ANKARA: CHP, MHP Argue Against Changes To Article 301


Turkish Press
April 15 2008

Arguing that accepting changes "sought by foreigners" would be
improper, main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) deputy leader
Mustafa Ozyurek yesterday said the CHP is opposed to proposed changes
to Article 301 of the Turkish Penal Code (TCK). "Similar laws exist
in a number of European countries as well," he said. "Every state
wants to protect its basic values and principles and doesn’t allow
people to insult its nation and institutions." He added that rather
than changing the law, the government should train jurists on the
issue to make clear when people can be accused of violating it.

Ozyurek also expressed his party’s objection to proposals to give
the president the authority to begin the legal process under 301. In
addition, Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) group deputy chairman
Mehmet Sandir also criticized efforts to change the article, saying
that the changes lack public support but are being pushed by the
Armenian "genocide" lobby, the terrorist PKK, and ethnic separatists,
as well as the European Union. "We won’t support the ruling Justice and
Development Party (AKP) in tolerating people who insult the Republic
of Turkey," said Sandir.

Without Regaining Consciousness


Hayots Ashkhar Daily
Published on April 15, 2008

On April 11, two people suffering from bodily damages as a result
of the mass disorders of March 1-2 passed away in hospital, without
regaining consciousness.

As reported by the General Prosecutor’s Office, on March 2, around
01:00 a.m., Tigran Abgaryan (born in 1989), serviceman of military
unit No. N, was found in a state of unconsciousness near "Svin"
hunter’s shop (Leo Street). T. Abgaryan had received a firearm wound of
cervical vertebrae. He was moved to Hospital No. 1, Yerevan. Later, the
servicemen was transferred to "Erebuni" medical center and then – to
the Mikayelyan hospital where he died, without regaining consciousness.

On March 22, around 22 p.m., Samvel Haroutyunyan (born in 1979),
inhabitant of the village of Lousarat, Ararat marz, was moved
by unknown individuals to "Armenia" medical center in a state of
unconsciousness. There he died, without regaining consciousness.

Touching upon NA Deputy Vardan Khachatryan’s statement (made in
yesterday’s press conference) that the real number of the victims
exceeds the reported number, Sona Trouzyan, Press Secretary of the
Prosecutor General, said that the inquest body had not received any
report on missing individuals. Neither did the investigation uncover
cases and data about the disappearance of any participant of the March
1 events. During the disorders, 55 people received bodily damages,
with 15 people suffering from firearm wounds. After receiving first
aid, 5 people among those 15 individuals escaped. The inquest body
is undertaking measures towards discovering all the individuals.

How The European Topics Are Reflected In The Karabakh Mass Media


14-04-2008 12:22:42

Last December the Open Society NGO held monitoring of coverage of
European topics in the four Karabakh media. Afterwards the NGO held
training for the reporters of the print media. The second phase of
the monitoring was held in March 2008. The list of the monitored
media includes the Azat Artsakh and the Demo newspapers, the Public
Television of Artsakh and the web site

The monitoring is part of the program "European Integration"
implemented with the funding of International Alert.

According to the results of the monitoring, in March, in European topics were covered 50 times, all neutrally,
in the Demo 28 times (26 times neutrally and 2 times positively), in
the Azat Artsakh 23 times (12 times positively and 11 times neutrally),
on Public Television of Artsakh 49 times (18 times positively and 31
times neutrally). touched upon the expediency of European integration
5 times neutrally, the Demo 4 times (3 neutrally and 1 positively),
the Azat Artsakh did not touch upon it at all, and on Public Television
it was mentioned once and positively.

As to the participation of Europe in the settlement of the Karabakh
issue, mentioned it 19 times (neutrally), the Demo
12 times (neutrally), the Azat Artsakh 8 times neutrally and 3 times
positively, and Artsakh TV 24 times (7 positively and 17 neutrally).

The European organizations were mentioned 45 times in, 17 times in the Demo, 12 times in the Azat Artsakh,
33 times on TV. In addition, the European organizations were never
mentioned negatively.

The European culture generally was discussed 3 times in, once in the Demo, 5 times in the Azat Artsakh and
5 times on Artsakh TV.

The ratio of own reports to stories from other sources was 12 to 38 in 12 to 16 in the Demo, 6 to 17 in the Azat Artsakh,
14 to 35 on TV.

As part of the project, a contest of stories on European topics
is held. In June the results will be summed up, and the active
participants of the contest will be invited to a round-table meeting
in Stepanakert.

All the stories will be posted in

BAKU: MPs Consider Necessary to Hold Hearings on NK Conflict

Trend News Agency, Azerbaijan
April 12 2008

Azerbaijani MPs Considers Necessary to Hold Hearings on
Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict
12.04.08 09:52

Azerbaijan, Baku, 11 April /corr. TrendNews I.Alizade / The
Azerbaijani MPs consider it necessary to discuss the situation
emerging in the negotiation process between Azerbaijan and Armenia
with regards the Nagorno-Karabakh settlement. `Currently certain
changes are recorded in the negotiations. Therefore, holding hearings
in Azerbaijan Parliament regarding the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict has
became utmost urgent, and even there is a great necessity for it,’
Panah Huseyn, member of Musavat Group of MPs which represent
opposition in the Parliament, reported to TrendNews on 11 April.

Hearings were held in the Parliament of Armenia with regards to
Nagorno-Karabakh. The declaration, passed as a result of hearings,
highlights impossibility of returning Nagorno-Karabakh to Azerbaijan.

Huseyn considers that adoption of the `Resolution in Occupied
Territories of Azerbaijan at UN General Assembly’, election of the
terrorist Serj Sarkisyan, who committed crimes against Azerbaijan, as
the President of Armenia, as well as the hearings held in the
Parliament of Armenia with regards to the Nagorno-Karabakh and
declaration adopted by them, make it utmost necessary to present
Nagorno-Karabakh conflict for discussions in Azerbaijani Parliament.

`Nagorno-Karabakh conflict was discussed in Parliament once. It is
fully possible to organize next discussions,’ said the member of the
Political Council of the ruling New Azerbaijan Party and member of
Azerbaijani delegation to PACE, Aydin Mirzazade.

He considers that conducting hearings, the Parliament of Armenia
wants to draw attention of the society away from tense situation
prevailing in the Country. The MP added that the government of
Armenia again using Nagorno-Karabakh conflict as a trump card.

` Armenia organizes hearings in the Parliament, but the President of
Azerbaijan pursues the policy to settle Nagorno-Karabakh conflict,
strengthens the Army and increase the budget,’ Mirzazade said.

The Chairman of opposition Democratic Reforms Party of Azerbaijan,
Asim Mollazadeh, considers that if there will be advancements in
talks on Nagorno-Karabakh conflict settlement, it will be possible to
hold hearings in the Parliament. `It is normal case to hold hearings
on important problems of the country. Even it is very much
necessary,’ he said.

`Discussions on the situation related to Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
settlement are possible. Parliament serves interests of people.
Therefore, if necessary, the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict will be
discussed in the Parliament,’ said MP Gultakin Hajiyeva, Deputy Chair
of Azerbaijani delegation to PACE.

The Chairman of opposition Adalat Party of Azerbaijan, Ilyas
Ismaylov, along with the discussions on Nagorno-Karabakh in the
Parliament, all political parties and public organizations should
maintain this issue as the center point of attention.

`The Parliament of Armenia held hearings .But; I consider that we do
not need to repeat the moves of Armenia. We should ourselves take
steps to settle the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict,’ he said.

According to the opposition Great Establishment Party, Fazil
Gazanfaroglu, the source of indifference in the Azerbaijani society
towards the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is the Parliament. `The MPs
have repeatedly raised the issue of holding at least closed hearing
on Nagorno-Karabakh. However, it yielded no results and the hearings
were not organized. The Parliament of Azerbaijan should express its
attitude towards the processes around the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict,’
he said.

The conflict between the two countries of South Caucasus began in
1988 due to territorial claims by Armenia against Azerbaijan. Armenia
has occupied 20% of the Azerbaijani land including the
Nagorno-Karabakh region and its seven neighbouring Districts. Since
1992, these territories have been under the occupation of the
Armenian Forces. In 1994, Azerbaijan and Armenia signed a ceasefire
agreement at which time the active hostilities ended. The Co-chairs
of the OSCE Minsk Group ( Russia, France and USA) are currently
holding peaceful negotiations.

High Tax Collection Rate Must Be Maintained In Armenia


April 11, 2008

YEREVAN, April 11. /ARKA/. Armenia’s Government must not slow down
the previously recorded high rates of tax collection, stated RA Prime
Minister Tigran Sargsyan.

"Rather strict requirements have always been set to the taxation
and customs authorities, and they must constantly follow the way of
over-fulfilling the tax collection plans," Sargsyan told journalists.

The premier said that over 5bln AMD extra budget revenues were recorded
in January-March 2008 alone.

Sargsyan pointed out the paramount importance of maintaining the
current rates during the year.

The RA Ministry of Finance and Economy reports that 5.2bln AMD budget
surplus was recorded in the country in January-February 2008 (without
purpose loans under international credit programs). Armenia’s budget
revenues totalled 99.1bln AMD in January-February 2008 – a 16bln AMD
or 19.2% increase as compared with the corresponding period last
year. The country’s on-budget expenditures totalled 93.9bln AMD –
a 34.3bln AMD or 57.5% increase.

In January-March 2008, tax receipts, which totalled 78.8bln AMD,
formed 79.6% of Armenia’s budget revenues.

The RA Parliament adopted Armenia’s state budget for 2008 on November
28, 2007. The budget revenues are to total 746bln AMD, on-budget
expenditures 822bln, and budgeted deficit being 76bln AMD.-0–

BAKU: Azeri Deputy Speaker Blames Armenia For Policy Of "Terror"


Yeni Azarbaycan
April 11 2008

Azerbaijani Deputy Speaker Ziyafat Asgarov has accused Armenia of
supporting terrorism and choosing terror as its state policy in an
interview with Yeni Azarbaycan newspaper, the organ of the ruling
New Azerbaijan Party.

"Terror is Armenia’s state policy and this country backs terrorism
wherever it is," he said, alleging that Armenia had recently given
weapons worth 2m-dollars to the Kurdistan Workers Party, or the PKK.

In response to remarks made by the Armenian president in his
inauguration address that no compromises were possible over the
Nagornyy Karabakh issue, Asgarov described it as another attempt to
divert the attention from the current heavy situation in Armenia.

Commenting on whether or not Sargsyan’s statement will affect the
Nagornyy Karabakh talks, the deputy speaker said that unless such
a policy is stopped Armenia’s existence as a state would be called
into question, the paper said.

The deputy speaker added that a draft law on amendments and addenda
to the Electoral Code will soon be submitted to parliament, adding
that it would be impossible to establish the electoral commissions on
parity basis. He also dismissed as groundless remarks made by OSCE’s
Representative on Freedom of the Media Miklos Haraszti concerning
the media situation in Azerbaijan, the article said.

"Armenian Genocide Is Not Propagandized"

19:30 10/04/2008

"People in Israel think that what happened in 1915 was
genocide. Israeli people treat Armenains as relatives and they wished
the question is solved," said the coordinator of the young Jewish of
Armenian Jewish community Rubina Avagyan.

The head of the Jewish community in Armenia Rima Varzhapetyan said
that people in the world are not aware of genocide and added that
they do not know who the Armenians are at all. She told that once in
Israel when talking about Armenian Genocide a Jewish Uruguay asked
who the Armenians were and what genocide they were talking about.

She mentioned that Armenians do not carry out a strong propaganda
about their nation and history. "But the Jewish should not be blamed,
for instance for the Jewish Holocaust the Jewish Diaspora invested
money which is not done by the Armenians Diaspora," she said.

Oskanian: We Can All Be Proud Of Our Work


11.04.2008 12:46 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Armenia’s acting foreign minister Vartan Oskanian
held a farewell meeting with the MFA staff.

"I asked that you all gather here today so I can say thank you –
to all of you: To the diplomats who have worked with me for these 10
years, and longer. To the technical staff who have made our work here
and abroad possible. To our ambassadors who have worked hard, against
great odds, to maximally promote our interests," Mr Oskanian said.

"We can all be proud of our work, and we can all feel satisfied that
we are performing a civic duty. We are all citizens of Armenia –
you by birth, I by choice.

For me, the decision to pack up and return to Armenia after
independence was a default decision, a non-decision, an obvious
choice. Having come, I’m not now preparing to go.

I’ve been here since almost the beginning, working with you, to create
something out of nothing, to build a new institution and a new kind
of institution. I have served as Foreign Minister since the beginning
of President Kocharian’s term. I had served as Deputy Minister and
First Deputy Minister under President Ter Petrossian. In other words,
I have served not a man, but a people and a country. Together, that’s
what we have done since independence – we have served the state,
the Republic of Armenia. I am proud of the work we have done together.

During these 10 years, I believe much has changed in the nature of our
work. Of course the Republic of Armenia has changed and progressed
such that many objective conditions have changed – we don’t wait 2,
3, sometimes 5 months to get paid. We have paper on which to print
treaties, conventions and documents. We are not hostage to irregular
flights into and out of Armenia.

There are other differences, too. Diplomats, and all staff, are
accepted solely on merit and not for any other reason. Diplomats
are assigned postings solely based on professional circumstances
and not for any other reason. This ministry has a reputation now
for being the cleanest, the most professional, the best regulated,
and not corrupt. And that’s no small reason to be proud.

This ministry is a place where people are treated with dignity, with
respect and with tolerance. I’m proud of that and I believe that that
tradition, once begun, cannot be easily undone. On the contrary, it
becomes contagious. I believe that to build a democratic society, we
must begin, and we have begun, by building a transparent, accountable
ministry, and by treating each other with dignity.

The world has changed too in these 10 years. Russia is no longer
in retreat. Europe is much closer than it used to be. The US is
more insistent on having partners who are democratic. Azerbaijan is
looking to oil for solutions to all problems. Turkey is living both
in the past and in the future. Georgia is walking a fine line between
beleaguered and bold. Iran is caught between the world’s perceptions
and its own self-image.

And Armenia? Armenia has demonstrated that we understand that diplomacy
and defense do not replace each other, but work in tandem to secure a
nation’s future. Armenia has proven that economic growth is possible,
even with the absence of natural resources and open transportation
corridors. Armenia is living proof that one can be a respected member
of the international community and at the same time swim against the
global tide to assure self-determination and security for Nagorno
Karabakh. Armenia has become a trustworthy and I can say, full
partner in international organizations with a full agenda of reforms,
insights and action items. Armenia has established good relations
with all major world centers – Russia, the Americas, Europe, Asia,
the Middle East and Latin America.

But each of the successes I just mentioned have brought with it a set
of new challenges and new problems. And that’s our job – to make the
best of each opportunity and minimize all threats.

Now, we must perform our job in the changed environment of the last
several months. When we allowed the political tensions and emotions
of the election and post-election period to reign, they demonstrated
that we sometimes imagine that revolution can be an alternative to
reforms, and that revenge can take precedence over reconciliation. No
one knows better than we in this building that that is false. No one
knows better than we that our domestic strength, integrity, stability,
morality and perseverance are our best – actually our only – calling
cards in the international arena.

If those were our assets, today we work with a deficit. The capital
we had accumulated internationally has been squandered. That means
my successor, each of you, and all of us who live in Armenia, must
work even harder to regain our respectability and our confidence in
ourselves and our future.

I will continue to work with you. I don’t intend to terminate my
public engagement, but to enter a new phase. I don’t intend to be
foreign minister but I intend to work domestically to help the next
minister to succeed internationally.

The weeks after March 1 were the most difficult of my entire career. On
the one hand, I am part of an administration which, at the end of the
day, is responsible for what happens in this country. On the other
hand, from the beginning of their campaign, I disagreed, publicly
and privately, with the tactics, methods and goals of the opposition.

Just as it is not in my nature to follow blindly, it is also not in
my nature to be in bitter opposition. I believe in carrying out the
responsibilities I have undertaken. I believe I have done so these
10 years, sometimes before the TV cameras but more often behind
the scenes.

My commitment to Armenia and its future did not begin when I became
foreign minister. It will not cease now that I am no longer foreign

Instead, it will change. I will undertake a new set of responsibilities
that will focus on fashioning a relevant, inclusive civic and political
forum and that will work with the public and with the existing
political forces on mending the torn fabric of our society, on finding
genuine paths to political consensus by reconciling our differences,
not suppressing them. I will partner with those who wish to create the
mechanisms that replicate the experience of other developed countries
and offer serious, convincing political alternatives that are not
destructive, extreme and self-serving. Most of all, or first of all,
I will work to strengthen the institutions which will decrease our
people’s cynicism and readiness to believe the worst about ourselves,
that will empower people to say what they believe and believe in what
they say.

The work that you and I will do will be complementary.

I feel a part of this family. And that’s not going to change. I would
like it to remain that way, and I know it will be hard to pass by
this building, or through Republic Square in general," he said.

According To Representative Of "Heritage", Armenia To Have Governmen


Noyan Tapan
April 10, 2008

YEREVAN, APRIL 10, NOYAN TAPAN. After the assumption of power by the
president elect, an opportunity has opened to take real steps for
overcoming the internal political crisis. Otherwise the authorities
may face a deeper crisis than the deadlock reached by the political
opposition, secretary of the NA "Heritage" faction Stepan Safarian
said on April 10.

In his words, the political forces to have assumed responsibility for
the country should be aware that it is for them to initiate steps
aimed at getting out of the current situation. S. Safarian pointed
out that no step to resolve the current crisis has been taken so far.

Accoriding to him, although a tradition exists to wait for results
of 100 days of the new president’ tenure, there are some issues whose
solution would take only 10 days. First of all, these are the issues
of ensuring human rights in the country and immediate release of the
political prisoners.

In connection with appointment of the CBA chairman Tigran Sargsian as
prime minister, S. Safarian expressed concern that the country will
once again have a government of "irresponsibility". He said that the
newly appointed prime minister is not a member of any political team,
and he is not "so strong a person in Armenian sense" that he will be
able to oblige the forces forming the authorities to be responsible.

S. Sagarian informed those present that the day before all the members
of "Heritage" faction met with the families of the men killed on March
1, after which they went to Monument to Myasnikian to pay tribute to
those killed and attend the requiem liturgy.

In connection with participation of the faction leader Raffi
Hovannsisian in Serge Sargsian’s inauguration ceremony, the
representative of "Heritage" said that this fact does not mean and
symbolize anything.

S. Sargsyan: "I Will Not Escape From Responsibility"

15:07 09/04/2008

"Dear compatriots, I am aware of accepting a post with strong
responsibilities. I am aware of becoming the person who you should
consider the responsible body of everything done. I guarantee that I
will not escape from that responsibility. With this in mind I entered
the Republican Party and promised to take part in the presidential
elections if the party wins in the parliamentary ones. Thus I am
conscious of that responsibility and I will bare it in my mind during
these 5 years," said Serzh Sargsyan in his speech after the oath
giving ceremony.