ANC-Fla: Florida Senate Candidate Scores 100% on ANCA Questionnaire

Armenian National Committee of Florida
931 NE 48th Street, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33334
Tel. (954) 401-9787 – E-mail. [email protected]


October 15, 2004
Contact: Bedo Der-Bedrossian ~ Tel: (954) 401-9787


Betty Castor Signals Support for Genocide Recognition, Increased
Aid, Expanded Trade, and an End to the Blockades

WASHINGTON, DC – In a move welcomed by Florida’s growing Armenian
community, “Sunshine State” Senate hopeful Betty Castor responded
positively to each of the nine questions on the Armenian National
Committee Of America (ANCA) Candidate Questionnaire.

The Questionnaire features nine questions about recognition of the
Armenian Genocide; U.S. support for Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh;
U.S.-Armenia economic relations; Self-determination for Nagorno-
Karabakh; Conditions on U.S. aid to Azerbaijan; the Turkish
blockade of Armenia, and; the U.S.
subsidy of the Baku-Ceyhan pipeline bypass of Armenia.

Despite its growing Armenian community, estimated at over 30,000,
Florida remains among the shrinking number of states in which
neither Senator has cosponsored the Genocide Resolution, S.Res.164.
or actively supported Armenian American issues. Both Senators –
freshman Bill Nelson (D) and Bob Graham (D), who is retiring after
three six-year terms in the Senate – have been largely unsupportive
of Armenian American issues and unresponsive to the concerns of
sizable Armenian communities in Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Tampa/St.
Petersburg, Ocala, Orlando, Fort Meyer, Jacksonville, Tallahassee,
and elsewhere throughout the state.

Castor is running against Mel Martinez, the Bush Administration’s
former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, to succeed
Senator Graham. The race is widely considered to be among the most
competitive in the nation. Castor has served as a state senator,
as Florida Education Commissioner, and as a university president.
She founded the nationally recognized Healthy Kids insurance

Those interested in learning Mel Martinez’s positions on Armenian
American issues can contact his campaign and urge him to complete
the ANCA Candidate Questionnaire. His campaign manager, Scott
Barnhart, can be reached by phone through the campaign’s operator
at (407) 897-3130; the campaign’s political director, Nathan Blake,
can be contacted via email at [email protected]. For complete
contact information for the Martinez campaign:

The Armenian National Committee of South Florida commended one of
its local activists, Michael Toumayan, for urging Betty Castor, in
behalf of the ANC of South Florida, to state her positions on
Armenian issues by filling-out the ANCA Candidate Questionnaires.
In addition Michael has also worked closely with the Castor’s
senior aides and arranged for the campaign to send a representative
to deliver an address to the Armenian Americans attending the
Florida “Kef for Kerry” on October 24, 2004.

For an Adobe PDF version of the ANCA Questionnaire:

The ANCA chapter contacts for Florida are:

ANC – Central Florida
Ara Manoogian
[email protected]

ANC – Gulf Coast
Richard O’Brien
[email protected]

ANC South Florida
Bedros Der Bedrossian
[email protected]

Soul-hunting legalized in Armenia

Soul-hunting legalized in Armenia

October 15, 2004

Protection of rights of minorities of all kinds and colors has been so
widely spoken about in Armenia that it seems that either the majority
will soon have no rights at all or that to protect one’ rights one
will have to join a minority.

The Ministry of Justice gave another reason to think so by granting
official registration to Jehovah’s Witnesses. This registration will
no doubt be presented to the society in the context of freedom of
speech and freedom of conscience, adherence to European and universal
values and democracy. Some will try to present the registration
granted to the Jehovah’s Witnesses as another step forward on
Armenia’s way to integration with Europe.

This pathos will conceal the fact that the activities of religious
sects, especially Jehovah’s Witnesses, not only go against the
interests of our state and nation but pose a direct threat to our
statehood. Soul-hunting and open anti-national propaganda will now be
perfectly legal.

Refusal to serve in the army is also being legalized. Aren’t the
leaders of the country that is still in a situation of possible war
worried about this? Maybe they think that in case of a possible
attack on Armenia the documents protecting the rights of minorities
will protect the country as well.

Georgia, Azerbaijan connect sections of key oil pipeline

Georgia, Azerbaijan connect sections of key oil pipeline

Associated Press Worldstream
October 16, 2004 Saturday 11:45 AM Eastern Time

BAKU, Azerbaijan — The presidents of Azerbaijan and Georgia on
Saturday presided over the welding of two sections of a strategic oil
pipeline seen as key to reducing Western dependence on Middle East oil.

Attending the ceremony on the border between the two ex-Soviet
republics, Azerbaijan’s President Ilham Aliev and Mikhail Saakashvili
of Georgia hailed the US$3.6-billion Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline as
essential both for their countries and the entire region.

“This pipeline will help create new opportunities for our peoples,
and attract major resources,” Aliev said. “It will also contribute
significantly to the region’s security.”

Stephen Mann, the U.S. State Department envoy for Caspian energy
development, attended the ceremony. Mann sought to dismiss fears
about the pipeline’s security, saying it was being built far from
the zones of conflicts in the region.

Azerbaijan has been unable to solve a conflict over its
Nagorno-Karabakh enclave, which has been under Armenian control since
1994, and Georgia has been haunted by conflicts in its breakaway
provinces of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, which have run their own
affairs since the early 1990s.

The 1,760-kilometer (1,100-mile) pipeline runs from Baku, Azerbaijan,
to the Turkish port of Ceyhan, where oil from Azerbaijan’s Caspian
Sea fields will be loaded onto tankers for Western markets.

It is set to begin operation next year.

Armenian youth groups protest plan to send troops to Iraq

Armenian youth groups protest plan to send troops to Iraq

Agence France Presse
Oct 13 2004

YEREVAN, Oct (AFP) – Armenian youth organizations Wednesday protested
against President Robert Kocharian’s decision to send non-combatant
troops to Iraq to work with the Polish military contingent there.

“We are worried that Armenia’s authorities are preparing to send an
Armenian peace-keeping contingent to Iraq,” 30 organizations wrote
in a joint letter to Kocharian.

The organizations include student associations and youth groups
linked to several political parties, including those that support
the government, and have thousands of members.

The organizations warned that the ethnic Armenian diaspora in Iraq,
numbering around 20,000 people, could be targeted by Iraqi insurgents.

The non-combatant troops, which include doctors, mine-clearing experts
and drivers, are to be sent to Iraq and integrated into the Polish
military contingent there as part of an agreement signed last month
between Yerevan and Warsaw.

The organizations also sent their letter to the Armenian parliament,
whose approval is required for the accord to come into effect. They
said they were prepared to resort to other means of protest if their
message was not heeded.

Armenian Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanian insisted the 50 troops’
mission in Iraq was a humanitarian one and would not include combat.

Immigration officials in Yerevan said around 100 Armenian families
in Iraq have sought temporary asylum in Armenia following last
August’s wave of bomb attacks on churches in Baghdad and Mosul,
in northern Iraq.

ANCA: Senate Adjourns Before Adopting Armenia Trade Provision

Armenian National Committee of America
888 17th St., NW, Suite 904
Washington, DC 20006
Tel: (202) 775-1918
Fax: (202) 775-5648
E-mail: [email protected]

October 12, 2004
Contact: Elizabeth S. Chouldjian
Tel: (202) 775-1918


— U.S. House Gave Final Approval Last Week to Extending
Permanent Normal Trade Relations Status to Armenia

— Post-Adjournment Session May Approve Measure After Election

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senators left Washington yesterday to hit the
campaign trail before taking up a large trade bill that includes a
provision to permanently normalize trade between the U.S. and
Armenia, reported the Armenian National Committee Of America

The failure of the Senate to act on this provision, which grants
Permanent Normal Trade Relations (PNTR) status to Armenia, was due
to entirely unrelated concerns about other parts of the larger
trade measure, H.R.1047 – the Miscellaneous Trade and Technical
Corrections Act. The U.S. House passed this bill on October 8th.
The last opportunity for Congress to approve this measure during
the 108th Congress will be during a rare post-adjournment session
of Congress – either before or, more likely, after the November 2nd
election. This session will deal primarily with approving
appropriations bills and finalizing legislation on intelligence

Armenian Caucus Co-Chairman Joe Knollenberg (R-MI) was the first to
raise the issue of Armenia PNTR in Congress. His legislation,
H.R.528, introduced last year was supported by the Armenian Caucus
and cosponsored 112 other Members of Congress. A companion bill
was introduced on the Senate side by Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY)
and cosponsored by 21 other Senators. The strong support for these
measures paved the way for serious consideration of their inclusion
by members of Congress negotiating the final version of the larger
trade measure.

“We want to thank Congressman Knollenberg, Senator McConnell and
all those who played a role in bringing Armenia PNTR to the brink
of final adoption,” said ANCA Executive Director Aram Hamparian.
“While we would have liked to have seen the Senate act before
adjourning, we remain hopeful that this measure will be enacted
into law before the end of the 108th Congress.”

Over the past two years, the ANCA has worked, in Washington, DC and
in local communities throughout the country to generate bipartisan
support for this trade measure among legislators, including those
serving on key trade subcommittees. This trade bill represents a
core element of the ANCA’s efforts to expand bilateral economic
relations, provide new commercial opportunities, and further
strengthen the enduring bonds between the American and Armenian
peoples. Over ten thousand pro-Armenia activists sent ANCA
WebFaxes to Congress, thousands more made phone calls in support of
PNTR, and this important issue was raised in several hundred
Congressional visits, both in District Offices and the nation’s
capital. The sample ANCA WebFax letter for activists included
several reasons to support this legislation, among them:

* Increased U.S.-Armenia trade and investment advances U.S.
foreign policy by strengthening Armenia’s free market economic
development and integration into the world economy.

* Expanded U.S.-Armenia commercial relations will strengthen
bilateral relations and reinforces the enduring friendship between
the American and Armenian peoples.

* Adoption of PNTR for Armenia will help offset – at no cost to
U.S. taxpayers – the devastating impact of the dual Turkish and
Azerbaijani blockades, estimated by the World Bank as costing
Armenia up to a third of its entire GDP (as much as $720 million
annually) and half of its exports.

The Trade Act of 1974 excluded all Soviet countries from having
normal trade relations (NTR) status with the United States. One
particular provision of the Act, known as the Jackson-Vanik
amendment, required the President to deny NTR to those countries
that restricted free emigration. The policy was adopted, in part,
in response to Communist government restrictions on the emigration
of Jews. According to the terms of the Jackson-Vanik amendment,
when the President determines that freedom of emigration rights
have been reinstated in a country, normal trade relations may be
granted. To maintain NTR, the President must report to Congress
twice a year that Jackson-Vanik requirements have been met. While
successive Presidents have waived the Jackson-Vanik Amendment
restrictions on Armenia during the past decade, the passage of the
Knollenberg bill, would grant Armenia permanent normal trade
relations status, without the need for semi-yearly Presidential

The depth of American support for Armenia PNTR was made clear in
the responses from around the nation to the multi-issue candidate
questionnaires circulated this election season by the ANCA.
Challengers and incumbents from both parties have stressed their
support for legislation that would grant Armenia Permanent Normal
Trade Relations (PNTR) status.

The text of the Armenia PNTR provision in H.R.1047 is provided

Title II, Section 2001

Subtitle A – Miscellaneous Provisions


(a) FINDINGS. ­ Congress makes the following findings:

(1) Armenia has been found to be in full compliance with the
freedom of emigration requirements under title IV of the Trade Act
of 1974.

(2) Armenia acceded to the World Trade Organization on February 5,

(3) Since declaring its independence from the Soviet Union in 1991,
Armenia has made considerable progress in enacting free-market

(4) Armenia has demonstrated a strong desire to build a friendly
and cooperative relationship with the United States and has
concluded many bilateral treaties and agreements with the United

(5) Total United States-Armenia bilateral trade
for 2002 amounted to more than $134,200,000.


Notwithstanding any provision of title IV of the Trade Act of 1974
(19 U.S.C. 2431 et seq.), the President may:

(1) determine that such title should no longer apply to Armenia;

(2) after making a determination under paragraph (1) with respect
to Armenia, proclaim the extension of nondiscriminatory treatment
(normal trade relations treatment) to the products of that country.


On and after the effective date of the extension under subsection
(b)(2) of nondiscriminatory treatment to the products of Armenia,
title IV of the Trade Act of 1974 shall cease to apply to that


Finnish FM discusses disputed enclave during visit to Armenia

Finnish foreign minister discusses disputed enclave during visit to Armenia

AP Worldstream
Oct 05, 2004

A disputed enclave whose status has prevented Armenia and neighboring
Azerbaijan from normalizing relations topped discussions between
Finland’s foreign minister and top Armenian officials, Armenia’s
foreign ministry said Tuesday.

In meetings with Prime Minister Andranik Margaryan, Erkki Tuomioja
also discussed Armenia’s efforts to strengthen economic and political
ties with Europe and Armenia’s relations with its giant neighbor and
historic adversary to the south, Turkey, according to the Armenian

Armenia and Azerbaijan fought a war in the early 1990s that ended with
a cease-fire in 1994. No final settlement has been reached, however,
as the two countries remain at odds over the Nagorno-Karabakh enclave,
which ethnic Armenians seized after heavy fighting.

Tuomioja and his Armenian counterpart, Vardan Oskanyan, also signed
new agreements on defense and investment, the ministry said.

Before coming to Yerevan, Tuomioja was in Baku, the Azerbaijani
capital, meeting with top officials for discussions on
Nagorno-Karabakh and bilateral trade.

President Hyon Awarded Ara Abrahamian With Highest S. Korean Award


2 Oct 04

South Korean delegation headed by president of the republic No Mu Hyon
had a 4-day official visit to Moscow recently.

Ara Abrahamian, president of the World Armenian Congress and chairman
of the Russian-Korean Business Board, participated in all the official
visits together with the Russian side.

On September 21 president Hyon awarded Ara Abrahamian the highest
award of the South Korean Republic for cementing friendship of the two
states and for his active involvement in different branches of

After the ceremony of awarding in the Kremlin, president Hyon
underscored that active economic relations between the states were
triggered off by the chairman of the Russian-Korean Business Board.

Having received the award, Ara Abrahamian left to join the first
sitting of the Russian-Korean Business Board.

In his greeting speech to the participants Ara Abrahamian said that
the purpose of the Business Board is to promote cooperation of Russian
and South Korean businessmen and that new perspectives opened after
Putin-Hyon meeting. “Today the Board is able to undertake economic,
industrial and investment projects of vital importance”, he said.

In the evening Ara Abrahamian hosted the president of “Samsung”
corporation Vu Tayk Chung. They emphasized the importance of a new
document on future cooperation signed by Russian and South Korean

The Russian-Korean business forum got under way in the President Hotel
on September 22. Issues concerning energetics, finances, transport and
new technologies were on the agenda.

The Organization of Russian-Korean Friendship organized reception at
the President Hotel in honor of the Korean president and his wife.

Expressing his gratitude for a warm welcome, No Mu Hyon underlined Ara
Abrahamian’s contribution in the development of bilateral relationsand
said that he chose Russia due to the efforts of his friend Ara
Abrahamian. President Hyon offered a toast for the head of the
Russia-Korean Business Board.

By Hamlet Ghushian from Moscow

Armenia to consume 20% of electricity generated from Iranian gas

Armenia to consume 20% of electricity generated from Iranian gas

Sept 27 2004

Yerevan. (Interfax) – Armenia plans to consume up to 20% of the
electricity it generates from Iranian gas, Armen Movsesian, the
Armenian energy minister, told reporters.

Armenian officials earlier said Armenia would export all the
electricity it generates with Iranian gas to Iran and, possibly,
to Georgia.

The Energy Ministry said it would export 3 kilowatt-hours of
electricity to Iran for 1 cubic meters of gas received from Iran.

Armenia and Iran have signed a $30-million credit agreement to finance
the construction of the Armenian section of the Iran-Armenia gas
pipeline. The pipeline is 141 km long, inducing 41 km in Armenia
and 100 km in Iran. The total cost of the project is estimated at
$210-$220 million. The pipeline is expected to be launched before
January 1, 2007.

Gas should start to arrive in Armenia from January 2007 and will
be used at Armenian thermal power plants to produce electricity for
export to Iran. Iran will supply 36 billion cubic meters of natural
gas to Armenia over 20 years according to the document.

OSCE Monitoring of contact line b/w forces held without incidents

PanArmenian News
Sept 25 2004


25.09.2004 14:48

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The OSCE monitoring of the contact line between the
Armed Forces of Armenia and Azerbaijan in the Ghazakh direction was
held without any incidents on September 24. Personal Envoy of the
OSCE Chairman-in-Office Andrzej Kasprzyk and his field assistants
Kenneth Picles and Peter Kigh conducted the monitoring from the
Armenian side, while the Azeri contact line was monitored by field
assistants of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office Imre Palatinus and Miroslav

ASBAREZ Online [09-24-2004]


1) System Of A Down Helps Raise Awareness about Sudan Genocide
2) ARF’s Hovhannisian Addresses the Issues
3) Presidential Contenders Mark 13th Anniversary of Armenian Independence
4) Lebanese President Addresses Last Day of ARF Zavarian Forum
5) Karabian Donation Hits $600,000 for Arshag Dickranian School Expansion
7) French Star Patrick Fiori Sings with Armenia’s ‘Belle’ Nune
8) Armenstock 2004 Music Festival Shows Armenian Support for John Kerry
9) New Uniforms for Karabagh ARS Kindergartens
10) Gor Mkhitarian–San Francisco, Southern California Concerts Mark New CD

1) System Of A Down Helps Raise Awareness about Sudan Genocide

LOS ANGELES–System Of A Down is contributing to a new CD to raise relief
for the victims of the ongoing genocide in the Darfur region of Sudan. The CD,
Genocide in Sudan, hits stores on November 23, and features songs from System
Of A Down, Jill Scott, Jurassic 5, Yoko Ono, Danger Mouse, the Pretenders,
Angelique Kidjo, Thievery Corporation, and previously unreleased and rare
tracks from Tom Morello’s Nightwatchman Project.
All profits will go to the United Nations Refugee Agency and
help build awareness of the humanitarian crisis in Sudan.

2) ARF’s Hovhannisian Addresses the Issues

YEREVAN (Combined Sources)–As a government coalition partner, the Armenian
Revolutionary Federation (ARF) has serious reservations about sending
troops to
Iraq, Armenia’s Parliament Vice-Speaker and ARF Bureau member Vahan
Hovhannisian told a press conference on Friday.
He indicated that Armenia should consult with ally Russia, as well as major
European powers opposed to the Iraq war before making a final decision.
“We remain a signatory to the Collective Security Treaty and if we can’t
this issue with our allies, we would be very wrong,” Hovhannisian told a news
conference. “We also have senior partners in the Council of Europe–France,
Germany, and Russia–that are not quite enthusiastic about the American
in Iraq. As a member of the Council of Europe, we cannot fail to take into
account their opinion.”
“But the most important issue is that we have large communities throughout
Arab countries and the broader Muslim world,” he added.
Responding to a journalist’s inquiry on whether the ruling coalition’s ideals
correspond to those of the ARF’s, Hovhannisian said “not completely,” adding
that opinions differ on certain points regarding constitutional amendments and
the country’s electoral code.
Asked about the ARF’s option to quit the coalition, Hovhannisian responded,
“If the existence or activities of the coalition prove not to be in conformity
with our ideas of Armenia’s political and economic development, no doubt, we
can leave the coalition,” but he stressed that the party would “never use this
possibility of leaving the coalition as blackmail or threat.”
Hovhannisian also voiced discontent with Council of Europe’s (CE) Terry
Davis’s latest report on the Mountainous Karabagh conflict, saying it “is
composed by oil companies…and doesn’t reflect the CE point of view.”
Davis is the Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe Rapporteur on
Mountainous Karabagh.

3) Presidential Contenders Mark 13th Anniversary of Armenian Independence

WASHINGTON, DC (ANCA)–President George W. Bush and Sen. John Kerry
congratulated the Armenian people on the 13th anniversary of Armenian
independence. On September 21, 1991, the Republic of Armenia declared its
independence from the Soviet Union, beginning a new chapter in Armenia’s over
3000-year history.
“We want to thank President Bush and Senator Kerry for joining with
Armenian Americans from across the country in marking the 13th anniversary of
Armenia’s rebirth, in 1991, as an independent state,” said ANCA Executive
Director Aram Hamparian. “Their remarks underscore the powerful bipartisan
American consensus in support of further strengthening the US-Armenia
relationship and fostering the enduring bonds–born of shared values–between
the American and Armenian peoples.”
In a statement released this week, Democratic Presidential nominee
John Kerry stated, “Time and again, Armenians have demonstrated the ability of
the human spirit to triumph over adversity and even to persist in the face of
genocide. I salute the courage and independence of the Armenian people.”
Earlier this year, Sen. Kerry had also marked the independence of the first
Republic of Armenia (1918-1920), celebrated on May 28th, noting: “The first
Republic of Armenia rose 86 years ago from the ashes of the Armenian genocide,
but was partitioned soon afterwards. Yet, Armenians yearned for independence,
and seven decades later realized their dream of self-determination.”
In his message to President Robert Kocharian, President Bush cited
Armenia as a “key partner with the United States.” He specifically cited
Armenia’s assistance in the war against terror and impending deployment of
non-combatant troops to Iraq. “I look forward to enhancing the cooperation
between our countries and strengthening the deep ties of friendship between
people,” concluded President Bush.

4) Lebanese President Addresses Last Day of ARF Zavarian Forum

BEIRUT–The ARF Zavarian Student Association’s (ZSA) wrapped up a five day
pan-Armenian conference marking its 100th anniversary, with a visit by the
President of Lebanon Emile Lahoud, who welcomed participants and hailed the
ARF’s role in Lebanon.
Following the adoption of resolutions, the forum officially closed.
Participants from Armenia, Mountainous Karabagh Republic, Javakhk, Russia,
Iran, Iraq, France, Canada, Germany, Greece, the US, Syria, and Lebanon
attended the ceremony that evening.

5) Karabian Donation Hits $600,000 for Arshag Dickranian School Expansion

LOS ANGELES–When the TCA Arshag Dickranian School’s master expansion plan was
created, Walter and Laurel Karabian pledged $450,000 to underwrite the
costs of
the school’s new hall, setting the current $4 million building campaign into
motion. In appreciation for their leadership gift, the School Board of
voted to name the hall “Walter and Laurel Karabian Hall.”
In June 2003, construction began and after several months, the
subterranean parking garage was completed; construction soon began on the new
two-story wing. On March 19, the couple announced their decision to add
$100,000 to their initial pledge of $450,000, which they had already
They later donated an additional $50,000 during their daughter’s graduation
from fifth grade at the Dickranian School.
The Walter and Laurel Karabian Hall, with its lobby, stage, and kitchen
facilities, covers the entire ground level of the new two-story structure.
Aside from serving the curricular and extracurricular needs of the school, the
500 seat hall will be endowed with all the amenities to accommodate our
community’s cultural and social functions.
Walter Karabian’s community benevolence is extensive and multi-faceted.
He received the prestigious St. Gregory the Illuminator Medal, the highest
order bestowed on an individual by the Armenian Church, presented by the late
Catholicos Karekin I in 1997 in recognition of many years of service.
The daughter of benefactors Eleanor and the late Arshag Dickranian,
Laurel Karabian is also active in numerous Armenian charities, including the
Armenian Library and Museum of America. They recently gave the Armenian
and Museum of America a rare Armenian coin collection from the Artaxiad and
Cilician periods.



Every day I learn something new. It’s a byproduct of the fact that I only
a fourth grade education. Not that I stopped going to school after completing
the fourth grade, it’s just that I stopped listening. Everything I ever needed
to know about life I learned in kindergarten anyway, and for whatever wasn’t
covered in kindergarten, there’s always the internet.
Yesterday, I learned that Senator John Kerry’s wife, Theresa Heinz-Kerry, has
been spending time with my mother or maybe the older Armenian men who play
backgammon at Maple Park. At least that’s the only explanation I can come up
with to explain her recent conspiracy theory outburst at a fundraiser in
Phoenix, Arizona. At a gathering of supporters, Mrs. Kerry said that she
believed that Osama Bin Laden will be apprehended before the November
In fact, my neighbor is convinced that this is true. He thinks that Osama is
being held captive as you read this in some top secret military installation
somewhere in Pakistan or Nevada.
I don’t pay much attention to the rumors, allegations, gossip, or other
conspiracy theories I hear every day, but after reading Theresa Heinz-Kerry’s
statement, I thought to myself, “What if she’s right? What if Osama Bin Laden
is apprehended just before the election?” I wondered if the capture of Bin
Laden means that Bush will be reelected. The answer to this highly
scenario is “yes.”
But I’m here to give you my own Skeptik prediction. Osama Bin Laden will not
be captured before November 2, and here’s why. Now, I don’t know much about
politics but I know movies. Like 99.9 percent of Americans, I couldn’t name
of President Bush’s cabinet member, but if you were to ask me to explain the
Godfather movie trilogy, I could probably write a 60 page thesis complete with
the first and last names of each character and organizational diagrams
detailing the transfer of power from Don Vito Corleone all the way down to Don
Vincent ‘Vinnie’ Mancini-Corleone-Santino ‘Sonny’ Corleone’s bastard son. I’m
fast becoming an expert on the Lord of the Rings Trilogy too. Hey, it’s not
something of proud of necessarily. Blame society and television! I find the
plots of most Hollywood movies more believable than the news nowadays anyway.
The President and his advisors know this all too well and have begun a
manipulation of the American public and thus have written a Hollywood script
for the voters to devour and keep asking for more. Here’s the Skeptik Plot

Act I–The Man Who Would Be King
[Setting: Florida, Washington, DC]

A kingdom must choose a new king. Two men face off and a young insignificant
prince with no credentials comes to power under questionable circumstances.
After weeks of confusion, a council of “wise men” and two women decide that
gods wish to give the crown to the young nobody. The rightful heirs of the
throne admit defeat and retreat to fight another battle–possibly in four
years. The new king takes over the empire and rules with extreme naivety and
through mismanagement of the realm; he alienates subjects who were
skeptical of
his abilities from the get go.

Act II–Enemy at the Gates
[Setting: New York, Washington, DC]

Pressure begins to mount on the accidental king to perform his expected
duties. The king has meanwhile entrusted all of the details of governing the
empire to his father’s old advisory who gladly takes advantage of the prince’s
situation and begins returning the empire to the unpopular ways of days of
yore. Meanwhile the young king indulges in vacations, banquets, and other
royal privileges as his empire falls further into decline. As discontent
grows, the kingdom is suddenly threatened by an invisible threat after two
towns are destroyed and thousands of innocent people die. The kingdom is
launched into a state of sorrow and confusion. The enemies who attacked the
realm are elusive and do not fight by conventional means. The inexperienced
king declares a state of war against the invisible enemy and rallies the
confused masses under his banner. Our clueless king has taken on the role of a
warrior and a savior.

Act III–The Empire Strikes Back
[Setting: Afghanistan and Iraq]

As the invisible enemy continues to evade a direct confrontation, the young
king grows impatient and attacks a far away land where the enemy had once
refuge. The king’s subjects, hungry with revenge, follow their leader into
battle expecting a swift victory. The weaker kingdom is quickly conquered but
the invisible enemy continues to evade capture. Before his subjects can
question his reasoning, the king and his advisors decide to launch another
offensive. Unable to find the actual culprits of the attacks on the towns, the
king decides to attack the kingdom of his father’s old adversary. Some
begin to question the king’s decisions but are accused of being weak and only
encouraging the enemy. Hundreds of soldiers die in an effort to occupy the far
away kingdom. The king convinces his subjects that they are winning the war
against the elusive enemy who attacked the kingdom and that the war is nearly

Act IV–Wag the Dog
[Setting: Washington, DC, Iraq]

Years pass and the enemy continue to evade capture. The king invokes the loss
suffered by the devastating attacks to win over the hearts and minds of his
subjects but dissent continues to grow. Finally, a group of princes decide the
time has come to finally challenge the “warrior” king and finally select the
person amongst them who they believe stands the best chance of ousting the
king. The prince they select is a tried and true veteran of both the royal
court and the battlefield. He is popularly recognized as being smarter than
king but the king’s popularity remains high. When asked why, most subjects
(5160%) respond with, “He just seemeth like the type of king you can siteth
down with and haveth a pitcher of ale!” When asked about his challenger, most
respond with, “His facial expression doth remind me of a warlock or a horse!”
As more subjects die in what seems like an endless war unrelated to the
initial attacks suffered by the kingdom, people begin to question their king’s
intentions. There is further scandal in the kingdom when an entire town is
to starve after a close friend of the kings–a certain Duke of Enron steals
sells his subjects’ food which they had been saving for the upcoming winter.
Meanwhile, generals from the battlefront ask for more money, supplies, and
most importantly–soldiers.

To be continued…(Hey, all great movies and even some really bad ones have a
sequel. You didn’t really think we’d get through this epic in only one column,
did you? See you next week!)

Skeptik Sinikian is working on selling the above story line to a major
Hollywood studio or news agency. Dan Rather initially expressed interest and
then abandoned the project. Anyone is interested in producing this epic
drama/horror/comedy/musical/documentary, please write to
[email protected] or visit

7) French Star Patrick Fiori Sings with Armenia’s ‘Belle’ Nune

By B. Vranian

YEREVAN–Talented French star Patrick Fiori joined Armenian diva Nune Yesayan
on stage at the Hamaleer Stadium last weekend for an unforgettable concert
melding French and Armenian cultures. Nearly eight thousand fans attended the
sold-out show, buying tickets weeks in advance.
“This was Patrick’s first concert in his ancestral homeland,” says Nune. “He
felt very welcomed, very connected, and he wants to come back again.” The
34-year-old Fiori was born in Marseille to an Armenian father and Corsican
mother. He made a name for himself by performing with the opera at the age of
13 and winning a television talent show in his late teens.
“One of his most popular songs all over Europe is ‘Belle’ from the musical
‘Notre-Dame de Paris,” says Nune. “Patrick recorded the CD, and it became a
hit. He also sang on the French soundtracks of ‘Mulan’ and ‘The Prince of
Nune and Fiori performed ‘Belle’ during the concert as a duet, and it was
received with grand applause. “He then started singing, Nune, Nune,” says
“and we ended the concert singing together. It was a lot of fun for me and the
audience, too.”
Fiori’s debut in Yerevan was made possible by Nune, who is no stranger to
creating flawless stage shows and garnering international media attention for
her concerts in Yerevan and the Armenian diaspora.
After Nune’s spectacular 700-person stage musical in 2002, which was featured
on the CNN World Report, the singer took her show on the road with
in the US and Canada. Her concert at the Kodak Theater in Hollywood won Nune
accolades from the legendary New York Times.
“My friends and I are always amazed that an Armenian singer from Yerevan is
written about in papers like the New York Times and the Boston Globe,” says
Nune, “especially when local media seldom writes about our work in Yerevan.”
But accolades are not the reason she pushes on; sharing her voice, her music,
and her blessings is what motivates Nune.
“Patrick and I decided to have this concert to help promote the charity
Province Armenie,” says Nune. “The charity will help create sporting and
athletic programs for young people, and there are plans to build a sports
complex.” Nune has been named the local chairwoman of the charity, and she is
helping the charity reach its goals.
During the concert at the Hamaleer, Nune performed songs from her latest CD,
titled ‘Me.’ The album surprised many with Nune’s new look and her new sound.
“My music is taking a new direction,” says Nune. “I called the album ‘Me,’
because the tone, the lyrics, and music of the songs are closer to my heart.
There is more to me, to us, than folk music.”
Most of the songs on the new album are original songs written by contemporary
Armenian musicians. “I recorded these songs because I want to share this new
sound of Armenia with my fans all over the world,” says Nune. “I want the
Armenian Diaspora to know there is a whole new generation of young Armenian
lyricists and musicians creating new songs and new music.”
One of Nune’s new songs is about hope, but tragically it was written by a
young man, who died before hearing Nune sing the song he had written for her.
“His family told me that he was happy that I was going to record his song,”
says Nune. “But there are so many other artists in Armenia who are struggling.
There is hope, though, when we can record their songs and pay them for their
Nune’s future plans include producing new music videos for her
yet-to-be-released international album, which features songs in Russian,
and English. Nune is also planning a concert tour of Europe and North America
next year.

8) Armenstock 2004 Music Festival Shows Armenian Support for John Kerry

–Kerry Vows to Continue to Fight Denial of the Armenian Genocide

WATERTOWN–In an unprecedented event held by the Armenian-American community
in support of an electoral campaign for the presidency of the United States,
hundreds of activists gathered at Camp Haiastan in Franklin, MA for the
music festival Armenstock 2004.
People from as far as Austin, TX and Racine, WI trekked to the camp to show
their support for presidential candidate Senator John Kerry (D-MA).
The music festival, “Kef for Kerry” was organized jointly by Armenians for
Kerry and Pomegranate Music. Over 800 people came out to support the candidate
who, as president, is expected to positively address issues pertinent to
Combining a celebration of Armenian music with political activism, Armenstock
also featured several guest speakers who touched on the importance of the 2004
presidential elections, and the need to guarantee Armenian-Americans get out
and vote on November 2.


A long-time supporter of Armenian issues, US Representative Barney Frank
thanked the Armenian community for its perseverance in demanding justice for
the Armenian genocide, as it has heightened public awareness for the need to
rectify all human rights violations. Congressman Frank compared the records of
Senator Kerry and the Bush Administration on Armenian and non-Armenian issues
and urged the audience to get actively involved in the campaign for the next
two months. He concluded by reading a strongly-worded statement that John
had sent to Armenstock attendees.
In his statement, Senator Kerry publicly committed that a Kerry-Edwards
administration would “fight against the denial of the Armenian genocide.”
explained that it has been his “privilege, over the past two decades, to work
with the Armenian community on important issues including US recognition of
Armenian Genocide, strengthening US-Armenia relations and trade, lifting the
devastating blockades of Armenia, and working for a fair and lasting peace in
Nagorno Karabagh.” He added that he is “honored to have the endorsement of the
ANCA,” and appreciates the organization’s “work to encourage
around the country to go to the polls in record numbers for the Kerry-Edwards
ticket on November 2nd.”
US Congressman James McGovern, who represents Worcester, as well as Franklin
(where Camp Haiastan is located), stressed the importance of the upcoming
election for the future of US foreign policy. McGovern, a leading human rights
advocate in Congress, praised the ANCA for working to combat all cases of
genocide, most recently by joining protests against events in Sudan. He
emphasized that a Kerry Administration would mean a more virtuous US foreign
policy, based on principle and human rights.
Massachusetts State Representatives Rachel Kaprielian and Peter Koutoujian
pointed out the importance of grassroots, people to people contacts with
potential voters, especially in the electoral battleground states.
Pursuant to this goal, the ANCA distributed postcards as part of its recently
launched “Hye Voter Turnout” campaign. Over one thousand postcards, addressed
to Armenians-Americans in various swing states, were signed at Armenstock
encouraging them to vote John Kerry for President. The postcards compare Bush
and Kerry on 5 key issues: genocide recognition, aid to Armenia and Karabagh,
US-Armenia trade and investment, military aid parity between Armenia and
Azerbaijan, and ending the blockade of Armenia.
Rep. Koutoujian reflected on the importance of the election from his
perspective as both an Armenian-American and as an elected official. He read a
statement by Congressman Frank Pallone of New Jersey, co-chairman of the
Congressional Armenian Caucus.
In his statement, Pallone noted that Armenian-Americans would have a clear
choice come November: “On the one hand, they will have President Bush, who has
walked away from his commitments to the Armenian community. On the other, they
will have Senator Kerry, a leading advocate of Armenian issues who has proven
himself time and again as a friend of the Armenian community.”


Armenstock showcased performances by some of the finest Armenian musicians in
one unique venue. One of the stars popular to most Armenian-Americans, oud
virtuoso John Berberian, was featured in many of the festival’s musical sets,
playing with Night Ark founder Ara Dinkjian, folk musician Gor Mkhitarian, and
in a special dueling performance alongside oudist John Bilezikjian. The latter
was a historic pairing; the first public performance together of oud masters
Berberian and Bilezikjian, and also John Bilezikjian’s Boston area debut.
The festival opened with performances by the Arev Armenian Folk Ensemble,
displaying their continued dedication to creating music using authentic
Armenian folk instruments, and jazz pianist Vardan Ovsepian and his group. The
vocal group Cascade Folk Tri took to the stage in mid-afternoon showcasing
Ohanna Mtghyan, whose stunning voice reverberated throughout the campgrounds.

The highlight of the festival however was the closing solo performance by
percussionist Arto Tuncboyaciyan, who played in the camp’s Great Hall. The
founder of the Armenian Navy Band and frequent guest studio musician
the entire audience with his mastery of the various percussion instruments and
his extraordinary vocalizations in a unique language of his own invention.


Armenians for Kerry was formed to support John Kerry’s presidential bid in
2004 elections. Based on his strong record on various Armenian-related issues,
various constituents and supporters alike from all Armenian-Armenian
communities combined efforts to unite their advocacy.
This summer, the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA)–the leading
Armenian-American grassroots lobbying organization–endorsed Senator Kerry.
The ANCA is confident that the message in support of Kerry is getting across
without delay, and that Armenian-Americans are cognizant of what is at stake
especially when comparing John Kerry’s record on Armenian issues with
George W. Bush’s.
“Armenians living in the US understand what needs to be done regarding the
issues of Armenian Genocide recognition, increased financial assistance to
Armenia, and increased pressure on Turkey to come to terms with its past as
well as the present.” said Sevag Arzoumanian, chairman of the Armenians for
Kerry committee in New England and co-director of Armenstock.
Senator Kerry has a long history of fighting for Armenian Genocide
in the US Congress. In 1990 he stood alongside former Senator Bob Dole in
support of dedicating April 24 as a day of remembrance. He is also a current
cosponsor of the Senate Genocide Resolution (S.Res.164), which marks the 15th
anniversary of the US implementation of the UN Genocide Convention and
calls on
the United States to learn from the lessons of past genocides–including the
Holocaust and the Armenian, Cambodian and Rwandan genocides–to prevent future
Additionally, few know that he is the author of Section 907, an amendment to
the Freedom Support Act of 1992, which placed restrictions on US economic
support to Azerbaijan as a result of its continued blockade of Armenia and
Mountainous Karabagh Republic. Lately he has taken strides for improving trade
relations with Armenia.
As part of its drive to mobilize Armenian-American voters, the Armenians for
Kerry have established chapters in states throughout the United States.
Armenstock 2004 – Kef for Kerry was organized by Armenians for Kerry chapters
in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. Also attending
were representatives of the Armenians for Kerry chapters in Wisconsin,
Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York, and New Jersey.

The musical portion of the program was sponsored by Discover Armenian
(<;), the makers of an
Armenian language interactive DVD based in Providence, RI. The political
portion was sponsored by the Armenian National Committee of America,
Armenian-Americans for Kerry, the Armenian Youth Federation and the Armenian-
American Democratic Leadership Council. Further information about the
as well as a photo album of the event, can be found at

9) New Uniforms for Karabagh ARS Kindergartens

The first shipment of fresh school uniforms arrived in Yerevan, Armenia last
week, and will be distributed to kids at the ARS “Sosse” Kindergartens schools
in Mountainous Karabagh Republic–compliments of the Armenian Relief Society
Western Region (ARS-WR).
Last Friday, Jassik Jarahian, ARS-WR General Accountant/Controller,
reported from Armenia that all California residents accompanying her on an ARS
Central Executive-organized tour, have arrived, along with luggage destined
the kindergartens.
The ARS “Sosse” Kindergartens cater to families of war widows and young
mothers, who benefit from employment opportunities, while their children’s
educational and nutritional needs are met. Launched in 1997, the Sosse
kindergarten program is supported by various ARS regions.
But back in Southern California, the fundraising continues. The goal is
to purchase uniforms for all 11 ARS Sosse kindergarten students520 in all.
The ARS “Karni” Chapter of southern Orange County, held a “Flamenco
Night” just last Saturday, urging those attending to donate funds for the
purchase of uniforms. Proceeds from the event, held at Mr. & Mrs. Patrick and
Anita Jacobi’s home, will go toward supplying 58 uniforms to studentsjust
enough for a typical kindergarten.
The “Karni” Chapter contributed $12,000 towards renovation of the ARS
“Sosse” kindergarten in the village of Ashan over a year ago.
The ARS of Western USA hopes that donors will come forward to secure
funding for the remainder of the uniforms for this school year. The ARS is a
non-profit 501(c)(3) public charity organization, and donations are
tax-deductible. Checks can be sent to “Armenian Relief Society of Western US,
517 W. Glenoaks Blvd., Glendale, CA 91202-2812.”

10) Gor Mkhitarian–San Francisco, Southern California Concerts Mark New CD

Award-winning world music star, Gor Mkhitarian will perform two concerts
marking the release of his new album `Episode.’
Both concerts will showcase songs from Episode; the first at Glendale’s
Metro Lending TerraceUnder The Stars and Twenty Stories High, on October
second, at San Franciso’s Condor Club on October 16.
The popular alternative rock star is a trail blazer in the emerging
post-Soviet music scene. `Yeraz,’ his first solo CD released in 2002, fused
unique sounds and lyrics of ancient Armenian folk music with modern rock
sounds. The innovative combination quickly garnered global attention, winning
him acclaim from all over the world as well as accolades such as `best
alternative rock singer’ and `best world music album.’
The concerts will feature Gor Mkhitarian, vocal/guitar; Ara Dabanjian on
accordion; Jirair Habeshian on drums; and Vahe Terterian on bass.
`We can’t wait to introduce Gor’s music to San Francisco,’ says Mosaix
publisher, Tamar Kevonian, whose magazine will host the San Francisco party
celebrating Gor’s new CD.
`The magazine likes to support artists and musicians who reflect our
beliefs that we have a vibrant, colorful culture, emerging through the art
of a
new generation of Armenians, and re-defining what we think of as Armenian
culture in a modern context.’

Saturday, OCTOBER 9, 8:00 PM
Metro Lending Terrace
550 N. Brand Blvd Suite 2050
Glendale, CA 91203

Cover charge $20
Tickets are limited!
Tickets and reservations
(818) 640-4454 (818) 523-9995
[email protected]

Saturday, OCTOBER 16, 8:00 PM
Condor Club
300 Columbus Avenue, San Francisco
Tickets $20, $15 advance.
Visit <;
Advance tickets and group rates are available San Francisco concert and

Copies of his previous albums combining ethnic folk songs from the East with
the sounds of western rock are available through Virgin Records,

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