International Pressure On Turkey In Issue To Admit Armenian Genocide


YEREVAN, APRIL 20. ARMINFO. The international pressure on Turkey in
the issue to admit the Armenian Genocide is not strong enough. Tessa
Hoffman, Professor of Berlin’s Freie University told ARMINFO.

According to her, no state, who has perpetrated a genocide, does
not confess to the crime until the international community applies
compulsory measures against it. Germany suffered just such a pressing,
when it admitted the Holocaust. Speaking of the draft resolution
on Armenian Genocide, which was recently discussed in Bundestag,
the scientist mentioned that the initiators of the draft resolution
do not aim to condemn Turkey. According to them, they use terms,
by which German diplomats – witnesses of the events of those times,
describes the Armenian Genocide. “But I’m not sure of the correctness
of selection of words, as German ambassadors and advisors used very
clear language, despite the fact that those times the term “genocide”
was not in use. They used the words and , whereas the draft resolution
speaks of and. The international community mist use exact language for
right qualification of the events. There is a big difference between
the words and. But it was genocide, and the German government is
informed of it rather well, and today the legislators are not in
debt to the Armenian diaspora, Turkish diaspora living in Germany,
as well as to Turkey”, the scientist mentioned.

According to Hoffman, it is not quite right to call on Turkey to
revise the facts of own historiography and try to make it to criticize
its past, avoiding clear definition of events. Germany and Turkey
had specially close allies relations during the World War I. In its
turn, Germany directly benefitted by the Armenian Genocide, using the
Armenian human potential as slave power for unskilled labour. “Armenian
people, including the children, bore the cargos of damaged railway
lines, which linked the main towns with the front during the war,
fulfilling the function of railway cars”, Hoffman stressed.

The scientist mentioned that the adoption of the draft resolution
does not mean yet Germany’s recognizing the Armenian Genocide. She
reminded that the initiative will be considered by the parliamentary
commission for foreign affairs, then will again be put on the agenda
of the sittings of the parliament and a final decision will be made
regarding that before the summer holiday.

Good treatment of Armenians – Stimulus….


Pan Armenian News
20.04.2005 07:40

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Armenian President Robert Kocharian yesterday met
with Deputy Chief of the Federal Security Service (FSS) of Russia,
Chief of the Frontier Department of the Russian FSS colonel general
Vladimir Pronichev, reported the Press Service of the Armenian
leader. In the course of the meeting the parties discussed issues
of joint service of border protection. Robert Kocharian said he was
satisfied with the current level and prospects of development of the
cooperation. In his turn, Vladimir Pronichev noted that Armenians
have treated Russian frontier guards in the past and today, which is
a good stimulus for the guards’ work.

ANKARA: ‘Turkish Parliament should Make Armenian Issue National Poli

‘Turkish Parliament should Make Armenian Issue National Policy’
By Anadolu News Agency (aa)

Zaman, Turkey
April 20 2005

The Turkish Institute of History (TTK) President Professor
Yusuf Halacoglu said in regard to the so-called Armenian genocide
allegations that: “Parliament has to remove this issue from certain
political discourses and make it a national policy. It has to think
about the issue, every detail of it, along with the psychological
dimension. Otherwise, nothing can be achieved.”

Professor Halacoglu gave a speech within the framework of a
series of conferences titled “The Armenian Issue in the Light of
Science” organized by Uludag University (UU) with the support of
some non-government organizations (NGOs). Halacoglu expressed that
the so-called Armenian genocide allegations have not appeared with
the European Union (EU); however, there is an understanding almost
forcing Turkey to accept the “Treaty of Sevres” that has started to
dominate the EU process. The Professor urged that the best response
against this sort of mentality is to provide detailed information
to the entire Turkish society regarding the issue. He noted
that insignificant studies were conducted regarding the so-called
Armenian genocide allegations in Turkey until recent years and said:
“Extremely serious studies have been undertaken in this field for
the last four or five years. One of the main reasons for this are
some of the problems that Turkey has been obliged to face. What are
the reasons that the so-called Armenian genocide allegations are
based upon? Did the so-called genocide that is suggested in these
allegations really occur or what really did happen? We have tried to
search for answers to these questions. What westerners and Armenians
diasporas claim was that “Turkey wiped clean the Ottoman archives;
therefore, these archives have no reliability. Documents that prove
the genocide were either hidden or destroyed.” The structure of the
Ottoman archives; however, prevents this situation from occurring,
because copies of a decision that was made at the center, that is
the capital, were sent to the provinces during the Ottoman era.”

Nagorno Karabakh President Arrived In Yerevan


Pan Armenian News
19.04.2005 08:06

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Nagorno Karabakh President Arkady Ghukasian
arrived in Yerevan today to take part in the events dedicated to
the 90-th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, NKR Foreign Ministry
reported. Arkady Ghukasian is also expected to deliver a speech at
the conference entitled “Grave Crimes, Actual Challenges, Human Rights
and Genocide”.

Conference On Armenian Genocide To Be Held In Krasnodar


Pan Armenian News
19.04.2005 06:27

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The Chair of History of Ancient World and Middle
Ages of Kuban State University (KubSU) holds a conference titled
the Armenian Genocide: Humanitarian Comprehension of the Tragedy of
the 21-st Century, reported the Yerkramas newspaper of Armenians
of Russia. The event marks the 90-th anniversary of the Armenian
Genocide in Ottoman Turkey. Among the participants of the conference
are representatives of national and cultural, religious societies,
Krasnodar scientific and educational institutions, as well as all
those wishing to take part in it. The conference will start with
a joint payer by Christian, Muslim and Judaic clergy. World War I
and the Armenian Genocide in Turkey: the Cultural Aspect, Armenians
of Western Armenia in 1915, Anthology by Valery Bryusov within the
Context of the Tragic Events in Armenia, Foreign Historiography of
the Genocide of 1915, the National Issue in the Ideology of Armenian
Political Parties of Early 20-th Century, and other reports will be
made. I Accuse documentary on the Armenian Genocide in Turkey, shot
by Yerkir Media TV Company will also be screened. The conference will
finish with a round table, as well as adoption of a resolution.

Week of Remembrance in the City of Glendale: Annual CommemorativeEve

Week of Remembrance in the City of Glendale

Annual Commemorative Events

The City of Glendale (California)
Annual Commemorative Committee
April 19, 2005
Contact: Mr. John Takhtalian, Management Services
Phone: 818-548-4844


The following genocide commemorative events, which are part of the City
of Glendale’s 2005 Week of Remembrance, will take place throughout the
following week at various venues in Glendale, California. They are
co-sponsored by the City of Glendale, the Alex Theater, the Armenian
General Benevolent Union, Don Peterson – SNK Realty Group, City of
Glendale – Parks, Recreation & Community Services, City of Glendale –
Public Works, Glendale Water & Power, Glendale Unified School District,
Glendale News-Press, Glendale Association of Realtors, and Sidewalk Cafe.

1.) Panel Discussion on Three Films Depicting Genocide
Date: Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Time: 6:00 pm
Location: Glendale Central Library
Address: 222 E. Harvard Street, Glendale
Panelists Include: Mr. Dan Alba, Western Region Director of Facing
History and Ourselves; Ms. Julia Powell, Co-Producer of the
award-winning PBS Frontline Documentary, “Ghosts of Rwanda”; Mr. Vahe
Babaian, Screenwriter, Producer and Director.
Admission: Free and Open to the Public

2.) Armenian Genocide 90th Anniversary Commemoration
Date: Sunday, April 24, 2005
Time: 2:00 pm
Location: The Alex Theater
Address: 216 North Brand Blvd., Glendale
Keynote Speaker: Mr. Aram Saroyan (Poet, Novelist, Playwright, and Son
of William Saroyan)
Musical Performances by: Winds of Passion; Zvartnotz Dance Ensemble
Theatrical Performace by: The Cornerstone Theater Company, which
presents Leon Zaven Surmelian’s “I Ask You, Ladies and Gentlemen.”
Admission: Free on a first-come, first-serve basis. Pick up your free
ticket at the Alex Theater Box Office between now and 12:00 Noon on
Sunday, April 24.
Parking: Free validated parking is available specifically at the Orange
Street Parking Garage located at the corner of California Street and
Orange Street (enter from Orange). Parking tickets can be validated by
the House Manager in the Alex Theatre lobby.

3.) Repeat Performances of Surmelian’s “I Ask You, Ladies and Gentlemen”
will be offered by the Cornerstone Theater Company at the Alex Theater on:
— Tuesday, April 26, 2005 at 8:00 pm
— Wednesday, April 27, 2005 at 8:00 pm

For tickets to the Tuesday and Wednesday performances, please contact
The Alex Theater Box Office at (818-243-2611).

— A Synopsis on Surmelian’s “I Ask You, Ladies and Gentlemen”

Cornerstone Theater Company presents “I Ask You, Ladies and Gentlemen,”
written by Leon Z. Surmelian, adapted for the stage by
playwright-in-residence Yehuda Hyman, and directed by founding member
Christopher Liam Moore.

It is a true story of an Armenian orphan boy whose brave and poetic
spirit guides him through a tragic odyssey in his war-torn country and
propels him into a new life in America. History and literature come to
life, using text directly from Surmelian’s memoir about survival during
the Armenian genocide. Actor Ludwig Manukian and puppeteer Michelle
Zamora are accompanied by live music composed and performed by John
Bilezikjian; puppets and sets are by Lynn Jeffries, costumes by
Christopher Acebo, and lights by Lonnie Rafael Alcaraz.

Proceeds benefit The Leon & Zarmig Surmelian Foundation, which assists
orphans and needy students in Armenia and the Ukraine, the Middle East,
Asia, Africa, and America. Permission to adapt this work was granted by
the estate of Leon Z. Surmelian and executor Torcom Postajian.

Yehuda Hyman and Cornerstone Theater Company are participants in the
Theater Residency Program for Playwrights, a project of the National
Endowment for the Arts and Theatre Communication Group.

Running time is approximately 1 hour, and the performance is suitable
for ages 10 and older.

Genocide Issue Should Be Viewed On Political Level


Pan Armenian News
18.04.2005 07:01

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ It is time to speak of the recognition of theArmenian
Genocide in Ottoman Turkey on the political level, put forward the
objectives and press for the international discussion of this crime
as well as territorial and moral compensation”, Director of the
National Academy of Sciences Ashot Melkonian, who participated in the
international conference entitled “Genocide: reality and condemnation”,
stated, IA Regnum reports. In his words, the mission on the historical
level has been already accomplished. “After today’s conference we,
historians should not be present at any conference on Genocide summoned
by Turks. To date this approach is comprehended by the politicians”,
he said. When touching upon the proposal of Turkish Prime Minister
Recep Tayyip Erdogan on conduction of a joint investigation of the
events taken place in the Ottoman Empire at the beginning of the last
century Ashot Melkonian stated that we “have nothing to discuss and
prove.” “Tens of books containing documents from various archives
have been published recently in Armenian, Russian, Spanish, German,
French, English and even in Turkish. The Turkish party has not called
either of them in question. Whey Turks say that one of these documents
does not correspond to reality we will get involved in the scientific
dispute”, the professor said.

Tchgnavorian Back With a Program

AZG Armenian Daily #068, 16/04/2005

Armenian Genocide


Loris Tchgnavorian who has been absent from Armenia for 5 years now will
arrive in Yerevan with a special program for the 90th anniversary of the
Armenian Genocide. “Christ’s Life” midnight concert will open his program at
the Chamber Music Hall at 00:00, April 24. Sharakans (Armenian spiritual
music) in Tchgnavorian’s working will be performed by a male chorus. After
the concert, a procession of candle bearers will take its way to the
Monument of Genocide Victims. The chorus will sing “Morning Prayer”
sharakans of Nerses Shnorhali at the monument at sunrise.

The maestro informed about the coming events during a briefing at the Home
of Journalists yesterday. Loris Tchgnavorian, who considers himself only
half Western Armenian (his mother was from Erzrum and fled to Iran during
the Genocide and father was from Ashtarak), did not talk much but said that
since his sad childhood he had a sensitive attitude towards proscription.

His first composition dedicated to the Genocide was written in 1965 on the
50th anniversary and the third one will be an oratory on themes from the
Bible book of Revelation for the 100th anniversary. In several days, a
25-minut-long film issued in 1000 copies due to the maestro on historic
evidence of the Genocide accompanied with the music of “Havatamq” symphony
will be shown.

“Christ’s Life” oratory was first performed in London in 1975.

“Lucid choral performance of Armenian spiritual music in the quiet room of a
church. Loris Tchgnavorian’s ‘Christ’s Life’ presents 70 minutes of
wonderful experience”, Austrian Kronen Zeitung wrote.

By Melania Badalian

Students Getting Ready to Mark The 90th Anniversary

AZG Armenian Daily #067, 15/04/2005

Armenian Genocide


The Armenian youth will play a great part in organizing arrangements at the
threshold of the 90th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. Students from
several universities presented their programs on April 13. The All-Armenian
Youth Fund (AYF) will sponsor an electronic exhibition “Unblown Spring” on
April 23. Works dedicated to the Armenian Genocide in Ottoman Turkey in 1915
will be presented at the Yerevan State Architecture University and
afterwards they will be posted on the AYF website.

The arrangement is organized by the Yerevan State Architecture University,
Academy of Fine Arts, State Institute of Theatre and Cinema State
Engineering University and the Armenian-Russian State University. The
students of the Theatre and Cinema Institute will present a musical literary

Like last year, this year as well the AYF and students of the Architectural
University will organize an e-mail march sending genocide condemning
messages to representatives of countries that has not recognized the

Around 500 thousand students will march to Tsitsernakaberd, Monument to the
Genocide Victims, in 90 files symbolizing the anniversary. Besides the
anti-genocide posters, students will hoist banners numerated “1915”, “1916”,
“1917”… “2004”, “2005”, symbolizing the period of Turkey’s impunity.

On April 18 and 21, the State Academy of Fine Arts and the Armenian-Russian
University will put on an exhibition of materials connected with the

Astghik Avetisian, press secretary of All-Armenian Youth Fund, said that the
pilgrimage to the desert of Deir el-Zor was canceled due to technical

By Tamar Minasian

Gomidas Inst Publishes Second Uncensored Edition of “Blue Book”


LONDON, APRIL 13, NOYAN TAPAN. The Gomidas Institute announced the 2nd
edition of the uncensored edition of the 1916 British Parliamentary
Blue Book on the Armenian Genocide. “The recent denial of the Armenian
Genocide and the continuing attacks on the Blue Book by Turkish
officials has revived interest in this work,” said Ara Sarafian
(Gomidas Institute), who compiled the uncensored edition of the Blue
Book. “Until recently it was a mere reference work, but now it has
become a centrepiece of discussions.” Last month Turkish
Parliamentarians agreed to send a petition to the British Parliament
to protest against the 1916 work. According to the latest Turkish
press reports, the final text for the petition has been drafted for
the signature of 550 Turkish Parliamentarians. Prime Minister Tayyip
Erdogan has already indicated that this petition will be conveyed to
the British Houses of Parliament. According to Turkish Parliamentarians,
the British Blue Book was a wartime propaganda fabrication concocted
by British agents to tarnish the image of Ottoman Turkey and its
German allies. According to Ara Sarafian, an archival historian on the
Armenain Genocide, the 1916 work was a milestone in the understanding
of the Genocide and a creditworthy publication. The centrepiece of the
700 page work was a collection of informed accounts on the Genocide.

Most of these materials can still be found in various archives around
the world, most notably in the United States. The current uncensored
edition gives full citations for each of these reports. Some of the
most devastating materials were written by United States consuls in
the interior provinces of the Ottoman Empire. These materials, as the
uncensored edition of the Blue Book points out, were leaked to the
public by the State Department in Washington DC. “Deniers of the
Armenian Genocide refuse to acknowledge these documents as a matter of
course, because that is the nature of their work,” adds Sarafian. The
Gomidas Institute has recently published two other documentar! y
works r elated to the Armenian Genocide and the Blue Book. These are
“United States Official Records on the Armenian Genocide 1915-1917”
and “United States Diplomacy on the Bosphorus: The Diaries of
Ambassador Morgenthau, 1913-1916.” Both titles represent core United
States records on the Armenian Genocide, including reports which were
not leaked to the British by the Americans in 1915-16. Sarafian states
that the new moves by Turkish Parliamentarians will result in
embarassment, because the British parliamentary report stands up to
severe and honest scrutiny. The Gomidas Institute is an independent
centre of modern Armenian Studies, including the documentation of the
Armenian Genocide.