Armenian Church Endowment Fund welcomes new board member

Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern)
630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016
Contact: Jake Goshert, Coordinator of Information Services
Tel: (212) 686-0710 Ext. 60; Fax: (212) 779-3558
E-mail: [email protected]

March 9, 2005


By Florence Avakian

“The Armenian Church is the single most important institution providing
connection, community, and continuity to and among all Armenians.
Remarkably, this has been the case for more than a thousand years,” says
Gregory Parseghian, the newest member to join the Board of Directors of
the Armenian Church Endowment Fund (ACEF). “For me, the church is a
means by which to connect the best attributes of the history of the
Armenians to the promise of the future.”

During the December 2004 meeting of the ACEF Board of Directors,
Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate of the Diocese of the Armenian
Church of America (Eastern) and President of the ACEF Board of
Directors, officially welcomed Mr. Parseghian to the team that is doing
much to strengthen and support a variety of organizations and


Mr. Parseghian is an independent financial consultant in Washington,
D.C., and has established his own company, Parseghian Investment
Advisors. He is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, with a
bachelor’s degree in finance, and an MBA from the University’s Wharton
Business School. After graduation, he worked on Wall Street for 15
years at companies such as First Boston, Black Rock, and Salomon Bros.
He then relocated to Washington, D.C., where he was employed for 10
years by the Freddie Mac company.

Growing up in Philadelphia, he attended the St. Sahag and St. Mesrob
Church of Wynnewood, PA, where his mother was the organist, and he
served as an acolyte. In addition to being a leader at ACEF, he is also
a Fellow Trustee of the Armenian Assembly of America. Married with two
boys, he and his wife Christine (nee Tatarian), recently visited
Armenia, where they were impressed by the country’s economic development
and moved to give support to a variety of efforts.

“As a new board member of ACEF, I have been deeply impressed by the
professionalism of the staff and other members of the ACEF Board of
Directors,” Mr. Parseghian said. “The fund’s portfolio is well run, and
its purpose is clearly understood. I am optimistic that as the Armenian
community takes the time to examine the operation and critical
importance of ACEF, the level of contributions to the fund will grow. I
look forward to ACEF having the ability to fund a growing portion of the
church’s budget in future years.”


ACEF most recently distributed $2.7 million to 151 beneficiaries from
the endowment income generated by funds managed by the ACEF Board in
2003. This was an increase of $300,000 over the distribution of the
prior year.

Part of this increase is due to generous donations from individuals who
establish endowment funds with beneficiaries, including the Diocese,
local parishes, or other institutions.

“With the ongoing support of the funds invested in ACEF, the Diocese is
able to spend less time worrying about raising funds and to be more
focused on reaching Armenians with the Lord’s word,” the Primate states.

The extraordinary success of ACEF is due in large part to the decisions
made by its volunteer Board of Directors, under the chairmanship of
Kevork Hovnanian, the real estate developer and entrepreneur, and a
generous benefactor. For Mr. Parseghian, giving of his time and skills
to build the endowment fund to pay for future programs is a way to honor
the past.

“I can both honor the sacrifices made by my ancestors that gave me an
opportunity to succeed, and play a role in perpetuating the ability of
the church to be relevant to my children and grandchildren,” he said.

Mr. Parseghian joins current ACEF board members: vice chairman Alex
Dadourian, treasurer Gregory Zorthian, secretary Mark Gabrellian, and
members Haig Ariyan, Haig Dadourian, Haig Deranian, Karnig Durgarian,
Harry Keleshian, and Barbara Tellalian.

Through their collective finance management abilities and the help of
professional advisors, ACEF board members conservatively invest
contributions, with the donated principal remaining in the investment in
perpetuity. ACEF then ensures that the designated beneficiary group
receives a steady annual income from the investments. Depending on the
investment climate, high returns result in the growth of each fund to
generate even more income for future years. With low returns, ACEF
supplements the income with undistributed gains from previous years, in
order to ensure beneficiary organizations receive steady, predictable
annual incomes.

“By contributing to the Armenian Church Endowment Fund, one is building
a permanent financial base for the Armenian Church, in perpetuity. This
is a very meaningful way to honor your parents and your family. The
gift is a living legacy,” ACEF chairman Hovnanian said.

If you would like more information about setting up an endowment fund to
benefit the Diocese, your local parish, or another organization such as
the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin or St. Nersess Seminary, please
contact Berjouhi Saladin by e-mailing [email protected] or
calling (212) 686-0710 ext. 34.

— 3/9/05

E-mail photos available on request. Photos also viewable in the News
and Events section of the Eastern Diocese’s website,

PHOTO CAPTION (1): Members of the Armenian Church Endowment Fund (ACEF)
welcome new member Gregory Parseghian, second from left in back row,
during their December 2004 meeting.

# # #

BAKU: OSCE monitors Karabakh front-line after truce violation report

OSCE monitors Karabakh front-line after truce violation reports –
Azeri TV

ANS TV, Baku
7 Mar 05

OSCE representatives monitored the front-line between the Azerbaijani
and the Armenian troops today following regular breaches of the
cease-fire by the Armenian Armed Forces in the course of the last

The monitoring took place in the vicinity of the Agdam-Barda road
where the cease-fire had been frequently violated. No incidents
were encountered.

Desparate Turks



In the process of creating Turkish history Turkey has taken a new
cunning step lately; animals will help them in this business.
According to the electronic newspaper, by the decision of the
Turkish Ministry of Environmental and Forest Protection, the names of
the animals in which there are the adjectives â~@~Armenianâ~@~] and
â~@~Kurdishâ~@~] have been changed.

>>From now on the reddish fox, the international name of which is
â~@~Kurdish foxâ~@~], has lost the adjective â~@~Kurdishâ~@~]. The
â~@~wild Armenian ramsâ~@~] living in the Anatolian mountains have
become â~@~Anatolian wild ramsâ~@~] and the â~@~Armenian goatsâ~@~]
have become simply goats.

â~@~]At present games are played about our country. Some people use
the names of animals of our fauna to prove that Armenian and Kurds
have lived here. Changing the names of the animals, we have put an
end to the gamesâ~@~], announced the naïve Turkish official.


Parliamentary polls in Karabakh to be held on 19 June

Parliamentary polls in Karabakh to be held on 19 June

Mediamax news agency
5 Mar 05


The president of the Nagornyy Karabakh Republic (NKR), Arkadiy
Gukasyan, today signed a decree on holding elections to the republic’s
National Assembly on 19 June 2005.

Under another decree, Gukasyan dismissed Yuriy Saakyan from the post
of Stepanakert prosecutor and appointed Sevak Akopyan to this post.

Cabinet committee determines Aras FTZ limits
Tehran: 21:31 , 2005/03/02

Cabinet committee determines Aras FTZ limits

TEHRAN, Mar. 2 (MNA) — Cabinet’s political-defense committee defined on
Wednesday the official limits of Aras Free Zone.
According to the definition, the new FTZ will have borders with Azerbaijan,
Nakhichevan and Armenia. Managing director of Aras FTZ Organization said
they had referred the issue to the cabinet, saying that the committee, which
is composed of five ministers, has defined the limits of the area from
Farhadi police station on the border between East and West Azarbaijan
provinces to Khoda Afarin police station, which is located exactly on the
Iran-Azerbaijan Republic borderline.

Azeri leadership discontent with John Evans’s statements

PanArmenian News
Feb 28 2005


28.02.2005 14:42

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The statements made by US Ambassador to Armenia
John Evans, who said that Karabakh cannot be given to Azerbaijan,
aroused discontent of the Azeri society, Caucasian knot reports. In
this view, the Azeri Foreign Ministry issued a formal release, which
says, in part, “It is strange to hear such words from a
representative of the US State Department, which has many times
confirmed its support for the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and
never recognized Nagorno Karabakh as an independent state”. On this
account the Azeri Ministry of Foreign Affairs requested the US
officials to render explanation of the statements made by the US
Ambassador to Armenia. Azerbaijan’s Ambassador to the US Hafiz
Pashayev also discussed the issue with US Deputy Assistant Secretary
of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Laura Kennedy. According
to Pashayev “the US officials with regret heard Mr. Evans’s
statements” and he was assured that “the US supports the territorial
integrity of Azerbaijan and does not recognize Nagorno Karabakh”.

ANKARA: European Court of Justice rejects Armenians’ Claims

European Court of Justice rejects Armenians’ Claims

Journal of Turkish Weekly, Turkey
Feb 28 2005

Armenians are using every possible chance to scratch the image of
Turkey. The lobbying efforts that Armenians struggle should be spent
on new energy sources for Armenia. Otherwise Armenia’s nuclear plant
may destroy the lives of millions of Armenians.

The Court of Justice of the European Communities has decided at its
sitting presided by judge Koen Lenaerts, to reject the Armenian
community’s appeal urging European Union not to admit Turkey to
its ranks until the so-called “genocide” allegedly inflicted upon
Armenians by the Ottoman government in 1915 is recognized.

Having described the related resolutions adopted by the Parliamentary
Assembly of the Council of Europe and a few European parliaments in
1887 as political but not legal, the court has not accepted any of the
Armenians’ arguments, and, moreover, obliged the Armenian community
to cover the court expenses.

According to Turkish political commentators, time for Armenian
worldwide propaganda is over, and the voice of Azerbaijan and Turkey
are heard louder and louder around the world

News compiled by JTW with a reference from AzerTac

Government Officials from 3 Caucasus Nations Visit Korea

Chosun Ilbo, South Korea
Feb 27 2005

Government Officials from 3 Caucasus Nations Visit Korea

Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan have a lot in common. All former
members of the USSR, the three countries have been struggling to make
transitions into market economies since the collapse of the Soviet
Union in 1991. Carrying out widespread reforms has led to steady
growth and lower inflation.
But they are still battling issues like poverty and high unemployment
rates, problems Korea faced in the 60s and 70s in the aftermath of
the Korean War.

Officials from the Caucasus nations, are in town to learn about
Korea’s economy, especially how the country was able to emerge so
quickly from the ruins of the Korean War and into an economic
powerhouse. The officials say there is much to be learnt from Korea’s
experience, from both its successes and failures.

One area of great interest for these countries that are used to a
centrally planned economy is how to effectively lead the economy
under democratic conditions. “Strengthening the capacity of the state
as a planner and as a developer and supporter of the private sector
is critical for Georgia and Korea has very good experience. And this
is what we would like to primarily learn from your experience,” said
one official.

Officials are also taking the chance to increase bilateral
cooperation by inviting Korean investors to their countries. These
countries hope to benefit from technological help to fully utilize
their resources and successfully develop their economies.

Increasing bilateral ties is expected to be mutually beneficial. “By
strengthening the relationship between Korea and these countries, I
think we can enhance our international status. Not only diplomatic
but also economic status, because they have many good natural
resources. We can have good opportunity to secure those natural
resources like oil and minerals,” said one Korean official.

Also for Korea, enhancing ties with the three countries located at
the strategically important area linking Asia and Europe may open a
new route to Southwest Asian countries.

Arirang TV

BAKU: Sitting of CIS coordinating council on HIV infection problems

AzerTag, Azerbaijan
Feb 25 2005

[February 25, 2005, 20:26:53]

A sitting of the CIS coordinating council on HIV infection problems
took place in Baku. The sitting was attended by national coordinators
of CIS countries (except Armenia and Turkmenistan), representatives
of CIS executive committee, World Health Organization, United Nations
program on HIV/AIDS. The discussions at the sitting revolved around
the issues of providing better access for AIDS carriers to the
antiretrovirus medicines. The participants are adopted a document of
joint prophylaxis and fight against this disease which to be later
considered by heads of CIS member-states.

Commonwealth states adopted the `Program of Urgent Actions to Prevent
Spreading of HIV in CIS member-states’, which expires in 2005,
representative of CIS executive council Sergey Barshevskiy said at
the press conference held in grand-hotel Europe, February 25. The HIV
growth rates in CIS states are making necessary to adopt this program
and a list of drugs to alleviate the life of AIDS infected peoples.

Head of Azerbaijani National Center to fight and prophylaxis of AIDS
Galib Aliyev reported that there are 740 people infected with AIDS in
Azerbaijan. 65 of them died while 63 are in the final stage of the
disease. According to him, this document will allow coordinating the
work of CIS health organizations towards fighting AIDS.

BAKU: Azeri Defence Ministry confirms three soldiers captured byArme

Azeri Defence Ministry confirms three soldiers captured by Armenians

ANS TV, Baku
17 Feb 05

Today beginning from 1330 to 1400 [0930-1000 gmt], the Armenian
troops in the occupied village of Sixlar of Agdam District fired on
the Azerbaijani positions in the village of Orta Qislaq using machine
guns and assault rifles, the Karabakh bureau of ANS TV reports.

The same source reports that the names of the three Azerbaijani
soldiers who lost their way and crossed to the Armenian side, have
become known. They are Tagiyev Hikmat Adam oglu, 21, from Imisli
District; Abdullayev Xayal Idris oglu, 19, from Ganca; and Basirov
Sultan Xaqani oglu, 20, from Samkir District.

The incident occurred in the village of Hasanqala of Tartar District
and the press service of the Azerbaijani Defence Ministry confirmed
this report.