‘The new Constitutional Court will always be in agreement with the authorities’: Davit Harutyunyan

Aravot, Armenia
Feb 14 2020


The former Minister of Justice, Davit Harutyunyan, believes that the upcoming referendum on April 5th regarding the president of the Constitutional Court, Hrayr Tovmasyan, and the other “old” judges is a crime against the state.

“We are losing our statehood and I do not want to participate in that. We need to make sure that the public understands this idea,” Davit Harutyunyan said during a briefing with journalists.

Luiza Sukiasyan

PACE co-rapporteur praises implementation process of Armenia’s commitments

PACE co-rapporteur praises implementation process of Armenia’s commitments




YEREVAN, OCTOBER 24, ARMENPRESS. Speaker of Parliament of Armenia Ararat Mirzoyan today met with Andrej Šircelj, co-rapporteur of the monitoring committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) on Armenia, the Armenian Parliament told Armenpress.

The meeting took place on the sidelines of the PACE European Conference of Presidents of Parliament in Strasbourg.

The officials touched upon the ongoing reforms in Armenia, in particular in the judicial sector.

The co-rapporteur praised the implementation process of Armenia’s commitments.

Edited and translated by Aneta Harutyunyan

ACNIS reView from Yerevan #35, 2019_Շաբաթվա անցուդարձ_12-19 հոկտեմբերի

Շաբաթվա անցուդարձ    


ՀՈԿՏԵՄԲԵՐԻ 19 2019  


Նախորդ շաբաթավերջի երկու օրերին Հայաստանի վարչապետ Նիկոլ Փաշինյանը աշխատանքային այցով Թուրքմենստանի մայրաքաղաք Աշգաբադում էր, որտեղ մասնակցեց ԱՊՀ երկրների ղեկավարների խորհրդի նիստին եւ հանդես եկավ ելույթով: Նախօրեին Հայաստանի վարչապետը հանդիպել էր Թուրքմենստանի նախագահ Գուրբանգուլի Բերդիմուհամեդովի եւ Ուզբեկստանի նախագահ Շավքաթ Միրզոեւի հետ: Աշգաբադում էր նաեւ Ադրբեջանի նախագահ Իլհամ Ալիեւը: Միջոցառման շրջանակներում Նիկոլ Փաշինյանն ու Իլհամ Ալիեւը 1,5-2 ժամ քննարկել են ԼՂ հակամարտության կարգավորման ներկա իրավիճակն ու լարվածությունը մեղմելու հնարավորությունները: «Արմենպրես»-ի հետ զրույցում այս մասին հայտնել է ՀՀ վարչապետի մամուլի խոսնակ Վլադիմիր Կարապետյանը:

Արցախյան հիմնահարցի կարգավորման շուրջ իրենց դիրքորոշումներն են ԱՊՀ ԱԳ նախարարների հանդիպման ժամանակ ներկայացրել նաեւ Հայաստանի ու Ադրբեջանի արտաքին քաղաքական գերատեսչությունների ղեկավարները:

ԱՊՀ երկրների ղեկավարների գագաթաժողովի ամենասկանդալային դրվագը հայ նշանավոր պետական ու ռազմական գործիչ Գարեգին Նժդեհի մասին Իլհամ Ալիեւի մեկնաբանությունն էր: Նիստերից մեկում, որի օրակարգում ընդգրկված էր Հայրենական մեծ պատերազմում խորհրդային ժողովրդի հաղթանակի 75-ամյակի կապակցությամբ համատեղ ուղերձի ընդունման հարցը, Ադրբեջանի նախագահն իր ելույթում առիթը բաց չթողեց Հայաստանի նախկին եւ ներկայիս իշխանություններին քննադատելու համար` հայտարարելով, թե Հայաստանում հերոսացնում են ֆաշիզմը: «Հայաստանի նախկին իշխանությունները Երեւանի կենտրոնում կանգնեցրել են ֆաշիստական դահիճ ու դավաճան Գարեգին Նժդեհի արձանը, եւ այն այսօր էլ իր տեղում է»,- ասել է Ալիեւը` դա որակելով «ցինիկ քայլ»:

Փաշինյանն` ի պատիվ իրեն, հենց տեղում բավական սուր եւ կոշտ է արձագանքել Ադրբեջանի նախագահին, ով, նրա խոսքով, խեղաթյուրում է փաստերը` նիստի մթնոլորտում որոշակի լարվածություն մտցնելու նպատակով: «Իրականությունն այն էոր Գարեգին Նժդեհը պայքարում էր Հայաստանի՝ թուրքական օկուպացման դեմպայքարում էր հայերի ցեղասպանության դեմորը կազմակերպել էին թուրքերը, եւ իրականությունն այն էոր Գարեգին Նժդեհըի դեպռուսական շատ սպաների հետ 1918 թվականին ղեկավարում էր ռազմաճակատի շատ կարեւոր հատվածը հայթուրքական պատերազմի ժամանակ»,- հակադարձել է Հայաստանի վարչապետը եւ խոսքի շարունակության մեջ Նժդեհին համեմատել Նոբելյան մրցանակակիր Ալեքսանդր Սոլժենիցինի հետ, ով նույնպես այն տարիներին եղել է Գուլագում: «Ի՞նչ է, բոլոր նրանցովքեր դատապարտված են եղել 1937-1950-ական թվականներինմենք համարում ենք ժողովրդի թշնամինե՞ր։ Եթե այդպես էապա ականավոր շատ գործիչներ դատապարտված են եղել եւ իրենց կյանքի վերջին օրերը հենց բանտում են ավարտել»,- փաստել է Փաշինյանը՝ անհարկի համարելով պատմության աղավաղումը:

Իսկ ամենազավեշտալին, այն է, որ այլատյացություն քարոզող, նենգ մարդասպան ռամիլսաֆարովներ բուծող ու նրանց հերոսացնող երկրի առաջին դեմքը, չգիտես` բարոյական որ իրավունքով, փորձում է ուրիշին համանման մեղադրանքներ «կպցնել»: Ճիշտ այն գողի նման, որն ամենաբարձրն է բղավում, թե «բռնեցե´ք գողին»Իհարկե, Ալիեւին հասկանալ կարելի է: Նա գիտի, որ Ռուսաստանի համար դա զգայուն հարց է, ուստի մտածում է` մի հարվածով երկու նապաստակ կխփի. կսիրաշահի Ռուսաստանին եւ որոշակի սառնություն կառաջացնի հայ-ռուսական հարաբերություններում: Եվ, բացի դրանից, Հեյդարօղլին գտնում է, որ ԱՊՀ գագաթաժողովի հարթակն ամենահարմար տեղն է` եւս մեկ անգամ արծարծել հարցը` փորձելով նսեմացնել Երկրորդ համաշխարհային պատերազմում հայ ժողովրդի անմահ սխրանքը, որից իր երկիրը զուրկ է:

Բայց սա եւս ամենը չէ: Աշգաբադի ֆորումում իր ասածից ու արժանի պատասխանը ստանալուց հետո Ալիեւը, արդեն Բաքվում, նորից է անդրադարձել Նժդեհի թեմային` նշելով, թե «Հայաստանը պետք է իր պատմությունը մաքրի այդ հետքից»: Հայաստանի ԱԳ նախարարությունն անպատասխան չի թողել նրա հայտարարությունները: ՀՀ արտաքին քաղաքական գերատեսչության մամլո խոսնակ Աննա Նաղդալյանը լրագրողների հետ զրույցում ասել է. «Թվերը վկայում ենթե մենք ինչ ներդրում ենք ունեցել Հայրենական պատերազմումՄիաժամանակ՝ գոյության պայքար ենք մղել թուրքերի եւ կովկասյան թաթարների դեմեւ մենք հարգում ու մեծարում ենք մեր հերոսներին Պատմությունն Ալիեւի ամենաուժեղ կողմը չէբայց պատմություն «հայտնաբերելու» անգերազանցելի փորձ ունիՄենք ինքներս այլատյացության զոհ ենքուստի մերժում ենք այն»:

Այնուամենայնիվ` ինչո՞ւ Նժդեհի արձանն այդքան անհանգստություն է պատճառում Ադրբեջանին, ի՞նչ ունի այդ երկիրը նրա դեմ: Չլինի՞ տապալված համաթուրանական ծրագրի «ցաված տեղերը» դեռ մռմռում են: Երկար ժամանակ չպահանջվեց` համոզվելու համար, որ դա հենց այդպես էլ կա: Աշգաբադյան միջոցառումից ընդամենը երեք օր անց Բաքվում տեղի ունեցած Թյուրքական խորհրդի նիստում Իլհամ Ալիեւը բացեիբաց խոստովանել է. «Զանգեզուրի փոխանցումը Հայաստանին` հանգեցրել է թյուրքական աշխարհի աշխարհագրական պառակտմանը»: Ասել կուզի՝ Նժդեհի պատճառով է, որ ձախողվեց համաթուրանական ծրագիրը: Նիստին մասնակցող` Թուրքիայի նախագահ Ռեջեբ Էրդողանին մնում էր սփոփել կրտսեր «եղբորը», թե` «մենք հնարավորը կանենք Ադրբեջանի տարածքային ամբողջականությունն ապահովելու համար»:

Սա էլ այն Թուրքիան, որը փոխանակ սեփական պատմության «կեղտերը» մաքրելու, միշտ պատրաստ է քիթը խոթել այլոց գործերի մեջ:


Մեկնաբանեց Գեւորգ Լալայանը


Նիկոլ Փաշինյանի հրավերով Վրաստանի վարչապետ Գիորգի Գախարիան հոկտեմբերի 15-ին պաշտոնական այցով ժամանեց Հայաստան: Դիմավորման պաշտոնական արարողությունից հետո տեղի ունեցավ Հայաստանի եւ Վրաստանի վարչապետների առանձնազրույցը, այնուհետեւ՝ ընդլայնված կազմով հանդիպումը, որից հետո երկու երկրների վարչապետները զանգվածային լրատվամիջոցների ներկայացուցիչների համար հանդես եկան հայտարարություններով: Այցի ընթացքում Գիորգի Գախարիան հանդիպումներ ունեցավ նախագահ Արմեն Սարգսյանի, Գարեգին երկրորդ Ամենայն Հայոց կաթողիկոսի հետ: Վրաստանի վարչապետն այցելել է նաեւ Ծիծեռնակաբերդի հուշահամալիր եւ հարգանքի տուրք մատուցել Հայոց ցեղասպանության զոհերի հիշատակին:

Երեւան ժամանած ԵԱՀԿ Մինսկի խմբի համանախագահներ Իգոր Պոպովին, Էնդրյու Շոֆերին, Ստեֆան Վիսկոնտիին եւ ԵԱՀԿ գործող նախագահի անձնական ներկայացուցիչ Անջեյ Կասպշիկին հոկտեմբերի 15-ին ընդունել է Նիկոլ Փաշինյանը: Վարչապետը եւ համանախագահները քննարկել են Լեռնային Ղարաբաղի հիմնախնդրի խաղաղ կարգավորման գործընթացին վերաբերող հարցեր: Կողմերի միջեւ վստահության ամրապնդման համատեքստում ընդգծվել է հրադադարի պայմանակարգի ամրապնդման ուղղությամբ քայլեր ձեռնարկելու կարեւորությունը: Անդրադարձ է եղել ժողովուրդներին խաղաղության նախապատրաստման անհրաժեշտությանը և դրան ուղղված քայլերին: Նախօրեին ՄԽ համանախագահներին ընդունել է ՀՀ արտգործնախարար Զոհրաբ Մնացականյանը:

Սահմանադրական դատարանը հոկտեմբերի 14-ին տեղի ունեցած աշխատակարգային նիստում որոշեց մերժել Ազգային ժողովի դիմումի հիման վրա Սահմանադրական դատարանի (ՍԴ) նախագահ Հրայր Թովմասյանի լիազորությունները դադարեցնելու վերաբերյալ գործի քննությունը։ Հիշեցնենք, որ Ազգային ժողովի որոշումը դատարանը ստացել էր անցած երկուշաբթի օրը` այն դատավորներին էր ուղարկվել ուսումնասիրության համար։ Խորհրդարանի ընդունած որոշման հիմքում նախկին նախագահ Ռոբերտ Քոչարյանի դիմումի քննության ընթացքում Հրայր Թովմասյանի կատարած, իշխանական խմբակցության կարծիքով՝ առերեւույթ էական կարգապահական խախտումներն են:



Armenia elected to United Nations Human Rights Council with 144 supporting votes

Armenia elected to United Nations Human Rights Council with 144 supporting votes




YEREVAN, OCTOBER 14, ARMENPRESS. Armenia has been elected to the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHCR) with 144 supporting votes.

“Armenia is elected to UNHRC for 2020-2022 – with 144 votes – a strong testimony of recognition by international community of our democratic transformation and substantial progress in protection and promotion of human rights and fundamental freedoms”, PM Nikol Pashinyan tweeted.

In turn, Armenian FM Zohrab Mnatsakanyan said: “Great result! Big thank you to all our supporters, UN member states for the trust! Committed to work hard and cooperating with all our partners in promoting the human rights agenda.”

Edited and translated by Stepan Kocharyan

RFE/RL Armenian Report – 10/17/2019


Key Witness In Ex-Police Chief’s Death Probe Leaves Armenia

        • Ruzanna Stepanian

Armenia -- National police chief Hayk Harutiunian at an official ceremony in 
Yerevan, April 16, 2003.

The key witness in an ongoing investigation into the recent mysterious death of 
a former chief of the Armenian police has left the country, law-enforcement 
authorities said on Thursday.

General Hayk Harutiunian, who headed the national police service from 
1999-2008, was found shot to death in his country house on September 24. After 
questioning an unnamed person who “was with him at the scene of the incident” 
Armenia’s Investigative Committee suggested that Harutiunian most probably 
committed suicide.

A spokeswoman for the committee told RFE/RL’s Armenian service that the 
“eyewitness” assured investigators that they “will return to the country in 
just a few days’ time.” She insisted that the witness’s absence from the 
country will not have a negative impact on the investigation.

“All investigative actions requiring the presence of the witness have been 
taken and the investigating body has acquired all the evidence relevant to the 
criminal case,” said the official. Investigators are now awaiting final results 
of forensic tests conducted as part of the probe, she added.

Two Armenian news websites claimed late last month that moments before his 
death Harutiunian complained to another person that he is being pressured by 
the authorities to give false incriminating testimony against former President 
Robert Kocharian and a retired senior police officer indicted in connection 
with the 2008 post-election violence in Yerevan. The Investigative Committee 
was quick to dismiss those reports.

Two days after Harutiunian’s death, another law-enforcement body, the Special 
Investigative Service, charged Alik Sargsian, the man who succeeded Harutiunian 
as police chief in April 2008, with covering up what the SIS now describes as 
security forces’ illegal crackdown on opposition protesters in February-March 
2008. Sargsian flatly denied the accusations.

The SIS had repeatedly interrogated Harutiunian as a witness in the case. It 
claimed on September 26 that he too had signed “official documents containing 
false information and records” about the 2008 crackdown.

Former President Kocharian is currently under arrest, standing trial, along 
with three other former officials, on coup charges. He rejects them as 
politically motivated.

Authorities Deal With Toxic Leak From Armenian Copper Mine

        • Susan Badalian

Armenia -- The polluted Voghji river in Syunik province is seen after a mining 
accident , .

A senior government official accused Armenia’s largest mining company on 
Thursday of trying to hush up a toxic waste spill that contaminated a river 
flowing through the southeastern town of Kapan.

The accident was reported near a “tailings” dump of the Zangezur 
Copper-Molybdenum Combine (ZCMC) early in the morning. Officials said that a 
leaky pipe connecting the dump with ZCMC’s ore-processing facilities sent a 
stream of industrial waste flowing into the already polluted Voghji river.

According to Levon Petrosian, the head of the regional branch of the state 
Inspectorate Body on Environment Protection and Natural Resources, the pipe was 
swiftly replaced by ZCMC workers sent to the site. “The river is still brown,” 
Petrosian told RFE/RL’s Armenian service in the afternoon.

He said his agency took water and soil samples from the contaminated area and 
sent them to Yerevan for detailed examination.

ZCMC said that the leak lasted for up to 40 minutes. Minister for Emergency 
Situations Felix Tsolakian blasted the company during a cabinet meeting in 
Yerevan which discussed the accident.

“They kept things secret and didn’t [immediately] say that such an accident 
happened,” claimed Tsolakian. “The [ZCMC] bosses didn’t say that and carried 
out quick repairs.”

“I don’t know what he meant by ‘kept secret,’” Petrosian said when asked to 
comment on Tsolakian’s claims. “All I can say is that when our inspectors heard 
the alert and went there the pipe was already replaced.”

Environment Protection Minister Erik Grigorian told reporters that authorities 
are now ascertaining the damage inflicted on the environment. He complained 
that Armenian environmental legislation sets “ridiculously” small fines for 
mining firms violating it and must be toughened significantly.

Faulty and old tailings dumps are thought to be a key source of environmental 
damage caused by the Armenian mining industry which generates more than 40 
percent of the country’s exports.

ZCMC, which is nominally controlled by the German metals group Cronimet, is the 
sector’s largest enterprise employing more than 4,000 people. It is also 
Armenia’s number one corporate taxpayer.

Armenian Constitutional Court Chief Under Investigation

        • Astghik Bedevian

Armenia -- Constitutional Court Chairman Hrayr Tovmasian reads out a court 
verdict on an appeal filed by former President Robert Kocharian, September 4, 

Law-enforcement officials raided the offices of Armenia’s Constitutional Court 
and former ruling Republican Party (HHK) on Thursday after launching criminal 
proceedings against the court’s embattled chairman, Hrayr Tovmasian.

Other investigators visited and questioned his elderly father.

The developments came two days after most members of the Constitutional Court 
refused to oust Tovmasian. The Armenian parliament called for his dismissal in 
an October 4 appeal drafted by its majority loyal to Prime Minister Nikol 

A non-partisan member of the parliament, Arman Babajanian, went further, 
demanding that law-enforcement authorities prosecute Tovmasian. Babajanian 
charged that the latter colluded with other key members of Armenia’s former 
HHK-dominated leadership to illegally become head of the Constitutional Court 
in March 2018.

The Special Investigative Service (SIS) announced on Thursday morning that it 
has decided to open a criminal case in connection with Babajanian’s written 
demand. It said it has launched an investigation into a possible “usurpation of 
state authority by a group of individuals.”

An SIS official visited the HHK headquarters in Yerevan in the following hours. 
According to the party’s deputy chairman, Armen Ashotian, he confiscated 
documents relating to the termination of Tovmasian’s membership in the HHK in 
early 2018.

The SIS also carried out what it called “investigative actions” inside the 
Constitutional Court building in the Armenian capital. The court secretariat 
refused to comment on the probe, saying that Tovmasian is on vacation at the 

Under Armenian law, Tovmasian cannot be prosecuted without the consent of at 
least five of the nine members of the country’s highest court. Two of those 
judges, Alvina Gyulumian and Arevik Petrosian, declined to comment on the 
unprecedented proceedings when contacted by RFE/RL’s Armenians service.

Armenia -- Riot police separate rival protesters outside the Constitutional 
Court building in Yerevan, September 3, 2019.
HHK representatives denounced the case as politically motivated. “Pashinian’s 
regime is looking for internal enemies in the country,” said the former ruling 
party’s spokesman, Eduard Sharmazanov.

Ruben Melikian, Nagorno-Karabakh’s former human rights ombudsman highly 
critical of Pashinian’s government, likewise described Tovmasian as a victim of 
political persecution.

Melikian also claimed that another law-enforcement agency, the National 
Security Service (NSS), has summoned Tovmasian’s father Vartan and two 
daughters for questioning. “Guys, do you realize what red line you are 
erasing?” he wrote on Facebook, referring to the authorities.

Later in the day NSS officers questioned Vartan Tovmasian in his home in a 
village south of Yerevan. Tovmasian Sr. told reporters afterwards that they 
only asked him questions about the roof of his state-owned one-story house.

“They wondered when we built the roof, how much we spent on it, where we got 
the money from and so on,” he said. “They did not ask other questions or search 
the house. They just said they want to check the roof.”

The 75-year-old added that he is ready to visit the NSS headquarters and answer 
more questions there on Friday. He did not confirm that the powerful security 
service also wants to interrogate Hrayr Tovmasian’s daughters.

The NSS said that it will comment on the matter later on. It did not issue any 
statements as of Thursday evening.

Tovmasian claimed on October 2 that the authorities are seeking to force him 
out in order to gain control over the Constitutional Court and be able to make 
unconstitutional decisions. He said he will not bow to the pressure despite 
recent arrests of two individuals linked to him.

In a September 4 ruling read out by Tovmasian, the Constitutional Court 
declared unconstitutional a legal provision used by SIS investigators against 
Armenia’s jailed former President Robert Kocharian. Pashinian called the ruling 
“illegal.” The prime minister charged earlier Tovmasian had cut political deals 
with HHK leader and former President Serzh Sarkisian to “privatize” the court.

Meanwhile, Vahe Grigorian, the court’s newest member installed by the current 
parliament in June, insisted that he sees no political motives behind the 
law-enforcement authorities’ latest moves against Tovmasian.

Grigorian also continued to challenge the legitimacy of Tovmasian and six other 
court justices appointed before the “Velvet Revolution” of April-May 2018. 
“This crisis in the Constitutional Court is much deeper than Hrayr Tovmasian 
and his past activities or current behavior,” he said.

Press Review

“Haykakan Zhamanak” says that Armenia’s former rulers are very worried about 
the current authorities’ plans to enact a law allowing them to confiscate 
“illegally acquired assets.” The law would primarily and retroactively apply to 
practices of the past decade. “This is apparently the reason why critics regard 
the law as an additional weapon in the authorities’ hands for unleashing 
repressions against ‘undesirable’ individuals,” writes the pro-government 
paper. “The law could indeed prove controversial. But one must acknowledge that 
not having such a law, allowing a few dozen families to enjoy billions [of 
dollars] from the state and the people would have much more severe consequences 
for Armenia.”

“Zhamanak” says that the latest visit to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict zone by 
the U.S., Russian and French co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group began right 
after a summit of Turkic states held in Baku. The paper says that Presidents 
Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan and Recep Tayyip Erdogan used the summit to 
reiterate their “aggressive and bellicose” statements on Karabakh. It says 
Aliyev also effectively laid claim to Armenia’s Syunik province, potentially 
setting the stage for a “regional war.” The likelihood of such a war depends on 
how the United States, Russia and France will respond to Aliyev’s statement, it 

“Zhoghovurd” notes that Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian met with Karabakh 
President Bako Sahakian just before receiving the Minsk Group co-chairs in 
Yerevan this week. An official press release on the meeting said Pashinian and 
Sahakian discussed ways of further strengthening links between Armenia and 
Karabakh. The paper notes that in the meantime Aliyev and Erdogan discussed 
Azerbaijani-Turkish military cooperation at a meeting in Baku.

(Lilit Harutiunian)

Reprinted on ANN/Armenian News with permission from RFE/RL
Copyright (c) 2019 Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, Inc.
1201 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington DC 20036.

Asbarez: Sorry State of Istanbul’s Patriarchate

Raffi Bedrosyan


Ever since the last Armenian Patriarch, Mesrob Mutafyan, fell ill with dementia in 2008, the seat of the Istanbul Patriarchate has been vacant. Archbishop Aram Atesyan, who was appointed as Acting Patriarch, devised several arrangements with the help of the Turkish government to delay the election of a new Patriarch. He has remained in power for the last 11 years. With Patriarch Mutafyan’s passing away in March, there are now no legal, or illegal, loopholes left to avoid the Patriarchal election.The Turkish government finally relented to have the Patriarchal election take place in December, but also presented a further obstacle against a fair and democratic election process. It imposed a condition that “the only eligible candidates would have to be clergy in the employ of the Istanbul Armenian Patriarchate,” thereby eliminating at least ten other potential candidates who could have been eligible – based on the historically legitimate condition of eligibility applied in previous Patriarchal elections. It should be noted that two of the previously elected Istanbul Patriarchs were clergymen born in Turkey, but served the Armenian Church outside of Turkey and not in the Istanbul Patriarchate.

The Electoral Commission of Istanbul Armenians, selected from Istanbul Armenian community leaders, charitable foundation directors and some clergy, assembled to decide whether to object to the Turkish government about the imposed eligibility condition. However, after a very short debate and a few resignations of objectors, the commission conveniently decided to comply with the government condition and proceed with the election. Therefore, instead of having a healthy debate and new approaches on how to run the Patriarchate with worthy candidates from inside and outside Istanbul, the December election will now be between two Istanbul Armenian clergymen, Archbishop Atesyan, the Acting Patriarch until recently, and Archbisop Mashalyan, newly elected as the caretaker clergyman to oversee the election.

Based on their past performances, both men appear to be completely subservient to the Turkish government, convinced that the best and only way to conduct the Patriarchate affairs is to act exactly as the state demands, without ever rocking the boat. This may perhaps be acceptable as a tactic of survival, but what is even less acceptable is how these candidates act as subservient to the Istanbul Armenian charitable foundation leaders. The Patriarchate has the right to exert moral authority over the charitable foundations. Instead, the charitable foundation leaders, who are supposed to run the affairs of the Armenian churches, schools, and hospitals on behalf of the Armenian community, conduct themselves as the head of individual empires, not accountable to anyone. Some charitable foundations are quite wealthy as they have substantial revenues and income from significant real estate holdings, while others are only reliant on individual donations or fundraising dinners. The “haves” are supposed to help the “have-nots,” but this can only be done by having a strong and influential Patriarch, arbitrating among the charitable foundations and distributing the wealth for the common good of the entire community. But, at present, the directors of the wealthy foundations keep the revenues to themselves and spend it as they see it fit. Although they are supposed to be elected, the Turkish government has not allowed elections for Armenian charitable foundations for many years, and these individuals rule their empires, with no accountability. The director of Holy Trinity Church (Surp Yerrortutyun), which oversees numerous other churches and schools in Pera, wasted the potential of the historic Tokatliyan Hotel – which his foundations owns – for years, renting it cheaply to his friends and associates. The director of the Holy Saviour Hospital (Surp Prgitch) sees himself as the spokesperson of the entire Armenian community and makes irresponsible statements to the Turkish media, as he did recently, saying that students at highly prestigious Armenian Getronagan School are being raised as “militants.”

One critical issue that the Patriarchate needs to address, but has not done until now, is the reality of the hidden Armenians, living in different regions of Turkey outside of Istanbul. The Islamized hidden Armenians have started to return to their Armenian roots in recent years. Against all odds, risks and consequences, they seek an Armenian identity. At present, the Armenian Patriarchate, or rather the Acting Patriarch, does not recognize them as Armenians until they get baptized and become Christian. But the conditions for baptism are so onerous that few hidden Armenians choose to go through with the process. Moreover, the hidden Armenians are also prevented from being baptized elsewhere in Armenia or Europe, as we experienced during Project Rebirth trips to Armenia with several groups of hidden Armenians. It is my humble opinion that any hidden Armenian who wishes to return to Armenian roots, language, and culture, has the right to do so, and should not be prevented from doing so. Religion should be considered as a personal choice that comes later.

Another critical issue that the Patriarchate needs to address, but is ignored at present, is the status of the hundreds of abandoned Armenian churches in Turkey, outside Istanbul. There were more than 4,000 churches and schools left behind in Turkey after the 1915 Armenian Genocide. Although most of them have been destroyed, there are still hundreds remaining intact, either used by the Turkish state, organizations or individuals for other purposes. It is Patriarchate’s right, indeed its duty, to take steps toward the return of these properties to the rightful owner, the Patriarchate. There are also six active Armenian churches still open in the rest of Turkey outside Istanbul, in Kayseri, Iskenderun, Hatay, Vakiflikoy, and the largest of them all, in Diyarbakir – the Surp Giragos Church. The Patriarchate should appoint part-time or full-time clergy to these churches, even though there may not be a visible Christian Armenian community at present. These churches, and potentially new others, would act as magnets for the hidden Armenians to have the courage to come out, congregate, and support one another.

The two Patriarchal candidates have not uttered a word about any of these critical issues. In fact, they have praised themselves about what they have done in the past, but have not shared any of their future plans and programs, if elected. I think every Istanbul Armenian voter should think about these issues and demand an answer as to how the candidates will deal with them. The Istanbul Patriarchate is not simply a church administrative center appointing clergymen or running a few churches for a community of 60,000 Armenians. There is immense responsibility and duty, not only limited to Istanbul but covering the entire country, to deal with remaining historic assets and emerging realities of hidden Armenians. I would therefore, urge the Istanbul Armenian voters to ask the following questions to the Patriarchal candidates:

  1. What are your plans to take charge of the Istanbul Armenian charitable foundations, and fairly arbitrate among them for the benefit of the entire Armenian community?
  2. What are your plans to accommodate and welcome the hidden Armenians who wish to join the Armenian community and return to their Armenian roots, including those who wish to convert to Christianity, and those who do not wish to convert to Christianity?
  3. What are your plans to start discussions with the Turkish government, organizations, or individuals toward the return of Armenian churches and schools previously owned by the Patriarchate?
  4. What are your plans to appoint clergymen outside Istanbul, in areas where there are emerging hidden Armenian communities such as Diyarbakir?

If the voters are not aware or interested in these issues, the candidates will not be interested in these issues, either. Instead of serving the voters and the Armenian community at large, they will serve their “masters” – the wealthy directors of the charitable foundations. Not much will change and the Istanbul Armenian community will continue to be treated as “flock,” not only in the religious sense but also in the literal sense as “sheep.”

Armenian Bazaar offers foods, craft at Indian Orchard church

MassLive, MI
Oct 13 2019

The St. Gregory Armenian Apostolic Church annual Armenian Bazaar will feature Armenian foods when it takes place Saturday, Oct. 19, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. in the church hall at 135 Goodwin St.

Lunch and dinner will be served featuring three kinds of grilled kebab — shish kebab (chunks of lamb), losh kebab (seasoned ground lamb and beef) and chicken kebab (marinated chunks of chicken breast) — all served with rice pilaf, salad and pita bread. For lighter fare, try lahmajun (a thin-crust Armenian meat pizza) or a vegetarian plate of seasoned cracked wheat, salad and pita bread.

A baked goods section will feature traditional Armenian breads and pastries including choerag,paklava, boerag and kadayif along with other Armenian foods such as stuffed grape leaves, cheese and spinach pie and pickled vegetables. Many favorite homemade Armenian desserts will be available also.

In addition to food, there will be Armenian cook books, scarves, handbags and jewelry for sale.

“The event is timed so that our parishioners and friends can stock up on Armenian baked goods and other items in time for the holiday season” — Thanksgiving and Christmas, said Claudia Muradian-Brubach, a church Board of Trustee member and parishioner.

She grew up in the church and spent each bazaar with her parents and siblings eating and visiting with their Armenian friends; now she enjoys spending the day with her children. “I spend a lot of time working at the bazaar like many of our other church members, but it is very gratifying knowing we can hold such an enjoyable event for the Armenian community and the community around us and be able to raise funds to continue promoting programs at the church,” she said. “This event allows the outside community to experience our Armenian culture that has been preserved for decades by picnics and bazaars at our church.”

Proceeds from the bazaar will be used for such things as programming, other events and maintenance of the church.

Admission and parking are free; there are various costs for food.

For more information, call the church office at 413-543-4763.

Event: St. Gregory Armenian Apostolic Church annual Armenian Bazaar

When: Saturday, Oct. 19, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Where: 135 Goodwin St., Indian Orchard

Admission: Free

For more info: Call 413-543-4763

Armenia condemns Turkey’s military invasion of Syria

JAM News
Oct 11 2019

The diplomatic mission in Syria is prepared to organize an urgent evacuation of compatriots from settlements under fire

Armenia condemns the Turkish troops’ invasion of Syria, according to a message from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Armenia. The Prime Minister also called on the international community to take every measure to stop the Turkish invasion.

Armenia’s humanitarian mission in Syria continues, with Armenian doctors and engineers fulfilling their daily responsibilities.

Armenia’s diplomatic mission in Syria has organised an urgent evacuation of compatriots in the line of fire, especially from the cities of Tel Abyad and Kamyshly.

Turkey launched a military operation in northeast Syria to create a ‘safe zone’ along its borders. The attack hit more than 200 targets using heavy weapons, including aircraft and artillery. Washington said it would not obstruct the Turkish military, and began to withdraw its troops from this territory. In this situation, an escalation of the conflict between Turkey and the Syrian Kurds, who now control the northeast of Syria, now poses a real threat.

Syria as the way out

The MFA stated:

This invasion will lead to a further deterioration of regional security, as well as civilian casualties, a large flow of displaced people and, ultimately, a new humanitarian crisis.”

This military invasion, according to the MFA’s statement, creates the conditions for severe and large-scale human rights violations against another ethnic group.

Armenia calls for effective international efforts to end this military invasion, prevent mass atrocities and protect the Syrian population on the border of Turkey.

In addition, that statement reiterated Yerevan’s continued humanitarian assistance to the Syrian people.

Yerevan has delivered humanitarian assistance to Damascus since the start of the war. The assistance is for civilians suffering from the fighting.

Armenia has emphasised that its presence in Syria is one of peacebuilding only through humanitarian activities.

Assistance will be provided exclusively outside the combat zone. Armenian specialists will carry out humanitarian activities such as clearing mines and educating local people about the mines, as well as the provision of medical care in Aleppo.”— declared Armenia’s press secretary for the Ministry of Defense, Artsrun Hovhannisyan .

PM Nikol Pashinyan also declared that Armenian specialists will not be placed in combat:

“This is an exclusively humanitarian programme and has no military significance. We intend to implement this programme with what is possible in the country’s budget. All costs are included in the draft budget for 2019.”

After the completion of the active phase of hostilities in Syria in February 2019, Armenia sent a humanitarian mission there. There is a group of engineers and doctors – 83 people in total.

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Armenia’s condemnation of the invasion of Turkish troops in the territory of Syria was announced on 10 October by the Prime Minister of Armenia:

We are concerned about the situation, since, according to our research, such actions will further deepen the humanitarian crisis in Syria.”

Pashinyan believes that the international community needs to take steps to stop the illegal Turkish invasion and protect Syrian citizens living along the border with Turkey, including national minorities.

“In this context, I want to note that Armenia in Aleppo (Syria) is implementing a successful humanitarian mission, and we will continue to do so,” Pashinyan reiterated.

The continuation of the humanitarian mission was also confirmed by Nazeli Elbakyan, who is responsible for public relations at the Centre for Humanitarian Demining and Expertise:

“I spoke with the head of the humanitarian mission in Syria. The mission operates as usual … The mission has not received any other instructions. Armenian doctors and engineers continue their daily work in Aleppo.”

Armenia’s government decided that citizens of Syria, Lebanon and Iraq could receive Armenian citizenship in their respective countries.

Deputy Foreign Minister of Armenia Avet Adonts explained that in 2012, the government made a similar decision, and citizens of Syria, Lebanon and Iraq could obtain citizenship and passports in the embassies or consulates of Armenia in these countries. However, that policy was only in place until 31 December  2018. Adonts noted that:

Given the internal situation and the tension in these countries, it is necessary to extend this decision so that citizens of these countries can obtain Armenian passports at the embassies and consulates of their countries through 31 December 2019.”

On 10 October, according to Syrian media agency Sana, eight civilians, including women and children, were killed and 20 injured in shelling.

Information became available about the Armenians who live in settlements affected by the shelling of Turkish troops.

The head of the parliamentary commission on education, science, culture, youth and sports, Mkhitar Hayrapetyan, shared information on his Facebook page.

Referring to Armenia’s Chief Consular in Syria, Armen Sargsyan, Mkhitaryan said that the Armenian mission in Syria is prepared to organise an urgent evacuation of compatriots.

About 16 Armenian families were shelled by Turkish troops in the city of Tel Abyad in northern Syria … In addition, the city of Kamyshli, where there are also many Armenians, is also under fire,” Mkhitaryan wrote.

Later, it turned out that 13 out of 16 families had already left Tel Abyad, while the Kamyshli Armenians — more than 400 families — had not yet agreed to leave their homes.

Mahatma Gandhi`s 150th birth anniversary commemorated in Armenia

Arminfo, Armenia
Oct 4 2019

ArmInfo.The 150th anniversary of the ideologist and leader of the national liberation  movement of India, Mahatma Gandhi, was celebrated in Armenia. The  event was organized by the Embassy of India in Armenia jointly with  the Russian Armenian University (RAU). At the event held in the  audience of RAU, the Ambassador of India to Armenia Kishan Dan Dewal  delivered a welcoming speech, which pointed to the relevance of  Gandhi's ideology in the modern era.

On the sidelines of the event, an exhibition of works by students of  Armenian schools dedicated to Gandhi was presented. The exhibition  was organized as part of the competition, and the four winners  received prizes from the hands of the Ambassador of India.

The event was attended by over 300 guests, including  parliamentarians, representatives of the Armenian government, the  Indian community, RAU students and others.

Before the event, Ambassador Dewal held a meeting with RAU Rector  Armen Darbinyan, with whom he discussed academic cooperation between  RAU and Indian universities.

Mahatma Gandhi, a famous freedom activist and an influential  political leader, played a dominant role in the nonviolent resistance  to lead the successful campaign for India's independence from British  Rule. His philosophy of nonviolence inspired movements for civil  rights and freedom across the world. 

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  • 25.09.2019

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