BAKU: Turkish Jewelers Implement Project Of "Brotherhood" With Armen

Feb 19 2010

Turkish and Armenian jewelers expand cooperation.

The association of Turkish jewelers intends to implement the project
of jewelers’ brotherhood to promote their production, association
chairman Imam Altinbash told Hurriyet.

"When we hear that the citizens of neighbor countries buy jewels
in Italy or Asian countries, we are surprised: Turkey is a neighbor
country, we are among the biggest producers of jewelry. Therefore, we
are implementing a project of brotherhood with the Armenian colleagues
and we are open for cooperation with the world", Altinbash said.

Armenia: Eva Rivas Launches Website And Blog

Feb 18 2010

Eva Rivas, the Armenian participant in the Eurovision Song Contest
2010 has launched a new website and blog. Since winning the national
final in Armenia, she has been working hard on her upcoming promo
tours and presentations.

Karen Kavaleryan, whose songs have represented five different countries
at the Eurovision Song Contest (Russia 2002 and 2006, Armenia and
Belarus in 2007, Ukraine and Georgia in 2008), arrived in Armenia
days ago. During the press conference he stated that Apricot Stone
is one of his best songs ever written for the Eurovision Song Contest
and he hopes to see Armenia among the top leaders this year.

Armenie-Turquie : Une Reconciliation En Suspens

par Guillaume Perrier

Le Monde
02/17/armenie-turquie-une-reconciliation-en-suspen s-par-guillaume-perrier_1307233_3232.html
17 Fev 2010

Quatre mois après la signature, en octobre 2009 a Zurich, d’un
protocole d’accord entre la Turquie et l’Arménie, sous le patronage
de la Suisse, l’espoir d’une normalisation rapide des relations entre
les deux voisins s’est déja envolé. Ni le Parlement arménien
ni l’Assemblée nationale turque n’ont encore approuvé le texte,
qualifié, a l’époque, d’"historique" par l’ensemble des diplomaties

Selon cet accord, les deux pays devaient établir des relations
officielles, inaugurer des ambassades et, a terme, rouvrir leur
frontière commune, fermée depuis 1993. Mais a Ankara comme a
Erevan, le processus est mis en suspens. L’Arménie a annoncé, le
12 février, que les protocoles ont été transmis au Parlement. Mais
elle a précisé que la ratification ne pourrait pas intervenir avant
que la Turquie ne se soit d’abord prononcée.

Passé l’enthousiasme de la signature, les négociations sont
entrées dans une phase marquée par des "déceptions réciproques",
selon l’analyste Aybars Görgulu. La Turquie, qui avait condamné
sa frontière avec la jeune République d’Arménie, en 1993,
en représailles a la sécession du Haut-Karabakh, une province
majoritairement peuplée d’Arméniens et rattachée a l’Azerbaïdjan
par Staline, réclame des contreparties pour sa réouverture.

"Sans une solution au Karabakh, nous ne pouvons pas ratifier les
protocoles", a lancé le premier ministre, Recep Tayyip Erdogan,
fermant la porte a un accord rapide. Le ministre des affaires
étrangères, Ahmet Davutoglu, persiste a lier la réussite de ce
rapprochement a des concessions arméniennes sur le Karabakh, bien que
les accords d’octobre 2009 n’en fassent pas mention. Début février,
il a laissé planer la menace d’un échec si les négociations
n’étaient pas "menées de manière appropriée".

La Russie et les Etats-Unis exhortent Turcs et Arméniens a accélérer
leur rapprochement. Les grandes puissances veulent éviter un nouvel
embrasement du sud du Caucase, fragilisé par la crise géorgienne
de l’été 2008. Mais le conflit du Karabakh, gelé depuis seize ans
et qui a fait plus de 30 000 morts, entrave la pacification de la
région. En dépit de la médiation du groupe de Minsk – coprésidé
par la Russie, les Etats-Unis et la France -, les discussions ne
progressent guère.

En Azerbaïdjan, comme a Erevan, la question reste brÃ"lante. Le
président arménien, Serge Sarkissian, est originaire du Karabakh et
il en dirigeait les comités d’autodéfense, au début des années

En faisant marche arrière, la Turquie montre sa dépendance
vis-a-vis de Bakou. L’Azerbaïdjan, de langue et de culture turque,
est un allié traditionnel de la Turquie et un de ses principaux
fournisseurs de gaz naturel. Les initiatives du grand frère turc,
flirtant avec l’Arménie, ont jeté une ombre sur l’alliance. En
Turquie, l’opposition nationaliste et kémaliste est aussi montée au
créneau contre cette "trahison", appelant a la solidarité panturque
avec les Azéris : "Un peuple, deux Etats". Surtout, la richesse des
gisements de la mer Caspienne donne un argument de poids au clan
Aliev, au pouvoir depuis vingt ans en Azerbaïdjan. Le pays, a la
source de l’oléoduc Bakou-Tbilissi-Ceyhan et du gazoduc Nabucco,
s’avère stratégiquement incontournable. Bakou fournira 6 milliards
de mètres cubes de gaz a la Turquie, en 2010.

En Arménie, les réticences se sont renforcées et la sincérité de
la démarche de la Turquie est sérieusement mise en doute. L’accord
de 2009 prévoit la création d’une commission historique, chargée
d’examiner "de manière scientifique et objective" les pages sombres
de l’histoire. Mais elle est souvent percue par les Arméniens comme
une manoeuvre turque pour tenter d’atténuer la réalité du génocide.

Le 12 janvier, la Cour constitutionnelle arménienne a rendu un avis
favorable sur les protocoles signés en octobre. Mais elle a rappelé
qu’ils ne pourraient en aucun cas contredire la Constitution et la
déclaration d’indépendance arménienne qui mentionne "le devoir de
réalisation de reconnaissance internationale du génocide de 1915,
en Turquie ottomane et en Arménie occidentale". La Turquie juge
cette référence historique "inacceptable".

La question du génocide, que la position officielle turque qualifie
toujours de "massacres réciproques", pourra difficilement être
éludée, si Ankara souhaite une sincère réconciliation avec son
voisin. Pour le moment, la Turquie voudrait inciter l’Arménie a mettre
ses revendications en veilleuse. Comme chaque année, la diplomatie
turque se crispe a l’approche du 24 avril, la date anniversaire du
déclenchement du génocide de 1915, lancé par l’arrestation, a
Istanbul, de centaines de dignitaires arméniens. Ankara s’inquiète
du lobbying de la diaspora arménienne aux Etats-Unis et d’une possible
reconnaissance officielle par le Congrès américain.

Le 4 mars, le comité des affaires étrangères de la Chambre se
prononcera sur une résolution démocrate, qualifiant de "génocide"
les massacres de 1915. M. Davutoglu a manifesté son agacement a
James Steinberg, secrétaire d’Etat adjoint, le 6 février, a la
conférence de Munich sur la sécurité internationale. En 2007, un
vote du Congrès avait été évité au dernier moment, désamorcant
un risque de crise dans les relations américano-turques.

Armenia’s President Has His Own Handwriting, Says Bekarian


Feb 17 2010

Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan’s speech at London’s Chatham House
is impossible not to have a political value, said chairman of the
European Integration NGO, Karen Bekarian. "The statements are not
being made for internal or external use. "When president of the
country speaks, his speech is impossible not to have a political
value," he said pointing some items.

Firstly, Karen Bekarian said of the strong position over the settlement
of the Karabakh conflict and Armenia-Turkey relations.

"Armenia’s President once again said of his position to hold on to
the self-determined policy." Armenia’s initiatives have a permanent
character and self handwriting.

"In this sense, it’s not all in a sudden to invite President Aliev
of Azerbaijan to ceremony of opening of Armenia-Turkey border,"
said Karen Bekarian.

He also said that after certain time there will be responds to this,
as London’s Chatham House is a traditional forum which is always
under international communities’ scrutiny.

Issues Of Javakhk Discussed In Yerevan

Alisa Gevorgyan

18.02.2010 16:00

Workshop-discussion on issues of defense of rights of Javakhk
Armenian was held in Yerevan today. The organizers of the event came
forth with a joint statement, calling on the Armenian authorities
and international organizations to take measures to prevent the
discriminative policy of the Georgian authorities against the Armenians
of Javakhk and guarantee the security of the Armenian population.

Chairman of the "Javakh" Union, MP Shirak Torosyan said: "The Armenian
language should be given the statues of a regional language in Javakh,
the Armenian Church should be given a legal status in Georgia, the
churches and temples taken from the Armenian Apostolic Church should
be returned, persecutions should be excluded."

K. Avagyan: "No Majorities Or Minorities In The ARP"


Feb 18 2010

"There is no change of situation. The president has spoken abut
it clearly, there is no other opinion in the ARP concerning it",
– the deputy of the ARP Karen Avagyan assured on the meeting with
the journalists.

To the question, that some members of the ARP announced as if the
majority of the party is for the Armenian – Turkish protocols being
ratified by Armenia first, Avagyan answered that there is no "majority
or minority in the ARP."

Karen Avagyan convinced not to mix the "Republican" party with the
"Heritage" and assured that "the Armenian side will never ratify the
protocols first."

"I understand by these statements that the developments of the Karabakh
issue have brought to the idea that in order to avoid the possible
sanctions the Armenian side is urged to take up some measures. As
if a public opinion is being formed that Armenia should ratify the
Protocols beforehand", – Stepan Safaryan said.

"This is impossible, analyze as much as you wish, doesn’t matter,
we will not ratify it first", – mentioned Avagyan.

According to Safaryan, it is not the first time when the authorities
say something but do another thing. "Such kinds of statements, that
have later been changed, are too many. For example Sargsyan has told
that I will not live for Bursa as a simple tourist if the border is
closed or we are not close to opening it."

The ARP deputy noticed that "we are at the brink of opening the
boarder". The deputy of "Heritage" got surprised with such a "long

How long will it take for the Armenian side to understand that Turkey
is artificially delaying the process? Karen Avagyan decided to answer
to the question from his name and not from the name of the party.

"I will speak from my side. That time limit for me is the April 24.

It’s wrong to put a date, to speak about a concrete day. I am taking
April 24 as a proximate deadline. And when it will be confirmed
that it is an artificial delay we will come out of the process", –
assured Avagyan

Sweden To Recognize Armenian Genocide Soon


2010-02-17 16:47:00

ArmInfo. In the near future Sweden will discuss the resolution on
recognition of the Armenian genocide. The opposition Social-Democratic
Party of Sweden has initiated it.

When commenting on this information a top-ranking diplomatic source
said that recognition of the Armenian genocide by Sweden is a very
realistic prospect, taking into consideration the fact that in all
probability Social-Democratic Party of Sweden will gain a victory as
a result of the parliamentary election.

To note, the parliamentary election in Sweden will be held in
September 2010.

To note also, Turkish officials have already started threatening
official Stockholm that this may damage the bilateral relations
and complicate the process of ratification of the Armenian-Turkish
Protocols in the Turkish parliament.

To recall, the same was initiated in 2007 but that time the resolution
was not adopted.

New Tax Package Additional Burden For Armenian Society: ARF-D

15:39 ~U 17.02.10

The new tax package stirred up a heated debate between Republican
Party of Armenia member Vardan Ayvazyan and Armenian Revolutionary
Federation (Dashnaktsutyun, ARF-D) member Artsvik Minasyan.

At a press conference today, Minasyan said that there is a lack of
necessary reasoning in introducing these taxes, which cover economic,
social, legal and political sectors. In his words, at a time when the
country is still in crisis and society is on the brink of an economic
collapse, this tax package is nothing but an additional a burden on
the public.

"The government, by making controversial interpretations, creates a
muddled situation and is unable to give answers to specific questions,"
said Minasyan.

In his opinion, not all the 915 heads of local communities are
conscientious and will implement these taxes as they wish. However,
the ARF-D member did mention that his party is not opposed to the
financial development of local communities and also to the development
of local self-government bodies.

Ayvazyan, in turn, said that due to this ammendment in legislation, two
important types of taxes come under the authority of local communities
– land tax and property tax. As for the other 7-8 taxes included in
this package, local community leaders and elders’ councils, at their
will, can implement them themselves. Ayvazyan also said that this
document enables the local communities to organize their finances
and be independent.

"Local communities will no longer have to sit and wait to see whether
the Ministry of Finance grants them subsidies or not," said Ayvazyan.

Minasyan was surprised that Ayvazyan, who was against this package and
had expressed his concern over the matter in the parliament, is now
speaking in favor of this package. Ayvazyan, confirming his stance,
said he was definitely going to vote for this package.

What ARF-D suggests is separating the package into two parts (land
tax and property tax) and bring them to a vote. As for the rest,
ARF-D suggests sending them back to the government.

"We should not give unlimited authority to the heads of local
communities. It will overburden them, and they will start offering
unnecessary services," concluded Minasyan.

TBILISI: Who Will Benefit From Good Turkish-Armenian Relations?


The Messenger
Feb 16 2010

In an article on Polish analyst Kamil Janicki discusses
who will benefit from improved relations between Turkey and Armenia.

He says that Russia is interested in increasing its influence in the
South Caucasus and therefore Armenia’s success is in its interest as
Armenia is its main ally in the region. Opening the Turkish-Armenian
border will facilitate Armenia’s economic growth.

The EU is also interested in improving the situation in the region
through stabilising it. However we should remember that Russia
imposed war on Georgia to hinder this country’s development as a
transit entity. Janicki highlights that there is also a conflict
of interest between Turkey and Russia, in particular over Abkhazia
but also in terms of both countries’ involvement in the region, but
he acknowledges that the traditional Turkey-Iran-Russia triangle,
which has functioned as a diplomatic entity since the 18th century,
could still be seen as a going political concern.

The analyst thinks that the Parliaments of both Turkey and Armenia
will ratify the border opening documents. The only thing which might
stop this would be further confrontation in Karabakh.

Erdogan complains about Armenian Constitutional Court ruling to Clin


15.02.2010 14:41

Yerevan (Yerkir) – Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan met
with US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during the US-Islamic
World Forum in Doha, Qatar, CnnTurk reported.

Among other issues, the parties also discussed the Armenia-Turkey
rapprochement process.

Erdogan spoke about the Armenian Constitutional Court ruling on the
Armenia-Turkey Protocols, saying it slowed down the process and brought
forth complications. He said Ankara did all it was required to adding
"Ankara considers the Armenia-Turkish normalization as part of a
comprehensive settlement of issues in the South Caucasus. The OSCE
Minsk Group should reinforce efforts towards the earliest solution."

Clinton said Armenia-Turkey normalization process should continue,
irrespective of any circumstances.