Turkey Expects US Respect Over Armenia Issue


April 17 2009

Ankara believes that U.S. President Barack Obama will respect Turkey’s
concerns over his speech to be delivered on April 24 and will not
risk relations with Turkey.

Obama’s his first overseas visit to Turkey after he took office was
considered as the start of a new period in Turkish-U.S. relations.

Turkey-Armenia relations were high on the agenda during Obama’s talks
in Turkey.

Ankara reaffirmed that 1915 incidents should be left to historians,
indicating that discussion of the matter in the U.S. Congress may
have negative impact on Turkish-U.S. relations.

Ankara thinks that any step that would impede the process would
not be taken and Obama would not like to lose Turkey, Anatolia News
Agency reported.

Armenian Water-Sewerage Company Faces Financial Problems


Noyan Tapan
April 17, 2009

The Armenian Water-Sewerage Company has encountered difficult problems
since the beginning of the year due to the global economic and
financial crisis. This was stated by Patrick Lorin, General Director
and Management Contractor of the company (AWSC). Since the beginning
of the year both the revenues of the company and state subsidies have
reduced, told the director general.

The company has increased tariffs for drinking water since April 1,
though the enterprise intended to change tariffs from the beginning
of January. Tariffs for drinking water grew from 140 AMD to 179.78 AMD
(including VAT) per cubic meter.

According to Mr. Lorin, the value added tax, which is charged from the
revenues, has been imposed on the company since January. Since some
100 thousand subscribers do not make regular payments, in fact the
company itself pays 20 per cent of VAT from the collected amount,
told P.Lorin. AWSC currently has 270,000 subscribers in Armenia
(which is about 1 million residents).

According to Mr. Lorin in the current difficult situation the company
is forced to close one of its four branches this month. AWSC’ s
branches are located in Sevan, Abovyan, Sisian and Artashat. This will
entail a notable reduction of the staff (by more than 40 work places).

Moreover, the company had to reduce salaries by 20 per cent, and also
to cut the workweek to four days.

According to the General Director of AWSC, the company has elaborated a
number of measures to get out of the critical situation. Particularly,
they intend to publish in the press the names of regular defaulters,
who did not pay for water in 2008. They already have publicized 400
names of defaulters from Ejmiatsin, Gavar, Kapan, Harzdan. Instead,
the company organizes a lottery for its regular payers: 8 people have
already received 300 000 AMD each.

Will Armenia And Turkey Come To An Agreement On Ani Reconstruction?


April 15 2009

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Turkish Minister of Culture signaled a new phase
for joint reconstruction of Ani, RA Deputy Minister of Culture Gagik
Gyurjyan told a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter.

In 2007 opening ceremony of newly reconstructed Surb Khach church
was held on Akhtamar Island of Van Lake in Turkey.

According to Gyurjyan, Turkish Minister of Culture Atilla Koch was
offered to participate in reconstruction of Ani the ancient Armenian

A discussion was to be scheduled between Armenian and Turkish
presidents. Koch gave his agreement, yet the follow-up letter of RA
Culture Minister haven’t been replied since.

"Turkish -Armenian collaboration in Ani reconstruction project can
give Armenian professionals an access to information obtained during
19 century’s archaeological expeditions conducted by Nikohayos Mar and
Toros Toramanyan. Besides, the joint work will guarantee construction
work’ compliance with international reconstruction standards.

Turkish Minister of Culture Ertogul Gyunai expressed his readiness
to collaborate in the reconstruction of Ani, yet stipulating for NKR
conflict settlement.

Turkish Minister of Culture plans to establish cultural collaboration
between the two countries, involving joint cultural projects between
Turkey, Armenia and Azerbaijan, Hurriyet Daily News reported.

Armenian French Orgs Require Immediate Liberation of Chakhalyan


14:02:51 – 10/04/2009

On Tuesday April 7, leader of United Javakh, Vahag Chakhalyan, was
condemned for 10 years of prison by Georgian justice, on presumption
of detention of weapon and participation to a prohibited

To protest against this legal decision of political character, the
CCAF, representing all Armenian components of France, invites to a
demonstration in front of the Georgia’s embassy on April 14.

«The claims of United Javakhk movement are limited to the respect of
its democratic rights and do not comprise any independence
dimension. They do not aim to in no case to weaken Georgia, but on the
contrary to allow him to solidify its cohesion through the
reinforcement of its democracy and the legal taking into account of
its Armenian cultural component », explains the official statement of
the Council of Armenian Coordination of the French organizations.

Under these conditions of inequity, the CCAF asks for an immediate
liberation of Vahag Chakhalyan, the respect of the rights of the
Armenian minority through the dialogue and consultation.

Protest meetings should multiply in several countries.

Jean Eckian / Paris
Independent correspondent

Washington Encourage Turcs Et Armeniens Sur La Voie De La Normalisat

par Marchand, Laure

Le Figaro
Mardi 7 Avril 2009

Le rapprochement pourrait se concretiser par l’ouverture de la
frontière et le retablissement de liens diplomatiques. Mais le
processus reste fragile.


a evite le mot qui fâche. Hier, a Ankara, il s’est arrete juste
avant d’employer le terme " genocide " pour qualifier les massacres
des evenements de 1915. Mais, a-t-il explique, " mes positions
sont connues, elles n’ont pas change ". Au cours de sa campagne
electorale, le candidat a la Maison-Blanche avait declare sur son
site : " Le genocide armenien ne constitue pas une allegation, une
opinion personnelle ou un point de vue, mais plutôt un fait largement
documente par un ensemble de preuves historiques accablantes. "
Aux côtes du president turc, Abdullah Gul, l’hôte d’Ankara a prefere
encourager les negociations dans lesquelles la Turquie et l’Armenie
sont engagees pour normaliser leurs relations. À Istanbul, dans la
soiree, il a d’ailleurs rencontre les ministres des affaires etrangères
des deux pays, les exhortant a trouver " rapidement " un accord.

La " diplomatie du football "

La Turquie et l’Armenie n’entretiennent pas de relations
diplomatiques. Ankara a ferme la frontière avec son voisin en 1993
pour protester contre l’occupation par Erevan de la province du
Haut-Karabakh, a majorite armenienne, en Azerbaïdjan. Par la suite,
le contentieux sur les massacres d’Armeniens commis sous l’Empire
ottoman pendant la Première Guerre mondiale, qualifie côte turc de "
soi-disant genocide ", avait envenime leurs relations. Aujourd’hui,
les deux pays ont entame un processus de normalisation. Ces discussions
ont ete gardees secrètes, mais le rapprochement se ferait en trois
etapes, selon plusieurs sources diplomatiques. Erevan et Ankara se
seraient mis d’accord pour rouvrir leur frontière commune.

Les liens diplomatiques seront egalement retablis : ils passeront soit
par l’ouverture d’une ambassade turque a Erevan, soit par l’ambassadeur
turc en Georgie. Enfin, hier, Abdullah Gul a reitere la proposition
turque de constituer une commission mixte, composee d’historiens
turcs et armeniens, afin d’etudier les archives ottomanes de 1915.

Le rapprochement a commence il y a plusieurs mois. En septembre 2008,
Abdullah Gul avait accepte une invitation du president armenien, Serge
Sarkissian. Dans le stade d’Erevan, côte a côte, ils avaient assiste
a un match de football entre leurs equipes nationales. Cette visite,
saluee comme " historique ", avait consacre la " diplomatie du football
". Les echanges entre les ministres des Affaires etrangères turc et
armenien se sont intensifies depuis.

" Aujourd’hui, l’Union europeenne, les Etats-Unis et la Russie
soutiennent de concert le rapprochement, explique Noyan Soyak,
president du Conseil turco-armenien de developpement. J’espère
qu’aucune interference exterieure ne le fera s’ecrouler. " La
reconnaissance du genocide armenien par la Chambre des representants,
aux Etats-Unis, ou par Barack Obama le 24 avril, jour de commemoration
des evenements de 1915, rendrait " la tâche du gouvernement turc
difficile ", precise Sabiha Gundogar a la Fondation turque des etudes
economiques et sociales.

Regular Sitting Of BSEC Working Group On Banking, Financial Issues I


Apr 8, 2009

YEREVAN, April 8. /ARKA/. Regular sitting of the working group of
Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) on banking and financial issues
will take place in Yerevan on April 9-10, the press-service of the
Central Bank of Armenia reported.

The sitting is within Armenia’s chairmanship in BSED in 2008-2009
and part of schedule of events approved by the country’s Parliament.

Issues of latest developments in banking and financial sectors of BSEC
member-states, opportunities of overcoming the financial crisis and
activities carried out by member-states, as well as policy implemented
in spheres of settlement and control will be discussed at the sitting.

Armenia, Russia, Bulgaria, Greece, Moldova, Romania, Serbia, Georgia
and Ukraine wil participate in the working group out of 12 BSEC

ABMDR: Stem Cell Harvesting Center in Yerevan completed

Armenian Bone Marrow Donor Registry
3111 Los Feliz Avenue, #206,
Los Angeles, CA 90039
Contact person: Dr. Frieda Jordan
Tel: 323-663-3609
Email: [email protected]

Stem Cell Harvesting Center in Yerevan completed

Armenian Bone Marrow Donor Registry
holds pre-opening celebration in Los Angeles

Los Angeles, April 8, 2009 – On the evening of April 2, the Armenian

Bone Marrow Donor Registry (ABMDR) held a cocktail reception in
Glendale, California, to celebrate the upcoming opening of its Stem
Cell Harvesting Center in Yerevan.

The event, which was attended by supporters, ABMDR staff, and various
committee members – all of whom volunteer for the registry – served
as an opportunity to formally announce the much-anticipated launch of
the Stem Cell Harvesting Center, inform guests of current and future
ABMDR projects, and thank supporters for helping save lives through
the registry.

In her opening remarks, Dr. Frieda Jordan, president of the ABMDR
Board of Directors, expressed her gratitude to the numerous
individual and corporate supporters who have contributed to the
registry’s first-ever telethon, held on April 13, 2008. `Thanks to

your timely assistance, the Stem Cell Harvesting Center at last
became a reality,’ Dr. Jordan said. `The project was realized despite
being faced with so many challenges – including the Russo-Georgian
war last year, because of which manufacturers could not deliver to
Yerevan the machines we had purchased for the Stem Cell Harvesting
Center.’ She said this particular issue was eventually solved by the
United Armenian Fund, which transported all the required equipment to

`With the opening of the Stem Cell Harvesting Center, we can now save
Armenian and non-Armenian lives easily and cheaply,’ Dr. Jordan
continued. `This is why it’s so critical to continue supporting the
work of the ABMDR. In this respect, our next major project is the
establishment of a transplant center.’

Two years in the making, the Stem Cell Harvesting Center was made
possible through lead gifts by ABMDR Board member Dr. Carolann
Najarian, an anonymous donor, and the Glendale Sunrise Rotary,
followed by contributions from the Lincy Foundation, the Disney
Foundation, VivaCell of Armenia, and various Armenian organizations,
as well as hundreds of donors responding to the ABMDR Telethon. With
a total of $850,000 raised, the registry was able to fully renovate
the Stem Cell Harvesting Center site, provide it with state-of-the-
art equipment, and train personnel. Slated to open on April 28, the
center is expected to receive full accreditation by the European
Federation of Immunogenetics.

According to Dr. Vergine Madenlian, the ABMDR’s outreach and
development officer and a biochemistry lecturer at California State
University, Northridge, the opening of the Stem Cell Harvesting
Center is a medical milestone not only for Armenia and the Caucasus,
but Armenians throughout the world. The center recruits bone marrow/
stem cell donors from predominantly Armenian populations worldwide,
analyzes and determines the HLA tissue type of donors, and maintains
a database. Once it receives a request from a patient requiring stem
cell transplantation, the ABMDR finds matches in its own or other
registries worldwide and facilitates the transplantation.

Dr. Madenlian, who has volunteered for the ABMDR since 2004, added
that 50 percent of the registry’s over 14,000 donors are below 28
years old, making the ABMDR internationally recognized as one of the
world’s most dynamic – and healthiest – registries. `It’s just one
more reason that makes volunteering for the ABMDR such a spiritually
rewarding experience,’ she said.

Following Dr. Jordan’s address, Alicia Asmarian, Naz Atikian, and Ani
Azar of the ABMDR announced the registry’s annual gala, `Match For
Life 2009,’ which will be held on July 12 at the Glendale Hilton. The
event will raise funds for advocacy, education, and the registry’s
ongoing life-saving services.

Next to take the podium were Dr. Evelyn Baghdasarian and Lilit
Aladadyan of the ABMDR, who informed the guests of the registry’s
next walkathon, `Walk of Life 2009,’ slated to take place on October
3 at Glendale’s Verdugo Park. The event, which will include
entertainment, music, and dancing, is being organized to raise funds
for the registry’s activities as well as to recruit stem cell donors.

For an inside look at the ABMDR’s work, Fimi Mekhitarian, a longtime
volunteer and West Coast recruitment officer, spoke of a recent
FaceBook appeal for a 21-year-old Armenian man diagnosed with acute
leukemia and requiring an urgent stem cell transplant. `There’s been
an outpouring of grassroots support following the appeal,’
Mekhitarian said. `Today the young man’s family and friends are
organizing a stem cell donor recruitment, and this is where we come
in. In fact, we have recruitments lined up for San Francisco,
Chicago, and Florida. We’re literally having a field day recruiting

The evening’s speakers also included Dr. Stuart Siegal, an early
ABMDR supporters who has had an instrumental role in helping Dr.
Jordan establish the registry. Commenting on the launch of the Stem
Cell Harvesting Center, Dr. Siegal said, `One of the most wonderful
outcomes of this project is that you see tangible results in terms of
saving lives.’

Among the evening’s guest were many who have been impacted by life-
threatening, blood-related illnesses. One such individual was Razmik
Moghadasian, whose nine-year-old son lost his battle with leukemia in
2007. Even though a stem cell donor was found through the ABMDR at
that time, a relapse in the child’s condition prevented a transplant.

`I see the ABMDR as an insurance policy for everyone,’ said
Moghadasian, who has since volunteered for the ABMDR. `If everyone
had a donor [through the registry], everyone would be safe.’

About the Armenian Bone Marrow Donor Registry: Established in 1999,
the ABMDR, a nonprofit organization, helps Armenians worldwide
survive life-threatening blood-related illnesses by recruiting and
matching donors to those requiring bone marrow stem cell transplants.

To date, the registry has recruited over 14,000 donors across three
continents, identified 1,276 patients, found 821 potential matches,
and facilitated nine bone marrow transplants.

For more information, call (323) 663-3609 or visit abmdr.am.

# # #

Exhibition Dedicated To Genocide To Open In Glendale


08.04.2009 01:04 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Genocide is not a thing of the past and a new art
exhibit at the Brand Library in Glendale (California, US) aims to show
visitors the savage quality of mass killings that persist around the
globe, organizers said.

The exhibit, more than 70 works by 44 artists, held its opening
reception Saturday to a packed house of visitors who were frequently
taken back by the imagery and symbolism of the pieces, Glendale News
Press reports.

Some works incorporated startling images of genocide, others were more
abstract, incorporating themes of struggle, suffering or disregard
for the value of human life, artists said.

The show, organized by the Arts and Culture Commission and called
"Man’s Inhumanity to Man," is meant to use art to illustrate
to visitors that genocide is real and has harsh effects, even if
it seems to occur in distant parts of the world, curator Ramela
Abbamontian said.

While art related to the Armenian Genocide is prominent in the exhibit,
works from artists of various backgrounds were on display and all of
them were commentaries on the atrocious impacts of systematic killings,
like those currently occurring in Darfur, Sudan, artists said.

"This is not only about genocide, it’s about atrocity," said Ripsime
Marashian, the city’s cultural affairs coordinator.

A black-and-white photograph of an old man placed above a handwritten
narrative that detailed a childhood experience during the Armenian
Genocide, resonated with at least two visitors.

The account of young boys being stabbed by Turkish soldiers was
startling, said West Los Angeles residents Eileen Joyce and Jeff

The exhibit will be open daily until May 8 and the commission will
host two special events for gallery visitors, an evening of music
and poetry April 15 and a set of discussions with the artists and
curator April 18.

Chess: Sargsyan And Galdunts To Act As Seconds To Aronian And Akopia


07.04.2009 15:10 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Top rated player of Dresden Olympiad Gabriel Sargsyan
and the international grand master Sergey Galdunts will act as seconds
to Armenian grand masters Levon Aronian and Vladimir Akopian at 4th
FIDE Grand Prix Series Tournament.

4th FIDE Grand Prix Series Tournament will be held in Nalchik,
Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia on Apr.14-30, 2009.

The fourteen participants are: Vladimir Akopian (Armenia), Evgeny
Alekseev (Russia), Levon Aronian (Armenia), Etienne Bacrot (France),
Pavel Eljanov (Ukraine), Boris Gelfand (Israel), Alexander Grischuk
(Russia), Vassily Ivanchuk (Ukraine), Gata Kamsky (USA), Sergey
Karjakin (Ukraine), Rustam Kasimdzhanov (Uzbekistan), Peter Leko
(Hungary), Shakhriyar Mamedyarov (Azerbaijan), Peter Svidler (Russia).

The top-rated player of the competition is the World Cup 2005 and
Olympiad winner Levon Aronian.

Construction Of Charles Aznavour’S House-Museum Intended To Be Finis



Construction of Charles Aznavour’s house-museum in the Yerevan central
Cascade area are conducted in very fast tempos.

Construction which kicked off in the end of 2007 is intended to be
finished in the end of May this year. Deputy Armenian Urban Minister,
chief architect of the republic and author of the museum project
Narek Sargsian told Armenpress that the construction was entirely
financed by the state means. Although the house-museum is already
being constructed N. Sargsian assessed it as being located in a
complicated territory and itself being a complicated structure,
nevertheless it will be exploited nearly in a year and a half.

The construction works will be followed by the round of inner
furnishing of the construction. N. Sargsian informed that the visit of
the world’s famous singer to Armenia is intended for the end of May,
and on that time his office with corresponding specialists, taking
account Ch. Aznavour’s hobbies and opinion, will decide what exhibits
will be shown in the museum part according to the peculiarities of
the construction. During his visit the official opening date of the
house-museum will be clarified. According to N. Sargsian the museum
is intended to be exploited already in this autumn.

The house-museum consists of five-stores the upper 2 stores of which
are intended as Ch. Aznavour’s private apartment with bed-rooms and
offices. Down of it according to succession the museum and hall of
receptions of 180 places as well as the hall of official receptions
will be located.

The building has separate exits for visitors, receptions and the
Aznavour’s residence. According to N. Sargsian the architecture of the
house-museum is projected that its entrance can be used as an open-air
amphitheatre. It will also have a unique external night lightening.

"The building is unique and very complicated in its type. We are
constructing such a building for the first time which will be
multi-functional – serve as an apartment, as a museum as well as a
cultural center", – N. Sargsian said.

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YEREVAN, APRIL 7, ARMENPRESS: Construction of Charles Aznavourâ??s house-museum in the Yerevan central Cascade area are conducted in very fast tempos.
Construction which kicked off in the end of 2007 is intended to be finished in the end of May this year. Deputy Armenian Urban Minister, chief architect of the republic and author of the museum project Narek Sargsian told Armenpress that the construction was entirely financed by the state means. Although the house-museum is already being constructed N. Sargsian assessed it as being located in a complicated territory and itself being a complicated structure, nevertheless it will be exploited nearly in a year and a half.
The construction works will be followed by the round of inner furnishing of the construction. N. Sargsian informed that the visit of the worldâ??s famous singer to Armenia is intended for the end of May, and on that time his office with corresponding specialists, taking account Ch. Aznavourâ??s hobbies and opinion, will decide what exhibits will be shown in the museum part according to the peculiarities of the construction. During his visit the official opening date of the house-museum will be clarified. According to N. Sargsian the museum is intended to be exploited already in this autumn.
The house-museum consists of five-stores the upper 2 stores of which are intended as Ch. Aznavourâ??s private apartment with bed-rooms and offices. Down of it according to succession the museum and hall of receptions of 180 places as well as the hall of official receptions will be located.
The building has separate exits for visitors, receptions and the Aznavourâ??s residence. According to N. Sargsian the architecture of the house-museum is projected that its entrance can be used as an open-air amphitheatre. It will also have a unique external night lightening.
â??The building is unique and very complicated in its type. We are constructing such a building for the first time which will be multi-functional â?? serve as an apartment, as a museum as well as a cultural centerâ??, – N. Sargsian said.

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