Armenian PM assured the representatives of the U.S. Administration t

Armenian PM assured the representatives of the U.S. Administration
that the government will do everything to avoid violence and to
reestablish stability

March 2, 2008

Yerevan /Mediamax/. Prime Minister, elected President of Armenia Serzh
Sarkisian assured the representatives of the U.S. Administration that
the government will do everything to avoid violence and to reestablish
public order and stability.

As Mediamax was told in the press service of the government today, the
Prime Minister said this during the phone talks with the U.S. Assistant
Secretary of State Daniel Fried and the Deputy Assistant Secretary
of State, U.S. Co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group Matthew Bryza.

Daniel Fried and Matthew Bryza expressed hope that the present
internal political situation in Armenia will be resolved by means of
a political dialogue, and the authorities will manage to reestablish
stability in a short period of time.

The Armenian Prime Minister expressed gratitude to the U.S. partners
for support, the press service of the government informed.

BAKU: Armenian Armed Forces fire on the positions of Azerbaijani Arm

Azeri Press Agency, Azerbaijan
March 1 2008

Armenian Armed Forces fire on the positions of Azerbaijani Armed
Forces in several directions

[ 01 Mar 2008 12:23 ]

Nagorno Karabakh Gulshan Hajiyeva -APA. Armenian Armed Forces violated
the cease-fire, Azerbaijan Defense Ministry’s press service told
the APA

The divisions of Armenian Armed Forces fired on the positions of
Azerbaijani Armed Forces near Alibayli village of Tovuz region with
machine and submachine guns from their posts in Berd region from
21.20 till 21.35 on February 29, Chilaburt and Goyarkh villages
of Terter region from 21.15 till23.50, Javahirli village of Aghdam
region from 05.20 till 05.30 on March 1, Gorgan village of Fuzuli
region from 05.40 till 05.50. The enemy was silenced by response
fire. No casualties were reported.

Artur Baghdasarian Will Occupy The Position Of The Secretary Of The


February 29, 2008

Yerevan /Mediamax/. Leader of "Orinats Yerkir" party, former
presidential candidate of Armenia Artur Baghdasarian will occupy
the position of the Secretary of the National Security Council under
the President.

Mediamax reports that the elected President of Armenia, Leader of
the Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) Serzh Sarkisian and Artur
Baghdasarian signed the corresponding agreement in Yerevan today.

According to the agreement, "Orinats Yerkir" party will form a
coalition with the RPA and the "Prosperous Armenia" party.

24 Out Of 170 Application-Complaints Submitted To RA CEC With Demand


Noyan Tapan
Feb 27, 2008

YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 27, NOYAN TAPAN. "The RA Central Electoral
Commission set going the applications with the demand of recounting,
which corresponded to the requirements of the Electoral Code. Abram
Bakhchagulian the Secretary of CEC, stated at the February 27 press
conference adding that only 24 out of 170 application-complaints have
not been sustained. Thus, 19 out of 81 applications on recounting
submitted by former presidential candidate Levon Ter-Petrosian’s
supporters have not been discussed, 4 out of 28 applications
submitted by Artur Baghdasarian’s supporters, 3 out of 27 of Aram
Haroutiunian’s supporters have not been discussed. 11, 6, 3, 3,
and 2 application-complaints had been submitted by the empowered
people of Tigran Karapetian, Artashes Geghamian, Serge Sargsian,
Vahan Haovhannisan, and Arman Melikian, respectively. All of them
have been sustained.

A. Bakhchagulian said that nearly 95% protocols of polling station
commissions on recounting process have been signed by 7 or 8 members.
According to him, the number of protocols signed by at least 5 members
is 8. According to him, they are the polling stations (Ashotsk region,
Syunik region), where there are few electors and they failed to form
a commission consisting of eight members.

Oppositional New Times Party: Application Of Force Methods By Author


2008-02-25 17:20:00

ArmInfo. Application of force methods by the authorities increases
the society’s concern, the oppositional New Times Party’s statement
sent to ArmInfo, Monday, says. To recall, on February 24, Leader of
the New Times Party Aram Karapetyan was detained by the employees
of the Armenian National Security Service on the suspicion of false
denunciation on crime linked with accusations against Armenian
President Robert Kocharyan and Armenian Prime Minister Serzh Sargsyan.

According to the New Times Party’s statement, a group of employees
of the Armenian National Security Service searched the head office
of the party and took away the computers Sunday night. The search
lasted several hours.

BAKU: Armenia supports PKK in breakaway Nk region: Azeri Ministry

Azeri Press Agency, Azerbaijan
Feb. 20, 2008


Baku, 20 February: It is an irrefutable fact that Armenian churches
in various regions of the world have for yearsbeen Armenian
nationalist parties’ revolution bases and centres for the development
of their action plans and that religious centres have played the role
of arms bases.

Thus, further evidence that Armenia patronizes the PKK and generally
international terrorism are reports circulatedby various media
outlets which say that Armenian terrorists, supported by the state,
carry out their terrorist actionsin Azerbaijan, Turkey and many
countries of the world through cooperation, as a rule, with various
terrorist groups;that there are ties between the PKK terrorist
organization and the ASALA Armenian terrorist organization; and that
it[PKK] is patronized and guided precisely by Armenian terrorist
organizations and receives moral and material supportfrom them, and
that [the latter] recently sold a large amount of munitions to the
PKK, including machine-guns, assaultrifles, explosives, and even
land-to-land and land-to-air missiles.

A statement received by APA from the Azerbaijani Defence Ministry
press service says that the news about the leaderof the separatist
Nagornyy Karabakh regime, Bako Sahakyan, recently meeting Catholicos
of [All] Armenians Garegin II in Echmiatsin and receiving "valuable"
advice from him coincides with reports about the deployment of
PKKterrorist groups in the occupied Nagornyy Karabakh and districts
around it, and [it also coincides with reports] aboutthe territory of
the occupied Fuzuli and Lacin districts having been chosen as a base
for the terrorists.

The terror war waged by Armenia on Azerbaijan is currently being
transformed from the form of an active armed fightinto the phase of
"a cold terror war" and is being waged using various methods. This
terror policy beingconducted by Armenia against Azerbaijan already
covers the ideological, scientific, cultural, moral, information
andsocial spheres and has been brought to the level of a kind of
cyber terror. The most important aspect of this isbelieved to be the
fact that rivers that come from Armenian territory and are sources of
Azerbaijan’s drinkingwater are polluted with chemical, biological and
other radioactive waste. Rivers that create Azerbaijan’s
waterreserves are being polluted by waste from the Metsamor nuclear
power station which is viewed as problematic from thepoint of view of
industrial and domestic security in Armenia by a number of
organizations specializing in theinternational nuclear sphere. This
means a serious violation of international legal norms because on the
basis ofinternational documents [as given], waste discharged into
drinking water sources must be treated first.

However, the treatment of such waste on Armenian territory is out of
the question. Since the amount of all kinds ofchemical and harmful
substances in waters entering Azerbaijan from Armenian territory is
several times higher than thenorm, this may have a negative impact on
the flora and fauna in the river zone and the gene pool of the
Azerbaijanipopulation and lead to an increase in various diseases and
spread of them among people living along water flows.Therefore this
policy being conducted by Armenia should be viewed as that of
environmental terror.

Another danger that may come from Armenia might be food-stuffs
attempted to be smuggled into Azerbaijan from thiscountry that are of
unknown origin and are believed to contain dangerous substances.
Thus, the probability is very high that Armenian products may be
transferred to Azerbaijan via the Qirmizi Korpu marketplace on the
Georgian-Azerbaijaniborder, and the Sadaxli and Taush marketplaces on
the Georgian-Armenian border and also other trading depots. And
thisis the next stage of Armenia’s efforts to continue the war which
it wages on our country by stealth, not on thefront, but by bringing
it to the level of biological terror.

Chairman Of CoECM Urged Participants Of Political Processes In Armen


2008-02-25 13:45:00

ArmInfo. ‘I hope that all the participants of political processes in
Armenia will refrain from using violence. The violence should be ruled
out in any case’, Chairman of CoE Committee of Ministers, Slovakian
Foreign Minister Jan Kubis said at toady’s joint press-conference
wit RA FM Vardan Oskanyan.

J. Kubis said that during his visit to Armenia, he intends to meet
both representatives of the government and those of the opposition. "I
am going to trace the dynamics of the political development in the
country. I am also pleased that the government created conditions
for holding of manifestation in the country, that demonstrates
availability of democracy in the country, moreover, it shows that
Armenia’s authorities are responsible in showing tolerance with respect
to the demonstrators. This is very important", Jan Kubis resumed.

Thousands continue protest of Armenian vote

Thousands continue protest of Armenian vote
The Associated Press
Published: February 24, 2008

YEREVAN, Armenia: Thousands of opposition supporters protested for a
fifth straight day in the Armenian capital Sunday, demanding a rerun of
the disputed presidential vote and denouncing the detention of several
allies in their confrontation with the government.

More than 20,000 people protested in a central square where the
opposition has maintained a round-the-clock vigil, and hundreds broke
away to march through the streets in the early evening. A tough warning
from the departing president raised concerns that the police could try
to disperse the demonstrators.

Supporters of the opposition candidate Levon Ter-Petrosian allege that
the election Tuesday was rigged, and they are demanding a new vote. The
government says that Prime Minister Serge Sargsyan won the presidency
fairly and has urged the protesters to disperse.

Ter-Petrosian vowed not to give up.

"Those in power should not hope that I’ll leave here until I move into
the president’s house," he said.

The standoff has raised concerns about potential violence in a poor and
volatile country that is strategically located at the junction of the
Caspian Sea region and southern Europe, with Russia and Iran nearby.

Late Saturday, the departing president, Robert Kocharian, accused the
opposition of attempting to seize power and warned of "resolute and
firm" action to preserve order. The statement led to speculation that
the government would move to break up the protest, which has been
drawing up to 30,000 people daily.

On Sunday morning, an officer speaking through a bullhorn urged the
crowd in the square outside the Yerevan opera house to disperse. The
police did not take action against the protesters, but a number of
police and security forces were deployed in streets near the square.

Announcing final election results Sunday that were in line with a
preliminary count, the chief of the Central Election Commission,
Garegin Azarian, said that Sargsyan had received nearly 53 percent of
the vote enough to win outright and avoid a runoff. He said that
Ter-Petrosian, who was seeking a comeback after serving as independent
Armenia’s first president in the 1990s after the Soviet collapse, had
won 21.5 percent.

Vazgen Manukyan’s Campaign Headquarters Studying Possibility Of Appe


2008-02-22 14:48:00

ArmInfo. The campaign headquarters of presidential candidate Vazgen
Manukyan is studying the possibility of appealing against the result
of the presidential election, Leader of National Democratic Party of
Armenia Shavarsh Kocharyan said at Tesaket Club, Friday.

He said they know that the election were mostly falsified. ‘We have
no sufficient facts to find out how different are the official data
and the real picture. However, we are following the work of other
headquarters and take into account also their materials’, he said. He
also added that Vazgen Manukyan will make a final speech later today.

To recall, Vazgen Manukyan received 20,938 votes in total.

CIS Observers: The Presidential Elections In Armenia Were Fair And T

20.02.2008 14:19

On February 19 the presidential elections in Armenia were fair and
transparent, which is an important factor for the further democratic
process and fully corresponds to the requirements of the country’s
electoral legislation, members of the Observation Mission of the CIS
Executive Committee and the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly declared
during a pres conference today, presenting the preliminary results
of observation in almost all polling stations all over the territory
of the republic.

Vice-President of Russia’s Federal Council, member of the observation
mission Alexander Torshin called on the other international
organizations observing the elections to join their statement. The
CIS observers stated that all legal and technical conditions were
created in Armenia for the preparation, organization and voting. They
consider it notorious that the Electoral Code has been considerably
improved after the parliamentary elections in May, which ensures
the implementation of democratic processes and freedom of speech in
the country. About 200 CIS observers carried out both long-term and
short-term missions, being present at the opening of the polling
stations, the process of voting and ballot counting. Alexander
Torshin noted also that some technical shortcomings were registered,
which could not have affected the outcome of the election. The
Observation Mission presents its conclusion based exceptionally on
its own observation.