6% Inflation Registered In Armenian Consumer Market In January-April


Noyan Tapan
May 1, 2008

YEREVAN, MAY 1, NOYAN TAPAN. 6% inflation was registered in Armenia’s
consumer market in January-April 2008. Inflation in April on March
made 1.1%.

According to the RA National Statistical Service, prices of food
commodities (including alcoholic drinks and cigarettes) grew by 0.5%,
prices of nonfood commodities – by 0.6%, tariffs of services – by 2.6%
in April on March 2008.

Inflation tendency in prices of bread, flour, butter and vegetable
oil continued in April. These goods make up 13.91% of the consumer
basket. Their overall inflation made 6%, contributing by 0.8% to
overall inflation of consumer prices in April.

The consumer price index made 106% in April 2008 on December 2007,
including the index of food commodity prices (including alcoholic
drinks and cigarettes) – 107%, of nonfood commodities – 101.6%,
the index of service tariffs – 106.3%.

The consumer price index made 110.7% in April 2008 on April 2007,
including that of food commodities (including alcoholic drinks
and cigarettes) – 113.8%, of nonfood commodities – 104.4%, of
service tariffs – 108.3%. The same indices in January-April 2008 on
January-April 2007 made 108.6%, 111.4%, 104.5% and 105.4% respectively.

ANCA-ER: Kentucky Becomes 41st State to Recognize Armenian Genocide

Armenian National Committee of America –
Eastern Region
122 W. 27th St. 12th Floor
New York, NY 10001
Telephone: (917) 428-1918
Facsimile: (201) 453-3387
[email protected]

May 1, 2008
Contact: Karine Birazian
Tel: (917) 428-1918


FRANKFORT, KY – The Armenian National Committee of America- Eastern
Region (ANCA-ER) welcomed today a proclamation issued by Kentucky
Governor Steven L. Beshear recognizing the Armenian Genocide. The
"Bluegrass State" proclamation brings the number of states to
formally recognize the Armenian Genocide to forty-one. The full
text of the Kentucky proclamation is provided below.

The powerfully worded proclamation designated April 24, 2008, as
"Day of Remembrance of the Armenian Genocide" in the state of
Kentucky, noting that "recognition of the ninety-third anniversary
of this genocide is paramount to guarding against the repetition of
future genocides and educating people across the Commonwealth about
the atrocities of these horrific events."

"Gov. Beshear’s proclamation reflects the growing sentiments of
U.S. government officials to speak with moral clarity on the
Armenian Genocide," stated ANCA Eastern Region Director Karine
Birazian. "The burgeoning Kentucky Armenian community’s initiative
serves as an inspiration to Armenian American activists across the
U.S. to redouble efforts to end Turkey’s gag rule on U.S.
affirmation of this crime against humanity."

The Armenian National Committee of America is the largest and most
influential Armenian American grassroots political organization.
Working in coordination with a network of offices, chapters, and
supporters throughout the United States and affiliated
organizations around the world, the ANCA actively advances the
concerns of the Armenian American community on a broad range of




By Steven L. Beshear
Governor of the
Commonwealth of Kentucky

To All To Whom These Presents Shall Come:

WHEREAS, One and one-half-million Christian Armenian men, women and
children were the innocent victims of a brutal genocide perpetrated
by the Ottoman Turkish Government from 1915-1923; and

WHEREAS, The Armenian genocide has been recognized as an attempt to
eliminate all traces of a thriving, ancient civilization over 3,000
years old; and

WHEREAS, Recognition of the ninety-third anniversary of this
genocide is paramount to guarding against the repetition of future
genocides and educating people across the Commonwealth about the
atrocities of these horrific events; and

WHEREAS, Armenian-Americans living in Kentucky have greatly
enriched our state through their leadership in various aspects of

NOW, THEREFORE, I, STEVEN L. BESHEAR, Governor of the Commonwealth
of Kentucky, do hereby proclaim April 24, 2008, as

DONE AT THE CAPITOL, in the City of Frankfort this 28th day of
April, in the year of our Lord Two Thousand Eight and in the 216th
year of the Commonwealth.



Another War In The Caucasus?


Registan.net, WA
April 29 2008

The fallout from that drone shoot down continues. Now Russia is
claiming Georgia is planning to restart hostilities in Abkhazia:

A statement from the Russian foreign ministry said that "a bridgehead
is being prepared for the start of military operations against

Russia accuses Georgia of amassing 1,500 soldiers and police near
the rebel areas of the upper Kodori Gorge…

Russia has kept a peacekeeping force in Abkhazia and South Ossetia
under an agreement made following the wars of the 1990s, when they
broke away from Tbilisi and formed links with Moscow.

There are around 2,000 Russians posted in Abkhazia, and about 1,000
in South Ossetia.

Tensions between Russia and Georgia have flared up recently, despite
Russia lifting economic sanctions against Georgia earlier this month.

This is probably tied to Georgia’s quest to block Russia’s membership
in the WTO. Georgia has suspended its bilateral talks with Russia,
which are a condition of Russia’s WTO ascension, on the condition
that Moscow halt its growing ties with the separatist governments in
Abkhazia and South Ossetia. And now Russia steps forward with talks
of Georgia invading Abkhazia.

It’s not that the timing is too convenient, which it is, but that
is might not matter. Both Georgia and Russia have a habit of badly
overplaying their hand in the battle for sympathetic ears in the
West. In this case, Russia has a particularly weak hand–its fondness
for separatist movements appears not to extend to either Kosovo,
or Chechnya (which is not doing well under the stewardship of Ramzan
Kadyrov). Similarly, the blatantly political nature of its embargo
on Georgian goods two years ago, along with its history of using gas
prices against recalcitrant former vassals, give it relatively little
leverage in these multilateral agreements.

None of this means Georgia will come out on top, or that it will
actually move troops back into Abkhazia ("invade" is too strong a word,
since Abkhazia is still technically a part of Georgia). But the way
Georgian-Russian relations have deteriorated over the last few weeks
is indeed deeply troubling; with the addition of the still-simmering
tensions over Nagorno-Karabakh, is the Caucasus looking at another
round of civil war?


ANKARA: Turkish MFA condemns Armenians

Gaziantep Haber 27, Turkey
April 26 2008

Turkish MFA condemns Armenians

Turkey has strongly condemns tramping down and burning of Turkish flag
by Armenians.

26 Nisan 2008 Cumartesi 19:24

A Spokesman for the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs said Friday
that Turkey strongly condemns the tramping of the Turkish flag in
Yerevan on April 24th and the burning of the Turkish flag a day
earlier in Yerevan by Armenians.

In a written press release, the Turkish MFA said that "the Turkish
flag symbolizes the values, beliefs and freedom of the Turks. All
peoples know how much importance the Turks attach to the Turkish
flag. News from Yerevan pertaining to the Turkish flag have caused
deep sorrow, reaction and anger in the Turkish society. We strongly
condemn all acts made against the Turkish flag in Yerevan".


By Armen Manvelian

AZG Armenian Daily


Armenocide – this was how the known Arab historian Musa Pren
characterized the tragedy that occurred 93 years ago in the Ottoman
Empire. By creating the word "genocide" through uniting the Latin-Greek
"race" and "murder" words, Famous Polish attorney Rafael Lemken
wanted to show the whole horror that threatens peoples subject to
mass assassinations, while Pren’s "Armenocide" concretizes and gives
an ethnic characteristic of the matter.

According to Pr. Nikolay Hovhannissian, the word "Armenocide" "has
not only a linguistic but also a political side that has a concrete
ethno-political content that clearly mentions annihilation of Armens –
Armenians as an ethnos. The word is so lucid and concrete that cannot
give rise to alternative interpretation.

At the start of the 20th century, the tragedy that happened in Western
Armenia, on the territory of Ottoman Empire, changed the fate of a
whole nation, and penetrating into the memory of peoples, it turned
into a desire to live and to strive.

The tragedy left a fatal spot, making a whole people suffer a
complex. Such complexes, however, are not cured through short memory
or through the loss of the latter. These are cured to spite the
organizers of the Genocide, due to life, development and victory. To
exclude repetition of similar tragedies it is important to understand
the historic and political motivations of it. Historic and Political
Reasons of the Armenocide If we speak about the history of the
Armenian nation, we can divide it into two parts – before and after
the Genocide. This watershed, which we call genocide, assassination,
Armenian massacres and at last Armenocide, needs serious study and
analysis, particularly from the point of view of developing security
of the second independent Republic of Armenia.

Turning to the Armenian Genocide – the Armenocide – we should note
that it became possible because of a number of historic events: it
occurred under the conditions of collapse of the Ottoman Empire, the
World War Two and the strengthening of the idea of creating the state
of Turan. We can state that these events, however, came to complete
the policy the Ottoman Empire was executing against Armenians since
the day of its creation. Generally, turning to the history of creation
and existence of the Ottoman Empire, we should mention that it was
some kind of totalitarian Empire. Preceding that or in that period
similar empires were being created not only owing to military power,
but also due to economic and cultural expansion.

Before, the metropolises forming the Empire were superior over the
peoples under their domination in regard to the level of economic,
military and cultural development, which allowed them to actively
influence these people and keep them under their domination.

Different from this, from the above-mentioned economic, military and
cultural factors only the military one was vital in Turkey. That is
to say that being on a lower level of development, the people forming
the Empire – the Turks – could control other peoples of the Empire
only with the military force.

Thus, there was no ideological, political, ethnic or cultural unity
within the Empire. It was solely the power of arms that provided the
opportunity to retain the Empire for centuries. Being on a lower
level of economic, cultural and political development than other
peoples of the Empire, Turks could only grab.

This found its expression also in the fact that the nomadic tribe that
penetrated into Small Asia from Central Asia aimed at evading also
these territories to make these a permanent place of their inhabitance.

There were only two ways to do this, either by assimilating the local
nations or by annihilating them. The first one seemed to be a rather
complex problem, since, as it was mentioned, the nations living here –
the Armenians, Greeks, Arabs and Syrians were ahead of dominant Turks
in regard to the level of their development. While the second way was
rather simple and dear to them, considering also that the latter had
great experience of it, since they were keeping the Empire only with
the military force and cruelty. However, if in the period of power
and flourishing of the Ottoman Empire the idea of having a homeland
was not primary, then in the 19th century it turned essential for
the founders of the collapsing Empire – the Turks. We can say that
this was also one of the peculiarities of this Empire. Other Empires –
the Roman, the Russian or the British – had their original motherland,
a historic land, where they could continue to live after the collapse
of the Empire. The homeland of Turks was Central Asia and Siberia,
where they were not going to return. Therefore, an own motherland –
the metropolis – had to be created. Small Asia could become such
motherland for Turks, since it had strategic importance both due
to its geographical position and in respect to the possibility of
establishing a new Empire in the future. However, the Armenians,
Greeks and Assyrians had been living here for centuries. And because
Armenians occupied the heart of this territory, they became the
primary targets of attack.

We should note that to prevent the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, in
the 19th century Turks tried to suggest different ideologies, which,
according to them, could unite the peoples of the Empire. The idea of
New Osmanism that emerged in the second half of the 19th century aimed
at uniting the nations of the Empire notwithstanding their religious
or ethnic belongingness. According to ideologists of New Osmanism,
this national ideology could be attractive for other nations of the
Empire and would create the opportunity to prevent the separatist
dispositions of the peoples under Turkish domination. However, from
the very beginning the artificialness and bareness of this ideology
was apparent. Therefore, it could not become the force that would
unite the peoples of the Ottoman Empire. The idea of Islamism or
Pan Islamism suggested by Abdul Hamid Second did not justify itself,
either. The aim of this ideology was to unite Turks with the Muslim
peoples comprising majority in the Empire, particularly Arabs – the
founders of Islam. However, for Arabs Turkish Sultans could not become
founders of a new Caliphate, therefore the unification on the ground
of Islam did not succeed, either. Different from their predecessors,
these aimed at creating a new Empire, the heart of which had to be the
Small Asia. Different from the collapsing Empire, it had to stretch
to Caucasus, to Central Asia and Siberia, i.e. those territories
where Turkic nations lived. In fact, being deeply nationalistic, this
ideology targeted at returning to own roots and uniting all Turkic
nations. Armenians were standing across this route; they stood between
the Turkic tribes of Small Asia and Caucasus. The latter intended
to lead an active policy of "Turkisation," and it is not in vain
that after gaining power, the Young Turks, preaching the ideology of
Pan Turkism, prohibited all national unions – the Armenian, Greek,
Arabic ones, etc.

Thus, judging from the above we can conclude that all attempts
to preserve the Ottoman Empire had failed, so had the policies of
Osmanism and Islamism. There was no time for implementing the policy of

Therefore, Turks had put an aim to create a purely Turkic state,
annihilating all non-Turkic peoples. The largest Christian nation
of the Empire – the Armenians – was hindering the accomplishment of
these programs.

Thus, in this period it was already clear that the destiny of Armenians
was predetermined. The Armenocide and the Islam We should mention that
Armenian and foreign historians have written much about the Islamic
factor in the Armenian Genocide. The opinions here are unequivocal –
although the Turks tried to use the religious factor to organize the
massacre of Armenians, it was not a success. The people comprising
majority in the Ottoman Empire – the Arabs – did not back the idea,
therefore, it became impossible to escalate large-scale interreligious

Nevertheless, despite these facts, the idea dominates among
the Armenian society that the Armenian Genocide occurred just
on the religious ground, and that being surrounded with Muslims,
Armenians are doomed. From time to time, this idea, having nothing
to do with reality, is being articulated by interior and exterior
political circles to show the fact of lack of alternative in foreign
policy. However, in reality the holy war – the Jihad – declared by
the last Sultan Sehmed Fifth against Christians was targeted at
justifying the brutalities and mass assassination of Armenians,
as well as the involvement of all Muslims in this. However, the
Arab theologians and religious leaders, who enjoyed great respect
in the Muslim world, did not back the idea of Jihad. The Governor
of Hijaz and the Sheriff of Mecca Hussein ibn Ali al-Hashemi, who
was considered the greatest authority in the Muslim word, did not
only refuse to support the Sultan’s decision, but also urged all
Orthodox Muslims to help Armenians and defend them. Many Arab leaders
and the Arab people were assisting the Armenians in the desert of
Der Zor. Arab divisions of the Turkish army were refusing to fight
against Armenians. The attempts of Turks to use the Arabs to suppress
the self-defense struggle of Armenians failed. Arab Governors of a
number of Turkish provinces were just refusing to execute the orders
from Constantinople to displace and massacre Armenians. However,
Turks could not keep from noting all this, and many Arabs suffered
for protecting Armenians. It is important to mention here that Sultan
Mehmed Fifth declared the holy war against the Christian population
of the Empire only after getting the "blessing" of allied Christian
Germany. Generally, it should be said that at the time when Muslim
Arabs were sacrificing their lives to help Armenians, the Christian
Europe was either supporting Turkey or was pretending not to see the
mass assassinations in Western Armenia. Generally, turning to the
position of European powers, we should note that on one hand they were
using the Armenian Question to interfere with the interior affairs of
the Empire, thus causing the discontent of Turkey, on the other hand
many times the activeness of Europeans was preventing or suspending the
massacre of Armenians in this or that Province. Nevertheless, to say
that during the war the European countries were unable to influence
the policy of Young Turks would be incorrect, either. Rather, the
factor of political appropriateness played its decisive role here, i.e.

the fact of the massacre of Armenians would later enable the
European powers to present accusations on Turkey to seize additional
concessions from the latter. Historic lessons of the Armenocide To
exclude reoccurrence of the Armenian Genocide and provide for the
security of the nation it is necessary to seriously investigate the
historic and political reasons of the events.

The study of the policy of the most dreadful crime against humanity
– the genocide – is of great importance not only for contemporary
generations but also for current politicians and for all those who
determine or somehow influence the directions of Armenia’s interior
and foreign policies. It is essential to understand the most crucial
– the fact that contemporary Turkey has been formed in the result of
the Armenian Genocide, the Armenocide. If not the Armenian Genocide,
there would be no Turkey, either.

This is the truth, which the former and current authorities in
Ankara understand pretty well, and it is this fact that explains
the denunciation that they demonstrate towards the fact of Genocide

It can be asserted even that contemporary Turkey avoids recognition of
the Genocide not as much because of the fear of material or territorial
demands, rather it is concerned with the moral side of the question.

Kemal Turkey was built on the basis of a fault value system, where
people carrying the burden of executing the Genocide were considered
divine. In reality, the heroes and famous political figures of this
nation resembled a butcher, whose hands are foul with the blood of
millions of innocent people. Such findings can become the moral blow
and loss of faith for the contemporary Turkish generation, which is
not even aware of the events in the Ottoman Empire at the start of
the 20th century, which can in its turn lead to the collapse of the
country. It is a historic truth that the flattening of own power and
moral characteristics can be destructive for any state and nation.

It needs to be mentioned that regardless of our will the fact is that
the historic memory of the Armenocide will always endure in the fate of
the Armenian nation, shaping and directing its policy not only toward
neighboring Turkey, but also towards those countries, which somehow
contributed to the execution of the Armenian Genocide. At the same
time, this memory provides the opportunity to exclude reoccurrence
of the Armenocide in the future and to build the national security
system proceeding from the principle of excluding similar tragedies.

Armenian And Latino Students Clash In LA


25.04.2008 00:17 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ A beefed-up police presence is expected at Grant
High School today following outbreaks of shouting between Armenian
and Latino students at the end of an Armenian Genocide remembrance

The unrest broke out at the school at 13000 Oxnard St. in Van Nuys
about noon Wednesday, said Susan Cox of the Los Angeles Unified School
District. She said no arrests were made and there were no injuries.

The shouting reportedly began with Latino students taking issue with
the program. School police quickly intervened.

"The students that were involved in the friction were sent home with
their parents," said Principal Linda Ibach. "We did ask the parents
to pick them up themselves. Some of the students were suspended over
the next couple of days. We will sort all that out on Monday when
the students return."

Ibach said extra officers would be deployed at the campus through
Monday "just to make sure that we are all calmed down," myfoxla.com

Levon Mkrtchian: Final And United Examinations Will Be Absolutely Tr


Noyan Tapan
April 24, 2008

YEREVAN, APRIL 24, NOYAN TAPAN. The final examinations at comprehensive
schools and united examinations for university entrance will be
absolutely transparent. The RA minister of education and science
Levon Mkrtchian stated at the April 23 press conference that the
human factor is ruled out during the united examinations: works will
be checked by computer, which makes somebody’s intervention in the
process of giving scores to works impossible.

The new examination system does not envisage any examination
commissions, which, according to the minister, contributes to

Taking into account the results of last year’s united examination on
the subject "The Armenian Language and Literature", school leavers
will take examinations on the subjects "Mathematics" and "Foreign
Languages" by the same order. In order to conduct fair examinations,
the examination process in all exam halls both in Yerevan and the
marzes will be filmed. Special deafening devices will be used to
exclude the possibility of using mobile phones during the united

The printing of united examination papers is underway in Great
Britain. The format of these tests is in line with the common
standards of the given subject. "A school leaver with lower than
average knowledge can easily get 8 points so there are no problems
in terms of test papers’ contents," Levon Mkrtchian said.

"12 thousand school leavers take examiantion on the same subject in
a day, while the results are published immediately after the test
papers have been checked. In this case it is just impossible to help
an examinee or to raise his/her score," the minister assured those
present. He expressed confidence that the new examination system will
prove to be correct, and with time its positive results will become
evident to the public.

Political Scientist Arman Ayvazyan: "Armenia Should Bound Nagorno Ka


April 23 2008

Armenians should consider the Nagorno Karabakh conflict in direct
connection with the issue of "genocide of Armenians".

The due announcement was made by Arman Ayvazyan, head of the center
of strategic researches.

"The problem of Nagorno Karabakh emerged as a result of "genocide
of Armenians". Turkey calls us aggressors, saying that we occupied
Nagorno Karabakh. And by some unknown reasons we forget to answer that
this is Turkey which occupied the western part of our territory and
now helps Azerbaijan occupy our eastern lands as well", said Ayvazyan
at a press conference.

He said "genocide of Armenians" should be considered not as a
historical but as a modern problem.

"When resolution 106 was considered in the US congress, Turkey involved
its US relations as well as inner problems, connected with Kurds to
it. We should have raised the problem of Karabakh and our national
security", said Ayvazyan.

On October 10 of 2007 the Committee for Foreign Affairs of the Congress
House of Representatives adopted resiolution No 106 with an appeal
to fix the fact of "genocide of Armenians" in the external policy of
the United States.

The said issue is expected to be discussed in the House of

According to Ayvazyan the main ground may have become the lack of
guarantees of national security of Armenia and threat to stability
in the region.

"We should have explained to the Americans that adoption of resolution
206 would have encourages Turkey to recognition of "the genocide"
which would imply establishment of more reliable and stable peace in
the region", Ayvazyan noted.


ANC Glendale Holds Record Setting Blood Drive

*Armenian National Committee* Glendale Chapter
Contact: Elen Asatryan
* *
Tel: (818) 243-3444

Cell: (818) 523-8389
Email: [email protected]

April 23, 2008


*Glendale**, CA**.* The Armenian National Committee – Glendale Chapter drew
a record number of contributors at its Third Annual Blood Drive on Sunday,
April 20, 2008. Organized in collaboration with the Armenian Relief Society
– Sepan Chapter, City of Glendale, Week of Remembrance Committee and
the American
Red Cross, the blood drive was held in honor of the 1.5 million victims of
the Armenian Genocide. All blood units collected will be forwarded to local
hospitals such as Glendale Memorial and Glendale Adventist.

"The turnout this year was phenomenal. We not only met our goal, but also
exceeded the maximum number of blood units that the medical center could
collect," commented Elen Asatryan, Executive Director of ANC Glendale
Chapter. "The ANC Glendale Chapter thanks all the participants for their
time and commitment to such an important cause," added Asatryan.

While over fifteen people were unfortunately turned away due to various
reasons, the medical center remained on site and an extra hour to collect
blood from healthy donors. Several volunteers were on hand to provide food
and refreshments for all donors to help offset the occasional dizziness
experienced by blood donors. Blood donors reproduce the donated amount of
blood within a day and all donors were encouraged to rest and eat healthy in
order to promote blood production.

"The ANC Blood drive set a record for the most first time donors we have
received through any blood drive. It was amazing to see that half the
donors, were first timers," commented Sherry Nikrik, Senior Account Manager
of the American Red Cross " We look forward to working with ANC again to
provide the much needed blood supply to local hospitals," added Nikrik.

Some key members of the community that supported the charitable event were
Glendale Councilmember Ara Najarian, Glendale City Clerk Ardashes
Kassakhian, City of Glendale Staff, Members of ANC Burbank, and Members of
the Armenian Relief Society.

Known as the first genocide of the 20th century, the Armenian Genocide
resulted in the mass murder of 1.5 million Armenians at the hands of the
Ottoman Turks. While the Armenian Genocide is widely recognized throughout
the world and among international bodies, Turkey continues to deny its role
in the Armenian Genocide and instead promotes false propaganda.

The American Red Cross provides nearly half of the nation’s blood supply
(collecting more than 6 million units a year from volunteer donors) to
patients in 3,000 hospitals across the country through its national network.
Every two seconds, someone in America needs blood. The Red Cross must
collect blood donations each and every day to meet the needs of accident
victims, cancer patients and children with blood disorders, and the
organization works to accomplish this through its 36 Blood Services regions.

The Armenian National Committee-Glendale Chapter advocates for the social,
economic, cultural, and political rights of the city’s Armenian American
community and promotes increased civic participation at the grassroots and
public policy levels. It is the voice of this vibrant community, which seeks
to advance and enrich Glendale.


Armenian, Azerbaijani Foreign Ministers To Meet On May 7


23.04.2008 18:18

Acting Spokesman of RA Ministry of Foreign Affairs Tigran Balayan
confirmed the information about the soon meeting of the Foreign
Ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan, Mediamax reported.

"The meeting between Edward Nalbandian and Elmar Mammadyarov will
take place on May 7 in Strasbourg," Tigran Balayan said.

The meeting in Strasbourg will be the first after the presidential
elections in Armenia and Edward Nalbandian’s appointment.