Unsuccessful Attempt To Interview Levon Ter-Petrosian


11 Dec 04

All Armenian Movement Gets Separated Again

First RA president Levon Ter-Petrosian joined the 14th Congress of the
All-Armenian Movement five minutes late. His entrance to the
sittingsâ=80=99 hall of the government aroused the obvious excitement
of the participants. It seemed tome that Ter-Petrosian’s delay was
artificially staged. On the other hand, it seemed that AAM exists for
the only hope of Ter-Petrosian’s return.Doubtlessly, the participants
of the sitting are the very group of people that are readyto urge for
the first RA president’s return.

Before taking his seat in the first row Ter-Petrosian greeted the
members of his party, shook the hand of progressive-liberal Hovhannes
Hovhannisian, then sat down next to Samvel Gevorgian. The political
figures sitting behind him were likely to enjoy his presence. Indeed,
there can be historic moments inthe life of each political figure.

The journalists failed to interview Levon Ter-Petrosian. He was
smoking and talking to his acquaintances during the breaks. At the
congress he listenedto the speeches on the unprecedented massacres of
the Western Armenians in 1895-96, the Armenians Genocide of 1915 and
the final loss of the Western Armenia, as well as on the loss of the
Eastern Armenia’s great part in 1918-1921. In its adopted formula the
14th Congress of AAM condemned the Armenian ideology based on
national-socialistic ideas in all these tragedies, instead of
condemning the Ottoman Empire in that.

“The freedom of speech is banned, journalists and the mass media
become targets of terrorism, left-wing TV channels are being closed,”
this is another extract from the formula of AAM Congress. Ararat
Zourabian, chairman of theparty, emphasized the closing of A1+ channel
in his speech. But was it right to talk of the freedom of speech in
the presence of the first RA president? On December 28, 1994, all the
mass media reflecting the ideas of Armenian Revolutionary Party
Dashnaktsutyun were closed and robbed during one night.

The leaders of some parties separated from AAM were not present at the
congress. Babken Ararktsian, Alexander Arzoumanian, Ara Sahakian were
not at the sitting hall. Henry Cuni, French ambassador to Armenia,
accepted the invitation to be present at the congress. Aram Sargsian
represented Hanrapetutiun Party, while Stepan Demirchian, leader of
the People’s Party of Armenia was absent.

Ararat Zourabian stated in his speech at the congress that the regime
that seized the power continues its activities that destroy the base
of the Armenian state. According to Zourabian, in the Nagorno Karabakh
issue, NKR doesnâ=80=99t participate in the negotiation process, and
the conflict became a territorial quarrel between Armenia and

Zourabian emphasized that Armenia is excluded from the regional
security, energetic and transportation systems, there is no progress
fixed in the Armenian- Turkish relations, while the relations between
Russia and Armenia were characterized as those between the master and
the slave. As for “Property against Debt” project, it endangers the
independence of Armenia, he said.

The leaders of the party keep saying that the All Armenian Movement
can be a part of the nation-wide movement against the current regime
in Armenia.

BY Tatoul Hakobian

About 7,000 Families Receive Permanent Housing in Earthquake Zone


YEREVAN, December 3 (Noyan Tapan). Approximately 7,000 families
(approximately 30,000 persons) have received permanent housing within
the framework of Earthquake Zone Recovery Program (EQZRP) implemented
in 1998-2004, including approximately 6,270 with Housing Purchase
Certificates (HPCs) at an average cost of $3,442 per family; 664 with
Housing Improvement Grants (HIGs) at an average cost per family
sheltered of $4,224; 60 with Urban Housing Improvement Grants (HIGs)
at an average cost per family sheltered of $2,079. Steven Anlian, the
Head of EQZRP, said about it during the December 3 conference entitled
“From Recovery to Development”. According to him, over 120 municipal
sites have been reclaimed by clearing of “domics” in five cities; over
50 sites, formerly occupied by domics, have been redeveloped/are under
development; over 4,000 domics have been removed and destroyed to-date
with another thousand or more still to be removed by participating
local governments; over 100 public buildings (schools, kindergartens,
museums, etc.) and sites (parks and squares) have been reclaimed and
returned to the communities. The Conference audience is comprised of
the donor community, both organizations and governments which have had
a direct role in providing resources to the Earthquake Zone’s
recovery, as well as broader donnor community; Armenian Central
Government and 18 participating local governments; all EQZRP program
staff and partners/subcontractors, including bank staff, auditors,
engineers, NGO representatives and real estate professionals. US
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the US to Armenian
John Evans mentioned that the US government’s support to Armenia will
not complete with this program. According to him, there are already
projects for support to the northern regions of the republic. The
Earthquake Zone Recovery Program is part of a broad range of
activities supported by USAID to help the recovery of this region and
the rest of Armenia. These activities include nutrition and health
programs to increase access to primary health care, and programs to
strengthen local capacity through support of community, local
government and non-governmental organization (NGO) development. Other
programs focus on reform of social service delivery and social
infrastructure systems, and support of micro, small and medium
enterprises, especially agribusiness.

Reception in Honor of Archbishop Barkev Mardirossian In Glendale


BURBANK, CALIFORNIA, December 3 (Noyan Tapan). On the evening of
December 2, His Eminence Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, Primate of the
Western Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church of North America,
presided over a reception in honor of Archbishop Barkev Mardirossian,
Primate of the Diocese of Artsakh. According to the Press Office of
the Western Diocese, held at the St. Peter Armenian Church Youth
Ministries Center in Glendale, the reception was hosted by Diocesan
benefactors Mr. and Mrs. Onnik and Armine Mehrabian. The Primate was
accompanied by Very Rev. Fr. Dajad Dz. V. Yardemian.

Yerevan to host Rossini festival

Dec 2 2004


YEREVAN, DECEMBER 2, ARMENPRESS: The Armenian capital Yerevan will
host this weekend a music festival dedicated to prominent Italian
composer Gioacchino Rossini. Italian ambassador to Armenia, Marco
Clemente told a news conference today the festival will open with the
composer’s probably best known opera, The Barber of Seville, that
will be performed on December 4 by the students of Yerevan
Another of his operas, The Italian Girl in Algiers, will be performed
by the Yerevan Puppet Theater. It will be shown also to
schoolchildren. Also some other works, including his well-known
arias, will be played. The ambassador described the upcoming festival
as “an exceptional” event. The government of Italy as well as Italian
and Armenian businessmen have helped to organize the festival

Construction of Iran-Armenia pipeline begins

RIA Novosti, Russia
Nov 30 2004


YEREVAN, November 30 (RIA Novosti, Gamlet Matevosyan) – A ceremony to
mark the beginning of construction of the Megri-Kadzharan section of
the Iran-Armenia gas pipeline will be held in southern Armenia’s
Syuni region on Tuesday.

A spokesman for Armenia’s government told RIA Novosti that Armenia
Prime Minister Andrianik Markaryan would lead a delegation at the

Mr. Markaryan will also attend the opening of the second Iran-Armenia
power lines.

A delegation from Iran, led by Energy Minister Habibollah Bitaraf,
will also attend the opening ceremony in the Syuni region.

Armenian Energy Ministry Levon Vardanyan said the construction of a
41km pipeline in Armenia would start with the Megri-Kadzharan
section. He said that Iran agreed to finance the project.

On May 13, 2004, Armenia and Iran signed a treaty in Yerevan on the
construction of the Iran-Armenia gas pipeline. Under the treaty,
Armenia will receive 36 billion cubic meters of Iranian gas over 20
years. Armenia will pay for the gas with electricity. The pipeline
will also allow Armenia to receive Turkmen gas transported through

The construction of the pipeline, 700mm in diameter and 141km long,
is planned to be completed at the end of 2006. According to the
preliminary estimates, Armenia will invest about $90 million and Iran
will invest about $120 million in the construction.

Iran,Armenia to set electricity line

Persian Journal, Iran
Nov 30 2004

Iran,Armenia to set electricity line

The Iran-Armenia electricity network with a capacity of 230 kw is due
to be inaugurated tomorrow.

Iranian Energy Minister Habibollah Bitaraf and his Armenian
counterpart, Armen Movsisian, will be attending the inaugural

“Electricity exchanges between the two countries will reach a total
of 450 megawatts through this project,” the managing director of the
Iranian SANIR Electricity Company said on Monday.

Alireza Kadkhodaei said that the project costs 8.4 million dollars.
He also announced that the two energy ministers are scheduled to sign
an agreement for construction of a third line of the the two
electricity network.

Meanwhile, Iran and Armenia on May 13 signed an agreement to
construct a 42-km gas pipeline between the Armenian cities of Megri
and Kajaran.

The project is to be inaugurated during an upcoming visit of Energy
Minister Bitaraf in Armenia.

The Iran-Armenia trade volume is expected to reach 10 billion dollars
in the next 20 years with implementation of the above-stated project.

Bringing The Bible to Schools, Aragatsotn

Bible Society of Armenia
6/26 Zakiyan St.
Yerevan 375015, Armenia
Tel: (+374 -1) 58.55.09, 56.49.06
Fax: (+374 – 1) 54.24.39
E-mail: [email protected]

November 24, 2004


YEREVAN — Within its two-day trip to Aragatsotn a delegation of Bible
Society Board members and World Vision International Organization
visited the Diocese of Aragatsotn and met with 91 school principals,
teachers and students.

The final part of the project, `Bringing the Bibles to Schools,’
which includes the regions of Tavoush, Shirak and Aragatsotn, was
realized owing to the generous support of World Vision International

During November 16-17, 2004, the Bible Society and World Vision
International delegation members visited Talin, Tsaghkahovit and Aparan.
The delegation was always accompanied by Very Rev. Fr. Torgom Tonikian,
the Vicar General of the Diocese; Ms. Siramark Ghoukassian, the Head of
the Education, Culture and Sport and her deputy Mr. Parkev
Hambardzoumian. In Talin the delegation was welcomed by Mr. Mnatsakan
Mnatsakanian, the Mayor of the city.

The meetings were usually opened by the Board Secretary who in his
keynote address presented the gathered people with the 200-year history
of United Bible Societies and the 13-year history of the Bible Society
Armenia, its mission in Armenia, and the contents of the six books to be
delivered to schools.

The World Vision International representative Ms. Karine Harutunian
addressed to the gathered students: `Our organization is absolutely
Christian. Our main goal is supporting the Church’s spiritual and
educational mission. Thanks God that The Bible Society of Armenia
exists, because we are able to distribute Bible to our people. By our
participation we express solidarity to our churches, and I believe that
every project must be conducted by the Word of God. Today, I am upset,
because this is the final stage of this project. Unfortunately we did
not take part in this work from the very beginning.’

The sub-region of Tsaghkahovit has mixed population; Armenians, Yezidis
and Kurds. This was one of the unique meetings of the Bible Society
during this project. `Let’s not talk about the differences,’
stated Arshavir Kapoudjian, `But think about the unifying factors: we
are the same Land’s Children, but above all the same God’s sons and

On November 17, 2004, the Governor of the Region Mr Kozalian invited the
delegation for a meeting at the Regional Headquarter and expressed his
joy and thanks for this unique contribution and became acquainted the
activities of both WVI and the BS.

Aparan was the last city in the framework of this project, which has
begun in 2002. Ms. Ghoukassian expressed her gratitude to the Bible
Society and to World Vision International-Armenia for their contribution
and stressed the importance of the Bible, the high quality of its
translation, stating that it was the culmination of the translation art.

The meetings were concluded by the words of Fr. Tonikian, a Board member
of the Bible Society. On behalf of the principals, he expressed his
thanks to the Bible Society and World Vision International-Armenia for
this initiative. `All of us are grateful to you. This project is
absolutely encouraging given our region’s hard climatic conditions and
lack of natural resources. We are not alone. We enjoy the support of
such respected organizations.’

The project `Bringing the Bible to Schools,’ which was launched by
the Bible Society of Armenia two years ago, has now come to the end in
the Republic of Armenia. But every end is a sign for new beginnings, as
bringing the Light and the Word of God is an endless mission. The Bible
Society plans to implement the same project in the Diocese of Artsakh
and in the Javakheti Region.

The Bible Society of Armenia was established in 1991 when the late
Catholicos Vazgen I and representatives of the United Bible Societies
signed a memorandum of understanding, regarding the translation,
publication and dissemination of the Holy Bible in Armenia. The Bible
Society of Armenia is committed to the widest possible meaningful and
effective distribution of the Holy Scriptures in languages and
media which meet the needs of people, at a price they can afford. The
Board of Trustees of The Bible Society of Armenia consists of
representatives of the Armenian Apostolic Church, the Armenian Catholic
Church and the Union of Armenian Evangelical and Baptist Churches.

For further information on Bible Society of Armenia and its activities,
call (3741) 58-55-09 or 56-49-06; fax (3741) 54-24-39; e-mail
[email protected]


NATO seminar in Azeri capital discusses Karabakh, regional security

NATO seminar in Azeri capital discusses Karabakh, regional security

ANS TV, Baku
25 Nov 04

The 58th Rose-Roth seminar of NATO’s Parliamentary Assembly has
focused on security in the South Caucasus. At the seminar, which is
held in Armenian MPs’ absence, representatives from many countries
spoke about the Nagornyy Karabakh conflict and the occupation of
Azerbaijani lands by the Armenian armed forces.

NATO Parliamentary Assembly Secretary-General Simon Lann said that
NATO and numerous international organizations were concerned about
the conflict region.

The research director of the Caspian Studies Program at Harvard,
Brenda Shaffer, disagreed with the phrase “the frozen conflict”. She
thinks that the people in the region are not ready for the settlement
of the conflict.

[Video showed the seminar]

BAKU: Azeri Speaker unruffled by Armenian MPs’ absence from NATOsemi

Azeri Speaker unruffled by Armenian MPs’ absence from NATO seminar

Lider TV, Baku
25 Nov 04

[Presenter] The Rose-Roth seminar of NATO’s Parliamentary Assembly
opened in Baku today. Azerbaijani Speaker Murtuz Alasgarov said that
Armenian MPs did not join the seminar.

[Alasgarov, speaking to microphones] Ask the NATO secretary [as heard,
actually secretary-general of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly], why
they have not come. I have not invited them and I am not interested
in their visit to Azerbaijan. They do not tell us [about this]. This
is not our business. Ask the organizations which have granted visas
and invited them. So, they did not come. Very well.

[Passage omitted: reported details]

[Presenter] Speaker Alasgarov spoke about the Nagornyy Karabakh
problem at the Rose-Roth seminar. He informed the participants in
the seminar of the OSCE’s inactivity [in settling the conflict].

Azerbaijan Attempts To Put An End To Nagorno-Karabakh Peace Process

For Justice and Democracy
Avenue de la Renaissance 10
Tel: +32 (0) 2 732 70 26
Tel./Fax: +32 (0) 2 732 70 27
E-mail: [email protected]

For Immediate Release
November 24th, 2004
Contact: Talline Tachdjian
Tel.: +32 (0)2 732 70 27


Brussels, Belgium — Azerbaijan and Turkey introduced a resolution this week
asking the United Nations General Assembly to condemn the so-called Armenian
colony created in the territories under Armenian control. Armenia has
invited the Chairmen of the Minsk Group to conduct an inquiry in the field,
both in the regions under Armenian control and the ones under Azerbaijani
control, in order to verify the Azeri allegations.

The three Co-Chairs of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in
Europe (OSCE) Minsk Group – France, USA and Russia – tasked to mediate the
Nagorno-Karabakh conflict by OSCE, tried without success to date to persuade
the Azerbaijani President to withdraw the resolution.

During former votes, Turkey used its status as President of the Islamic
Conference to bear strong pressure on member countries in order to ensure a
favorable vote to the resolution. Many countries have abstained from the
votes to date, and General Assembly debate on the resolution is expected

The European Armenian Federation notes that France joined the Presidency of
the Minsk Group in 1997 to establish peace, but also with the intention of
representing Europe, which did not have great influence in the region until
that time. “It balanced the Russian and American interests in the region,”
explained Hilda Tchoboian, Chairperson of the European Armenian Federation.

Over the past several years, Azerbaijan has rejected a number of proposals
put forward by the OSCE Minsk group including the “Common State” option in
1998. Former President Heider Aliyev walked away from commitments made in
Paris and the Key West summits during talks with Armenian President Robert

The European Armenian Federation notes that since assuming power, the
current Azerbaijani president, Ilham Aliev, has continuously discredited the
OSCE process, threatening to resolve the Karabagh issue militarily.

“The UN resolution submitted by Azerbaijan and Turkey, coupled with another
current initiative being taken up at the Council of Europe, are both deadly
blows to the negociation process initiated by the Minsk Group” declared

The European Armenian Federation remains concerned that the disintegration
of the Minsk peace process will exclude Europe of any active role in the
South Caucasus, at a time when the European Union has just included this
region in its new neighborhood policy. It affirms that the end of the
process could introduce a new period of instability in the region.

In its recent call to the Heads of State and Governments of 25 countries of
the European Union, the Convention of European Armenians, which met in the
European Parliament on October 18th and 19th, denounced the disturbing role
that Turkey played in the Nagorno-Karabakh peace process.

Today the European Armenian Federation calls upon the European Union
Presidency and all countries members of the European Union to block this UN
resolution in the name of peace and stability in this sensitive region.

