Torch Procession To Be Held On April 23


AZG Armenian Daily

Armenian Genocide

The Youth Union and Nikol Aghbalian Student Union of ARF Dashnaktsutyun
are going to organize traditional torch procession to Tsitsernakaberd
memorial complex on April 23 to commemorate the Armenian Genocide

The procession will start from Liberty Square at 20.00 p.m.

The organizers call on the citizens to light candles on their
windowsills in remembrance of the victims of the Armenian Genocide
and in support of Hay Dat.

Website Of Museum-Institute Of Armenian Genocide Already Launched


Noyan Tapan
April 21, 2008

the Museum-Institute of Armenian Genocide, ,
is already operating in English. It has 500-600 visitors every
day. As historian Hayk Demoyan, the Museum’s Director, said
at the April 21 press conference, that number will grow in the
coming days in connection with the 93rd anniversary of the Armenian
Genocide. According to the Director, the launching of the website’s
English department has purely strategic significance, as it presents
the official position of the Museum-Institute of Armenian Genocide.

The website will also have Armenian, Russian, and Turkish versions
in the future.

The Museum’s website consists of two parts: the horizontal part
presents information on the Museum-Institute of Armenian Genocide
and the left perpendicular part contains documents and photographs,
memories of people having experienced the Armenian Genocide, which
are periodically refreshed.

The latest materials of that part are evidence of Jewish and Swedish
eye-witnesses about the Genocide.

Besides, a virtual museum is presented on the website: any person from
any point of the world can visit the website, roam about the memorial
complex and museum in the three-dimensional virtual territory. It was
mentioned that in average 150-300 thousand people visit the Museum
every year and under the circumstance of existence of an electronic
museum their number will grow considerably.

New Ambassador Of Turkmenistan Conveys His Credentials To RA Preside


Noyan Tapan
April 18, 2008

YEREVAN, APRIL 18, NOYAN TAPAN. Receiving Shohrat Jumaev, the newly
appointed Ambassador of Turkmenistan to Armenia, on the occasion of
the conveyance of credentials, Serge Sargsian, the President of the
Republic of Armenia, expressed hope that new steps will be taken
under his tenure in the direction of expanding the bilateral relations.

According to the information provided to Noyan Tapan by the RA
President’s Press Office, stressing the warm relations established
between Armenia and Turkmenistan from the very beginning and the great
potential for the development of the two countries, the interlocutors
considered as primary the further deepening of cooperation in the
sphere of economy.

Mentioning that the Armenian-Turkmenian trade-economic indices do
not express the existing opportunities, Serge Sargsian espacially
attached importance to the restart of the proceedings of the joint
intergovernmental commission and the stimulation of an active
cooperation in the sphere of economy.

An Interesting And Promising Start

Gevorg Haroutyunyan

Hayots Ashkhar Daily
Published on April 17, 2008

During the meeting with the journalists, ARTASHES SHAHBAZYAN, Secretary
of the ARFD parliamentary faction, said that at Saturday’s meeting,
Serge Sargsyan and the coalition parties did not finalize the issue of
the staff of the Government, and the negotiations are still under way.

The speaker considered the appointments made by the President
promising and encouraging. "This is an interesting start. The new
President, I think, is fulfilling his promises and making serious and
radical changes in the human resource policy. Without these steps,
is impossible to implement the reform programs promised to the public."

In the estimation of A. Shahbazyan, the appointment of both the
Prime Minister and the two Ministers as well as the fact of removing
some people from their posts give occasion to thinking that our
country’s new leadership, in the person of President Serge Sargsyan
and Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan, follow the path of implementing
the pre-election program and keeping promises given during the
speeches. "Certain statements made by the President and the Prime
Minister also awaken hopes and expectations.

In particular, it was clarified that no ignorant and ill-bred people
should be involved in the Government, and the monopolies should be
eliminated. This is a good start which inspires hopes," the ARFD
representative finds.

A. Shahbazyan expressed belief that the demand of dissolving the
National Assembly and holding new parliamentary elections is not
absolutely a public or political must, and it’s not conditioned
by the interests of the people and the state. On this occasion, he
recalled the following well-known anecdote: instead of punishing the
only tractor driver of the village for getting drunk and trampling
on everything, the villagers decided to punish one of the two
electricians. "A similar sophisticated decision was made for finding
a solution to the existing problem, and some people decided that it
was possible to sacrifice the Parliament. The reasons for dissolving
the National Assembly are enshrined in the Constitution.

There is no parliamentary crisis; the cooperation between the
executive and the legislative is not paralyzed, and the National
Assembly’s working schedule is quite overloaded. So, why dissolve
the Parliament? Just because the political force which attracted a
certain mass during the elections was afraid to participate in the
parliamentary elections?"

In response to the question of the correspondent of "Hayots Ashkharh",
the secretary of ARFD faction commented on the part of the article
published in "Novoe Izvestia" periodical, where the author says,
"If you ask me what I am going to do, I will say that I am going
to form a certain public opinion to prevent these authorities from
being recognized."

The MP also considered it obvious that LTP will hereafter act on
our political arena with such qualities. "He decides what problems
to solve.

If he has to somehow regulate his opposition-oriented activity and
rivalry with the authorities, I wouldn’t like him to deepen his
struggle against the authorities to such a degree that may turn
the opposition-oriented activity into a struggle undermining the
foundations of the state. As to a civilized and political struggle,
it is welcome as well as necessary. This is the only way that may
heal our internal political system."

DEG Company Acquires 13.5% Of Armenian Inecobank’s Shares


April 17, 2008

YEREVAN, April 17. /ARKA/. DEG, Deutsche Investititions und
Entwicklunsgesellschaft mbH, a member of KfW banking group, has
bought 13.5% of Armenian Inecobank’s shares belonging to ShoreСap
International, Inecobank’s marketing unit reported on Thursday.

According to the report, Inecobank Executive Director Avetis Baloyan
said that the signed agreement will unite the two organizations’
efforts to develop Armenian private sector.

"We view DEG Company as strategic partner and highly appreciate the
trust toward Inecobank", he said.

DEG Deputy Director Stefan Sukhanin, in turn, said that the company
sees Armenia’s capacity and considers Inecobank as reliable partner
able to contribute to the country’s further development and strengthen
its financial sector.

Inecobank closed joint stock company was registered on February 7
1996. In December 1997 the bank became the first bank in Armenia
extending credits for consumer goods.

Among the stockholders of Inecobank are ShoreCap International (13.5%)
and International Financial Corporation (10%). The bank is cooperating
with the EBRD, USAID, KfW, the Black Sea Trade and Development Bank
and other international organizations.

The bank’s assets totaled 35.8bln Drams as of December 31 2007 with
total capital being 6.8bln Drams.

The authorized stock of the bank is 2.4bln Drams, the credit portfolio
– 20.9bln Drams and the profit as of the end of 2007 – 1.1bln Drams.

Currently the bank has 4 branches. ($1- AMD 310.35)


Agreement With The Experts Of The Venice Commission Of The Council O


National Assembly of RA
April 17 2008

On April 16 in the National Assembly the Speaker of the National
Assembly of the Republic of Armenia Mr. Tigran Torosyan, Justice
Minister of the Republic of Armenia Mr. Gevorg Danielyan, Assistant to
the President of the Republic of Armenia Mr. Gevorg Mheryan and the
expert of the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe Ms. Simona
Granata-Menghini and experts of the OSCE/ODIHR Mr. Denis Petit and
Mr. Neil Jarman continued the discussions of the conclusion on the
amendments adopted on March 17, 2008 to the law of the Republic of
Armenia on Conducting Meetings, Assemblies, Rallies and Demonstrations.

The experts proposed to amend the law in their conclusion for solving
the following main issues: clarify the bases affirming the credibility
of the conclusion of the prohibition of the mass event, clarify the
envisaged terms for the discussion of notification, define conditions
for conducting spontaneous events.

As a result of discussions, a full agreement was reached regarding the
issues that the experts recorded in their conclusion. A memorandum
was made on the Amendments to the RA Law on Conducting Meetings,
Assemblies, Rallies and Demonstrations, which is posted on the website
of the National Assembly.

Based on the agreements reached with the experts of the Venice
Commission of the Council of Europe and OSCE/ODIHR a draft law
on Making the amendments to the Law of the Republic of Armenia on
Conducting Meetings, Assemblies, Rallies and Demonstrations will
be developed and will be sent to the experts by April 25. The draft
law will be discussed and adopted in the parliament after receiving
the experts’ conclusion. The draft law will be put into circulation
and also posted on the website of the National Assembly, it will
be available for the civil society – the National Assembly is open
for proposals.

At the same time the Speaker of the National Assembly of the
Republic of Armenia Mr. Tigran Torosyan said that a working group is
envisaged to set up, which will discuss the proposals and comments
of the observation missions and different organizations regarding
the presidential elections. As a result of discussions, the amended
draft laws will be submitted to the National Assembly in future.

ANKARA: Hrant Dink Group In The National Assembly


April 17 2008

Hrant Dink sensitivity group formed by deputies, journalists and
artists demanded the investigation on the murder to be repeated
and to merge the action trying the gendarmerie officers in Trabzon
and the main action. Hrant Dink sensitivity group held a press
conference at the national assembly and made a statement. It said
that the questioning of the two gendarmerie intelligence officers
gave out very important information. It said: "it is understood that
Hrant Dink’s life was jeopardized for expressing his thought and was
murdered although the police department knew about the murder before."

MFA: Minister Nalbandian’s Interview to Mediamax Agency

Press and Information Department
of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
of the Republic of Armenia
Tel. + 37410 544041. ext. 202
Fax. + 37410 565601
e-mail: [email protected]

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia Eduard Nalbandian answers the
questions of Mediamax agency

– Minister, may I begin by congratulating upon the assumption of the
position of the Foreign Minister. And thank you for finding the time for
this interview on your first day in office. Could I ask you to share your
views regarding the main directions of Armenia’s foreign policy?

– Thank you and with pleasure.

Last week, in his meeting with the Armenian Ambassadors, President Sargsyan
stated, that there will be no significant changes in the main course of our
foreign policy; we will continue to develop bilateral and multilateral
cooperation with the friend and partner states, and our practical engagement
in the international organizations.

I would not want you to regard my answers here as program provisions, but
rather as views on some priorities.

Shall I begin with our main partners?

Armenia will continue to strengthen our special strategic partnership with
the Russian Federation, building upon the traditional friendly ties between
our nations.
We will pursue the development and enhancement of the friendly partnership
with the United States and an intensified cooperation.
Armenia will continue its consistent effort towards developing increased
ties with the Europe, on the basis of the commitments undertaken within the
framework of cooperation with the European organizations and the common
values, which we share.
Armenia attaches great importance to the relations with those immediate
neighboring states, with which we are engaged in a friendly cooperation, and
is ready to exert every effort to improve the relations with those of our
neighbors with whom problems still exist.

The settlement of the Nagorno Karabagh conflict remains a priority. I would
like to reiterate Armenia’s commitment to continue the existing process in
order to reach a solution. However, our readiness alone is not enough.
Azerbaijan’s readiness is also needed for reaching a settlement.

I would like to believe that, together with my Azerbaijani counterpart, we
will demonstrate due responsibility, put aside the practice of communicating
through the media and declarations, and of giving public lessons and advise.

It is impossible to call for compromise and, at the same time, declare that
the solution will be in the interest of one party only; to speak of
constructive approach and to make militant statements and openly prepare for
a war. Why would this be done? I cannot think of any other state which would
brag about a several-fold increase in its military budget.

The key issue of the negotiations is the status of Nagorno Karabagh and it
should be resolved through the peace process, on the basis of a plebiscite,
which will give the people of Karabagh an opportunity for a free expression
of their will. This is the essence of the current stage of negotiations. I
believe that there is a window of opportunity today, and a solution can be
reached with a political will.

– Minister, would you like to comment on the current stage of the
Armenian-Turkish relations and the prospects thereof?

With regard to our relations with Turkey, we have, on various occasions,
expressed our readiness to normalize them without any precondition.

The Genocide is a dark page of our common history and together, we have to
turn this page, and together must we build a secure future.

I want to once more reiterate the readiness of Armenia to develop relations
with Turkey without preconditions and our commitment to make necessary steps
to that end.

Establishment of lasting peace and stability and wider cooperation in our
region will continue to remain among our priorities.

The strategic importance of the South Caucasus is not only in its geographic
location and natural riches, but in its position on an important North-South
and East-West axis, which can only be fully utilized if conflicts are
resolved and good-neighborly relations are established. This will benefit
everyone! The Republic of Armenia will spare no effort to bring that day

Hilmar Kaiser to Speak at ARF Youth Rally for Recognition at CSUN

A.R.F. Shant Student Association
104 North Belmont Street, Suite 306
Glendale, California 91206
E-Mail: [email protected]
April 17, 2008


NORTHRIDGE, CA – The ARF Shant Student Association (ARF Shant) will
hold its annual "Youth Rally for Recognition of the Armenian Genocide"
on the evening of Wednesday, April 23rd, 2008 at the central square of
California State University, Northridge (CSUN).

The keynote speaker of the evening will be Dr. Hilmar Kaiser, an
Ottoman-era archival expert and Armenian Genocide historian. Kaiser
will present new findings that shed light on the responsibility of
Ottoman Turkish officials in the Armenian Genocide.

The ARF Shant Student Association chose to hold the rally, an annual
tradition, at CSUN this year, because of the university’s status of
having the largest number of Armenian college students outside of
Armenia. The CSUN Armenian Student Association is a co-organizer of
the event.

The event will also contain an artistic program along with speeches by
various community and student group leaders. The Youth Rally is free
of charge and open to the public. More information is available
online at

The ARF Shant Student Association’s mission is to politicize and
mobilize the Armenian university and college student population in
Southern California to further the Armenian cause. The ARF Shant and
CSUN Armenian Student Associations are full members of the
Confederation of All-Armenian Student Associations (All-ASA).

U.S Cochairman Of Minsk Group Praises Azerbaijan


April 16, 2008

BAKU, APRIL 16, ARMENPRESS: The U.S. cochairman of the OSCE Minsk
Group, Mathew Bryza, praised Azerbaijan for ‘display of constructive
approach.’ In an interview with Azerbaijani ANS TV Bryza said the
official Baku’s announcement that it is awaiting new proposals of the
peace brokers was the evidence of its constructive approach towards
the resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

The remarks were made by Azeri foreign minister Elmar Mamedyarov when
he was asked about when he was likely to meet with his new Armenian
counterpart Edward Nalbandian.

Speaking to reports in Baku on Tuesday Mamedyarov said Azerbaijan
will define its future steps after the meeting of the Minsk Group
cochairmen with the OSCE chairman- in-office in Vienna.