Journalists and public servants unaware of law on freedom of Info



YEREVAN, APRIL 27, ARMENPRESS: A non-governmental organization, called
Team and Armenia’s Public Service Council have organized a seminar for press
secretaries of government agencies to raise their knowledge of the Law on
Freedom of Information.
According to Ashot Melikian, the head of Committee for Protection of
Freedom of Speech, provisions of this law are not fully applied in Armenia
and neither journalists nor public servants are aware of them.
Avet Demurian, the chairman of Team, said similar seminars will be
conducted also for public servants in regions.
Ashot Melikian said officials who are supposed to disseminate information
about government agencies’ activities very often appear to be the main
obstacle, avoiding provision of information that may harm their agencies’
Melikian went on to argue that public servants have to realize that
journalists fulfill their official duties, which is to provide diverse
information to public, but not advertise this or that agency.

Trying to limit the independence of the ombudsman


| 17:15:51 | 27-04-2005 | Politics |


«I don’t know why Mr. Petrosyan informed us about his being busy by means of
the press», announced the surprise Gagik Haroutyunyan today and promised
that during the next Constitutional Court session Rafik Petrosyan, head of
the NA Standing Committee on State and Legal affairs will apologize.

Mr. Petrosyan was invited to the Constitutional Court to take part in the
discussion of the correspondence of the RA Constitution to the article 7
part 1 second paragraph of the Law on the Defender of Human Rights adopted
by the NA in 2003.

It is stipulated by the mentioned paragraph that «The defender is not
authorized to interfere with a court procession. He can demand information
about any court affair and represent offers to the court guaranteeing the
defense of the rights of the citizens».

Because of Mr. Petrosyan’s absence the Constitutional Court postponed the
discussion of the issue till May 6 10:00 a.m.

Turks protest Schwarzenegger Armenian genocide statement

Turks protest Schwarzenegger Armenian genocide

The Associated Press

ANKARA, Turkey – A Turkish group uniting hundreds of businesses and
organizations demanded Tuesday that Arnold Schwarzenegger’s movies be
banned from Turkish television to protest the California governor’s
use of the term genocide to describe the massacre of Armenians by
Turks during World War I.

Schwarzenegger, a former actor best known for his role in “The
Terminator,” declared April 24 a “Day of Remembrance of the Armenian
Genocide.” California has one of the largest populations of diaspora

Other California governors have issued annual proclamations referring
to the killings as a genocide, but last week Schwarzenegger also
signed legislation to permanently mark the day.

An umbrella organization grouping some 300 Ankara-based associations,
unions and businesses and led by the Ankara Chamber of Commerce said
it launched a petition to have the governor’s films banned in Turkey.

“We condemn and protest movie star Arnold Schwarzenegger, who declared
April 24 a day to commemorate the Armenian genocide and accused Turks
of genocide by acting under the influence of the Armenian lobby, and
without researching historical truths,” read a statement from Sinan
Aygun, head of Ankara Chamber of Commerce.

“We don’t want his films shown in Turkey,” said the statement.

Armenia says up to 1.5 million Armenians died or were killed as part
of a genocidal campaign to force them out of eastern Turkey. Turkey
acknowledges that large numbers of Armenians died, but says the
overall figure is inflated and that the deaths occurred in civil
unrest during the collapse of the Ottoman Empire.

Margita Thompson, Schwarzenegger’s spokeswoman, said the governor’s
proclamation speaks for itself. The boycott of his movies was a
freedom of expression and his office was not going to comment on it,
she said.

Ergun Kirlikovali, spokesman for the American Turkish Association of
Southern California, said that while prior governors have signed the
same resolution – there is a new effort among Turks to express their
side of the story.

“Turks everywhere are drawing the line,” said Kirlikovali. “Turkish
silence on this has been misinterpreted as Turkish guilt. We’re saying
we have our story to tell, please listen to us.”

Kirlikovali said the Turkish people are particularly upset with
Schwarzenegger, whom they believed was “one of our guys,” because of
his Austrian ancestry.

“He turned around and stabbed us in the back,” Kirlikovali said.

California state Sen. Chuck Poochigian, R-Fresno, author of the
legislation permanently marking the day of remembrance, said the
Turkish government continues to ignore the incident.

“With growing attempts to revise the historical record of this period
and denial of truth by the Turkish government, it’s vitally important
that false depictions of the tragedies of the genocide are rejected,”
he said in a statement.

Jet Airways to fly Mumbai to London

Jet Airways to fly Mumbai to London
By Roger Bray

April 27 2005 18:08

Jet Airways plans to start daily flights from Mumbai to Heathrow on
May 23. It will use Airbus A340-300 aircraft, leased from South
African Airways, with 231 seats in economy and 38 in a premium cabin.

The inaugural flight will take place one week after the launch of UK
airline bmi’s new service to Mumbai, which will operate four times a
week from Heathrow. Last week British Airways announced a significant
expansion of its flights to India, starting later this year. Its plans
include a new service to Bangalore and more services to Mumbai,
Chennai and Delhi.

Four Seasons opens hotel in Qatar

Four Seasons, the Toronto-based hotel group, has opened a five-star
hotel in Qatar. The 232-room property is close to the government,
commercial and shopping areas of Doha. It claims the city’s most
extensive meeting facilities and has a private beach, a 110-berth
marina, pools, a spa, squash courts and outdoor clay tennis courts.

On Sunday another five-star hotel will open in Jakarta, the Indonesian
capital. The 333-room Ritz-Carlton is in the Mega Kuningan district,
13 miles from the city’s international airport. The property will
incorporate a 1,600 sq m ballroom and 25 smaller meeting rooms.

Swiss International to stop meal fares

Swiss International Air Lines is to stop charging economy class
passengers for food on European flights. The decision is scheduled to
take effect on May 25. It follows the takeover of Swiss by Lufthansa,
which has consistently offered free food across its network and in all
cabins. The carrier began charging for meals in August 2003.

Meanwhile, Lufthansa is to expand its east Europe network. In early
June it will launch services from Munich to Tbilisi and Yerevan,
respective capitals of Georgia and Armenia, and Timisoara in Romania.

Virgin Blue will show live television

Passengers flying on Virgin Blue, the low-cost Australian airline,
will soon be able to watch live television broadcasts. They will have
a choice of 24 satellite channels. On-board equipment will be provided
by LiveTV, a subsidiary of New York-based carrier JetBlue. LiveTV will
equip 51 Virgin Blue Boeing 737s, starting in the third quarter of
this year.

Dutch monastery is now a luxury hotel

A former monastery in the Dutch city of Maastricht has been converted
into a luxury hotel. The project is the brainchild of Camille
Oostwegel, a Limburg hotelier. Scheduled to open on Sunday, the hotel
will have 60 rooms and suites with laptop connections, and three
boardroom style meeting rooms. It will be a member of Design Hotels,
the Berlin-based marketing consortium.

Hilton aims to ease respiratory woes

Rooms equipped for guests who suffer from respiratory complaints or
allergies are being tested at the Hilton hotel at Chicago’s O’Hare
airport. The experiment is being conducted with the help of a local
company that specialises in improving indoor air quality.

Several rooms have been completely refitted to minimise guests’
exposure to dust, spores and chemicals, and head off adverse
reactions. A new air purification system has also been installed.

Erstes Denkmal in Deutschland fur den Volkermord in Armenien…

taz, die tageszeitung
25. April 2005

Erstes Denkmal in Deutschland für den Völkermord in Armenien enthüllt
(First monument in Germany for Armenian genocide unveiled)


Ein im armenischen Jerewan gefertigter Khatchkar, ein traditioneller
Kreuzstein, steht seit gestern auf dem kleinen Platz zwischen der
Gustav-Deetjen-Allee und der Parkstraße unweit des AWD-Domes. Es ist
der erste in Deutschland aufgestellte Gedenkstein, der an die
Ermordung von 1,5 Millionen ArmenierInnen in der osmanischen Türkei
vor 90 Jahren erinnert. Bürgermeister Henning Scherf (SPD) hielt eine
Gedenkansprache, der armenische Gemeindepfarrer aus Berlin Vardabet
Serovpe segnete den Stein.
Die Stiftung Armenisches Kulturerbe, die das Mahnmal initiiert hat,
will es als “Mahnung gegen jegliche Art von Völkermord” verstanden
wissen. Darüber hinaus nehme der Bremer Gedenkstein die Anerkennung
des Massakers in Armenien als Völkermord “faktisch vorweg”. Der
Bundestag hatte bei seiner Debatte vor wenigen Tagen auf ebenjene
formale Anerkennung ausdrücklich verzichtet – um die Beziehungen mit
der Türkei nicht zu sehr zu belasten. ()
Foto: Indra Wegener

S. Sargsian: Turkey will not be admitted to EU w/o acknowledgement

Pan Armenian News


24.04.2005 03:47

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ 18 countries recognizing the Armenian Genocide is an
achievement of Armenian diplomacy, Secretary of the Security Council at the
Armenian President Serge Sargsian told journalists today. In his opinion,
Turkey will not be admitted to the European Union without acknowledgement of
the Armenian Genocide, as a range of European countries have recognized and
censured the Armenian Genocide. `Finally, Turkey should itself ponder over
it.’ S. Sargsian stated. It should be reminded that the Parliament of 15
countries have acknowledged the Armenian Genocide. The Genocide is
considered a fact and is censured by a number of UN and PACE commissions, as
well as 32 out of the 50 US states. 19 April 2005 the Polish Sejm
acknowledged the fact of the commitment of the Armenian Genocide in Ottoman
Turkey. At present a similar document is under consideration by the German

Armenians of Syktyvkar to commemorate Genocide victims

Pan Armenian News


23.04.2005 05:36

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Armenians living in Syktyvkar will commemorate the victims
of the Genocide. April 24 an action marking the 90-th anniversary of the
Armenian Genocide in Ottoman Turkey will be held in the City Center for
National Cultures, Komiinform reported. Those gathered will commemorate
millions of the victims of the Genocide of 1915 with a minute of silence.
They will lay flowers to the model of the Genocide Victims Obelisk. Komi
Head Vladimir Torlopov, Speaker of the State Council of the Republic Ivan
Kulakov, Minister of Culture and National Policy of the Region Maria
Kuzbozheva are expected to take part in the event. According to the census
of the population 2.1 thousand Armenians lived in Komi in 2002, 685 out of
them – in the capital.

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“Die Türkei muß Genozid anerkennen”Turkey must recognize the Genocide

” Die Türkei muß Genozid anerkennen”

Interview mit Armeniens Außenminister Oskanjan
von Aschot Manutscharjan

DIE WELT: Vor 90 Jahren, am 24. April 1915, begann der Genozid an den Armeniern
in der Osmanischen Türkei. Wie beurteilen Sie heute dieses Verbrechen?

Wardan Oskanjan: Es war der Beginn der schrecklichsten Kapitel in der Geschichte
des 20. Jahrhunderts. Aus politischen Motiven wollte ein Staat ein ganzes Volk
gezielt ausrotten. Die Jungtürkische Regierung versuchte im Schatten des Ersten
Weltkrieges, sich von der sogenannten armenischen Frage “zu befreien”. Die
Armenier wollten indes nichts anderes, als in ihrer historischen Heimat frei zu
leben. Im Zuge des Völkermordes wurden 1,5 Millionen Armenier getötet,
Hunderttausende mußten aus ihren historischen Siedlungsgebieten fliehen.

DIE WELT: Warum vergessen die Armenier den Genozid nicht einfach?

Oskanjan: Fast jede armenische Familie hat Opfer zu beklagen. Es ist unsere
moralische Pflicht, unsere ermordeten Familienangehörigen nicht zu vergessen.
Gleichzeitig erinnern wir uns an unsere Geistlichen, Intellektuellen,
Politiker – an alle, die ausgerottet wurden. Vor allem wollen wir jedoch, daß
den Opfern wie den Nachgeborenen Gerechtigkeit widerfährt. Bis heute wird der
Völkermord ausgerechnet in dem Land nicht verurteilt, wo er beschlossen und
exekutiert wurde. Allein schon aus juristischen Gründen fordern wir, daß der Tod
der Ermordeten nachträglich registriert wird und die Verbrecher benannt werden.

DIE WELT: Ist die Anerkennung des Völkermords eine Vorbedingung für die Aufnahme
diplomatischer Beziehungen mit Ankara?

Oskanjan: Nein. Umgekehrt erwarten wir von der Türkei, daß sie uns ebenfalls
keine Vorbedingungen stellt. Im übrigen wird in der Türkei bis heute derjenige
strafrechtlich verfolgt, der den Begriff “Völkermord” im Zusammenhang mit dem
Völkermord an den Armeniern auch nur erwähnt.

DIE WELT: Warum streben Sie eine internationale Anerkennung des Genozids an?

Oskanjan: Die Armenier trauern nicht mehr allein um ihre Ermordeten. Die ganze
Welt erinnert sich inzwischen mit uns an dieses Verbrechen gegen die Menschheit.
Armenien wird den 90. Jahrestag des Beginns des Völkermords unter dem Motto
“Verhindern, Anerkennung und Erinnerung an die Opfer” begehen. Denn wir wollen
die universale Bedeutung des Verbrechens betonen. Uns geht es um die
kompromißlose Ächtung eines jeden Versuchs, ein Volk zu vernichten.
Internationale Institutionen, darunter das Europäische Parlament, haben die
Türkei aufgefordert, sich ihrer Geschichte zu stellen und sich mit der eigenen
Vergangenheit offensiv auseinanderzusetzen. Die schwarzen Seiten der türkischen
Geschichte bleiben virulent, solange sich die Türken nicht mit ihnen aussöhnen.
Dabei sollten sie denselben Mut aufbringen wie die Deutschen, die sich ihrer
Vergangenheit gestellt haben.

DIE WELT: Wie schätzen Sie die Bereitschaft der Türkei ein, den Völkermord
offiziell anzuerkennen?

Oskanjan: Inzwischen handelt es sich auch um einen Faktor der türkischen
Innenpolitik. Die Haltung und die allgemeine Bewertung von Völkermorden sagt
viel aus über das politische Wertesystem einer Gesellschaft. Es gibt erste
Anzeichen dafür, daß einige türkische Intellektuelle offen über die Tatsache des
Völkermords an den Armeniern sprechen und ihre Gesellschaft auffordern, für das
Verbrechen die Verantwortung zu übernehmen. Ich achte den Mut dieser Personen,
die versuchen, einen Weg für Versöhnung zu finden. Es ist ein wichtiges Signal,
das vor allem an die türkische Regierung gerichtet ist. Wir sind bereit, unseren
Teil der Strecke zu gehen. Wir warten bis heute, daß uns jemand entgegenkommt.

DIE WELT: Sollte Ankara vor Aufnahme von EU-Beitrittsverhandlungen den Genozid

Oskanjan: Der Beitrittsprozeß der Türkei zur EU kann zu Erfolgen in den
armenisch-türkischen Beziehungen führen, insbesondere was die Öffnung der Grenze
und die Anerkennung des Völkermords betrifft. Tatsache ist aber, daß die EU
Beitrittsverhandlungen mit einem Staat aufnehmen will, der seit mehr als einem
Jahrzehnt die Grenze nach Armenien blockiert und für deren Öffnung unannehmbare
Bedingungen stellt. Im Vergleich zu anderen EU-Beitrittskandidaten ist die
Türkei nicht reif, diese Verhandlungen zu führen. Wir sind beunruhigt, daß die
EU im Fall Türkei eine rein politische Entscheidung fällen wird.

DIE WELT: Was erwarten Sie von Brüssel?

Oskanjan: Wir hoffen, daß die Europäer die Türkei auf die Notwendigkeit
hinweisen, daß sie den ersten Völkermord des 20. Jahrhunderts offiziell
anerkennen muß. Zudem muß die EU deutlich machen, daß Grenzblockaden und die
Leugnung eines Genozids den Werten widersprechen, mit denen sich Europa in der
Welt präsentiert.

Die Fragen stellte Aschot Manutscharjan.

Artikel erschienen am Mi, 20. April 2005

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Nagornyy Karabakh Republic [NKR],Arkadiy Gukasyan,leader says Armeni

Nagornyy Karabakh Republic [NKR], Arkadiy Gukasyan,leader says
Armenia not to make concessions on Karabakh

Noyan Tapan news agency
21 Apr 05

Yerevan, 21 April: Since Azerbaijan is not talking about concessions,
Armenia should not make them, the president of the Nagornyy Karabakh
Republic [NKR], Arkadiy Gukasyan, has told journalists. He regarded
it pointless to talk about mutual concessions as long as Azerbaijan
did not display a constructive approach to this issue. Azerbaijan
thinks that the international community should give Karabakh to
Azerbaijan on a silver tray. Now that there is no Soviet Union,
there are the NKR and the Azerbaijani Republic. The situation has
changed and Azerbaijan should reconcile itself to this.

The security of Karabakh reduces to the resolution of the status
issue. Security cannot be ensured without the resolution of the
status issue. “We repeatedly stated that we support the package
option for the resolution of the issue, i.e. all issues should be
tackled simultaneously and the most important problem is the status
issue. If the status issue is not resolved, it is very difficult for
me to imagine the security situation,” the NKR president said.

He also said that the problem could not be resolved without the
involvement of Karabakh. “If Azerbaijan is against Karabakh’s
involvement, it means that it is not interested in the settlement
of the conflict,” Gukasyan said. He did not agree that the Armenian
authorities had softened their position on the Karabakh issue. “I
reckon that this issue will be definitely resolved by the Armenian and
Karabakh people.” As for the Armenian authorities, their position is
not a defeatist one today either. They want to be more constructive
than the Azerbaijani authorities.

Speaking about Azerbaijani troops advancing on the contact line,
Gukasyan pointed out that this had always been happening. But this
is dangerous because it contains a threat in itself. He said that
the Karabakh authorities had asked the co-chairmen of the OSCE
Minsk Group to clearly fix the contact line and strictly condemn
the violators. Gukasyan recalled that back during the war, when the
Armenian side had no planes and Azerbaijanis bombed Armenian villages,
they also appealed to the co-chairmen. However, the latter only called
on the two sides to refrain from bombing each other’s territories. He
noted that at least this time equalization should be avoided.

Gukasyan also denied rumours that there had been 30-40 casualties on
the Armenian side over the last two months. He said that there were
unfortunately casualties but no more than one or two people in a month.

“I am regarding it our duty to conduct exemplary elections since
this will convince the international community that Karabakh can be
independent,” the NKR president said.

Asked whether [Nagornyy Karabakh’s former Defence Minister] Samvel
Babayan would run in the parliamentary election, he said that he did
not see any problem for that. He expressed his confidence that the most
legitimate elections in the former Soviet Union were held in Karabakh,
be it presidential, parliamentary or local government elections.

“The [latest] presidential elections had been held at a very high
level. If parliamentary elections [due on 19 June] are held at the
same level, then everything will be normal,” the NKR president said.
Gukasyan, who has been the Karabakh president for 10 years, said that
he was not going to move to Armenia and would stay in Karabakh.

“If we settle our relations with Turkey and Azerbaijan, we will
find answers to all pressing problems and it will be easy for us to
resolve the Karabakh problem. We lack confidence in each other the
most, which prevents us from finding a political solution. Since we
will always remain neighbours with Turkey and Azerbaijan, it would
be natural for us to understand each other,” Gukasyan said.

Quote Of The Day


Polish News Bulletin
Apr 22, 2005

If Turkey does not recognise the massacre of the Armenians in 1915
as genocide, then Armenia has the right to demand that the EU reject
Turkey’s accession bid.

Former President Lech Walesa, at a conference held in the Armenian
capital of Yerevan.