Procession Under Slogan “Down With Sects!” Held In Yerevan


YEREVAN, MAY 16. ARMINFO. A procession under the slogan “Down with
Sects!” and “Beware of ‘Jehovah’s Witnesses’!” was held by the United
Nation party Sunday.

“We came here to say ‘no’ to the US puppet sects destroying our
national values and leading our nation to spiritual and consequently
physical slavery,” says the leader of the party Gor Tamazyan. In
fighting sects the party quite successfully applies their own tactics
– propagating against them and exposing their unhuman essence.
Nevertheless the number of sects and their supporters has grown
in the last year. Tamazyan does not consider a sect the Armenian
pagans – but not because there are advocates of this religion among
Armenia’s top officials but because paganism is national and is part
of Armenia’s past.

Tamazyan is optimistic as Speaker of Armenian Parliament Artur
Bagdassaryan has promised him to legislatively protect Armenian
Apostolic Church.

To remind, earlier Armenia’s Prime Minister Andranik Margaryan said
that the Government was going to toughen the rather liberal law on
religious. “We have laid it too thick with democracy and now have to
remedy the situation,” Margaryan said. There are almost 30 sects in
Armenia the biggest being Jehovah’s Witnesses – 18,000-30,000 people.

Tbilisi admits success at the talks on bases

RIA Novosti, Russia
May 14, 2005


TBILISI, May 14 (RIA Novosti) – Georgia is changing the tone of its
statements on the withdrawal of Russian bases. Gela Charkviani, press
secretary of the Georgian president, said on Saturday that “certain
progress has been registered” at the negotiations “and it would be
correct to carry them on calmly and without much ado.”
Georgia is set for a constructive dialogue with Russia, the press
secretary said. “We must not allow certain forces to undermine the
talks,” he stressed.

Commenting on the State Duma address to the Russian leadership
concerning the military bases in Georgia, Charkviani said that this
document “will certainly not help improve Georgia-Russia relations.”
The Russian deputies suggested that, should Georgia take unilateral
steps with regard to the bases without consulting Russia, the Russian
ambassador should be recalled for consultations, the issue of entry
visas to Georgian citizens should be stopped, and the Georgian
citizens staying in Russia without visas or in violation of the
registration regime should be deported.

The State Duma also deems it necessary to deliver energy to Georgia
at world prices and cut the volume of deliveries.

A total of 412 deputies voted for the address after Nino
Burdzhanadze, the speaker of the Georgian parliament, made a
statement that was assessed as blackmail in Russia.

Nino Burdzhanadze said that unless progress was made in the
determination of the timeframe for the withdrawal of Russian bases by
May 15, the Georgian parliament would take the harsh measures against
the Russian military group that were stipulated in the March 10, 2005
resolution of the parliament.

In compliance with that resolution, the Russian bases in Batumi
(Adzharia) and Akhalkalaki (on the border with Armenia) should be
dismantled and pulled out of Georgia by January 1, 2006. (Moscow
demands four years for their withdrawal or suggests transforming them
into joint anti-terrorist centers.) The government of Georgia was
instructed to take measures to speed up the withdrawal of the bases,
including by halting the issue of visas to the Russian military and
introducing a special regime of their movement in the country.

Russian analyst: Air bridge to Russian base in Akhalkalaki via ROA

Pan Armenian News


14.05.2005 03:15

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Chief of the Department of Transcaucasia of the Institute
of the CIS Countries Mikhail Aleksandrov stated that the situation over the
withdrawal of the Russian military bases from Georgia is glowing, reported
MiK agency. `I think we will have to display more harshness. Georgian have
to be put in their place, they have finally gone too far. I think they use
the fact that Bush arrived in Tbilisi as an attempt to form confidence that
they will get the 100% support of the US, including the military one, in
case of a crisis with Russia,’ he noted. `However I do not think such
expectations are realistic. The Americans now do not have the opportunity to
provide any military assistance to them, all the more there is no basis to
confront us now. Thus we should act resolutely, however calmly,’ he added.
In his opinion, it should be stated at all levels that the situation tends
toward a scenario like that at the Berlin crisis in 1948. `I.e. our bases
are being blocked and we form an air bridge. Our naval grouping moves
forward respectively to demonstrate force support to our base in Batumi.
Simultaneously, cargo helicopters deliver loads from the territory of
Abkhazia. Meanwhile a few demonstration flights can be made to the territory
of those bases even without load to show that the air bridge operates. `And
if Georgians start firing upon our helicopters, the navy should hit their
firing points and their communication control centers, as well as their
General Staff – with cruise missiles. There is no need to use many, one
missile is sufficient to set them straight,’ Mikhail Aleksandrov stated. `As
of the base in Akhalkalaki, the base is closer to the border of Armenia and
there we have a base in Gyumri. Thus, from the territory of that base an air
bridge to the territory of the base in Akhalkalaki should be organized. What
choice will the Georgians have then? Either to launch open hostilities,
starting to shaking down our aircraft – in response we will have to hit a
few times to bring them to their senses. Either they will have to put up
with the air bridge and then the situation will remain in a critical state
for a few months. Then a few months of crisis may keep here, and then they
will make a decision to all appearance, as they will understand that they
have not achieved anything by blackmailing and threats and they will have to
compromise, which had been suggested to them,’ he summed up.

Posible apertura de frontera turco-armenia en 2005

Agence France Presse — Spanish
May 13, 2005 Friday 1:42 AM GMT

Posible apertura de frontera turco-armenia en 2005 (primer ministro

EREVAN Mayo 12

El primer ministro armenio, Andranik Margarian, consideró el jueves
que es posible normalizar las relaciones entre Turquía y Armenia y
abrir la frontera entre los dos países antes de finales de 2005.

“La situación actual es completamente favorable a la normalización de
las relaciones entre nuestros países. De aquí a finales de año hay
que hacer lo necesario para permitir la apertura de las fronteras y
el establecimiento de relaciones diplomáticas”, declaró el jefe del
gobierno armenio durante una conferencia de prensa en Erevan.

Turquía cerró su frontera con Armenia en 1993 por solidaridad con
Azerbaiyán, cuya provincia de Karabaj, de mayoría armenia, pasó bajo
control de Erevan.

Turquía reconoció Armenia poco después de su independencia en 1991,
pero nunca ha establecido relaciones diplomáticas con esta ex
república soviética del Cáucaso debido a la polémica sobre el
genocidio del que se consideran víctimas los armenios y que Ankara se
niega a admitir.

Las matanzas y deportaciones de armenios durante el imperio otomano,
de 1915 a 1917, causaron 1,5 millón de muertos, según los armenios, y
entre 300.000 y 500.000, según los turcos.

Forcasts of economic development


| 20:36:45 | 12-05-2005 | Official |


Today Robert Kocharyan held a working meeting with Minister of Trade and
Economic Development Karen Chshmarityan.

The parties discussed the currency fluctuations and their influence upon
various branches of economy as well as the measures undertaken to prevent
economic shocks.

They also touched upon the development of tourism, economic development as
well as legislative initiatives for economy perfection.

Turkey should recognize Armenian Genocide for joining EU

Pan Armenian News


11.05.2005 03:44

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Turkey needs 15-20 years for joining the European Union,
French Foreign Minister Michel Barnier stated, Yerkir Online reports. In his
words, the official acknowledgement of the Armenian Genocide by Turkey is
essential for the EU membership. Turkey’s bid for the EU is not the issue of
today and not the issue of the referendum on the adoption of the European
Constitution to be held on May 29, but even if the membership negotiations
open in 15-20 years Turkey cannot joint the EU without acknowledging the
Armenian Genocide’, he noted adding that according to the French
Constitution a referendum on Turkey’s EU membership should be held anyway.
He also noted that that not the EU is aspired to joint Turkey but just on
the contrary.

Why Hitler is still Villain No. 1

WUnited Press International / Washington Times
May 9 2005

Why Hitler is still Villain No. 1

By Martin Sieff
UPI Senior News Analyst

Washington, DC, May. 9 (UPI) — President George W. Bush, Russian
President Vladimir Putin and around 50 other heads of state and
national leaders gathered in Moscow to celebrate Victory in Europe,
or VE-Day, Monday all agree that Adolf Hitler, the leader of the Nazi
Third Reich, was a definitive example of human evil: They are right.

The late Hans Schenk, professor of European thought at the University
of Oxford 35 years ago, had a very distinctive way of introducing the
study of Hitler in his tutorials on modern history. “Very well,
ladies and gentlemen, let us look at the monster,” he would say.

More than 60 years after his death, it is this larger than life,
almost supernatural, intensity of malignant hatred that remains the
most distinctive and disquieting aspect of the life of Adolf Hitler.
At least two other tyrants of the century arguably were responsible
for the deaths of more people — Soviet dictator Josef Stalin and
Chinese leader Mao Zedong. But those often-quoted statistics are

Even if one takes the highest imaginable totals for the number of
Soviet citizens who died during Stalin’s dictatorship, a vast number
of them died because of Hitler’s Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union,
which killed 27 million Soviet citizens alone. Or they perished
because of the stupidity of Stalin’s policies, such as the starving
to death of up to 10 million Ukrainian peasants in the great
collectivization of the late 1920s and early 1930s.

In Mao’s case, he does not appear to have wanted the 25 to 30 million
people who starved to death during his 1958-61 Great Leap Forward to
have died. He really thought that his bizarre policies would
immediately enable China to outstrip the Soviet Union and even the
United States in industrial power.

But there is no doubt that Hitler wanted the 6 million Jews, well
over a million Poles, 27 million Soviet citizens and possibly 2
million Yugoslav citizens that he slaughtered to die. In his last
hours of life, he lamented that he had been too merciful to the
German people whom he ruled and that he had not made a more thorough
job of slaughtering more of them.

Hitler enjoyed full power for only 12 years. Stalin ruled with full
power for a quarter of a century, more than twice as long. And Mao
misruled China for more than 27 years. But Hitler killed far more
people per year than either of his rivals for “worst villain” did.
And he was far more thorough in slaughtering his chosen targets.

Also, Hitler’s definitions of races and classes of people to be
denied the right to life were far more sweeping than either of his
rivals. Far more than even Stalin or Mao, Hitler scorned the very
concepts of love and mercy. His contempt for Christianity was almost
as great as his hatred of the Jews.

These chilling aspects of Hitler’s thought are widely overlooked or
ignored even now. But some of the most eminent leaders and scholars
of his own time recognized them very well.

The great German historian Friedrich Meinecke in his classic 1946
work “The German Catastrophe” described Hitler and Nazism as the
eruption of the daemonic into world history on a hitherto
unprecedented scale.

Britain’s wartime Prime Minister Winston Churchill called Hitler the
repository of the most malignant and corrosive hatreds ever to be
contained in a human breast.

And Schenk, a devout Czech democrat and Roman Catholic Christian who
had escaped Hitler’s reach, used to say of Lord Alan Bullock’s
classic biography of Hitler that it was “excellent, but flawed. It
failed to grasp the demonic dimensions of the man.”

Hitler certainly did not invent the modern concept of racial genocide.
He did not pioneer its use by the bureaucracy of a powerful modern
state. That dark distinction belonged to the Young Turk regime that
ran the Ottoman Empire through World War I. The Young Turks even
called their attempt to annihilate the Armenian people, their “Final
Solution of the Armenian Problem.”

But Hitler eagerly adopted and improved such pioneering work by
others. Even Stalin and Mao never applied on the same scale the
principles of sadism and torture which the Nazis, inspired by Hitler,
applied to their victims.

Churchill was well aware of the distinction. In confidential
conversations with some of his top advisers while serving as wartime
prime minister, he drew a distinction between the principles of
communism which, he felt, was doomed to collapse because it ran so
strongly in the face of human nature, and those of Nazism.

Nazism, Churchill believed, was a far more sinister and threatening
ideology because it did not deny basic human needs and emotions, but
catered to and magnified the darkest impulses among them. That was
why, in one of his classic speeches, he warned that, if Britain and
its allies lost the great conflict, the entire world could be plunged
“into a new dark age, made more sinister and, perhaps, more
protracted by … a perverted science.”

The dark architect of this astonishingly effective and thorough
assault on two and half thousand years of moral monotheistic
civilization in the Western world remains a strangely elusive figure,
despite the thousands of biographies and studies that have been done
of him. The more scholars attempt sophisticated or rational
explanations for his policies and strategies, the more they seem to
stumble before the obvious scale of the suffering he inflicted and
the hatreds he unleashed.

The intellectual Hannah Arendt coined the phrase “banality of evil”
to describe the real nature of Nazi crimes. It was a term Hitler and
Churchill, for very different reasons, would both have rejected with
amused contempt. For Hitler did not want his evil to be banal.

A lifelong, passionate admirer of the grand operas of Richard Wagner,
whence he claimed much of his inspiration, he did his utmost to cast
his most outrageous deeds in a heroic, superhuman and garish light.
And he bequeathed this propensity for extraordinary artistic excess
to his entire movement.

Nazi storm troopers goose-stepped wearing thigh-high leather boots.
Nazi Junkers Ju-87 Stuka dive-bombers were equipped with sirens to
terrify their victims before blasting them with high explosive bombs.
After the war was won, a monumental architecture was planned for
Berlin to obliterate all the centuries of human-scale experience that
had gone before. The ancient cathedrals and other Christian holy
places of Europe were to be dwarfed and humiliated into irrelevance.

Meinecke was right. Hitler’s meteoric rise to the status of conqueror
of entire continents is a cautionary tale for the ages on how easily
scores of millions of human beings can have their emotions
manipulated and distorted to carry out the most horrendous of crimes.

All too many other outrages recorded in the same century shows that
this mass propensity toward the taking of life and the inflicting of
torments on millions of fellow human beings is not some unique moral
failing of the German people. It is common to all humanity.

This is why Hitler, far more even than Stalin, or Mao, or any of the
other monstrous figures of the 20th century, serves to
single-handedly embody and exemplify the crimes of them all. He
showed what all of humanity could be capable of if the hard-won moral
wisdom of the great religious traditions, or the careful balances of
stable political systems, were lost.

He showed what happened when all the restraints on the darkest human
emotions were swept away and the beasts within were unleashed. No
pretense at banality can undo the memory of that loss of innocence.
To deny him his contemptible stature would be a further dishonor to
the tens of millions he killed without regret or remorse. Bush, Putin
and the other world leaders were right to make this 60th anniversary
of VE-Day such a special occasion. Hitler remains Villain No. 1: No
one else comes close.

The relations President-NA-Government according to the ….


| 17:57:51 | 06-05-2005 | Politics |

“The members of the RA Government and the Prime Minister must be
RA citizens. The citizens of other countries cannot take these
posts”. This was the explanation of United Labor Party head Gourgen
Arsenyan about their own draft in the NA.

With the offer of the latter member of the party Grigor Ghonjeyan
represented the mechanisms of checks and balances represented in
their draft. According to the ULP draft, the President of the country
is elected by direct elections. According to Ghonjeyan, there is no
Institute of Arbiter in the draft, but these authorizations are given
to the President. That is, when a branch of the power ceases to act
normally, the President interferes and makes a decision.

According to the draft the Prime Minister is elected by the NA. But if
the Parliament fails to come to a political agreement the President
appoints the Prime Minister within 5 days. The ULP offers for the NA
to appoint and resign members of the Government but as an exception
the President can resign the Ministers of Defense and Foreign Affairs.

In the preliminary variant of ULP 4 bases were offered which referred
to the dissolution of the NA by the President. The Committee did not
like the fact that the President could dissolve the Parliament if the
latter did not resin the Prime Minister by the offer of the President.

Right away Grigor Ghonjeyan is representing the chapter of the judicial
power of the ULP draft constitution.

Moldova, Armenia presidents meet on sidelines of CIS summit

Moldova, Armenia presidents meet on sidelines of CIS summit

ITAR-TASS News Agency
May 8, 2005 Sunday 8:02 AM Eastern Time


The presidents of Moldova and Armenia – Vladimir Voronin and Robert
Kocharyan – held a bilateral meeting on the sidelines of the informal
CIS summit in Moscow on Sunday.

Voronin and Kocharyan discussed some aspects of bilateral cooperation,
a source at the press service of the Moldovan head of state told

MOSCOW: Kyrgyz leader offers idle plants to Russia in return for deb

Kyrgyz leader offers idle plants to Russia in return for debts

ITAR-TASS news agency
8 May 05

Moscow, 8 May: Russian President Vladimir Putin has met acting Kyrgyz
President [and Prime Minister] Kurmanbek Bakiyev.

The Russian president thanked the guest for coming for the celebrations
of the 60th anniversary of Victory Day. “It is our common holiday. We
all, the CIS leaders, note this and it is very pleasing to me that
you are representing the Kyrgyz people at the celebrations,” the
Russian president said.

Bakiyev suggested discussing first of all economic issues at the
meeting. “We should discuss the issues that are above all very
important for the economy,” Bakiyev said.

He suggested “once again returning” to the discussion of issues
concerning Kyrgyz industrial enterprises which, he said, were
standing idle.

“I will probably prepare the list of enterprises if you agree,”
Bakiyev said, having in mind the transfer of a number of Kyrgyz
enterprises to Russia to pay off its debt.

“We had a similar agreement with Armenia, too,” Putin said.

In Bakiyev’s view, this is “very important for the Kyrgyz economy”
since these enterprises are “not being used”.

Putin also said that the work of the Russian-Kyrgyz intergovernmental
commission should be stepped up.