Political Myths Are Created Around Normalization Of Turkish –


06.04.2009 15:17 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Political myths are created around normalization
of Turkish -Armenian ties, opening of border and acknowledging of the
Armenian Genocide by US President Barack Obama, Hayk Demoyan, Armenian
Genocide Museum Genocide Director told a news conference. According to
him, normalization of relations is in the process, which began from
serious steps on Armenian side. "Now Armenia can dictate to Turkey
a certain succession of steps in the normalization of relations,"
he said.

"World powers are interested in the normalization of Armenian -Turkish
ties, which rises Ankara’s concerns and lessens possibilities for
maneuvering," he noted. "People in Armenia are more tolerant toward
possibility of normalization of ties with Turkey, than 15years
ago. This is a serious result," Hayk Demoyan emphasized.

RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan Visited The State Committee On


Mon day, 6 April 2009

RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan visited the State Committee on
Immovable Property Cadastre by the Government to introduce to the
agency staff the newly appointed committee head Yervand Zakharyan.

The Prime Minister said that Yervand Zakharyan’s long career experience
and his rich life story will help effectively organize activities at
this new post. In Tigran Sargsyan’s words, in spite of the last few
years’ serious achievements, there is sill much to do in the system of
real estate cadastre as improved service quality has been a priority
in the RA President’s electoral program.

Yervand Zakharyan, too, pointed out that serious work has been done to
create a system meeting all modern criteria and expressed conviction
that jointly with the existing skilled staff it will be possible to
address the tasks facing the system and provide high quality services.

The Prime Minister thanked former committee head Manuk Vardanyan
for the considerable amount of work carried out during his term in
office. Tigran Sargsyan expressed confidence that by means of work
continuity, Yervand Zakharyan will be able to give a new scope to
the works carried out in the structure.


Truth, Progress And Change

By Aram Suren Hamparian

Friday, April 3, 2009

Past U.S. Administrations, at the expense of our national interests
and commonly-held values, have for close to a century dealt with the
Armenian Genocide down at the level of Turkey’s threats, accepting
what can only be described as a foreign government’s "gag-rule"
on our nation’s defense of human rights.

America’s willingness to stand up against genocide has all too often
been treated, to our nation’s shame, not as a moral imperative, but
rather as a geo-political commodity that has been either callously
bartered away or retreated from under threats of retribution.

We must, as a nation, finally and fundamentally change how we address
this issue, raising this human rights priority to where it belongs,
at the level of American values.

President Obama’s strong record of the Armenian Genocide recognition
reflects his understanding of the need for this change. He has made
the case for recognition forcefully, publicly, and repeatedly over the
course of the past five years, stressing that a policy that requires
U.S. officials to resort to strained reasoning or outright falsehood
is morally wrong and, as a practical matter, needs to be changed. His
pledge on this score are remarkably clear and direct:

"America deserves a leader who speaks truthfully about the Armenian
Genocide and responds forcefully to all genocides. I intend to be
that President."

The President, in honoring his pledge, will keep faith not only with
his own values and the trust of the American people, but also with key
leadership across the U.S. government and the world, including Vice
President Biden and Secretary of State Clinton, cabinet secretaries
LaHood, Solis, and Salazar, CIA Director Panetta, House Speaker Pelosi,
Senate Majority Leader Reid, and leaders in both houses of Congress,
all of whom have supported Armenian Genocide recognition. Forty-one
U.S. states have, to date, recognized the Armenian Genocide, as have
over 20 countries, including 12 NATO allies.

Michael Crowley’s article in The New Republic, appropriately titled
"Ethics Cleansing", make the point most clearly. "To be sure, Obama’s
high-minded rhetoric has always concealed a deeply rooted pragmatism
(think of the convenient difference between troops and "combat troops"
in Iraq). But there is a line between pragmatism and hypocrisy,
and Obama may be about to cross it."

The moral case is powerfully compelling; the historical record
thoroughly documented; the President’s record consistently principled,
and his pledges crystal clear.

As citizens, we need not today repeat, once again, the case for
Armenian Genocide recognition, because President Obama, in his own
words on more than a dozen occasions, has publicly articulated in
a clear, thoughtful, and forceful manner the urgent need to end
U.S. complicity in Turkey’s denial of the Armenian Genocide. To his
great credit, he has, before the world, committed, as a matter of
principle, to full and unequivocal U.S. recognition of the Armenian

The path forward for the President is clear. This April, the time
has come for truth, for progress, for change.

Editor’s Note: Aram Hamparian is the executive director of the Armenian
Natinoal Committee of America.


Worsening Economy Increases Risk Of Default

By Elita Babayan

2009-04-03 12:51:00

An interview with Hayk Papyan, Director General of Cascade
Investments Company, the underwriter of Cascade Credit, ARARATBANK
and ArmRusgasprom bonds

What financial instruments does Cascade Investments offer its clients
and generally the financial market of Armenia today in the conditions
of so big variety of instruments in the international financial
market? What local instruments the foreign investors take interest in?

We can buy or sell any registered securities in any country with
regulated market. Cascade Investments offers its clients both shares
and bonds. It has recently begun offering also certain classical
hedging instruments, in particular, futures contracts, the so-called
tradable securities. For instance, one can purchase several tons
of products to resale them later as easily as he would buy ordinary
shares listed at the stock exchange. This allows local producers and
importers to reduce their financial risks depending on fluctuation
of the prices of these products. For instance, we had clients,
for whom we purchased and resold wheat, rice and gold in foreign
markets. Derivative instruments are very popular now and our clients
have taken an interest in them. We are working to create the market
of commodity and futures contracts for such tradable assets as grain,
sugar, butter, and oil products. This market i n Armenia is still
in embryo, but it may have the key part in the market price making
and risk insurance in future, including in the banking business. We
constantly depend on the global prices. There are many novelties
in the financial markets at present. The list of instruments is
constantly enlarged and such variety confuses investors. The year
2008 proved very unlucky for the shares market. Many traditional
investors suffered inevitable short-term losses. Generally, in
case of necessary instruments and a risk-taking opportunity, it is
possible to gain irrespective of any trends if your market forecasts
are generally realistic.

This is what makes the securities market attractive.

It has become rather effective buying stock indexes and other
appropriately composed securities. The most popular ones are the
so-called Mutual Funds and ETF (Exchange-Traded Funds). Securities in
these funds are classified into groups depending on capitalization,
sectors etc. The principles of index calculation are various. I
think that the key advantage of is of more diversified investment,
less risky and with more sustainable but lower profitability for
long-term outlook. These instruments are first of all convenient
for their size. Spending for instance 100 dollars, you are able to
acquire ‘by a small share’ in several hundreds of companies. Second,
your forecasting becomes rather easier for you. If you are sure that
old people in Europe will spend more=2 0on their health, you can
invest in the group of all the major providers of medical service
in and pharmaceutics Western Europe. You are sure that fresh water
is a rare resource across the world, you can invest in the fund of
producers and distributors of drinking waters etc.

Foreign investors mainly display interest in Armenian shares since
the market is new and we are likely to become witnesses of its growth
within the coming years. Securities listed at the stock exchange are
more attractive, of course, since stock exchange requires regular
reports by a company and an investor does not expect unpleasant
surprises. Cascade Investments offers specific shares to its clients,
particularly, the shares that will grow in price within the nearest
future, as we think. However, buying even not a large package of
shares, one should understand that there is risk to become a long-term
investor against one’s will. Buying such instrument is reasonable when
the investor has the so-called long money. The current situation in
the global market had a negative impact also on the local capital
market. In this connection, foreign investors have some concerns
about investing in Armenian securities. In addition, many of them
have faced liquidity problems.

What is the key characteristic of the Armenian market of corporate
debt obligations? What makes local issuers be so active? Will dram
bonds be attractive to foreign investors in condi tions of further
devaluation expectations?

We have a certain number of accredited issuers. The instrument –
corporate bonds – has become more popular among investors and many
legal entities and individuals obtain it. The major advantage of
bonds comparing to bank deposits is their liquidity. Earlier foreign
investors had bonds in terms of Armenian dram. Now Armenian debt
securities are no longer attractive due to the sharp devaluation of
the Armenian dram. However, bonds in euro and dollars are highly in
demand by local clients. If an investor is sure that euro, dollar, yen
or Kuwait currency will grow, it is indeed quite favorable to invest in
terms of these currencies. Stability of national currency is of great
importance for investors. In addition, one can gain on the securities
with fixed income such as corporate bonds, treasury bonds. Incomes
grow also because of changing the national currency rate. If you are
a dollar investor and you have bought Armenian bonds for instance
with 10% yield, the annual profitability of these bonds and change of
the national currency of this country will ensure your profit. The
second important problem of this instrument is the issue volume. If
it is not large, the efficiency of investing in debt obligations is
low. It is simply absurd for a foreign institutional investor to buy
bonds worth less than $10,000. It is inexpedient. If the total issue
of bonds is not significant, it20is not attractive to major investors.

What makes local issuers passive in IPO?

Securities are issued for various purposes. When developing a project
that will be funded through an issue of securities, a company thinks
the issue of corporate bonds or shares more effective. The greatest
part of our companies is not ready to deal with a big number of

Our corporations have no traditions of long-term planning for
some natural reasons. Small domestic market and insignificant
export potential limit the number of prospective projects of
large-scale capital investments. Shares are issued mostly to fund
such initiatives. There is practically no experience of IPO and
few agree to launch it. This procedure implies amendments to the
enterprise structure. If several major emerging companies in our
country successfully launch IPO, many others will follow them. A
similar situation was in the short history of corporate bonds market
development. The companies that purposefully and aggressively chose
the strategy of business development, especially in the conditions of
stiffened competition, can achieve their goals by launching IPO. The
first company to do it, will, undoubtedly, have success.

Should issuers focus on securities? Isn’t it easier to raise funds
from the banking sector?

Everything depends on what the issuer needs money for. Generally, banks
or any other creditors rarely fund long-term, large-scale and risky
proj ects. And it is right. Generally, the long-term, large-scale and
risky project is more profitable. Such projects have always been funded
by a stock capital i.e. through issue or sale of shares. A good company
will always find an investor for the risky but profitable project.

This phenomenon has originated already in the middle age and will
continue in future. So we are not an exception. In the case of
bonds, everything depends on specific issuers and their financial
situation. Issue of corporate bonds is prior to major companies and
banks. First, banks are not always able to issue a big credit. Second,
in case of a bank credit unlike the issue of corporate bonds,
a borrower deals with one creditor, whereas it is risky for an
issuer and creditor to depend on one partner. I admit that for small
and medium-sized enterprises the issue of bonds requires serious
expenses unlike the bank credit. Nevertheless, everything depends
on the status and the financial state of a company etc. There is
no advice or recommendation for all occasions. It is important to
understand the tasks an issuers sets and the level of the risk he is
ready to bear painlessly. This will allow better exploit the current
opportunities in the market.

What is the corporate bonds market outlook in conditions of global
economic crisis?

Alongside with the global crisis, there are many other factors that
may negatively affect the market of corporate bonds .. We have already
considered the negative influence of inflation processes.

If business environment and economy of the country, on the whole, are
worsening, the risk of default is growing. If the global financial
crisis affects business environment, and economy in general, the
profitability of bonds will increase or their price will fall due to
the instable market.

This will, first of all, damage the owners of bonds and will hinder
debt market development. However, I think that the crisis will not
have such significant impact on our economy, for Armenia is not enough
integrated in the global economy. The general situation in the domestic
market is negative. There will be some difficulties. General worsening
of economy may lead to worsening of the activity of isolated companies
and the risk of default of specific issuers may grow as well.

Eurovision Song Contest: It’s Going To Be An Uphill Struggle For Arm


Manchester Evening News
April 2 2009

SAD to say but Armenia who are represented this year by gorgeous
sisters Anush and Inga Arshakyan are going to seriously struggle to
make a serious impact.

Whatever Will Those Nasty Eurovision Journalists Get Up To Next?

It’s Going to Be An Uphill Struggle for Armenia to Make The Eurovision
Final in Moscow.

SAD to say but Armenia who are represented this year by gorgeous
sisters Anush and Inga Arshakyan are going to seriously struggle to
make a serious impact.

Anush and Inga

It’s not that this pair don’t have the looks or indeed the talent,
but the song is just too ethnic, one thinks, to appeal to the wider
appetite of Eurovision audiences.

In a sense it’s partly what British songs in recent years have had to
face, in that many of them were just not up to scratch, but when they
were, the audience tended to vote for the ‘wrong’ song. I am thinking
of the choice of Scooch over Cyndi two years ago when the French
singer was clearly best choice going forward. But I guess the British
audience like the Armenian one knew what they liked and that was that.

According to eurovision.tv Anush graduated from the piano department
of the S. Aslamazyan music school.

>From 1997 to 2001, she studied piano at Arno Babajanyan Music College
in Yerevan. And from 2001 to 2005 she developed her skills in jazz
vocals at the Komitas State Consevatory in the same city.

Her performances include as a soloist in 1999 when she was accompanied
by the State Philharmonic Orchestra and choir of Armenia.

Her sister Inga followed a similar music path and from 1998 to 2002 she
studied the violin in Arno Babajanyan Music College in Yerevan. Along
with the studies she worked at the G. Atchemyan violinist ensemble.

>From 2002 to 2005 she also studied jazz vocals department of the
Komitas State Consevatory.

As a duo Inga and Anush have perform on the professional stage since
2000. They acted together in the State Song Theatre of Armenia. They
also performed in Armenia and overseas including the USA, Tehran,
London, Paris, Russia and Germany.

On February 14, 2009, Anush and Inga Arshakyans won the Armenian
national final for the 2009 Eurovision Song Contest.

Lyrics Eurovision Song Contest 2009 Semi-Final (1) (AMPTV)

Performer: Inga & Anush Song title: Jan Jan Song writer(s): Vardan
Zadoyan & Avet Barseghyan Song composer(s): Mane Hakobyan

How can I stay?

When you are away What can I say?

If ya gonna tell me nothing

How can I smile?

When you are alone How can I be without me?

Without me you cannot be Can’t you see?

We aren’t free Fixed like a tree To the holy ground With my sound I’ll
be always around I wanna dance don’t you stand Sister, give me hand.

Everybody move your body We are dancing NOR PAR /JAN JAN/ Everybody
must be ready Jumpin up with NOR PAR /JAN JAN/

NOR PAR /JAN JAN/ NOR PAR /JAN JAN/ Let the music make you raise your
hand Sister here we go and

Everybody move your body We are dancing NOR PAR "JAN JAN" Everybody
must be ready Jumpin up with NOR PAR "JAN JAN"

IFAD To Continue Agricultural Development Programs In Armenia


Apr 1, 2009

YEREVAN, April 1. /ARKA/. The Board of Trustees of the International
Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) plans to continue agricultural
development programs in Armenia, Henning Pederson, IFAD Rural
Economic Development Programs Executive, stated at his meting with RA
Vice-Premier, Minister of Territorial Administration Armen Gevorgyan.

The public Relations Department, RA Ministry of Territorial
Development, reports that Pederson stated the programs will be
continued with a focus on infrastructure development and introduction
of high technologies, especially in the irrigation system.

The sides also discussed the IFAD-implemented agricultural programs
in Armenia.

Minister Gevorgyan pointed out that the programs have proved to be
effective over the last few years. Specifically, valuable services
are known available in communities.

The sides also pointed out the importance of providing information
on the programs.

IFAD has facilitated a number of programs in Armenia. Among the recent
programs is the formation of a US $8mln venture fund for agribusiness
crediting. The venture fund is one of the two components of the
program of market opportunities for farmers, which is IFAD’s fifth
investment program in Armenia.

The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), a
specialized agency of the United Nations, was established as an
international financial institution in201977 as one of the major
outcomes of the 1974 World Food Conference.

Since it was established, IFAD has provided US $10bln as soft loans
and grants under over 700 projects and programs to support 300mln
poor people in rural communities worldwide.

Genocide Deniers In Congress Try To Shift Focus

By Ara Khachatourian

genocide-deniers-in-congress-try-to-shift-focus/?e c3_listing=posts
April 1, 2009

A group of House members, who have traditionally opposed Congressional
resolutions recognizing the Armenian Genocide, wrote a letter to the
presidents of Armenia and Turkey expressing their support for what
they called "lasting Armenian-Turkish rapprochement."

These notorious genocide deniers-Representatives Robert Wexler, a
member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee (D-Fla.); Ike Skelton
(D-Mo.), the chairman of the House Armed Service Committee; John
Murtha (D-Penn.), chairman of the House Subcommittee on Defense
Appropriations; and Alcee Hastings (D-Fla.), co-chairman of the
Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe-are the lead
signatories of the letter.

"As Members of Congress who agree that lasting Armenian-Turkish
rapprochement should be a top priority for the United States, please
know we are ready to assist your nations efforts to normalize relations
and build a better future for generations of Armenians and Turks,"
the representatives wrote in the letter.

"It is essential that the building blocks of trust and cooperation
are established between Armenia and Turkey to heal open wounds,
mend broken hearts, and create a better future for both nations and
peoples," they added.

"This process is difficult and at times painful, but we remain hopeful
that ongoing bilateral engagement will lead to a positive breakthrough
that forever changes the dynamics of the region and opens the door
to new possibilities and brighter futures for Armenia and Turkey,"
they concluded.

The objective of the letter is to divert attention from the Armenian
Genocide Resolution, H.Res.252, which was introduced by representatives
Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) and George Radanovich (R-Calif.), to properly
recognize the Armenian Genocide.

On the eve of President Barack Obama’s planned visit to Turkey and
the Turkish government’s efforts to shift the focus from genocide
recognition to the so-called "Turkish-Armenian rapprochement," this
letter goes on record as an almost organic follow-up to Turkish
propaganda efforts and its current posturing on Capitol Hill.

This effort should be viewed as nothing more than an insult to the
Armenian American community, whose history is being summed up as an
effort to "mend broken hearts" while at the same time fueling the
cycle of genocide.

It no surprise that the Turkish and Azeri press hailed this effort
by prominently placing it on their websites. It is also a bit
discomforting that the Armenian press, similarly, trumpeted this
development without providing proper perspective to their readers.

The opening of the Armenian-Turkish border and the establishing of
diplomatic relations should not be confused with the imperative to
recognize the Armenian Genocide. One has nothing to do with the other
and the effort by the aforementioned members of the House should
be deplored as a cheap effort to water down the genocide issue and
compare apples with oranges.


Urgent Projects To Be Funded


12:24 pm | March 31, 2009


The RA Ministry of Education and Sciences and the International Science
and Technology Center will sign a Memorandum of Understanding tomorrow
at the hall of the RA National Academy of Sciences presidency aimed
at co-financing of projects implemented by the ISTC.

Among participants are Executive Director of the ISTC Adriaan van
der Meer, RA Minister of Science and Education Spartak Seyranyan, RA
Minister of Economy Nerses Yeritsyan and President of the RA National
Academy of Sciences Radik Martirosyan.

According to the press release of the NAS, the memorandum will give
the Armenian side the opportunity to make its financial investments
for the implementation of urgent and significant research projects. The
signing ceremony will be held on the sidelines of the seminar dedicated
to transfer of results of research projects to trade to be held on
April 1-3.

The ISTC was established in 1992 based on the treaty signed by the
European Union, the Russian Federation, the U.S.A. and Japan. Norway,
South Korea, as well as Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,
Belarus and Tajikistan have joined the treaty later on. The ISTC
supports the non-proliferation of technologies to produce weapons of
mass destruction.

Until now nearly 75 research and investigation organizations of
Armenia have presented more than 400 projects for funding from the
ISTC of which 154 have received 36.5 million dollars in funding.

Armenia has been a member of the Board of Directors of the ISTC two
times. The 17th and 40th sessions of the Board of Directors have been
held in Armenia.

Obama’s Nominee Refuses To Call 1915 Events As Genocide

Umit Enginsoy


W ASHINGTON – Phil Gordon, nominated by U.S. President Barack Obama
as assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs,
Thursday declined to qualify World War I-era killings of Armenians
in the Ottoman Empire as "genocide" during his confirmation hearing
at the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

The Senate must confirm all senior administration officials.

During the confirmation hearing at the committee, pro-Armenian
Democratic Sen. Robert Menendez complained that Gordon, in his
articles as an expert, in recent years had written that congressional
recognition of the Armenian killings would not be useful because of
the backlash it would cause in Turkey. Menendez then asked Gordon
his latest position on the Armenian killings.

Gordon qualified the deaths as a "terrible tragedy" that should be
seen as such by everybody, including Turks. But he declined to use
the word "genocide."

The term "terrible tragedy" does not satisfy U.S. Armenians, who
strongly push for formal U.S. recognition of the killings as genocide.

Turkey warns that any U.S. genocide recognition will damage relations
in a major and lasting way.


On Cyprus, Menendez asked Gordon if he qualified Turkey’s military
presence on the island as an "occupation." Gordon instead used the term
"Turkish presence."

Menendez then said Obama had used the term "Turkish occupation"
during last year’s presidential election campaign.

Greek News, a New York-based U.S. Greek magazine, said in October
last year that Obama, in a statement to Greek Americans, had called
the Turkish military presence in northern Cyprus "Turkish occupation."

But no such statement was released by Obama’s official Web site. Also
an Obama position paper on foreign policy matters made no mention of
a Turkish occupation. But at the same time the Obama campaign never
denied the Greek News story. Gordon said Turkey had a major role to
play in its region and that U.S.-Turkish relations should be improved.

If Gordon is approved first by the Foreign Relations Committee and
later in a Senate floor vote, he will take over the job from Dan Fried,
who has been former President George W. Bush’s assistant secretary
of state for European and Eurasian affairs for the past four years.

During former President Bill Clinton’s term, Gordon was European
director at the National Security Council at the White House.

Gordon was a senior Europe expert at the Brookings Insti-tution,
a major Democratic-leaning think tank here.


ANCA Launches Online And Print Campaign For Armenian Genocide Recogn


31.03.2009 11:34 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ On the eve of the April 1st arrival of Genocide
Prevention Month, the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA)
launched a nationwide online and print campaign urging concrete
action to end the Darfur genocide and full U.S. recognition of the
Armenian Genocide, ANCA Communications Director Elizabeth Chouljian
told PanARMENIAN.Net.

Echoing Martin Luther King’s famous remarks at the Lincoln Memorial in
August, 1963, the "Fierce Urgency of NOW" campaign urges anti-genocide
activists across the U.S. to visit to learn
more about the worsening humanitarian situation in Darfur and how
this atrocity fits into the cycle of genocide that started with the
Armenian Genocide of 1915-1923. The website provides simple ways
for citizens to call on President Obama to show "unstinting resolve"
in the effort to stop the Darfur Genocide, by participating in Save
Darfur "add your voice" effort ().

Activists can also call on the Obama Administration and Congress to
recognize the Armenian Genocide, putting to an end to U.S. complicity
in Turkey’s international campaign of genocide denial.

On Monday, March 30, 2009, full page ads were placed in The Politico
and Roll Call newspapers, primarily targeting Administration and
Congressional decision makers in Washington, DC, with a powerful
graphic bringing together child survivors of the Armenian Genocide
and Darfur Genocide into a stark visualization of the ongoing cycle
of genocide. The photos are juxtaposed with President Obama’s January,
2008 campaign pledge to the American people stating:

"Genocide, sadly, persists to this day, and threatens our common
security and common humanity. Tragically, we are witnessing in
Sudan many of the same brutal tactics – displacement, starvation,
and mass slaughter – that were used by the Ottoman authorities
against defenseless Armenians back in 1915. I have visited Darfurian
refugee camps, pushed for the deployment of a robust multinational
force for Darfur, and urged divestment from companies doing business
in Sudan. America deserves a leader who speaks truthfully about the
Armenian Genocide and responds forcefully to all genocides. I intend
to be that President."
