Ukraine to seal Transnistria?, Belgium
June 3 2005

Ukraine to seal Transnistria?
Written by David Ferguson in Brussels

Friday, 03 June 2005

“If the border is securely sealed the illegitimate authority in
Transnistria will soon lose the economic foundation of its existence,”
said Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Boris Tarasiuk. In an interview to
national news agency Ukrinform, Tarasiuk said there is a greater
chance, following the regime change in Kyiv, for a ‘breakthrough’
in the Transnistria conflict. The separatist regime along Moldova’s
frontier with the Ukraine led by Viktor Smirnoff in Tiraspol, and
backed by Moscow, has held out against central authorities in Moldova
since the early 1990s.

“The previous authority [in Kyiv] ignored the Moldovan leadership’s
messages and used Transnistria as a springboard for contraband of
goods because the money chiefly flowed to Kyiv,” Tarasiuk is quoted
by Ukrinform as saying. “The situation has changed now. Ukraine is
not interested in the existence of a ‘black hole’ on its frontier,
neither is Ukraine interested in capitalizing on the conflict in this
neighbouring state.” Tarasiuk sees tightened control of Ukraine’s
frontier along the Transnistrian segment of Moldova as a means of
“reducing the economic attractiveness” of the breakaway regime and
promoting a general resolution of the conflict.

Speaking last month in Warsaw at the Council of Europe’s Summit,
Moldovan president Vladimir Voronin warned fellow European leaders
of the threat to stability posed by the separatist region. “The most
recent example is the disappearance of missiles from former 14th Army
depots. Their explosive force is identical to a nuclear missile, except
for radioactive contamination. The problem is getting even worse as
the Russian Federation authorities cannot give any explanations on
how the above-mentioned missiles could disappear without trace.”

Voronin made a plea for greater European and international involvement
in solving the 13-year old conflict with the separatist Transnistrian
region. “The Transnistrian region is a real black hole starting
with the absence of democratic processes to illegal trafficking
humans and weapons, money laundering and more,” Moldova’s president
said. Voronin’s plea for help in bringing the separatist regime
under control has fallen on favorable ears in Kyiv. Yesterday, at the
Yaski border post near Odessa, Voronin met with Ukraine’s President
Viktor Yushchenko in order to hammer out the nitty-gritty of the two
countries new relations.

In Warsaw, Voronin told fellow European leaders that new peace
mediators are needed in the Transnistrian conflict: “It is so important
to have new participants, such as the USA and European Union, in peace
settlements for the Transnistrian conflict. That is why the proposal of
the President of the Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko to settle the conflict
by means of democratization of the region is so interesting for us.”

Ukraine’s changed position on Moldova, and other conflict areas in
the former Soviet Union, does not please Moscow that also supports
breakaway regions in Georgia. Moscow is also accused of supporting
the Armenian-controlled region of Nagorno-Karabakh in Azerbaijan.

“Ukraine is vitally interested in regulating the conflicts in the
former Union nations primarily for reasons of its own security and
stability,” Tarasiuk told Ukrinform. “There can be no security and
stability in a nation if there is no security and stability at home.”

Turkey bans Macedonian football team from flying over its territory

Turkey bans Macedonian football team from flying over its territory

Deutsche Presse-Agentur
June 2, 2005, Thursday
23:17:07 Central European Time


The Macedonian national football team failed to reach the Armenian
capital Yerevan Thursday when Turkish air traffic control banned
the team’s Macedonian plane from flying over Turkish territory,
local media reported.

The Macedonian footballers, who are scheduled to play a Group One
World Cup qualifier against Armenia on Saturday, were forced back to
Skopje without clear explanation for the decision.

The Ankara-based Turkish air traffic control ordered the Macedonian
national carrier MAT plane to return to Skopje roughly 90 minutes
after it entered Turkish air space, the report said.

Skopje media attributed the incident to uneasy political relations
between Turkey and Armenia. An official explanation from Ankara
is expected to be delivered to Macedonian footballing officials
Saturday. dpa ra gj

Speaker Of Armenian Parliament Meets With RF Ambassador To Armenia


YEREVAN, May 30. /ARKA/. Speaker of the RA National Assembly
Artur Baghdasaryan has held a meeting with the newly appointed RF
Ambassador to Armenia Nikolay Pavlov. The public relations department,
RA Parliament, reports that speaker Baghdasaryan congratulated the
RF Ambassador, pointing out that the Armenian-Russian parliamentary
relations are at a high level. He appraised the activities of the
Interparliamentary Cooperation Commission as effective. He also
expressed his willingness to assist the RF Ambassador in carrying
out his diplomatic mission in Armenia.

In his turn, Ambassador Pavlov assured Speaker Baghdasaryan
that his mission will be aimed at developing Armenian-Russian
relations. P.T. -0–

BAKU: Azeri FM, OSCE mediators discuss Karabakh conflict

Azeri foreign minister, OSCE mediators discuss Karabakh conflict

ANS TV, Baku
27 May 05

The US, French and Russian co-chairmen of the OSCE Minsk Group, Steven
Mann, Bernard Fassier and Yuriy Merzlyakov, have had about a four-hour
meeting with Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov over the
Karabakh problem.

The co-chairmen are visiting Azerbaijan within the framework of the
Paris talks. The meeting discussed preparations for the next meeting
of the Azerbaijani and Armenian presidents and results of the Warsaw
meeting between [Azerbaijani President] Ilham Aliyev and [Armenian
President] Robert Kocharyan over the conflict settlement.

The co-chairmen have also met President Aliyev.

[Video showed OSCE mediators leaving the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry]

Kyrgyzstan may offer new base for regional security

Kyrgyzstan may offer new base for regional security

AP Worldstream
May 26, 2005


Kyrgyzstan is considering establishing a base in the south of the
country to boost regional security, acting President Kurmanbek Bakiyev
said in an interview published Thursday in the Russian daily

“If there is a need for it, a military base in Osh could be
established within the framework of the Collective Security Treaty and
Shanghai Cooperation Organization,” he said, without giving any
further details.

The six-nation Collective Security Treaty links Russia with Armenia,
Belarus and the three Central Asian nations of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan
and Tajikistan.

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization includes China, Russia,
Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. The group has set
up an anti-terrorism center in the Uzbek capital, Tashkent, although
the move is viewed as largely symbolic.

Russia meanwhile said it was considering stepping up anti-terrorism
cooperation with Kyrgyzstan but that it had received no specific
requests to open a new base in the Central Asian nation.

Earlier this week, a regional Kyrgyz governor said Russia had
discussed opening a second base to help fend off terrorist
threats. Anvar Artykov, governor of the Osh region in southern
Kyrgyzstan, told a news conference on Tuesday that the Kyrgyz
government had yet to make a final decision on the issue.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Yakovenko, however,
denied any request had been received.

Russia “does not have information about an official request from the
Kyrgyz side regarding the strengthening of the Russian military
presence in southern Kyrgyzstan,” he said in a statement. He added: “A
possibility to deepen bilateral interaction in the terrorism fighting
sphere is being tentatively considered.”

On Wednesday, meanwhile, a top Kyrgyz envoy pleaded at a meeting of
NATO and other nations for international support to help its new
leaders prepare for July elections and to prevent unrest in
neighboring Uzbekistan from spilling over.

Uzbekistan has been shaken by the May 13 riots in Andijan, where
troops fired on protesters. The borders of Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and
Tajikistan converge in the densely populated Fergana Valley, where
poverty runs deep and radical Islamic groups are active.

Kyrgyzstan, which saw its longtime president ousted in a popular
uprising in March, hosts some 500 Russian military personnel along
with fighter jets and other aircraft at the Kant air base east of the
capital, Bishkek.

The United States operates a base at Bishkek’s main airport.

RA President Receives Head of “Vneshtorgbank”


YEREVAN, May 23. /ARKA/. RA President Robert Kocharian received
President and CEO of Russian “Vneshtorgbank” Andrey Kostin. According
to the Press Service of Armenian President, Kocharian expressed
satisfaction with the program of cultural exchange, carried out by the
two countries with the assistance of “Vneshtorgbank”. He mentioned the
tour of Bolshoy Theatre currently held in Yerevan. In his turn, Kostin
noted that the bank is going to provide ongoing support for the
organization of tours of known Russian cultural groups in Yerevan.
The participants of the meeting also took up issues on “Vneshtorgbank”
participation in the activities of Armenian “Armsavingsbank”. At that,
Kocharian said that the dynamic development of Armenian banking system
and the reforms carried out during the recent years allow starting
activities in new areas of banking services, in particular, in
insurance, hypothec and leasing fields. Kostin also noted that bank is
to focus on expanding services, provided to individuals. The
agreement on obtaining 70% shares of “Armsavingsbank” by
“Vneshtorgbank” was signed in Yerevan in March, 2004. L.V.-0–

Smbatian on murder of three Armenians: A problem for Russia First

Pan Armenian News


23.05.2005 04:02

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ `I will watch the development of the case like our
delegation and our republic will do. This problem is not only Armenia’s but
Russia’s first of all’, Armenian Ambassador to Russia Armen Smbatian stated
when commenting on the murder of three Armenians in Verkhnyaya Pyshma. To
note, the law enforcers of the town have received a special order – to
provide security of the Armenian population.

Operation Nemesis

Operation Nemesis
von Rolf Hosfeld

Stuttgarter Zeitung, Deutschland
Mittwoch, 18.05.2005

Im Windschatten des Ersten Weltkriegs vollzog sich der erste Volkermord
des 20. Jahrhunderts. Mit List, unvorstellbarer Grausamkeit und
Konsequenz wurden 1915/16 im Osmanischen Reich Hunderttausende
von christlichen Armeniern ausgeloscht. Verantwortlich war das
schattenhafte Komitee fur Einheit und Fortschritt um Innenminister
Talaat Pascha und Kriegsminister Enver Pascha. Und das verbundete
Deutsche Reich schwieg dazu.

In seinem sorgfältig dokumentierten, glänzend geschriebenen Buch
“Operation Nemesis” schildert der Filmemacher und Journalist Rolf
Hosfeld die Einzelheiten des Genozids. Schon unter dem “roten Sultan”
Abdul Hamid II. hatte es 1895/96 Armenier-Verfolgungen gegeben. Aber
nach der jungturkischen Revolution 1908 steigerten sich Talaat und
Enver in den Wahn, ihr Land musse von allen nicht-muslimischen,
nicht-turkischen Elementen “gesäubert” werden. Und als wichtigster
“innerer Feind” wurden die 1,5 Millionen Armenier ausgemacht, die
schon Jahrhunderte vor der Ankunft der Seldschuken in Ostanatolien
gesiedelt und es im Osmanischen Reich als Bankiers, Anwälte, Ärzte,
Apotheker, Lehrer, Kaufleute, Unternehmer und Gewerbetreibende zu
beneidetem Wohlstand gebracht hatten.

Seit dem 24. April 1915 wurden sie zusammengetrieben und auf
Todesmärschen in die syrische Wuste gepeitscht, wenn sie nicht vorher
erschossen, erschlagen, gehängt oder ertränkt wurden. Widerstand gegen
die Deportationen gab es nur vereinzelt. Franz Werfel hat 1933 anhand
eines authentischen Falles in seinem Roman “Die 40 Tage des Musa Dagh”
den Armeniern ein Denkmal gesetzt.

Kurden beteiligten sich mit Raububerfällen, Vergewaltigungen und
Mordorgien. Ihr Schicksal schlug 60 Jahre später. An Sammelpunkten
suchten sich turkische Offiziere und Zivilisten wie auf Sklavenmärkten
armenische Mädchen und junge Frauen als Konkubinen und Mägde aus.

Deutsche Konsuln und Offiziere in turkischen Diensten, andere
Diplomaten und amerikanische Missionare wurden Zeugen der Gräuel
und berichteten nach Hause. Die deutsche Botschaft in Konstantinopel
beschwor die Reichsleitung in Berlin, bei dem Verbundeten vorstellig zu
werden. Doch Reichskanzler Bethmann-Hollweg winkte ab: Bis Kriegsende
wurde die Turkei gebraucht, da konne man auf die Armenier keine
Rucksicht nehmen.

Der Potsdamer Theologe Johannes Lepsius, Grunder eines armenischen
Hilfswerks, setzte Himmel und Holle in Bewegung – vergebens. Bei
Kriegsende fanden die schlimmsten Kriegsverbrecher mit deutscher
Militärhilfe Zuflucht in Berlin. Armenische Rächer ubten in einer
“Operation Nemesis” Selbstjustiz. So erschoss ein armenischer Student
am 15. März 1921 mitten in Berlin Talaat Pascha.

Je nach Zählweise fielen dem Genozid 800 000 bis 1,4 Millionen
Armenier zum Opfer. 90 Jahre später leugnet die moderne Turkei den
Massenmord noch immer. Es sei Notwehr gewesen; die Armenier hätten mit
dem christlichen Zarenreich gemeinsame Sache machen wollen, hätten
Aufstände geplant. Als die franzosische Nationalversammlung 2001 in
einem einstimmig angenommenen Gesetz den Volkermord an den Armeniern
offentlich anerkannte, beorderte Ankara seinen Botschafter nach Hause.

“Wer redet heute noch von der Vernichtung der Armenier?” fragte Hitler
wenige Tage vor dem Uberfall auf Polen rhetorisch vor Wehrmachts- und
SS-Generälen, denen er die Ausrottung der Polen befiehlt. Hosfelds
Buch hebt ein weithin vergessenes Kapitel der Geschichte wieder
ins Bewusstsein.

Heinz Delvendahl, dpa


Armenian community of Russia can activate bilateral relations


Pan Armenian News
20.05.2005 04:43

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Today Armenian Prime Minister Andranik Margarian
received Russian Minister of Territorial Development Vladimir
Yakovlev, who is Armenia to take part in the 21-th sitting of the
interparliamentary commission for cooperation in building sphere of
the CIS member-states, RA government’s press service reported. During
the meeting the interlocutors noted the progress in the trade-economic
and regional relations. According to A. Margarian, the commercial ties
between the Sverdlovsk region and Ararat region have considerably
activated recently. A protocol on cooperation was also signed
between the Perm and Gegharkunik regions. At the same time the
parties pointed out to the untapped potential and the normalization
of transport communications. In Yakovlev’s words, he took interest in
the activities of the local self-government bodies in Armenia whose
experience can be very useful for Russia. The parties also touched
upon cooperation in tourism, culture, and science attaching great
role to the numerous Armenian community of Russia.

ANC: ANC Activities in Arizona

Armenian National Committee of America – Western Region
104 North Belmont Street, Suite 200
Glendale, California 91206
Phone: 818.500.1918 Fax: 818.246.7353
[email protected]

Friday, May 13, 2005

Contact: Armen Carapetian
Tel: (818) 500-1918


— ANCA Chairman Ken Hachikian and Board Member Raffi Hamparian Update
Community on Nationwide Hai Tahd Efforts

PHOENIX, AZ – The Armenian American community of the Grand Canyon
State of Arizona displayed its pride and full support for the Armenian
National Committee of America (ANCA) at a fundraising reception held
on May 7, 2005. The gathering in Phoenix, organized by the Armenian
National Committee of Arizona (ANC-AZ), drew a broad cross section of
community members who donated their hard earned dollars to strengthen
the advocacy efforts of the ANCA in Washington, DC. Event sponsors
included longtime and well-respected Phoenix residents Mr. & Mrs. Greg
and Emma Melikian and their extended family.

The featured speakers at the reception were ANCA Chairman Ken
Hachikian and ANCA Board Member Raffi Hamparian. Ken Hachikian
expressed the organization’s appreciation for the warm welcome he
received in Phoenix.

“The ANCA derives its strength from each of you – our grassroots,”
Hachikian remarked. “Your activism here in Phoenix is part of a
dynamic equation that makes the ANCA a powerful voice for our
community in Congress. Simply put, we could not achieve our many
successes without you,” he emphasized.

Following ANCA Chairman Hachikian’s remarks, a video of the
organization’s ANCA Capital Gateway Program was shown. The video
documents an ANCA initiative launched two years ago that brings
Armenian American college graduates from around the nation to
Washington, DC, pays for their housing, and helps them find public
policy jobs, including jobs on Capitol Hill with Members of
Congress. The ANCA Capital Gateway Program has placed over 20
candidates thus far.

“The State of Arizona is home to a number of very important public
officials, including Senator and potential 2008 Presidential candidate
John McCain and Congressman Jim Kolbe, who chairs the Congressional
committee that appropriates U.S. foreign aid to Armenia,” stated
ANC-AZ Chairman Yeprem Tchaylian. “I am very proud that the Arizona
ANC can lead the way in educating the growing Armenian American
community about the importance of being involved in the civic and
political affairs of our state,” added Tchaylian.

On Sunday, May 8th, Raffi Hamparian, who also serves on the ANCA
Western Region (WR) Board of Directors, led a training workshop with
ANC-AZ leaders, including Tchaylian, and dedicated activists Yervant
Baltajian, Zarouhi Baltajian, Anto Nazikian, and Anto Tchaylian, as
part of the ANCA-WR’s ongoing effort to assist local ANC chapters in
developing strategies and planning initiatives to reach out to local,
state and federal government officials. The workshop built on a
similar seminar held last year in Arizona by former ANCA-WR Executive
Director Ardashes Kassakhian.

“The Arizona ANC is a bright, up and coming star within our
organization,” commented Raffi Hamparian. “I look forward to seeing
the results of these efforts in growing communities across the
country,” noted Hamparian.

The ANCA is the largest and most influential Armenian American
grassroots political organization. Working in coordination with a
network of offices, chapters, and supporters throughout the United
States and affiliated organizations around the world, the ANCA
actively advances the concerns of the Armenian American community on a
broad range of issues.

Editor’s note: Photo attached. Photo caption: From left to right,
ANC-AZ activist Anto Nazikian, ANCA Board Member Raffi Hamparian,
ANCA-WR Government Relations Director Armen Carapetian, ANCA Chairman
Ken Hachikian, ANC-AZ Chairman Yeprem Tchaylian, and ANC-AZ activists
Zarouhi Baltajian and Yervant Baltajian.