Armenian Charities Receive Settlements

The Morning Call Online
January 26, 2005, 4:28 PM EST

Armenian Charities Receive Settlements

By Associated Press

NEW YORK AP) — Five Armenian charities received checks for $333,333 each
Wednesday as part of an insurance settlement with descendants of Armenians
massacred 90 years ago by the Turks.

The checks are part of a $20 million settlement with New York Life Insurance
Co., which issued 2,300 policies to Armenians in Turkey before 1915 that
were never paid, according to plaintiffs’ attorney Brian Kabateck.

Armenians contend that 1.5 million people were executed between 1915 and
1919 by Turkish authorities who accused them of helping the invading Russian
army during World War I. Turkey rejects the genocide claim and says
Armenians were killed in civil unrest during the collapse of the Ottoman
Empire. France and Russia are among countries that have declared the
killings genocide, but the United States has not.

The agreement set aside at least $11 million for descendants, $3 million for
charities and $2 million for administrative costs. Four charities in Los
Angeles will receive the rest of the $3 million.

Descendants of the policy holders have until March 16 to file claims.

The settlement, approved last year by a federal judge in Los Angeles, is
believed to be the first involving the events of the era.

NKR: Census To Be Conducted


Azat Artsakh – Nagorno Karabakh Republic (NKR)
26 Jan 05

Taking into account the important political, economic and social role
of census for every country the NKR government decided on conducting a
census in the republic in the current year. The census will be held on
October 18-27. But first in spring an experimental census will be
conducted in the capital, inthe village of Noragyugh in Askeran region
and the village of Nerkin Horatagh in Martakert region. At the
National Statistics Service of NKR we were told that the aim of this
is to prevent the possible mistakes on time. In fact, afterthe
independence this will be the first census in the Republic of Nagorni
Karabakh, and for Nagorni Karabakh it will be the seventh. The first
censusin Karabakh was taken in 1926, three years after the formation
of the Autonomous Region of Nagorni Karabakh. According to its
results, 125.3 thousand people inhabited Karabakh, of them 111.7
thousand were Armenians and 12.6 thousandwere Azerbaijanis. The
representatives of other nationalities totaled about a thousand. The
next census was conducted in 1939. The number of the population was
150 thousand: 132.8 thousand Armenians, 14.1 thousand Azerbaijanis and
3900 of different nationalities. According to the census taken in 1959
the number of Armenians decreased by 22.7 thousand and Azerbaijanis
increased by 4 thousand. In 1970 the number of the Karabakh population
increased up to 150.3 thousand: 121.1 thousand Armenians and 27.2
thousand Azerbaijanis. According to the results of the 1979 census
Karabakh had 162.2 inhabitants, of them 123.1 thousand Armenians, 37.3
thousand Azerbaijanis and 1.8 thousand of other nationalities. The
sixth census in Karabakh was carried out during the Karabakh movement
in 1989. At that time Karabakh had a population of 189.1 thousand:
145.5 thousand Armenians and 40.7 thousand Azerbaijanis. The number of
people of other nationalities totaled 2.9 thousand. The next census
was to be carried out in 1999, at the time when the country was going
through the post-war crisis. `It was impossible to conduct a census in
such conditions,’ said the head of the National Statistics Service
Benik Babayan. `Now the situation is quite stable, there are no major
moves, the government implements reforms in the social and economic
sphere, the time for a census has come. It is impossible to work out
exact programs and carry out reforms without necessary information on
the population.’ Preparation works already started. Republic, town
and regional committees were set up. The program of the census was
adopted. According to Benik Babayan, about 700 people are involved in
the works. `This is an undertakingof a state level and the executive
is interested most of all. The statistics service only deals with its
organization,’ he said. The main aim of the census is to gather
information on working out directions for social and economic
development, demographic and social surveys, surveys of distribution
and use of labour resources, the number and structure of the
population. The NKR law `On Census’ was adopted in 2001. It involves
persons who are in the republic permanently or temporarily at the
moment of the census, as well as the persons who permanently reside in
NKR but who are absent from the republic temporarily. `The financial
means for the recent census in Armenia were mainly provided by
international donor organizations. But as the fact of not being
recognized hinders direct cooperation with them, the sums for the
census will be provided from the state budget,’ said the head of the
National Statistics Service. It is planned to provide 106.7 million
drams from the state budget 2005 and 13.3 million drams from the state
budget 2003 (in total 120 million drams will be needed) for the census
to be conducted in NKR this year. Benik Babayan mentioned that during
the census 800 drams per person will be needed.


Authorities seek to mislead public to stay in power, movement says

Authorities seek to mislead public to stay in power, Armenian movement says

Noyan Tapan news agency, Yerevan
24 Jan 05


While expressing disagreement with some of the wording of US Assistant
State Secretary Elizabeth Jones’ remarks on Nagornyy Karabakh
describing it as a criminal separatist regime , the Democratic Armenia
movement has said that it is certain that “the fuss provoked against
Jones is part of a campaign which causes psychosis”. “Feeling the
irreversibility of the democratic process and the subsequent demise of
their power, the incumbent regime is trying to mislead the public at
exactly the same juncture,” a statement by the movement said on 24

Lately, there have been many “artificial psychological attacks by the
authorities directed at eliciting the necessary mood in society”,
including in particular, over-reporting on earthquakes, anti-Semitic
propaganda, the fuss around homosexuals and the “provoked protest”
against the remarks by Elizabeth Jones.

“Coupled with the lack of attention of the progovernment organizations
to the numerous statements by the USA and other countries on
recognizing Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity and to the recognition
of Armenia as a Russian outpost, this fact shows that the fuss around
Jones’ statement pursues other political ends,” the authors of the
statement said.

ARKA News Agency – 01/24/2005

ARKA News Agency, Armenia
Jan 24 2005

Iran is ready to cooperate with Azerbaijan and Armenia on Karabakh

RA President receives EU Special Representative

RA Minister of Defence: Armenia should become a full member of the
European family

RA PM to leave for Poland on Jan 27

Armenians of Europe: the Atkinson report is the report of Azerbaijan

No Azeri prisoners kept in penitentiary institutions of Nagorno
Karabakh – NKR CCI Director

85% of respondents consider the statement of US Secretary of state
assistant Elizabeth Jones reflecting opinion of the US authorities

Delegated of the Armenian Apostolic Church participated in the
meeting of Ancient -East Orthodox churches



YEREVAN, January 24. /ARKA/. Iran is ready to cooperate with
Azerbaijan and Armenia on Karabakh issue, according to RIA Novosti it
was stated by the President of Iran Mohammad Hatami at the meeting
with the President of Azerbaijan Ilkham Aliev who arrived in iran
with official visit. `We are sure that it is wrong to use force in
Karabkah settlement. Splits should be overcame by dialogue, mutual
understanding, logics and law’, Hatami stated. L.D. -0 –



YEREVAN, January 24. /ARKA/. RA President Robert Kocharian received
EU Special Representative to South Caucasus Heikki Talvitie,
president’s press service told ARKA. The parties discussed EU policy
in South Caucasus, namely related to `Expanded Europe: New Neighbors’
program. The parties also discussed Karabakh conflict settlement,
Armenian-Turkish relations. L.D. -0 –



YEREVAN, January 24. /ARKA/. We consider ourselves Europeans, and our
goal is to become a full member of the European family, as stated the
RA Minister of Defence, Secretary of the National Security Council of
Armenia adjunct to RA President Serge Sargsyan in the course of
today’s meeting with a delegation headed by a special representative
of EU to the South Caucasus, Ambassador Heiki Talvitie, according to
the Press Secretary of the RA Ministry of Defence, Colonel Seiran
Shakhsuvaryan. Speaking of Nagorno-Karabakh problem, Sargsyan noted
that he had always adhered to peaceful settlement of the conflict and
expressed his firm belief that the issue would be settled exactly in
that way.
In his turn H. Talvitie greeting such a position of the RA Minister
of Defence and expressed hope that in the near future real progress
will be in the process of peaceful settlement of Nagorno- Karabakh
conflict. According to Talvitie, one of his functions is the
establishment of good basis for cooperation in the process of
development of relations between EU and Armenia, aimed at settlement
of conflicts. Talvitie added that as a result of the program on
individual partnership in the framework of the initiative of EU `New
Neighbourhood’, all South-Caucasus countries will be evaluated
commensurate with their real possibilities.
According to the press-release, the delegation headed by Talvitie
consists of the Chief of the delegation of European Commission on
Georgia and Armenia Torben Holts, representatives of the European
Commission Viliam Boen and Harry Kamarainen as well as GB Ambassador
Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Armenia Thorda Abbott-Watt.
A.H. – 0 –



YEREVAN, January 24. /ARKA/. On January 27 RA Prime Minister Andranik
Margarian will leave for Poland for participation in the activities
dedicated to 60th anniversary of liberation of concentration camp
Osventsim, RA Government press office told ARKA. Armenian delegation
will take party in international conference `Let My People Live’ that
will open in Krakow.
Armenian delegation includes RA Deputy Foreign Minister Ruben
Shugarian, heads of Government’s and MFA’s apparatus.
Margarian will meet with Armenian community of Poland and Archbishop
of Krakow, Cardinal Franchisek Makharsky. L.D. -0 –



YEREVAN, January 24. /ARKA/. ` The Atkinson report is the report of
Azerbaijan’, according to the Executive Director of the European
Armenian Federation Laurent Leylekian. As ARKA was informed from the
federation, according to the report by Atkinson, which will be read
tomorrow at a regular session of PACE, `the significant part of the
Azerbaijani territory is still occupied by the Armenian forces ‘, and
`separatist forces still control the region of Nagorno-Karabakh’.
Atkinson notes that `if the negotiations under the auspices of the
co-chairs of the Minsk group fail, the conflict between Armenia and
Azerbaijan should be settled in the framework of UN International
Court of Justise’. According to Leylekian, `shifting the
institutional framework Baku believes to turn its crimes into virtues
‘. ` Without the fight for self-determination led by the
Karabakhiots, there would be no more Armenians on these historically
Armenian territories, as it is the case in Nakhitchevan or in
Turkey’, he emphasized.
Before that RA minister of Foreign Affairs Vartan Oskanian called the
initial report by Atkinson as `usual’,at that noting that `the
document contains wording that doesn’t reflect the reality
truly’.A.H.-0 –



STEPANAKERT, January 24. /ARKA/. No Azeri prisoners kept in
penitentiary institutions of Nagorno Karabakh, Director of NKR Center
for Civil Initiatives Albert Voskanian told ARKA commenting recent
statement of Azeri mass media that NKR prisons have Azeri prisoners
of war.
According to Voskanian, regular report of CCI on result of monitoring
of penitentiary institutions at the territory of NKR are provided to
more than 100 international organizations, including OSCE, CE, UNHCR
and even Azeri organizations. He added that each report mentions that
Artsakh prisons keep only Armenians. L.D. -0 –



YEREVAN, January 24. /ARKA/. Vox Populi Center conducted a poll on
Jan 20-21 related to the statement of Elizabeth Jones. The poll was
conducted among 107 experts, including 21 political figures,
including 9 deputies of RA Parliament, 20 art figures, 22 media
representatives, 23 state servants, 21 representatives of public
organizations. According to the results of the poll, 85% of
respondents consider the statement of US Secretary of State Assistant
Elizabeth Jones reflecting opinion of the US authorities, 8% consider
that the statement was personal opinion of Jones, 7% could not
75% of respondents sure that the statement was basically directed to
Armenian authorities, 11% think that it was directed to Russian
authorities, 3% – to Nagorno Karabakh, 9% – to all parties of the
conflict, 2% – could not answer. 70% of respondents agreed with
opinion of some political figures and mass medai representatives that
statement of Jones is a signal from US on beginning of the process of
power shift in Armenia on the example of Ukraine and Georgia. 14% of
respondents did not agree with this opinion and 16% – could not
answer. L.D. -0 –



YEREVAN, January 24. /ARKA/. Delegated of the Armenian Apostolic
Church participated in the meeting of Ancient -East Orthodox churches
that was held in Rhodes Greek island on January 10-17. According to
St. Etchmiadzin Department for inter-church relations,
representatives of Catholicosats of All Armenians and those of the
Kilikian Great House, Koptsk, Assyrian, and Ethiopian Orthodox
Churches and Indian Malabarka church participated in the meeting.
Some actual issues as well as issues connected with the beginning of
joint work with the Bible association were discussed at the meeting.
According to the press-release, the Armenian side was represented by
the bishops Yeznik Petrosyan and Narek Alemezyan, the responsible for
inter-church relations of St. Etchmiadzin and Catholicosats of
Kilikian Great House. A.H. – 0–

Armenian servicemen sent to Iraq

Agency WPS
January 21, 2005, Friday


SOURCE: Nezavisimaya Gazeta, January 19, 2005, p. 5

by: Viktoria Panfilova


Armenian servicemen were seen off to Iraq, yesterday. The ceremony
took place in Evartnots airport, Yerevan. Forty-six servicemen will
become a part of the Polish contingent. The parliament of Armenia
ratified the Memorandum on Understanding concerning participation in
Iraq, the other day. The decision to send Armenian servicemen to Iraq
was made during President Robert Kocharjan’s visit to Poland. It was
agreed as well that a limited Armenian contingent (up to 50
servicemen) would serve in Iraq under the Polish flag.

To quote Aram Sarkisjan, leader of the oppositionist Democratic Party
that is an element of Justice coalition, “A great deal of Armenians
have lived in the Middle East for the last 100 years. Because of the
genocide, you know. The authorities of Arab countries accepted them
and permitted them to develop their originality. That is why we think
it wrong to meddle in the affairs of Arab countries. What information
we possess at this point indicates anti-Armenian moods in Arab
countries, particularly in Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, and the United Arab
Emirates. Worse than that, we do not rule out the possibility of
dramatic consequences of this decision for our country.”

Debates in Armenia over involvement in Iraq lasted over two months.
They were fierce both in society and in the parliament. The National
Assembly ratified the accord after an eight-hour meeting last Monday
but never reached a consensus on the matter.

Lawmakers who voted “nay” claim that the presence of a contingent in
Iraq will collide with national interests of the country, interests
of state security. Moreover, it will generate a threat to the
existence itself of the Armenian community in Iraq numbering 25,000
people and Armenian communities in Moslem countries.

Sarkisjan told this correspondent that the decision to send
servicemen to Iraq is an attempt on the part of official Yerevan to
indicate the intention to introduce serious changes in its foreign

It should be taken into account meanwhile that Russia is Armenia’s
geo strategic ally and that this fact cannot help having an effect on
the bilateral relations between Moscow and Yerevan. In fact, Moscow
already used its influence with Armenia more than once to prevent its
strategic ally in the Caucasus from becoming too independent. Neither
did Armenian leaders consult with countries of the Organization of
the CIS Collective Security Treaty. “Hence the criticism of the
authorities’ stand on the matter,” Sarkisjan said.

Translated by A. Ignatkin

Bread part of romantic tradition

Los Angeles Daily News
Jan 21 2005

Bread part of romantic tradition

By Naush Boghossian, Staff Writer

Forget the tooth fairy’s measly dollar or that much desired sweater
from Santa. Even Cupid’s got no game when up against St. Sargis.
Those nighttime presents are chump change compared with what St.
Sargis leaves for single women: A vision of the man they are meant to

Marking the feast day of St. Sargis, the patron saint of young love,
unmarried Armenian women will eat a piece of salty bread tonight,
ideally after fasting all day, in the hope of dreaming about their
future husband. Tradition says the man who brings them water in the
dream will be the man they marry.

“It’s not something I take seriously or will put my hopes on, but
it’s entertaining, and Lord knows that in today’s dating scene, you
need entertainment,” said Talene Kanian, 29, of Burbank.

“After all, aren’t we all hopeful that ‘the one’ exists? As a modern
woman, I will take part in this old wives’ tale, and entertain the
thought that my soul mate will visit me in my dream and quench my

St. Sargis Day is celebrated 63 days before Easter, on a Saturday
falling sometime between Jan. 18 and Feb. 23. Popular and widely
anticipated in Armenia and Middle Eastern countries, where life was
austere and people looked for reasons to celebrate, the tradition is
being kept alive in communities throughout Southern California and
the United States.

These types of marriage traditions are prevalent in other cultures in
different forms. Assyrians, for example, celebrate a variation of St.
Sargis, where the dreams of unmarried women are believed to be

“It’s a celebration of the continuity of Armenian life and Armenian
traditions,” said Richard Hovannisian, chairman of Armenian history
at the University of California, Los Angeles.

“They were maintained pretty strongly down through the centuries,
even though now they wane in the secular society and in the rapid
pace of life here.”

Although St. Sargis is said to visit the dreams of both sexes, the
tradition is more popular among girls and women. And most Armenian
women either have a story to tell about their own St. Sargis dream or
know someone with a story.

Hrachik Hovanessian, 81, can still envision the dream she had when
she was 16.

“My girlfriends were standing by a stream and called me over. From
far away I saw a man approaching who was tall and thin, wearing
light-colored clothes, a coffee-colored shirt and tie,” she recalled.

“A few months later, a man visited our home to meet me, and I was
startled when I saw him because I immediately knew he was the man in
my dreams.”

The two wed less than a year later, and were married 61 years, until
his death three years ago.

This year, her granddaughter Helena Gregorian, 31, is going to taste
St. Sargis’ bread for the first time.

“It’s passing down a tradition. Though you know it’s not really true
and it’s like folklore, you kind of do it to keep it going so you
don’t forget where you came from,” said Gregorian of Sherman Oaks.

“It’s almost like when you have somebody read your coffee cup. Do you
really believe it? You never know, but you keep an open mind to the

Gregorian’s paternal grandmother, Valik Khodaverdian, 80, is baking
the salty bread for her three single granddaughters and their friends
this year, hoping it will reveal for them the man of their dreams.

“Have an open mind and open heart when you go to sleep,” she
cautioned. “Don’t go to bed thinking you’ll dream of your husband.”

When girls wake up the following morning, they share their dreams
with their mothers and grandmothers, and the experience becomes a
bonding one, tying the generations together.

If a man does not appear, single women should not be discouraged, the
elderly Armenian women advise: Dreams are open to interpretation and
everybody can glean meaning out of what they see.

Newlywed Maral Sultanian, 29, had the dream four years ago before she
met her future husband. She saw herself as a little girl at her old
elementary school pouring water into a big bowl from the water

“The bowl was overflowing, like, wow, does this mean there is going
to be a cornucopia of men to choose from? I immediately saw it as I
would have many suitors to choose from,” Sultanian said.

“I found someone who nurtures me and brings me water in real life,
not in a dream. It was a dream come true in this case.”

Judge allows purchase of St. Francis Xavier to continue
Jan. 14, 2005

Judge allows purchase of St. Francis Xavier to continue

By ALBERT McKEON, Telegraph Staff
[email protected]

Published: Thursday, Jan. 13, 2005

Staff file photo by Don Himsel
A judge has rejected parishioners’ bid to halt the sale of St. Francis
Xavier, shown here in 2002. Order this photo
This is a timeline of recent events involving St. Francis Xavier Church.
SEPTEMBER 2002 – St. Stanislaus and St. Casimir churches close. St.
Stanislaus merges with St. Louis de Gonzague Church, and St. Casimir merges
with St. Patrick Church. St. Francis Xavier Church parishioners succeed in
delaying the closure of their church.
DECEMBER 2002 – St. Francis Xavier Church Foundation forms, aiming to
preserve the religious aspects and architectural value of the building.
MARCH 2003 – St. Francis Xavier Church closes, and the parish merges with
St. Louis de Gonzague.
FEBRUARY 2004 – Diocese of Manchester puts St. Francis Xavier on the market.
St. Francis Xavier Church Foundation offers to buy the property from the
diocese for an undisclosed amount after a fund-raising drive. Diocese does
not comment on offer.
MAY 2004 – Diocese announces it has entered into a 90-day, purchase-and-sale
agreement for $1 million with a representative of the Armenian Orthodox
NOVEMBER 2004 – Hillsborough County Probate Court rules the diocese will not
violate intent of an 1885 deed if the property is sold to another religious
institution. The deed’s terms protect the donation of the land by an old
manufacturing company.
JAN. 12, 2005 – A civil lawsuit filed by former parishioners and the St.
Francis Xavier Foundation is dismissed. The judge rules that parishioners
cannot prove the diocese will violate the deed. The court also cites First
Amendment protections for the diocese, and does not rule on the
parishioners’ complaint that the closure process was unfair.

NASHUA – The Diocese of Manchester has cleared another legal hurdle in its
move to sell the century-old St. Francis Xavier Church to the Armenian
Orthodox Church.

A judge dismissed a civil suit filed by former parishioners and
architectural preservationists, ending another battle over the French Hill
church’s closure. A probate court has already upheld the potential $1
million sale, and the transaction apparently needs only the final approval
of the Armenian Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem.

`The faithful parishioners of St. Francis Xavier are disappointed the
diocese has defaulted in its commitment to French Hill,’ said attorney
Randall Wilbert, who represents the protesting group of parishioners and
preservationists. Wilbert said he does not know if the group intends to file
an appeal.

Hillsborough County Superior Court Judge William Groff handed down the
ruling last Friday, and it was publicly released Wednesday.

A linchpin of the case was a 119-year-old deed granted by The Jackson Co., a
textile manufacturer that donated the hilltop land on which the building
sits. A deed stipulation is the land must always hold a place of religious

In November, a Hillsborough County Probate Court judge ruled that the
proposed sale follows the precepts of the deed. Groff recognized that
ruling.He did grant the former parishioners legal standing on any deed
challenge because they are beneficiaries of the statutory trust in which the
presiding Catholic bishop oversees St. Francis Xavier property.

But Groff found no evidence that Bishop John McCormack, as the trustee,
would use sale proceeds for any other purpose than the benefit of these
former parishioners. Any contrary claim is `hypothetical’ and the suit
failed to establish `a present controversy, definite and concrete,’ Groff
wrote in his dismissal.

St. Francis Xavier merged with St. Louis de Gonzague Church in 2003, so the
proceeds should be earmarked for the West Hollis Street parish. The diocese,
through attorney Ovide Lamontagne, repeated Wednesday that the merged church
would receive any sale profits.

`Today’s decision provides stability and clarity to a very painful process
for the people in Nashua,’ Lamontagne said. `But I know for Bishop
McCormack, as difficult as it is to take these actions in these communities
and parishes, he’s responsible to answering to the task force and (in) his
responsibility as a trustee.’

The task force referred to by Lamontagne oversaw the closing of three
downtown Catholic churches. A group of parishioners and clergy recommended
closing St. Francis Xavier, St. Casimir and St. Stanislaus churches, and
McCormack approved the decision.

But many parishioners of those now-defunct churches complained the task
force was an empty vehicle, and that church hierarchy had predetermined the
parishes for closure. St. Francis Xavier parishioners protested the loudest,
and delayed the shutting of their parish. But many have since moved on,
either to St. Louis de Gonzague or other churches.

The small group of former parishioners who have kept fighting had pinned
great hopes on the civil suit. They want to block the sale, and sought the
court’s opinion on the closure and merger process.

Groff, though, stayed clear of the work of the diocese and task force. He
cited the diocese’s First Amendment right to free exercise of religion. The
parishioners had claimed their rights were suppressed in the process, but
Groff found `the Court would clearly be required to become entangled in
church doctrine or ecclesiastical law, over which the secular laws has no
authority,’ the dismissal said.

The Diocese of Manchester has a $1 million purchase-and-sale agreement with
local real estate developer Vatche Manoukian, who has said he intends to
donate the property to the Armenian Orthodox Church. Manoukian, through his
attorney, Gerald Prunier, has said he identified a potential parishioner
base for the church.

An approval from Archbishop Torkom Manoogian, the Armenian Orthodox
Patriarchate of Jerusalem, is imminent, Lamontagne said.

Wilbert said his clients are not disappointed in the court – particularly
Groff’s stance on constitutional issues – but rather are dissatisfied with
the diocese for having them seek no other avenue than legal recourse.

`They’ve been nothing but faithful, but now they have to wear their emotions
on their sleeve,’ Wilbert said.

Francis Bonner, a former parishioner, said, `Naturally, we’re all
disappointed.’ He withheld further comment until he could read Groff’s

Georgi Hippauf was not a St. Francis Xavier parishioner but is an ardent
supporter of preserving the building as a religious institution. Hippauf
does not object to the Armenian Orthodox Church claiming the old parish as a
home, but she wonders if it will have enough support to thrive.

`We have not abandoned our game plan,’ she said. `We have opportunities to
make it right, to at least ensure it’s not used for anything but religious
purposes. After all this time, though, fighting it . . . it’s devastating.
It seems likes the bad guys are winning against the good people, ordinary

Albert McKeon can be reached at 594-5832 or [email protected].

Three Quakes Shake Iran, Greece And Turkey In One Day


YEREVAN, JANUARY 11. ARMINFO. Three earthquakes have taken place in
Iran and on the Turkish-Greek border in the last 24 hours.

The National Service of Seismic Protection of Armenia’s Emergency
Department reports that a 5.4 point earthquake took place 25 km north
of the Iranian town of Gorgan Jan 10 10:47 pm. In the epicenter the
magnitude was 7 points on the MSK-64 scale. The local phone network
has been damaged, the population is in panic. No casualties reported

Two 5.1 point quakes shook the areas 60 km and 55 km of Mugla, the
Turkish-Greek border, today 3:48 am and 3:50 am respectively. In the
epicenter the magnitude was 6 points. Again no reports of casualties
have been received to date.

Wireless Internet in Armenia to Be Expanded in 2005


YEREVAN, January 7 (Noyan Tapan). In 2005 the Unicomp company will
carry out activity aimed at extension of cordless Internet network in
Armenia. Armen Baldrian, Director General of the company, informed a
Noyan Tapan correspondent that according to the bill worked out by the
RA Ministry of Transport and Communications, one may already make use
of this sphere without a licence. According to A.Baldrian, the sphere
of information technologies is developing very quickly in Armenia but
the state assistance is late. Armenia is first to begin implementation
of new projects but the neighbouring countries finish them earlier. In
this respect, according to A.Baldrian, the companies of the sphere
should be united, should be able to struggle for solution of common
problems. He mentioned that non-execution of laws remains the main
obstacle. The Unicomp CJSC was founded in 1996 on the basis of the
Nairi-91 computer firm. This is the first Armenian computer company
that received the ISO:9001 quality management certificate. The main
directions of activity of Unicomp are programming, assemblying of
computers, projecting and installation of computer networks. The
company was first in Armenia to begin production of notebooks.

According to the director, at present the company realizes 25 such
computers a month, which makes 50-60% of home market. He mentioned
that in case of sale of 100 notebooks a month they will be exported.

Glendale: TV host Agajanian eyes council race

Los Angeles Daily News
Jan 4 2005

TV host Agajanian eyes council race

By Alex Dobuzinskis, Staff Writer

GLENDALE — The host of a local cable television show aimed at
Armenian-Americans said Monday that he plans to run for City Council,
and vowed to make city politics more transparent.
Vrej Agajanian, 53, said there was too much secrecy surrounding the
city’s negotiations with the developer of the $264 million Americana
at Brand project, a 15.5-acre retail, entertainment and dining
complex slated to open in fall 2006.

“First and foremost, I want the city to be transparent and everything
to be done in open forum and not behind closed doors,” Agajanian

City Councilman Frank Quintero, who plans to run for re-election,
welcomed Agajanian into the race.

“I think he has a tenacious personality and is very good about
identifying issues and speaking out,” Quintero said.

Agajanian hosts “ABC-TV Live with Vrej Agajanian.”

The 23-year Glendale resident said he had received $4,750 to run
political ads on his program from the campaign that sought to defeat
the Americana at Brand project in a September 2004 referendum.
Glendale voters narrowly approved the project.

Agajanian, who will need to get 100 signatures to be placed on the
ballot, would be running against several candidates for four seats on
the council in the April 5 general election.