Recruits for Akhalkalaki Base Stuck in Gyumri


AKHALKALAKI, February 4 (Noyan Tapan). The Russian military base in
Akhalkalaki has been waiting for the recruitment for over a month
now. According to the “A-Info” Agency, after the appointment of the
new Commander of the Transcaucasian military district of Russian
Federation about 800 military servicemen of the Armenian nationality
of the junior and medium officers of the Akhalkalaki military base
passed on service in other military units of Russian Federation, and
500 officers were detached to Akhalkalaki for their replacement. But
it is already a month that they are in Gyumri and wait for entry
permit to Georgia. If earlier the Russian military servicemen could
give bribes to the Georgian frontier guards and cross the Georgian
frontier and arrive at the place of dislocation, today it is
impossible and it isn’t excluded that the arrival of the Russian
military servicemen to Akhalkalaki will be artificially prolonged for
a longer time.

Azerbaijan may be expelled from PACE

PanArmenian News
Feb 2 2005


01.02.2005 19:01

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ “If before the PACE April session the question of
political prisoners is not solved in Azerbaijan, the country can lose
its mandate in the organization,” PACE Rapporteur on political
prisoners in Azerbaijan Malcolm Bruce told BBC. In his words, he
studies the case of seven opposition leaders and thinks that these
could be referred to as political prisoners. Human rights proponent
Leyla Yunus noted that she had many times warned about the patience
of international organizations being limited. “Only by means of
universal amnesty Azerbaijan can avoid undesirable consequences,” L.
Yunus emphasized. It should be reminded that Azerbaijan is the only
South Caucasian country, where political prisoners are still

Russian FM to visit Armenia in second half of February

ITAR-TASS News Agency
February 2, 2005 Wednesday

Russian FM to visit Armenia in second half of February

By Ksenia Kaminskaya


Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov “will pay a visit to Armenia
in the second half of February prior to his trip to Georgia,” Russian
Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Yakovenko said on Wednesday.

According to the official, “the visit will be paid by the Russian
foreign minister before his visit to Georgia that is scheduled for
February 18.”

Earlier, Yakovenko said that the minister planned to tour all the CIS
capitals. Sergei Lavrov “plans to visit all the countries of the
Commonwealth to discuss the CIS reforms.” Russia “is heading this
work in the Commonwealth and is now collecting proposals from the

On Wednesday, Lavrov rounded off his talks with the leaders of
Azerbaijan in Baku.

Conclusion of OSCE Mission Will not be Favourable for Armenians


YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 1. ARMINFO. The conclusion of the OSCE expert group
on study of situation in the regions, being under control of the
Armenian party, will be hardly favourable for the Armenian party, PM
from the opposition bloc “Justice” Shavarsh Kocharyan expressed such
an opinion at the press-conference at “Pakagits” club, Monday.

According to him, it is wrong enough that Nagorny Karabakh turned out
in the situation of exculpatory party as a result of formation of that
group and its visit to these territories. “NKR authorities are forced
to make excuses to the international experts and to explain that a
special program on overpopulation of territories, being under control
of Armenian party, is not implementing, and only Armenian people who
were served by a miracle from slaughter in Baku, Sumgait and Kirovabad
are living in that territories at present”, S. Kocharyan noted.

To note, the OSCE expert group accompanied by co-chairmen of the OSCE
Minsk Group are implementing monitoring of regions, under control of
Armenian party. On completion of the mission, the experts should
present the conclusion on situation in these territories to both the
OSCE and the OSCE MG. -R-

FM: Russia’s Mediation Will not foster Armenian-Turkish Relations


29 Jan 05

European Union’s decision of December 17 to start accession talks with
Turkey gave a new momentum to the talks around Armenian-Turkish
relations. Turkey, which was drawing forward preconditions for
relations’ improvement and Armenian-Turkish border-gate opening, began
condemning Armenia of not recognizing the Kars Treaty, of refusing to
draw Armenian forces out of the so-called Azeri occupied territories
and of manipulating Turkey with “groundless” claims of “alleged”

Vartan Oskanian, foreign affairs minister of Armenia, refuted
Turkey=80=99s condemnations in an interview to Turkish Zaman daily on
January 25. Oskanian’s irrefragable answers rendered Turkey’s
condemnations ineffective.

– Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan explaining that Armenia
does not recognize the Kars Treaty said: “If they say ‘I don’t
recognize it,’ then, in that case, don’t get upset, we won’t recognize
it, either.” Those are the expressions he used. Why don’t you
recognize the Treaty of Kars?

– The PM’s statement about the Kars Treaty really surprised
me. Government of Armenia has made no statements saying we don’t
recognize it. We are the successor states of the Soviet Union. All of
the agreements, which the Soviet Union signed, continue to be in force
unless new agreements have been signed to replace them, or unless
statements have been made about not recognizing those agreements.

– What’s your approach to Turkey’s preconditions concerningwithdrawal
of Armenian forces from Azerbaijan’s occupied territories?

– Turkey cannot equate the Karabakh issue with a territorial issue. It
is a many-sided issue. Though its status is the vital one. There was
no territory under Armenians’ control before the confrontation. We
took the control after the issue emerged. Turkish side seems to be
mixing the cause and effect relation. To remove the effect it should
be viewed separately from the cause. Turkey cannot put the issue of
territories as a precondition because of Baku=80=99s evasive
stance. We want a versatile approach to the issue.

– What do you think of Turkey’s strivings to mediate in Karabakh

– Turkey cannot midiate because it is partial. Russia, for instance,
has no preconditions and is neutral. Turkey frequently offers its help
as a mediator, and we hold bilateral meetings. We are not against
meetings but don=80=99t accept its mediation

– How will the Russian-Turkish cooperation influence the conflict as
regards Armenia?

– Russia’s dialogue with Turkey is not a problem for us. But I don’t
think that these countries’ cooperation will foster conflict’s

– Armenia occupied 1/5 of Azerbaijan’s territory. When are you going
to put an end to the occupation?

– Nagorno Karabakh always was an Armenian territory. The issue of
other regions is to be dealt by Karabakh and Azerbaijan. Karabakh was
in Azerbaijan’s structure during the USSR indeed but when the war
between Karabakh and Azerbaijan broke out Armenia supported
Karabakh. The other issues (of the other regions) are discussed by
Armenia and Azerbaijan because the Azeris avoid to seat at the table
with Karabakh side.

– Years ago, you put Genocide assertions on the agenda. In that
regard, you are also trying to receive the assistance of the West, led
by the US. What is your intent? Are you trying to grab territory from
Turkey, or to receive compensation?

– Take a look at the map please. Turkey’s geography, economy, and
population are obvious. Armenia on the other hand is a small and poor
country. On the Armenian foreign policy agenda, there is no reference
to territories or compensation. Our foreign policy goal is
international recognition of the Armenian Genocide, together with
recognition by Turkey. What happened in 1915 is quite obviously
Genocide. Turks have differing opinions about that. Let’s let people
openly discuss this issue. We are democratic societies. There is no
need to become concerned that Armenia is trying to place this issue on
other countries’ agendas. Turks, too, can lobby in different
countries, work with them. However, Armenia absolutely does not view
this as a precondition for the improvementof relations with Turkey. We
have never said that Turkey first acknowledges the Genocide. We could
have resolved the matter through dialogue, had there been diplomatic
relations between the two countries. How are we to resolve this issue?
Since we’re not able to resolve it at the governmental level, then
there are efforts to seek solutions at other levels, through other

– According to you, will Turkey’s entry into the EU facilitate this

– Today, there are two important problems between Armenia and Turkey:
opening the border, and Genocide. For the improvement of relations,
Genocide recognition is not a precondition but open borders
automatically are. No one can insist that there can be normal
relations between two countries if the border between them is
closed. However, even without Genocide recognition, it is possible to
normalize relations. The Genocide is a moral, broader issue. The EU,
too, would like for Turkey to recognize the Genocide at some stage in
the process. We hope that these matters will be included in the
agenda for negotiations between Turkey and the EU to begin later this
year. But on the border issue, we can’t wait 10-15 years or longer,
for Turkey to be accepted into the EU, for there to be some positive
movement. We hope that very soon, Turkey will open the border.

– Armenians living in Turkey accuse the Armenians of the Diaspora for
insisting on Genocide recognition. Where does Armenia take place in
this discussion?

– It is natural that the Armenians of the Diaspora would more
frequently raise the issue. They are the descendants of the Genocide
survivors. Their grandfathers were pushed to the Syrian deserts, to
the Arab countries, and from there, they moved on to Europe and the
US. They grew up listening to the elders telling stories of the
Genocide. But, this isn’t just their issue; it’s also Armenia’s
issue. There is no difference between them.

There is nothing left for historians to discuss about.

– If the issue is first discussed by historians and specialists, and
they find some common ground, wouldn’t that ease the process?

– There is nothing new to say on this. There are countless studies on
the subject and the events of 1915 have very clearly emerged. If the
historianswere to gather again, no one’s point of view would
change. The specialists have been working. They’re done with their
work. Now, it is essential that the Turkish government enter into this
discussion. Why are we afraid of these discussions? Today, around the
world, there are many countries with similarproblems. Japan and South
Korea, South Korea and China, Japan and the US, the US and Mexico, and
others. These countries continue to have relations with each other,
even as they continue to discuss these events. And they have fine

BAKU: NKN conflict focused in President Aliyev’s meetings in Iran

Assa-Irada, Azerbaijan
Jan 26 2005

Nagorno Karabakh conflict focused in President Aliyev’s meetings in Iran

President Aliyev, who arrived in Tehran on Monday for an official
visit on the invitation of his Iranian counterpart Mohammad Khatami,
met with the chairman of the Iranian Islamic Council Assembly Haddad
Adil and chairman of the State Advisory Council, Iran’s former
President Ali Akbar Hashimi Rafsanjani on Tuesday.

The Nagorno Karabakh conflict, political and economic relations
between the two countries and inter-parliamentary ties were focused
during the meetings.

Afterwards, President Aliyev had a meeting with Iran’s high religious
leader Ali Khamnei, who remarkably spoke Azeri. The parties exchanged
views on the socio-political situation in the region.

Khamnei stated that certain countries are opposed to the
Iran-Azerbaijan friendship. `We need to always remain friendly
neighboring nations regardless of what happens around the world.’

President Aliyev said that Azerbaijan, as a sovereign country,
pursues an independent policy. Developing relations with Iran meets
Azerbaijan’s interests and no force may impede this, he said.

On the same day, President Aliyev visited the Khodro automobile
plant. The leadership of the plant, which produces small and large
buses along with Mercedes and Peugeot cars, presented a `Samand’ car
to the Azerbaijani President.
Aliyev visited the Mausoleum of Imam Khomeyni. He also met with
Iranian Defense Minister Ali Shamkhani and visited the Azerbaijani
embassy in Iran.

Quelque chose ne fonctionne pas

L’Humanité, France
27 janvier 2005

Quelque chose ne fonctionne pas

Par Antoine Zalçberg,
élève de troisième, collège-lycée
Jacques-Decour, Paris.

Pour la troisième année, nous sommes, de la sixième à la terminale,
plusieurs dizaines à avoir travaillé ces derniers mois sur la Shoah
et les crimes contre l’humanité. Ce jeudi 27 janvier et demain, ce
travail est présenté à tous à travers des expositions, des
conférences, des pièces de thétre et un concert. Plusieurs de mes
arrière-grands-parents sont morts en déportation, ont combattu les
nazis. C’est par mes grands-parents et leurs souvenirs que je peux
perpétuer cette mémoire : pour ceux qui sont morts massacrés dans les
camps des nazis, c’est comme le berceau d’une résurrection
permanente. Spontanément très impliqué dans la démarche proposée par
nos professeurs, j’ai souhaité connaître la façon dont mes camarades
de classe la ressentaient. La majorité de ceux et celles qui m’ont
répondu trouvent ces journées utiles pour la commémoration de ce
massacre, pour qu’il ne se reproduise jamais. D’autres n’ont pas
caché leurs interrogations : « Commémorer la Shoah, oui. Mais
pourquoi pas d’autres massacres comme celui des Arméniens, le
génocide rwandais, les épurations ethniques dans les Balkans ? » Ou
encore : « C’est bien la journée de la Shoah, mais les pauvres
enfants qui travaillent en Inde, ceux qui souffrent du sida, ils
n’ont pas de journée pour eux. Des réponses m’ont franchement choqué
: « Ça ne change pas la vie, on s’en fiche ! »
Bien sûr, le mal est fait et on ne ressuscitera pas les morts. Cette
résignation est le plus sûr moyen de laisser faire. La question est
que ne se reproduise pas un tel drame. Je pense que cela est plus
fragile qu’on l’imagine : ne nous paraît-il pas incompréhensible
qu’il y eut un Hitler bénéficiant de l’assentiment de tout un peuple
? Il ne faut donc pas tourner la page, mais la lire, la comprendre.
N’est-on pas déjà en plein dans le sujet avec cette autre réflexion
lancée par un de mes camarades : « Certaines personnes, sous une
forme d’hypocrisie, font semblant de s’intéresser à cet événement
pour donner une image meilleure d’eux-mêmes. » Les indifférents qui
se rallient à la pensée commune.
Le génocide juif a de particulier une organisation très pointue afin
d’exterminer des millions de personnes. Au niveau de l’humanité tout
entière, jamais un tel crime n’avait été organisé, programmé, exécuté
au nom d’une idéologie de haine totale. Je ne comprends pas certaines
des réactions entendues. Quand notre professeur nous parle de la
guerre de 1939-1945, il évoque le drame subi par le peuple juif, mais
aussi le sort des Tziganes, des homosexuels, des handicapés, il nous
parle des résistants. Quand les professeurs traitent de l’histoire
des XIXe et XXe siècles, ils nous font réfléchir aussi sur la traite
des Noirs, l’extermination des Arméniens, le massacre des Tutsis et
les massacres au Cambodge… D’ailleurs, le travail mené et présenté
aujourd’hui et demain dans notre établissement croise le sort fait
aux juifs par les nazis avec le génocide commis il y a dix ans au
Alors, qu’est-ce qui ne marche pas ?

French man dies of carbon monoxide in Armenia

French man dies of carbon monoxide in Armenia, latest in rash of poisoning

.c The Associated Press

YEREVAN, Armenia (AP) – A French man died of carbon monoxide poisoning
in his Yerevan apartment, emergency officials said Thursday, the
latest in a rash of deaths in Armenia caused by gas leaks and faulty
heating stoves.

The Emergency Situations Ministry said Christophe Kyababchyan, a
34-year-old French citizen, was found dead in his apartment by his
business partner.

The ministry said an improperly installed gas heater was likely to

The incident brings the number of gas poisonings in Armenia in the
past year to 26, 16 of which occurred in December alone, according to
emergency officials. The prosecutor general’s office, however, says
there were 24 deaths in 2004 by natural gas poisoning alone.

Many people in the ex-Soviet republic use makeshift stoves and
homemade gas heaters, sometimes tapping illegally into gas lines,
because their homes lack heaters, which are expensive.

01/27/05 11:46 EST

Nevada Senator Helps Teenagers In Danger Of Being Deported

Jan 27 2005

Nevada Senator Helps Teenagers In Danger Of Being Deported

They we’re born in a far away land, but America is the only home they
know. Today, Senator Harry Reid is stepping in to help two teenagers
stay with their family, and as News 3’s Beth Fisher reports, the only
life they’ve ever known.

“Why do the kids have to suffer in jail? Why are they not able to
wait at home for the court hearing?” Pizza is the last thing on the
mind of Rouben Sarkisian, owner of Tropicana Pizza on Pecos and
Wigwam. Sarkisian spent the last decade building a life for his five
daughters in America. Now, two of those girls are in a Los Angeles
jail. “She’s calling at seven in the morning. She’s crying and
saying, ‘Why do they keep us here? We are not criminals!'”

Miriam and Emma Sarkisian are just teenagers, but because they
weren’t born in the United States like their sisters, they face the
possibility of deportation to Armenia, a land where they have no
family and haven’t lived since they were toddlers. “In reality, the
girls do not read or write Armenian. They know just enough to
communicate with their parents.”

Speaking through a friend, Rouben Sarkisian says he pleads for his
daughters. Friends, customers and even complete strangers want to
help. “People call here and say, ‘We are with you. We’re here for
you.’ It makes us feel really good.”

They’re also calling Nevada leaders, asking them to fight for the 17
and 18 year olds. “It is just so bad. We have so many things dealing
with immigration that we need to work on, this isn’t one of them.”
Senator Harry Reid is pleading with the Department of Homeland
Security to free the girls, making a direct appeal to Secretary Tom
Ridge. “I think Secretary Ridge will find a way to keep these two
young women in Nevada.”

Back at Tropicana Pizza, Rouben Sarkisian says he putting his
business up for sale so he can focus on the business of saving his
girls. “How can I feel when it’s like they took two fingers and left
the other three?”

Last minute legal action has kept the girls off a plane to Armenia
three times since they were arrested nearly two weeks ago. Sarkisian
has paperwork to be in America legally, and he says he was told his
daughter’s paperwork was also in order.