Animals die of cold


[12:31 pm] 15 January, 2008

Although Gyumri branch of the State Museum of Nature
is gasificated, it has not been heated since the day
if its foundation. Some animals live in the employees’
or the director’s houses during the winter months. The
Museum is hardly surviving owing to the employees.

The thermometer is installed right in the hall where
the unique samples of nature continue their existence.
Pigeons and guinea-pigs, living in the Museum, may be
registered in the Red Book, as frost-resistant
animals, since only they have managed to survive in
such conditions.

Fish live in more or less better conditions, since the
necessary temperature of the aquarium is maintained by
electric energy. But there were many cases when the
director had to take the fish to his home, since the
Museum did not have electric energy.

Food for the animals is bought by the employees. The
most frost-resistant animals in the Museum are
pigeons, guinea-pigs and fish. Parrots and canaries
live in the director’s house.

Gyumri branch of the State Museum of Nature was
founded 16 years ago and is located in the building of
sport-cultural center in Gyumri. The Yerevan mother
Museum pays only the salaries of the employees and
electric energy expenses. Visits to the Museum are

`Tsayg’ TV Company


Announcement of journalists union of Armenia


[02:31 pm] 11 January, 2008

The presidential elections of February 19, 2008, will
be crucial for the Republic of Armenia. The conduct of
free, fair and transparent elections will come to
testify that Armenia has taken the path of democracy.

The role and significance of mass media in electoral
procedures is undoubtedly great. In this connection we
fully understand different assessments given by
international organisations to mass media. At the same
time we would like to note that their assessments are
sometimes unilateral based on the material of 1-2

Two months ago journalists made an announcement and
called on Armenian mass media representatives to be
loyal to the principles of freedom of expression,
ensure equal conditions, provide unbiased coverage of
electoral procedures, be tolerant and to stick to the
norms of behaviour.

Armenia’s journalists are keen on keeping up
democratic values and traditions.

We attach great importance to international
organisations’ assessments to the upcoming elections
and call on them to rely on the whole information

We find it our mission to give impartial coverage of
political events during the elections.

Wreath-laying in Memory of Hrant Dink will be held

Armenia Solidarity
Nor Serount
Armenian Genocide Trust
Seyfo Centre
C/o The Temple of Peace, Cardiff
[email protected]
Tel (int) :0044 7876561398

A Wreath-laying in Memory of Hrant Dink will be held on the first
anniversary of Hrant Dink’s martydom on Saturday,19th January at 1.00
pm at the Monument to the Innocentsoutside Westminster Abbey, London
The order of the event is as follows:
1 Prayers from the Canon of Westminster Abbey

2 Tributes and Short speeches from :
Nouritza Matossian
Des Fernandes, (with a special message rom Diamanda Galas)
Gurgin Bakircioglu (Editor of from Stockholm, Sweden)

3 Reading of portion of Hrant’s work

4 Release of dove in memory of Hrant

info: Eilian Williams (07876561398)

ANTELIAS: His Holiness Aram I receives the Ambassador of Cyprus

Catholicosate of Cilicia
Communication and Information Department
Contact: V.Rev.Fr.Krikor Chiftjian, Communications Officer
Tel: (04) 410001, 410003
Fax: (04) 419724
E- mail: [email protected]

PO Box 70 317

Armenian version: nian.htm


His Holiness Aram I received the Ambassador of Cyprus to Lebanon Dr.
Kiriakos Kouros in Antelias on January 8. The Ambassador paid the visit on
behalf of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Cyprus.

The Pontiff and his guest discussed issues related to the Middle East and
the internal situation in Lebanon. His Holiness emphasized the obstacles to
Turkey’s membership in the EU, including European standards for human
rights, which have been and are still violated in Turkey throughout history.

View the photo here:
The Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia is one of the two Catholicosates of
the Armenian Orthodox Church. For detailed information about the history and
the mission of the Cilician Catholicosate, you may refer to the web page of
the Catholicosate, The Cilician
Catholicosate, the administrative center of the church is located in
Antelias, Lebanon.

Armenia: Move to Abolish Controversial Legislation

Institute for War and Peace Reporting, UK
Jan 3 2007

Armenia: Move to Abolish Controversial Legislation

Critics say article in country’s criminal code could be used to
detain anti-government protestors.

By Gayane Mkrtchian in Yerevan (CRS No. 425 03-Jan-08)

With presidential elections in Armenia less than two months away, the
opposition is seeking the abolition of a controversial article in the
criminal code that it says can be employed by the authorities to
stifle protest.

According to Article 301 of the Armenian criminal code, publicly
calling for a violent seizure of power or the overthrow of the
constitutional system is punishable by a fine equivalent to 300-500
times the minimum salary in Armenia (about 25-40,000 US dollars),
detention for two to three months or imprisonment for up to three

Zaruhi Postanjian, an opposition member of parliament with the
Heritage Party, is seeking to have the article removed from the
criminal code by means of a special draft bill being put before

`Where is the line drawn?’ asked Postanjian. `When does a person’s
statement or public appearance constitute a punishable act?’

`It violates and restricts citizens’ right to free expression and is
an instrument in the hands of the authorities, being used to silence
opposition figures,’ she said.

Postanjian says Article 301 violates rights guaranteed under Article
27 of the Armenian constitution and Article 10 of the European
Convention on Human Rights.

`Prosecuting a person under Article 301 is a gross violation of his
or her right to free expression,’ she said. `Article 3 of the
Armenian constitution says, `The state ensures that citizens’
fundamental rights and freedoms are protected in line with principles
and norms of the international law.”

However, government supporters respond that citizens’ rights are
protected by the constitution and that the article defends the state
against the possibility of violent opposition.

Aram Safarian of the pro-government Prosperous Armenia faction in
parliament says scrapping the article would `pitch the country into

`We do not live in a country where the authorities demonstrate an
inclination towards violence,’ agreed Armen Ashotian, a deputy with
the governing Republican Party.

`Even if the bill is passed [to abolish the article], the president
won’t be able to sign it, because it is unconstitutional.’

Ashotian cited Article 43 of the constitution, which says that basic
rights and freedoms can be restricted in the interests of state
security and maintaining public order.

To the disappointment of its supporters, the bill is unlikely to be
debated in parliament before March, meaning the article will still be
in force in the run-up to the presidential elections due on February

The article has been employed on several occasions in the last few
years, on each occasion when the political temperature has been high
in Armenia.

In the spring of 2004, police arrested a number of opposition
activists at protest rallies in Yerevan, citing Article 301.

The previous year, several people in the town of Armavir were
arrested on the same charge. Among them was Azat Gasparian, 45, a
lawyer, who played an active role in the rallies protesting against
the presidential election of 2003.

He and four friends were found guilty under Article 301 and sentenced
to two months in the harsh Nubarashen prison after attempting to
ferry busloads of people from Armavir to Yerevan to take part in a

While Gasparian is still a prominent opposition activist, every time
a rally is due to take place he is summoned to a police station and
warned that he may be `disturbing public order’.

`They warn me that I should not go too far and threaten to stitch up
a case against me up if I do,’ he said.

Independent parliamentarian Viktor Dallakian also fell victim to
Article 301 when he addressed a public rally in March 2004, at which
he said that the Armenian people had the power to get rid of the
governing authorities.

`I did not call for a violent overthrow of the constitutional
regime,’ said Dallakian. `I was released only after the visit of
Vladimir Pryakhin, head of the OSCE office in Armenia, to the
prosecutor’s office.’

Another opposition parliamentarian, chairman of the
National-Democratic Party Shavarsh Kocharian, also said he had been
charged under Article 301. After the presidential election in 1996,
he was accused of attempting to organize a coup d’etat and faced the
same charge following the April 12, 2004 events.

In 2006, charges were laid against Zhirair Sefilian, a veteran of the
Nagorny Karabakh war and founder of the movement Armenian Volunteers
Association, and against fellow veteran Vardan Malkhasian.

Sefilian had said at a meeting of the association, in reference to
the seven Azerbaijani territories around Nagorny Karabakh, now under
the control of the Armenian side, `We will break the heads of those
who try to surrender the liberated territories.’

Lawyer Vahe Grigorian, who acts for Sefilian, said in his defence,
`However harsh, the statement cannot be interpreted as a call for a
violent seizure of power. However, this did not stop them from
charging them under Article 301. They are political prisoners, who
are being prosecuted for their opinions and activities, rather than
for a criminal offence.’

The two men are still in prison.

Postanjian says she is trying to enlist the help of international
organisations to get Article 301 abolished, and has also secured the
help of Armenian human rights ombudsman as mediator.

`The human rights defender has applied to the Venice Commission [of
the Council of Europe], asking for its opinion on the article in the
shortest time possible,’ said Postanjian.

Dallakian says there are two ways to solve the issue – either to
abolish the article altogether or reword it to make it less

`It should be more clearly written what is meant by `calls’ [to
overthrow the authorities],’ he said. `Is it when people say `let’s
take up arms and give them hell’, or when they just talk about `armed
struggle’? There must be absolute clarity, otherwise you may be
accused of attempting to overthrow the constitutional regime with one
loud sneeze.’

Gayane Mkrtchian is a correspondent with in Yerevan

Joseph Pennington’s new year’s message to the Armenian people


[06:35 pm] 26 December, 2007

On this first day of the New Year, I would like to
thank the people of Armenia for their friendship and
for the support they continue to give to the strong
relationship between Armenia and the United States.
Today is a day to celebrate the many things that bring
us together as nations, and to reflect on the many
achievements our two peoples have accomplished
together since Armenia’s independence. It is also a
day to look ahead to the hopes and challenges that the
future holds.

As we look ahead to 2008, I would like to assure you
that US assistance to Armenia, which has now reached
nearly 2 billion dollars, will continue. The United
States is committed to supporting Armenia as it works
to both establish a strong democracy, and build a
vibrant economy, that benefit all of Armenia’s people.
This year represents a particularly important
opportunity for Armenia to demonstrate its commitment
to democracy by holding a presidential election that
meets international standards. The United States
stands ready to support that important effort.

I would like to express today my deep appreciation for
the extraordinary warmth and hospitality the Armenian
people continue to show me and my colleagues at the
American embassy, and the wider American community in
Armenia. It is an honor for us to live and work in
Armenia, a country that has achieved so much since it
gained its independence, and which has unlimited
potential to accomplish even more in the future.

I know Armenians have a saying about the New Year’s
holiday: "Just as one spends New Year’s, so, too, will
they spend the following year."

So on behalf of the American people and the entire
embassy, I wish all of the Armenian people a very
special New Year’s holiday spent with close friends
and family, and every success in the promising year

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Thank you.

NKR: Government forbids SJSC "Artsakhforest" to make woodcuttings

Azat Artsakh Tert, Nagorno Karabakh Republic
Dec 26 2007

The Government forbids SJSC "Artsakhforest" to make woodcuttings

On 25th of december by the decision of the Government of NKR forbade
the state company to cut wood in the forests of Artsakh.According to
the statute, its aim will be the carrying out of the state programs
in the sphere of preservation, protection and reproduction of the
forest fund of Artsakh. Its function is also the creation of new
By the words of prime-minister A. Harutyunyan, the employees of the
company more cut than created the forests. Much abuses were made due
to its employees. From now and then, these rights passed to the
ministry of agriculture. The decision of the government comes into
force from 1st of January of 2008.

ANTELIAS: The feast of the Proto-Deacon and Proto-Martyr St. Stephan

Catholicosate of Cilicia
Communication and Information Department
Contact: V.Rev.Fr.Krikor Chiftjian, Communications Officer
Tel: (04) 410001, 410003
Fax: (04) 419724
E- mail: [email protected]

PO Box 70 317

Armenian version: nian.htm


The feast of Saint Stephan was celebrated during Holy Mass in the Saint
Gregory the Illuminator Cathedral in Antelias on December 23. Archbishop
Gomidas Ohanian officiated the Mass and Catholicos Aram I presided over it.
According to tradition, while the hymn "Der Hergnits" was being sung during
the morning service, the Seminary Deacons burned incense in the church
wearing priests’ helmets as a symbol of serving the altar.

On the evening of December 21 a Vespers service was held in the Cathedral
with the participation of the Seminary students. The Catholicos then
presided over a luncheon, which was served by Seminary students.

In his sermon on December 23 Archbishop Ohanian appealed to the Deacons to
become the worthy successors of Saint Stephan, his life of service and his
brave character.

The Catholicos also presided over a special event organized by the Seminary
Deacons in the hall of the Veharan. Deacons Alexan Kalaydjian read a speech
on behalf of the Seminary students. The event also features readings from
the Bible and "Nareg". On this occasion His Holiness gave Pontifical message
to the Seminary students and particularly the Deacons to establish
themselves as worthy servants of the church. The Pontiff also addressed the
public, encouraging them to give their best to God and our people through
the Seminary. His Holiness also called on the Cilician Brotherhood, the
Seminary’s administration, its staff and the Armenian people to ensure the
eternal prosperity of this house of service.

View the photos here:
The Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia is one of the two Catholicosates of
the Armenian Orthodox Church. For detailed information about the Seminary of
the Cilician Catholicosate, you may refer to the web page of the
Catholicosate, The Cilician
Catholicosate, the administrative center of the church is located in
Antelias, Lebanon.

Dashnak Candidate Slams ‘Fraudulent’ Polls

By Ruzanna Stepanian

Radio Liberty, Czech Rep.
Dec 24 2007

Prime Minister Serzh Sarkisian is not as popular as is claimed by
pro-government pollsters, one of his election challengers representing
the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (Dashnaktsutyun) said on Monday.

Deputy parliament speaker Vahan Hovannisian also echoed former
President Levon Ter-Petrosian’s claim that the Armenian authorities
artificially increased the number of presidential candidates to
facilitate Sarkisian’s victory in the ballot scheduled for February 19.

Opinion polls conducted by the Armenian Sociological Association
(ASA) and other local researchers have consistently given Sarkisian
a huge lead over other election contenders. Armenian state television
cited on Sunday the results of the latest, U.S.-funded poll designed
by the U.S. Gallup organization and conducted by the ASA.

It said Sarkisian would garner 29 percent of the vote if the election
was held this week. Opposition leader Artur Baghdasarian would come
in a distant second but far ahead of other candidates with 12 percent,
according to the poll.

Ter-Petrosian and his allies dismiss this and previous voter survey as
fraudulent, saying that the ASA’s past polling data always coincided
with the official results of past Armenian elections criticized as
deeply flawed by international observers.

Hovannisian, the Dashnaktsutyun candidate, likewise challenged the
credibility of those polls. Asked by journalists whether he trusts
in the approval ratings assigned to Sarkisian, he said, "No, I don’t."

Hovannisian said Dashnaktsutyun, which is represented in Sarkisian’s
cabinet by three minister, has conducted its own poll which put him
in second place. But he declined to give any details, saying only
that the prime minister’s victory is not a forgone conclusion despite
upbeat statements made by his entourage.

"They usually speak of things being predetermined when their
self-confidence is phony," said Hovannisian. "There are no grounds
for such self-confidence in Armenia."

"Nothing is predetermined. Everything will be decided by the popular
vote," he added.

The Dashnaktsutyun leader, whose daughter married a nephew of Sarkisian
recently, also made it clear that he will not drop out of the race
in favor of the election favorite. "Dashnaktsutyun will go to the
end with an intention to win," he said.

In a weekend speech, Ter-Petrosian alleged that some of the nine
presidential candidates entered the fray on government orders with
the aim of splitting the opposition. The ex-president, seen by
many as Sarkisian’s most formidable challenger, named no names but
stressed that he does not regard Hovannisian and Baghdasarian as
"bogus candidates."

"He has serious reason to have such a view," Hovannisian said,
commenting on Ter-Petrosian’s claims.

OSCE Monitoring Of Azeri, Armenian Contact Line Is Without Incidents


Russia & CIS General Newswire
December 19, 2007 Wednesday 5:06 PM MSK

No incidents were registered during the OSCE monitoring of the
Azeri-Armenian contact line on Wednesday, the Azeri Defense Ministry

The monitoring under the personal mandate of the OSCE chairman-in-
office was held near the village of Kemerli of the Azerbaijan’s
Gazakh district.

Field assistants to the personal representative of the OSCE
chairman-in-office monitored the contact line on both sides.