Armenian opposition MP lambastes 2005 draft budget

Armenian opposition MP lambastes 2005 draft budget

Noyan Tapan news agency
24 Nov 04

Yerevan, 24 November: The opposition Justice faction of the National
Assembly views the 2005 draft budget as unacceptable, a member of the
faction, Tatul Manaseryan, said at a parliament session on 23 November.

Manaseryan said that the submission of the draft budget to
the parliament, discussions on it and putting it to vote in the
future would be of a purely formal character, as the MPs could not
familiarizing themselves with the draft within a short period. It is
unacceptable that the budget has been declared to be socially-oriented,
he said. A significant portion of the social sphere is funded on
credit – at the expense of deficit which is now fully covered by
foreign sources. It means that there is already absolute dependence
on foreign sources in place.

Foreign loans amounted to 80m dollars in 2004 and in 2005 they are
expected to total 100m dollars, which will exceed the planned budget
deficit. The MP said that there are other ways to develop the economy,
such as levying fair and equal taxes and financing social and other
targeted programmes with the taxes.

Fighting shadow economy is still a major problem while tax revenue in
the state budget tends to decrease, Manaseryan said. Besides officially
registered unemployment, there is also shadow employment which is not
subjected to taxes. Although information technologies are declared
to be a priority sphere in the country, science and industries are
underfunded as previously.

Manaseryan said he has serious doubts about the 8-per-cent economic
growth forecast for 2005, while the volumes of both export and
import are growing, the state debt (1.28bn dollars) is growing,
agricultural production which makes up one-forth of GDP, or 1-2
per cent, is rising at a higher pace, whereas the state of small
and medium-sized businesses, which account for 38 per cent of GDP,
is getting worse by the day.

Astana: UN GA discussed situation in occupied territories of Azerbai

UN General Assembly discussed situation in occupied territories of Azerbaijan

Kazinform, Kazakhstan
Nov 24 2004

Astana – Baku. November 24. KAZINFORM – In New York November 23 at
60th plenary sitting of 59th session of UN General Assembly within
the Article 163 of the agenda discussed was the “Situation in the
occupied territories of Azerbaijan”.

With a statement at session On behalf of the Azerbaijan Republic,
the Minister of Foreign Affairs Elmar Mammadyarov made a statement,
Kazinform quotes AzerTaj.

Having expressed to General Assembly gratitude for support of the
initiative of the Azerbaijan side on inclusion of the question in
the agenda, he has noted that the UN Security Council has adopted in
1993 four Resolutions (#822, 853, 874 and 884), which are the basis
for settlement of the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict.

The Resolution adopted by General Assembly (#48/114) titled “Urgent
international aid to the population of the Azerbaijan which have
become refugees and IDPs” promoted simplification of heavy humanitarian
condition in the country.

The Minister has emphasized, that Azerbaijan already more than 10 years
remains devoted to ceasefire regime that testifies to its aspiration
to peace settlement of the conflict.

The recent meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Armenia
and Azerbaijan held in Prague with mediation the OSCE Minsk Group
co-chairs has instilled in us certain hopes.

During the meeting, the sides could discuss the basic questions
around of settlement of the conflict, including liberation of all
the occupied Azerbaijan territories, returning of the refugees to
the native lands, restoration of transport and other communications
between Armenia and Azerbaijan and gradual solution of the political
aspect of the conflict.

However, the messages when negotiations are carried out, on mass
resettlement of the population on the occupied territories, cause
concern of Azerbaijan.

If earlier the information on it had casual character, recently as
a result of organized efforts of the Republic of Armenia, the said
fact has acquired wide scale.

The said campaign, “Returning to Karabakh”, is carried out by the
department of the government of Armenia on questions of refugees and
IDPs, and is financed from the special budget allocated by official
Yerevan to separatist regime of Nagorny Karabakh.

Elmar Mammadyarov has told: “The greatest concern is caused by the
occupied region of Lachin.

As a result of the carried out Armenian program, here, now live 13
thousand Armenians.

Names of the Azerbaijan villages and settlements have been made

The organizations of the Armenian Diaspora, also taking direct
participation in the mentioned program, do not hide the purposes
directed on “creation of infrastructure in Nagorny Karabakh and
settling here its Armenian refugees”.

For creation of new settlements, the government of Armenia also uses
the armed forces on the occupied territories.

So, with their participation have been created two new settlements
in Kalbajar region of Azerbaijan.

The representative of Azerbaijan, stating that from Iran, Russia,
Lebanon and other countries, is carried out resettlement of hundreds
Armenians, has noted that in exchange of it, the government of Armenia
gives numerous privileges.

For example, for restoration belonging in the past to ! Azerbaijanis
of houses, the government renders material aid, allocates long-term
credits, exempts from taxes and so forth.

As a result of the carried out program, the government of Armenia
is going by 2010 to reach number of the Armenian population in the
occupied Azerbaijan territories, which before made up 20 thousand,
to 300 thousand people.

Elmar Mammadyarov has emphasized, that these and other facts have
found reflection in the report of the US State Department and in a
number of foreign media.

The policy of resettlement conducted by Armenia contradicts
corresponding resolutions of Security Council of the United Nations,
the international humanitarian law and, in particular, Geneva Treaty
1949, and confirms claim of Armenia on annexation of the Azerbaijan
lands to its territory.

Minister of Foreign Affairs has informed participants of session,
that on behalf of our country the draft resolution number ?/59/L.32
has been submitted to General Assembly.

By this offer, Azerbaijan is not going to include settlement of the
conflict on the agenda of the United Nations.

However, if the questions, interfering peace talks, will not be
eliminated, it will lead to humanitarian disaster.

Elmar Mammadyarov has emphasized that the international community has
in due time expressed its attitude to this question at such important
stage of negotiations that plays important role.

The Armenian side should remove the population from the occupied
territories and guarantee that this policy would not be continued.
Representatives of Turkey and Pakistan supported the position of
Azerbaijan at the session of General Assembly.

They have stated that settlement of the conflict is probably possible
only on the basis of respect for sovereignty, territorial integrity
of the countries and norms of international law.

The representative of Armenia, having taken the floor, tried to deny
the facts submitted by the Azerbaijan side.

He has told that there is no necessity for intervention of General
Assembly of the United Nations for the given question.

The Armenian diplomat has stated that Nagorny Karabakh never was and
will not be a component of Azerbaijan.

The representative of the USA, speaking on behalf of the OSCE
co-chairs, has told, that concern of the Azerbaijan side could be
addressed in frameworks of OSCE.

He has supported the offer of our country on creation within the
framework of OSCE of the expert group to investigate the facts.

The representative of the USA has called Armenia and Azerbaijan
for continuation of peace talks jointly with co-chairs of the OSCE
Minsk Group.

Then, Chairman of General Assembly, having noted that discussions on
the text of the Resolution still continues, has stated that voting
and continuation would take place the other day.

Making comments on the said discussions on November 23, Minister of
Foreign Affairs Elmar Mammadyarov has told correspondent of AzerTAj:
“Beginning of discussions in the United Nations connected to situation
in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan, is an important question.

It is difficult process.

To speak about results beforehand is not possible.

However, the Azerbaijan side could bring from the high tribune to
the international community the truth about policy of resettlement
pursued by Armenia.

We have stated that the position of Azerbaijan in the said question
remains constant – all our occupied territories should be liberated,
the people who have become IDPs, should return to the native lands”.

New Initiative To Restore Shushi


23 Nov 04

Even after more than 12 years of its liberation Shushi makes bitter
impression on the visitors. No serious work on rehabilitation and
restoration has been done here. Even if some people come to dwell in
the city, they do it for they have no other place to go.

Recently, receiving AGBU delegation, Arkady Ghukasian, NKR President,
stated that “Karabakh has a budget amounting to 27 million and
canâ~@~Yt restore Shushi alone, as $100 million are required for that.”

Though Shushi Fund was founded in 2000, it implemented no serious
programs during the 4 years of its activities. Sevak Artsruni was
appointed the executive director (also president of Yerkir Union)
of the fund. The honorable chairman of Shushi Fund is Arkady
Ghukasian. The Board of the co-chairs includes Armen Sargsian,
NKR Culture Minister, his holiness archbishop Pargev, leader of
Artsakhâ~@~Ys Diocese and Bakur Karapetian, publicist.

“I suggested to enlarge the board of the co-chairs by including
Diaspora representatives. Greguar Galust, representative of the
Lebanese Armenian Catholic community was included in the board of the
co-chairs and immediately initiated the first stage of the activities
for restoring Shushi,” Artsruni says.

It is envisaged to stop all the works in Shushi in the first stage
and concentrate on elaborating prospective programs, i.e. to study
Sushiâ~@~Ys historical-cultural heritage, to prove that Shushi is an
ancient center of the Armenian culture and “to make this proof the
basic capital for restoration.”

Hamlet Petrosian, Doctor of Archeology, and Bakur Karapetian completed
the list of the cityâ~@~Ys historical-cultural monuments. “The
specialists studied about 180 buildings and elaborated the cityâ~@~Ys
restoration plan. 5 districts of the city were separated and at
present, we look for financial sources to organize international
architectural contests for the restoration of these districts.
The archeological excavations will begin in March of 2005, while in
the autumn of the same year a scientific conference will be held
“where we will have the opportunity to say what we have in Shushi
and what kind of plans we can have in the future,” they say. This
is the first stage of the activities that are fully sponsored by the
Lebanese Armenian Catholic Community.

The works of the cityâ~@~Ys restoration are envisaged to begin in the
second stage. Contests will be announced for the plans and foreign
architects will be invited to participate in the restoration of Shushi.

By Tatoul Hakobian


Police arrest man for false terrorist alert


Nov 22 2004

YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 22, ARMENPRESS : Armenian national security officers
tracked down and arrested a 42-year-old Yerevan resident who made
A false warning about a terrorist attack in one of the biggest
secondary schools in downtown Yerevan on November 19, forcing the
school management and police to evacuate the students and teachers.
The man, identified as Armen Najarian, made the call from a pay phone
box in Mashtots avenue after learning the school’s telephone number
from an inquiry bureau.

A statement by the national security service quoted the man as saying
that there were personal motives behind the false call. It also
said that Armen Najarian, who appeared to have a criminal record,
is head of a non-governmental organization called Hope, set up to
help rehabilitate former convicts, however Najarian was engaged in
adventurous activity.

Law-enforced bodies opened an investigation into the incident.
They also called on the population to keep away from such actions,
which produce huge psychological and material damages, warning that
such actions are punishable up to imprisonment.

296 HIV infected reported in Armenia as of Nov 1


Nov 22 2004

YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 22, ARMENPRESS: On the international day of HIV/AIDS
on Dec 1, USAID funded Academy for Educational Development Armenia
office, UN, World Vision Armenia office and the national center for
HIV/AIDS prevention will organize a concert in the big hall after
Aram Khachatrian to pay respect to people who died of HIV/AIDS and
advocate prevention measures. This year runs under the motto Women,
Girls: HIV/AIDS Prevention, taking into consideration the high rate of
the disease reported among women and their vulnerability to infection.

There were 296 HIV cases in Armenia as of Nov 1, 280 of who were
the citizens of Armenia. Among the infected, 217 were men and 63
women. Four cases have been reported with children.

HIV is mainly transmitted in Armenia through intravenous injection
of drugs and heterosexual sex. If by 1999, transmission through
heterosexual sex prevailed over drug injection, infection from the
last considerably increased during the last year. All infected through
drug injection have been men. Most of the infected are from Yerevan,
with number two rating in Lori. AIDS have been detected among 50 of
HIV carriers. Since the first AIDS reports in Armenia, 42 fatal cases
have been reported with HIV/ AIDS, 8 of which only this year.

The Academy for Educational Development sources said that prominent
Armenian singers will take part in the action concert, including
Alla Levonian, Andre, Zaruhi Babaian, Arsen Grigorian, Aramo, Emma
Petrossian, Theater of Soul and Dance of Sofi Devoian, Nane Dance
Club other leading performers. Expected is the participation of
top Armenian officials, US ambassador to Armenia, UN, World Bank
and representatives of other international organizations. Thirteen
addresses will be made during the concert summarizing the recent
achievements in fight against HIV/AIDS, statistics and prevention
measures. Information leaflets will be distributed during the event.

Armenians of America Are Going To Take Active Part In Telethon To Be

Armenians of America Are Going To Take Active Part In Telethon To Be Held On November 25

NEW YORK, November 19 (Noyan Tapan). The Armenian Diaspora of the US
is going to take an active part in the regular telethon on fundraising
in favor of Nagorno Karabakh to be held on November 25. According
to the Head Information Department attached to the NKR President,
it is expected that the sum of donations, which is foreseen for the
completion of the construction of the North-South highway being of
great important for Nagorno Karabakh, will exceed greatly the indices
of the previous telethons, which became traditional. In the opinion
of representatives of the various circles of the Armenian Diaspora
of the US (NKR President Arkady Ghoukassian, who is in the US on the
occasion of the telethon, meets with them now), the activities of
the Armenian Diaspora is mainly explained by the growing level of
its confidence to the NKR authorities and its President.

Famous philanthropist Hrair Hovnanian, the Chairman of the Board of
Trustees of the Armenian Assembly of America (AAA), said during his
meeting with the NKR President that the vote of confidence of the
Armenians of the US in the leadership of Nagorno Karabakh increased
owing to the democratization of all the spheres of Nagorno Karabakh’s
life, which contributes to more effective use of material resources
for the forward movement of the republic’s economy, as well as the
social, cultural, and spiritual spheres. H. Hovnanian assured the
NKR President that he will take part not only in the telethon but he
will also contribute to the implementation of different programs on
Artrsakh development.

Arkady Ghoukassian’s meeting with Archbishop Khazhak Parsamian,
the Spiritual Head of the Eastern Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic
Church of America, was held in the atmosphere of complete mutual
understanding. The Archbishop was interested not only in the issues
of the spiritual revival of Artsakh but also in the situation with
the reformation of the NKR economy, in particular, the results of
the liberalization of the tax policy, the democratic reforms carrying
out in the republic. The participants of the meeting also discussed
the issues regarding the implementation of a number of humanitarian
programs in the NKR with the immediate support of the Fund for Armenian
Relief at the Diocese.

In their telephone conversation with the NKR President influential
philanthropists Gevorg Hovnanian and Sargis Hakobian expressed their
willingness to contribute to the completion of the construction of
the North-South highway during the upcoming telethon.

The prospects of the NKR economic development were discussed during
the meeting of Arkady Ghukasian with businessman Raffi Megherian, who
supports to the development of the carpet weaving business in Artsakh,
and Vahagn and Hasmik Hovhannisian couple. The interlocutors of the
meeting were of the same opinion on the necessity of more boosting
participation of the Armenian Diaspora of the US in the strengthening
of Karabakh’s economy.

During all the meetings Arkady Ghoukassian thanked his compatriots
for everyday concern for Artsakh and its people. He emphasized once
again that the Armenian people can achieve its national objects only
owing to the joint efforts of Armenia, Artsakh and the Diaspora.

Romania held to 1-1 draw in Armenia

Romania held to 1-1 draw in Armenia
17 November 2004
by Reuters

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Photo Gallery

Group One leaders Romania, beset by injuries and suspensions, were
held to a 1-1 draw by Armenia in a World Cup qualifier on Wednesday.

A second-half equaliser from Krylya Sovietov Samara defender Karen
Dokhoyan handed hosts Armenia their first point in the group.

Romania lead with 10 points from five games but could be overhauled
later on Wednesday if the Netherlands, as expected, win in Andorra.

Shakhtar Donetsk forward Ciprian Marica fired Romania into a 29th
minute lead after being put clean through. Armenia keeper Edela Bete
got a hand to Marica’s low shot but could not keep the ball out.

Armenia upped their game after the break and were rewarded when
Dokhhoyan’s curling shot from a narrow angle flew in on 63 minutes.

Armenia Fund: Telethon 2004 Domestic & International Broadcast Info


November 15, 2004
Contact: Sarkis Kotanjian
[email protected]

Telethon 2004 Domestic and International Broadcast Info

Glendale, CA (November 15) – Armenia Fund (AFI) announced today both
domestic and international broadcast viewing information for its
annual Thanksgiving Day fundraising event – Telethon 2004 Make It
Happen – scheduled for Thursday, November 25, 2004 from 8:00 a.m. to
8:00 p.m.

Telethon 2004, live from Glendale, California, is a 12-hour event
airing throughout the United States, Europe, South America, the Middle
East, the CIS and Armenia. Telethon 2004’s goal is to raise funds to
complete the remaining 56 miles of the North-South “Backbone” Highway
in Karabakh. Upon completion, the US$25 million, 105-mile highway will
link 150 towns and villages and provide crucial economic, trade and
development opportunities.Telethon 2004 will also provide continued
assistance in the areas of health care, education and infrastructure
development in the Republic of Armenia.

The following is a list of US/Canada broadcast information. All
broadcast information is listed in viewer local time. Refer to local
listings for detailed information, or call AFI at 800.888.8897.

Berkeley, CA

Comcast Ch. 8 12pm-6pm

Boston, MA

Game Show Ch. 8pm-11pm

Denver, CO

Comcast Ch. 15 12pm-6pm

Detroit, MI

WPXD Ch. 31 4pm-6pm

Chicago, IL

WJYS Ch. 34/62 7pm-10pm

Fresno, CA

KJEO Ch. 32 8am-8pm

Comcast Ch. 14 8am-8pm

Houston, TX

KTBU Ch. 55 12pm-6pm

Time Warner 55 12pm-6pm

Las Vegas, NV

Cox Cable Ch. 48 12pm-7pm

Los Angeles, CA

KSCI Ch. 18 8am-8pm

Oakland, CA

Comcast Ch. 8 12pm-6pm

Milwaukee, WI

Time Warner 95 7pm-10pm

Minneapolis, MN

Time Warner 99 10am-10pm

New York Tri State

WMBC Ch. 58 2pm-6pm

Philadelphia, PA

WPPX Ch. 61 4pm-6pm

Providence, RI

WPXQ Ch. 69 4pm-6pm

Salt Lake City, UT

KJZZ Ch. 14 9am-1pm

Comcast Ch 14 9am-1pm

San Diego, CA

KSCI Ch. 18 8am-8pm

San Francisco, CA

KTSF Ch. 26 12pm-6pm

San Jose, CA

Comcast Ch. 8 12pm-6pm

Seattle, WA

KBCB Ch. 24 12pm-8pm

Comcast Ch 14 12pm-8pm

St. Louis, MO

Charter Ch. 8 11am-6:30pm

Vancouver, BC

KBCB Ch. 24 12pm-8pm

West Palm Beach, FL

WHDT Ch. 59 8pm-11am

International viewers in Europe, the CIS, the Middle East and portions
of South America (Argentina) may watch and participate in Telethon
2004 via a live satellite feed from Armenia’s H1 TV Channel from 7:00
pm – 7:00a.m. (Armenia time – Greenwich Mean Time plus three).

Viewers may also watch Telethon 2004 on both MGN/Paradise and Horizon
Armenian TV via cable and/or satellite television. Telethon 2004 will
also be available in full-motion web-cast on
Internet users will be able to view and make
secure contributions online.

The broadcast will feature live entertainment, interviews with
numerous celebrities and political leaders, development and
construction footage from Armenia and Karabakh and stories of
individuals impacted by AFI projects.

For more information on Telethon 2004, call AFI at 800.888.8897 or

Armenia Fund, Inc., a non-profit 501(c)(3) tax-exempt corporation, is
the US West coast affiliate of the `Hayastan’ All-Armenia Fund
(HAAF). Established in 1994 to facilitate humanitarian assistance to
Armenia and Karabakh, HAAF has administered over $100 million in
humanitarian, rehabilitation and construction aid through the united
efforts of Armenian communities internationally.


Armenian, Estonian culture ministers sign cooperation accord

Armenian, Estonian culture ministers sign cooperation accord

Public Television of Armenia
Yerevan 15 Nov 04

[Presenter] It was very pleasant to get acquainted with the life and
activity of the great master. I wish the Armenian people success and
prosperity, Estonian President Arnold Ruutel wrote in the visitors’
book of the Sergey Paradzhanov museum. He is the ninth CIS president
to visit the museum. The Armenian and Estonian ministers signed the
first cooperation agreement in the museum.

[Correspondent over video of museum] The Estonian delegation, led by
President Arnold Ruutel, visited the Paradzhanov museum and got
acquainted with the sections of the museum which showed exhibits on
Paradzhanov’s life and activity in Tbilisi and a collection of his
collages made during his imprisonment.

Zaven Sarkisyan, the director of the museum, presented two of
Paradzhanov’s films to the Estonian president.

[Estonian president, captioned, in Russian with Armenian voice-over]
We have not seen Paradzhanov’s films. He is little known in
Estonia. There are interesting approaches to reality in his
art. Paradzhanov looks at the world quite differently, not as a usual

[Correspondent over video of signing ceremony] The Estonian president
signed the visitors’ book.

It is symbolic that the Armenian and Estonian culture ministers signed
the first cooperation agreement in the cultural sphere in the
Paradzhanov museum. The ministers noted that the two countries have
great untapped potential in the cultural sphere.

[Estonian Culture Minister Urmas Paet, captioned, in Russian with
Armenian voice-over] We in Estonia did not know what was happening in
Armenian cinema in the last 10-15 years. Every year we hold film
festivals in Tallinn in November and I am waiting to see an Armenian
film in our film festival next year.

[Armenian Culture Minister Ovik Oveyan, captioned] This is the first
agreement in the cultural sphere that we have signed. I hope that we
shall continue our talks in this sphere.

Nune Aleksanyan, Arman Garibyan, “Aylur”.

Turkish FM: Ideas of genocide still on Yerevan foreign policy agenda


Pan Armenian News
Nov 12 2004

ANKARA, 12.11.04. Turkey has not received any documents testifying
that the ideas of the Genocide were excluded from the agenda of
the Armenian foreign policy, consequently one cannot speak of any
changes in Yerevan`s policy on the Genocide issue, Turkish Foreign
Ministry Spokesman Namik Tan stated during a press conference. As
Milliyet Turkish newspaper writes, he pointed out to the fact that
despite the information that appeared in the press, official Yerevan
has not changed its stand. To remind, when replying to the question
why the budget project for year 2005 does not include allocation of
funds for carrying out the policy of the recognition of the Armenian
Genocide Hamlet Gasparian, the Press sercretary of the Armenian Foreign
Ministry stated that Yerevan policy on the issue of the internnational
recognition of the Armenian Genocide has unregone no changes. Besides,
according to him, the issue of the international recognition of the
Armenian Genocide is still on the agenda of official Yerevan and
cannot be put in the budget or any fiscal document.