Armenian Government to Consolidate Arable Lands


YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 30. ARMINFO. 99% of Armenia’s arable lands are
highly desintegrated so the government is drafting a pilot program to
consolidate them and to improve their use schemes.

The chairman of the state property register committee Manuk Vardanyan
says that an interdepartment commission has been set up to implement
the program. Various methods will be tested during the program with
priority given to those accepted by specific communities and
farmers. Consolidation can be effected according to land type, cost,
type of use and melioration.

The key point of the program is to develop a state policy on effective
land use encouraging farmers with soft loans, equipment leasing, tax
concessions, guaranteed harvest purchase like in wine and tobacco
growing. The consolidation process has been underway in Armenia for
three years already. 5,100 h of land were bought in the country in
Jan-Sept 2004 with communal budget revenues totalling 1.8 bln AMD
(almost $3.5 mln).

FAO representative David Palmer says that a relevant information and
education base will be developed for the program this including
workshops and working conferences, training courses for farmers on how
to more effectively use land resources. The key objective of the
program is to reveal financially feasible and socially and
ecologically acceptable ways of land use efficiency raising.

The program will be carried out by the committee and FAO for two
years. Presently Armenia has 330,000 farms each owning an average of
1.3 h of arable land.

Le Bosphore n’est pas une =?UNKNOWN?Q?fronti=E8re?=

29 novembre 2004

“Le Bosphore n’est pas une frontière”;
La géographie par Jean-François Bayart

Bayart Jean-François

Du haut de leur gros bon sens, les contempteurs de la candidature
turque à l’Union européenne, Valéry Giscard d’Estaing en tête,
invoquent la géographie pour étayer leur refus. Ce faisant, ils en
disent long sur la conception qu’ils se font du monde dans lequel ils
vivent encore – et dans lequel ils risquent de nous faire retomber.

Mettre en doute l’appartenance géographique de la Turquie à l’Europe,
c’est partir d’une évidence. Seule une petite partie du territoire
turc est située à l’ouest du Bosphore, censé indiquer la limite de
l’Asie. Mais, comme souvent les évidences, celle-ci est trompeuse.
Elle renvoie à une définition archaïque de la géographie physique qui
repose sur l’idée de frontière naturelle. Or, qui peut encore croire,
en Europe occidentale, au caractère “naturel” des frontières? Le
Rhin, le Channel, les Pyrénées, pour la défense desquels des millions
de Français sont morts, ont été “dénaturalisés” par la construction
européenne. Qui s’en plaint? Les frontières des pays ou des
continents se déplacent ou s’effacent au gré des échanges commerciaux
et culturels, des migrations, des projets d’intégration politique et
régionale. Elles sont imaginées par l’action des hommes, non par les
desseins de Dame Nature.

Le Bosphore n’est naturellement pas une frontière, pas plus que ne
l’est la mer Egée. La Grèce, quand elle a cherché à annexer l’ouest
de l’Anatolie, au lendemain de la Première Guerre mondiale,
l’entendait bien ainsi. Et Istanbul, première ville industrielle du
bassin méditerranéen et de la mer Noire, que les opposants à la
candidature turque placent avec indulgence en Europe, a depuis
longtemps franchi le détroit. Sa conurbation de 12 millions
d’habitants s’étend dans le golfe d’Izmit et jusqu’à Bursa. Les
“pendulaires” qui empruntent quotidiennement les ponts suspendus
reliant les deux rives n’éprouvent au petit matin aucun vertige
intercontinental ni ne revivent l’épopée de Darius ou d’Alexandre! A
l’inverse, l’idée de frontière naturelle, prise au pied de la lettre,
inclut dans le continent européen le Daghestan et la Tchétchénie, au
nord du Caucase – mais ni la Géorgie ni l’Arménie… – et amène à
s’interroger sur l’appartenance de Chypre, située à une encablure du

Dans ses rêves de contrebandier, Valéry Giscard d’Estaing doit
s’imaginer franchir les montagnes à dos de mulet. Mais
réveillez-vous, monsieur le Président de la République! Nous sommes à
l’ge d’Internet, de la finance globale et des missiles
intercontinentaux! La Turquie est déjà au sein de l’UE du point de
vue de la géographie humaine et économique. Grce à ses 3,6 millions
d’émigrés qui y vivent, y travaillent et y créent – à l’instar du
dessinateur de voitures Mercedes Benz et Peugeot Murat Günak, du
chanteur Tarkan ou du réalisateur Fatih Akin, auteur de Head-On, ours
d’or à Berlin en 2004. Grce aux représentants de la deuxième
génération qui ont été élus députés, notamment en Allemagne et aux
Pays-Bas. Grce à l’union douanière qui a instauré, en 1996, la libre
circulation des biens industriels et des produits agricoles
transformés, à l’abri du tarif extérieur commun (TEC). Grce aux
différentes institutions, telles que le Conseil de l’Europe, la
Fédération européenne de football, Eurovision, dont elle est membre
de plein droit depuis plusieurs décennies.

L’ancrage de la Turquie dans l’espace européen est également
“ethnique”. Le pays est en partie non négligeable peuplé de réfugiés
originaires des Balkans, de la mer Noire et de Grèce. Les Anatoliens
eux-mêmes sont en majorité les lointains descendants des peuples
autochtones d’Asie Mineure, qui ont été partie prenante et agissante
aux civilisations grecque, hellénistique et romaine, puis au
christianisme de l’Antiquité tardive. Ils se sont convertis à
l’islam, parfois très tardivement, par convenance politique et
sociale. Mais, sous ce couvert musulman, l’Anatolie a des lettres de
noblesse chrétiennes beaucoup plus anciennes que l’Europe du Nord.
Elle abrite quelques-uns des lieux les plus sacrés de la catholicité:
Ephèse, où a séjourné la Vierge, Myra, où est né saint Nicolas,
Nicée, où se tint le premier concile oecuménique, Antioche, que saint
Paul évangélisa et dont l’apôtre Pierre aurait été le premier évêque.
L’idée selon laquelle les citoyens turcs d’aujourd’hui sont des
Turkmènes d’origine ouralo-altaïque, à peine descendus de leur
cheval, est un non-sens historique. Sauf à croire que les Français
contemporains sont vraiment les petits-enfants de Clovis…
L’Anatolie est une marqueterie humaine que des siècles de métissage
et de conversion religieuse interdisent de réduire à une équation
identitaire simpliste, pour ne pas dire délirante.

En revanche, l’insertion de la Turquie dans le paysage humain
moyen-oriental est limitée, malgré la présence d’une minorité
arabophone dans le Sud-Est. La rancoeur de la “trahison” dont se
seraient rendus coupables les Arabes à l’encontre de l’Empire
ottoman, lors de la Première Guerre mondiale, et, pour dire les
choses directement, un solide fond de préjugés racistes tempèrent la
solidarité panislamique des Anatoliens. Même les Kurdes regardent
plus à l’ouest – notamment vers Istanbul et l’UE – qu’à l’est, quelle
que soit la densité des réseaux commerciaux informels avec l’Irak et

La négation de l’identité européenne de la Turquie n’est qu’un
mauvais remake des fantasmes occidentaux quant au “despotisme
oriental”. Historiens et philosophes ont montré comment ce mythe a
permis aux penseurs des Lumières de critiquer de façon oblique la
monarchie absolutiste, notamment française, en contournant sa
censure, sans trop d’égards pour la véracité. Certes, l’Empire
ottoman, confronté à la menace russe, a pratiqué sur ses vieux jours
un nationalisme de purification ethnique en se rendant coupable du
génocide des Arméniens de l’Est anatolien. Osons dire que ce fut
aussi en cela qu’il fut européen. Ces atrocités participent de la
même matrice historique que la Shoah, les guerres coloniales,
l’extermination des Amérindiens. Elles marquent le parcours sanglant
de l’Etat-nation bureaucratique et centralisé comme expression
politique du capitalisme occidental.

De Séville à Belgrade, la religion musulmane est, elle-même, une part
de la géographie historique de l’Europe. Elle est aussi, désormais,
la confession de millions de citoyens européens du fait des
migrations, autre réalité géographique de la globalisation qui ne
s’embarrasse pas des frontières naturelles. Une religion “orientale”?
Oui, au même titre que le judaïsme et le christianisme. Des
idéologues peuvent évidemment être tentés de construire l’unité
politique du continent à partir d’une fiction identitaire et
géographique, en s’inventant un Autre et en le stigmatisant comme
tel. Dès le Moyen Age, l’Europe occidentale s’y est essayée pour
promouvoir la paix de Dieu entre les catholiques en menant la guerre
contre les mahométans. Plus récemment, le national-socialisme a voulu
édifier une Europe purgée de ses juifs, qui étaient supposés la
polluer. On sait désormais où cela conduit. Nous ne ferons pas aux
tenants de l’Europe des frontières naturelles l’injure de croire
qu’ils en sont adeptes. Mais ils tournent le dos au monde
contemporain en oubliant qu’il n’y a de frontières, singulièrement
européennes, que celles, politiques, de la proximité: la proximité
physique, mais aussi et surtout celle du projet commun que fondent
les valeurs partagées de la démocratie et du marché. Sur la base de
ces critères, la Turquie est géographiquement européenne, autant que
la Pologne, et beaucoup plus que la Russie de Poutine, l’Ukraine de
Koutchma ou la Biélorussie de Loukachenko.

(1) Dernier ouvrage paru: Le Gouvernement du monde. Une critique
politique de la globalisation (Fayard, 2004).

20 members of Jehova’s witnesses to have alternative military servic


Nov 26 2004

YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 26, ARMENPRESS: Armenian Labor and Social Affairs
Ministry has confirmed that 20 members of Jehovah’s Witnesses who
refused obligatory military service in the armed forces, choosing
instead alternative service, will get down to what is termed as
“labor service” beginning from December 10.

The ministry said they will serve as attendants at two old people
houses in Martuni and Yerevan. The ministry said they will wear special
uniform of blue color with a special stripe. It said also all other
members of the sect who were sentenced to prison terms for refusing
the military service will have to have alternative military service.

Iran’s Jews, Armenians Criticise “Insulting” TV Programmes


Shargh web site, Tehran
24 Nov 04

The Jewish Community of Tehran and the Armenian Apostolic Bishopric
of Tehran have both sent open letters to Zarghami, head of the Voice
and Vision of the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRIB) in protest at what
they describe as the ignoring of the rights of the minorities. The
Armenian Apostolic Bishopric of Tehran protests against one of the
programmes aired on Id al-Fitr on IRIB’s Channel Three in which a
person who said that he was Armenian claimed that he was unable to
pay the heavy cost demanded by Armenian Apostolic Bishopric of Tehran
for his father’s burial and asks for help. The Armenian Apostolic
Bishopric of Tehran clarifies that charges for burial at the Armenian
cemeteries are much lower than the amount stated on Channel Three,
adding that destitute people are not asked to pay at all. The Council
expresses surprise that IRIB aired these remarks without following
up the matter to ascertain whether the allegations were true.

In its open letter, the Jewish Community of Tehran protests against
two television series–one called “Conspiracy” and the other “Blood
in Unleavened Bread”–and writes: “In the IRIB’S programmes, Jewish
clerics and the Jews’ monotheistic religion are thoughtlessly and
repeatedly ridiculed, insulted, and denigrated without the least bit
of attention being paid to protests by the Jewish Community. It is
surprising how the Jewish clerics’ anti-Zionist demonstrations and
their condemnation of the massacring of Palestinians are repeatedly
broadcast on IRIB while, at the same time, Jewish clerics and what
they represent are ridiculed.”

The letters by both the Jews and the Armenians conclude by expressing
hopes that IRIB will adopt a serious stance against the officials
of the organization and will prevent topics and programmes that are
insulting to the minorities from being broadcast.

ARKA News Agency – 11/25/2004

ARKA News Agency
Nov 25 2004

Korean Consulate to Armenia opened today in Yerevan

Armenia is ready to activate relations with Korea at highest level

RA Parliament passes the draft law on Higher and Post-Graduate

Azerbaijan does not respond to the letter of RA National Assembly
Speaker on the issue of Armenian delegation participation in NATO
seminar in Baku



YEREVAN, November 25. /ARKA/. Korean Consulate to Armenia opened
today in Yerevan. According to Korean Ambassador Extraordinary and
Plenipotentiary to Armenia Chung Tae-ik (residence in Moscow), “it is
historic moment for Armenian-Korean relations that will allow deeper
expanding of cooperation between the countries”. He said that
tomorrow business forum will take place in Yerevan for Armenian and
Korean businessmen that would allow businessmen to better understand
each other and exchange information.
Diplomatic relations between Armenia and Korea were established in
1992. Good’s turnover between the countries in 2003 made $2.5
million. L.D. –0–



YEREVAN, November 25. /ARKA/. Armenia is ready to activate relations
with Korea at highest level, Deputy Foreign Minister of Armenia
Tatoul Margarian stated today at the meeting with Korean Ambassador
Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Armenia Chon Te Ika (residence
in Moscow). Margarian noted that Korea takes important place in Asia
direction of Armenian policy. The parties paid attention to
activation of contacts in the sphere of entrepreneurship, educational
programs, re-training of specialists.
Diplomatic relations between Armenia and Korea established in 1992.
Goods’ turnover between the countries in 2003 made $2.5 million. L.D.



YEREVAN, November 25. /ARKA/. The RA Parliament passed in the first
reading the draft law On Higher and Post-Graduate Professional
Education. The law is called to regulate the state policy in these
areas, as well as the organizational-legal and financial-economic
issues. The law includes the protection of citizens’ right to obtain
corresponding education, its availability, continuous education,
ensuring of competitiveness, transparency and publicity, as well as
recognition of diploma and qualification degrees of Armenian higher
and post-graduate education in European countries.
The draft law also sets the state standards and educational programs
of higher and post-graduate education, terms and forms of education,
qualification degrees, as well as the order of entering a higher
education and post-graduate institutions, as well as the order of
their registration and management.
The draft law provide for two-degree system of higher education
(Baccalaureate and Magistrate). Every higher educational institution
(public or private) will grant its own diploma. In addition, the best
students and needy students will be able to receive student
scholarships. L.V.–0–



YEREVAN, November 25. /ARKA/. Azerbaijani side did not respond to the
letter of RA Parliament Speaker Arthur Baghdasaryan to Murtus
Aleskerov, the Chairman of Azeri Milli Mejlis requesting to ensure
the security of Armenian delegates in Rose Road NATO seminar in Baku.
This was stated by Mher Shahgeldyan, the Head of the Armenian
associated delegation in NATO Parliamentary Assembly at today’s
briefing. According to him, the necessity for the letter was caused
by a number of conditions. In particular, he noted that although
vise-free regime is between Armenia and Azerbaijan, however it is
necessary to consider the incident with Armenian officers, who were
previously promised visas to participate in NATO Cooperative Best
Effort-2004 exercises, however later they were refused visas. At that
he said that the legal part of the participation of Armenian
delegation in seminar was ensured and it is ready to leave for Baku.
Still, the official response of the Azeri side is required.
Armenian Parliamentarians Mher Shahgeldyan, the Head of the Armenian
associated delegation in NATO Parliamentary Assembly and Alexan
Karapetyan, the member of delegation will take part in the 58th NATO
seminar Rose Road to be held in Baku on November 25-27. L.V.—0–



14 Years For The Armenian Pilots


A1 Plus | 20:28:14 | 26-11-2004 | Social |

In Malabo, Equatorial Guinea, the court verdict for the persons charged
with an attempt for making a coup d’etat against the country was read
out. 6 Armenian pilots are among the accused.

Court sentenced Armenian pilot-in-command to 24-year-long imprisonment,
and 14 years to each Armenian pilot.

Advocate of the Armenian pilots is going to appeal against the unjust
verdict to Supreme Court of Equatorial Guinea and to the international
court instances in case of necessity, too.

Armenian official delegation in Malabo that has been to Equatorial
Guinea for many times and taken all the steps possible will keep
staying in that country to discuss with the local authorities issues
on handing the Armenian pilots over Armenia.

“Government of Armenia will make all the efforts to the proper bodies
of Equatorial Guinea to reach the fair decision for our citizens,
right up to release of them”, the press release of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Armenia says.

BAKU: Armenian MPs’ Planned Visit Fails

Armenian MPs’ Planned Visit Fails

AssA-Irada 26/11/2004 16:06

Armenian parliament members did not arrive in Baku to attend the NATO
Parliamentary Assembly Rose Roth seminar which started on Thursday.

Chairman of the Armenian parliament commission on defense, security
and internal affairs Mger Shahgeldian stated that this is due to
Baku’s failure to provide safety guarantees for Armenian MPs.

Director of the Milli Majlis (parliament) international relations
department Namig Aliyev says that Azerbaijani authorities guaranteed
security for all participants, including Armenian MPs, and that
the latter decided not to travel to Baku at the last minute, while
in Moscow.

Aliyev continued that NATO representatives disapproved of this step by
Armenian parliament members. “Armenians want us to deny them entry
to the country and thus deal a blow on us. In reality, they are the
ones who were hurt by this.”

Shahgeldian and another Armenian MP, Karapetian, were initially
expected to attend the NATO seminar. Pan-Armenian news agency reported
that the reason for the Armenian MPs’ not attending the event was
Azerbaijan’s refusal to admit Armenian officers to a NATO seminar and
an ethnically Armenian Bulgarian journalist, who was denied entry at
the Baku airport, and killing of an Armenian serviceman by an Azeri
officer in Budapest, Hungary.

BAKU: Pressure group starts protest actions

Pressure group starts protest actions

Assa-Irada, Azerbaijan
Nov 25 2004

Over 50 members of the Garabagh Liberation Organization (GLO) held
an action at the Samad Vurgun garden in Baku at noon on Wednesday in
protest against the Armenian parliament members’ intended participation
in the NATO Rose Roth seminar due in Azerbaijan late in November.

The protesters held posters saying “Shame on those allowing Armenians
in Baku”, “Keep away Armenian invaders” and “NATO, stop supporting
Armenia!” and released some 100 black balloons in the air, the GLO
chairman Akif Naghi said.

After interference by the police, four protesters were taken to the
Sabayel police precinct, and released two hours later.

About 30 GLO members held another action in front of the Baku Airport
Terminal exit door at 3 p.m. on the same day and read out an appeal
to the airport workers.

“You also represent the Azerbaijani people and should prevent the
entry of aggressor Armenians to Baku”, the document said. GLO will
continue protest actions on Thursday.*

Georgian President Warns Of “Fierce Battle”,”Sacrifice” At Party Con


Imedi TV, Tbilisi
22 Nov 04

Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili has said that Georgia is not
yet liberated and is facing a “very fierce battle”. In an impassioned
speech at the ruling National Movement’s party congress in Tbilisi
on 22 November, Saakashvili said that, while the 300,000 Georgians
killed in World War II were “very worthy people”, the country “will
sacrifice whatever it takes” to gain freedom. He said that Georgia
would only be truly free when not a single foreign soldier was left on
its soil against its will. Saakashvili also launched a scathing attack
on former President Eduard Shevardnadze and current opponents, accusing
them of fighting reforms. The following is an excerpt from the address
broadcast live by Imedi TV; subheadings have been inserted editorially:

Welcome, my comrades-in-arms, my sisters and brothers, my closest
friends. On your behalf I also welcome those who have not been able
to get into this hall, hundreds of thousands of them, our members,
our comrades-in-arms, our supporters, our staunch fellow citizens. I
welcome the 2,000 or so delegates who are here from Georgia’s various
regions. I welcome our guests who have come here from many other
countries and all over our own country.

Georgia’s “true heroes”

Today is, of course, an important day for us. I would like to say to
you that I saw the video at the beginning (of the conference) and I was
rudely awakened many times by the repeated mentions of my name. That
was because the true heroes of what happened in Georgia one year ago,
what has been happening in recent months and what happened in Batumi
on the St George’s Day in May (Georgia also celebrates St George’s Day
on 23 November), are not party leaders. True heroes are Zaza Damenia
(soldier killed in South Ossetia) and his mother, who addressed you
all here today.

Trues heroes are Shorena (a young teacher who addressed the conference
earlier) and hundreds of other young idealists like her, remarkable
people for whom their homeland is more than simply empty words and
drum-beating, or some general flag waving or preservation of rituals,
although the preservation of rituals is very important when talking
about the state. This is her daily work. Shorena did not tell
you that every morning – when I met her, I specifically asked her
about it – she gets up at six o’clock and takes four different buses
to go from Tbilisi to Sadakhlo (a place with a large ethnic Azeri
population). She spends more than half her salary on these buses, so
that she can teach not just the Georgian language, but also Georgian
national consciousness. These are the kind of people who are building
the new Georgia.

No-one thought that it would be possible to create a society with
a completely different mentality so suddenly. For example, Nino
(Burjanadze, parliament speaker) said to me that when she arrived in
Chiatura to deliver her condolences to the family of a man killed
in Tskhinvali (South Ossetia) during an antismuggling operation,
a mourner cried out to her and asked who did this child die for? His
mother was there, a Siberian lady. She raised her head and said, don’t
you ever dare ask that again in my presence. This was my only child,
but if I had another, I would unquestioningly let him die for the
country, she said. Those are the kinds of mothers we have in Georgia.

Therefore, the rose revolution was not just a flash in the pan. The
rose revolution was a magnificent manifestation of our dream. The
rose revolution was a dream for a strong, proud, free and happy
Georgia. With the revolution we unleashed our desire for freedom. The
most precious thing in our national anthem is this: freedom is ours
today, now, forever, eternally, historically Georgia’s freedom and
Georgia’s salvation. The rose revolution waved our flag in front
of the whole world, on television screens. The whole world saw it
as a symbol of democracy and freedom. It was a banner for all those
fighting for democracy, with their own flags now flies the Georgian
five-cross flag. I am very proud of that. Today our flag, for them,
and more importantly for ourselves, is a symbol of our future victory.

Thirty years of Shevardnadze

Until we appeared, the National Movement, the Burjanadze-Democrats,
all the other party and non-party people appeared – our groups do not
consist entirely of party people – what was politics? Politics was what
(former President Eduard) Shevardnadze and his predecessors made it to
be. Shevardnadze was doing it for 30 years – I was five when he became
first secretary of the Georgian Communist Party Central Committee –
and his predecessors in previous decades. Politics is the art of the
possible but what was possible in this country? Intrigue, filth,
back-stabbing, speculation, shady deals, everything that is worst
about human nature.

We showed that the Georgian people also have the ability to create
what Vaclav Havel, leader of the Czechoslovak and European democratic
movement, called the art of the impossible. The art of the impossible
is for politics to improve itself and the whole world, the world around
us and our region. This art, the art of the impossible, in the past
year has been perfectly demonstrated in the region, specifically,
by our people and our state.

Where were we one year ago? We were in a world in which for the past
30 years we had been taught to think about doing one thing but do
the opposite. We were taught that promises meant nothing. You could
promise whatever you wanted and no-one would hold you to it. We were
taught that honesty did not exist and everyone that said they were
honest was merely playing at it. It was impossible for such a person
not to have some ulterior motives.

He told us that national ideals, a national mentality, meant
nothing. These were even labelled negative phenomena in the
70s. However, those eighty years (of Soviet rule) could not destroy
what our nation had been building for thousands of years. That is what
saved us – an intolerance of injustice, fighting spirit, bravery and
standing by each other.

You remember what they were saying to us last year. I remember very
well that in summer last year everyone was telling us that, whatever
we did, people would not want to come out on to the streets. That is
what Shevardnadze, (former regional governor Levan) Mamaladze and
other discredited political parties which are talking a lot today
were saying. But we proved them to be very wrong.

When the election took place they did everything possible to put
people off politics. They admitted that they were are bad but said
that others were no better. They are trouble makers, crazy, deranged,
untrustworthy, they said. They said it would be better if we kept out
of politics. What are young people doing getting mixed up in politics,
they said. We won’t allow the politicization of young people, they
said, young people shouldn’t be interested in their future. They
thought that people would not turn out for the election. We showed
that they were gravely mistaken and we turned out for the election.

Then they said, as Zurab (Zhvania, prime minister) mentioned, that our
union would quickly fragment and that we could not hold an election. We
held three elections – regional, parliamentary and presidential,
all of which the whole world judged to be free and democratic. The
one and only country in the CIS where, in the last 15 years, or,
rather 13 years, that this organization has existed, elections have
been judged to have been free and democratic, is Georgia.

We had made promises and so the time came to keep these promises. We
promised people that we would return to them the property that these
bandits had stolen and bring them to justice. We will get our hands
on those who managed to escape. We have dealt with the rest as the
law requires and their property has been confiscated. Those who have
not had it confiscated yet will have it done by court procedures and
it will be returned to those to whom it belongs – the Georgian people.

We promised that we would pay arrears, the prime minister spoke
about this. We have almost completely resolved this problem.

Medieval king – model for Georgia today

What is our model? Naturally, our model is (12th-century Georgian
king) Davit Aghmashenebeli’s Georgia. We have promised that, just as
Davit Aghmashenebeli excelled at putting an end to the rule of feudal
lords in Georgia, so will we. What happened in Ajaria on St George’s
Day last year (as heard) is as important as the day when Ajaria again
became part of Georgia. This year we managed to reincorporate Ajaria
into Georgia. We should never forget it, so that we do not have to
do it again (sentence as heard). (Applause)

We promised to double pensions. However, while managing to increase
pensions somewhat, we had to spend money to clear old debts. But
I confirm that we must always keep our word because I put my word,
our word, above personal interest and above my own life. That is why,
as of 1 January, the minimum pension in Georgia will double to and
equal 28 lari, just as we promised the public. No-one in the state
sector will be paid more than 115 lari next year, and we will fulfil
this promise too. (Applause, laughter) I meant less than 115 lari.

What are our main tasks today? We are a party that has a special
responsibility. The worst thing would be – Nino (Burjanadze),
Zurab (Zhvania) and others spoke about it earlier – for us to start
saying that the budget is now three times the size it used to be,
figures are good, power supplies have improved and there will be
round-the-clock electricity in Tbilisi, and allow ourselves to rest on
our laurels. That would be the biggest mistake we could make. As long
as there is poverty in Georgia, and there still is a lot of poverty in
Georgia, as long as there is even a single home without electricity,
and we must understand that the majority of Georgia’s regions still
do not have electricity most of the time, as long as Georgia is not
united, which is the main thing we lack, it would be wrong and even
amoral for us to speak of any achievements, and especially to flaunt
our achievements. That is not something that could help us achieve
our goal. (Passage omitted)

There are people who have closed ranks around the mafia. There are
mafiosos in prison who use mobile phones, have millions in bank
accounts, control certain sections of the press and some political
groups and are busy fighting the new Georgian state round the
clock. But these people do not know that we will not back down. They
do not know that we cannot be blackmailed. They do not realize that
it is impossible to talk to us in this tone because the public is not
suffering from amnesia and knows full well what these people are worth.

People who are currently fighting reforms under certain slogans,
claiming that they are protecting national values and the ideology of
Ilia (Chavchavadze, 19-20th-century Georgian writer and public figure)
– (changes tack) That is quite outrageous because there has been no
greater reformer in Georgian history than Ilia Chavchavadze. If Ilia
Chavchavadze had ever met Guram Sharadze (former MP and Shevardnadze
supporter), he would have torn him apart. Now these old KGB agents,
the filthiest people in Georgia, the most loyal servants of the
empire we have destroyed, people who have done their utmost to stop
us winning – today they have the nerve to wave nationalist flags in
the streets in front of the Georgian people. Leading a life of lies
is what Shevardnadze taught them. Shevardnadze’s loyal servants are
still around and we must fight them with our ideology, truth, courage
and example to make sure that they never return to power in Georgia.

People who pretend to be defending the Georgian church today, are
they not the same people who insulted the Georgian (Orthodox Church)
patriarch in the worst possible way at a time when the patriarch was
fighting for Georgian independence, when the patriarch refused to
attend the parliament session they convened? Now these people pretend
to be defending our church from us, people who are its loyal sons
and followers.

That is why there is a limit to how much they can be allowed to
lie. Our task today, as never before, is to establish the supremacy of
the law. Only a government that respects the law will be strong. It
must itself respect the law. We should not be a government that
just writes laws and tells others to respect them. MPs, ministers,
deputy ministers, customs chiefs and police chiefs who break the
law are the main threat to the Georgian state. That is why our main
task is to establish order, which we have started doing. Order in
Georgia should be based on the supremacy of the law and the legal
accountability of every person.

Another important issue is civil consciousness. We have conducted a
poll and found out that 90-95 per cent of our people trust and are
proud of the new police patrol force. However, 60 per cent of them say
that they would not cooperate with the police. That is the result of
the thieving mentality which Shevardnadze imposed on us. Police patrol
officers arrested eight pickpockets and robbers on the metro the other
day. In all eight cases, the victims refused to give a statement to the
police because they thought it was no longer their business. They do
not see it as their problem if these people are freed and attack other
members of the public tomorrow. Unless we put an end to this, we will
not get another opportunity to change people’s mentality in Georgia.

A third important issue is the involvement of representatives of
all ethnic groups in Georgia’s political life. There are just two
criteria for someone to be promoted in Georgia – professionalism and
loyalty to Georgia. Since these two criteria exist, ethnic origin
is absolutely irrelevant. There are fewer than four million of us,
Georgians. But if we add the Georgians, Azeris and Armenians who left
Georgia and are now scattered around the world, there will be more
than six million of us. Six million people who are united are much
harder to defeat than four million.

That is why we see modern Georgian history as a continuation of
what Davit Aghmashenebeli began. Davit used to visit mosques,
synagogues and churches. Davit brought foreigners to Georgia to
serve the country. There is no need for us to look for such people
because for centuries these people, Armenians, Azeris, Ossetians,
Abkhaz – (changes tack) By the way, our history, including our modern
history, in particular the war in Abkhazia, is full of examples of
self-sacrifice by these people. That is how it was in the past and
that is how it should be in the future. (Passage omitted)

We are bringing Georgia back. However, this is a lengthy process. We
still have many things to do. Poverty is possibly one of the biggest
misfortunes facing Georgia. We are implementing reforms and lowering
taxes in order to have more people pay taxes. That is to say, we hope
that every Georgian will take part in this.

The main thing for all of us is to understand that neither Saakashvili
nor Nino (Burjanadze), nor Zurab (Zhvania), nor even the nucleus of
our party activists, should be credited with what has been done. This
is a job for every person, every individual. If every businessman
realizes that he is building a Georgian economy and that the state
can set low taxes for him, if every person realizes that he is one
who creates laws, if he refuses to give bribes, if he provides us
with information about the people who humiliate him and if he refuses
to be humiliated, – the front line passes through every place where
there are relations of this sort – our bureaucracy will be different.

“Injustice in the regions”

We know that there still is great injustice (in Georgia), particularly
in the regions. We know that there still is serious corruption
in offices of heads of local administration. We know that while
the Georgian government has been cleaned, the rats have moved the
battleground there (to the regions) and intend to return to the
Georgian government from there. This will not happen. We are in office
and we will do everything in our power to explain to every police
officer, every local administration employee, every employee of the
social services, every builder, every official that either they will
learn to live by the new laws of the Georgian state and realize that
they are the people’s servants, not their lords, or they will leave
government jobs once and for all. We are building holiday places
(prisons) in Kutaisi, Tbilisi, Rustavi and a few more places for
people of this sort. (Applause)

Therefore, an uncompromising, relentless fight against injustice
remains the main task of the National Movement, our united party,
which includes the United Democrats and the National Movement and
is therefore called the United National Movement. Our main task is
to defeat it. The main thing is to give Georgia a sense of justice,
purity and honesty once and for all. (Passage omitted)

I cannot but pay tribute to our reservists. While part of the political
spectrum, those who are always busy trying to sow cynicism in Georgia,
says that nothing will come out of this, that everything will fail,
that there will be a conflict, that everything will go wrong, that the
Georgians are worthy of nothing – (changes tack) That is to say, even
those who said that they did not like Shevardnadze have turned out to
be his most loyal disciples because Shevardnadze’s case is alive as
long as cynicism and indifference exist in Georgia. These people
are trying to bring back this ideology. They have said that the
setting up of a reserve force is a show. If it is a show, let them
flatten their bellies and go there and run 10 km every morning for a
month. (Applause) Let them wash their faces with rainwater. Let them
learn something. Let them put out forest fires like our parliament
members and reservists did.

Parliament members did not go there to show off. They went there
to express solidarity with our society and demonstrate once again
that parliament members, the president, the president’s family, the
parliament speaker’s family and the prime minister are united. We
are a small country and we cannot afford to keep distance from each
other. We will be well only if we are absolutely equal and united.

In the past, even a distant relative of a parliament member would not
have joined the army. Today parliament members, the best of them,
do military service, while the worst of them go to jail. This is
the way it should be in a normal society. We have principles. Some
people were offended when I said that reservists are the best part of
our society. Are our parliament members, our scientists, our actors,
our film directors not the best part of our society, they asked. Of
course, they are. I mean not just those who took up arms and put
on military uniforms but also those who said that they had to think
not about what they could gain from a better Georgia, but, rather,
what was best for Georgia, what they could do for Georgia. That is
the way these people think.

There are many reservists in this hall. I want to thank you again
because, just like you, I am a soldier for our homeland. We all should
be soldiers for our homeland if Georgia is to be saved.

We should understand that we want to have good relations with
every country. We do not need enemies and we are not trying to
make enemies in the world. We want to have very good relations with
all our neighbours, including, first and foremost, Russia, Turkey,
Azerbaijan and Armenia.

However, everyone should know that good relations cannot come at the
expense of Georgia’s independence. We are ready to make all kinds of
concessions but we will not make any concessions at the expense of
Georgia’s freedom and independence. I want everyone to know this.

Sacrifices necessary to make Georgia free

Georgia has not been completely liberated yet. We are in a battle. This
will be a very fierce battle. I do not want to lie to you. This
battle will be associated with great difficulties and a great loss
for our society. We should realize that while the fight against
fascism was very important, Georgia was not independent then. Many
of those who fought (in World War II) were very worthy people. Many
of those who died were worthy people. Some 300,000 Georgians died in
that war, 300,000 Georgians. However, their death did not lead to
Georgia’s independence, freedom and territorial integrity. Today,
in an independent Georgia, we can win territorial integrity and
free Georgia once again, we can bring back Davit Aghmashenebeli’s
Georgia. It is certainly worth making sacrifices for this. Georgia’s
sons have fought in the Soviet Union, India, Iran, Turkey, and today
they can fight for Georgia. There cannot be a greater honour than this.

I want everyone to know that Georgia is not completely free
today. Georgia will be completely free when there is no poverty in
Georgia and when no-one will say: what good does Georgia’s independence
do to me?

We are declaring war on destitution and poverty, and we will certainly
win this war. Georgia will only be completely free when there is no
longer a single foreign soldier on its ancient, beautiful land against
its will. We will certainly achieve this when we are united. (Applause)

Strength lies in unity. Those who preach discord, those who preach
intrigues do not understand the main thing, which is that a fragmented
and disrupted Georgia, even a country divided on just one issue,
means that the chance to unite Georgia will be lost forever, that
the chance to liberate Georgia will be lost forever.

We should argue. Democracy is about arguing, voting, not agreeing
with each other on some issues and agreeing on others. However, there
should be no doubt that Abkhazia must be regained and that Georgia’s
territorial integrity must be restored. Georgia will be completely free
only when the most beautiful flag in the world, the five-star flag,
flies at the Roki tunnel (linking Georgia’s breakaway South Ossetia
with Russia) and on the Psou (river on the border between breakaway
Abkhazia and Russia).

Everyone must understand and everyone must know that we will endure any
kind of hardship, we will learn to endure more than we ever endured
before, we will learn to endure the kind of hardship we have never
had before, we will sacrifice whatever it takes to make Georgia free
and win because victory is about having a lot of courageous, brave,
heroic people. We will be courageous and we will be brave. We will
fear nothing and we will win.

Thank you very much. (Applause)

Suspected mercenaries ‘chained like animals’

Daily News , South Africa
Nov 19 2004

Suspected mercenaries ‘chained like animals’

By Beauregard Tromp

Malabo: A South African arms dealer who could face death for plotting
to overthrow the president of Equatorial Guinea told a court
yesterday he and his comrades had been chained like animals and
tortured into confessing.

Equatorial Guinea’s state prosecutor demanded the death penalty for
Nick du Toit and decades in jail for 13 other suspected foreign

But in a dramatic final day of submissions in a trial that began in
August, the defendants stood up in chains and handcuffs to plead
their innocence.

“No weapons, no arms, no explosives were found on us,” Du Toit said.

“We have done nothing wrong. Since our arrest, we have been chained
like wild animals. We have been tortured by the police.There hasn’t
been any coup attempt.”

State Prosecutor Jose Olo Obono rejected any allegations of
mistreatment, saying all prisoners’ rights had been respected.

“Any statement to the contrary is not admissible in this trial,” he
told the court.

After closing arguments yesterday the fate of the eight alleged South
African mercenaries and their co-accused is now in the balance with
the very real threat of every man spending the rest of his life in

Yesterday the men shuffled to the front of the courtroom in Atepa
International Convention Centre constrained by their leg-irons, and
one by one pleaded to the judge for their lives. Judgment is set to
be delivered next Friday.

First to enter the courtroom was Jose Domingos, one of the
naturalised South African Angolans, followed by Mark Smit, the
youngest of the group, who was brought in at the last minute to work
as a cook.

Some have visibly lost weight since a month ago. Most were wearing
shorts, T-shirts and sandals with the eight South Africans and six
Armenians still in handcuffs and leg irons.

After the judge and his two magistrates were seated, the alleged
ringleader of the mercenaries, Nic du Toit, was brought in, escorted
by six soldiers.

When the men were taken away later Du Toit was driven away alone in a
police van. He was kept away from the rest of the group who are all
seated behind eight defence attorneys.

The Equatorial Guinea authorities say there has been at least one
attempt to free the prisoners. It also emerged that while the
attention was focused on the trial of Mark Thatcher in Cape Town,
there had been another coup attempt.

The latest plot, EG authorities said, apparently was a local attempt
that was quickly quashed before it came to fruition.

Inside the courtroom a photographer and video cameraman moved around
the floor, photographing everybody present at the trial.

Even young Mark, who seemed teary-eyed and bewildered a few months
ago, has changed, now sporting a beard and a steely look was visible
from under his furrowed brow.

During the half-hour recess the men were glad for the opportunity to
speak to the South African officials attending the trial.

For Du Toit and Bones Boonzaaier it was another rare opportunity to
see their wives.

As they sit in an adjoining room, staring into their partners’ eyes
like young, starry-eyed lovers, they seem to relish every tidbit of
information they receive.

There was no talk of the trial, the horrendous prison conditions or
their health but rather of family, children and home. – Foreign
Service and Reuters