Senior politician hails Russia role in avoiding bloodshed in Ajaria

Senior politician hails Russia’s role in avoiding bloodshed in Ajaria

Radio Mayak, Moscow
6 May 04

Presenter Russian Federation Council speaker Sergey Mironov emphasized
in an interview with our radio station that Moscow had always
supported Georgia’s territorial integrity.

Mironov The political changes in Ajaria are an internal affair for
Georgia. Russia has always spoken out consistently, as a matter of
principle, in support of Georgia’s territorial integrity. I have to
say, with satisfaction, that it is in a large part thanks to Russia’s
efforts that bloodshed was avoided in Ajaria and that former Ajarian
leader Aslan Abashidze’s resignation took place peacefully. Talking
about Abashidze’s future, I think that it is now a personal matter for

Most importantly, a powerful positive impulse has appeared in our
relations with Georgia. I hope that Georgia and our diplomats make
effective use of this impulse. Nevertheless, it is important to state
that the way in which Abashidze’s resignation happened in Ajaria is
not acceptable either in Abkhazia or in South Ossetia. All in all, I
have to say that the standoff between Georgia and Ajaria ended well
because there were no casualties. Now, against the background of these
events, with the Georgian foreign minister Salome Zourabichvili
visiting Russia, there is an opportunity to move forward in many
aspects of our agreements. I would like to repeat that the Federation
Council regards what has happened as a positive event.

Presenter Meanwhile, political experts do not rule out the possibility
of changes to Ajaria’s status as an autonomous region within
Georgia. Konstantin Zatulin, the director of the Institute of CIS
Countries, had this to say on the matter.

Zatulin Now, a major blow has been dealt to the self-government that
Ajaria enjoyed during the entire period of Abashidze’s rule. In the
immediate future all questions relating to the region’s development
will be resolved in the Georgian capital Tbilisi.

I think that the only rational step for Georgian President Mikheil
Saakashvili to take is to preserve Ajaria’s autonomy and so to avoid
any reproaches from the guarantor countries of the Moscow and Kars
treaties of 1921 – these were Soviet Russia and Turkey. In signing
these treaties, they guaranteed the existence of an autonomous
Ajaria. It was only for these reasons and under these conditions that
Turkey agreed to pull its troops out of Batumi, to be replaced by
Soviet troops.

Formally, Ajaria will remain autonomous, but it will have no real
autonomy from Tbilisi. I don’t know what this will lead to in the long
term, but one thing is clear: even now it could bring about an
explosion of enthusiasm and attempts to suppress all national
differences in other Georgian regions. This will not just be in
Abkhazia and South Ossetia, over which Tbilisi has lost all control,
but, for example, in Samtskhe-Javakheti Region, which is located next
to Ajaria and has a predominately Armenian population.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

BAKU: Split within Azeri ruling team over Cyprus – opposition paper

Split within Azeri ruling team over Cyprus – opposition paper

Azadliq, Baku
6 May 04

Text of unattributed report by Azerbaijani newspaper Azadliq on 6 May
headlined “We have became enemies with Turkey as well” and subheaded
“the Turkish press has named Azerbaijan an enemy state”

As was expected, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev’s Cyprus adventure
has caused, to put it mildly, the cooling in the relations between
Azerbaijan and Turkey. Of course, one cannot suppose that it will turn
from the problem of relations between the two countries’ authorities
to the problem of the relations between publics.

However, the worse thing is that the official relations established
with Turkey during the past 12 years of Azerbaijan’s independence have
been seriously stained. The worst thing is that this resulted from
clumsy diplomatic manoeuvres by the individual who claims the title of
Azerbaijani president.

On the other hand, it has become obvious that there is a split in the
political leadership of Azerbaijan, which is in a state of war with
Armenia . That is very dangerous. For example, Ilham Aliyev himself
can give clear comments neither on his statement in Turkey that “we
will recognize the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus”, nor on his
statement in Strasbourg that “we cannot recognize Cyprus”, or on
Azerbaijani MPs’ behaviour at the PACE Parliamentary Assembly of the
Council of Europe . Following this lack of position, various groups
inside the authorities voice different comments on the issue.

Circles linked to Ilham Aliyev regard the recent events from the point
of view of “Azerbaijan’s national interests”, whereas circles close to
chief of the presidential staff Ramiz Mehdiyev put them down as
irresponsibility. For example, the statement which the Foreign
Ministry issued yesterday presents the events within the framework of
the country’s “state interests”. At the same time, TV channels close
to Mehdiyev call these event a “disgrace” and drop a clear hint to the
opposite side that “diplomacy is a serious political business and
serious politicians should deal with it”.

The conflict inside the authorities resembles a brawl between mafia
groups. However, as these groups have seized the possibility of
deciding the country’s political fate, the Azerbaijani state is
receiving serious blows.

The Azerbaijani authorities are to blame for the fact that Turkey’s
main newspapers started publishing insulting articles about
Azerbaijan. How many times can it be recalled that when a national
leader visits a foreign country or addresses an audience, he should
not make statements just to please that country or audience. If we
look at all Ilham Aliyev’s foreign trips, it can be clearly seen that
he is busy making statements fitting the interests of audience he
addresses. We wonder, whether he will be able to accurately define
Armenia’s interests at a meeting with President Robert
Kocharyan?… ellipses as published

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

BAKU: New Paper on Karabakh Printed in Azerbaijan


Assa-Irada, Baku
6 May 04


The first issue of Qolos Karabaxa (Russian: Voice of Karabakh)
newspaper is out. The newspaper is founded by the Foundation for the
Protection of the Rights of Migrants, Refugees and Displaced Persons
in Azerbaijan.

The primary goal of the publication is to inform foreign embassies in
Baku and guests who arrive in the country for different reasons about
the fate of 1m people who were expelled from their native lands. Also
the background to the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagornyy Karabakh problem,
the aggressive nature of the Armenians, and their activities against
the Azerbaijani people over the idea of Greater Armenia.

Since the newspaper primarily targets foreign readers, it is published
in Russian and an English version is planned. It must also be noted
that in order to disseminate information more widely about the nature
and content of the conflict, newspaper stories will also be posted on
the foundation’s Internet site in the Azerbaijani, Russian and English

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

No Truce Violation Observed on Armenian-Azeri Contact Line by OSCE


Mediamax news agency
6 May 04


An OSCE mission held routine monitoring today on the contact line
between the armed forces of the Nagornyy Karabakh Republic (NKR) and
Azerbaijan in the village of Seysulan of NKR’s Mardakert District.

Mediamax news agency’s correspondent reported from Stepanakert
(Xankandi) that the monitoring was carried out within the schedule. No
incidents or truce violations were recorded.

The monitoring group from the position of the NKR defence army was led
by Andrzej Kasprzyk, personal representative of the OSCE

Kasprzyk held meetings with the NKR foreign minister, Ashot Gulyan,
and the defence minister, Seyran Oganyan, in Stepanakert on 5
May. They discussed the situation on the contact line and the
prospects for a settlement of the Nagornyy Karabakh conflict.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Kocharyan Again Breaking a Law

A1 Plus | 14:07:07 | 06-05-2004 | Politics |


“Breaking the 30th article of the Law on “Military Service”, Robert
Kocharyan nominated Hovik Hoveyan who didn’t serve the Minister of
Culture and Youth”, Ruben Torosyan, Chair of “Supreme Soviet” Deputy
Club, says.

Being guided by NN 159-163 articles of the Armenian Civil Trial Code,
Ruben Torosyan demands to declare nomination of Hoveyan a Minister
invalid as it runs counter to the law and to press on him to fulfill
the requirements of N 30 article of the Law on “Military Service”.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

New Minister of Culture Appointed in Armenia

Economic News
May 5, 2004 Wednesday

New Minister of Culture Appointed in Armenia


The other day Ovik Sveyan, Writers Union Secretary has been appointed
Armenian Minister of Culture and Youth, Robert Kocharyan has already
signed the correspondent decree.

Tamara Pogosyan was reportedly dismissed from the post of Minister of
Culture by the presidential decree, according to the Armenian
President press-service.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Armenians protest, demand authporities fulfill Euro recommendations

Associated Press Worldstream
May 4, 2004 Tuesday

Armenians protest, demand authporities fulfill European recommendations

YEREVAN, Armenia

Thousands of Armenians took to the streets Tuesday for the latest in
a series of protests against the government, calling on authorities
to release people who were detained during previous demonstrations
organized by the political opposition in the Caucasus Mountain

Protesters also called on the government to carry out other
recommendations made last week by Parliamentary Assembly of the
Council of Europe, the continent’s leading human rights watchdog. The
assembly urged authorities to allow peaceful demonstrations,
investigate any reported rights abuses and create fair conditions for
the media.

About 8,000 people turned out for the rally, which was not approved
by authorities in Yerevan, whose mayor said frequent rallies and
marches deter investment.

After the rally, several thousand protesters marched toward the
headquarters of the police and chief prosecutor, demanding the
release of opposition activists.

Police forcefully broke up a rally outside the presidential palace on
April 13, detaining more than 100 protesters. Most were released, but
some remained in custody.

Opposition supporters have held several protests this month, calling
for the resignation of President Robert Kocharian.

Kocharian won a second term in presidential elections a year ago that
sparked mass protests, including nearly daily demonstrations between
the first round of voting in February 2003 and the runoff in early
March. Opposition groups alleged widespread violations in both rounds
of the election.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

ARKA News Agency – 05/05/2004

ARKA News Agency
May 5 2004

WB to make serious efforts for improvement of business sphere in

The office of Children of Armenia Fund opened in Yerevan



YEREVAN, May, 5. /ARKA/. WB will make serious efforts for improvement
of business sphere in Armenia, Director of WB Yerevan Office Roger
Robinson stated today. According to him, for improvement of business
sphere Armenia needs to make large amount of works. Robinson said
that the results of the analysis of business atmosphere will be
prepared soon, however it is already obvious that some sphere have
problems. Particularly, businessmen complaint on tax and custom
administration. `Business sphere in the country is improving, however
it does not mean that the process is over’, Robinson said.
Talking about the role of Diaspora in the economy of the country,
Robinson said that recent 5-10 years its contribution in Armenia was
high as in the view of humanitarian aid, so other assistance. L.D.



YEREVAN, May, 4. /ARKA/. The ceremony of opening the office of
Children of Armenia Fund (COAF) took place in Yerevan. According to
the COAF Chairman Garo Armen, the organization aims at working out
programs concerning the areas of development of children in Armenia
and alleviating their economic conditions. According to Armen, first
of all these programs concern the children, living in rural areas,
for whom COAF is going to create a simpler access to education and
health systems. He stated that within 2004, COAF together with UNDP
will implement the program in Karakert village (Armavir region)
estimated at about $1 mln. According to Lise Grande, the Resident
Representative of UNDP in Armenia, `UNDP has successfully implemented
some projects aimed at decentralization and development of the RA
communities for the recent years. COAF is going to become such
organization’. COAF NGO was founded in 2000. A.H. -0 –

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

NKR FM Accuses Azerbaijan of Lack of Interest to Solve Karabakh

NKR FM Accuses Azerbaijan of Lack of Interest to Solve Karabakh

4 May 04


Azerbaijan is trying to explain its own lack of interest in the
speediest resolution of the Nagornyy Karabakh conflict by the activity
of the OSCE Minsk Group, the foreign minister of the Nagornyy Karabakh
Republic, Ashot Gulyan, told journalists today when speaking about
Azerbaijan’s negative attitude towards the organization’s work.

However, Gulyan said that the mediators’ attitude towards the
settlement had changed long ago and their position is that the sides
should find a settlement themselves, while the mediators should focus
on facilitating such a settlement.

The Karabakh minister did not rule out that the replacement of the US
cochairman of the Minsk Group could contribute to speeding up the
process of settlement. However, he said this change was only a part of
the principle of rotation within the Minsk Group.

(Passage omitted: known details)

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Thousands Protest Against Armenian President

Radio Free Europe, Czech Republic
May 4 2003

Thousands Protest Against Armenian President

4 May 2004 — Around 6,000 people today demonstrated in Armenia’s
capital Yerevan calling for President Robert Kocharian to resign.

Protesters also called for the government to implement
recommendations made by the Council of Europe last week that urged
Armenian authorities to allow peaceful protests, create fair
conditions for the media, and to investigate claims of rights abuses.

Armenia’s opposition accuses Kocharian of rigging last year’s
presidential election and has been staging regular protests calling
for his removal from office.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress