What are police 6th department and Investigative Committee looking for at yerevan.today?


RA police 6th department and Investigative Committee conducted a search at the editorial office of yerevan.today information website this morning at 8.30.
They looked for bugs, also checked computers to clarify how the website published the youtube link of wiretapping the conversation between head of NSS Artur Vanetsyan and SIS head Sasun Khachatryan.

Satik Seyranyan, president of the Union of Armenian Journalists (UAJ) contacted Sevak Hakobyan, editor-in-chief of the website. The latter couldn’t speak, as officers of 6th department and Investigative committee banned to talk to anyone and provide information on the process.

It turned out, prior to that the apartment of the owner of the website was searched as well, and based on initial information nothing was found.
Note, days ago Yerevan.today disseminated information, which denied the information on publishing the taped conversation 2 days before, stating there was a problem with Google.

Արցախի էքզիստենցյալ անվտանգությունը հնարավոր է միայն այսօրվա սահմաններով

  • 17.09.2018

  • Հայաստան



Արցախի հարցում կարևորագույն խնդիրը 150,000 մարդու էքզիստենցյալ անվտանգության և անվտանգության ստատուսի ապահովումն է: Այդ մասին հայտարարել է ՀՀ արտաքին գործերի նախարար Զոհրաբ Մնացականյանը Ստեփանակերտում:

Նշենք, որ ղարաբաղյան բանակցային գործընթացը մինչ այս պահն ընթանում է մադրիդյան հայտնի սկզբունքների շուրջ, որոնց կյանքի կոչումը, սակայն, չի կարող ապահովել արցախահայության անվտանգությունը, ինչի մասին հայտարարել է ՀՀ ԱԳ նախարարը:

Ադրբեջանը վերջին օրերին թիրախավորել է ՀՀ-ի տարածքը` Տավուշի մարզ և Արենի գյուղ: Բաքուն չի գնալու Արցախի ճանաչման ճանապարհով, այլ ռազմական լուծման ակտիվ նախապատրաստություններ է տեսնում, ինչի մասին վկայում են թուրք-ադրբեջանական զորավարժությունները, Իսրայելի պաշտպանության նախարարի այցը Բաքու, որի շրջանակում հնարավոր է կնքվեն ռազմա-տեխնիկական նոր պայմանագրեր, ինչպես նաև Էրդողանի հայտարարությունները այն մասին, թե ՀՀ հետ հարաբերությունները չեն կարգավորվի  մինչև Ղարաբաղը չվերադարձվի Ադրբեջանին:

Ինչ վերաբերվում է բուն փաստաթղթին` մադրիդյան սկզբունքներին, ապա դրանց կյանքի կոչումը հանգեցնելու է Արցախի հայաթափմանը:

Յոթ շրջանները կամ «անվտանգության գոտին», ինչն իրականում ԼՂՀ անխախտ մասերն են, հայկական հողեր են, ունեն ռազմավարական նշանակություն` դա հայկական կենսական տարածք է, առանց որի անհնար է ապահովել պարոն Մնացականյանի նշած 150,000 մարդու էքզիստենցյալ անվտանգությունը:

Առաջին՝ սկսենք Աղդամից (Ակնա), որը գտնվում է Ստեփանակերտից մոտ 30 կմ հեռավարության վրա: Ապրիլյան քառօրյա մարտերի ընթացքում հենց Աղդամ-Ստեփանակերտ տանկային հարվածի միջոցով (марш бросок) ադրբեջանցիները ցանկանում էին կիսել Ղարաբաղը երկու մասի՝ կտրելով հյուսիսային ու հարավային շրջաններն ու արագ հասնել տանկերով Ստեփանակերտին:

Եթե Աղդամ են վերադառնում ադրբեջանցիները, իսկ դա ենթադրվում է մադրիդյան փաստաթղթով, ապա, ինչպես և առաջին ղարաբաղյան պատերազմի ժամանակ, այն վերածվելու է ուժեղ ամրացված, հագեցված կրակակետի՝ ուղիղ հրետանային կրակի տակ պահելով ԼՂՀ սիրտը՝ Ստեփանակերտը: Աղդամում տանկային զորքերի կուտակման դեպքում Ասկերանի ամբողջ շրջանն ու մայրաքաղաք Ստեփանակերտը դառնում են հեշտ թիրախ՝ այնտեղ աշխարհագրությունը հարթավայրային է և թույլ է տալիս լայնորեն կիրառել զրահատեխնիկա, այդ թվում՝ տանկեր:

Իսկ Մերձարաքսյան շրջանները, բացի գյուղատնտեսական մեծ ներուժից, կարևոր են նաև ռազմական տեսանկյունից՝ Հադրութի, Շուշիի, Ասկերանի թիկունքն են, և այնտեղ ադրբեջանցիների վերադարձը Լեռնային Ղարաբաղը կվերածի բոլոր կողմերից կրակակետերով շրջապատված, օղակի մեջ գտնվող մի անկլավի:

Մերձարաքսյան շրջաններն ունեն մեծ տնտեսական նշանակություն՝ դրանք ապահովում են ԼՂՀ-ի կապն Իրանի հետ (ԼՂՀ ճանաչումից հետո Ստեփանակերտը կկարողանա ցամաքային կապ պահել Իրանի հետ), ինչպես նաև ապահովագրում ՀՀ Սյունիքի մարզը, քանի որ Կուբաթլուի, Ջեբրայիլի և այլ շրջանների հանձնումը Մեղրիի, Կապանի և այլ քաղաքների համար կրկին գլխացավանք է դառնալու: Ադրբեջանցիները մերձարաքսյան այդ շրջաններում կրակակետեր կկառուցեն, որոնք արդեն Սյունիքի մարզը երկու կողմից կպահեն կրակի տակ՝ Նախիջևանի դիրքերը կրակի տակ են պահում Վայոց Ձորը, Սյունիքը արևմուտքից, իսկ այս պարագայում ադրբեջանցիները կհայտնվեն Սյունիքի թիկունքում նաև արևելքից:

Ինչ վերաբերում է Քելբաջարի շրջանին, ապա դրա կարևորության մասին խոսելն ավելորդ է՝ Արցախի խմելու ջրի պաշարներ, ռազմավարական դիրք՝ այնտեղից հնարավոր է քիչ ուժերով վերահսկողության տակ պահել թե′ Մարտակերտն ու Քաշաթաղը, թե′ Վայոց Ձորը, Գեղարքունիքն ու ՀՀ այլ շրջաններ:

Այսպիսով, ԼՂՀ-ը կենսունակ պետություն է միայն այսօրվա սահմաններով՝ նախկին սահմանների վերադարձը թե ռազմական, տնտեսական, ժողովրդագրական իմաստներով ԼՂՀ-ը կդատապարտի հայաթափման և կվերածի «երկրորդ Նախիջևանի»:

Բակո Սահակյանը հրավիրել է խորհրդակցություն

  • 17.09.2018

  • Հայաստան


Արցախի Հանրապետության Նախագահ Բակո Սահակյանը սեպտեմբերի 17-ին հրավիրել է խորհրդակցություն՝ նվիրված ՊԲ զորահավաքային պատրաստության ընթացիկ տարվա պլանի համաձայն մեկնարկած ուսումնավարժական հավաքների ընթացքին:

Ինչպես հայտնում են Արցախի Հանրապետության նախագահի աշխատակազմի տեղեկատվության գլխավոր վարչությունից, համապատասխան զեկույցով հանդես է եկել ԱՀ պաշտպանության նախարար Լեւոն Մնացականյանը:

Նախագահը կոնկրետ հանձնարարականներ է տվել պաշտպանության նախարարին եւ համապատասխան կառույցների ղեկավարներին՝ քննարկված հարցերի պատշաճ իրականացման ուղղությամբ:

Advancing democracy in Armenia

Washington Times
Sept 12 2018

War, peace, democracy and U.S. policy in the Caucasus

By Stephen Blank – – Wednesday,  



Armenia’s revolution of April-May generated possibilities for real economic and political progress. In no small measure it succeeded because its leader, Nikol Pashinyan, stated that he “had no geopolitical agenda.” He repeatedly stated that Armenia would continue its course of membership in Russia’s Eurasian Economic Union and their Collective Security Treaty Organization. And, since, he has repeatedly reiterated his government’s commitment to improving ties with Moscow.

However, despite rhetoric on efforts to democratize Armenia, Mr. Pashinyan has not only reaffirmed Armenia’s close ties to Russia, he has also displayed its deep intimacy with Iran. Emblematically, before coming to New York to attend the U.N. General Assembly he is visiting Iran. In addition, he has made numerous statements and gestures indicating an unwillingness to negotiate on the Nagorno-Karabakh issue with Azerbaijan.

However, in so doing Mr. Pashinyan, possibly unwittingly, but nevertheless clearly, has placed his own democracy campaign at risk. As long as Armenia holds onto Azerbaijani territories it will not have peace. Instead it will have to continue its excessive dependence on Moscow that all but guarantees the eclipse of Armenia’s democratic aspirations. Moscow is already warning of “frank and serious talks”, i.e. difficult negotiations with Mr. Pashinyan due to his democratizing moves.

Simply, peace with Azerbaijan is a precondition for democratization in Armenia. War offers Russia multiple opportunities it will not forego to coerce Yerevan into subservience and act decisively to undermine Mr. Pashinyan’s reforms if not him personally. Peace, however, is the sole guarantee that Armenia can both democratize and move forward provided it receives strong Western backing.

This affects the United States because Mr. Pashinyan allegedly wants a meeting with President Trump in New York. Such meetings with a president possess great resonance in these leaders’ and at home and Armenia is no exception. Before this meeting possibly occurs, Mr. Pashinyan should give the United States reasons to support him.

However, Armenia’s subservience to Moscow and its retention of conquered territories going beyond Nagorno-Karabakh to include purely Azerbaijani and undisputed lands like the Azerbaijani province of Nakhichevan are incompatible with U.S. support or democracy. Therefore, to support, peace, democracy, and the advance of U.S. interests, a well-conceived initiative must be launched to break the deadlock with Azerbaijan and promote a peace settlement that would benefit everyone, except Vladimir Putin, the only actor whose interests are served by continuing strife.

To advance Armenian democracy, regional peace and security, along with opportunities for regional democratization, i.e. long-stated interests, we must offer both sides a truly serious initiative regarding Nagorno-Karabakh. Our previous and ongoing neglect of the Caucasus plays into Moscow’s hands, strengthens its position in the Black Sea and Middle East, and threatens Turkey, our NATO ally, despite the present discord.

Mr. Pashinyan may have hitherto had little choice but to throw in with Moscow, but unless we intervene diplomatically with a serious regional initiative, Armenia’s military and economic dependence on Moscow will strangle its revolution or lead Moscow to try and undermine it by force if necessary. Members of Armenia’s elite have, largely, done well and become wealthy and powerful with the war and are deeply embedded with Russian elite. Thus, both groups have much to lose from reform and peace.

War, in the absence of reform, only strengthens them and their abilities in both Yerevan and Moscow to block democratization and maintain Armenia’s subordination to Russia. Though, peace, backed by strong U.S. and European support creates opportunities for both Armenia and Azerbaijan to cooperate, reducing Russian pressure on Turkey and opening new possibilities for these countries’ integration with Europe, their professed goal.

Mr. Pashinyan must hear from the United States that his democratic aspirations are only realizable if acted upon together, decisively, to bring peace — for Moscow will neither bring peace to the Caucasus nor countenance democratization. But if we continue to remain AWOL in the Caucasus, the logic of war and vengeful nationalism will erode democracy. Thus, maintaining long-held Armenian politics with its hunger for Azerbaijan’s territory, including lands that are not part of Nagorno-Karabakh.

This must be the message the State Department gives to Yerevan. We should encourage democratic reforms, only if accompanied by genuine moves to end the war. If Mr. Pashinyan demonstrates real resolve to end that war then he and the Aliyev government in Azerbaijan deserves the promise of our robust support.

War and independent democratic reform do not go together under Moscow’s watchful eyes and if Mr. Pashinyan thinks he can simultaneously democratize and retain Azerbaijani lands while depending on Russian bayonets, he is deluding himself. In that case he will become the gravedigger of his own revolution and join the long list of would-be reformers whose nationalist and even imperial ambitions caused them to step on the throat of their own democratic song in territories that Moscow thinks should be under its control.

Stephen Blank is a senior fellow at the American Foreign Policy Council. He was formerly the MacArthur fellow at the United States Army War College.

Putin concludes secret military bloc deal with Azerbaijan

Pravda, Russia
Sept 7 2018
Putin concludes secret military bloc deal with Azerbaijan

Aidyn Mekhtiyev

It transpired that Azerbaijan, a former Soviet republic in the South Caucasus, intends to join the Collective Security Treaty Organisation (CSTO – a military bloc of former Soviet republics). It was also said that Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Azeri counterpart Ilkham Aliyev supposedly concluded a secret deal on the subject.
Under the terms of the secret deal, Azerbaijani joins the CSTO as an observer, and Moscow uses its influence on Armenia to help Azerbaijan regain control over five out of seven areas adjacent to Nagorno-Karabakh. Currently those regions are occupied by Armenian troops.
There is a very important detail to the story: representatives of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan did not refute media reports about an opportunity for Baku to join the CSTO. Khikmet Gajiyev, an official spokesman for the department, merely refused to comment on the information. As is known, the phrase "no comment" in the diplomatic language most often means that the information is likely to be true to fact, but officials opt not to comment on the subject.
"At the moment, we have no additional comments on this matter," Gajiyev said at a briefing in Baku, Azerbaijan. Further, the official said that Armenia would not be able to veto Azerbaijan`s membership in the organisation. "Armenia is not the only member of the CSTO, there are other members in this organisation," the Azerbaijani diplomat stated.
Meanwhile, Armenia does not hide concerns over Azerbaijan`s possible entry into the CSTO. Acting spokesperson for Armenia`s Foreign Ministry, Anna Naghdalyan, said: "The possibility for Azerbaijan to join the CSTO is being discussed at the level of the expert community, but the official position of the Foreign Ministry is as follows: Armenia will use its veto right."
The meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Azeri leader Ilham Aliyev, which was held last Saturday, September 1, in Sochi, added more fuel to the fire. Those were face-to-face talks, so no one know what the two presidents were talking about behind closed doors.
However, it became clear from the statement that Ilham Aliyev made right after the meeting that one of the main topics of the meeting was the problem of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. The president of Azerbaijan reiterated that Armenian troops should leave from seven areas adjacent to Nagorno-Karabakh.
It is not clear yet whether Vladimir Putin agreed to assist Azerbaijan in regaining control over those areas. It can be possible, however, that Putin and Aliyev concluded the CSTO-in-exchange-for-territories deal.
We may soon witness a historical moment in the near future, when Azerbaijan joins the CSTO as an observer, and Armenia puts up no obstacles under the pressure of Moscow to return five of seven occupied territories.
The problem, however, is that the Collective Security Treaty Organisation does not envisage such an entity as "observer country in the organisation," although it is not hard to set up such a mechanism.
Azerbaijan, being a member of the international Non-Aligned Movement, like Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, positions itself as a country that adheres to a neutral status. In other words, the country refuses to enter military blocs, including NATO, and excludes the deployment of foreign military bases, including Russian ones, on its territory.
The CSTO is a purely military organisation. If Azerbaijan joins the organisation, even as an observer, it would mean that the country will violate policy of neutrality in foreign policy.
Azerbaijan has also applied to join another regional association – the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO). Baku has already received the status of a "partner country for dialogue" in this initiative. Although the SCO, unlike the CSTO, is not a military organisation, membership in it comes contrary to the concept of a neutral foreign policy of the country. In light of the current aggravation of relations with Washington, the SCO is becoming a counterweight structure to the offensive foreign policy of the United States.
In a nutshell, Moscow`s message to Armenia is simple: If Yerevan continues its policy of rapprochement with NATO, the Kremlin will toughen its stance on Armenia and, quite possibly, revisit the issue to return some of the territories adjacent to Nagorno Karabakh to Azerbaijan.

Official Calls for Expediting Completion of Iran-Armenia Electricity Transfer Line

FARS News Agency, Iran
September 1, 2018 Saturday

Official Calls for Expediting Completion of Iran-Armenia Electricity
Transfer Line

TEHRAN (FNA)- Chairman of Iran-Armenia Parliamentary Friendship Group
Ramezanali Sobhanifar urged speeding up the implementation of the
third power transfer line between the two countries.

"We call for implementation of the third electricity transfer line,
investment in Meghri Free Economic Zone and mutual cooperation in
establishing hydro, wind, and solar power plants in Armenia,"
Sobhanifar said in a meeting with Armenian National Assembly President
Ara Babloyan.

He underlined that Tehran and Yerevan have had strong ties and have
stood by each other in hardships.

"The parliaments of Iran and Armenia can contribute to cement
bilateral ties in customs, investment, energy, transportation and
commerce," he added.

Babloyan, for his part, pointed to his country's close relations with
Iran, and said, "Relations with Iran have always been of great
importance and have not been affected by any regional issues."

He reiterated that the two countries' relations have always been
stable and will not be subject to any changes.

"The two countries' parliaments can have collaborations in expanding
energy infrastructure as well as trade cooperation," Babloyan said,
while underlining the crucial importance of transportation, transit
and customs for Iran and Armenia.

He further said that Iran can make use of the Eurasian Economic Union
(EAEU) opportunities and strengthen relationships with EAEU and
European Union (EU) through Armenia.

In relevant remarks in late July, Iranian Deputy Energy Minister
Homayoun Haeri announced that Tehran and Yerevan are currently working
hard to finalize implementation of the third power transmission line
from Iran to Armenia.

"Taking timely measures for implementation of the third power
transmission line from Iran to Armenia is one of the most important
parts of Iran-Armenia bilateral and multilateral cooperation," Haeri
said after his meeting with Armenian Minister of Energy
Infrastructures and Natural Resources Artur Grigoryan in Yerevan.

The Iranian deputy energy minister said that during his meeting with
Grigoryan, the Armenian minister underlined that the importance of
finalizing the project of construction of the third high-voltage
Iran-Armenia power transmission line.

Grigoryan, who serves also as a co-chairman of the Armenian-Iranian
intergovernmental commission, noted that in the context of
intensification of economic cooperation between Tehran and Yerevan,
construction of a high-voltage power transmission line between Armenia
and Georgia can play a serious role.

The sides also exchanged views on the agreements reached at the 15th
meeting of the Armenian-Iranian intergovernmental commission held in
Yerevan in 2018. It was stressed that the intergovernmental commission
has a special mission in deepening and expanding trade and economic
relations between the countries.

Both sides stressed the importance of the need to intensify mutual
visits, which help find effective solutions to problems arising in the
implementation of joint projects.

Iran and Armenia signed four agreements in the fields of economy,
customs and sports agreements in February.

The four cooperation agreements in the fields of economy, customs and
sports were inked at the closing ceremony of 15th Summit of Joint
Commission of Iran and Armenia Cooperation.

Earlier this year, Iranian Energy Minister Reza Ardakanian had placed
special emphasis on the necessity of steering public and private
sectors to increase transaction volume and joint investment.

"Fortunately, the 15th meeting of Joint Technical, Economic and
Cultural Commission between Iran and Armenia was held in an amicable
and peaceful environment," he said, adding, "I hope that mutual
cooperation would be boosted between the two countries in the best
possible form in future."

Asbarez: Israeli Drone Maker, Said to Have Bombed Artsakh Targets, Faces Charges

Launching an Orbiter 1 drone

Top officials of the Aeronautics Defense Systems Ltd, an Israeli arms manufacturer, on Wednesday were summoned to a hearing by Israel’s State Attorney’s office, which said it intends to indict the company for allegedly using an armed kamikaze drone against Artsakh targets last year under orders from Baku during a live demonstration of its product, the Orbiter 1K model UAV.

According to The Times of Israel, Wednesday’s announcement comes after a nearly year-long joint investigation of the Israel Police’s Unit of International Crime Investigations, the Defense Ministry’s investigation unit and the State Attorney’s Office into Aeronautics’s conduct.

A statement announcing the subpoenas said the members of the company are suspected of fraud as well as other violations of the Defense Export Control Law, which protects against unauthorized exports of defense intelligence and equipment.

The Artsakh Army said that Azerbaijan used a suicide drone to attack its positions in northeastern Artsakh around July 7, 2017. According to Colonel Armen Gyozalian of the Artsakh Army, two soldiers were injured during that attack.

Official Baku has boasted its reported purchase of $5 billion in arms from Israel, which were used on Artsakh targets during the April 2016 war, when a Harop aircraft, manufactured by the Israel Aerospace Industries, hit a bus and killed seven Armenians on board.

Among those from Aeronautics Defense Systems Ltd summoned to appear before the State Attorney’s Office’s Economics Division are the company’s CEO Amos Matan, deputy CEO Meir Rizmovitch, development director Haim Hivashar and marketing director David Goldin.

Artsakh forces downed an Israeli made drone during the April 2016 War

Aeronautics released a statement responding to the hearing summonses, saying: “We are convinced that after we first present our position at the hearing, the State Prosecutor’s Office will reach an informed decision that there is no reason to put the company or any of its officers in court and will order the case closed.”

After Israel’s Defense Ministry’s Defense Export Controls Agency halted Aeronautics’ export license  for its Orbiter 1K model UAV, an investigation into the company was launched, with a gag order placed on the details of the probe.

Aeronautics was poised to make a $20 million deal over the next two years with Azerbaijan.

According to The Times of Israel such a test would be illegal under Israeli law, as it would require a seldom-granted permit to carry out demonstrations against real targets. In this case, Aeronautics Defense Systems would be even less likely to receive such a permit, as Israel does not consider Armenia to be an enemy state.

Sergey Bagratyan: We spend 7 billion to get a half a billion (video)

PAP MP Sergey Bagratyan during discussions on taking water from Lake Sevan expressed an opinion that this process directly hits tourism.

According to him, the reason is just that we do not make the right calculation, and in the case of loss of up to 70% we continue the practice of taking water from Lake Sevan.

“We give 7 billion 650 million drams of water, to earn a possibly half a billion of farming profits. We spend 7 billion to get a half a billion.”

Asbarez: Of Elephants, Armenia, and the ARF

Garen Yegparian


After I mentioned the topic of this piece in a Facebook posting, a friend was insistent that I do a full piece on it, so here goes.

“Don’t think of an elephant.”

What just happened in your head? In order to NOT think of an elephant, you, in fact, had to think of an elephant so you could “not” think about it. The image of an elephant probably flashed across your mind’s eye.

That phrase, “Don’t think of an elephant” is the title of a very short book by George Lakoff, first published in 2004, that serves as a guide for activists to advance their agenda by understanding how people receive and perceive information. He has also published a much longer, scholarly, “version” of the same analyses titled “Moral Politics”.

The underlying concept is that people have a moral basis for being politically “conservative” or “liberal” that defines how they process information coming at them from their surroundings. Lakoff says conservatives have a strict father model in which people are made good through self-discipline and hard work, everyone is taken care of by taking care of themselves. Liberals have a nurturant parent model in which everyone is taken care of by helping each other. Most people have varying degrees of these two in themselves, which helps explain the spectrum we see in politics. These are what Lakoff calls “frames” through which people “see” the world around them. But these are not the only frames that exist.

What’s very interesting is that these frames are so solid that even when the facts contradict what people expect because of their frame, thye do not change their minds. Facts just bounce off the frame!

Perhaps the best way to explain this in an Armenian context is through the example of Turks’ attempts at Genocide denial. Think about it – when a Turkish lobbyist approaches an elected official and says “There was no Genocide,” what has s/he done? S/he had to use the word genocide. Once that happens, the elected is thinking about genocide, just like you couldn’t help but think about an elephant when you read the second sentence of this piece.

That’s how people’s minds work. This applies where the matter in question is a societal issue, an organization, or even an individual, framing defines perception and understanding.

I would add, from personal experience, that it also matters who gets the first word in. So if two people have opposing opinions on a topic, the one who speaks second to a third person usually has a slight disadvantage in getting the third person to come to her/his side.

And that’s what explains, partially, the bind, the hole, the ARF finds itself in at this time. At least in the Republic of Armenia, a fairly broadly accepted frame is that the Armenian Revolutionary Federation is no different than the agglomeration of oligarchs it worked with when in coalition with the Republican Party of Armenia (RPA).

With this as the frame in an otherwise uninformed person’s mind, it is extremely difficult convey a different notion. If the ARF says “we’re not oligarchs,” what happens? People hear “oligarch” which is a well-established frame, and the hole has been dug deeper for the organization. If people hear the ARF very rationally, logically, explain why it was in coalition with the RPA, the hole gets deeper still, because Serge Sarkissian, the former president, now extremely unpopular, comes to mind. All the ills associated with him somehow also accrue to the ARF.

So what’s the solution for the ARF? It has to undertake the difficult task of recreating the enormously positive frame it enjoyed among a significant portion of the population when Armenia regained its independence. I do not want to underestimate the number of people who had been duped into an anti-ARF mentality through decades, generations, of Soviet propaganda which contributes to the negative-ARF frame.

How is this to be done? It is definitely not through public statements which will inescapably fall victim to this negative frame that exists (and the work of those who for various reasons are negatively disposed towards the ARF). Only hard, productive, social-political-economic work will reestablish, in time, a positive frame for the ARF. Just as it seems Nigol Pashinian can do no wrong at this time because of the positive frame through which he is perceived, thanks to his diligent activism and public relations savvy, the ARF, too, can improve its standing among the citizenry.

Quiet, low key, productive, helpful, open, heartfelt, constructive work – that’s the path to progress for the ARF as a party and though it the country and nation as a whole.

Oh, and every Armenian should buy “Don’t Think of an Elephant” and read it.

PM Pashinyan presents justification for creating transitional justice bodies


Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan says the transitional justice is an accepted tool all over the world.

Following the opening ceremony of an Armenian-Chinese school in Yerevan, the PM told reporters that they had discussions over these mechanisms with the representatives of international organizations immediately after the recent change in power in Armenia.

“So why we are talking about it now? Because there are situations when the law enforcement agencies report that that are millions of dollars on the people’s bank accounts. It’s obvious that these are funds acquired through criminal means, but our current criminal-legal regulations create obstacles for investigating the origins of these funds and returning them”, he said.

Pashinyan assured that he doesn’t interfere in the activities of the judiciary, but at the same time stated that he will not tolerate the judges who will try to move forward with side effects and bribe. “I have said we will welcome those judges who will act with the logic of law and will be responsible for their decisions”, the PM noted.