The eastward
development of Siberia, centered on the Trans-Siberian Rail project,
was key to Witte’s concept of Russian modernization. Among other
things, Witte wanted to open Siberia to colonization by Russia’s Jews,
who remained in terrible ghetto conditions in the Pale of Settlements,
and were subject to frequent pogroms.

The British, unfortunately, had their allies and agents inside Russia
as well. Indeed, in 1881, Tsar Alexander II, the great ally of Lincoln
and the liberator of the serfs, was assassinated by the terrorist
Narodnaya Volya (People’s Will) group. Their plot against the Tsar was
not only not blocked, but was even facilitated by the leaders of the
Tsar’s own security service, men who profoundly opposed the
modernization of Russia, which threatened to break the power of the
landed feudal oligarchy. Several of them were direct collaborators of
the British Balkan Wars project in the 1870s, as well. In the
aftermath of the assassination of Alexander II, this same grouping
created a secret society called the Holy Brotherhood, ostensibly to do
a better job of protecting the monarch. The Holy Brotherhood would
spawn the Okhrana secret police agency, which would be pivotal in
fomenting the events leading to the Russian Revolution.

Zubatov and ‘Police Socialism’

One of the key figures who would be unleashed against Witte and the
modernizers was an Anglophile police agent, Sergei Zubatov. In 1896,
despite the fact that he had been earlier jailed for terrorist
activities, Zubatov was appointed chief of the Russian secret police,
the Okhrana, in Moscow. The Okhrana had been founded by Count
N.P. Ignatiev, a military commander of the Russian forces during the
first Balkan Wars of 1875-78, which had been orchestrated from
London. Ignatiev’s close collaborator, V.P. Meshchersky, was Zubatov’s
immediate patron, securing him the Moscow post. Meshchersky was also a
literary patron of Fyodor Dostoevsky, who propagandized for the Balkan
wars, and of the German philosopher of nihilism, Friedrich
Nietzsche. Zubatov absorbed these philosophical views into his police

Prior to taking the Moscow post, Zubatov had spent a dozen years
conducting police infiltration of the various leftist and socialist
groups that had proliferated inside Russia. He was an avid reader of
British Fabian Society literature, and frequently used the writings of
Sidney Webb as recruiting tools for his own “revolutionary cells.”

Zubatov spelled out his plans in an 1898 memo to another Moscow police
official: “While a revolutionary advocates pure socialism, he can be
dealt with by means of repressive measures alone, but when he begins
to exploit for his purpose minor shortcomings of the existing lawful
structure, the repressive measures alone cease to be sufficient. It
becomes necessary to take the very ground from underneath his feet.”

While unions were banned in Russia, Zubatov launched his own
“mutual-aid societies” which were among the only legal “mass
movements” in Russia. These Zubatov unions were filled with targets of
Zubatov’s police repression and brainwashing techniques. Socialist
leaders were arrested, and then subjected to indoctrination, often by
Zubatov himself. Workers were taught to distrust the social democrats,
and to focus on purely “economic” self-interests. By 1902, Zubatov had
organized scores of “police unions,” and had successfully orchestrated
attacks against some of the leading Russian manufacturers of the Witte
faction. Zubatov also organized a number of Zionist unions as well,
even as his close Okhrana collaborator, the Paris-based Peter
Rachkovsky, penned the forged “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” to
instigate a new pogrom against the Russian Jews, who had been among
the enthusiastic backers of Witte’s modernization efforts. Zubatov had
also inaugurated his own secret assassination squads, called the
Battle Organizations, which were used to eliminate government
ministers and other enemies of the Holy Brotherhood/Okhrana apparatus.

In August 1902, Zubatov was transferred from Moscow to St. Petersburg,
where he became chief of the Special Section of the police, under
police chief Aleksei Lopukhin. A massive expansion of the
agent-provocateur recruitment was launched by the duo; within a year,
there were over 16,000 paid provocateurs on the police payroll,
according to published accounts, based on a review of the police
files, following 1917.

Among Zubatov’s leading agent-provocateurs was Father Georgi Gapon, a
Russian Orthodox rabble-rouser, who organized a number of the Zubatov
police unions. It was Father Gapon who led the march on the Tsar’s
Winter Palace on Jan. 9, 1905, “Bloody Sunday,” which launched the
first insurrection against the Russian state.

Jabotinsky and Parvus

Another of the Okhrana agent-provocateurs employed by Zubatov in the
insurrections against the Russia of Witte and the American System was
Vladimir Jabotinsky, later known as the founder of the Revisionist
Movement in Zionism and an enthusiastic supporter of Mussolini’s
Fascism. In the Spring of 1902, Jabotinsky was arrested and spent
seven weeks in Okhrana custody, going through the Zubatov
indoctrination. He would, according to one biographer, operate “for
several years under the supervision of the police,” particularly in
Odessa, which was the scene of many of Zubatov’s most successful labor
insurrections against Russia’s nascent industrialization. Jabotinsky’s
activities were also funded directly by Maxim Gorky, a well-documented
Okhrana operative and conduit of Zubatov payouts.

Jabotinsky’s career would cross that of another of the most important
operatives of the Bolshevik revolutionary epoch, Alexander Israel
Helphand (a.k.a. “Parvus”). Both Jabotinsky and Parvus edited
publications of the British/Venetian-spawned Young Turks movement,
which helped instigate London’s Balkan Wars and the overthrow of the
Ottoman Empire.

Like Jabotinsky, Parvus (1867-1924) came from an Odessa family steeped
in the grain trade. By 1886, Helphand/Parvus had already become
involved in the Okhrana-spawned Russian socialist scene, traveling to
Switzerland to participate in the Emancipation of Labor group, led by
a number of documented Okhrana agents, including Lev Deutsch, and
suspected Okhrana man Georgi Plekhanov. Parvus would be instrumental,
during the 1890s, in shifting the focus of Russian revolutionary
socialism from agrarian peasants to industrial workers’in keeping with
Zubatov’s efforts to target the Russian modernizers through “class
warfare” provocations. By 1900, Parvus had joined the inner circle of
the Bolsheviks, using his Munich, Germany apartment to house the
printing press for the group, and hosting V.I. Lenin and other
leaders. According to several biographical accounts, by 1902, Parvus
was receiving direct Okhrana funding through Gorky, who gave Parvus
the rights to publish his works abroad.

Once “Bloody Sunday” unleashed the revolutionary destabilizations in
St. Petersburg, Parvus appeared on the scene, as a leading
collaborator of Leon Trotsky and other leaders of the Petersburg
Soviet. Parvus and Trotsky bought a liberal newspaper, Russkaya Gazeta
to rival the Bolshevik publication, and soon had a circulation of
500,000. Parvus and Trotsky turned the newspaper into a radical
provocateur organ, much to the delight of the Okhrana, which would
soon launch a police crackdown on the entire social democratic scene.

When the entire leadership of the Petrograd Soviet’including
Trotsky’was rounded up and jailed in December 1905, Parvus escaped the
police clutches. When he was later captured, he escaped police
custody, courtesy of the Okhrana agent Lev Deutsch. Parvus next turned
up, via Germany, in Constantinople, as a “journalist” covering the
Young Turk rebellion against the Ottomans, a crucial prelude to the
British-manipulated second Balkan War. It would be at this moment that
Parvus’ ties to the leading European “Venetian Party” factions would
be publicly shown.

The Young Turks

In 1908, the Committee for Union and Progress, otherwise known as the
Young Turks, carried out a military coup, overthrowing the Sultan and
seizing power over the Ottoman Empire. Launching ethnic cleansing
campaigns against all non-Turkic peoples, including Armenians, Greeks
and Bulgarians, the Young Turk regime played a pivotal role in
provoking the 1912-13 Balkan Wars, through their brutality towards the
minorities. By their own accounts, the Young Turks based their
revolution on a version of Pan-Turkism that had been devised by an
advisor to the Sultan in the 1860s who was, in fact, an agent of
Britain’s Lord Palmerston. The Young Turks also preached a rabid
anti-Russian ideology, which was inspired by Wilfred Blunt, a top
British Intelligence official, whose own ideas about playing an
“Islamic card” to destroy Russia predated those of Britain’s Bernard
Lewis by a full century.

The actual founder of the Young Turk movement was an Italian Freemason
and grain trader named Emmanuel Carasso. Jewish by birth, Carasso had
been a founder of the Italian Masonic lodge in Salonika, called the
Macedonia Risorta Lodge. Virtually all of the members of the Young
Turk leadership were lodge members. The forerunner of the Macedonia
Risorta Lodge was founded by a follower of another Palmerston agent
and revolutionary provocateur, Giuseppi Mazzini.

Carasso was a leading financier of the entire Young Turk insurrection,
and during the Balkan Wars, he was not only the head of Balkan
intelligence operations for the Young Turks. He was in charge of all
food supplies for the Ottoman Empire during World War I, a lucrative
business which he shared with Parvus.

Carasso also financed a number of newspapers and other propaganda
outlets for the Young Turks, among them the newspaper The Young Turk,
which was edited by none other than Vladimir Jabotinsky. Another of
Carasso’s “business” associates was Parvus, who became economics
editor of another Young Turk journal, The Turkish Homeland. Parvus
also became a partner of Carasso in the grain trade, and in the arms
business, and became independently wealthy.

The Young Turk operation was headed, from London, by Aubrey Herbert, a
grandson of one of Mazzini’s controllers, who himself died while
leading revolutionary mobs in Italy in 1848. Aubrey Herbert headed all
British Intelligence operations in the Middle East during the period
of World War I, and no less a figure than Lawrence of Arabia
identified Herbert as the actual head of the Young Turk
insurrection. Herbert’s career is the subject of the historical novel,
Greenmantle, by World War I British intelligence official John Buchan.

Emmanuel Carasso’s pivotal role in the Young Turk movement and the
resulting Balkan Wars of 1912-13, is of significance from one
additional standpoint. Carasso was a protégé and business
partner of Volpi di Misurata, the leading Venetian banker of the early
20th Century, who not only sponsored the Young Turk insurrection, but
also promoted the Black Shirt takeover of Rome and went on to run the
Mussolini Fascist regime from his various posts as Minister of Finance
(1925-28), member of the Grand Council of Fascism, president of the
Fascist Confederation of Industrialists, and, most important, as the
chief public representative of a group of aristocrats around Count
Piero Foscari, of the ancient Venetian dogal family.

The Venetian banker Volpi was closely allied with City of London
financiers throughout. And the Young Turks, once they took power, made
no secret of their London ties. In 1909 the Ottoman Navy was put under
the command of a British admiral; the British Royal Family’s own
banker, Ernst Cassel, established and managed the National Bank of
Turkey; and British officials advised the Ministry of Finance, the
Interior Ministry and the Ministry of Justice. The Young Turks also
denounced and blocked further construction of the Berlin-Baghdad

The Parvus Saga Resumed

Parvus’s Young Turk interlude had earned him a large fortune. He had
partnered with Young Turk financier and Macedonia Risorta Lodge
founder Emmanuel Carasso, and had been given the contract to supply
grain to the Turks during the Balkan Wars of 1912-13. According to
some accounts, Parvus also got into the tightly controlled arms
business, probably under the patronage of Sir Basil Zaharoff of the
Vickers Arms cartel, a prominent Anglo-Venetian enterprise.

Once the Balkan Wars had started, leading directly into World War I,
Parvus turned his attention back to Russia, laying plans to finance a
revolution, to be led by Lenin and the Bolsheviks. Parvus set his
scheme for revolution down in a March 9, 1915 memorandum to the German
Foreign Ministry, vowing that the Bolsheviks would take power in
Russia in 1916, and seeking financial support.

The German government was deeply split over the issue of backing a
Russian Bolshevik revolution. Close advisors to the German Kaiser
argued that Germany should push a separate peace with the Tsar, while
a faction, centered in the General Staff and around Foreign Minister
Zimmerman pushed for a “war-to-the-death” with Russia, arguing that
war with Russia was inevitable, and it made sense to get on with it
before Russia became more powerful. One of the key backers of the
Parvus Plan at the German General Staff was Count Bogdan von
Hutten-Czapski, the head of the Political Section and a longtime
business associate of none other than Young Turks financier, the
Venetian Party Synarchist operative Giuseppi Volpi, the future
controller of Mussolini.

According to his own memoirs, von Hutten-Czapski had seen the outbreak
of the Russo-Japanese War as an opportunity “to smash the Tsarist
Empire,” a view shared by Parvus.

In addition to the German Foreign Ministry and the German General
Staff, Parvus was also given access to an exhaustive amount of funds
for his Russian “regime change” scheme from a leading German
Synarchist industrialist and close associate of Hjalmar Schacht (later
Hitler’s Economics Minister), Hugo Stinnes of the German coal
syndicate. Stinnes granted Parvus control over the shipping and sale
of German coal to Denmark, from which Parvus made millions of gold
marks per month. Stinnes would become a major player in the 1920s
revival of the German military industry, and would continue his
business arrangements with Parvus through to the latter’s
death. Stinnes, too, was tied to Volpi and the Banca Commerciale

Crown Prince Wilhelm, an opponent of the “war now” faction, struck a
vital chord when he wrote to the Russian court in early 1915 that it
was “absolutely necessary to conclude a peace with Russia…. It is
too silly that we should hack each other to pieces so that England
could fish in dark waters.”

Within weeks of receipt of the Parvus memo, the German Foreign
Ministry made the first payment of one million gold marks to Parvus to
launch his scheme. In May 1915, Parvus met with Lenin and Karl Radek
in Switzerland, and then created a string of front groups in Stockholm
and Copenhagen. By February 1916, a series of strikes had begun at
major shipbuilding plants, then working at breakneck speed to produce
new warships for the Russian Navy. The strikes disrupted Russia’s war
mobilization, but did not lead, immediately, to revolutionary regime
change. Parvus spent the next year building his fortune, and, through
his financial largess, his ties to the Bolshevik leadership. Parvus’s
biographers, Z. Zeman and W.B. Sharlau (Merchant of Revolution;
London: W.&J. Mackay & Co., Ltd, 1965) summarized Parvus’s outlook on
the eve of the 1917 Russian Revolution: “Helphand showed that he
believed that any political aim could be realized with sufficient
money, that the elite of the socialist leaders could resist the lure
of mammon no more than any other social group, that friendship, as
much as political support, had to be bought. Such a view informed his
political strategy; it was the essence of his political and human

By April 1917, Parvus had pushed the German government to grant secret
safe-passage to the Bolshevik leaders back into Russia, and
arrangements were soon made, through Parvus and Radek, to smuggle
Lenin and 40 other leading Bolsheviks from Switzerland, through
Stockholm, back to Petrograd. Parvus remained in Stockholm, in
constant communication with the International Mission of the Petrograd
Bolshevik Central Committee Abroad. He remained virtually the
exclusive source of funding for the revolution that was about to
rapidly unfold: On July 16-17, the Bolsheviks carried out an armed
insurrection in Petrograd, which was promptly put down by the
Provisional Government. The Russian intelligence services released a
report, proving that the Bolshevik uprising had been funded by the
German government, an act of wartime treason. Lenin and friends fled
Russia. However, a month later, in August 1917, the British backed a
separate military coup attempt against the Kerensky Provisional
Government, and in response, Social Democrat Kerensky brought back the
Bolsheviks and armed them against General Kornilov, the chief coup
plotter. On Oct. 25, 1917, Lenin seized power.

Nazi-Communism and Synarchy

Within less than two months after the Bolshevik coup had installed
Lenin in power in Petrograd, Parvus was setting up a new
anti-Bolshevik infrastructure of news organs and operatives inside
Soviet Russia. The ostensible cause of Parvus’s 180-degree turn was
Lenin’s refusal to allow him to return to Russia, but this account is
dubious. Parvus moved to Switzerland and, while he continued to
provide funds to factions of the Bolsheviks, he became a public enemy
of the new Russian Soviet regime, and would devote much of the
remainder of his life to a concerted effort to organize Europe to
crush Russia.

Parvus’s status in Switzerland was secured by his longtime colleague,
Adolph Muller, the German Ambassador in Berne, and a Munich
publisher. According to authors James and Suzanne Pool (Who Financed
Hitler: The Secret Funding of Hitler’s Rise to Power; New York: Dial
Press, 1978), “The one businessman on whom the Nazi Party was most
dependent was not a great industrialist who contributed money to the
movement, but the Munich printer, Adolph Muller…. He had done
business with the Nazis since before the putsch. When Hitler wanted to
start publishing the Volkischer Beobachter again after his release
from prison in 1924, Muller advanced the editor’s wages and supplied
the paper on credit.” The money that Hitler used to purchase the
newspaper came from a White Russian and former Okhrana associate,
Vasili Biskupsky.

Parvus’s “Nazi-Communist” pedigree was pure Synarchist, as was
befitting an agent of Anglo-Venetian financier interests. At the close
of World War I, Parvus wrote the following profile of the European
situation: “There exist two possibilities only: either the unification
of western Europe, or Russia’s domination. The whole game with the
buffer states will end in their annexation by Russia, unless they are
united with central Europe in an economic community, which would
provide a counter-balance to Russia.” Under any circumstances, Parvus
argued that the era of the nation-state system had ended in Europe.

To pursue this goal of further “regime change” all across the European
continent, replacing the sovereign governments of the continent with a
new European super-state, to wage war against Bolshevik Russia, Parvus
joined with another Anglo-Venetian schemer, Count Richard
Coudenhove-Kalergi, to push the Pan-European Union.

In this final intrigue, Parvus once again got the financial backing of
the German coal magnate Hugo Stinnes, who would make a killing,
courtesy of his friend Schacht, on the collapse of the German mark,
during the hyperinflation of 1923, and move back into Germany to buy
up scores of bankrupt industries and coal mines at a fraction of their
worth. Cudenhove-Kalergi, for his part, was bankrolled by Max Warburg
of the original Venetian Del Banco clan. Warburg had earlier
bankrolled Parvus and Leon Trotsky, in the run-up to the Bolshevik

Coudenhove-Kalergi argued that Pan-Europa would emerge out of the
fight against Bolshevism, just as “Young Europe arose out of the
struggle against the Holy Alliance, as the Holy Alliance had issued
out of the struggle against Napoleon.” At the first congress of the
Pan European Union, in Vienna, four portraits adorned the wall behind
the speakers’ podium: Immanuel Kant, Napoleon Bonaparte, Giuseppi
Mazzini, and Friedrich Nietzsche.

In a 1932 Pan-Europa propaganda tract, Coudenhove-Kalergi out-Parvus’d
Parvus, in restating the permanent war/permanent revolution thesis:
“This eternal war,” he wrote, “can end only with the constitution of a
world republic…. The only way left to save the peace seems to be a
politic of peaceful strength, on the model of the Roman Empire, that
succeeded in having the longest period of peace in the west thanks to
the supremacy of his legions.”

Eight years after Parvus’s death, leading Pan-Europa proponent Hjalmar
Schacht, now the German representative at the Bank for International
Settlements and soon to be Hitler’s Finance Minister, announced to a
major gathering of Coudenhove-Kalergi’s group in Berlin, “In three
months Hitler will be in power…. Hitler will create PanEuropa! Only
Hitler can create PanEuropa!” Schacht and Parvus, parenthetically,
had first come into contact during the Young Turk revolt at the
beginning of the century. In his post-World War II autobiography,
Confessions of the Old Wizard (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1956),
Schacht had reminisced about his visit in 1909 to Salonika and
Constantinople, arranged through his Berlin Freemasonic Lodge, during
which he was hosted by the Macedonia Lodge and met with the entire
Young Turk leadership.

Permanent War/Permanent Revolution Revisited

While Parvus protégé Leon Trotsky is widely credited with the
authorship of the concept of “permanent revolution,” Trotsky himself
attributed the idea to Parvus, his closest ally during the period of
the 1905 St. Petersburg Soviet revolt. Parvus argued, as the neo-cons
do today, that revolutionary social change is only possible under
conditions of general warfare. Parvus, the Anglo-Venetian oligarchical
intriguer, played a pivotal role in King Edward VII’s orchestration of
the Eurasian wars of the early 20th century, which led into World War
I. Following the war, Parvus helped plant the seeds for the next war,
promoting the same “universal fascism” embraced today by neo-con
theoretician Michael Ledeen, and put into practice at the end of
Parvus’s life by his sponsor Volpi’s Mussolini.

Trotsky codified the Parvus outlook, in his two famous works,
Permanent Revolution and Results and Prospects. In the first of those
works, Trotsky wrote, “The permanent revolution, in the sense which
Marx attached to this concept, means a revolution which makes no
compromise with any single form of class rule, which does not stop at
the democratic stage, which goes over to socialist measures and to war
against reaction from without; that is, a revolution whose every
successive stage is rooted in the preceding one and which can end only
in complete liquidation.”

But Parvus himself said it best. In an article in his magazine Iskra,
on the eve of World War I and the Revolution, he boasted, “The
Russo-Japanese War is the blood-red dawn of coming great events.” And
in The Class Warfare of the Proletariat (Berlin, 1911), Parvus wrote
in praise of war: “The war sharpens all capitalist contradictions. A
world war may therefore be concluded only by a world revolution.”

This article was based on an exhaustive study by Allen and Rachel
Douglas, “The Roots of the Trust: From Volpe to Volpi, and Beyond’The
Venetian Dragomans of the Russian Empire,” an unpublished EIR
manuscript, June 1987; and on published and unpublished research by
Scott Thompson, Marjorie Mazel Hecht, and Joseph Brewda.

Schiff’s genocide bill heads to floor of House

Burbank Leader
Published September 17, 2005

Schiff’s genocide bill heads to floor of House

The House International Relations Committee approves Adam Schiff’s
bill recognizing the Armenian Genocide with a 36 to 11 vote.

By Darleene Barrientos, The Leader

WASHINGTON — Legislation introduced by Rep. Adam Schiff recognizing
the deaths of 1.5 million Armenians from 1915 to 1923 as a genocide
was passed by the House International Relations Committee Thursday,
but proponents say the battle to get the bill to the floor for a vote
has just begun.

Thursday’s bill mark-up was the Armenian Genocide Resolution’s final
hurdle before it can be voted on by the full House of Representatives.

The committee approved the bill with a bipartisan vote of 36 to 11,
Schiff said. “We are just thrilled,” Schiff said. “It was the first
time we had the support of the chair and a ranking member. We think
this will give us a lot of momentum on the floor.”

But even with Thursday’s victory, lawmakers pushing the resolution are
frank about the uphill battle they face. There’s been no timetable
established for when the resolution might reach the floor for a vote
because legislators anticipate resistance from Republicans who do not
want to offend ally Turkey.

“It was a hill to climb just to get it heard in the committee,” Schiff
said. “But if the committee was any indication, the votes are
there. We just need to get the leadership to commit to the vote.”

Rep. Brad Sherman, who represents a portion of Burbank, was a member
of the committee that passed the resolution. Proponents of the
resolution will now focus on pushing Rep. Tom Delay (R-Texas) to allow
the bill onto the floor for a vote, he said.

“The rumor is that [President Bush] is going to try to say, ‘hey, we
Republicans don’t want this on the floor — let’s stop it,'” Sherman
said. “It’s peculiar, because our committee is always passing
resolutions favoring democracy. But when it comes to our resolutions
getting fair and democratic treatment, I’m pessimistic.”

National Security Council spokesman Fred Jones could not be reached
for comment Thursday.

The resolution is important for the United States in quest for
democracy throughout the world, Sherman said.

“It’s important because genocide denial sets us up for the next
genocide,” Sherman said. “It was Adolf Hitler who said, before he
killed 6 million of my ethnic group and tens of millions of others,
‘who remembers the Armenians?’ “Genocide denial is the last act of
genocide itself. First you exterminate the people, then you
exterminate the people’s memory, then you exterminate the memory of
the extermination.”

In spite of the uphill battle before them, local proponents of the
bill will continue with a phone, e-mail and fax campaigns to members
of Congress, just as they have the past few years, said Armen
Carapetian, director of the Armenian National Committee’s Western

“This is sort of a David and Goliath-type battle and the little guy
won,” Carapetian said. “Hopefully, that will be carried through to the
full floor vote.”

Carapetian is optimistic that Congress will recognize that
acknowledging the Armenian Genocide is an important issue.

“We know that the only way to prevent genocide from continuing to
happen around the world is to hold those who commit them responsible,”
Carapetian said. “Turkey must be held accountable.

This resolution serves as a first step in pursuing justice and
pressuring Turkey to come to grips with its past.”

* DARLEENE BARRIENTOS covers business and politics. She may be reached
at (818) 637-3215.

NKR: Meeting with A. Melikian


Azat Artsakh Nagorno Karabakh Republic [NKR]
15 Sept 05
X-Sender: Asbed Bedrossian <[email protected]>
X-Listprocessor-Version: 8.1 — ListProcessor(tm) by CREN

On September 14 the foreign minister of NKR Arman Melikian met with
the delegation of the International Crisis Group NGO headed by Alain
Deletroz at the permanent representation of NKR in Armenia. Mr.
Deletrose presented the work of the organization, pointing out that
their purpose is to assist to resolution of international disputes and
prevention of wars. ICG prepared a report on the Nagorno Karabakh
conflict entitled `Nagorno Karabakh: Local Conflict Monitoring’.

According to Mr. Deletrose, the purpose of the report is to help the
Armenian and Azerbaijani parties, as well as the mediators to reach an
acceptable resolution through talks. Mr. Melikian pointed to the
importance of involvement of the international community in the
maintenance of lasting peace in the region. He stated that the a
resolution of the conflict may be reached if all the involved parties
are reasonable and practical to recognize that the main conflict sides
are Nagorno Karabakh Republic and the Republic of Azerbaijan; any
attempt to present the conflict as a territorial dispute can be
perceived as an intentional distortion of the reality. At the end of
the talk the head of the ICG delegation extended the report to the
foreign minister of NKR, to be published on September 14. Mr. Melikian
thanked the representatives of ICG, assuring that Stepanakert will get
acquainted with the principles of the report.


ASBAREZ Online [09-16-2005]


1) Yerevan Lauds US Lawmakers for Affirming Armenian Genocide
2) Virginia’s Armenian Commission Holds First Meeting
3) 2005 ANCA-WR Annual Banquet Sells out
4) His Holiness Aram I to Preside Over USC Symposium
6) Senator Jack Scott Travels to Armenia
7) AYF Eastern Region Holds Successful Olympic Games in Washington, DC
8) Shushi Music School Society’s 2005 Summer Camp a Success
9) Critics’ Forum
10) First Sierra Summit

1) Yerevan Lauds US Lawmakers for Affirming Armenian Genocide

YEREVAN (RFE/RL)–Armenia welcomed the endorsement by a US congressional panel
of two resolutions on Friday recognizing the Armenian genocide and expressed
hope that they would pass the full House of Representatives.
“We welcome the decision by the House International Relations Committee and
consider it to be yet another step towards international recognition of the
Armenian Genocide,” commented Armenia’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Hamlet
“We hope that the issue will be put before the full House of Representatives
and that it will discuss and adopt the resolutions,” Gasparian said.
The resolutions urge President Bush to “accurately characterize the
and deliberate annihilation of 1,500,000 Armenians as genocide” and call on
Turkey to “acknowledge the culpability of its predecessor state, the Ottoman
The overwhelming approval by the House panel on Thursday was also welcomed by
leaders of Armenia’s main political parties represented in parliament.
There was no immediate reaction to Thursday’s congressional votes from Turkey
which denies that what happened in its territory 90 years ago constituted a
genocide and has condemned 16 countries that have recognized the Armenian
tragedy. In a letter to House International Relations Committee members,
the US
State Department warned that the debate “could damage US-Turkish relations and
could undermine progress by Ankara and Yerevan as they begin quiet talks to
address the issue and look to the future.”
But Gasparian disagreed. “I wouldn’t like to link the resolutions adopted by
third countries to Turkish-Armenian relations,” he said. “As far as I know,
parliaments that have recognized the Armenian genocide urged Turkey in one way
or another to normalize its relations with Armenia.”

2) Virginia’s Armenian Commission Holds First Meeting

August 23, 2005 was a historic day for the Armenian-American community in
Virginia and the United States, when the Governor’s Commission on Armenian
Affairs held its first meeting in the Patrick Henry Building on the grounds of
the State Capitol of Virginia. Bedros Bandazian was appointed to chair the
The goal of the Commission on Armenian Affairs will be to create a
relationship between the Commonwealth of Virginia, the Armenian-American
Community of Virginia and the Republic of Armenia by creating projects and
initiatives that will forge a greater bond. Various proposals were presented
and adopted by the commission in the fields of medicine, academia, culture,
government, business trade and networking. The designated mission will be to
advise the Governor regarding development of economic, professional,
educational and governmental links between the Commonwealth of Virginia, the
Virginia Armenian-American Community and the Republic of Armenia.
The commission is empowered to undertake studies, symposiums, research,
factual reports and initiatives in order to work with the Governor of Virginia
in the implementation of its mission. It also has the task of creating mutual
exchange of cultural and historical information between the citizens of the
Commonwealth of Virginia and the citizens of the Republic of Armenia.
Barkev Baronian will work with the 400th Anniversary Commemoration of the
founding of Jamestown, Virginia in 1607 and will research the history of the
first Armenian on American soil, Martin the Armenian. The Jamestown 2007
Commemoration will celebrate America’s 400th Anniversary of the first
English colony in Virginia with new museum exhibits, films, programs and rare
treasures on loan from major museums and international collections. The
activities of Martin the Armenian, as well as other early Armenian
settlers in
the 17th Century, have been documented in various archives. Research is being
conducted into their contributions to the Jamestown settlement and their role
in the early growth of America. Ideally, there will some type of exhibit in
Jamestown to recognize this first relationship between Armenians and America.
All Commission meetings are open to the public. The next scheduled meetings
will be October 13, 2005, and November 17, 2005, from 10:30 AM until 3:00PM in
the first floor meeting room of the Patrick Henry Building at 1111 East Broad
Street, Richmond, Virginia.
It is the hope of all that the Governor’s Commission on Armenian Affairs will
be able to create positive projects that will benefit the Commonwealth of
Virginia, the Armenian-American Community of Virginia and the Republic of
Armenia. For more information, please contact Louise Arnatt at
[email protected] or Bedros Bandazian at [email protected].

3) 2005 ANCA-WR Annual Banquet Sells out

Additional State and Local Officials Confirmed Attendance

LOS ANGELES–The Armenian National Committee of America-Western Region
(ANCA-WR) announced today that all tickets to its 2005 Annual Banquet have
completely sold. The Annual Banquet will be attended by a distinguished
list of
elected officials on September 18th at the Renaissance Hollywood Hotel in Los
This year, Congressman Ed Royce and State Senator Jackie Speier will be
honored for their long-lasting support of issues of concern to the Armenian
American community. Alex Sardar, who served as the ANCA-WR’s Executive
from 2000 to 2002 and who currently represents Counterpart International in
Armenia, will be the Master of Ceremonies for the event. Mayor Antonio
Villaraigosa will present special remarks during the evening’s program.
Some of the most recently confirmed officials are member of California State
Board of Supervisors John Chiang, Assemblywoman Fran Pavely, Mayor of
Montebello William Molinari, Los Angeles City Councilmembers Wendy Greuel and
Bernard Parks, Glendale City Councilmembers Ara Najarian and Frank Quintero,
and former Mayor of Glendale Larry Zarian.
The ANCA-WR Annual Banquet regularly draws over 700 individuals, including a
long list of dignitaries, such as prominent Members of Congress and state
legislators, as well as a vast number of Armenian American community leaders
and political activists. The annual event is the largest of its kind and helps
raise funds to operate the nation’s largest and most influential Armenian
American grassroots and political advocacy organization.
The ANCA is the largest and most influential Armenian American grassroots
political organization. Working in coordination with a network of offices,
chapters, and supporters throughout the United States and affiliated
organizations around the world, the ANCA actively advances the concerns of the
Armenian-American community on a broad range of issues.

4) His Holiness Aram I to Preside Over USC Symposium

Important Conference Will Focus on Christian Response to Violence

LOS ANGELES–The University of Southern California will be the site of a
conference that His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia,
will preside over, focusing on the Christian response to violence with a
special emphasis on the Armenian Genocide. Co-sponsored by the Western Prelacy
of the Armenian Apostolic Church, the USC Institute of Armenian Studies and
USC Center for Religion & Civic Culture, the conference is one of several
public forums during which His Holiness will address such issues under the
theme of his visit “Towards the Light of Knowledge.”
Many notable scholars will speak on various related topics covering events
ranging from the Armenian Genocide of 1915 to the current impact of
violence on
the daily lives of communities, families and youth today. His Holiness is
deeply involved in the World Council of Churches where he has demonstrated
leadership in confronting issues of violence throughout the world and it is
desire to drive discussions on this issue within Armenian communities as well.
He will address the symposium with a presentation entitled “Christian
Stewardship in Violent Times–The Quest for Peace.”
“The church has been witness to the racial violence the Armenian people have
suffered throughout the course of history and especially with the Armenian
Genocide,” said Prelate, His Eminence Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian. “With
this year marking the 90th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, the church
an even more important role to play today in addressing many of these violence
issues facing our communities and families throughout the world.”
Among the scholars presenting at the conference will be Professor Hrair
Dekmejian of the USC Department of Political Science and Director of the USC
Institute of Armenian Studies who will speak about “Christian Perspectives on
War and Political Violence;” Professor Donald Miller, Director of USC
School of
Religion & Center for Religion & Civic Culture who will set the parameters of
the conference and moderate one of the panels; and Simon Payaslian, Professor
of Armenian Genocide Studies, Clark University on “The Church Bearing Witness
to the Genocide of 1915: Martyrdom, Resistance, Remembrance.” There will also
be two panel discussions during the symposium including “The Church’s Response
to Political Violence in Today’s World” with presenters Dr. Rubina Peroomian,
UCLA and member of the World Affairs Council central committee and Mrs. Lorna
Tourian, and “The Church’s Role in Combating Community Violence” with
presenters Dr. Levon Jernazian, Dr. Viken Yacoubian and Dr. Garbis Der
Yeghiayan. Following the symposium will be an exhibit by Research on Armenian
Architecture (RAA) on “Cultural Genocide–The Destruction of Armenia’s
Religious and Cultural Heritage.”

The USC Symposium will be held on October 15, 2005 10:00 AM to 3:30 PM at
USC’s Davidson Conference Center, in the Embassy Room, on the corner of
Jefferson and Figueroa Streets in Los Angeles. Space is limited, so those
interested in attending should call the Prelacy office at (818) 248-7737, or
e-mail: [email protected].

5) Garcetti Makes First Trip to Armenia

Councilmember Working to Create Sister City Program

Ever since Councilmember Eric Garcetti took office in 2001, he has been
encouraged by leaders in the Armenian community and many of his
constituents of
Armenian heritage to visit Armenia. As a former professor of international
relations, he has been a student of Armenian history for some years.
Councilmember Garcetti will share memories from his trip with community
leaders at a special reception on September 25 at 1 p.m., at St. Garabed
Church Hall, 1614 N. Alexandria Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90027. The community is
invited to attend. Garcetti will also discuss the creation of a committee to
formalize a sister city agreement with the city of Yerevan.
As a candidate for City Council, Councilmember Garcetti made it one of his
priorities to reach out to the Armenian community, from well-established
schools, churches and institutions like St. John Garabed, Alex and Rose
Philibos, ANC, AGBU, ARS, Homenetmen, as well as newer immigrants who
were not yet part of more organized entities. Garcetti campaigned in Armenian
and Russian and many of the young people who walked door to door with him were
Armenian-American youth from Council District 13 and nearby neighborhoods.
Since being in office, Councilmember Garcetti has made the revitalization of
the Little Armenian neighborhood of East Hollywood one of his top priorities.
“We have organized and joined clean-ups, neighborhood walks, encouraged new
economic development, created parks, put up street banners that welcome people
to Little Armenia, and helped to make the area safer, cleaner, and more
beautiful,” Garcetti said. “I have also sought to make sure that we never
forget the Armenian Genocide of last century and I have helped the yearly
march get city permits and joined in other organizations’ events that
commemorate one of humanity’s darkest hours.”
This past winter, Garcetti and his Hollywood field deputy, Baydsar Thomasian
(one of three Armenian-Americans in the CD13 office), decided to make the
of visiting Armenia a reality and to take a trip to Armenia in the summer

In preparation, Garcetti talked to city officials and Armenian-American
leaders about some of the ways in which Los Angeles and Armenia could
strengthen ties of friendship, commerce, and exchange.
“Early this summer, I had the idea that perhaps Los Angeles, the
second-biggest Armenian city in the world, could be twinned with Yerevan, the
largest Armenian city in the world, as a Sister City,” Garcetti said. “Yerevan
already had a Sister City agreement with Cambridge, Massachusetts, so I
went to
Cambridge in early August to explore whether or not Cambridge might want to
`share’ Yerevan and the wonderful Sister City Committee and the Cambridge City
Government agreed!”
The trip to Armenia began on August 17. About a dozen people joined the
delegation. Earlier in the year, Garcetti invited Governor Howard Dean, the
chairman of the Democratic National Committee, to join the group and he
accepted the invitation.
City Planning Commissioner Mike Mahdesian, Baydsar Thomasian, Armen Orujian,
Vahag Thomasian, Lynnette Amerian (Garcetti’s executive assistant), Garcetti’s
partner Amy Wakeland, and others all joined together in Armenia.
The delegation stayed in Armenia until August 27, and were able to accomplish
many important objectives.
Garcetti met with the Mayor of Yerevan and signed an agreement to form a
Sister City Relationship. Garcetti also met with members of Parliament to
discuss ways to cooperate with one another in several areas. Garcetti
the new trade office that the State of California is opening a trade office in
“We also talked to the US Ambassador about helping him restore a valuable
archive in Yerevan, which was an early filmmaking center last century and
has a
nascent film industry now,” Garcetti said.
Garcetti also met with the deputy foreign minister and also went to major
sites, including Echmiadzin, Khor Virap, Sanahin, Hagpat, Garni, and
to learn about the history. Garcetti also visited the Genocide Memorial in
“We also ate incredible meals–the reddest tomatoes I have ever seen, some of
the best pork chops, yogurt with honey, fresh berries (blackberries, choke
cherries, currants, plums, etc.), and of course sampled some of the Armenian
wine, where wine first originated,” Garcetti said. “The hospitality of
was incredible–I have not eaten so much in a long time.”

Join Councilmember Garcetti
Sunday, Sept. 25 – 1PM at St. Garabed Church Hall
1614 N. Alexandria Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90027

6) Senator Jack Scott Travels to Armenia

PASADENA–State Senator Jack Scott (21st State Senate District –
Glendale/Pasadena) will be traveling to Armenia on a fact-finding trip
aimed at
furthering relations between California and Armenia.
Senator Scott leaves Los Angeles for Yerevan, Armenia on Saturday, September
17 – returning Saturday, September 24, 2005.
While in Armenia, Senator Scott will be meeting with representatives of the
Armenian government including President Robert Kocharian and Parliament
President Arthur Baghdanarian. The Senator is scheduled to participate in
Armenian Independence Day activities on September 21 and tour historic
parts of
the country. The following day he is scheduled to visit Holy Etchmiadzin and
nearby churches.

7) AYF Eastern Region Holds Successful Olympic Games in Washington, DC

WATERTOWN, Mass–From September 2 -5, approximately 2,500 Armenians from the
East and West Coasts and Canada gathered for the annual AYF-YOARF Olympic
Games, hosted by the Washington Ani chapter.
100 athletes from chapters in Boston, Providence, Philadelphia, Washington,
DC, New York, New Jersey, Chicago, Racine, Detroit, Granite City, Fairfield
Toronto competed in swimming, track and field, golf, tennis, and softball
over Labor Day weekend.
On September 1, before the official start of the games, around 150
Armenian-Americans, led by the AYF Eastern Region, held a protest in front of
the Azeri Embassy in Washington, DC, calling to attention the ongoing threats
by Azerbaijani government officials to use military force to deny
self-determination to the people of Karabagh.
That evening, guests of the Olympic games went on a “Monuments by Moonlight
Tour” around the capital city, which was followed by a party at Blue Gin
The Andrews Air Force Base East Golf Course was the gathering place the
following morning, where AYF members and alumni competed in the golf
tournament. Matches of tennis also took place that day at Catholic
Attendees also enjoyed the opportunity for a tour of Washington, DC organized
by the Olympics Steering Committee. Later that night, AYF athletes competed in
swimming races in front of a large crowd cheering them on in the stands at
Catholic University.
By night, AYF alumni and supporters gathered for the annual alumni dance at
the official hotel of the games, Grant Hyatt Washington. Meanwhile, AYF
and guests danced the night away to the music of the Michael Gostanian
Enesemble and DJ Terk, followed by performances by Nune Yesayan.
On September 3, AYF members woke up early to start the all-day softball
tournament, where teams from New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Washington, DC,
Granite City/Racine, New Jersey, Chicago, Detroit, Providence and Toronto
battled it out, until around 6:00 p.m., when the Providence chapter beat out
the team from New Jersey in an action-packed final game.
Singer Nersik Ispiryan, along with the Aravod Ensemble and DJ Terk, provided
the entertainment for the evening.
“I thoroughly enjoyed the variety of music we heard this year. Each musician
and band that performed this weekend brought their own unique sound to us each
evening and the end result was the same, a jam-packed dance floor,” said
Washington AYF chapter member Nora Keomurjian.
Track and field events rounded out the athletic competitions, beginning at
9:00 a.m. on September 4, at the Archbishop Carroll High School in Washington.
An enthusiastic crowd cheered runners and field athletes, as they competed in
relay races and individual races, as well field events including shot put,
discus and long jump.
Midway through the day, athletes marched with their teams onto the field for
the opening ceremonies. Guests addressing the gathering included ARF Eastern
Region Central Committee chairman Hayg Oshagan; Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan;
AYF Central Executive chairman Antranig Kzirian; and Armenian Ambassador to
U.S. Tatoul Markarian.
Then, members of last year’s hosting chapter, the Chicago Ararat chapter,
carried the torch around the track, eventually passing it on to two members of
the Washington Ani chapter, who lit the torch as the official start of the AYF
Olympic games. Prior to the running of the torch, AYF athletes recited the
Olympic oath, pledging good sportsmanship and to stay “loyal to the traditions
of the AYF Olympics and applaud the victor and defeated alike.”
On Monday, guests attended a farewell picnic near the hotel. “The games
brought our organization together. I felt that everyone participated in the
activities and games during the day, and the dances at night. Our chapters
especially united this year, during the protest that we held at the Azeri
Embassy before the start of the games,” said Greater Boston AYF chapter member
Anny Deirmenjian.
Founded in 1933, the Armenian Youth Federation (AYF) serves as the youth
organization of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (YOARF). The AYF stands
on five pillars that guide its activities: education, political awareness,
fellowship, athletics and culture. Moreover, the AYF promotes a fraternal
attitude of respect for the diversity of ideas and individuals amongst its
membership. Unity and cooperation are essential traits that allow members of
the organization to work together and realize its objectives.

8) Shushi Music School Society’s 2005 Summer Camp a Success

Founded in 1994 in Los Angeles, the Shushi Music School Society aims to
the Daniel Ghazaryan School located in Shushi, in the heart of Mountainous
Karabagh Republic.
Following years of Azeri occupation and the ensuing depopulation of Shushi,
the institution, with a current student body of 100, aims to enable future
generations to use their superior background in music to contribute to the
needed cultural reawakening and strengthening of the ancient city of Shushi.
To date, the Shushi Music School Society has accomplished much–thanks to the
generous contributions of many individuals and organizations in the community.
Some of these accomplishments include the complete renovation of the main
building of the school where instruction and performances take place. The
children can thus pursue their education in an environment that is
conducive to
student learning. The construction of a concert Hall within this main building
was also completed this past May.
Aside from the vast physical improvements to the campus, a basketball court
with a sitting capacity of 150 and a soccer field accommodating 200 spectators
were built since 2003. These facilities are truly unique amidst an area where
rubbles are a constant reminder of the devastation caused by the war and were
constructed not only for the students of Daniel Ghazaryan, but also for the
children of Shushi and its neighboring villages. An outdoor playground will
also be completed by summer of 2006.
In 2004, a group of five volunteers from the Los Angeles area ran a three day
long summer basketball camp at Daniel Ghazaryan for the children of Shushi and
The camp generated so much enthusiasm amongst the camp attendees and the
volunteers that the Shushi Music School Society Board of Directors decided to
organize a six day long Summer Camp on the school premises from July 15 to
21 2005.
A total of 23 volunteers from Los Angeles, mostly college students, lead the
various programs for over 70 camp participants. The travel expenses of many of
the student volunteers were subsidized thanks to various individuals and
businesses in Los Angeles.
Daily activities at the camp included clinics and games in basketball,
volleyball and soccer, and classes in English language, computers, arts and
crafts, and dance. Moreover, to educate the camp attendees on important health
issues, lectures were presented on the harmful effects of tobacco and smoking
and the importance of maintaining proper oral hygiene.
Following an opening ceremony, various teams from Shushi and Stepanankert
competed in basketball and soccer tournaments. The winning teams were
with trophies and all camp participants received the official Summer Camp 2005
On the final day of camp, a gathering was held at the school’s Concert Hall.
The campers who had attended the English language classes sang a song in
English. The dance students performed a dance they had learned. Finally, the
students of Daniel Ghazaryan School entertained the volunteers as they
performed on various musical instruments.
Summer Camp 2005 was a unique experience not only for the Children of Shushi,
but it also had a great impact on the lives of the young volunteers from Los
Lena Berghoudian, a freshman student at Pierce College, describes the
children’s amazing dedication to further their knowledge in various arenas as
follows: “The children were bright, alert and prepared. I was extremely
astounded by their eagerness to acquire knowledge, whether in learning a new
dance step, a new language, or even a new sport. Furthermore, their
productivity and progress throughout the course of the camp encouraged me, as
well as my fellow volunteer peers, to challenge their abilities. Soon, the
English class exceeded its plan to teach the basic principles of the language
by developing into an extensive study of composition and grammar. The computer
lessons, which were aimed at teaching the fundamentals of operating a
transformed into complex sessions exercising a variety of programs,
their learning, reading and typing capabilities. Their ability and willingness
to learn new information in such little time astonished me.”
Andrew Vartanian, a freshman student at UC Irvine, gives the following
description of the character of the children of Shushi: ” The children, who
don’t have much to look forward to, are the happiest and most cunning children
I have ever met, as they roam around in the rubbles of Shushi. It was truly
astonishing to see what great minds could develop of such kids that are so
less fortunate. I comprehended how granted we take life and not appreciate
And as for the camp attendees’ parents’ reactions to the camp experience, he
adds the following:” The hardest part of all was having a mother come up to
hug us and tell us with tears in her eyes how grateful she was that we were
able to bring joy to these kids’ lives and make this camp experience one that
will forever remain in their hearts.”
Reflecting on her moving conversations with the children of Shushi, Paleny
Topjian, a freshman at UCLA reminisces: “While watching one of the soccer
games, a little girl sat next to me and started inquiring. The questions were
so many and her curiosity was so genuine, I was moved and began to accumulate
questions myself. Questions like, what did this place have to offer all these
children? What was their everyday life like in this land of ruins? Our
presence was so exciting for them, and our departure so devastating, that I
felt a little guilty for giving them something that we had to take away so
quickly. The most touching question that I’ll never forget was one posed by a
girl a few years younger than me: she asked, ‘Why are you guys so good?’ At
first, this question didn’t make sense to me, and I thought I didn’t
because of the differences in our dialects; but, when I asked her to repeat
herself, I understood that she was asking why we were so generous and I began
to think: have I really gone so out of my way? I mean, there I was with my
best friend, and a group of wonderful people my age, having one of the most
memorable times of my life, and a girl half way across the world thought that
we were one of the most generous group of people in the world to do the things
we were doing, and again I felt guilty. I promised a lot of children I would
return next year and stay longer. I hope I can keep my promise, and bring
joy and hope into their lives. I know I can’t make all their dreams come
but I know I can make a little difference in their lives. I know because I
already have.”
Maral Der-Sarkissian, a freshman college student at Berkeley, says at the
conclusion of Summer Camp 2005: “I will forever remember the two weeks I spent
in Shushi before going off to college. Even though I was there to touch the
lives of children living in Karabagh, I find myself reflecting on the
experience and realizing that they affected me so much more than I could have
ever affected them. A new vigor awakened within me.”
Finally, Gohar Mkrtichyan, the principal of Daniel Ghazaryan, evaluates the
Summer Camp 2005 project as follows: “I sincerely hope that this wonderful
project organized by the Shushi Music School Society will become a yearly
tradition, as it has for the past two years. Indeed, amidst the ruins that we
live in, this summer camp experience, albeit a short one, brings a ray of
sunshine into our lives and is a unique opportunity to bring young Armenians
living in different areas of the world together. The children’s only
consolation at the completion of the program is the promise that it will
itself again next summer.”
For more information about the Society’s projects, including additional
pictures about the summer camp, or to make a tax-deductible donation for a
specific project, visit <; or
contact the Society at:

Shushi Music School Society
6000 Topeka Dr.,
Tarzana, CA 91356.

9) Critics’ Forum


Homelands Faraway, So Close
By Aram Kouyoumdjian

Just as I was preparing to reread Leslie Ayvazian’s `Nine Armenians,’ I was
handed a copy of a new anthology that surveys plays written in English by
authors of Armenian ancestry. `Contemporary Armenian American Drama,’
edited by
Nishan Parlakian and published by Columbia University Press, is a handsome
volume comprised of eight plays culled from the past three decades. It opens
with Raffi (Ralph) Arzoomanian’s short `Ellis Island 101′ and closes with
Van Dyke’s `A Girl’s War.’ It also includes `Nine Armenians.’
This high-quality publication merits further discussion, and I will return to
it at a later date. Today, I wish to take up Ayvazian’s entry–a 1995 work
has been staged at some of the most prestigious American regional theaters,
coast to coast. Along with Richard Kalinoski’s `Beast on the Moon,’ it is
probably the most widely produced play by or about Armenians in recent years.
I had read `Nine Armenians’ some years back in the no-frills acting edition
published by Dramatists Play Service (which eschews such trifle matters as,
say, proofreading). I had also seen two stage versions a polished,
professional mounting at the Mark Taper Forum in Los Angeles and a
disappointing, dismal effort (by Golden Thread Productions) at the Magic
Theater in San Francisco. I decided to revisit the text after reviewing
Turkish-American dramatist Sinan Unel’s `Pera Palas,’ which led me to
contemplate how ethnic playwrights portray their ancestral homelands in their
scripts. In my previous article (`Culture Clash in `Pera Palas”), I had
equated Unel’s play to `a love letter to Turkey,’ even though it negotiated
delicate terrain between a country’s past and present problems, and its future
As I approached Ayvazian’s text anew, I primarily focused on its depiction of
Armenia. What imagery, I wondered, had Ayvazian used to evoke a country
that is
both distant and near?

Ayvazian’s affinity for her ancestral nation was obvious. Yet, the writing was
shaped by a perspective fraught by a tendency to lament and pity. And it began
in the very first scene:
`The Armenians are starving.’
Not a page went by when I was struck with `Aman … we are dying.’
Similar images appeared in subsequent scenes, with characters describing
Armenia as a `dangerous,’ `uncomfortable,’ and `cold’ place, where `[t]he
children draw black suns … [a]lways black suns in the sky.’
In all fairness, Ayvazian’s play is set in 1992 and unfolds within the
of the devastating economic blockade of Armenia by its hostile neighbors,
deprived the country of essential food and fuel. Certainly, Ayvazian has a
writer’s prerogative to offer an artistic response to that dire situation. The
language she employs for this purpose, however, verges on the melodramatic, as
illustrated by such emotional outbursts as `Armenia has no allies! It is
unprotected!’ Occasionally, the writing even becomes condescending when, for
instance, Ayvazian reduces the sole character in the play who actually
lives in
Armenia to a starving man who begs for bread. This condescension is compounded
by the self-importance Ayvazian attaches to her diasporan characters, who
consider themselves saviors of their beleaguered homeland because they will
`help’ by bearing witness:

Ani: What will you do there [in Armenia], Mom?

Armine: I will sit.

Ani: Sit?

Armine: Ya, I will sit.

Ani: Sit?

Armine: Ya. I will sit with the children in the orphanages.

Louise: She will watch.

In truth, Ayvazian’s diasporan characters are ineffective onlookers,
unable to
do more than `sit’ and `watch.’ But as she opts to write in earnest tones,
without a hint of irony, Ayvazian misses the falsity of the solace these
characters derive from their noblesse oblige.
Ayvazian does allude to aspects of Armenia’s beauty, although most of them
associated with ancient history or tradition. She momentarily revels in the
vistas of Ararat, casts an affectionate glance on the craft of sewing lace,
lovingly accentuates her words with instances of Armenian song and dance.
Incomprehensibly enough, however, she sidesteps modern triumphs. She ignores
the fact that only a year before the events of her play, Armenia had attained
independence after 70 years of Soviet rule; its borders were once again
open to
its dispersed people; and sweeping changes in all fabrics of life were afoot.
The play shies away from the complex issues raised by the phenomenal shifts in
the country’s political, economic, and social landscapes. Instead, it takes a
more simplistic approach one that embraces the oft-repeated notion that
`suffering’ is fundamental to the Armenian experience.
And therein lies the true pity.

Aram Kouyoumdjian is the winner of Elly Awards for playwriting (`The
Farewells’) and directing (`Three Hotels’). You can reach him or any of the
other contributors to Critics’ Forum at [email protected].

10) First Sierra Summit

By Garen Yegparian

Last weekend was quite an experience as I attended the first ever
convention-expo organized by the Sierra Club.
The first of its four components was organizational. The Sierra Club priority
setting was conducted by consulting with some 700 delegates gathered from
around the country. Ultimately, energy issues became the top priority with
liveable communities (enviro-speak for rational, well planned,
cities and towns) coming in second. Of course, saving wildlands, water issues,
pollution and others rounded out the list. Subsequently, how these might best
be tackled was addressed by querying the delegates as to the perceived
strengths of the Club. This was a first effort, and procedurally lacking, and
will undoubtedly improve in the future.
The exposition was, simply, an environmental “trade show.” Not only were
various products- from hybrid cars to snack food bars- displayed, but
tourism outfitters, publishers of outdoors and environmental books, and Google
were on hand. You could even have your body’s mercury levels checked- think
coal burning power plants spewing that poison into the air, thence through the
food chain into YOU. Supporting all this were the exhibits of accomplishments
prepared by dozens of Sierra Club entities from local groups to countrywide
Fifty-six panels addressed classes of issues ranging from living well to
environmental expression through art, from engaging youth to outdoor adventure
and more. Speakers came from a dizzying variety of backgrounds, including a
Starbuck’s representative, Sierra Club activists and staff, people earning
their living by engaging in environmentally positive activities, government
officials, hunters, and professors. In the last of these categories was the
most interesting, George Lakoff, whose book “Don’t Think of An Elephan”t I’d
long wanted, purchased, and got his autograph on. It’s a fascinating,
informative, and guiding analysis of frames- ideas that shape perceptions and
use the power of language. The best example is that every time the Turks say
“there was no genocide,” they’re using the word genocide and shooting
themselves in the foot! Every activist of conscience should read this book,
written as a “field guide” based on a more detailed Lakoff study of underlying
principles driving Americans’ political understandings, leanings, and actions.
Finally, the inspirational component of this gathering was truly potent and
moving: Al Gore, Bobby Kennedy Jr., Bill Maher, and Arianna Huffington, in
order of appearance. If Gore had spoken during his presidential campaign the
way he did to the Sierra Club, the world would not be burdened with the
murderous, incompetent, profiteering, and immoral cabal that now holds the
reins of power in Washington, DC. Bill Maher slew the audience with his
scathing critique of the current US regime, remarking that the only person to
lose his/her job as a result of the September 11 attacks was… himself. Arianna
was, as usual, right on point and biting with her wry presentation of our
political plight. However, Kennedy stole the show, despite his late arrival
while Liisa Margossian led 2000+ people in a yoga session. He had people in
tears. The amalgamation of facts, first-principles, patriotism, humanity, and
the gift of oratory (Kennedy clan’s built-in legacy?) made for an incredibly
powerful speech that had people riveted for over an hour (no ADD there…)
Hurricane Katrina’s human exacerbated havoc became a natural focus of
discussion since our destructive doings- reckless disregard for the
ramifications of increased CO2 in the atmosphere (global warming) and
destruction of coastal wetlands made the hurricane stronger and the coast
able to withstand its onslaught, respectively. These and other warnings of the
dangers of treading too heavily on our planet have been written off as
alarmist. Perhaps now enough of a global consensus will arise since people are
asking how and why this could have happened. This of course is the Sierra
Club’s bread and butter, “To Explore, Enjoy, and Protect” our planet.
With regard to government incompetence, Carl Pope, the Sierra Club’s
director, told an interesting story; he happened to be in India shortly before
the Sierra Summit, when Bombay was hit with torrential rains, in excess of
three feet in about half a day. In less than a day, everyone had food and
water. Those needing evacuation were out in a handful of hours, through the
of every bus in the city being conscripted to this life-saving use. The US
of A
has not the ability to do the same for a much smaller city?
As a nation that’s lived through a similar human exacerbated tragedy- the
Sbeedag earthquake- we would do well and wisely to heed the warnings of
and other scientists. We should join our fellow humans to save the planet,
Armenia- liberated and occupied- and all that lives thereon from
‘civilization’s’ century-long, callous abuse of the natural world.

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German Ambassador To Armenia Sure There Will Be No Fraud DuringNatio


YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 13. ARMINFO. The nationwide referendum on the
constitutional reforms in Armenia must be held with no fraud, German
Ambassador to Armenia Haike Peitsch says in an interview to ARMINFO.

She says that her other foreign counterparts are of the same opinion.

Armenia is ready to hold honest, fair and transparent elections and
the government can ensure this.

Peitsch notes the importance of the constitutional reforms for
Armenia’s further democratic development as constitution is a priority
document for regulating public relations. It is important that the
political structures make a correct decision and the public be able
to take a direct part in the reforms and to express its opinion,
says Peitsch.

If held correctly and legally the reforms will bring Armenia one
step closer to developed democratic society and European values. The
opposition should also realize its share of responsibility for the
matter. Its role in the country’s democratization is very important
and it should not only take part in the parliamentary discussions
of the constitutional reforms but also present its positions on the
issue. In its turn the government should respect the opposition’s
views which will be a major achievement on its way to democracy and
will lead to serious constitutional reforms.

Considering the further development of the constitutional reforms the
CE Venice Commission will be able to correctly assess how democratic
Armenia is and how it is developing.

Dr. Antranik Ashdjian announces his cand


[email protected]_ (mailto:[email protected])

The largest circulation Armenian
online e-magazine on the WWW


Dr.Atamyan’s candidacy expected to follow
Gibrahayer September 12, 2005. A prominent community activist – a dentist by
profession – with an impeccable track record in community affairs is bidding
to become the next Armenian representative in the Cyprus House of
Representatives, in the by-elections that will take place on Sunday October 9, 2005.
Besides his current position as Chairman of the Armenian National Committee
of Cyprus – a post which he has continuously held for the past eight years –
Dr.Antranik Ashdjian has been on the Editorial Board of the Artsagang
Armenian language monthly since its founding ten years ago.
He has on many occasions participated in conferences, seminars and
discussions in Cyprus, Armenia, Brussels and elsewhere, addressing issues concerning
the Armenian nation, the Armenian Cause, the Armenian Church, and the Armenian
Community in Cyprus as well as minority rights. Together with the late
representative Bedros Kalaydjian, he played a key role in formulating the Armenian
community’s positions and visions regarding its status in a post-solution
He has written numerous articles on these issues which have been published
in Cypriot (Greek and Armenian language) and Diaspora publications.
Dr.Antranik Ashdjian – a graduate of the Semmelweis Medical University of
Budapest – speaks and writes Armenian, Greek, English and Hungarian fluently.
With his perfect knowledge of the Greek language he has – on numerous occasions
over the years – appeared and advocated on Armenian related issues on
national TV and all local printed and electronic media.
In 1998 he was ordained a Deacon in the Armenian Apostolic Church of Cyprus
which he has been serving since childhood.
Dr. Ashdjian has been a member of the Diocesan Committee for the 1700th
Jubilee of the Proclamation of Christianity as State Religion in Armenia and
numerous delegations of the Catholicosate of Cilicia in Ecumenical meetings and
He has also been active in the Armenian Youth Federation (AYF) and served
for several terms in the AYMA/HMEM committee.
In AYF’s first International jamboree held in Armenia in 1997, he met his
wife Aline – a Kuwaiti Armenian whom he married in 1999. Aline works as an IT
professional in PricewaterhouseCoopers, and is an active member of The
Armenian Relief Society (HOM) of Cyprus, Hamazkayin Oshagan Cyprus Chapter and The
Nareg School Parents and Teachers Association. Their daughter Alik aged five,
currently attends first grade in Nareg Armenian School.
Dr. Ashdjian has been instrumental in the publication of the coloured
tri-lingual album titled “The Armenian Apostolic Church in Cyprus”, as well as the
Armenian-Greek-English booklet containing the Armenian Liturgy aimed at
bringing non-Armenian speaking families closer to the Church and the community. He
is also responsible for the publication of “Keghart” – the periodical of the
Armenian Prelacy of Cyprus and assists in the publication of “Ardziv”, a
literary weekly published in Lebanon.
Although no other official candidacy has been announced to the press to
date, it is speculated by community circles that Dr. Ashdjian’s candidacy will
not be the last. Nareg School’s Committee Chairman Dr. Vahakn Atamyan’s name is
certain to join the name of candidates. Dr.Atamyan is the President of the
Ararat AGBU Futsal team and has served for several years on the School Board
of the Melkonian Educational Institute.


A top ranked 15 year-old tennis player, Zaruhi Harutyunyan from Armenia has
landed in Cyprus.
She has decided to stay in Cyprus and travel the tennis circuit. To that
end, community officials offering assistance to the talented girl have already
arranged for her to train with the Cypriot National Tennis team at the
Federation’s National Tennis center and work is under way to arrange issues related
to her accommodation and support team who are going to help her make her mark
on the tennis circuit.
Harutyunyan decided to stay in Cyprus after the Aphrodite Cup – a world
ranking Junior tournament – in which she lost to -three years her senior – world
number 228 Zuzanna Likhova of the Czech Republic.
With limited possibilities and opportunities in Armenia, she is hoping that
her risks away from home will soon be rewarded.
As a nine year old, Harutyunyan won the Palm Springs – California Under 12
tournament and subsequently won tournaments in Bulgaria, Germany, Holland,
France, England in the under 14 and the under 16 categories.
Like every community undertaking, this too needs generous community support.
With the 6,000 subscribers reading Gibrahayer e-magazine every week, I am
certain that Armenians from across the globe will offer their assistance too.
Let us all give it to her.
With her practice schedule and physical training already planned and taken
care of by interested parties in Cyprus, the community can show its assistance
in several other ways.
She will soon go on the world tour. She needs support for travel and
accommodation, sponsors for clothing, a budget for her initial take-off, where she
will be attempting to break the tennis scene.
You would be amazed with the seemingly little things that are important
right now.
She is 15 and does not have a driving license and needs rides to and fro the
practice grounds every day… twice.
She needs to “replace” her family vacuum, of a widowed mother from a car
accident, and a four your old sister.
Take a moment to think about the needs of this brave young girl who has
given up everything we often take for granted

With her kind of potential I am certain she will give back to her homeland
what our homeland is unable to give to her right now.

Simon Aynedjian – Gibrahayer e-magazine
All contributions will be publicised in the coming issues of Gibrahayer
e-magazine. Email or call me on +357 99437073.
..follow the latest news regarding the Pan-Armenian mobilization against .
the decision of the AGBU to shut down Melkonian school …

To realise and reinforce the fight to save Melkonian, it is important that
all parties involved as well as all individuals connected to the
administration and running of the school and decision-making processes of the last
decades, come out of their shelters and account for the reasons they perceive as to
why Melkonian was shut down.
Until today, this has not been done.
Only blaming the AGBU central board for a decision which was the final piece
to a puzzle, is both wrong and unethical.
It also shifts blame to the wrong-doings of the people who in the past ran
the school as a political bastion, and benefited from the funds and leverages
the school provided.
AGBU central board no doubt have their part of the blame. They too should
account for their wrong doings.
Who are the brave to stand on the ashes of Melkonian and account for the
biggest blow on our community after the Turkish invasion?
Gibrahayer e-magazine – September 6, 2005
â~@¢25 Turkish journalists will shortly pay a “working visit” to Yerevan on the
initiative of the Turkish
Foreign Ministry. The Star newspaper (Turkey) reports that the visit will
take place in
the framework of the events preceding the Sept 23-25 Istanbul Armenian
Conference, an event that is to consider alternative opinions on the Armenian
Genocide and to establish contacts for developing ties between Armenia and Turkey.
â~@¢A public conference scheduled for September 22 will address Turkey’s
violations of basic rights as it prepares to begin accession talks with the
European Union (EU) on October 3. Organized by the European Armenian Federation, the
conference, “December
2004–October 2005: Has Turkey Changed?” is supported by the largest
political group in the European Parliament, the EPP-ED–the Group of the European
People’s Party (Christian Democrats) and European Democrats in the European
â~@¢Cyprus escalated a row over Turkey’s refusal to recognize it, suggesting on
Thursday an emergency European Union ministerial meeting just one week
before Ankara is due to open membership talks. EU president Britain said it hoped
to avoid such a foreign ministers’ meeting, which would leave little time to
agree on a negotiating mandate before the planned October 3 start of talks.
â~@¢ The Armenian government approved on Thursday $200,000 in assistance to
victims of Hurricane Katrina. Deputy foreign minister Arman Kirakossian said the
money will be released from government’s reserve fund and will be
transferred on a special US government bank account early next week.
â~@¢Armenia’s defense ministry denied Azeri news reports that an Azeri soldier
had been killed in a skirmish with Armenian forces in
Mountainous Karabagh on September 7. The Azerbaijan ANS channel had reported
that Azeri army positions near a village in the northern section of the
frontline around had Karabagh came under ‘intensive’ automatic gunfire from
Armenian troops.
â~@¢Raging with its hypnotically dark, dense and arty style, “Mezmerize” is
System Of A Down’s recently released third album and perhaps its hardest-hitting
effort to date. With their newest album already topping the music charts in
the United States, Systm f Down are looking to unleash Mezmerize in Armenia.
â~@¢As part of its ongoing objective to develop activities and programs that
promote the growth of young Armenian American professionals and strong leaders,
the Armenian National Committee-Professional Network (ANC-PN) hosted its
inaugural Summer Trip to Armenia. Over 40 young Armenian American professionals
from across the nation embarked on the 13-day trip, which
traversed the Republics of Armenia and Mountainous Karabagh Republic.
I hear hurricanes a blowin’
And I know the end is coming soon
I fear rivers overflowing
I hear the voice for rage and ruin.

So don’t go out tonight
It’s bound to take your life
There’s a bad moon on the rise.

Bad Moon Risin by Creedance Clearwater Revival


Gibrahayer. Nicosia September 12, 2005. An Armenian Cypriot family recently
back from Australia have opened up an Auto service center in Nicosia. The
Parikians who moved from Australia after fleeing the Turkish invasion of 1974
are back to their homeland and are throwing roots in the country they left 30
years ago.
The Showroom / Autoservice center – Style V – is situated on Dimosthenis
Severis Avenue (next to Yianopoullos Jewellery). The center will be fully
operational as of this week, and in October it will also engage in auto styling
and car sales.
The Parikians are hoping to bring to their new business the expertise they
have gained over the years in Australia and are confident that the Armenian
community of Cyprus will support their repatriation.
You can reach them for a free consultation at 22 661999, fax 22661955 and on
the following mobile number. 99753232.
You can also reach them by email at [email protected]_
(mailto:[email protected])


LOS ANGELES (AP) â~@~T A federal appeals court ruled Tuesday that a judge did
not err in granting U.S. citizenship to two Armenian men convicted more than 20
years ago of planning to bomb the Turkish Consulate in Philadelphia.
The decision by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ends a long struggle
by Viken Hovsepian and Viken Yacoubian, who plotted to bomb the consulate in
retaliation for the massacre of Armenians by Turks in 1915. The Turkish
government denies a massacre occurred.
The men, who have been out of prison since the early 1990s, now have
doctorates, have renounced violence and volunteer many hours a week in the Los
Angeles Armenian-American community, said Mathew Millen, an attorney who helped
handle the immigration portion of their case.
Federal law currently forbids convicted terrorists from becoming citizens.
But anyone convicted of an aggravated felony before November 1990 can be
granted citizenship if they have been “of good moral character” for five years
prior to their application, Millen said.
The men were in their early 20s when they and two others were arrested in
1982 after authorities tape-recorded them planning the bombing. Authorities at
the time said they were linked to the Justice Commandos of the Armenian
Hovsepian was sentenced to six years in prison in 1984, while Yacoubian was
sentenced to three years in prison and 1,000 hours of community service.
Yacoubian is now principal of the Rose and Alex Pilibos Armenian School in
Los Angeles’ Little Armenia and has obtained a doctorate in counselling
psychology from the University of Southern California, according to court documents.


TATIANA’S CORNER returns soon … after Tatiana returns from The People’s
Republic of China
This corner is reserved for local artist Tatiana Ferahian’s comic strips
which are amalgamations of Armenian-Cypriot social commentaries, painted with
her usual wry and ironic humour, to stimulate and encourage awareness and
interest toward our community’s everyday happenings.


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September 8, 2005 LA TIMES EDITORIAL – Orhan Pamuk, arguably Turkey’s most
famous novelist, knew it was risky to ask what had happened to hundreds of
thousands of Armenians killed during the era of the Ottoman Empire. But the
threats didn’t silence him.
Pamuk wondered out loud about the fate of Turkey’s Armenian community, and
the more recent killings of 30,000 Kurds in a war against armed separatists
that began in 1984, during a February interview with a Swiss newspaper.
Seven months later, and one day before European Union ministers were
scheduled to discuss Turkey’s bid to join the union, a Turkish public prosecutor
charged Pamuk with insulting his country.
In Turkey, it is a crime to “denigrate” Turkish identity, punishable by up
to three years in prison. It is up to government authorities to define the
meaning of “denigration.” Pamuk is scheduled to go to trial on Dec. 16.
The timing of Pamuk’s prosecution suggests a deliberate attempt by
conservatives within the Turkish government to derail the country’s EU negotiations.
It clearly violates the conditions set for Turkey’s EU membership, such as
guaranteeing free-speech rights.
In spite of a plethora of evidence gathered by Henry Morgenthau, the U.S.
ambassador in Constantinople from 1913 to 1916, that detailed how the Turkish
government engaged in the systematic annihilation of Armenians, the Turks
still refuse to admit culpability. Instead, they argue that Armenians who
collaborated with the invading Russian forces were deported to Syria and that many
of them died of exposure, famine and disease on their journey.
Pamuk, whose book, “My Name Is Red,” has been translated into more than 20
languages, and other Turkish intellectuals have called for a public debate on
their country’s past.
Last May, Turkish academics organized a conference in Istanbul on the fate
of Ottoman Armenians. Justice Minister Cemil Cicek postponed the conference
the day before it was supposed to open.
These skirmishes are part of a bigger battle between traditionalists and
those who favor European-style modernization.
Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan should order a halt to Pamuk’s
prosecution, and his government needs to foster more freedom of expression and thought
in Turkey. Striking arbitrary laws that give the government the right to
imprison “critics” of Turkey would be a start. So would an open debate on the
fate of the country’s Armenian population in the early 20th century.


There are three things you can do.
1.Ask them to visit and subscribe.
2.Send them our email address [email protected] and ask them
to contact us.
3. Send us your friend’s email address and we will send them a request to
join the largest Armenian e-magazine on the world wide web.
A theory about coincidences or simultaneous occurrences and infinity

Professor Hovhanness I. Pilikian is an internationally acclaimed film
producer, theater director, a classical music composer, a classical scholar and
social scientist, fluent in many modern languages, including French, German,
Arabic, Armenian and Chinese.

Coincidences or Simultaneous occurrences are puzzling phenomena. Most
people have experienced them, and some on many occasions â~@~S when you would be
thinking of a person, and suddenly he/she appears (â~@~speak of the Devilâ~@~] they
say), or the telephone rings and there he/she is at the other end of the line.
Folk wisdom ascribes it to the powers of the Devil, while scientists scratch
their heads for an acceptable theory.
On one occasion, I picked up the telephone to ring the London
Iranian-Armenian poetess, Mrs. Shoghik Minassian, only to find her at the other end of the
line without the telephone having yet rang… she had picked up the telephone
to make a phone call herself. In even more of a complex and extremely
unlikely version of this â~@~S I have dialled the London based Painter from Armenia,
Artour Oshakantsiâ~@~Ys number, to discover him at the other end of the line
having picked up the telephone with the intention of telephoning me!
Coincidences are the chance occurrence of two unlikely events, seemingly
connected, sometimes the same, happening simultaneously, often at the same time,
overlapping, and even if not, still unlikely to occur, let alone out of the
blue, for no logical reason at all â~@~S it is how Matter behaves at the
subatomic Quantum level that scientists are still unable but struggling to explain…
click here for more:
Tel:22665155 [email protected] ,
ARMENIAN MUSIC By Arek Dakessian in Beirut
This section is dedicated to bringing Armenian music closer to us, shedding
light on the Armenian music scene and its history.

DEREK SHERINIAN His latest album, released on the 9th of November 2004,
features a number of high-profile guests such as Zakk Wylde, Steve Stevens, Simon
Philips, Marco Mendoza, Brian Tichy…
Currently he is on tour with Billy Idol
Alice Cooper on Derek Sherinian: “There are a few people on this world who
are born rock stars, he is one” Derek was born Laguna Beach Calif. – an hour
south of LA. He started playing the piano at the age of 5, During his school
years, Derek got offered a scholarship to the prestigious Berkley School of
Music in Boston, where – from his junior year on in 1982- he jammed with the
likes of Will Calhoun who went on to play the bass guitar with Megadeth and
After three semesters at Berkley Derek felt he had what it took to get up on
the big stage, and he got a phone call from his Berkley buddy Pitrelli, who
had just been named musical director of the Alice Cooper band, they were
looking for a keyboard player… He auditioned and got it.
Then Sherinian played with Kiss and Dream Theater alongside other bands, he
even formed a band of his own: Planet X, which was supposed to be the name of
his first solo album. Planet X released four albums. Derek himself has
released four solo albums… the number which is the astonishing one is the number
of albums he has been in, and as a band member, essential, is 19!!!
Another one of us who’s made it in the big time!
visit his personal website:
â~@¢ At the US Open Tennis Championships Armenian Argentinean David Nalbandian
lost to world number one Roger Federer 3-0, while Andre Agassi managed to win
a set in the finals of the same event. Federer won US$ 2.2 million dollars
for 15 days of work on the courts.
â~@¢In the European Futsal (five-a-side football) competition, Tal Grig
Yerevan needed an Emil Mesropyan goal, three seconds from time to keep them on
track for qualification from the four-team UEFA Futsal Cup preliminary round
mini-tournament. The Armenian champions’ successful spot-kick ensured a last-gasp
5-4 victory against Dinamo Tirana of Albania .
â~@¢Ararat AGBU of Nicosia are representing Cyprus in the Futsal Cup Champions
League from 8-13 October, in a round robin tournament that will take place in
Bucharest. Bidding for qualification are the Albanian, Armenian and English
teams, while Aramis of Hungary and Benefica of Portugal will be teams the
Armenian Cypriot team will be facing in their Group. Good luck to the Cyprus
â~@¢15 tear old Zaruhi Harutyunyan of Armenia – participating in the world
ranking ITF Junior Championships (under 18) in Nicosia – made it to the semi
finals of the doubles event and challenged the second seed – three years her
senior – world number 228 Zuzanna Likhova of the Czech Republic eventually losing
7-6, 6-4. In the same tournament Harutyunyan defeated Cyprus number one
Irene Ketseva.
â~@¢( )- Larnaca Open Tennis Championships. Dikran
Bedrossian of London and Simon Aynedjian of Nicosia have teamed up to contest the
seniors men’s doubles tournament.
g i b r a h a y c a l e n d a r
â~@¢AYF weekly meetings continue every Monday at AYMA. Next meeting on Monday
19 September at 9:30 pm
â~@¢Badanegan meetings – for children from 7- 12 years old – have begun. They
take place every Saturday at 4:00 pm at AYMA
â~@¢AYMA / HMEM Chicco football practices take place every Friday at 7:30 pm at
â~@¢Armenian Radio Hour on The Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation via real audio
on . Broadcast 17:00-18:00 local Cyprus time (14:00-15:00
GMT). Armenian news every Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Tuesday
â~@¢New Year’s Eve Dinner and Dance in London on December 31, 2005. Harout
Pampoukdjian and his Band will be performing in London at the Royal Lancaster at
Hyde Park – London on Saturday 31 December 2005. Reception at 8:00 pm and
Dinner at 9:00 pm. Tickets at 85.00 and Stage Tables at 95.00. For bookings
contact Janet Mardirossian at 4420 84221662, Yvette Mankassarian at 4420
79375703, Ovsig Saroukhanoff at 88683538 and Alenoush Ohanian at 4420 8998 8048 or
the following email address [email protected] . Special 99.00 per room rate
has been arranged by the hotel for overnight stayers. Organised by HOM
(Armenian Relief Society), Hamazkayin and HMEM.

Dear Subscriber thank you for your interest in Gibrahayer, which is an
independent electronic environment, now in its fifth year, disseminating news &
posting upcoming events about the Armenian community of Cyprus, Armenia,
Artsakh and the Diaspora. The list also promotes the discussion of issues brought
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to Gibrahayer e-newsletter, follow the instructions at
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BAKU: Crisis Group Welcomes Permission For Garabagh Armenians To Vot


Assa-Irada, Azerbaijan
Sept 12 2005

Baku, September 9, AssA-Irada
The International Crisis Group, an organization working to prevent
conflicts worldwide, has welcomed the resumption of activity of
the Khankandi district constituency in Upper Garabagh, which will
allow ethnic Armenian citizens of Azerbaijan to vote in the November
parliament elections, the ICG project director on South Caucasus
Sabin Frasier said.

Frasier told a news conference in Baku on Friday that she discussed
the issue with the Central Election Commission chairman Mazahir
Panahov. She noted that the Azeri government has repeatedly confirmed
that Armenian residents of Upper Garabagh are Azerbaijani citizens.

“Drawing all of the country’s citizens to the election process is a
positive tendency.”

Frasier noted however, that the decision was belated, which ‘creates
certain problems in its implementation’.

The ICG representative called on the Azeri to step up the relations
between the Azeri and Armenian communities of Garabagh.*

BAKU: Displaced Children Condemn Armenian Terror


Assa-Irada, Azerbaijan
Sept 12 2005

Baku, September 9, AssA-Irada
Schoolchildren displaced from Shusha, Khojaly and Khojavand districts
as a result of the Armenian aggression held a protest action in Baku
on Friday.

The protesters held posters “No to terror!” and “End to Armenian
terror!” during the action aimed at raising funds for the construction
of a monument in the United States honoring the memory of victims of
the September 11 terror attacks.

Addressing the event, head of the Azerbaijani community of Upper
Garabagh Nizami Bahmanov said the goal of the protest action is for
young Azerbaijanis to voice their condemnation of global terror.

The protest also targets demanding speedy liberation of Azerbaijan’s
occupied territories and denouncing the atrocities committed by the
Garabagh separatist regime.

Bahmanov added that the proceeds were presented to a representative
of the US embassy in Baku, who attended the event.*

Militant Group Threatens To Kill Lebanese Hostage In Iraq


Al-Manar Television, Beirut
12 Sep 05

Excerpt from report by Lebanese Hezbollah TV Al-Manar on 12 September

[Passage omitted] In a related development, an armed Iraqi group
has threatened to kill a Lebanese citizen it had abducted, saying
that he works for an alcohol distribution company that deals with
the occupiers. This came in a videotape posted on the Internet. The
self-proclaimed Propagation of Virtue and Prevention of Vice Group,
said that it will release the abducted Lebanese citizen if the company
for which he works leaves Iraq as soon as possible, or else, the
statement added, the company and the abducted citizen will face dire
consequences. Speaking in the videotape, the hostage introduced himself
saying that he holds Lebanese and Cypriot nationality, adding that his
name is Gharabit. His Armenian family name was not clear in the tape.