Pashinyan declassified some information on the April war

Arminfo, Armenia
Dec 19 2018
Tatevik Shahunyan

ArmInfo. In the classified  materials about the April war there is not a word about the lack of  intelligence materials. This was in an interview with journalists,  said the.

 Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan in response to the  question of why he appointed Arshak Karapetyan as his adviser, who  during the April war was the head of the intelligence department of  the RA Armed Forces General Staff.Answering the question that the  same Karapetyan, in accordance with secret order 0038, was also  involved in the events of March 1, 2008, Pashinyan noted that, in  accordance with this order, a very large part of the SC was involved  in these events: "Now we don't can separate this part from the sun? "  However, he stressed that all those whom the investigation deems  guilty will be punished to the fullest extent of the law.Touching  upon the accusations of his comrades-in-arms, now ministers made  before the revolution to the past authorities that Karapetyan after  the April war could not be appointed military attache at the Armenian  diplomatic department in Russia, Pashinyan stressed that all  statements made by his colleagues and himself were before the  revolution, are not a sentence.At the same time, Pashinyan questioned  the justice of Karapetyan's dismissal after the April events.

 "I read hundreds of pages of secret materials about the April war,  and, in fact, I can say that we didn't have a shortage of  intelligence materials. We have a lot of questions about the April  war, which should be answered and, to the extent possible , should be  presented to the society ", – Pashinyan assured, stressing that many  knew about the accumulation of Azerbaijani troops around the  perimeter of the front line until the April war:" But I will refrain  from assessing. "Answering the question of journalists that after the  April war, various versions began to be exaggerated that "the war was  planned by the parties and third forces in advance," that "according  to a pre-planned scenario, the Armenian leadership agreed to leave  800 hectares to the Azerbaijani side," Pashinyan said that he himself  was informed about these versions: "Moreover, after I came to power,  I began to receive certain verbal and even written information, but  now I cannot say anything definite, we must all chit "- summed up  acting premiere.

Nephew of police colonel kidnapped in Yerevan, Armenia
Dec 16 2018
Nephew of police colonel kidnapped in Yerevan Nephew of police colonel kidnapped in Yerevan

14:56, 16.12.2018

YEREVAN.- Armenian police officers detained four people supected of kidnapping 23-year-old Hovhannes Khmelyan on December 12.

According to, , 4 people in a Mercedes car, using violence, kidnapped Hovhannes Khmelyan on December 12 at around 23:30, brought him to a private house in the Kanaker district and beat him. During the beating, they threatened his life with a pistol and a knife. The police found out that the kidnappers were residents of Yerevan.

According to the source, Khmelyan is the nephew of the Acting Armavir police chief, Colonel Samvel Khmelyan, who is involved in another criminal case as a witness. 

Testimoni dei pogrom di Sumgait

Gariwo, la foresta dei Giusti– Italia
10 dic 2018

Una folla azera si precipita verso il quartiere armeno di Sumgait, nel febbraio 1988

Durante i pogrom violenti verso etnie considerate “nemiche”, c’è sempre qualcuno che si oppone allo scatenarsi dell’odio, della violenza, della rapina, della sopraffazione. A Sumgait, in Azerbaigian, quando negli ultimi giorni del febbraio del 1988, in tempo di pace, una violenza brutale si è scatenata contro la minoranza armena, si verificarono anche episodi di solidarietà, di soccorso, di difesa delle vittime da parte di azeri che non hanno seguito gli ordini emanati dalle autorità al potere, ma piuttosto un moto profondo dettato dal principio di umanità e da un sentimento di ribellione di fronte all’ingiustizia che si traduce in azioni concrete. Oggi quei “Giusti azeri” sono considerati dai governanti dell’Azerbaigian dei "traditori". La loro storia è raccontata dai salvati, sopravvissuti che hanno visto infrangersi il fronte dei carnefici e la compattezza della “zona grigia”, grazie all’aiuto di chi ha vinto l’indifferenza e ha agito. Ma a restituire loro la forza di raccontare hanno contribuito anche i testimoni di verità, che hanno infranto la barriera del negazionismo sempre elevata dalla “storia ufficiale” scritta da chi vuole occultare la verità.

Riporto alcune testimonianze raccolte a caldo in Armenia dove i profughi si sono rifugiati con la speranza di poter un giorno rientrare nelle loro case a Sumgait. Oggi sappiamo che nessuno degli intervistati è ritornato a casa [1].

I racconti dei sopravvissuti sono raccapriccianti. Hanno visto la potenza del male abbattersi improvvisamente su di loro e niente più è stato come prima nella loro vita. Ho volutamente tralasciato le pagine più terribili di ciò che è avvenuto in quei tre giorni di indicibile violenza, anche se sappiamo che il male, come ci ricordava Salvatore Natoli recentemente, bisogna “prenderlo sul serio”. In molte testimonianze gli armeni che sono riusciti a fuggire da Sumgait chiedono che non si riportino i loro cognomi, per vergogna, per paura o per possibili ritorsioni. Allo stesso modo alcuni tra gli armeni salvati chiedono che non vengano riportati i nomi dei loro salvatori, azeri, georgiani, russi, affinché questi ultimi non vengano indagati in quanto “traditori”, poiché salvato e aiutato invece di partecipare ai pogrom. C’è sempre l’accusa “ufficiale” di tradimento da parte del potere costituito, come ci ricorda Marcello Flores [2]; nello specifico da parte di un governo che non solo non ha voluto proteggere la minoranza armena vittima dei massacri di Sumgait e Baku, ma che in molti casi ha anche facilitato, con ordini precisi di “non intervento” o di divieto dell’uso delle armi impartiti ai militari, l’esplosione delle atrocità.

Sicuramente l’orrore del giovane militare russo svenuto di fronte all’adolescente armena sfigurata, violentata, ridotta in fin di vita segnala l’entità del male e insieme il fatto che se non distogli lo sguardo puoi non reggere alla vista delle conseguenze provocate dall’indicazione di un nemico “minaccioso” da abbattere, anche se costituito per lo più, da donne, vecchi e bambine che padri, mariti e fratelli armeni non sono riusciti a difendere perché abbattuti per primi.

Anche i testimoni di verità, Giusti a pieno diritto, rientrano nella schiera dei traditori e rischiano la vita, come è accaduto a Constantin Pkhakadze, un ex ufficiale dell’armata sovietica di stanza in Ungheria, nato a Sumgait e ritornato nella sua città dove lavorava come elettricista. Recatosi in piazza Lenin per vedere con i suoi occhi cosa stava accadendo, aveva constatato che sulla tribuna centrale si alternavano oratori che incitavano a uccidere tutti gli armeni. Vedeva arrivare i militari inviati da Gorbaciov per por fine al “genocidio”, così Constantin definisce il massacro degli armeni in terra azera, armati solo di manganelli contro gli insorti in possesso di Mauser di nuovo tipo e di coltelli. Quando un soldato russo arrestava qualcuno tra la folla scatenata consegnandolo alla polizia, subito veniva rilasciato. Constantin Pkhakazde, nel corso della testimonianza, si indigna nel ricordare che una divisione sovietica di élite di 10.000 soldati non è riuscita a difendere 18.000 armeni, che venivano massacrati da una folla di azeri, drogati e ubriachi (stupefacenti e droga erano stati distribuiti in grande quantità), e la sua indignazione aumenta quando ricorda le menzogne della stampa ufficiale che all’indomani del massacro scrisse che tutti i responsabili erano stati individuati e arrestati. “Dove trovare la verità in questi giornali? Che ne è della verità, della glasnost, della trasparenza, della giustizia?” Gli accenti accorati di questo testimone di verità ci dicono che la ripresa della vita dopo le grandi esplosioni di violenza è possibile solo se si può fare riferimento a persone come Constantin Pkhakadze. Appartiene alla schiera dei Giusti. Il suo racconto della verità dei fatti ha trasmesso un filo di speranza agli esuli sopravvissuti armeni che hanno cercato di ricominciare a vivere e, forse, a dimenticare.

Per quanto mi riguarda, dopo avere letto i resoconti dei massacri e avere ascoltato la voce dei sopravvissuti, l’accavallarsi dei racconti orribili ha raggiunto un limite insopportabile. Come un serbatoio pieno ha una valvola di sfogo che evita la fuoriuscita del liquido dal bordo, così è avvenuto in me: dopo essermi riempito del male fino all’orlo, sono andato alla ricerca del bene.

Testimonianza di Rosa, famiglia M… : “Se non si fosse trovato qualche azero semplice e di cuore (ne esistono) per difenderci, nessuno di noi sarebbe sopravvissuto. Se, ad esempio, il capitano Sabir Kassumov non ci avesse aperto la sua porta, né io, né mio marito, né i miei bambini saremmo ancora vivi” [3].

[1] Samuel Shamuradian, La tragedia di Sumgait. 1988.Un pogrom di armeni nell’Unione Sovietica, a cura di Pietro Kuciukian, Guerini e Associati, Milano 2012

[2] Marcello Flores, Traditori. Una storia politica e culturale, Il Mulino, Bologna 2015

[3] S.Shamuradian, La tragedia di Sumgait, cit. pag.167

Pietro Kuciukian, Console onorario d'Armenia in Italia e Cofondatore di Gariwo

10 dicembre 2018

ANCC Statement Regarding International Human Rights Day and the Genocide Convention Adoption Day / Déclaration du CNAC à l’occasion de la Journée internationale des droits de l’homme et de la l’anniversaire d’adoption de la Convention sur le génocide

National Committee of Canada

National Arménien du Canada


Tel./Tél. (613) 235-2622

E-mail/Courriel:[email protected]





December 9, 2018                                                                           Contact:
Sevag Belian (613) 235-2622



ANCC Statement Regarding International Human Rights Day and the Genocide Convention Adoption Day


Today, the Armenian National
Committee of Canada (ANCC) is honouring the International Human Rights Day and
the 70
th anniversary of the adoption of the UN Convention on


“As we celebrate International
Human Rights Day and mark the 70
th anniversary of the adoption
of the UN Convention on Genocide, we recommit ourselves to continue fighting
against injustice, wherever it may be and to whomever it may target,” said
Shahen Mirakian, President of the ANCC.


As the largest and most
influential Canadian-Armenian grassroots human rights organization, the ANCC
continues to stand resolute in its fight against hate and bigotry, while
proudly upholding human rights and justice in Canada and around the world.


Throughout its years of activism
and advocacy, the ANCC has collaborated extensively with partners in the
Canadian government and Parliament, the Canadian Museum for Human Rights, a
wide variety of cultural communities, and a diverse group of non-governmental
organizations to safeguard the values of respect, tolerance, and equality and to
raise the necessary awareness for genocide condemnation, education, remembrance,
and prevention.


“Armenians in Canada and around
the world have a moral duty to safeguard human rights and fight against the
crime of genocide. We welcome both Canada’s and Armenia’s strong commitment to take
action in the field of international genocide prevention efforts,” said


“We are proud that the
representatives of the Canadian Museum for Human Rights are currently in
Armenia to participate at the Global
Forum Against the Crime of Genocide
, an international conference dedicated
to combating this grave crime against humanity,” concluded Mirakian.







The ANCC is the largest and the most influential Canadian-Armenian
grassroots human rights organization. Working in coordination with a network of
offices, chapters, and supporters throughout Canada and affiliated organizations
around the world, the ANCC actively advances the concerns of the Canadian-Armenian
community on a broad range of issues and works to eliminate abuses of human
rights throughout Canada and the world.



National Committee of Canada

National Arménien du Canada


Tel./Tél. (613) 235-2622

E-mail/Courriel:[email protected]


Communiqué de presse

decembre, 2018                                                                   Contact: Sevag Belian (613) 235-2622



Déclaration du CNAC à l'occasion de la Journée
internationale des droits de l'homme et de la l’anniversaire d'adoption de la
Convention sur le génocide


Le Comité national arménien du Canada (CNAC)
célèbre aujourd'hui la Journée internationale des droits de l'homme et le 70ème
anniversaire de l'adoption de la Convention des Nations Unies sur le génocide.


« Alors que nous célébrons la Journée
internationale des droits de l'homme et marquons le 70ème anniversaire de
l'adoption de la Convention des Nations Unies sur le génocide, nous nous
engageons de nouveau à lutter contre l'injustice, partout et en tout temps », a
déclaré Shahen Mirakian, président de l'ANCC.


En tant qu'organisation importante et influente
de racine canado-arménienne ayant un objectif de défense des droits de la
personne, le CNAC reste résolue dans sa lutte contre la haine et le fanatisme,
tout en défendant fièrement les droits de la personne et la justice au Canada
et dans le monde.


Tout au long de ses années d’activisme, le CNAC
a largement collaboré avec des partenaires du gouvernement et du Parlement
canadiens, le Musée canadien pour les droits de la personne, un large éventail
de communautés culturelles et un groupe diversifié d’organisations non
gouvernementales afin de préserver les valeurs du respect, de la tolérance et de
l'égalité et de sensibiliser le public à la condamnation, à l'éducation, à la
commémoration et à la prévention du génocide.


« Les Arméniens du Canada et du monde entier
ont l'obligation morale de protéger les droits de l'homme et de lutter contre
le crime d génocide. Nous félicitons le Canada et l’Arménie d’avoir entrepris
un ferme engagement d’emploi des efforts internationaux de prévention du
génocide », a déclaré Mirakian.


« Nous sommes fiers que les représentants du
Musée canadien des droits de la personne se trouvent actuellement en Arménie
pour participer au Forum mondial contre
le crime de génocide
, une conférence internationale dédiée à la lutte
contre ce crime grave contre l’humanité », a conclu M. Mirakian.







Le CNAC est l’organisation politique
canadienne-arménienne la plus large et influente au
Canada. Le CNAC s'occupe activement de représenter
le point de vue collectif arméno-canadien sur les

questions d'intérêt public, et de soutenir et promouvoir les questions
relatives aux droits de l'homme au Canada et à l'échelle internationale. Le
CNAC travaille en étroite collaboration avec ses bureaux régionaux et des
associations affiliées à travers le Canada, ainsi qu'avec d'autres organisations
arméniennes poursuivant des objectifs similaires à travers le monde. 

Sevag Belian – Executive Director
Armenian National Committee of Canada
T: (613) 235-2622 | C: (905) 329-8526

Հայաստանին մայիսից զենք չի՞ մատակարարվել․ Փաշինյանը հակադարձում է ՀՅԴ-ին

  • 27.11.2018

  • Հայաստան



«Իմ քայլը» դաշինքի առաջնորդ Նիկոլ Փաշինյանն ամոթալի որակեց ՀՅԴ բյուրոյի ներկայացուցիչ Հրանտ Մարգարյանի հայտարարությունները, որ մայիսից ՀՀ-ին զենք չի մատակարարվել:

Այս մասին Նիկոլ Փաշինյանը հայտարարեց Վանաձորում նախընտրական հանդիպման ժամանակ: «Ամոթալի հայտարարություններ են հնչում: ՀՅԴ բյուրոյի ներկայացուցիչ Հրանտ Մարգարյանը հարցազրույց է տալիս ու ասում, որ մայիսից էս կողմ Հայաստանին զենք չի մատակարարվել»,- հայտարարեց Փաշինյանը:

Նա նշեց, որ նման հայտարարություններով թիրախավորում են Հայաստանը։ «Քիչ է մնում ասեն՝ տղերք, մայիսից էս կողմ Հայաստանին զենք չի մատակարարվել, հարձակվեք, իսկական ժամանակն է, դուք էդ կողմից, մենք՝ էս կողմից: Նախ, ես ուզում եմ հիասթափեցնել ՀՅԴ բյուրոյի ներկայացուցչին, Հայաստանին զենքի մատակարարումն ընթանում է բնականոն, պլանավորված ձեւով:

Բայց նաեւ ուզում եմ ասել, եթե խոսում ենք, եկեք խոսենք, թե ինչ է տեղի ունեցել մայիսից առաջ բանակին զենքի ու սպառազինությունների մատակարարման հետ: Ուզում եմ հավաստիացնել, որ ՀՀ Զինված ուժերը եւ հայ ժողովուրդը, ի հեճուկս ՀՅԴ-ի ներկայացուցչի ու ՀՀԿ-ի, պատրաստ են կանգնել մինչեւ վերջ հայրենիքը պաշտպանելու գործում»,- հայտարարեց Փաշինյանը:

Azerbaijani press: MFA: Sahakyan’s visit to Russia undermining efforts to advance negotiation process on Karabakh conflict

00:12 (UTC+04:00)

Baku, Azerbaijan, November 25

By Leman Zeynalova – Trend:

Issuing entry permit to Russia for Bako Sahakyan, a representative of the illegal separatist regime established in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan, is undermining efforts to advance the negotiation process on Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and contradicts Russia's mediation as co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group, said Azerbaijan's Foreign Ministry.

The ministry’s remarks came in response to the information about the visit of the "head" of the separatist regime created in Nagorno-Karabakh to Russia.

"This step of the Russian side does not correspond to the high level of current relations between Azerbaijan and Russia and contradicts the legal framework of bilateral relations, in particular the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Security between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Azerbaijan, which reads that "the Parties undertake not to support the separatist movements, as well as prohibit and suppress the activities of individuals, aimed against state sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of the other side".

“Such voyages of the “head” of the illegal regime in the countries of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs can lead to an unpredictable development of the situation around the conflict. In this case, the entire responsibility will be on the Armenian side," the Foreign Ministry said.

The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of the ensuing war, in 1992 Armenian armed forces occupied 20 percent of Azerbaijan, including the Nagorno-Karabakh region and seven surrounding districts.

The 1994 ceasefire agreement was followed by peace negotiations. Armenia has not yet implemented four UN Security Council resolutions on withdrawal of its armed forces from the Nagorno-Karabakh and the surrounding districts.

Snow on roads of Artik region

The Ministry of Transport, Communication and Information Technologies informs that on November 23, at 17:00, there is snow on the roads of Artik region.

The Vardenyants Pass is foggy, with a visibility of 50-60 meters. Berd-Chambarak highway is also foggy, as well as Jermuk, Saravan and Meghri mountain passes. The visibility is 100-150 meters.

All the interstate and republican roads are open.

Citizens can receive complete and operative information on the interstate and republican roads both from the Ministry’s official website (, as well as, and from the telephone numbers of the Ministry of Communications(010 – 56-25-33).

Acting FM introduces Armenia’s recent domestic political developments to UN Special Rapporteur

Acting FM introduces Armenia’s recent domestic political developments to UN Special Rapporteur




YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 14, ARMENPRESS. Acting foreign minister of Armenia Zohrab Mnatsakanyan on November 14 received UN Special Rapporteur on Rights to Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and of Association Clément Nyaletsossi Voule, the foreign ministry told Armenpress.

During the meeting the acting FM stated that the Armenian government attaches great importance to the cooperation with the UN structures dealing with human rights. Both highlighted the UN Special Rapporteur’s visit to Armenia which is a good opportunity to get acquainted with the recent developments in the country and outline the future partnership framework.

Acting FM Mnatsakanyan introduced the guest on Armenia’s recent domestic political developments, highlighting the government’s commitment to carry out a comprehensive agenda of reforms based on the broad mandate given by the people aimed at strengthening the rule of law and justice, fighting corruption, as well as providing equal opportunities in social and economic sectors. The officials emphasized the importance of the engagement of the women and youth and dialogue with the civil society in this process as an integral part of the sustainable development agenda.

Edited and translated by Aneta Harutyunyan

Asbarez: CSTO Postpones Decision on New Secretary-General

Leaders of the CSTO nations in Astana, Kazakhstan on Nov. 8, 2018. Armenia’s Acting Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan is at the far left

YEREVAN (—Leaders of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) met in Astana, Kazakhstan, on Thursday to discuss some of the pressing issues of the Russian-led security grouping, including the appointment of a new secretary-general after Armenia recalled its representative.

Earlier this month, the CSTO confirmed the dismissal of Yuri Khachaturov from the senior post held by an Armenian representative as part of the rotation principle.

Khachaturov was appointed to the post in May 2017, but after the change of government in Yerevan he was charged as part of a reopened investigation into post-election violence in 2008 during which the colonel-general served as Armenia’s deputy defense minister.

Khachaturov was formally charged in late July with overthrowing Armenia’s constitutional order by using the army for the violent repression of the opposition-led protests in which eight demonstrators and two police officers were killed.

After coming to power on the wave of anti-government protests in May, Armenia’s new Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said that revealing the circumstances of the killings would be one of the priorities of his administration.

As part of the investigation former President Robert Kocharian was also charged with overthrowing Armenia’s constitutional.

Unlike Kocharian, who spent more than two weeks in custody in July-August, Khachaturov was granted bail and went back to Moscow to continue his duties as CSTO secretary-general. Armenia, however, initiated a formal process of recalling him from the post, which was completed on November 2.

Prior to the summit in Kazakhstan several senior Armenian officials spoke in favor of Armenia’s retaining the post until 2020. Armenia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, however, did not deny that other options might also be considered.

On November 7, Russian news agency TASS quoted Russian presidential aide Yuri Ushakov as saying that three options were being considered at the moment. Among them he mentioned Armenia’s retention of the post, the rotation of the post to Belarus, which is next in line alphabetically, and placing the interim secretary-general in charge until Minks takes over in two years.

A press release issued by the office of Armenia’s acting prime minister, who attended the CSTO summit on November 8, said that “the issue of the appointment of a new CSTO secretary-general was also addressed during the meeting.”

“The sides agreed to continue discussions on the issue during a meeting in St. Petersburg on December 6. At the same time, work will be undertaken to elaborate relevant norms regulating the issues related to the early termination of powers of the secretary-general,” it said.

According to the official report, at the summit the leaders of the CSTO member states, including Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tajikistan, met in a narrow format before continuing talks in an extended session.

They, in particular, discussed issues of international and regional security, cooperation between CSTO member states within the organization and in the international arena.

The summit adopted a number of documents, including the final declaration of the CSTO Collective Security Council and a joint statement on mutually agreed measures in relation to persons who participated in armed conflicts as part of international terrorist organizations.

“The Heads of State adopted decisions of the Collective Security Council aimed at improving the CSTO’s crisis response, countering illegal migration, developing a coordinated information policy, organization of collective forces and specification of their composition, and confirming the candidacy of the Chairman of the Interstate Commission for Military-Economic Cooperation,” the official report said.